Using OPM Material Planner

This chapter covers the following topics:

Viewing MPS Bucketed Material Information

Like the MPS Material Activity Inquiry, the MPS Bucketed Material Inquiry lists pending transaction information for a single item in one or more warehouses. However, the Material Activity Inquiry lists individual pending transactions for the item in chronological order.

The Bucketed Material inquiry shows aggregate supply and demand information for the item, grouped into categories (such as forecast and planned production data). The aggregate supply and demand for the item in each category is listed, rather than the individual transactions. For example, if you plan for an item used in 50 formulas and in 30 batches per day, the Bucketed Material Inquiry can show you the total demand for the item by day, by week, and so forth.

Also, while the Material Activity Inquiry lists transactions in chronological order, the Bucketed Material Inquiry is generated on a time bucket-based format. OPM lists all pending supply and demand for an item, aggregated by day and week.

The time buckets are the ones you established for the schedule on the MPS Schedule window. OPM compiles all sources of supply and demand for the time buckets that you established.

To view Bucketed Material information

  1. Navigate to the Bucketed Material Inquiry window.

  2. Inventory Organization displays the default organization assigned to the user.

    If you have planning interests in more than one organization, you may override this default with another organization code (that is, one that has been linked to the planner on the User Organization window from the OPM System Administration application).

  3. Schedule is the default code for the schedule parameters assigned the current user displays along with the corresponding schedule parameters description.

    You may enter a different schedule parameters code, as necessary. Note that if you entered an organization other than the default in the previous field, the default schedule parameters code in the this field will be blanked out. You must then enter the valid code for the schedule parameters. Required.

  4. Enter the Item on which you are inquiring. Required.

  5. Enter the item's primary unit of measure.

  6. Qty On-hand displays the on-hand quantity in the primary unit of measure on the starting date of the bucket when you enter the warehouse code. The unlabeled field is the unit of measure in which the quantity is expressed.

    Period Details - Demand Details:

    The following table lists and describes each field in the Demand Details section

    Field Name Description
    Period Displays the periods (time buckets) for which material activity is being reported. You define these buckets on the Schedule Parameters window.
    Date Displays the ending date for each of the time periods/buckets (day/week).
    Sales Order Displays the total sales order demand for the item during this period.
    Forecast Displays the total demand from sales forecasts for the period.
    Schedule Ingredients Displays the total output from the batches during each time bucket.
    Firm Ingredients Displays the total output from FPOs for this period.

    Supply Details:

    The following table lists and describes each field in the Supply Details section

    Field Name Description
    Period displays the periods (time buckets) for which material activity is being reported. You define these buckets on the Schedule Parameters window.
    Date displays the ending date for each of the time periods/buckets (day/week).
    Schedule Production Displays the total output from the batches during each time bucket.
    Firm Production Displays the total output from FPOs for this period.
    PO Receipts Displays the total supply from PO receipts. PO receipts include approved purchase order requisitions, open purchase orders, internal orders, and planned purchase order scheduled deliveries.
    Required Receipts Displays reserved for future use.
    Receiving Displays the details of the receiving location.
    Vendor Shipment Displays the details of the shipment provided by the vendor.

    Cumulative Details:

    The following table lists and describes each field in the Cumulative Details section

    Field Name Description
    Total Demand Displays the total item demand for the period window all sources.
    Total Supply Displays the total item supply for the period of all sources.
    Ending Balance Displays the on-hand item quantity, after all demands and receipts have been applied to the starting on-hand quantity for each period.
    Net Safety Stock Displays the net item requirement for the period (including safety stock).

    MPS Bucketed Material Inquiry - Actions Menu

    • Select the Unbucketed option to view the Material Activity Inquiry.

    • Select the UOM option to view the item in the second unit of measure if the item is dual UOM.

Viewing MRP Material Activity Information

This inquiry works and looks similar to the MPS Material Activity Inquiry. However, the MPS version of the window includes only real pending and past-due activity.

The MRP version of the query differs in that it includes MRP-suggested transactions and sales forecast transactions. The resulting projected balances also reflect suggested transactions and sales forecast transactions. This window displays (in chronological order) transaction activity for a specific warehouse, or for all warehouses. It enables production and purchasing planners to organize and view the effects of pending and MRP-suggested transactions on inventory balances. The inquiry is also available as a printed report.

