
This chapter describes how to define and maintain recipes. It shows you how to find recipes and display summaries of recipes and recipe headers. Procedures of how to enter recipe details, recipe organization details, and edit validity rules are explained to demonstrate the process flows for recipe development. Also discussed are processes to display and interpret recipe validity rules, recipe step and material association.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Does the application support effectivities already developed for in-house formulas?

Yes. Migrate Effectivities to Recipe Validity Rules with special scripts provided by Oracle.

Migrate Effectivities with Scripts

Oracle provides a customized series of scripts that migrate existing formula information into the Product Development application.

Is there one place in the application that shows exactly how to make a product?

Yes. Use the Recipe Details window. After evaluating the information on the Recipe Details window, display Organization Details, Validity Rules, and the Recipe Step and Material Association needed to determine exactly how to make a product.

Use the Recipe Details Window to Determine All Product Manufacturing Requirements

The Recipe Details window displays all product manufacturing requirements. In each step of building a new product, components are created that appear on the Recipe Details or the Organization Details windows.

Does a Product Development recipe support Cost Management and Production Execution requirements?

Yes. By linking input and output of materials to individual operation steps and providing an automatic step quantity and charge calculation, the application supports the requirements for accurate cost rollup and flexible production execution.

Use Recipes as the Foundation for Cost Management and Production Execution

Where routings are used to specify process related requirements such as equipment, labor, and energy, the recipe defines the input and output of each operation step. This is achieved by linking formula materials and quantities to appropriate routing steps, and is a prerequisite to enabling automatic step calculation.

Can an item be made differently depending on the manufacturing plant or the time of year?

Yes. Recipes enable rule-based execution. By applying this approach to formula selection, plant-specific and seasonal formulations are possible. Item substitution can also be used to time seasonal replacements of selected items in the recipe.

Enhance Product Consistency with Rule-Based Execution

If not managed appropriately, manufacturing variability can lead to product inconsistency and complexity. Rule-Based Execution enhances product consistency and manufacturing simplicity by letting planners, quality control specialists, and cost accountants specify the conditions under that recipe components must be applied. When a recipe is needed for production, planning, or costing purposes, the application selects the appropriate version to support the activity. This capability improves consistency by applying rule-based logic to formula selection for use in specific environments and under specific conditions based on status.

Product Development uses Validity Rules that are based on several key factors including date, production site, plant, customer, and required quantities. Some recipes are seasonal and based on ingredient availability. Other recipes are determined by whether they are small, medium, or large production runs. Different plants can use different versions of a target recipe, so the choice of recipe depends on the plant that is producing the batch. By using validity rules an organization can set the standard quantity and effective dates of a recipe to specify what, where, when, and how formulas, recipes, routings, and operations must be applied.

With rule-based execution, production gains a tighter control over the business and is able to select an optimized recipe. When several recipes have overlapping validity dates, business logic selects the optimum valid recipe.

Note: See: Managing Item Substitutions in Formulas for additional information on using this feature to control seasonal replacements of selected items in the recipe.

Does the application support SP88 terms for batch manufacturing?

Yes. The application offers enhanced standards for master recipe definition.

Offer Enhanced Industry Standards for Recipe Definition

The concept of effective date is refined into a recipe structure that complies with industry standards for recipe definition. A master recipe combines a formula and a routing at a global level to streamline the overall approval process. The master recipe serves as the basis for subsequent planning, manufacturing, and costing calculations.

Can you enable version control at the Recipe attributes level?

Yes. The Recipe user interface supports version control for attributes, provided you create version control attribute sets at the Recipe entity level to include attributes you could like to modify and drive version control and assign them to the organization.

Support for Version Controlled Attributes for Recipe

Use the Version Control Attributes user interface provided under Product Development Security Manager to create version control attribute sets at the Recipe entity level. Select and enable attributes you would like to modify and enable version control for at the Recipe level. Ensure you assign the version control attribute set to the organization using the Assign Version Control Set page or the Product Development Parameters window. This will enable you to modify attributes for an existing recipe and create new versions of the recipe. See: Setting Up Version Control Attribute Sets.

Understanding Recipes

Recipes standardize the structure of all information that describes production of one or more products. Recipes have:

To provide the greatest flexibility to process manufacturers, formulas and routings are built independently. They are linked using a Recipe that has validity rules. Different formulas can use the same routing, or one formula can be associated to several different routings.

Recipes are depicted hierarchically in the following diagram that shows the:

Defining and Maintaining Recipes

Recipes standardize the structure of all information that describes production of one or more products. Recipes contain the minimum set of information that uniquely defines the manufacturing requirements for a specific products. To provide the greatest flexibility to process manufacturers, formulas and routings are built independently. They are linked using a recipe and its validity rules.

Compliance with S88.01 Standard for Recipe Management

Recipes are compliant with the S88.01 standard for Recipe Management. Control recipes at a global level to maintain a corporate standard, and allow different sites or plants within your organizational hierarchy to maintain their own version of the recipe to meet their local requirements. A recipe can be created in one inventory organization and then copied, modified and maintained by another inventory organization.

Creating a New Recipe

Create and define new recipes on the Recipe Details window. Recipe access is based on your access to the recipe owning organization. To create a new recipe, specify product code and quantity, or formula number and version. If you enter product code and quantity, then you get a list of all valid or effective formulas. Select the one you want to use to create the recipe. You can also specify a routing in the recipe. You can override routing attributes such as capacity, activity factor, charges, and resource usage for each recipe defined. If a recipe is set up for automatic step quantity calculation, then ensure that formula material is properly associated to each appropriate routing step. Display the following windows from the Recipe Details window:

Maintaining Recipes

Use the following windows to maintain recipes:

The following graphic depicts the previously described recipe navigation flow:

the picture is described in the document text

Creating Version Control Attribute Sets for Recipe

You can set up version control at the Recipe attribute level. You can create a version control attribute set for Recipe and assign it to the organization. This ensures that when modifying attributes in the Recipe Details window that are included in the attribute set, you will be able to create a new version of the recipe with the same entity names but with a different version number. Should you not want to create a new version, you can select to cancel and continue with the existing recipe.

To set up version controlling attribute sets at the Recipe entity level, see: Setting Up Version Control Attribute Sets.

Finding a Recipe

Use the Find Recipes window to find a specific recipe you have entered and saved. At least one search parameter needs to be entered.

To find a recipe

  1. Navigate to the Find Recipes window.

  2. Enter as many parameters as needed to complete the search:

    • Enter search parameters in the Standard region for Recipe, Description, Formula, Routing, or Product with appropriate Version for recipe, formula, or routing. You can also enter Organization, Status, and Recipe Use.

    • Enter search parameters in the Advanced region for a specific Item, Condition, or Value.

  3. Click Find.

Displaying the Recipes Summary

The Recipes Summary window displays a list of all defined recipes with their individual version numbers and descriptions. Display these by Status or Owner. Multilingual support is provided for the Recipe Description.

To display a list of all defined recipes

  1. Navigate to the Recipes Summary By window.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Recipe is the recipe code.

    • Version is the version of the recipe.

    • Description is a brief explanation of the recipe.

    • Status is the current status for the recipe.

    • Product is the code for the primary product produced by the recipe.

    • Revision is the revision of the primary product produced by the recipe.

    • Owner Organization is the default organization for the owner of the recipe.

  3. The following fields display for each selected recipe:

    • Formula is the formula for the currently selected recipe.

    • Formula Version is the version of the formula for the currently selected recipe.

    • Routing is the routing for the currently selected recipe.

    • Routing Version displays the version of the routing for the currently selected recipe.

  4. Optionally, click Details to display the Recipe Details window.

Displaying the Recipe Header Summary

Use the Recipe Header Summary window to display important descriptive information regarding a particular recipe.

To display recipe header information

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Header Summary window.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Status is the current status of the recipe.

    • Recipe is the name of the recipe.

    • Version is the version of the recipe.

    • Description is a brief explanation of the recipe.

    • Recipe Type indicates if the recipe is a Site, General, or Master Recipe.

      See: Setting Up Parameters.

    • Formula is the formula number used in the recipe.

    • Version is the version of the formula with its Description.

    • Main Product is the end item in the formula with its Revision.

    • Total Output Qty is the total output of material in the formula UOM.

    • Routing is the routing number.

    • Version is the routing version with its Description.

    • Contiguous indicates that the routing associated to this recipe must be run in one contiguous block of time. The batch that uses this routing cannot stop and start, even if it runs into downtime on the shop calendar.

    • Enhanced Process Instructions indicates that process instructions used in this recipe are created and managed in the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing application. See: Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for additional information.

  2. Click Products to display the Formula Product Summary window.

  3. Click Details to display the Recipe Details window.

  4. Click Designer to display the Recipe Designer.

Validity Rules

  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Organization displays the plant or laboratory organization code.

    • Product displays the formula product of the formula and its Revision.

    • Recipe Use displays if the recipe is used in Production, Planning, Costing, or Technical class and subclass determination.

    • Status displays the status of the validity rules listed.

  2. Click Details to display the Recipe Validity Rules window.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Customer displays the customer number.

    • Name displays the customer name.

Understanding Step Quantity Calculations

The quantity of material required in a specific step is dependent on the weight of material that passes into and out of that step. Input material consists of ingredients that are injected directly into steps or material that is transferred from preceding steps.

If you use automatic step quantity calculations, then the step quantities are calculated from the quantities of the items in the formula, after you tie the routing and formula together in a recipe, and specify the item-step associations and routing step dependencies. Step quantities are calculated from the quantity of ingredients being added to each step, and the quantity that comes from previous steps based on step dependencies. This is where the transfer percent affects as it is used to specify how much of the quantity yielded from a step flows on to a subsequent step, after subtracting out any product or byproduct yielded by the step.

