

Advanced Pricing
A member of the Oracle Order Management and Logistics application module. It is integrated within Oracle Quoting, as a setup mechanism and pricing engine that executes pricing and promotional calculations for Order Management.
AK region
Area where a user with Application Developer Common Module responsibility can customize specific areas of responsibility and modify LOVs, drop down menus, buttons, and regions in the HTML UI.
AME Action
An Action is the Then part of an Approval Rule that specifies how the application must progress a transaction's approval process in a particular way depending on the conditions met.
AME Action Type
An Action Type is the generic type of specific actions. It enables you to specify the action to take if a transaction meets the condition of an approval rule. The action type, thus, generates the appropriate approvers for a transaction. As an AME administrator you can make particular action types available for specified transaction types.
AME Approver Groups
An Approver Group is a collection of approvers you define, which you can include as part of actions when you set up your approval rules.
AME Approval Rule
A business rule that determines a transaction's approval process. You construct rules using conditions and actions. For example, you can write a business rule with the conditions that if the total cost of a transaction is less than 1000 USD, and the transaction is for travel expenses, then the action must be to obtain approval from the immediate supervisor of the person triggering the transaction.
AME Attribute
AME Attributes are the business facts of a transaction, such as the total amount of a transaction, percentage of a discount, an item's category, or a person's salary and so on. These business variables form part of the conditions of an approval rule, and determine how the transaction must progress for approvals.
AME Condition
A Condition is the If part of an Approval Rule that specifies the conditions a transaction must meet to trigger an approval action. A condition consists of an attribute, which is a business variable, and a set of attribute values that you can define. When a transaction meets the specified attribute values, then the application triggers the appropriate action.
AME Parallelization Configuration
Parallelization configuration refers to the configuration setup that can result in parallel approver list. At least one of the following AME configuration variables must be set to enable parallelization:
  • Production functionality (not supported in Oracle Quoting)

  • Allow FYI approvers

  • Approver type apart from HR People and FND Users

  • Item class level approvers

  • Any other setup that can result in parallel approver list (example: approvers with the same order number, first responder wins)

