Electronic Kanban Client Extensions

Custom Kanban Programming Logic

The following client extensions are provided to create custom programs. These programs enable you to create your own logic and code to override the default logic provided in Oracle Electronic Kanban:

Determine Unmoved Kanban Cards Program

A custom program is provided for the Unmoved Cards Calculation program to create your own logic and code. This enables you to override the default logic to identify unmoved cards. This is accomplished by adding logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.UNMOVED_CARDS_HOOK.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_org_id Number Organization identifier passed as a parameter.
p_pull_sequence_id Number Pull sequence identifier passed as a parameter.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_return_status Varchar2 Return Status from the custom program. The Error Code is populated if it exists.
x_error_code Varchar2 Error code if it occurs during processing the logic in the custom program.
In/Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_uc_setup_from_custom flm_custom_uc_table A collection returning the lead time for a specific status. This calculates whether a card is marked as unmoved or moved.
x_uc_from_custom flm_custom_uc_setup_table A collection returning which kanban card identifier should be marked as unmoved. This logic is user determined.
x_pull_sequence_id Number Pull sequence identifier passed back from the custom program.

There are two collections in the IN/OUT parameters. You populate only one collection. If both collections are populated, only the data from collection x_uc_setup_from_custom is used.

Element Name Description
kanban_card_id Unique kanban card identifier for a pull sequence.
unmoved_flag Kanban card values for move status are:
  • 1- unmoved

  • Null- moved.

last_activity_date Date last activity in this status.

The x_uc_setup_from_custom collection contains the following elements:

Element Name Description
status Supply status of cards tracked for unmoved cards for a pull sequence.
leadtime_days Number of lead time days in an unmoved status.

See: Unmoved Cards, Oracle Electronic Kanban User's Guide

Transferring Cards Program

Custom programs are provided to enable you to enter your own logic when transferring either an Intra-Org kanban card or an Inter-Org kanban card. For example, you can configure when a card is considered to be in Full status for a particular item, rather than just per card type. For Intra-Org kanban cards you enter your logic in the program FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.INTRAORG_TRANSFER_HOOK.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_ kanban_card_id Number The unique kanban card Identifier.
p_intra_order_id Number Reference to the Header Id of the move order for Intra-Org transfer.
p_intra_line_id Number Reference to the Line identifier of the move order for Intra Org transfer.
p_transfer_quantity Number Quantity transferred in the current transaction.
p_kanban_size Number The quantity of items in the kanban.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_retcode Varchar2 Return status from the custom program.
x_errmsg Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.

For Inter-Org kanban cards, you enter your logic in the FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.INTERORG_TRANSFER_HOOK program:

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_ kanbancard_id Number The unique kanban card Identifier.
p_inter_order_id Number Reference to the Header Id of the internal requisition for Inter-Org transfer.
p_inter_line_id Number Reference to the Line Id of the internal requisition for IInter-Org transfer.
p_transfer_quantity Number Quantity transferred in the current transaction.
p_kanban_size Number The quantity of items in the kanban.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_retcode Varchar2 Return status from the custom program.
x_errmsg Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.

Receiving Cards Program

A custom program is provided to enable you to enter your own logic when receiving either an Inter-Org or Supplier kanban card. For example, you can customize the receiving cards functionality to accommodate canceling the backordered quantity during the shipping process.

For Inter-Org kanban cards, enter your logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.RECEIVE_INTERORG_HOOK.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_ kanban_card_id Number The unique kanban card Identifier.
p_shipment_header_id Number Reference to the Header Id of the Inter-Org shipment.
p_shipment_line_id Number Reference to the Line Id of the internal requisition for IInter-Org shipment.
p_receipt_quantity Number Quantity received in the shipment.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_return_status Varchar2 Return status from the custom program.
x_msg_data Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.

For Supplier kanban cards, you enter your logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.RECEIVE_SUPPLIER_HOOK.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_ kanban_card_id Number The unique kanban card Identifier.
p_po_header_id Number The Purchase Order Header Identifier the kanban is associated with.
p_po_distribution_id Number The Purchase Order distribution Line Identifier that the kanban is associated with.
p_receipt_quantity Number Quantity received on the purchase order.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_return_status Varchar2 Return status from the custom program.
x_msg_data Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.