If you are not using automatic step quantity calculation, then you enter step quantities. The total output quantity is compared to the routing quantity to determine a scale factor. The scale factor is applied to the routing step quantities to scale them up or down for the step quantities in the recipe.

The following example shows how material can be input, transferred, and output from a series of production steps.

Step 1: Add 50 pounds of Ingredient 1 to 50 pounds of Ingredient 2. The step quantity at step1 is 100 pounds. Planned yield is 95%. So the total output is resulted as 95% of 100 pounds, 95 pounds.

The total output is comprised of 5 pounds of Byproduct 1 and 90 pounds of Intermediate 1. The Transfer of Intermediate 1 is as follows:

Step 2: The Step quantity is 31.5 pounds. The planned yield is 90%. So the output is resulted as 90% of 31.5 pounds as 28.35 pounds. Transfer of 28.35 pounds of Intermediate 2 is as follows:

Step 3: Add 20 pounds of Ingredient 3 to the mixture of Intermediate 1(36 pounds) and Intermediate 2 (7.0875 pounds). This makes the step quantity as 63.0875 pounds. Planned yield is 100%. So the output is resulted as 100% of 63.0875 as 63.0875 pounds.

The output consists of 3 pounds of by product2 and 60.0875 pounds of Intermediate 3.

The final yield of Product 1 consists of:

Total Product 1 produced is 103.85 pounds.

Total Byproduct produced is 8 pounds, and is comprised of:

In this example, yield is the ratio of the total output to the total input which is 111.85/120 which is 93.21%

The following depicts the previously described example. LB is equal to pounds.

the picture is described in the document text

Entering Recipe Details

Use the Recipe Details window to enter the details for a specific recipe. A Plant or a Laboratory can be associated with all the materials and resources required to make a product at the recipe level. One or more customers can be associated to the recipe for informational purposes.

You can also create a version control attribute set at the Recipe entity level and assign it to the organization. This will enable you to modify the selected recipe attributes included in the set and create new versions of the recipe. See: Setting Up Version Control Attribute Sets.

Step Quantity Calculations

When you select the Calculate Step Qty indicator on the Recipe Details window, the application checks to determine if there are proper step quantity material associations. You must use a routing. Step and material associations must be made. If any of these associations are defective, then you receive an error message. When you use the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation, it checks quantities in each step to verify that material is available to pass into and out of each step. The quantity of material for a particular step is dependent on the quantity of material that passes into or out of it. The input material can be either the ingredient that is injected directly into the step, or it can be the output of preceding steps. Output is represented typically by coproducts or byproducts.

To enter recipe details

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Details window.

  2. Enter the code for the Recipe to be entered. Required.

  3. Enter a Version of the recipe. Required.

  4. Enter a Description for the recipe. Required.

  5. Return to this window to change status by selecting Change Status from the Actions menu after entering all relevant information and saving the recipe with the default Status of New. Depending on whether workflow is enabled, a different set of statuses is available. See: Appendix C Product Development Status Codes.

  6. Enter the main Product for the formula associated with this recipe. If you enter a new recipe, then enter the formula to fill this field automatically.

  7. The output Quantity displays the sum of the product quantities entered in the formula. UOM is the unit of measure for the formula associated with this recipe.

  8. Enter the Formula number for the recipe. The formula Version displays. Required.

    Note: This field cannot be edited after you save this recipe. You cannot use an inactive formula in a recipe.

  9. Creation Organization displays the default context organization code.

  10. Enter a Routing number for the recipe. A routing can be added to an existing recipe. The Version for the routing entered displays.

  11. Enter the Owner Organization. This field is the default organization for the owner of the recipe. In order for you to enter or edit information for the recipe, you must have an association with this organization and permission to access and change this field. Required.

  12. Enter the Owner of the recipe. The owner name must be a valid user name. This field defaults to the current user. Required.

    Note: Enter all information on this window before you select the Calculate Step Qty indicator.

  13. Theoretical Process Loss displays the hypothetical loss of process material associated to a routing as a percentage. If a routing is not associated to a recipe, or if a routing class is not associated to a given routing, and process loss is not defined for that routing, this field is blank.

  14. Enter Recipe Type as:

    • Master to indicate that the default recipe type is process cell specific. Master recipes define exactly how a product is made in a specific process manufacturing cell.

    • Site to indicate that the default recipe type is at the site level. There is one site recipe for each place that makes the product, or some portion of it. A site recipe has the same structure as a general recipe, but can be modified for the local language and unit of measure. It can be modified to account for local material availability. It can also define a part of the general recipe that is actually performed on the site.

    • General to indicate that the default recipe type is one general recipe for each specific product variation made by a company. It defines, in an equipment independent manner, the material and process dependencies required to make a product. The general recipe is usually created during or after the pilot plant scaleup of a research and development recipe.

  15. Select Contiguous if routings in this recipe must be run in one contiguous block of time. The batch that uses this routing cannot stop and start, even if it runs into downtime on the shop calendar.

  16. Select Enhanced Process Instructions to indicate that process instructions used in this recipe are created and managed in the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing application. Refer to the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for additional information.

  17. Enter the Planned Process Loss as the loss of process material observed during production of a batch using the recipe. If a value is not entered in this field, then it defaults to the value entered for Theoretical Process Loss.

  18. Enter the Fixed Process Loss. The fixed process loss field is defaulted to the routing fixed process loss in case a routing is assigned to the recipe. Optional

  19. The Fixed Process Loss UOM displays. The fixed process loss UOM is defaulted to the Routing Class UOM. You cannot override the UOM value.

  20. Total Output Qty displays with its UOM.

  21. Select the Calculate Step Qty indicator to let the application calculate step quantities automatically. Quantities are based on the amount of materials that go into and out of each supported step. Fields related to step quantities cannot be entered after you select the indicator. Associate all items that contribute to step quantity to specific steps on the Recipe Step/Material Association window.

  22. The Yield% field displays the yield calculated as the ratio of the total output to the total input.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Organization displays the Organization code that the process loss is being defined for. This must be a plant or a laboratory. Required.

    • Organization Name displays a description of the plant or laboratory.

    • Type indicates whether this is a plant or a laboratory.

    • Process Loss displays the material that is lost through the process. This field is blank if you did not enter a routing. You can override the default process loss.

    • Contiguous is selected if routings in this recipe must be run in one contiguous block of time.


  1. Enter the Customer number. Required.

  2. Name indicates the name of the customer associated with the customer number entered.

  3. Operating Unit is the parent organization associated to the customer entered.

  4. Ship To Locator is the customer postal address.

Step Quantity

Note: If a routing was not entered, then this region is not available. If you calculate step quantities in the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation, then Step Material Associations are entered.

  1. Step indicates the step number associated with the listed operation in the displayed routing. Steps cannot be added or deleted here. However, if a step is deleted in the base routing used for this recipe, and the Step field is overwritten, then choose Delete from the Edit menu to delete the orphaned Step. Charges are calculated for each step displayed.

  2. Operation displays the operation associated with the step. The operation Version and Description display.

  3. Step Quantity indicates the default quantity of material associated with the step. The UOM for the step quantity displays. You can enter a new value in the step quantity field if you do not use the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation. If Automatic Step Quantity Calculation is used, then this field is not enterable. Required if the Step is associated to a material, and you are not using Automatic Step Quantity Calculation

  4. Enter planned yield percentage for the operation. The yield percentage should be the ratio of planned output to the planned input of the step. Planned output is calculated after removing the process losses and any by-products which are not of type yield. Planned output should be the expected yield from the operation and it should not include the byproducts of type, waste, sample or rework. See the topic Understanding Step Quantity Calculations, for detailed information about step quantities calculation based on planned yield percentage.

  5. Charges displays the total calculated charges for the step. Charges are the number of times the operation must be performed to complete the step for the specified step quantity. For example, a mixer that holds 50 kilograms (kg) requires two charges to process 100 kg of material. Charges are calculated from the smallest minimum capacity for all resources in the step. Calculation of charges is based on the resources defined at the more granular level. If a resource is defined at plant resource level, then the maximum capacity defined at the plant is used rather than the maximum capacity defined at the generic resource level.

  6. Save your work.

    Note: If you create and assign a version control attribute set for the Recipe entity and if you modify any of the attributes included in that set, you will be prompted to create a new version of the recipe when you save your work. See: Setting Up Version Control Attribute Sets

To create instructions for a recipe or operation

You have the option to create an instruction set with instructions for a recipe and operations from the Recipe Details window by selecting Process Instructions from the Actions menu.

Instructions created at the recipe header level must have an instruction type of Clearance. Use clearance instructions for clearance checklist items, such as dispensing or production area cleanliness, calibrations, and ambient conditions, that occur before release of the batch.

An instruction set with instructions created for a particular operation in a recipe can have an instruction type of Clearance or Process. You can create one instruction set of each type per operation. Use the Clearance type if the instructions must be completed before the operation's release. Use the Process type for instructions to complete after the operation's release.

For step-by-step instructions, see: Adding Instructions to an Operation or Recipe, Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide.

To display regulatory item information

  1. Choose Regulatory Item Information from the Actions menu to display the General Item Information window.

To edit text

  1. Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu.

