Oracle Field Service Command Center

This chapter covers the following topics:

Field Service Command Center User Interface


Oracle Field Service Command Center enables you to search and filter Field Service Task Summary data. Field Service managers can use the Tasks Summary Dashboard to view and analyze performance data using metrics, charts, graphs, and tables. Field Service managers can use the Charges Dashboard to ensure that your customers are billed as soon as a service is provided.

Using the Tasks Summary Dashboard, the Field Service manager can:

Note: You can use the Field Service Command Center only after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC Overview information, see Overview of Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the dashboard sidebar to refine (filter) the data on each dashboard. You can also Search using a keyword, value, or a specific record. The type-ahead feature suggests matches for your entry that correspond to the selected data set. When you submit a search, the search term is added to the Selected Refinements list, and the dashboard data is refined to include only records that match the search. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time. Using Saved Searches, you can create and save your searches and refer to them later. You can also edit and delete saved searches.

Use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see Search in Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Field Service Tasks Summary Dashboard

Use the Field Service Tasks Summary dashboard to view Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics for evaluating the efficiency of field operations. You can drill down into task alerts and technician performance information using guided navigation, tag cloud, charts, and a results table that displays attributes and various dimensions. You can also compare and export selected results table data.

The following is a partial display of the Field Service Tasks Summary dashboard.

From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Field Service Tasks Summary dashboard:

(N) Field Service Manager > Tasks Summary Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

The following describes the Field Service Tasks Summary dashboard regions and components:

Component Description
Tasks Summary (tab layout)
Task Alerts (tab)
The Task Alerts summary bar displays the following metrics:
  • Open

    This metric displays the number of open tasks.

  • Work in Progress

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that have been scheduled and begun.

  • Delayed Start

    This metric displays the number of tasks that did not start as scheduled.

  • Delayed Finish

    This metric displays the number of tasks that did not finish as scheduled.

  • Unscheduled Tasks

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that have not been scheduled but have an assignee.

  • Tasks at Risk

    This metric displays the number of tasks that are at risk of missing the expected resolution date of the service request.

  • Overdue Tasks

    This metric displays the number of tasks that have not met the scheduled end date or resolution date of the service request.

Note: Click a metric to refine dashboard results by that metric. The metric is then displayed as a filter in the selected refinements region.

Tasks Summary (tab layout)
Technician Performance (tab)
The Technician Performance summary bar displays the following metrics:
  • Started-on-time Percentage

    This metric displays the percentage of tasks that started on time.

  • Finished-on-time ercentage

    This metric displays the percentage of tasks that finished on time.

  • First-Time-Fix Percentage

    This metric displays the percentage of tasks that were fixed during the first visit.

  • Tasks per Technician

    This metric displays the average number of tasks per technician.

  • Rescheduled Tasks Percentage

    This metric displays the percentage of tasks that have been rescheduled a minimum of one time.

Task Number (Count Distinct) by Customer (tag cloud) The Task Number (Count Distinct) by Customer tag cloud displays the most active customers. Customers appear in relative sizes based on the least active (smallest) to most active (largest). Click on a customer in the tag cloud to refine and filter information for that customer.
Charts (tab layout)
Open Task Timeline (tab)
The Expected Resolution Timeline chart displays the number of open tasks by service request resolution due dates. Click the Options icon to select dimensions to filter and display open task information. You can hover over each bar in the chart to view details for that metric. You can also click on each bar and metric in the chart to filter and refine the dashboard data.
The Task Number (Count Distinct) by (Group Dimension) and (Dimension) chart displays the number of tasks by selected group dimensions. Click the Options icon and select dimensions. This filters and displays open task information for these selected dimensions. You can hover over each bar in the chart to view details for that metric. You can also click on each bar and metric in the chart to filter and refine the dashboard data.
Charts (tab layout)
Task Distribution (tab)
The Task Distribution charts display the number of open tasks and the distribution of these tasks across selected dimension attributes. Click the options icon for each chart to select dimension attributes to filter and display open task information. You can hover over each bar in the chart to view details for that metric. You can also click on a bar or metric in the chart to filter and refine the dashboard data.
Charts (tab layout)
Task Contraints (tab)
The Task Constraints summary bar displays the following metrics:
  • Parts Required

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that require parts to resolve an issue.

  • Skills Required

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that have skill requirements defined.

  • Customer Confirmation

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that require customer confirmation for the resolution of an issue.

  • After Hours Instructions

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that have after hours instructions for technicians.

