Copying Quotes

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Copying a Quote

In Oracle Quoting, you can copy existing quotes to create new quotes. You can copy quotes for the same or to a different customer.

You can copy attributes of quote header and quote line for same or different customer.

Copying a Quote

You can copy a quote to make a new quote or make a new version of an existing quote. When a quote is copied, some information is carried over to the new quote.

Note: If the profile option ASO: Enable Item Orderability is set to Yes, the application verifies the item orderability rules when you copy a quote to a different customer or account number. If the products in the quote line are not orderable, you cannot create a copy of the quote.

Table Copy Quote Behavior details the information that is moved to the new quote or new version.

Copy Quote Behavior
  Copy to New Quote Copy to New Version (HTML UI only)
Quote Yes Yes
Quote Number No Yes
Version Number No No
Opportunity No Yes
Contract Template Yes Yes
Contract Clauses and User Variables Yes Yes
Contract Acceptance details No No
Contract Attachments (Supporting Document and Contract category documents) Yes Yes
Contracts Deviation Abstract Yes Yes
Expiration Date No Yes
Status No No
Published Flag No No
Sales Channel Yes Yes
Campaign Yes Yes
Primary Salesperson Yes Yes
Primary Sales Group Yes Yes
Order Number No No
Customer (party and account) Yes Yes
Contact Yes Yes
Quote-To Address Yes Yes
Ship-To Customer (Party and Account)/Contact/Address at Header Level and Line Level Yes Yes
Shipping Method, Shipping Instructions, Packing Instructions, Requested Delivery Date at Header and Line Level Yes Yes
Bill-To Customer (Party and Account)/Contact/Address at Header Level and Line Level Yes Yes
Payment Terms at Header and Line Level Yes Yes
Payment and Tax Information at Header and Line Level Yes Yes
Regular Products, Configured Products, Services and their reference source, Quantity, and UOM Yes Yes
Manual Price Adjustments Yes Yes
Automatic Price Adjustments Yes Yes
Currency at Header Level Yes Yes
Price List at Header Level and Line Level Yes Yes
Pricing Agreement at Header Level Yes Yes
Promotion Codes at Header and line Level Yes Yes
Line Types Yes Yes
Line Category Code Yes Yes
Order Type Yes Yes
Sales Credits at Header and Line Levels Yes Yes
Attachments No Yes
Notes No Yes
Tasks No Yes
Descriptive Flexfields at the Header and Line Level Yes Yes
Sales Team No (if ASO: Automatic Sales Team is set to None)
Yes (if ASO: Automatic Sales Team is set to Full or Partial)
Yes, irrespective of the settings in the profile
Approval History No Yes
Sales Supplement No Yes
Pricing Updated On No No
Pricing Status See Table- Behavior of Quote Pricing Flags when a Quote is Copied See Table- Behavior of Quote Pricing Flags when a Quote is Versioned
Tax Updated On No No
Tax Status No No
Assistance Requested No Yes
Assistance Reason Code No Yes
Behavior of Quote Pricing Flags when a Quote is Copied
Source Quote - Current State Source Quote - State after Copy Destination Quote - State after Copy
Automatic Price Flags - Incomplete or Complete with a price affecting change pending Complete Complete
Automatic Price Flags - Complete indicator Complete Complete
Automatic Price Flags - Incomplete while the quote is submitted for batch processing Incomplete Complete
Manual Price Flags - Incomplete or Complete with a price affecting change pending Incomplete Incomplete
Manual Price Flags - Complete Complete Incomplete
Manual Price Flag - Incomplete while the quote is submitted for batch processing Incomplete Incomplete
Behavior of Quote Pricing Flags when a Quote is Versioned
Source Quote - Current State Source Quote - State after Copy Destination Quote - State after Copy
Automatic Price Flags - Incomplete or Complete with a price affecting change pending Complete Complete
Automatic Price Flags - Complete indicator Complete Complete
Manual Price Flags - Incomplete or Complete with a price affecting change pending Incomplete Incomplete
Manual Price Flags - Complete Complete Incomplete