Implementation Verification

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Verification

Implementation verification tasks may differ, based on which components you implement and use at the enterprise.

At minimum, every implementation requires you to create or obtain a functional script and deploy it to your environment using Script Author. Oracle recommends creating or obtaining a simple test script without custom Java and a script that includes references to custom Java.

Only scripts to be executed in the Web interface (whether executed as surveys, or as scripts executed in a Web browser from an integrated self-service Web application) require you to perform survey resource and survey campaign administration steps.

You must execute all scripts in the Scripting Engine to verify your implementation. Because there are fewer environmental factors affecting success, Oracle recommends first verifying test scripts in the Scripting Engine agent interface, even if your implementation only requires you to execute scripts in the Scripting Engine Web interface. If your enterprise requires scripts to be executed in a Web browser, then, after testing in the agent interface, you should test your scripts in the Web interface.

Other verification tasks specific to your Oracle Applications operating system or environment may apply.

This section includes the following topics:

Script Author Tasks

All implementations must be verified using one or more scripts. Oracle recommends first testing your implementation with the Scripting Engine agent interface, using a simple script with no associated custom Java. Step-by-step instructions to create and deploy a Hello World graphical test script using Script Author's standard visual tools is provided in this section for this purpose. If using the Script Wizard feature of Script Author, follow the instructions provided to create the Hello World wizard test script.

Testing a simple script with no associated custom Java by executing it in the Scripting Engine agent interface verifies that:

If your implementation requires custom Java, you must test a script that references custom Java. Oracle recommends using the regression test script posted on My Oracle Support and Oracle iSupport for that purpose. If you can successfully execute the regression test script, you quickly verify that:


You can perform the following tasks:

Creating a Hello World Graphical Test Script



Follow the steps below.

Step Perform From Action Result
1 Oracle Applications HTML Login Log into Oracle applications using the CRM Homepage login (or the Single Sign-On login, if implemented) as a user with the Scripting Administrator responsibility. The Scripting Administration console appears.
2 Scripting Administration console From the Home tab, click Launch Script Author. A new browser window opens, Oracle JInitiator launches, and the Script Author Java applet appears in a separate window.
3 File menu or Script Author Toolbar Create a new script using one of the following methods:
  • From the Script Author File menu, select New.

  • From the Script Author toolbar, click the New Script icon.

The new script window appears, with options for starting a new graphical script or a new wizard script.
4 New Script window From the New Script window, click Graphical script. A new, untitled script appears within Script Author's visual layout region (the "canvas"), including a start node.
5 Script Author Toolbar Optionally, adjust the view of the script from the Script Author toolbar. For example:
  • To display a 100% view of the canvas, click the Zoom to 100% icon.

  • To zoom in or out as required to display the entire script in the current window, click the Zoom To Fit Graph In Window icon.

  • For a closer or further view of the canvas, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out icon, respectively.