To view MRP Material Activity information

  1. Navigate to the MRP Material Activity Inquiry window.

  2. Organization displays the default organization assigned to the user.

    If the user has planning interests in more than one organization, you may override this default with another organization code (that is, one that has been linked to the planner on the User Organization window, also from the System application).

  3. Schedule is the default code for the schedule parameters assigned the current user displays along with the corresponding schedule parameters description.

    You may enter a different schedule parameters code, as necessary. Note that if you entered an organization other than the default in the previous field, the default schedule parameters code in the this field will be blanked out. You must then enter the valid code for the schedule parameters.

  4. Enter the Item on which you are inquiring. Required.

  5. Enter the Start Date as the earliest date for which you want to see pending, sales forecast, or MRP-suggested transactions for the item. The default is the current date.

  6. Inventory Organization runs the inquiry for a pending transaction in a specific organization, enter the appropriate organization code.

    If you want to see item transactions for the item in all organizations, leave this field blank At this point the bottom of the screen displays pending transactions for the item. You can review each line to determine the projected impact of the transaction on your stock balance. Refer to the Document Types window for definitions of the document that initiates the pending transactions.

    The following table lists and describes each field in the MRP Material Activity Inquiry window

    Field Name Description
    Past Due Indicates if this order is past due, this column is selected.
    Date Indicates the date of the order.
    Document Type Indicates the code for document type. For example, PPRD for planned production orders.
    Organization Indicates the code for the organization you entered in the header.
    Document Number Indicates the document number. Document numbering is set up in the OPM System Administration application.
    Quantity Indicates the he quantity of the item requested on the order is displayed. Forecasts and sales orders display with a negative sign.
    Balance Displays the balance in the warehouse after the order quantity is added or deleted. This field is a running balance as you proceed down the column.
    Critical Lists items that are critical. Items are defined as critical if:
    • The pending transaction is dated prior to the start date you entered earlier.

    • The resulting item balance after the pending transaction still falls below the safety stock level (specified on the Warehouse Rules window).

    • The resulting item balance after the pending transaction results in a negative quantity.

    If multiple warehouses are selected it is the cumulative value.
    Customer/Vendor Indicates the code for the customer or vendor (depending on document type), if specified on the document.
  7. When you make the final entry in the Organization field, the inquiry displays the material activity for the item you specified.

    MRP Material Activity Inquiry - Actions Menu

    • Bucketed: Displays the MRP Bucketed Material Activity Inquiry.

Defining a Schedule

The schedule parameters are the primary driver of process material requirements planning. They determine the horizon for which MRP will consider material activity. The schedule parameters also determine which plants (organizations) MRP is to consider when suggesting replenishment.

Whenever you specify the code for a set of schedule parameters, you must also specify a valid organization code to correctly identify the schedule parameters.

This section discusses the following:

When you define your schedule parameters, you indicate the criteria by which inventory supply and demand will appear on displays and reports. You also indicate which specific plants will be included. All MRP and MPS reports are specific to a given set of schedule parameters (that is, the schedule parameters you use for the MRP run determines the plants for which MRP suggestions will be made, and the criteria by which supply/demand data will display).

You must define at least one set of schedule parameters, to which MRP will refer when making suggestions for material replenishment. The MPS Schedule Parameters window allows you to define this schedule criteria. Later, you may assign these schedule parameters to the appropriate planner(s) using the Systems application's Session Parameters window. The schedule parameters then become the defaults for these planners when they generate MRP runs.

To define schedule parameters

  1. Navigate to the MPS Schedule Parameters window.

  2. Organizationdisplays the default Organization. To view schedule parameters tied to another organization, enter the appropriate organization code. Note that this organization must be linked to the user on the User Organizations window in the OPM System Administration application. You may alter your default organization and schedule for the current session through the Session Parameter option.

  3. Schedule indicates if you accepted the default organization from the previous field, the code for the default schedule parameters assigned to the user/planner (in User Profiles) displays here. You may then enter the parameters for the default organization and schedule combination. Override the default schedule parameters code to enter parameters for a different organization/schedule parameters combination.