Kanban Card Naming

A custom program is provided to enable you to define kanban card names. For example, you can define an alphanumeric prefix for kanban card numbers.  You enter your card naming logic in the hook FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.CUSTOM_KANBAN_NUMBER.

IN Parameter
Parameter Data Type Description
p_ pull_sequence_id Number The unique pull sequence identifier.

The function will return the following data type: Kanban card name or number, Varchar2 .

Cancel Kanban Cards

A custom program is provided to enable you to define logic to for cancelling a kanban cards.  For example, you can cancel associated documents while cancelling the kanban cards. You enter your custom logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.CANCEL_KANBAN_CARD_HOOK.

IN Parameter
Parameter Data Type Description
p_kanban_card_id Number The unique kanban card identifier.

Control Kanban Card Supplier Status Changes

A custom program is provided to enable you to define status transitions using custom logic. You enter your custom logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.STATUS_CHANGE_HOOK.

IN Parameter
Parameter Data Type Description
p_kanban_card_id Number The unique kanban card identifier.
from_supply_status Number Current kanban card supply status.
to_supply_status Number Supply status that the card is moving to.

The function will return the data type of Number

Get Default Supplier Program

A custom program is provided to enable you to define logic for assigning suppliers to kanban cards for pull sequences with multiple suppliers. You enter your custom logic in the hook FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.GET_DEFAULT_SUPPLIER.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_pull_sequence_id Number Pull sequence identifier.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_supplier_id Number Assigned supplier for the kanban card.
x_supplier_site_id Number Supplier site identifier.
x_retcode Varchar2 Return status from the custom program.
x_errmsg Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.

Configure Inventory Health Analytic

A custom program is provided to enable you to further define bad and good inventory health thresholds levels at more precise levels than the organization. You enter your custom logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.HEALTH_FOR_PS.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_pull_sequence_id Number Pull sequence identifier.
Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
x_return_status Varchar2 Return status from the program.
x_error_code Varchar2 Error message if it occurs during processing of the custom program.
x_good_health Number The number at or above that the inventory health is considered to be at a Warning status.
x_bad_health Number The number that the inventory health is considered at a Bad status.

Note: The inventory health is considered at a Good status if it is at or above the levels defined in the x_bad_health parameter , and and below the x_good_health parameter.

Calculating Kanban Number or Size

A Custom hook is provided to allow you to enter a custom formula for calculating the number of the size of kanban cards. You enter your custom logic in the hook MRP_PUB_KANBAN_QTY_CALC.Calculate_Kanban_Quantity.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_version_number  Number Version number of the program.
p_pull_sequence_id  Number Pull sequence identifier.
p_average_demand Number Average demand for the pull sequence
p_allocation_percent Number Allocated percent fulfilled by this pull sequence.
p_minimum_order_quantity Number Minimum order quantity.
p_fixed_lot_multiplier  Number Fixed lot multiplier.
p_safety_stock_days Number The number of safety stock days.
p_replenishment_lead_time Number The lead time required for replenishment
p_kanban_flag Number Identifies which attribute is to be calculated:
  • 1- Kanban size

  • 2- Number of kanban cards

Out Parameter
Parameter Data Type Description
p_return_status  Varchar2 Return status from the custom planning program.
IN/Out Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_kanban_size Number The size of the kanban card.
 p_kanban_number Number The number of kanban cards.

Horizontal Plan : Beginning On-Hand Quantity Custom Hook

You can use this custom program to choose how you want item on-hand quantities available to display in the horizontal plan. Enter your custom logic in FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG. get_hp_begin_onhand_level.

Enter one of the following return values for the parameter l_level:

If the parameter l_level equals anything other than a value of 1, 2, or 3, then the function returns the value of l_level as 1.

IN Parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
p_org_id NUMBER Organization Code
p_item_id NUMBER Item Name
p_subinv VARCHAR2 Subinventory Name
p_locator_id NUMBER Locator Code
RETURN Parameter
Parameter Data Type Description
l_level NUMBER The level at which the item on-hand quantity available displays for a horizontal plan.