Implementing Site Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Implementing Site Management Chapter

This chapter describes the how to set up and manage sites in Oracle iStore.

This chapter assumes you have performed the required implementation tasks outlined in the chapters: Verify Mandatory Dependencies, and Implementation Tasks for Oracle iStore.

Site Management Overview

The Oracle iStore Site Administration Application is a complete online store management tool. Several concepts for site management are discussed the sections below. Site setup steps begin in the "Creating Sites" section, later in this chapter.

Introduction to Sites

A cornerstone of online business today is the ability to reach a global customer base. Without this capability, Web stores are restricted to selling to a limited audience, thus severely reducing the market for their products. Oracle iStore addresses this fundamental requirement by providing the ability to create multiple sites which support online business in almost any country, currency, or language.

For an introduction and overview of Oracle iStore, see the chapter, Introduction.

Using Oracle iStore sites, you can:

You can also integrate your sites with the Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management applications -- See the section, "Implementing Integrated Business Partner and Support Sites", within this chapter, to begin understanding the capabilities of this functionality.

Site Concepts

In the context of Oracle iStore, a site is any site that the administrator creates using the Site Administration UI. After you map a site to a customer responsibility and save it, you have created a specialty site. Multiple specialty sites can exist within one site, as each site-responsibility combination is considered a specialty site. All specialty sites within a site utilize the same site parameters. In the Customer Application, specialty sites are listed in the Site Selection Page -- which specialty sites display to users is based on setup parameters, customer responsibility, and any permission checking or access restrictions set up for the sites.

Additional Points

These additional points can aid your understanding of site creation and maintenance:

Site Group Navigation Logic and Guidelines

Sites can be categorized into groups for display purposes in the Customer Application. Three seeded groups are available for Oracle iStore and the two other integrating applications for which Oracle iStore offers end-user support, Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management. The seeded group names are: Stores, Support, and Partners. The names of the groups are extensible lookups, allowing you to change the names to whatever names you wish, or to create new group names. The Site Selection Page features a drop-list via which users can filter the groups that display. The groups also can be used for displaying navigation bins in the Customer Application. (Refer to the "See also" points at the end of this section for links to additional information.) Following are some navigation logic points and guidelines to aid your understanding of site groups.

See the following sections for additional information:

Creating Sites

This section details how to create sites.

Create a Site: Getting Started and Entering Basic Information

You begin the site creation process by entering basic information for a site, such as name, description, and default parameters. To remove a site from operation, you must end-date it.

To start site creation, log in to the Site Administration Application as iStore Administrator, and select Create a Site in the Sites page.


Use the following guidelines as you start building a site:

Create a Site: Assigning Languages

Your implementation will be installed with a single language known as the base language. The base language cannot be changed or deleted from the Site Administration Application. Languages in addition to the base language must be first installed and implemented in Oracle Applications before they will appear in the Site Administration UI. In addition, your implementation must be multiple-organization enabled. See the chapter, Implementing Globalization and Multi-Org Architecture, for more information.

To assign additional languages, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Language hyperlink.


Use the following guidelines as you assign languages:

Create a Site: Assigning Currencies

Currencies must be set up in Oracle General Ledger before they can be selected in the Site Administration Application. See the Oracle General Ledger User Guide for more information.

To assign currencies, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Pricing hyperlink. The currency selection will not be saved to the database until corresponding price lists are selected and saved.

Create a Site: Assigning Price Lists

Price lists must be set up in the pricing application before they can be selected in the Site Administration UI. Since the iStore Administration Application is not operating unit (OU) aware, the list of available price lists displays all existing price lists. If a price list is set up as OU-specific, then be sure to associate this price list only to sites whose associated customer responsibilities are linked to the OU where the price list is enabled.

Note: The maximum amount field on the Pricing page is a placeholder, and iStore does not enforce this by default. It is provided on the UI only for customization purposes.

To assign currencies, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Pricing hyperlink.


Use the following guidelines as you assign price lists:

Create a Site: Assigning Payment Types

Payment types must first be set up in Oracle Applications before they can be selected in the Site Administration Application. Only the payment types supported by a site will display in the Customer Application.

To assign currencies, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Payment hyperlink.


Use the following guidelines as you assign payment types:

Create a Site: Assigning Shipping Methods

Shipping methods must be set up in the Oracle Forms Shipping menus before they will display in the Site Administration Application. Only the shipping methods supported by a site will display in the Customer Application.