  2. Enter appropriate text.

  3. Save your work.

Duplicating a Recipe

You can duplicate a recipe, routing, and validity rules from an existing record. If you change the routing end date prior to saving the record, then the application checks the routing end date against the validity rule end date. If the validity rule end date is greater than the routing end date, or blank, then the application assigns the value of the routing end date to the validity rule end date.

To duplicate a recipe

  1. Query the Recipe Details record to duplicate.

  2. Choose New from the File menu.

  3. Choose Duplicate Record Above from the Edit menu.

  4. Enter a new Recipe name and Version number.

  5. Save your work.

To display the Formula Details window

  1. Choose Formula from the Actions menu to display the Formula Details window.

To display the Routing Details window

  1. Choose Routing from the Actions menu to display the Process Routing Details window.

To display the E-Record Details window

  1. Choose E-Record Details from the Actions menu to display the E-Record Generic Query if this option is implemented in your application.

    See: Appendix D Oracle E-Records Events in Product Development.

To display the Specifications window

  1. Choose Specifications from the Actions menu. The Specifications window displays.

  2. Evaluate specifications.

To display the Samples Summary window

  1. Choose Samples Summary from the Actions menu. The Samples window displays.

  2. Evaluate the samples.

To view the master batch record

  1. Choose View Master Batch Record from the Actions menu. The View Master Batch Record window displays.

  2. Evaluate the record.

  3. Save or print the optional attachment.

    See: Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for a complete discussion of the master batch record.

Using the View Menu to Find a Recipe

Use thee Find selection from the View menu to find a recipe. At least one search parameter needs to be entered.

To find a recipe from the View menu

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Details window.

  2. Choose Find from the View menu.

  3. Enter search parameters for: Status, Recipe, Version, Description, Product, Description, Formula, Version, Routing, Version, Owner, Recipe Type, Contiguous indicator, Enhanced Process Instructions, Owner Organization, , Owner Laboratory, Creation Organization or Marked for Deletion.

  4. Click Find.

  5. View the recipes found.

Entering Recipe Organization Details

Use the Recipe Organization Details window to display and, if necessary, override information defined for specific operations and routings at the plant or laboratory level.

To enter recipe organization details

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Organization Details window. The Find Recipe Organization Details window displays.

    Important: The first time you enter recipe organization details, click New. Otherwise, enter the required information in the Find Recipe Organization Details window.

  2. Enter the Organization where you want to override information that is defined for specific operations and routings. Required.

  3. Click Find.

  4. The following fields are display only:

    • Organization indicates the code for the plant or laboratory that owns the recipe.

    • Type displays Plant if the organization is a plant, or a Laboratory if the organization is a laboratory.

    • Organization Name displays the description assigned to the organization. This field defaults to the entry from the Recipe Details window. Required.

    • Planned Process Loss displays the loss of process material observed during production of a batch using the recipe as a percentage. You can enter and save a different planned process loss value for the recipe used in the organization displayed. This value defaults to the theoretical process loss when no entry is made on the Recipe Details window.

    • Theoretical Process Loss displays the hypothetical loss of process material associated to a routing. If no routing is associated to the recipe, this field is blank.

Validity Rules

  1. Enter a Product for the formula used in the recipe. Revision indicates the product item revision. You can only enter this field if the product is defined with a revision.

  2. Recipe Use displays if the recipe is used in Production, Planning, Costing, Regulatory, or Technical when it is used to define technical classes and subclasses.

  3. Enter the From Date as the date the validity rule becomes effective. The date must be within the effective date for any routing associated to the recipe. Required.

  4. Enter To Date as the date to stop using the validity rule. This is an optional field and must be left blank if an expiration date is not defined for the validity rule.

  5. Status displays the status of the validity rule entered on the Recipe Validity Rules window.

  6. Enter Std Qty as the usual quantity of product produced by the validity rule. Required.

    Note: If the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation is not used, then the step quantities are based on the routing, and are scaled to this quantity. If the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation is used, then step quantities are based on the formula that is scaled to this quantity.

  7. Enter the UOM as unit of measure for the standard quantity. Required.

  8. Enter the Min Qty as the minimum quantity of material allowable by the validity rule. Required.

  9. Enter the Max Qty as the maximum quantity of material allowable by the validity rule. Required.

  10. Enter the Preference number for the validity rule. When more than one formula can be used to produce the same product, the Preference field is used to show the validity rule that must be used first, second, third, and so forth. Preference defaults to 1. Required.

  11. Enter the Theoretical Process Loss based on the standard quantity produced by this validity rule.

  12. Enter the Planned Process Loss for the product. This entry overrides the process loss defined at the routing or recipe level. Once you save the current window, you can override the Planned Process Loss field on the Validity Rules window by reentering it and saving your work.

    Note: Batches created for a different quantity using this validity rule calculate the actual process loss by dividing the planned process loss by the theoretical process loss for the standard quantity to compute a factor. The theoretical process loss for the batch quantity is then multiplied by this factor to compute the actual process loss for the batch.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Step indicates the step number associated with the listed operation. Steps cannot be added or deleted here.

    • Operation displays the operation associated with the step. The operation Version and Description display.

    • Activity displays the activity associated with the operation. The activity Description displays.

  2. Enter Factor as the number of times the activity is performed in the displayed operation. This value can change when resources that are specific to the organization are associated with ingredients. Required.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Step indicates the step number associated with the listed operation. Steps cannot be added or deleted here.

    • Operation displays the operation associated with the step. The operation Version displays.

    • Activity displays the activity associated with the operation. Activities cannot be added or deleted here.

    • Resources displays the resource associated to each displayed activity.

  2. The following fields display and can be edited:

    • Min Capacity displays the minimum throughput amount per capacity unit as defined on the Resources window.

    • Max Capacity displays the maximum throughput amount per capacity unit as defined on the Resources window.

  3. UOM displays the unit of measure for both Min Capacity and Max Capacity entries.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Step indicates the step number associated with the listed operation. Steps cannot be added or deleted here.

    • Operation displays the operation associated with the step. The operation Version displays.

    • Activity displays the activity associated with the operation. Activities cannot be added or deleted here.

    • Resources displays the resource associated to each displayed activity.

  2. Process Qty displays the total quantity of material for the step with its UOM. You can enter and save a different value. Required.

  3. Usage displays the unit of the resource used to perform the activity on the displayed step. The usage UOM displays. You can enter and save a new usage quantity. Required.

  4. Optionally, click Parameters to display the Recipe Organization Details-Process Parameters window.

Using the Find Recipe Organization Details Window

The Find Recipe Organization Details window displays when you navigate to the Recipe Organization Details window.

To find the recipe organization

  1. Enter the Organization that owns the recipe. The Name of the Organization displays. Required.

  2. Click Find.

To display the E-Record Details window

  1. Choose E-Record Details from the Actions menu to display the E-Record Generic Query if this option is implemented in your application.

    See: Appendix D Oracle E-Records Events in Product Development.

Displaying Recipe Organization Details-Process Parameters

The Recipe Organization Details-Process Parameters window displays organization-specific process parameters for recipes. Process parameters are a component of the process instructions necessary to run resources during the batch process. They are usually machines or instruments and are the standard for processing a task. They can be generic or specific. Each industry and company uses different machines and instruments, and there are different requirements for recording process parameters.

A process parameter details information such as temperature, pressure, or time pertinent to the product, but does not fall into the classification of input or output. You can use process parameters as set points, comparison values, or in conditional logic.

Several process parameter fields can be overridden once associated with resources, operations, and recipes. For example, if the parameter type is:

If the process parameter is added directly to a batch, then you can enter the Target field. If the process parameter is numeric, then enter the Min and Max fields.

Important: When a batch is created from a recipe, only the actual values can be entered.

To display the Recipe Organization Details-Process Parameters window

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Organization Details-Process Parameters window.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Recipe displays the recipe with its Version and Description.

    • Organization displays the recipe organization and its Description.

    • Resources displays the resource attached to the activity and its Description.

Parameter Values

  1. The following fields default from the process parameter set up in the planning application:

    • Seq is the sequence of the resource process parameter.

    • Parameter is the process parameter name. For example, Bath Temperature.

    • Target is the target value for the process parameter.

    • Minimum is the lowest acceptable value for a numeric range type of process parameter.

    • Maximum is the highest acceptable value for a numeric range type of process parameter.

    • Units is the unit of measure for the process parameter.

  2. Click OK to close the window.

Entering Multi-Record Recipe Validity Rules

Use the Recipe Validity Rules Multi-Record window to enter or edit a complete list of validity rules for organizations you can access. Validity rules provide a combination of a quantity of material and an effective date used by production, planning, costing, or technical operations in one or more specified organizations. Validity rules marked for deletion cannot be updated. Validity dates are ordered by organization, product, recipes, and start date.

To view multi-record recipe validity rules

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Validity Rules window.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Formula displays the formula used in the recipe with its Version and Description.

    • Routing displays the routing used in the recipe with the routing Version and Description.

  3. Organization displays the organization that owns this validity rule to produce products. This can be a plant or laboratory. When left blank, the validity rule is global.

    Note: If there is an outside processing resource in the routing, it must be associated with the outside processing item at the plant resource level. When you create a recipe validity rule for a specific plant, then you must define the OSP resource in that plant and associate the OSP item to that resource.

  4. Enter a Product for the validity rule. Revision indicates the product revision level. The Product Description field displays. Required.

Recipe Use

  1. Select Recipe Use as:

    • Production for use in production of products.

    • Planning for use in planning material consumption.

    • Costing for use in establishing costs.

    • Regulatory for use in a regulated product.

    • Technical for use in establishing technical classes and subclasses.