  • Access Hours Enforced

    This metric displays the number of open tasks that have customer site access hours restrictions.

Note: Click on any of the above summary bar metrics to filter and refine the data on the Field Service Tasks Summary dashboard.

The Task Number chart displays the number of tasks by selected task constraints (dimensions).
The Number of Required Parts or Skills (Sum) chart displays the number of required parts or skills by the selected metric attribute.
Click the Options icon for each chart to select dimensions to filter and display open task information. You can hover over each bar in the chart to view details for that metric. You can also click on each bar and metric in the chart to filter and refine the dashboard data.
Charts (tab layout)
On Time (tab)
The Task Number by Country, Started On Time chart displays the number of tasks started on time by the selected dimensions. Click the Options icon to select dimensions to filter and display started on time task information.
Charts (tab layout)
First Time Fix (tab)
The Service Request Number by Country, First-Time-Fix chart displays the number of tasks fixed by the first attempt for the selected dimension attribute. Click the Options icon to select dimension attributes to filter and display first time fix task information.
Charts (tab layout)
Rescheduled Tasks (tab)
The Times Rescheduled (Sum) by Country chart displays the number of tasks that were rescheduled a minimum of one time for the selected dimensions. This chart also displays the distribution of these tasks based on selected dimensions. Click the Options icon to select dimension attributes to filter and display rescheduled task information.
Results Table The results table displays open task detail information. You can view task detail information by selecting attribute groups from the drop-down list. Attribute groups include Task, Service Request, Customer, Date, Time, and Product.
Click the Record Details icon to open the Task Details dialog box to view task details for the selected record.
Click the following action links to perform the following:
  • Schedule Task - Click this action link to navigate to the Schedule Task page to schedule tasks.

  • Parts Requirement - Click this action link to navigate to the Parts Requirement page to create parts requirements.

Click the Update icon for a selected record to update important task attributes. The Update Task dialog box appears where you can perform immediate updates. When you click Apply, a confirmation message appears and the record is immediately updated in the dashboard.
Click the Options icon to Compare selected records, or Export the data set.

Charges Dashboard

As a field service manager, use the Charges Dashboard to ensure that your customers are billed as soon as a service is provided.

Use the dashboard to:

From the Field Service Manager responsibility, navigate to the Charges Dashboard:

(N) Field Service Manager > Charges Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

the picture is described in the document text

Update Charge Dialog Box

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Component Description
Profit Details (summary bar) This summary bar contains the following key metrics:
  • Currency: This metric shows the list of currencies using which charge lines are created. Once you select a currency, the rest of the values on the tab are displayed using that currency.

  • Total Revenue: This metric shows the total revenue of charge lines based on the selected currency.

  • Total Cost: This metric shows the total value of the cost lines based on the selected currency.

  • Total Discount Amount: This metric shows the total value of discounts.

  • Profit or Loss: This metric shows the profit or loss, which is calculated by subtracting the Total Cost from the Total Revenue.

  • Profit or Loss Percentage: This metric shows the percentage of the profit or loss.

Distribution of Charges (chart) This chart shows the charge lines that require urgent attention. This chart displays the number of charge lines for different statuses (new, submitted, failed, needs review, and so on.) You can select dimensions to view the distribution of types and source of charge lines.
To export the chart as an image or a comma-separated values (CSV) file format, click the Options icon and select the Export action.
Distribution by Product (chart) This chart shows the number of charge lines. You can click the Options icon and select group dimensions to see the number of charge lines by attributes such as customer, billing type, service activity, and the source.
To export the chart as an image or a comma-separated values (CSV) file format, click the Options icon, and select the Export action.
Charges (results table) This results table shows attributes pertaining to charges. From the drop-down list, you can select views to display charges by:
  • Charge Details

  • Customer

  • Document Reference

  • Pricing

  • Product

You can perform the following row-level actions:
  • To view service request details for the selected record, click the Record Details icon.

  • To update the important attributes of selected charge lines, click the Update icon. The Update Charge dialog box appears. Use this to update the override unit price, quantity, UOM, price list, ship to address, bill to address, and add to order number details. To update the record immediately on the dashboard, click Update.

The following actions are available from the Options icon in this results table:
  • Export - Export the search results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

  • Compare - Select multiple rows to compare information.

  • Submit Charge Lines: Submit the selected charge lines to Order Management. The Submit Charge Lines dialog box appears. Review the details and click Submit.