The view of the script on the canvas adjusts per your request.
6 Script Author Toolbar Click the Panel Insertion Mode icon (the blue sphere) from the toolbar to indicate you wish to insert a new panel. Script Author Toolbar
7 Script Author canvas Click once in the canvas below the start node. This action places a panel icon (shown as a blue sphere) into the canvas.
Note: Until you switch to another toolbar object or switch to toggle selection mode (performed in the next step), the current toolbar object remains selected and will continue to place objects (in this case, panels) on the canvas each time the mouse is clicked in the work area. If you prefer to disable this feature, click to clear the sticky mode option under the File menu. The option to disable sticky mode is retained only for the duration of the current Script Author session. If you prefer this option, you must select it each time you launch Script Author.
Script Author canvas
8 Script Author Toolbar Click the Toggle Selection Mode icon from the toolbar to turn off the panel insertion mode.
Note: If you clear the sticky mode option as described in the step above, selecting Toggle Selection Mode will not be required. However, when using the same toolbar tool repeatedly (when dropping multiple objects, or drawing multiple branches of the same type), you will be required to select the desired object from the toolbar each time, which is not required when sticky mode is enabled.
Script Author Toolbar
9 Script Author canvas Right-click the panel that you just added to the script. The Script Author displays a drop down menu with the following options: Edit, Edit Blob Name, and Edit Blob Properties.
Note: If the menu displayed shows only two options, Edit and Edit Blob properties, then you have not correctly selected the Panel object. Left-click to close the menu and re-select the Panel object.
Script Author canvas
10 Panel Properties window Select the Edit Blob Properties option from the menu created by right-clicking on the new panel. The Script Author displays the Panel[n] Properties window.
Note: The Script Author automatically assigns numbering to each new panel created (represented by [n] above) to enforce unique panel names. When you type a value in the Name field of the panel properties (such as "Hello") and apply the change, the value you entered replaces the [n] as the new name of the panel you have just created. For example, Panel5 Properties becomes PanelHello Properties. For the sake of simplicity, the name of each new panel (the value of [n]) will be excluded in these instructions, and the window will be referred to generically as the Panel Properties window.
Panel Properties window
11 Panel Properties window In the Panel Properties window, input the following values in the prescribed fields:
Name: Overwrite the default "Panel[n]" entry and type hello.
From this point on, only the values you should enter will be provided. In each case, overwrite the default entry.
Comments: Leave blank
Label: Greeting
Panel Properties window
12 Panel Properties window Click Apply in the Panel Properties window.
Note: Clicking the Apply button saves the values entered or changed (just as if you had clicked the Ok button), but leaves the window open for additional work.
Panel Properties window
13 Panel Properties window Click the Answers property displayed on the left pane of the Panel Properties window. The right pane of the window changes to display a text area which will list any questions - also known as answer definitions - that you define for the script. Panel Properties window
14 Panel Properties window Click the Add button, which is immediately below the Answers text area. The Answer Entry Dialog window appears. Panel Properties window
15 Answer Entry Dialog window Provide the following values for the fields in the Answer Entry Dialog window:
Default for Distinct Branching: Selecting this check box is optional. Panels which do not use distinct branching are not required to enable this property.
Name: helloAnswer
UI Type: Button
Label for Reporting: Leave blank
Answer Entry Dialog window
16 Panel Properties window From the bottom of the Answer Entry Dialog window, click the Edit Data Dictionary button. The application displays the Edit Data Dictionary dialog. Panel Properties window
17 Edit Data Dictionary dialog Select the Lookups tab.
Note: Lookup values are referred to in the Script Wizard as answer choices.
Edit Data Dictionary dialog
18 Edit Data Dictionary dialog On the Lookups tab, click the Specify lookups radio button. The Lookups list and its corresponding Add button enable. This list is currently empty. Edit Data Dictionary dialog
19 Lookup entry dialog Click the Add button. The application displays the Lookup entry dialog. Lookup entry dialog
20 Lookup entry dialogEdit Data Dictionary dialog In the Lookup entry dialog, assign the following values to the fields:
Display Value: Continue
