Holding a Batch

This chapter explains how to create and release hold for a batch.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Batch Hold

A user can place a batch hold to pause or stop a process for a number of reasons, such as to obtain a supervisor's signature or because of a machine breakdown. When one of these events takes place, users can put a batch on hold to stop further processing until the reason is resolved. Then the hold can be removed and the manufacturing process can continue.

There are two types of Hold based on the issue. For some cases material could still be allowed to be issued to the batch, changed, moved to the next operation, or stay at the current operation. Some issues require the material to be removed from the resource and all transactions stopped, downstream operations cancelled or rescheduled.

You can place a hold in either one of two modes:

Note: To use E-Records, create AME rules and setup E-Records appropriately.

The following table explains the hold applicability on different batch statuses.

Batch Status Hold Mode: No Hold Hold Mode: Stop Hold Mode: Pause
Pending Yes Yes Yes
WIP Yes Yes Yes
Complete Yes Yes Yes
Closed/Cancel /Terminated Yes No No

The following conditions apply when a batch is placed on hold:

Related Topics:

See: Creating a Batch Hold

See: Defining a New Hold Reason

See: Releasing a Batch Hold

See: Viewing Hold History for a Batch

Creating a Batch Hold

Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Process Execution batches can have a number of different statuses, from creation of the batch to the completion of the batch. You can place a batch on Hold for a number of different reasons before the batch is allowed to be further processed. A batch can be placed on hold in any status except a closed, cancelled or a completed batch with Terminated indicator enabled. When placing a batch on hold, you must select the appropriate hold mode and you must provide a reason for placing the hold. You can also provide additional details as required.


To place a batch on hold

  1. Navigate to the Batch Details window.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Hold. The Batch Onhold window appears.

  3. Select the Hold Type from the list. The available options are Stop and Pause.

  4. Select an appropriate Hold Reason from the list. To create a Hold Reason, see Defining a New Hold Reason.

  5. Once the batch hold E-Record is approved, the system date is treated as the Start Date.

  6. Enter any additional information in the Hold Comments field.

  7. Click OK to place the batch on hold or click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Batch Details window.

    The following table lists the actions that are allowed or not allowed when a batch is placed on hold:

    Action Hold Mode: Pause Hold Mode: Stop
    Transactions (Material/Reservation): New Yes No
    Transactions (Material/Reservation): Backdated Transaction (Transactions created before the hold start date) Yes No
    Transactions (Material/Reservation): Corrections Yes No
    Reservations/Picking/MO Yes No
    Can batch be reserved for Demand Yes No
    Planning Yes No
    Pending Lots Yes No
    Batch Actions: Reroute No No
    Batch Actions: Scale Yes No
    Batch Actions: Reschedule Yes No
    Batch Actions: Step Actions No No
    Batch Actions: Miscellaneous updates Yes, except Actual Quantity and Date fields No
    Batch Actions: Addition of Batch Step Yes No
    Batch Actions: Removal of Batch Step Yes No
    Batch Actions: Addition of Material Yes No
    Batch Actions: Removal of Material Yes No
    Batch Actions: Addition of Activity Yes No
    Batch Actions: Removal of Activity Yes No
    Batch Actions: Addition of Resources Yes No
    Batch Actions: Removal of Resources Yes No
    Batch Actions: Addition of Process Parameter No No
    Batch Actions: Removal of Process Parameter No No
    Batch Actions: Material Substitution Yes No
    Step Actions: Item-Step Association Yes No
    Step Actions: Batch Step Dependencies Yes No
    Simulation Yes No
    Nonconformance Yes Yes
    Outsourced Process Planning: Resource Transactions on Receiving No No
    MES: Dispense No No
    MES: Processing Instructions No No
    OPM Quality: Samples Yes Yes
    OPM Quality: Results Yes Yes

    Important: Actual Quantity and Date fields that are not allowed to be updated while the batch is in hold mode Pause are:

    • Material Actual Quantity

    • End Date of batch

    • Actual Start Date of batch

    • Batch Steps

    • Activities

    • Resources

    • Actual Resource Usage of the resource

    • Process Parameters

Defining a New Hold Reason

When you place a batch on hold you must select a reason from the list of values. If you do not find a suitable reason in the list, you can define a new hold reason using the Lookups.

To define a new hold reason

  1. Log in to Oracle Forms with the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Application > Lookups.

  3. Search for Process Manufacturing Process Execution. Select it and click Go. A list of lookups is displayed..

  4. Click the Update icon for the Select Batch Onhold Reason Types. The Update Lookup Type: Batch Onhold Reason Types window appears.

  5. In the Lookup Codes section, click the Add Another Row icon.

  6. Enter a valid Code, a valid lookup Meaning and a brief Description for your lookup.

  7. Optionally, enter a Tag to describe your lookup.

  8. Enter the Effective Dates between which this Lookup will be active. If you do not enter a start date, your Lookup is valid immediately.

  9. Select or clear the Enabled check box to indicate whether applications can use your Lookup. If you do not select this check box, users cannot insert additional records using your lookup, but can query records that already use this Lookup.

  10. Click Apply.

Releasing a Batch Hold

Once a batch is placed on hold, the further processing of the batch is completely stopped or paused, depending on the hold type, until the hold is released. Once the issue stopping processing of the batch is resolved, you can release the hold and further processing of the batch is allowed. If you want to change the hold type for a batch, you must first release the hold and change the status to No Hold and then again place the batch on hold with a different hold type.


To release a batch hold

  1. Navigate to the Batch Details window.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Hold Release. The Batch Onhold window appears.

  3. Hold Type displays the current hold mode for the batch.

  4. Hold Reason displays the reason that you selected when you placed the batch on hold.

  5. The Start Date field displays the date on which the batch was placed on hold.

  6. Hold Comments displays additional information that you entered when you placed the batch on hold.

  7. Enter any additional information in the Release Comments field.

  8. The End Date field is populated with the current system date.

  9. Click OK to release the batch hold or click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Batch Details window.

Viewing Hold History for a Batch

The Hold History button provides access to the Hold History window for the selected batch. While creating or releasing a batch hold, you can view the previous dates and reasons for holding or releasing the batch. This window displays and allows you to review all the details for the selected batch that were entered at the time of creating or releasing a hold such as hold type, hold reason, start date, end date, hold comments and release comments.

To view hold history for a batch

  1. Navigate to the Batch Onhold window.

  2. Click the Hold History button. The Hold History window appears and displays all the details of the selected batch.