  2. Enter the Preference number for the validity rule. When more than one formula is used to produce the same product, preference indicates the validity rule that must be used first, second, third, and so forth. Required.

  3. Enter the From Date as the date the validity rule becomes effective. The date must be within the effective date for any routing associated to the recipe. Required.

  4. Enter To Date as the date to stop using the validity rule. If an expiration date is not defined for the validity rule, then this is an optional field and must be left blank.

  5. Enter the Standard quantity of product made with this recipe and its UOM. This quantity is only used to determine costs. It does not restrict quantities produced by the formula displayed. The standard quantity must be in the specified range defined by the minimum and maximum quantities. Required.

  6. Enter the Minimum as the minimum quantity of product that can be made using the formula. Required.

  7. Enter the Maximumas the maximum quantity of product that can be made using the formula. Required.

  8. Theoretical displays the theoretical process loss based on the validity rule standard quantity.

  9. Enter the Planned process loss. This overrides planned process loss entered at the routing level.

Step Quantity

  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Step is the routing step number.

    • Operation is the operation associated to the routing step and the operation Version.

    • Description is the operation description.

    • Step Qty is the quantity of material consumed by the step in its primary UOM.

    • Charges is the number of charges entered for the step.

To view the master batch record

  1. Choose View Master Batch Record from the Actions menu.

  2. Evaluate the record.

  3. Save or print the optional attachment.

    See: Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for a complete discussion of the master batch record.

Editing Recipe Validity Rules

Use the Recipe Validity Rule Details window to edit validity rules for a specific recipe you have entered and saved. Use this window to apply global or specific organization rules to batches, cost management, planning, or technical data when producing the same product. Validity rules can be added, updated, or marked for deletion.

Overriding Process Loss Entered at the Routing Level

Process loss is based on the standard quantity entered at the validity rule level. Process loss that is entered at that level overrides the process loss entered at the routing level. Theoretical Process Loss, Planned Process Loss, Step Quantity, and Charges fields display at the validity rule level.

Theoretical Process Loss calculations are also based on the Validity Rule Standard Quantity. If Planned Process Loss is entered on a validity rule, then its value overrides process loss defined at any other level in the routing or the recipe. If a batch is created for a different quantity, then the same rule is applied to calculate the actual Process Loss. Planned Process Loss is compared to the Theoretical Process Loss for the Standard Quantity field on a validity rule to derive a factor. The factor is multiplied by the routing class process loss for the quantity range in which the batch quantity falls to give the actual process loss for the batch.

Following are the modifications for the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation, or ASQC:

Charges displayed at the validity rule level are based on the step quantities indicated there. Process Execution, Cost Management, and Financials applications use process loss overrides at the validity rule level.

E-Record and E-Signature Approvals

There may be an e-signature event associated to this window. See: Appendix D Oracle E-Records Events in Product Development.

To edit recipe validity rules

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Validity Rule Details window.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Formula displays the formula used in the recipe with its Version and Description.

    • Routing displays the routing used in the recipe with the routing Version and Description.

  3. Return to this window to change status by selecting Change Status from the Actions menu after entering all relevant information and saving the validity rule with the default Status of New. Depending on whether workflow is enabled, a different set of statuses is available. See: Appendix C Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Status Codes

    Important: This field cannot have a status that is higher than its associated recipe. For example, a validity rule cannot be approved for general use until its associated recipe is approved for general use. You can change the status of recipes or validity rules to on-hold or obsolete even if they are used in batches as long as all the batches are closed or canceled.

  4. Organization displays the organization that owns this validity rule, and the Organization Description. This is usually a plant or laboratory.

Validity Rule

  1. Select Recipe Use as:

    • Production for use in production of products.

    • Planning for use in planning material consumption.

    • Costing for use in establishing costs.

    • Regulatory for use with hazardous or controlled materials.

    • Technical for use in establishing technical classes and subclasses.


  2. Enter a Product in the formula for the validity rule. Product Revision displays for revised product items. The product Description field displays. Required.

  3. Enter the Preference number for the validity rule. When more than one formula can be used to produce the same product, this field indicates the validity rule that must be used first, second, third, and so forth. Preference defaults to 1. For example, one formula can be used to produce between 10 and 150 gallons of a product. Another formula can be used to produce between 100 and 1000 gallons of the same product. Either formula can be used to produce 100 to 150 gallons of material. Preference indicates the suggested order of use. Lower numbers indicate a higher preference. The number 1 indicates the highest preference.


  4. Enter the Standard Quantity of product made with the formula. This quantity is only used for product costing. It does not restrict quantities that can be produced with the formula. Required.

  5. UOM is the unit of measure for the standard quantity. You can enter and save a different unit of measure. Required.

  6. Enter the Minimum quantity of product that can be made using the Formula. Minimum defaults to 1. Required.

  7. Enter the Maximum quantity of product that can be made using the formula. Required.

  8. Theoretical displays the theoretical process loss based on the Validity Rule Standard Quantity.

  9. Enter the Planned process loss. This overrides planned process loss entered at the routing level.

  10. Enter the Fixed Process Loss. This value is defaulted to the value you entered in the Recipe Details window. You can override this value if required. Optional.

  11. The Fixed Process Loss UOM displays. The fixed process loss UOM is defaulted to the Routing Class UOM. You cannot override the UOM value.

  12. Enter the From date as the date the validity rule becomes effective. The date must be within the effective date for any routing associated to the recipe. Required.

  13. Enter the To date as the date to stop using the validity rule. If an expiration date is not defined for the validity rule, then this is an optional field and must be left blank.

Step Quantity

  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Step displays the step number associated with the operation displayed.

    • Operation indicates the operation associated to the step. The operation Version displays.

    • Description indicates a description of the operation.

    • Step Quantity and its UOM indicates the quantity processed by the routing step and the unit of measure of the step quantity.

    • Charges indicates the total calculated charges for the step. Charges are calculated from the smallest minimum capacity for all resources in the Step. Calculation of charges is based on the resources defined at the more granular level. If a resource is defined at plant resource level, then the maximum capacity defined at the plant is used rather than the maximum capacity defined at the generic resource level

To view the master batch record

  1. Choose View Master Batch Record from the Actions menu.

  2. Evaluate the record.

  3. Save or print the optional attachment.

    See: Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for a complete discussion of the master batch record.

Displaying Validity Rules By Product

Use the Validity Rules Summary by Product window to specify under which circumstances a recipe can be used. Validity rules provide a combination of material quantities and a range of effective dates used by production and planning in one or more specified organizations. This window only displays validity rules that have not expired. To display validity rules by product:

To select a validity rule by product

  1. Navigate to the Validity Rules Summary By Product window. The Find Validity Rules By Product window displays.

  2. Enter the desired product item in the Find field.

  3. Click Find. The window displays all recipes found for the item.

  4. The following fields are display only:

    • Recipe displays the recipe that is the basis of the validity rule.

    • Version displays the Recipe version.

    • Recipe Description is a brief description of the recipe.

    • Organization displays the organization for which the validity rule can be used. This field is blank if any organization can use the validity rule.

    • Formula displays the formula associated with the Recipe.

    • Formula Version displays the version of the Formula.

    • Routing displays the routing associated with the Recipe.

    • Routing Version displays the version of the Routing.

    • Routing Description displays a brief description of the Routing.

    • Product displays the product code for the primary product used in the Recipe.

    • Revision is the product item revision.

    • Product Description displays a description of the primary product.

    • Recipe Use displays the intended use for the recipe. Firm Planned Orders use Production or Planning validity rules.

    • Preference displays the preference number for the validity rule. When more than one formula can be used to produce the same product, the Preference field is used to show the order of preference for a validity rule. Lower numbers are preferred. For example, a preference of 2 is higher than a preference of 5.

    • Start Date displays the first date the validity rule can be used.

    • End Date displays the last date the validity rule can be used. When this field is blank, there is no specified end date.

    • Standard Quantity displays the standard quantity of material used for costing the formula. It does not restrict quantities that can be produced by the formula.

    • UOM displays the unit of measure for the Quantity fields.

    • Min Quantity is the minimum quantity of product that can be made using the recipe.

    • Max Quantity is the maximum quantity of product that can be made using the recipe.

    • Theoretical Process Loss is the theoretical process loss.

    • Planned Process Loss is the process loss planned for.

    • Validity Rules Status is the current status assigned to the validity rule.

  5. Select the validity rule to display.

  6. Click OK.

To edit a validity rule

  1. Click Edit to edit a validity rule.

Displaying Validity Rules By Recipe

Use the Validity Rules Summary by Recipe window to specify under which circumstances a recipe can be used. Validity rules provide a combination of material quantities and a range of effective dates used by production and planning in one or more specified organizations.

This window only displays validity rules that have not expired.

To select a validity rule by recipe

  1. Navigate to the Validity Rules Summary By Recipe window. The Find Validity Rules By Recipe window displays.

  2. Enter the desired recipe in the Find field.

  3. Click Find. The window displays all recipes found for the item.

  4. The following fields are display only:

    • Recipe displays the recipe that is the basis of the validity rule.

    • Version displays the Recipe version.

    • Recipe Description displays a brief description of the Recipe.

    • Organization displays the organization for which the validity rule can be used. This field is blank if any organization can use the validity rule.

    • Formula displays the formula associated with the Recipe.

    • Formula Version displays the version of the Formula.

    • Formula Description displays a brief description of the Formula.

    • Routing displays the routing associated with the Recipe.

    • Routing Version displays the version of the Routing.

    • Routing Description displays a brief description of the Routing.

    • Product displays the product code for the primary product used in the Recipe.