Value: Continue
Click Ok to close the Lookup entry dialog and return to the Edit Data Dictionary dialog.
Click Ok to close the Edit Data Dictionary dialog and return to the Answer Entry Dialog window.
Lookup entry dialogEdit Data Dictionary dialog
21 Panel Properties window Click Ok to close the Answer Entry Dialog window. The answer that you have defined now appears in the Answers text area in the Panel Properties window. It should appear as an entry with the name Answer:helloAnswer (default). Panel Properties window
22 Panel Properties window Click Ok to close the Panel Properties window. On the canvas below the start node, the panel (for which you have just configured name and answer properties) appears. Panel Properties window
24 Panel layout editor Toolbar When the panel layout editor opens, representative controls for any answers you have defined appear on the page, with room above for text. Click once in the text entry area. From the toolbar, click the Set Spoken Text Font icon. Then enter the following text: Hello, World!
Note: The text is formatted as "Spoken Text," allowing one-click formatting to provide an easy visual clue. For agents, this is typically text that would be read to a customer during an interaction. For scripts run in the Web interface as a survey, this is an easy way to emphasis text or use one of two preexisting formats.
Panel layout editor Toolbar
25 Panel layout editor or Unsaved Changes dialog Save the panel text you have created and exit the panel layout editor. You can do this by selecting Save and then Exit (both from the File menu), or you can simply exit the panel layout editor and click the Yes button when the Unsaved Changes dialog asks if you would like to save the changes you have made. Panel layout editor or Unsaved Changes dialog
26 Script Author Toolbar Select the Group Insertion Mode icon from the toolbar. Script Author Toolbar
27 Script Author canvas Click once on the canvas, below the hello panel. The Script Author will place a Group object into the script at the insertion point. Script Author canvas
28 Script Author Toolbar Click the Toggle Selection Mode icon from the toolbar to turn off the Group Insertion mode. Script Author Toolbar
29 Script Author canvas Double-click the newly-added group. The Group Properties dialog is displayed. Script Author canvas
30 Group Properties dialog Fill out the fields in the Group Properties dialog in the following manner:
Name: WrapUpGroup
Comments: Enables the Disconnect button
Note: The comment is not required.
Group Properties dialog
31 Group Properties dialog Click Apply in the Group Properties dialog. Group Properties dialog
32 Group Properties dialog Click the Shortcut property from the items on the left pane of the Group Properties dialog. The right pane is re-written and a new field appears. You must fill it out as follows:
Shortcut: WrapUpShortcut
Note: This Shortcut name must appear exactly as typed here, with upper and lowercase text and no spaces.
For scripts run in the agent application, the Scripting Engine associates the Disconnect button with any group containing the Shortcut property of WrapUpShortcut.
Group Properties dialog
33 Group Properties dialog Click OK in the Group Properties dialog. The dialog closes and the new group appears on the canvas below the hello panel.
A new group represents a second graph. The original graph on which the hello panel and the WrapUpGroup group reside is referred to as the Root Graph.
Group Properties dialog
34 Script Author canvas From the Script Author canvas, click once on the WrapUpGroup icon to select it. The selection markers will appear. Script Author canvas
35 Script Author Toolbar Click the Go Down Into Child Graph icon from the toolbar.
You will now see the child graph of the new group, which contains only a start node.
Script Author Toolbar
36 Script Author Toolbar Click the Panel Insertion Mode icon from the toolbar and click once in the child graph below the start node. Script Author Toolbar
37 Script Author Toolbar Click the Toggle Selection Mode icon from the toolbar to turn off the Panel Insertion mode. Script Author Toolbar
38 Script Author canvas Double-click the new panel to display the Panel Properties window. Click on the Properties property from the items on the left pane of the Panel Properties window, and enter the following values in the prescribed fields:
Name: goodbye
Comments: Leave blank
Label: Last panel
Note: The Script Author "remembers" the last property panel or field location displayed in any similar dialog. Therefore, you may need to select a different property or field in a given dialog in order to proceed with the steps indicated in these instructions.
Script Author canvas
39 Panel Properties window Click Apply in the Panel Properties window. Panel Properties window