    If in the previous field you specified an organization other than the default, then the Schedule field is blank. You must specify the desired schedule for which you want to enter parameters. Note that there can be no spaces in the schedule code.

  4. Enter a brief description of the set of schedule parameters in the Schedule Description field.


The default, Include Sales Forecasts, displays to indicate forecasts as a source of demand when these schedule parameters are used (that is, products will be made to stock, then consumed by future sales). Select Exclude Sales Forecasts if sales forecasts should not be included by MRP as a demand source when the schedule parameters are used (that is, products will not be made to stock).

Either this field, or the Make to Order field, must be used as a source of demand (however, both may be included as demand).

See the Appendix for information on using the Forecast application windows to enter sales order forecast information. You can also import forecast figures from outside sources to the Forecast Detail table (fc_fcst_dtl) and the Schedule Forecast Association table (ps_sched_for).

  1. Make to Order controls if MRP should consider sales orders as a source of demand. The default, Include Sales Orders, applies if you want to include sales orders as a source of demand when these schedule parameters are used. Select Exclude Sales Orders if sales orders should not be included by MRP as a demand source when these schedule parameters are used.

    Both reserved sales orders and unreserved sales orders created in Oracle Order Management are visible to MRP as demand.

    Either this field, or the Make to Stock field, must be used as a source of demand; however, both may be included as demand. If you select to Exclude Sales Orders, then MRP does not consider when planning. However, MPS looks at sales orders and consume them into the forecast. This is reflected on the MPS Material Activity inquiry and report.

  2. Active Indicator is the default, Active Schedule, marks this schedule for use by MRP. If you do not want a schedule used by MRP or have some other reason you do not want it used, select Inactive Schedule from the list.

    In the next three fields which are in the Time region you will specify parameters to which MRP refers. MRP refers to the time fences and the horizon when considering replenishment suggestions; it makes recommendations only for the period within the time fences you specify.

    MRP will not suggest replenishment actions before the inner time fence date, or after the outer time fence date. It will also ignore any activity scheduled after the MRP horizon date. Based on demand due dates and planned supply actions, MRP calculates available inventory and back schedules the resulting net requirements. The shop calendar influences when transfer, production, or purchase of items should be initiated.


  1. Inner indicates the setting of the inner time fence indicates that nothing should be suggested for planning by MRP behind a particular date. Enter the number of days from the MRP run date during which MRP will suggest no supply orders (zero is the default). For example, if you run MRP on the first day of the month, and you do not want resupply orders suggested before the 5th, enter 4.

    If action is required before the inner time fence date, MRP normally suggests starting the resupply action at the inner time fence date. If it adds the item's leadtime to the date of the inner time fence, then forward schedules to calculate the date the item will be available. Exception messages are generated if an action needs to take place behind the inner time fence to meet demand. MRP also generates an error message indicating that there will be a shortage for the period between the due date, and the actual available date.

    Time fences do not have to be the same for all organizations that use this schedule. In the bottom area of the window you can associate this (default) number of days to individual organizations, or change the inner fence for each individual organization.

  2. Outer indicates the setting of the outer time fence indicates that nothing should be suggested for planning by MRP outside a particular date. Enter the number of days from the inner time fence date after which MRP will suggest no supply orders (9999.999 is the default). For example, if you run MRP on the first day of the month, you entered 4 for the inner time fence, and you do not want resupply orders suggested for after the 20th of the month. If you enter 20 in this field, MRP will confine suggestions for resupply orders to the period between the 5th and the 20th (15 days).

    Typically you would set this value to be greater than your longest leadtime.

    Outer time fences do not have to be the same for all organizations that use this schedule. In the bottom area of the window you can associate this (default) number of days to individual organizations, or change the outer fence for each individual organization.

  3. MRP Horizon is the number of days you specify here determines the date after which pending inventory transactions will not be considered by MRP when making calculations for resupply suggestions. The default is 9999.999.

    For example, if you run MRP on the first day of January, and you want MRP to consider all pending inventory transactions for the upcoming six months when calculating resupply suggestions, enter 180 days (6 months multiplied by 30 days).

    When calculating inventory resupply, MRP will not consider any pending inventory transactions with a transaction date after the 180th day from January 1st.