To assign shipping methods, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Shipping hyperlink.

Create a Site: Assigning Responsibilities (Creating Specialty Sites)

You must assign at least one customer responsibility to a site. Each iteration of a site plus a responsibility makes a specialty site.

To assign responsibilities, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Responsibility hyperlink.


Use the following guidelines as you assign responsibilities:

Create a Site: Manually Ordering Specialty Site Display Names

Oracle iStore allows you to manually re-order the display order of the specialty sites in the Site Selection Page.

To set display order, in the Site Administration Application, update a site, select the Responsibility hyperlink, and then the Display Order button.


Use the following guidelines as you order display names:

Create a Site: Assigning Order Types

Oracle iStore allows you to assign an Order Type for a Site and Responsibility combination on the Site Administration Responsibility page. You can search and select an active order type from a list of values specified in the Order Type column defined in Order Management. Order Type is an optional field, and can be left blank on the Site Administration Responsibility page. If the order type is left blank, then the value set for the IBE: Default Order Type iStore profile option will be used when placing an order. If there is no value specified for the IBE: Default Order Type iStore profile option, then the value set for the Oracle Quoting parameter will be used when placing an order. For more information on the IBE: Default Order Type iStore profile option, see the appendix, Profile Options. For more information on the Oracle Quoting parameter, see the Oracle Quoting Implementation Guide.


To define an order type associated with a Site and Responsibility combination in the Site Administration Application, select an iStore site, then select the Responsibility hyperlink, and then click on the Order Type Search icon. This enables merchants to define the default Order Type for a minisite without having to rely on the IBE: Default Order Type iStore profile option. Use the following guidelines to search and select the Order Type:

Create a Site: Assigning Groups

Oracle iStore allows you to organize specialty sites into groups. Grouping sites is useful for many reasons, as described in the guidelines below.

To assign sites to groups, in the Site Administration Application, update a site, select the Responsibility hyperlink, and then the Assign Groups icon in the appropriate row.


Use the following guidelines as you assign groups:

See also: "Site Concepts" section within this chapter

Create a Site: Setting Organization Access Restrictions

Access restrictions allow you to control a B2B user's access to the Customer Application based on his organization.

To set organization access restrictions, in the Site Administration Application, update a site and select the Access hyperlink.


When you use access restrictions, you do one of the following:

Create a Site: Setting Payment Threshold

Payment Threshold functionality allows you to enable only certain payment types in your specialty sites when a user places an order whose amount is under the threshold amount. See the section, "Using Payment Types Threshold", in the chapter, Implementing Pricing.

Implementing Integrated Business Partner and Support Sites

Oracle iStore supports integrating the Customer Application with Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management. This close integration allows comprehensive B2B customer support and extensive B2B cooperative abilities, including:

For more information on the integrations with Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management, see the chapters: Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle iSupport, and Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Partner Management.

Navigation Behavior with Integrated Applications

When integrating your sites with Oracle iSupport and/or Oracle Partner Management, you can expect the following navigation behavior:

The Login, Logout, and Register icons call Oracle iStore processing pages and direct users to Oracle iStore pages, following Oracle iStore logic. The Dashboard icon allows users to return to the Dashboard (Customer Application).

Privacy Policy

Implementers can institute a privacy preference policy in the Customer Application. The policy consists of a hyperlink displayed in the Customer Application pages which then leads users to a page displaying a standard privacy statement.

Privacy Policy Process Flow

Following is the process flow for the privacy policy in the Customer Application:

  1. A user selects the Privacy Statement link present on all Customer Application pages.

  2. The user views the contents of the privacy statement.

  3. When done viewing the privacy statement, the user selects a global icon to navigate to other areas of the Customer Application.

Implementing Privacy Policy

Use the steps in this section to set up the Privacy Policy feature.

Step 1 - Set Profile Option

Set the profile option, IBE: Display Privacy Statement, to Yes at site level, to enable the Privacy Statement link.

Step 2 - Map Policy Statement to Media Object

Oracle iStore provides a JSP that includes a media object and the update preferences link. The media object is called: Store Privacy Statement. The programmatic access name is STORE_PRIVACY_STATEMENT. The media object has the following default content: You need to customize this page to display your privacy statement. To provide a unique privacy statement, create an HTML file and map it to the media object. For instructions how to map media objects to files, see the chapter, Implementing Content.