40 Panel Properties window Click the Answers property displayed on the left pane of the Panel Properties window. The right pane of the dialog changes to display a text area which will list any answers you define for the script. Panel Properties window
41 Panel Properties window Click the Add button to define your answer in the Answer Entry Dialog window. Panel Properties window
42 Answer Entry Dialog window Provide the following values for the fields in the Answer Entry Dialog window:
Default for Distinct Branching: checkmark
Name: goodbyeAnswer
UI Type: Button
Label for Reporting: Leave blank
Answer Entry Dialog window
43 Panel Properties window From the bottom of the Answer Entry Dialog window, click the Edit Data Dictionary button. The application displays the Edit Data Dictionary dialog. Panel Properties window
44 Edit Data Dictionary dialog On the Lookups tab, click the Specify lookups radio button. Edit Data Dictionary dialog
45 Lookup entry dialog Click the Add button. The application displays the Lookup entry dialog. Lookup entry dialog
46 Lookup entry dialogEdit Data Dictionary dialog In the Lookup entry dialog, assign the following values to the fields:
Display Value: Finish
Value: Finish
Click Ok to close the Lookup entry dialog and return to the Edit Data Dictionary dialog.
Click Ok to close the Edit Data Dictionary dialog and return to the Answer Entry Dialog window.
Click Ok to close the Answer Entry Dialog window.
Lookup entry dialogEdit Data Dictionary dialog
47 Panel Properties window Click Apply in the Panel Properties window. Panel Properties window
48 Panel Properties window Click the Panel Layout property displayed on the left pane of the Panel Properties window. The right pane of the dialog changes to display the Panel Layout details, including a button from which you can import HTML, and a Panel Layout Editor button. Panel Properties window
49 Panel Properties window Click Panel Layout Editor.The panel layout editor for the panel appears. Panel Properties window
50 Panel layout editor Toolbar In the panel layout editor dialog, click once in the text entry area.
From the toolbar, click the Set Spoken Text Font icon.
Then enter the following text: Goodbye, World!
Press Enter to continue to the next line, and then click the Set Instruction Font icon.
In the Text entry area, type the following text:[Click the Finish button.]
Note: Instructional text is intended to provide instructions to the end user of the script.
Panel layout editor Toolbar
51 Panel layout editor or Unsaved Changes dialog Save the panel text you have created and exit the panel layout editor. Click Ok to save and close the Panel Properties window. The goodbye panel is now visible below the start node of this child graph. Panel layout editor or Unsaved Changes dialog
52 Script Author Toolbar From the Script Author toolbar, click the Termination Point Insertion Mode icon.
On the canvas, below the goodbye panel, click once to insert a termination node.
Note: A termination node is required for each graph in a script, and exits the graph.
Script Author Toolbar
53 Script Author Toolbar From the Script Author toolbar, select the Default Branch Mode icon. When over the canvas, the cursor turns into a cross-hairs symbol, indicating that you can begin drawing a line to define flow from one object to another within the canvas. Script Author Toolbar
54 Script Author canvas With the cursor displayed as a cross-hairs symbol, click on the start node and drag to draw an arrow between the start node and the goodbye panel. Release the mouse.
The two objects are connected.
Script Author canvas
55 Script Author canvas
Script Author Toolbar
With the cursor displayed as a cross-hairs symbol, again click on the canvas, this time connecting the goodbye panel and the termination node.
If you have disabled sticky mode, you must again select the Default Branch Mode icon from the toolbar to accomplish this step.
You have now completed a syntactically correct graph. Return to the root graph to complete this script.
Script Author canvas
Script Author Toolbar
56 Script Author Toolbar From the Script Author toolbar, select the Go up to parent graph icon.
The canvas now displays the root graph.
Script Author Toolbar
57 Script Author Toolbar
Script Author canvas
From the Script Author toolbar, click the Termination Point Insertion Mode icon.
On the canvas, below the WrapUpGroup object, click once to insert a termination node.
Note: For the root graph, the termination node indicates the completion of the script.
Script Author Toolbar
Script Author canvas
58 Script Author Toolbar From the Script Author toolbar, select the Default Branch Mode icon.
Connect the start node to the hello panel, the hello panel to the WrapUpGroup object, and the WrapUpGroup object to the termination node with default branches.
Script Author Toolbar
59 Script Author Toolbar Click the Toggle Selection Mode icon from the toolbar to turn off the Default Branch insertion mode. Script Author Toolbar