Ensure that your calendar is defined to cover the period of the MRP horizon. You will get an error message if is does not.

The entries you make in next four fields determine how supply and demand will be bucketed on your MPS and MRP Bucketed Material Activity Reports. You can review bucketed material activity for a specific number of days, weeks, months, and quarters. The buckets are cumulative and determine the limit of your view

Four time buckets will fit on a single page.

  1. Enter Days as the number of one-day increments for which you want a Bucketed Material Activity Report. For example, if you want to see material activity for each day for the next fourteen days, enter 14. The default is zero.

  2. Enter Weeks as the number of one-week increments for which you want a Bucketed Material Activity Report. For example, if you want to see material activity for each week for the next four weeks, enter 4. The default is zero.

  3. Enter Months as the number of one-month increments for which you want a Bucketed Material Activity Report. For example, if you want to see material activity for each month for the next two months, enter 2. The default is zero.

  4. Enter Quarters as the number of one-quarter increments for which you want a Bucketed Material Activity Report. For example, if you want to see material activity for the next quarter, enter 1. The default is zero.

Schedule Details

  1. Organization enables you to link one or more organizations (which have been defined as manufacturing plants) to this schedule. Enter the code for the plant to which you are linking this schedule.

  2. Enter the Calendar code for the shop calendar that will be used for this plant/organization combination. The corresponding calendar description displays from the Shop Calendar window. If you entered a calendar in the Organizations window when you created the organization, the calendar defaults into this field. You can override the defaulted calendar with any other shop calendar.

  3. Calendar Description for the corresponding calendar displays.

  4. Organization is the description of the organization specified in the previous Organization field displays automatically.

  5. Inner Time Fence indicates the number of days from the MRP run date during which MRP will suggest no supply orders (zero is the default). For example, if you run MRP on the first day of the month, and you do not want resupply orders suggested before the 5th, enter 4.

  6. Outer Time Fence indicates the number of days from the inner time fence date after which MRP will suggest no supply orders (9999.999 is the default). For example, if you run MRP on the first day of the month, you entered 4 for the inner time fence, and you do not want resupply orders suggested for after the 20th of the month.

  7. Save your work.

    Inner Time Fence - Additional Discussion

    The principles of how the inner time fence works are discussed.

    Inner Time Fence and Demand Dates

    The demand that occurs before the inner time fence includes past due demand. The demand and the planned supply, which includes planned batches and purchase orders, is considered in the calculation of the net requirement. Utilizing any onhand quantities available, the demands, and the planned supplies, the net requirement is calculated and a suggestion, if needed for resupply is recorded. The message produced will be an exception and start and completion date will be that of the inner time fence.

    Insufficient Leadtime/Exceptions

    The demand which occurs on or after the inner time fence will have messages as follows. When there is an insufficient amount of time to satisfy the leadtime in relation to the inner time fence, an exception message will be produced. The resupply suggestion will have the leadtime set to the elapsed time between the demand date and the inner time fence. The start date is the inner time fence and completion dates will be demand date. If there is a enough time to satisfy the demand MRP plans as expected and generates regular action messages and suggestions will be produced, such as Release Production Batch, etc.

    Inner Time Fence and Reorder Rules

    Each item/warehouse combination has three replenishment/reorder process options: transfer, production and purchase. If the indicator is on for each respective replenishment type, the time fences for those reorder rules will be used to locate the maximum for inner time fence and the minimum for the outer time fence.

    If the production indicator is on, the schedule, schedule organization and production rules are used to calculate the inner and outer fences. If the purchase indicator is selected, the schedule, schedule organization and warehouse rules will be used to calculate the inner and outer fences. If the production indicator and transfer indicator are selected, the schedule, schedule organization and production rules and transfer rules will be used to calculate the inner and outer fences.

    Inner Time Fence and Safety Stock

    Safety stock is calculated dynamically at the inner fence for an item and warehouse. The past due demand and replenishment is considered along with onhand inventory before the safety stock is looked at. If there is any demand behind the inner time fence, that demand will be met then the safety stock will be considered.

    Additional Information: Safety stock is only calculated at the inner time fence if there is activity for the item on or after the inner time fence.