    • Revision is the product item revision.

    • Product Description displays a description of the primary product.

    • Recipe Use displays the intended use for the recipe. Firm Planned Orders can use Production or Planning validity rules.

    • Preference displays the preference number for the Validity Rule. When more than one formula can be used to produce the same product, the Preference field is used to show the order of preference for a validity rule. Lower numbers are preferred. For example, a preference of 2 is higher than a preference of 5.

    • Start Date displays the first date the validity rule can be used.

    • End Date displays the last date the validity rule can be used. When this field is blank, there is no specified end date.

    • Standard Quantity displays the standard quantity of material used for costing the formula. It does not restrict quantities that can be produced by the formula.

    • UOM displays the unit of measure for the Quantity fields.

    • Min Quantity is the minimum quantity of product that can be made using the recipe.

    • Max Quantity is the maximum quantity of product that can be made using the recipe.

    • Theoretical Process Loss is the theoretical process loss.

    • Planned Process Loss is the process loss planned for.

    • Validity Rules Status is the current status assigned to the validity rule.

  5. Select the validity rule to display.

  6. Click OK.

To edit a validity rule

  1. Click Edit to edit a validity rule.

Generating a Recipe and Validity Rule Automatically

The Recipe Generation window configures rules for the creation of a recipe and validity rule automatically when a formula is created. Select how the recipe is used, its start date, end date, creation type, naming convention, and how to manage validity rules created for the recipe.

When you save the formula, the application determines if a recipe generation configuration is set up for the formula owning organization. If an owning organization is not specified, then a recipe with a global validity rule is generated. The application checks for default status rules to determine if the recipe must be set to a default status.

If an approval workflow is configured, then it starts when the formula or recipe is set to a default status other than New. If a recipe generation e-signature event was configured, then its approval process begins. When an approval workflow or e-signature workflow is not started, then the recipe and its associated validity rule are created for the formula.

To associate E-record and E-signature approvals

E-signature events can be associated to this window. The GMD ERES Recipe Generation event works in conjunction with automatic recipe generation. The event displays the formula, recipe, and validity rule on a single e-record. When the event is approved, then all records are approved. Approval of this e-record bypasses the requirement to start the individual status change e-signature events associated to formulas, recipes, and validity rules.

  1. Creation Type is Automatic or Optional

    If the Creation Type field selection on this window is set to Automatic or Optional, then use the GMD ERES Recipe Generation event. The e-record event is triggered online when the formula is saved, unless you choose to defer it. If the event is deferred, then the formula status changes to Pending and its approval can be managed manually. The recipe and validity rule are not created until the event is approved.

  2. Creation Type is User-Initiated

    If the Creation Type is User-Initiated, then the GMD ERES Recipe Generation event cannot be used. Use individual e-record status change events for approvals. After the formula is saved, the Formula Status Change event is triggered online. The recipe event is triggered in a deferred mode after you approve the formula event. The validity rules event is triggered in a deferred mode after you approve the recipe event.

  3. Impact of the GMD ERES Recipe Generation Event on Status Approval Events

    If you do not use the GMD ERES Recipe Generation event with automatic recipe generation feature and you do use the current status approval events for formulas, recipes and validity rules, then the formula changes to an approved status. The Formula Status Change event is not triggered. The Recipe Status Change event is triggered in a deferred mode after the formula is approved. Similarly, the Validity Rules event is triggered in a deferred mode after you approve the Recipe Approval event.

    Workflows are deferred. The notifications are not triggered online. The approval of the formula workflow notification triggers the recipe workflow if it is enabled. If the recipe workflow is not enabled, then the recipe is automatically created after the formula workflow is approved. Likewise, the validity rules workflow is triggered after the recipe workflow notification is approved. If the validity rules workflow is not enabled, then the validity rules are created automatically after the recipe workflow is approved.

To generate a recipe and validity rule automatically

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Generation window.

  2. Enter the Organization to use for validity rule creation. If you leave this field blank, then the application creates a global configuration rule. The global configuration rule produces a global validity rule that can be used by any organization that does not have a configuration. The formula owner organization is used to determine the recipe generation rule to use.

  3. Organization Description displays the organization entered. This field is blank if an organization is not entered.

Recipe Use

  1. This selection determines how validity rules are configured for use. Select one or more of the following recipe use types to define how to create the recipe validity rules:

    • Production to create a validity rule for manufacturing.

    • Costing to create a validity rule to use in establishing costs.

    • Planning to create a validity rule to use for planning material consumption.

    • Regulatory to create a validity rule for regulatory purposes.

    • Technical to create a validity rule for use in establishing technical classes and subclasses.

    The application creates a validity rule for each type of recipe use you select.

Start Date

  1. Specify the start date using one of these methods:

    • Select Formula Date to use the formula creation date as the start date for the validity rule.

    • Select Specific Date and enter the start date for the validity rule.

End Date

  1. Specify the end date using one of these methods:

    • Enter End Date as the last date to use the validity rule. When this field is blank, there is no specified end date.

    • Enter Number of Days to indicate the number of days from the start date that you want the validity rule to end. If you enter an end date, then you cannot use this field.

    • Enter Cost Calendar for a costing type validity rule to end on the period end date.

  2. Select Creation Type to indicate how recipes and validity rules are created when a formula is saved:

    • Automatic to indicate that the recipe and validity rule are saved automatically when you save the formula. This is the default.

    • User-Initiated to choose whether to create a recipe and validity rule when you save a formula.

    • Optional to respond to the message: Do you wish to create the recipe?

      • If you click Yes, then the recipe and validity rules are created automatically when you save the formula.

      • If you click No, then only the formula is created.

  3. Select one of the following for Recipe Naming Convention:

    • Formula to name the recipe with the number of the formula.

    • Product to name the recipe with the number of the product.

  4. Select Managing Validity Rules as the method to handle preexisting validity rule and formula versions. This selection also prevents you from saving duplicate validity rules:

    • Preference when more than one formula can be used to produce the same product. This indicates the order of choice for a validity rule. Lower numbers are preferred. For example, a preference of 2 is higher than a preference of 5. If you select this to manage validity rules, then preexisting, overlapping validity rules increase their preference by one and the validity rules you create are set to the default preference of 1. The preference is used in background processes such as material requirements planning and standard cost calculation rollups.

    • End Date to set preexisting, overlapping validity rules to end on the date and time you create the new one. This option sets the Preference field for the new validity rule to 1.

    • Next Preference to create a preference for the newly created validity rule as one higher than the highest value of any preexisting overlapping validity rules. For example, if the highest preexisting validity rule preference is 4, then an overlapping validity rule is assigned a preference of 5; one higher than the highest preexisting value.

To delete configurations created by this window

You cannot use Mark for Purge functionality with this window. If you want to undo a configuration, then delete it physically.

Displaying the Recipe Step/Material Association

Use the Recipe Step/Material Association window to display all items from the recipe formula and associate these items with specific routing steps.

Minimum Transfer Quantity (MTQ) has a restriction on the gap between the time that the MTQ is yielded for the item, and the start of the next routing that involves that item. The gap is defined with a minimum and maximum value based in the TIME unit of measure for hour. When calculating the gap, the minimum value creates the gap, and the maximum value limits the duration of the gap between the routing and the MTQ yield point. This MTQ calculation can be added for all products of a recipe.

Minimum and maximum values are optional, and blank values represent an infinite gap between the manufacturing processes:

Minimum delay and maximum delay represent this gap. The values for these can never be negative, and the minimum must always be less than or equal to the maximum value. The entry of an MTQ for any of the products is not required. Blank value for MTQ implies the full quantity must be yielded before the next routing can start.

Note: Data that displays on this window is entered and saved in the Recipe Details window.

Item substitutions are marked with the Substitution indicator. The Effective Date for Ingredient Replacement field displays the starting date when the item substitution is effective.

To display recipe step/material associations

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Step/Material Association window.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Formula displays the formula used in a recipe with the Version and Formula Description.

    • Routing displays the routing used in a recipe with the Version and Routing Description.

    • Effective Date for Ingredient Replacement indicates the effective date for any of the substitute items associated to the recipe and steps listed. The Substitute indicator marks these items. This field defaults to the current date and time.


  1. Step displays the step number associated with the listed operation in the displayed routing. You cannot add a step to a routing on this window. Add a step to a routing on the Process Routing Details window. Required.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Item is the code associated with each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.

    • Substitute indicates the ingredient is a substitute item. These items have an effective date for ingredient replacement that displays in the window header.

    • Type is the type of line associated in the step as a product, byproduct, or ingredient.

    • Item Qty is the quantity of product, byproduct, or ingredient yielded by the listed formula.

    • Line is the routing line number.

    • UOM is the unit of measure for the item quantity.

    • Operation displays the operation associated with the step. The operation Version displays.

    • Step Qty displays the default quantity of material associated with the step. The UOM for the step quantity displays.

To edit the associations of materials and steps

  1. Enter the Step from the LOV. Required.

    Note: By entering a new line number for a step, you change the step and material association.

  2. The following fields are display only:

    • Operation displays the operation associated with the Step. The operation Version displays.

    • Step Qty displays the default quantity of material associated with the Step. The UOM for the Step Quantity displays.

    • Effective Date for Ingredient Replacement indicates the effective date for any of the substitute items associated to the recipe and steps listed. The Substitute indicator marks these items. This field defaults to the current date and time.

  3. Enter the Line from the LOV. Required.

  4. The following fields are display only:

    • Item displays the code associated with each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.

    • Type displays the type of Line associated in the Step as a product, byproduct, or ingredient.