60 Script Author Toolbar Using click-and-drag techniques, select all the objects on the canvas (start node, hello panel, termination node, and Default branches). From the lower Tools menu, select the Align Selected Objects Vertically icon.
All highlighted items will align vertically, presenting a neat graph on the canvas.
Script Author Toolbar
61 Script Author File Menu or Script Author Toolbar or keyboard At the File menu, select Save to save your work. This command can also be executed by selecting the Save Script (disk) icon in the toolbar or by entering Ctrl-S from the keyboard (Command-S for the Macintosh OS). Script Author File Menu or Script Author Toolbar or keyboard
62 Script Chooser dialog In the resulting Script Chooser menu, you can save the script to your local file system or publish it to the applications database. Fill in the following:
Location: Select the directory in which you wish to save the Script Author file.
Note: For location, Oracle recommends a child directory of the Script Author directory, for example (your path may differ): "[OraHome]\oracle\apps\ies\author\scripts"
File Type: Select the default Oracle CRM script file (.SCRIPT, .SCR) option.
File name: helloWorldTestScript.script
Click the Save button to save the file in the selected directory.
Script Chooser dialog
63 Script Author canvas Even though you have saved and named your script in your operating system's file system, you still need to assign a name to the script which will be recognized from a database perspective.
Right-click on any unpopulated section of the canvas to display two options, Edit and Edit Blob Properties, and select Edit Blob Properties to open the [Script Name] Properties dialog. You can also open this dialog by selecting Script Properties from the File menu.
Note: If the dialog displayed shows three options: Edit, Edit Blob Name, and Edit Blob Properties, then you have not correctly selected the Script properties dialog, but properties for another object.
The global script itself is the Binary Large Object (Blob) for which you want to modify properties. In this case, left-click to close the menu and re-select the Script Properties following one of the methods above.
Script Author canvas
64 Global [Script Name] Properties dialog In the resulting global [Script Name] Properties dialog (which should currently be named something like Untitled1 Properties), fill in the following:
Name: helloWorldTestScript
Comments: Graphical hello world test script, built using Script Author visual layout tools.
Script language: As appropriate for your environment. For example, AMERICAN for American English.
Click the Ok button to save the global script properties and return to the canvas.
Note: For the Name field, fill in a name under which this script will be deployed to the database. Oracle recommends using the same name as that you assigned to the .SCRIPT file in the file system, if practical.
Do not assign a file extension to this name.
For the Comments field, you may elect to fill this in with information you will find helpful to identify this particular script or script version. This field is for information only and is not processed in any way.
For the Script language field, enter the language in which this script is developed, based on the FND_LANGUAGES table of the Oracle database. For this example, ensure this field reads AMERICAN for American English.
Global [Script Name] Properties dialog
65 Tools menu or Check Syntax Script Author Toolbar icon Select Syntax Check from the Tools menu, or click the Check Syntax icon in the Script Author toolbar. Assuming all the syntax in your script is correct, a status line at the bottom of the Author will display the message "Syntax check successful, with no errors." If the syntax check fails, correct any errors and check the syntax of the script again until successful. Tools menu or Check Syntax Script Author Toolbar icon
66 File Menu or Script Author Toolbar or keyboard At the File menu, select Save again, to ensure you save the Global Script properties you assigned.
Note: The method used to save the document is not important. You may elect to click the Save icon in the Script Author toolbar or enter Ctrl-S from the keyboard (Command-S for the Macintosh OS).
File Menu or Script Author Toolbar or keyboard
67 Script Author Tools menu or Script Author Toolbar From the Tools menu, select Deploy Script, or from the Script Author toolbar, click the Deploy Script to DataBase icon.Upon successful deployment, a status message appears on the bottom of the Script Author frame, "Deployment to database successful." Script deploys, as indicated by status message
68 Forms-based applications To launch this script in the agent interface, you must perform the following actions:
  • Log into Oracle applications using the Personal Homepage login (or the Single Sign-On login, if implemented) with the appropriate responsibility to launch a script.