AME Transaction Type
An integrating application that uses AME may divide its transactions into several categories, where each category requires a distinct set of approval rules. Each set of rules is a transaction type. Different transaction types can use the same attribute name to represent values that the application fetches from different places. This enables several transaction types to share approval rules, thus facilitating a uniform approval policy across multiple transaction types.
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a published interface to accomplish a business or scientific function. An API defines a contract to its users by guaranteeing a published interface, but hides its implementation details.
Approval Canceled
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting, indicating that the sales representative has canceled the approval process.
Approval Pending
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting, indicating that the quote is pending approval, and is read-only.
Approval Rejected
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting, indicating that the approval has been rejected by the approvers.
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting, indicating that the quote has been approved by the necessary approvers.
Oracle Accounts Receivable, which is a component of the Oracle Financials application module.
Availability to Promise. The quantity of current on-hand stock, outstanding receipts and planned production that has not been committed through a reservation or placing demand. In Oracle Inventory, you define the types of supply and demand that should be included in your ATP calculation.
Attachments such as documents or URLs for a single line item on a quote.
The percentage or amount of scheduled time that a computing system provides application service.
batch pricing
The entire quote is priced including any manual/automatic adjustments, pricing qualifiers, pricing attributes and promotions via a concurrent manager in the Advanced Pricing module. The quote is considered fully priced after such a pricing call.
Bill To customer
The name and financial account of the customer who is invoiced for the goods or service ordered.
BOM item type
An item classification that determines the items you can use as components in a Bill of Material. BOM item types include standard, model, option class, and planning items.
business event
An occurrence in an internet or intranet application or program that might be significant to other objects in a system or to external agents.
Referring to an itemized level that is below a referenced level.
The business and legal content that describes the rights and obligations of a business when transacting with other businesses.
Information from two fields merged together in the output.
A member for the Oracle Order Management and Logistics application module. It is integrated within Oracle Quoting, and allows customers to pick related products to products they have already selected and configure model products.
A contact is an individual that represents an organization.
container model
A type of BOM Model that you import from Oracle Bills of Material into Oracle Configurator Developer to create configuration models containing connectivity and trackable components. Configurations created from Container Models can be tracked and updated in Oracle Install Base. Also called Network Container Model.
A legally binding business document that specifies agreement between business entities with contract terms for present or future transactions between them with obligations and entitlements identified for each party of that contract to serve within the legal framework.
contract approval
Approval process whereby the contract terms within the sales contract are reviewed and approved by the legal experts before release to the customer. The sales management team themselves may approve actual changes that are made.
credit check
Ability to gauge customer credit worthiness during the quoting process. Oracle Order Management's credit check is integrated with Quoting.
cross-reference item number
A cross-reference item number is defined in Oracle Inventory as an alternative way of referencing the internal inventory item number. The cross-reference item number and cross-reference type combination defines an inventory item.
cross-reference type
Cross-reference type defines the relationship between items and entities, such as old item numbers or supplier item numbers.
A cross-sell item is an item that you can sell as an addition to an item in your quote.
customer item number
Defined in Oracle Inventory as an alternative way of referencing the internal inventory item number for an external customer, also known as customer part number. Customers can specify the mapping of the part number to the corresponding inventory item number in Oracle Inventory.
date field
A field in which the user may only enter or select a date.
demand class
Demand classes allow you to segregate demand into user-defined groups.
descriptive flexfield
A field that your organization can extend to capture extra information not otherwise tracked by Oracle Applications. A descriptive flexfield appears in your window as a single character, unnamed field. Your organization can customize this field to capture additional information unique to your business.
Reduces the price by a fixed amount or percentage, or provides a new price.
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting, indicating the initial status of the quote.
A quote is considered to be in an executable state if there is a valid transition from the current quote status to Order Submitted status.
expense item
Anything you make, purchase, or sell including components, subassemblies, finished products, or supplies and that does not carry a cost. Also known as a non-asset item.
financial account
Information for a customer that provides their Quote To, Bill To, Ship To and Sold To information. Also provides an account number for the customer.
Forms UI
User interface developed with a Forms based platform.
fuzzy search
Widens the scope of a search and finds data comparable to the search criteria. The fuzzy search method uses Word Replacement Rules to map a word, abbreviation, or special character that might be entered by a user as a search criteria to a similar word.
header level
Level of information for a quote that contains information not related to individual products, licenses, services, or prices.
User interface developed on an HTML platform.
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting indicating that no further activity is allowed on the quote.
installed base
A customer's installed base lists the products and services installed at the customer site.
A single representation of an item.
A text search utility that allows keyword searches for greater flexibility when conducting searches. Oracle interMedia is known as Oracle Text from Oracle Database 11g.
inventory item
Defined in Oracle Inventory with an internal inventory item number. The inventory item uniquely identifies a product, service, or item that is available for purchase. Also known as Internal Part Number.
item attribute
A feature associated with a particular item type, also known as an item attribute. An item type attribute is defined as a variable whose value can be looked up and set by the application that maintains the item. An item type attribute and its value is available to all activities in a process.
line level
All information associated with a line. It can include price list, adjustment, sales credit, and tax detail information.
A quote status indicating that the customer did not accept the quote.
A list of valid values in a text field, from which the user must choose.
LOV text field