    • Item Qty displays the Quantity of product, byproduct, or ingredient yielded by the listed Formula.

    • Line UOM displays the unit of measure for the Item Quantity.

  5. Save your work.

Defining Descriptive Flex Fields for Step Materials

Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) enables you to define the recipe step material associations using the routing with the specific steps. To establish step material associations, you use the Step Material Association window of the recipe. This information is also available in OPM Process Execution. Step materials descriptive flexfields follow the standard Oracle Application procedure for extending applications with descriptive flexfields (DFFs).

A descriptive flexfield is a field that is comprised of segments. A flex field appears in a pop up window when you click on the flex field icon. Each segment has a name and a set of valid values. Using Descriptive flex fields you can store additional information about each step.

A Recipe provides a relationship between the material in a formula and the steps in the routing through material association. The material may be product, coproduct, by-product or ingredient. This association indicates the time, or place of yield or consumption of the corresponding material

You can view the DFF added to the recipe in the Step Material Associations window. You can use these flex fields to provide more information related to the respective step.

Descriptive Flex Field for step materials provide additional information such as the registration of the sequence in which the ingredients need to be consumed.

To define DFF for Step Materials Associations

  1. Navigate to Step Materials Association window.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Formula as the formula used in a recipe with the Version and Formula Description.

    • Routing as the routing used in a recipe with the Version and Routing Description.

    • Effective Date for Ingredient Replacement as the effective date for any of the substitute items associated to the recipe and steps listed. The Substitute indicator marks these items. This field defaults to the current date and time.


  1. Step as the step number associated with the listed operation in the displayed routing. You cannot add a step to a routing on this window. Add a step to a routing on the Process Routing Details window. Required.

  2. Enter the following fields details:

    • Operation as the operation associated with the step. The operation Version appears.

    • Step Qty as the default quantity of material associated with the step. The UOM for the step quantity appears.

    • Substitute as the substitute item. These items have an effective date for ingredient replacement that appear in the window header.

    • Item as the code associated with each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.

    • Type as the type of line associated in the step as a product, byproduct, or ingredient.

    • Item Qty as the quantity of product, byproduct, or ingredient yielded by the listed formula.

    • Line as the routing line number.

    • UOM as the unit of measure for the item quantity.

  3. Click Descriptive Flex Field [ ] icon. The Descriptive Flex Field window appears based on your DFF setup.

    Note: The Descriptive Flex Field window displays the flex field segments based on the Recipe Step Material associations flex field defined in the Applications Developer responsibility.

Understanding the Recipe Designer

The Recipe Designer provides all functions that are accessible using the Routing, Formula, and Recipe Details windows. The Recipe Designer is used to create, copy, and edit a complete recipe that includes formulas, routings, validity rules, and process instructions.

Recipe Designer Components

The Recipe Designer window has three major components:

The graphics that appear as nodes on the navigator are also used to identify the Recipe Designer components. See: Using the Recipe Designer.

Understanding the Tab Pane

The Tab pane contains a Recipe tab, Formula tab, and Routing tab.

Associating an Item to a Routing Step

If production and consumption of materials are controlled at the step level, then the specification of material input and output for each step in a recipe is required. The Formula Item view under the Recipe tab lets you select one or more items and assign them to a routing step in the navigator or on the routing step dependency graph using the drag-and-drop operation. This function is available when the View Unassigned Items option is selected on the Formula Item list. You can also use the Item Master option. The Item Master view displays items from the item master table, and you can add new items to the formula.

Redistributing a Formula

When you select the Formula tab, all items associated to a step display by expanding the related node in the navigator. Move items from one routing step to another by using the drag-and-drop operation or a cut and paste operation. The Process Instruction Sheet tab on the right pane reflects all changes you make.

Using Automatic Step and Number of Charges Calculation

The routing step quantities and the number of charges are calculated and updated on the Process Instruction Sheet pane when you change an item and step association. The calculation is performed when you select the Calculate Step Quantities indicator on the toolbar.

Understanding the Process Instruction Sheet Pane

Use the Process Instruction Sheet pane to display, develop, and maintain material and routing step associations as well as the process instructions for a specific recipe. Standard process instructions can be maintained at the formula item level and the routing step level, while clearance instructions can be maintained at the recipe and the operation/routing step level. It provides navigator views of routing steps in interleaved, organization chart, or vertical display styles. It also presents multiple views of items in the formula.

You can use the Process Instruction Sheet to:

Editing Process Instruction Text

Access the Process Instruction Text Editor from the right-mouse menu or the Tools menu. Process instructions are created and maintained for a specific operation item or step association row, or for a particular step in the recipe. Standard process instructions defined in the formula at the item level, or in the routing at the step level cannot be edited at the recipe level. Process instructions are stored in the standard text table against the paragraph code defined in the GMD: Process Instruction Paragraph profile option.

Differentiating Standard from Specific Process Instructions

Standard process instructions common to all recipes are defined in the formula or routing. Text displays in the Recipe Process Instruction Sheet. You cannot edit this text in the pane. Use the Edit Text functionality.

Note: If the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing application is available, then use this application to build process instructions.

Standard process instructions maintained at the step level in the routing display under the routing step line. Display or hide process instructions by expanding or collapsing the corresponding routing step line. Process instructions defined at the step level for this particular recipe display.

Using the Recipe Designer

The Recipe Designer contains the following components:

Depending on the status of the recipe, the Recipe Designer is in update or view mode. You have the same update or view privileges for the Recipe Designer as you have for the Recipe Details window.

Before you use the Recipe Designer:

To display the Recipe Designer from Product Development windows

Find an existing recipe or create a new recipe within the Recipe Designer:

  1. To display the Recipe Designer from Product Development windowavigate to one of the following windows:

    • Recipe Details

    • Recipe Summary By

    • Recipe Header Summary

  2. Query the appropriate recipe.

  3. Click Designer to display the Recipe Designer window.

To use the buttons on the Recipe Designer

The following discussion and graphic identify and explain each of the tools displayed on the Recipe Designer tool palette:

the picture is described in the document text

To set up the GMD: Process Instruction Paragraph Profile Option

You can use many windows in Oracle Process Manufacturing applications to associate text with a record of the edited document. For example you can attach text to a specific ingredient line in a formula. In this application, paragraphs are structures that are used to store and categorize text. The standard application has the General Text paragraph as the one default paragraph stored for each database table.

To provide the Recipe Designer with a means to distinguish between Process Instructions and other text types, your system administrator needs to define a paragraph code for process instructions. Text displayed in the Process Instruction Sheet in the Recipe Designer is the text defined for the paragraph code specified by the GMD: Process Instruction Paragraph profile option.

Using the Recipe Tab

The Recipe tab includes the following options:

Formula Items

If Formula Items is selected, then the list below the navigator displays the list of items in the formula and you can associate formula items to steps.

Item Master

When Item Master is selected, then the list below the navigator displays items from the Item Master table and you can add new items to the formula while assigning them to steps.

Mark For Purge

Select this option to delete a recipe. If the recipe is not marked for purge, then this function is available.

Edit Process Instructions

Select this option to create and maintain clearance and processing instructions for a recipe, recipe step, or step-item association. This option is enabled if a node representing a step or an item is selected.

Edit Properties

Select this option to view or edit properties of the selected node. You can edit recipe header, recipe step, and recipe step material properties.

Change Status

Select this option to change the recipe, formula, or routing status. If changes are made to the components, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Change Status window displays.

Organization Details

Select this option to view or edit organization specific attributes of the current recipe. If changes are made to the recipe, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Validity Rules window displays.

Validity Rules

Select this option to view or edit validity rules for the current recipe. If changes are made to the recipe, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If save is selected, then the standard Validity Rules window displays.


Select this option to undelete a recipe. If the recipe is marked for purge, then this option is available.

Using the Recipe Properties Window

The Recipe Properties window displays information about the selected recipe. You can edit some fields on this window to edit the recipe. To use the Recipe Properties window:

To display the Recipe Properties window

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Properties window:

    • In the navigator, right-click the Recipe node, then choose Properties.

    • In the navigator, click the recipe, then choose Properties from the Actions menu.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Status displays the recipe status.

    • Recipe displays the recipe and its Version.

  2. Description displays the recipe description. You can edit this field.

  3. Owner displays the recipe owner. You can edit this field.

  4. Owner Organization displays the owner organization for the recipe. You can edit this field.

  5. Creation Organization displays the organization that created the recipe.

  6. Recipe Type displays:

    • Master to indicate that the default recipe type is process cell specific. Master recipes define exactly how a product is made in a specific process manufacturing cell.

    • Site to indicate that the default recipe type is at the site level. There is one site recipe for each site that makes the product, or some portion of the product. A site recipe has the same structure as a general recipe, but may be modified for the local language and unit of measure. It can also be modified to take into account local material availability, or it may only define a part of the general recipe that is actually performed on the site.

    • General to indicate that the default recipe type is one general recipe for each specific product variation made by a company. It defines, in an equipment independent manner, the material and process dependencies required to make a product. The general recipe is usually created during or after the pilot plant scaleup of a research and development recipe.

  7. The Enhanced Process Instructions indicator is selected for a recipe that has processing instructions that are created and managed in the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing application. Refer to the Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide for additional information.

  8. The Contiguous Indicator is selected for the recipe that has a routing associated to it that must be run in one contiguous block of time. The batch that uses this routing cannot stop and start, even if it runs into downtime on the shop calendar.


  1. The following fields are display only:

    • Status displays the formula status.

    • Formula displays the formula used in the recipe and its Version.

    • Description displays a description of the formula.