    For example, to launch the script in standalone mode, the user must have the Scripting User or Scripting Agent responsibility.

  • From the Navigator, select Scripting Demo Form and click Open.

    The Script Chooser window appears. This window is entitled Oracle Scripting.

    From the Script Chooser, select the appropriate script name and language.

    For example, select helloWorldTestScript/AMERICAN.

  • Launch the script by clicking Start Scripting.

Forms-based applications
69 Forms-based applications To launch this script as a survey in a Web browser, you must perform the following actions:
  • Log into Oracle applications using the Personal Homepage login (or the Single Sign-On login, if implemented) with a user that has the Survey Administrator responsibility

  • Define header section, footer section (optional), error page and final page survey resources.

    For example, you can create references to seeded test survey resources in the Survey Resources tab. These are named IESSVYTESTHEADER.JSP, IESSVYTESTERROR.JSP and IESSVYTESTTHANKU.JSP.

    If using the footer section, provide the test header section resource name for this field.

  • Create a survey campaign, cycle, and standard (non-list-based) deployment. The survey campaign must identify a deployed 11.5.6 or later test script.

  • Activate the deployment. When the Survey Web URL field is populated with a hyperlink, note the deployment ID (dID) by placing the cursor over the hyperlink and viewing the full survey URL in the Web browser status field. The format of the survey URL should be as follows:

    http://<server>.<domain>: <port>/OA_HTML/<hosted or standalone survey jsp>? dID=xx

  • Enter the survey URL in a Web browser to launch the script in the Scripting Engine Web interface.

  • Execute the script by participating in the survey to completion.

Forms-based applications

Oracle Creating a Hello World Wizard Test Script

Step Perform From Action Result
1 Oracle Applications HTML Login Log into Oracle applications using the CRM Homepage login (or the Single Sign-On login, if implemented) as a user with the Scripting Administrator responsibility. The Scripting Administration console appears.
2 Scripting Administration console From the Home tab, click Launch Script Author. A new browser window opens, Oracle JInitiator launches, and the Script Author Java applet appears in a separate window.
3 Script Author File Menu or Script Author Tools Menu or keyboard or Script Author Toolbar Start the Script Wizard using one of the following methods:
From the File menu:
  1. Select New.

  2. In the resulting New Script window, click Wizard Script.

    From the Tools menu:

From the Tools menu:
  1. Select Wizard.

  2. In the Choose Create or Edit window, select Create Wizard Script and click Next.

    From the keyboard:

From the keyboard:
  1. Click ALT + T to select the Tools menu.

  2. Type W to select the Wizard option.

  3. Using the Tab key to navigate through wizard page options and the space bar to select the active option, in the Choose Create or Edit window, select Create Wizard Script and then select Next.

    From the Script Author toolbar:

From the Script Author toolbar:
  1. Click Script Wizard.