A field where the user may either choose a value from an LOV, or type in the name of the value. The typed value must be a value existing in the LOV.
mandatory field
Field that must be filled out by the user in order to move to the next field or form.
max version flag
Assigned to a quote version. The attribute indicates the primary version of a quote. If the max version flag is set, the quote is updateable; otherwise, the quote is rendered as read-only. The max version flag can be set for only one quote version of a given quote.
model configuration
The top level model and its components are referred as model configuration. These components can be selected by the user or system.
multiple instantiation
The ability to configure a child model of a top level multiple times in the same configuration. The child model is only listed in the BOM once but can be spawned as many times as needed in the configuration.
non-quota sales credit
See non-revenue sales credit.
non-revenue sales credit
Sales credit you assign to your salespeople not associated with your invoice lines. This is sales credit given in excess of your revenue sales credit.
numeric field
A field where the user may only enter numeric values.
optional field
Field that is not required by the user to be filled in order to move to the next field or form.
An opportunity is created in Oracle Sales or Oracle Telesales, whereby a sales representative initiates the sales process with initial customer contact, or lead, and ends when the sales representative creates a sale or loses the sale. The stored information is stored as an opportunity. Quotes can be created from opportunities in Oracle Quoting.
Oracle Approvals Management Engine (AME)
A highly extensible approvals rules engine that enables organizations implementing Oracle Applications to simply and effectively define business rules that determine who must approve a transaction originating within an application. You can devise simple or complex rules, as your organization requires, which then form part of your overall business flow. A central repository holds all the rules to facilitate management and sharing between business processes.
Order Submitted
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting indicating that the quote has been submitted as an order to Oracle Order Management.
order type
An order transaction type can be for any of the following order categories: ORDER, RETURN or MIXED. Line transaction types can be for any of the categories: ORDER or RETURN. When an order is created with a particular transaction type, the order category code determines which lines are permitted for that order. If the category code is ORDER, then the order can have only regular Lines. If the category code is RETURN, then the order can have only return lines. If the category code is MIXED, then the order can have both kinds of lines.
price list
Price lists contain prices and currencies associated with products and services.
product number
Unique instance identifier in Installed Base.
profile option
Features in the Oracle Quoting application that one can set to affect the appearance, performance and functionality of the application according to each user. Can also be set at site, application and responsibility levels.
quota sales credits
See revenue sales credit, non-revenue sales credit.
A quote is an offer to a customer that contains priced items and shows a total price for the offer. You create a quote when you accumulate items and any associated services and save it.
Quote To customer
The person or organization for whom the quote is being created for.
quote number
Oracle Quoting automatically assigns a quote number to the quote if the profile option ASO: Automatic Numbering is set to Yes. The quote number is composed of the quote number itself and a version number that increments each time a new quote version is created.
quote status
The quote status indicates the stage of preparation that a quote is in. There are seeded quote statuses: Approval Canceled, Approval Pending, Approval Rejected, Approved, Draft, Inactive, Order Submitted, and Store Draft.
quote version
The quote version, which is part of the quote number, indicates the latest version of the quote. The version increments when the status of the quote is changed or if the quote is copied into a revision.
read-only field
Changes cannot be made to the information, if any, in a read-only field, it can only be viewed.
The ability to make changes to a configured model that has already been purchased by the Quote To customer.
related items
An acceptable substitute you define for an item so you may receive the item if your supplier cannot ship the original item on the purchase order.
The customer is purchasing a model with the same configuration from a previous order.
Anything of value, except material and cash, required to manufacture, cost, and schedule products. Resources include people, tools, machines, labor purchased from a supplier, and physical space.
An item attribute indicating that an item can be used for a trade-in.
revenue sales credit
Sales credit you assign to your salespeople that is based on your invoice lines. The total percentage of all revenue sales credit must be equal to 100% of your invoice lines amount. Also known as quota sales credits. See non-revenue sales credit.
One or more users grouped by a common responsibility or position.
role types
A collection of roles associated with a particular CRM module.
search string
Parameters entered into the criteria field when a user conducts a search.
A part of the form that is delineated from the other parts of the form by borders and/or a category name for the section.
Data already included and/or already a part of the standard Oracle Quoting application.
serviceable, serviceable item
An item attribute indicating that a service can be associated with the item.
service reference
A form that links a service to its associated serviceable item.
An item attribute indicating that the item can be shipped.
Ship To customer
The name and financial account information of the customer to whom the goods or services are delivered.
shopping cart
A collection of items that a customer selects for purchase in an Oracle iStore Web store. In the context of the quote creator, the shopping cart is referred to as a quote.
Sold To customer
The name and financial account of the customer. The Sold To customer is financially responsible for the order.
Store Draft
A seeded quote status in Oracle Quoting that indicates the quote is for Oracle iStore internal use only. Allows Oracle iStore to have a Draft to Order flow that is separate from Oracle Quoting.
A substitute item is an item you can substitute for one that is not currently available.
subtotal (selling price)
Specifies the total selling price for the quote. This amount does not include the taxes and freight charges.
Increases the price by a fixed amount or percentage or provides a new price.
system administrator
Individuals who have the ability to set profile options and define users.
taxpayer identification number
Also known as fiscal code or NIF.
taxpayer registration number
Also known as Value Added Tax (VAT) number.
tax exempt
A customer, business purpose, or item to which tax charges do not apply.
A Forms-based application which is part of the Oracle Sales application module. It integrates with Oracle Quoting to complete the Opportunity to Quote to Order sales cycle.
trade-in, trade-in item
A trade-in is performed when a customer wants to return an item for credit against an order.
User Interface.
Unit of measure.
An up-sell item is a more expensive model that you can substitute for an item in your quote.
web publish
Publishing a quote to a customer via the web, where the quote can be viewed by the customer via web instead of a hard copy or fax.