    • Total Output Quantity displays the total material yielded by the formula.

    • Main Product displays the primary product for the formula associated with the recipe.

    • Main Product Qty displays the quantity and UOM of the first product the formula produces.


  1. Status displays the status of the routing used in the recipe.

  2. Routing displays the routing used in the formula and its Version.

  3. Description displays the routing description.

  4. Planned Loss displays the planned material loss for the routing.

  5. Theoretical Process Loss displays the theoretical process loss associated with the routing.

  6. Click OK to close the window. If you edited recipe properties, then your changes are validated and saved.

To display, edit, or delete the list of customers

  1. Click the Recipe tab on the Recipe Properties window.

  2. Click Customers. The Customers property sheet displays.

  3. Click Add to add a customer. Enter the customer and customer Name.

  4. Click Delete to delete a customer.

  5. Click OK to save your work.

To enter or edit process loss

  1. Click the Recipe tab on the Recipe Properties window.

  2. Click Plant/Laboratory. The Process Loss property sheet displays.

    • Enter the Organization. The Name displays the name of the organization.

    • Type indicates whether this organization is a plant or a laboratory.

    • Enter the Process Loss for the Organization entered.

    • Click OK to save your work.

  3. Click Add to add process loss for a specific organization.

  4. Click Organization Details to display the Recipe Organization Details window.

  5. Click Validity Rules to display validity rules to display the Recipe Validity Rules window.

  6. Click Delete to delete process loss for a selected organization.

Finding a Recipe in the Recipe Designer

The Find Recipes window displays when you select the Recipe Designer option from the navigator. It also displays when you choose Open from the File menu. To use the Find Recipes window:

To find a recipe in the Recipe Designer

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer Find Recipes window.

  2. Enter the appropriate search criteria to find the desired recipe.

  3. Click Find. The lower region of the window displays recipes matching the entered criteria.

  4. Select the appropriate recipe. The Recipe Designer displays with the selected recipe.

Creating a Recipe in the Recipe Designer

Click New on the Recipe Designer Find Recipes window, or select the New file option to create a new recipe. The Recipe Designer displays in the create mode. Navigate to the Recipe Properties window to enter additional recipe details.

Using the Recipe Properties window, specify a formula and a routing marked for purge or with a status of On-hold or Obsolete. However, they cannot be modified and the recipe cannot be created with these components. Use the Save As option to create a new formula and routing for the recipe. Refer to the "Copying a Recipe And Its Components" topic for additional information.

If the formula and routing specified in the Recipe Properties window do not exist, then the application assumes that you intend to create these components in the Recipe Designer.

Formula is a required component of a recipe. However, you can create a recipe without a routing.

To create recipes using the Recipe Designer:

To create a recipe

  1. Select Recipe Designer from the navigator. The Find Recipes window displays.

  2. Click New. The Recipe Designer displays with New as the root node.

To change recipe status

The Change Status window displays when you choose one of these options from the Actions menu:

  1. Click the desired Recipe.

  2. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu.

  3. Enter the desired status for the recipe.

  4. Click OK.

To view and edit recipe header information

  1. Click the desired Recipe.

  2. Choose Properties from the Actions menu. You can also right-click the Recipe node and select Properties from the right-click menu. The Recipe Properties window displays.

  3. Enter or edit the recipe header Description. When creating a new recipe, this defaults to the formula description. Required.

  4. Owner defaults to the current user. This is validated against the user master table. Required.

  5. Enter the Owner Organization. This defaults to the current user organization and is validated against the user organization table. Required.

Copying a Recipe and Its Components

When developing a new product, consider identifying an existing recipe with similar characteristics. Use this recipe as a template, and modify it to meet the specific new product requirements. Save the modified recipe.

To improve new product development efficiency and speed time to market, locate and load existing recipes as templates for promoting reuse of existing product definitions. The recipe and its material and process components that include formulas and routings, can be modified to meet new product requirements and saved as new entities.

Choose Save As from the File menu and the Save As window displays. Specify the name, version, and description of the new recipe, routing, and formula. Once saved, the new recipe, routing, and formula are current. Note that the primary purpose of this function is to copy the current recipe. This window can also be used to replace the formula or routing in the current recipe.

To copy a recipe and its components

When copying a recipe, formula, or routing, the status of the new record is set to New or to the predefined default status. If the recipe is not copied, but one of its component is, then the current recipe status is also set to New, because one of its components is copied and has a status of New.

  1. Choose Save As from the File menu.

  2. Select the copy indicators for the recipe, formula, and routing you are copying.

  3. Click OK.

Using the Formula Tab

The Formula tab in the Recipe Designer displays information about the formula items:

The Formula tab has three item properties windows:

Using Formula Menu Options

The following options are available when you click the Formula tab:

Edit Process Instructions

Choose this option to create and maintain processing instructions for a formula item. This option is enabled when an item node is selected in the navigator.

Edit Properties

Choose this option to view or edit properties of the selected node in the navigator. You can edit formula header and formula item properties.

QC Specifications

Choose this option to view or edit production specifications for the formula. If changes are made to the formula, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Production Specifications window displays.

Change Formula Status

Choose this option to change the status of the current formula. If changes are made to the recipe, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Change Status window displays.

Ingredient Technical Parameter

Choose this option to display the Technical Parameters window for the selected ingredient. If changes have been made to the formula, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Ingredient Technical Parameters window displays.

Product Technical Parameters

Choose this option to display the Technical Parameters window for the selected product. If changes are made to the formula, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save the changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard Product Technical Parameters window displays.

List Engineering Items

Choose this option to display the List Engineering Items window for the formula. If changes have been made to the formula, then the application displays a warning message prompting you to save changes. If the save option is selected, then the standard List Engineering Items window displays.

Technical Data Selection

Choose this option to specify the formula number and version from where to get the intermediate's technical parameter values, or to specify the formula number and version to use for the explosion of this intermediate during the formula ingredient contribution analysis calculation.

Scale Formula

Choose this option to scale formulas up or down by input or output.

Calculate Theoretical Yield

Choose this option to calculate theoretical yield.

Calculate Product Quantity

Choose this option to calculate formula product quantity automatically.

Assign Access

Choose this option to assign formula security access.

E-Record Details

Choose this option to view electronic signature details.

Creating a Formula in the Recipe Designer

When creating a new recipe, you can build a new formula within the Recipe Designer. If the formula entered in the Recipe Properties window exists, then you can edit the formula in the Recipe Designer and choose Save As in the File menu to generate a new formula. You can also use an existing formula to serve as a template for the new formula.

If the formula entered in the Recipe Properties window does not exist, then there are several ways to create a formula in the designer.

Using the New Item window

The Item Properties window displays when adding an item to the formula using one of the methods described above, provided the Display New Item Window user preference option is selected. See: Editing User Preferences.

You can enter basic item attributes in this window.

  1. Click Edit Line to access the Ingredient, Product, or By Product Properties windows, depending on the type of item selected.

    See the following topics:

Changing Formula Status

The Change Status window displays when you choose one of the following from the Actions menu:

To change formula status

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Formula tab in the navigator.

  3. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu.

  4. Enter a new status.

  5. Click OK.

Editing the Formula Header

Edit formula details in the Formula Properties window.

To edit the formula header

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the formula node in the navigator.

  3. Click Properties from the Actions menu, or right-click and choose Properties from the menu.

  4. Select the Formula tab.

  5. Enter the Formula name.

  6. Enter the formula Version.

  7. Right-click the Formula node, and select Properties. The Formula Properties window displays.

  8. Ensure that the Calculate Product Quantity checkbox is selected.

    Note: When you select the Calculate Product Quantity checkbox the Percentage field is enabled for the products with a Proportional scale type. If scaling is not allowed on the formula, then the products are defaulted to the Fixed scale type, and their quantity is entered manually.

  9. Click OK to save, or Cancel to close the window without saving.

Editing Formulas in the Recipe Designer

Click the Formula tab to edit formula specific data. The Formula navigator displays and the following functions are available:

To view formula process instructions

Process instructions defined at the formula item level establish the standard procedure to follow when processing a particular material. Instructions are usually process independent, but are not required to be. Process related instructions can be defined at the routing step level, the recipe step level, or the routing item level. Formula item process instructions display in the Formula Process Instruction Sheet tab, and also in the Recipe Process Instruction Sheet tab.

Access the current Process Instruction editor by selecting an item in the Formula navigator and choosing Edit Process Instructions from the Tools menu.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Formula tab in the navigator.

  3. Click the Process Instruction Sheet tab in the right pane of the Recipe Designer.

    The Process Instruction Sheet tab displays item details in a hierarchical grid. If processing instructions are defined for an item, then you can expand the corresponding item to view the text.

    All changes made to the formula in the designer are immediately displayed in the Formula Process Instruction Sheet.

To add an item to the formula

The Item Master list is a component below the recipe and Formula navigator. It displays items from the Item Master table and serves as the source for adding items to the formula. If the formula is in view mode, then the Item Master list is not available. Sort the list by item, description, UOM, and category by clicking the appropriate column heading in the item list.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Display the Item Master list by clicking Show/Hide Formula Items on the toolbar, or choose the Show Item List indicator from the View menu.

  3. Choose Item Master in the lower region.

  4. If the Item Code indicator is selected, then enter an item code, or part of an item code in the Find field. If the Category indicator is selected, then enter a Category Code, or part of a category code in the Find field.

  5. Select the desired item in the list and associate it to the formula in the recipe, formula, or to a step in the routing dependency graph pane using the drag-and-drop operation.