Integrated Site Management Sample Business Flows

The following business flows and related diagrams can aid your understanding of possible integrated application scenarios:

User Navigates to Integrated Applications from Single Shared Site

Note that this sample scenario assumes: Your implementation navigates users to the Site Selection Page by default (see the chapter, Implementing Initial Customer Application Pages, for information on the default landing page options), and that the user is already registered.

  1. A user approaches the Web site.

    • If only one site is available to the user, he is forwarded to the Site Home Page as a guest user. From this page, he can log in and access the Site Home Page as a logged-in user.

    • If a multiple sites are available to the user, the user can select a site from the Site Selection Page, and if guest user access is allowed, he is taken to the Site Home Page as a guest user. From here, he can sign in and access the Site Home Page as a signed-in user.

    • The user also can log in from the Site Selection Page. In this case, after login, he is re-directed to the Site Selection Page, where all available sites are displayed. Then he can select a site and access the Site Home Page as a signed-in user.

    • If no guest user access is allowed in any sites, or if the user has elected to log in, then the Login page is displayed.

  2. Assuming that the site is associated to a responsibility that integrates Oracle iStore, Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management the user can:

    • Select the Partner Program link in the Partner Program Bin and navigate to program enrollments.

    • Navigate to Oracle iSupport through the Quick Links navigation bin displayed under the Support tab. In Oracle iSupport, he can access service requests, the knowledge base, and forums, depending upon how Oracle iSupport is implemented. He can return to the Site Home Page by selecting the Dashboard navigation icon from Oracle iSupport.

    • Navigate to Oracle Partner Management through the Quick Links navigation bin displayed under the Partners tab. In the Oracle Partner Management application, he can access opportunities, customers, and forecasts, depending upon the Oracle Partner Management implementation. He can return to the Site Home Page by selecting the Dashboard navigation icon from Oracle Partner Management.

    • Browse the catalog, potentially adding products to shopping carts and placing orders.

    • Select the Sites navigation icon to access additional sites, if additional sites are available to him.

Partner-related functionality is available only when Oracle Partner Management users are implemented.

The following figure shows this flow.

User Navigates to Integrated Applications from Single Shared Site

the picture is described in the document text

Partner Navigates to Integrated Applications from Multiple Sites

Note that this sample scenario assumes: Your implementation navigates users to the Site Selection Page by default (see the chapter, Implementing Initial Customer Application Pages, for information on the default landing page options), and that the user is already registered.

  1. A user approaches the Web site.

    • If only one site is available to the user and guest user access is allowed, he is forwarded to the Site Home Page. From this page, he can log in and access the Site Home Page as a signed-in user.

    • If a multiple sites are available to the user, the user can select a site in a group from the Site Selection Page, and if guest user access is allowed, he is taken to the Site Home Page as a guest user. From here, he can log in and access the Site Home Page as a signed-in user.

    • The user also can log in from the Site Selection Page. In this case, after login, he is re-directed to the Site Selection Page, where all available sites are displayed. Then he can select a site and access the Site Home Page as a signed-in user.

    • If no guest user access is allowed in any sites, or if the user has elected to log in, then the Login page is displayed.

  2. Assuming integration with Oracle iSupport and Oracle Partner Management is in place, the user can:

    • Browse the catalog, potentially adding products to shopping carts and placing orders.

    • Navigate to Support sites through the Support Group Bin. In the Support site, the user can select links within the Quick Links Bin and access service requests, the knowledge base, and forums, depending upon how Oracle iSupport is implemented. He can return to the Support Site Home Page by selecting the Dashboard navigation icon from Oracle iSupport.

    • Navigate to Partner Sites through the Partners Group Bin. From the Partner Site Home Page, user can select the Partner Program link in the Partner Program Bin and navigate to program enrollments, or navigate to Oracle Partner Management through the Quick Links navigation bin. In the Oracle Partner Management application, he can access opportunities, customers, and forecasts, depending upon the Oracle Partner Management implementation. He can return to the Partner Site Home Page by selecting the Dashboard navigation icon from Oracle Partner Management.

    • Select the Sites navigation icon to access additional sites, if additional sites are available to him.

The following figure shows this flow.

Partner Navigates to Integrated Applications from Multiple Sites

the picture is described in the document text