  6. Drag and drop Items onto the Ingredients node in the formula tab. The New Item window displays for item entered onto the node.

  7. Enter the Quantity for each ingredient and byproduct.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Drag and drop Items onto the Products node in the formula tab. The New Item window displays for item entered onto the node.

  10. Enter the product details with a Percentage in which the product quantity is distributed between single and multiple products.

    The default is 100 percent for the first product. You can edit the percentage.

    Note: When you add an item in the ingredients or products node the formula product quantity is calculated automatically.

  11. Click OK. The formula product quantity is calculated and updated on the Product node.

To remove an item from a formula

If the item being removed is a product, then the application checks for validity rules associated to the product. If at least one valid validity rule exists, then an error message displays and the product cannot be deleted.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Formula tab in the navigator.

  3. Expand the recipe to display the item to cut. Following are two methods for removing items:

    • In the navigator, right-click the item node, then choose Cut.

    • In the navigator, click the item node, then choose Cut from the Edit menu.

  4. Save your work.

To display assigned and unassigned item components

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Recipe tab in the navigator.

  3. Click Formula Items. A pane displays all items in the formula below the navigator.

  4. Select one of the following to display assigned, unassigned, or both assigned and unassigned items:

    • View Assigned to display only those items that are assigned to a routing step.

    • View Unassigned to display only those items that are not yet assigned to a routing step.

    • View Assigned/Unassigned to display all items that are assigned or not yet unassigned to a routing step.

To activate or disable automatic step calculation

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the Calculate Step Quantities indicator on the toolbar. The following message displays:

    Do you want to delete the current calculated step quantities? Y/N

    • Click Yes to delete recipe step quantities from the database and Process Instruction Sheet. The sheet is updated with the default step quantities in the routing.

    • Click No to retain the current calculated step quantities.

  3. Clear the Calculate Step Quantities indicator to disable automatic step calculation.

To define material input and output for a step

Note: Select Calculate Step Quantities to calculate quantities and number of charges for each step.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Recipe tab in the navigator.

  3. Click Show/Hide Formula Items if the Formula Item pane does not display.

  4. Select View Unassigned Items. The list of all items that are not assigned to a particular step displays.

  5. Associate one or more items to a particular step by dragging the items in the Formula Item pane and dropping them onto a particular step either in the Step Dependency Graph or the navigator.

To redistribute formula items

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Recipe tab in the navigator.

  3. Use one of the following techniques to redistribute an item:

    • Drag the item in the navigator, and drop it onto a target routing step in the navigator, or in the Step Dependency graph.

    • Click the item to redistribute. From the Edit menu, choose Cut. Then, select the target routing step in the navigator, or in the Step Dependency Graph. From the Edit menu, choose Paste.

  4. Optionally, select the Calculate Step Quantities indicator to calculate and display the step quantities and the number of charges on the Process Instruction Sheet pane.

  5. Save your work.

To edit ingredient properties

You can access the Ingredient Properties window from the Formula tab. You can also display ingredient properties from the New Item window that displays when adding a new ingredient to the formula.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the Ingredient node in the navigator.

    Note: You can edit the quantity of any ingredient, and byproduct or change the percentage value of the product using the properties window to recalculate the formula product quantity.

  3. Choose Properties from the Actions menu to display the Ingredient Properties window, or right-click an ingredient node in the recipe Formula navigator, and choose Properties from the right-click menu.

  4. Edit the Quantity of the desired ingredient or byproduct in the formula.

  5. Click OK to recalculate formula product quantity, or Cancel to close the window without saving.

    Important: Refer to the discussion of ingredients on the Recipe Details window for details.

To edit product properties

You can access the Product Properties window from the Recipe navigator or from the Formula navigator. You can also display product properties from the New Item window that displays when adding a new product to the formula.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the Product node in the navigator.

  3. Choose Properties from the Actions menu to display the Product Properties window, or right-click an ingredient node in the Recipe navigator or in the Formula navigator, and choose Properties from the right-click menu.

  4. Change the Percentage of the desired product in the formula.

  5. Click OK to recalculate formula product quantity, or Cancel to close the window without saving.

    Important: Refer to the discussion of products on the Recipe Details window for details.

To edit byproduct properties

The By Product Properties window is accessible from the Recipe navigator or from the Formula navigator. You can also display byproduct properties from the New Item window that displays when adding a new byproduct to the formula.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the By Product node in the navigator.

  3. Choose Properties from the Actions menu to display the By Product Properties window, or right-click an ingredient node in the Recipe navigator or in the Formula navigator, and choose Properties from the right-click menu.

  4. Edit the By Product Properties fields and click OK to save, or Cancel to close the window without saving.

To enter formulas for item technical dataa

Specify the formula to use in the item technical data calculation, and in formula analysis.

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Click the Formula tab and select the appropriate intermediate ingredient in the Formula navigator.

  3. Choose Technical Data Selection from the Actions menu. Prior to displaying this window, the application verifies that the selected ingredient is an intermediate.

  4. Click the Ingredient Contribution tab.

  5. Enter the Technical Formula. This is the formula used by the laboratory spreadsheet to derive technical values.

  6. Enter the formula Version.

  7. Click the Technical tab.

  8. Enter the Contribution Formula. This is the formula used by formula analysis to derive indirect ingredient contribution.

  9. Enter the formula Version.

  10. Click OK to save your work.

Using the Routing Tab

Click the Recipe Designer Routing tab to view routing components.

To create or edit routing properties

While creating a new recipe within the Recipe Designer, you can build a new routing. An existing routing can also be used as a template for a new routing.

Click the Routing tab to edit and create routings. The Routing navigator displays and the following functions are available:

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Select the Routing node in the navigator.

  3. Choose Properties from the Tools menu to display the Routing Properties window.

  4. Enter routing header information and click OK to save.

To add a new operation step

The Operation List displays all operations. It serves as the source for adding new operations to a routing. This list is not available when the routing is in view mode.

  1. Click Show/Hide Operation Master to display the operation list.

  2. Select an operation from the list and associate it to the routing in the navigator or in the Routing Dependency Graph pane. When adding a step to the routing, the application validates the operation and displays the Operation Step Properties window. Review or override the default values in this window.

  3. Save your work.

Using the Process Instruction Sheet

The Process Instruction Sheet pane is a view only user interface that displays on the right side of the Recipe Designer. It is a hierarchical grid that combines the details of the three main components of the recipe: routing steps, the formula items associated to the steps, and the process instructions. The Process Instruction Sheet updates automatically, and instantaneously reflects any changes that you make.

Standard process instructions are defined at the routing step level and at the formula item level. These instructions are generic and apply to any recipes that use the routing and the formula. These standard instructions are shown in the Process Instruction Sheet, but cannot be amended in the recipe.

The standard process instructions maintained at item level in the formula display under the item line. Show or hide process instructions by expanding or collapsing the corresponding item line. The process instructions defined at the step and item association level for the selected recipe are displayed. The process instructions defined at the recipe level appear with a yellow background to distinguish between standard instructions defined at the formula level, and the specific instructions defined at the recipe level.

To define process instructions that are specific to a particular recipe, use the Edit Process Instruction window.

Process instructions are defined at two separate levels within a recipe:

To create or edit process instructions

  1. Use one of these methods to display the Edit Process Instructions window:

    • In the navigator, right-click the appropriate item line for a product, ingredient, byproduct, or routing step, then choose Edit Text.

    • In the navigator, click the appropriate item line for a product, ingredient, byproduct, or routing step, then choose Edit Text from the Tools menu.

  2. Enter or edit text.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Save your work.

To add text tokens to process instructions

  1. Use one of these methods to display the Edit Process Instructions window:

    • In the navigator, right-click the appropriate item line for a product, ingredient, byproduct, or routing step, then choose Edit Text.

    • In the navigator, click the appropriate item line for a product, ingredient, byproduct, or routing step, then choose Edit Text from the Tools menu.

  2. Click Find.

  3. Select the appropriate text tokens.

  4. Click OK. The full text for the text token displays in the Process Instructions window.

  5. Save your work.

Expanding and Collapsing Nodes

You can expand all nodes to view the entire recipe structure in the navigator. This feature is also available in the Routing and Formula navigators. The following options can be selected from the Tools menu to expand or collapse a selected node or the entire navigator with just one click.

Right-click a node in the navigator and choose one of the following options from the right-click menu:

Editing User Preferences

Use the Preferences window to maintain preferences related to the formula. Formula preferences are used to customize the behavior of the application when the following actions are performed:

To edit preferences

  1. Navigate to the Recipe Designer.

  2. Choose Preferences from the Actions menu.


  1. Select the Display New Item Window to display the New Item window when adding a new item. This prompts you to review and override the default item attributes. Clear this box to review and edit default values later using the Item Properties window.

  2. Enter a Category Set to display on the Item Master list, otherwise leave this field blank.


  1. Select one of the following:

    • Display Step Properties Window to display the Step Properties window when you add a new step.

    • Generate Step Number Automatically to generate a step number automatically when you add a new step.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Display Step Properties Window to display the Step Properties window when you create a new step dependency.

    • Generate Default Attributes to generate the default step attributes when creating a step dependency. Select the Dependency Type as Finish-to-start or Start-to-start.

Step Dependency Graph

  1. Select Display Step Quantity to display the quantity of each step. Clear this box to hide step quantities.

  2. Select Display Transfer Percentage to display the transfer percentages between steps. Clear this box to hide transfer percentages between steps.

Process Instructions

  1. Language displays the default language. You can edit this field. Description displays a description of the Language code.

  2. Click OK.