  2. In the Choose Create or Edit window, select Create Wizard Script and click Next.

The Script Wizard launches. The Define Script Properties window appears
4 Script Wizard - Define Script Properties window Provide the following global script properties to this wizard script. Global script properties are properties that apply to the entire script, rather than a particular panel.
Script Name: helloWorldWizardScript
Description: Hello world test script, built using Script Author Script Wizard.
Language: AMERICAN
When complete, click Next.
The wizard script is assigned global script properties.
5 Script Wizard - Define Panel Information for Panel Default Panel 1 Provide panel information for the first panel.
Panel Name: hello
Panel Text: Overwrite the default "Enter text here" entry and type Hello, World!
From this point on, only panel text values will be provided. In each case, overwrite the default text.
Panel Text Style: Spoken Text
Text Alignment: Left
Question Alignment: Left
Exit Panel Sequence: Go to the next panel in sequence
When complete, click Next.
Panel, question, and answer choice properties generally appear at the top of each wizard page to assist you in navigating through the creation or editing process. For this new wizard script, until you click Next, none of these properties are defined. A temporary name (Default Panel 1) is automatically supplied by the wizard.
6 Script Wizard - Question Manager for Panel hello After defining panel properties, if relevant, you must define question properties for each question in the panel. This is performed from the Question Manager
Since the only function for panel hello is to display panel text and a Continue button, you do not need to define any questions for this panel. Unlike when using Script Author's visual layout tools, the wizard will automatically create the Continue button to route the runtime user to the destination specified using the Exit Panel Sequence property. Based on the panel properties established in the previous step, this script at runtime will display the next panel you define.
To save this one-panel script and exit, click Save, and proceed to step 18. To continue learning how to create panels, define answer types and questions, and determine panel branching, from the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Question Manager window, select Panel Manager and continue this procedure.
Upon selecting Panel Manager, the Panel Manager window appears.
7 Script Wizard - Panel Manager for Script helloWorldWizardScript Once you have one or more panels defined, from the Panel Manager window you can see a list of existing panels and their status. From this window you can also create new panels, edit the properties of existing panels, copy existing panels, and delete existing panels. If more than one panel is listed here, you can also move panels higher and lower in sequence.
From the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Panel Manager window, select Create.
Define Panel Information window appears for new panel.
8 Script Wizard - Define Panel Information for Panel Panel2 Provide panel information for the second panel.
Panel Name: goodbye
Panel Text: Goodbye, World!
Panel Text Style: Spoken Text
Text Alignment: Left
Question Alignment: Left
Exit Panel Sequence: End Script
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard progresses to the Question Manager for panel goodbye.
9 Script Wizard - Question Manager for Panel goodbye After defining panel properties, if relevant, you must define question properties for each question in the panel. This is performed from the Question Manager. For this panel you will create a question.
From the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Question Manager window, select Create.
The Script Wizard progresses to the define question main properties window.
10 Script Wizard - Define Question Main Properties Questions have three main properties. These are similar to properties in a graphical script created using the Answer Entry dialog.
The question name identifies this question. This is identical to the name property in a graphical script.
The question label identifies this script to reporting features accessible through Oracle Discoverer. This is equivalent to the Label for Reporting property in a graphical script.
The type identifies the answer control displayed at runtime. Wizard scripts can contain a text box (text), text area, radio button, drop-down list, checkbox group, multi-select list, or a password field. This is equivalent to the UI type property in a graphical script.
Question Name: measureSuccess
Question Label: script successful?
Type: Dropdown
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard progresses to the answer manager window.
11 Script Wizard - Answer Manager for measureSuccess Question The answer manager provides wizard script developers the opportunity to provide answer choices to a specific question. (Answer choices are referred to as lookup values when using graphical scripts.) In this case, you will create three answer choices for the measureSuccess question you created.
From the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Answer Manager window, select Create.
The Script Wizard progresses to the define answer choice window.
12 Script Wizard - Define Answer Choice for Untitled The question types supported by wizard scripts include those questions that can accept only a single answer (text box, text area, password field, drop-down list or button), and those that can accept more than one answer choice (multi-select question types, including checkbox group and multi-select list question types).
For text question types (text box, text area or password field answer choices), as well as checkbox group and multi-select list choices, a null answer (no input provided by end user at runtime) is also supported. Radio buttons, drop-down lists, multi-select lists, and checkbox groups must have answer choices provided by the script developer in order to display answer choices at runtime.
Answer choices have two properties: the answer value (which is passed to the database) and the answer label (the answer choice viewed by the script end user). This is equivalent to lookup type value and display value fields in the data dictionary of the graphical Script Author.
For this question, which will ask the script end user to determine the level of success for this test script, provide three answer choices.
For the first set of answer choices, enter the following:
Answer Value: Overwrite the default "Untitled" entry and type Unsuccessful.
From this point on, only an answer value will be provided. In each case, overwrite the default text.
Answer Label: Overwrite the default "Untitled" entry and type Unsuccessful.
From this point on, only an answer value will be provided. In each case, overwrite the default text.
You can also set a default answer choice selection. This will default in the appropriate answer control at runtime, although defaults can be changed at will.
For the question "Should this be the default answer for this question," select No.
This version of the script will use the panel level defaults. Select Go to next default panel.
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard refreshes the answer manager, showing the single answer choice currently defined for this question.
13 Script Wizard - Answer Manager for measureSuccess Question You must now configure another answer choice to display at runtime for this question.
From the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Answer Manager window, select Create.
The Script Wizard progresses to the define answer choice window.
14 Script Wizard - Define Answer Choice for Untitled For the second answer choice, enter the following:
Answer Value: Moderately successful
Answer Label: Moderately successful
For the question "Should this be the default answer for this question," select Yes.
This version of the script will use the panel level defaults. Select Go to next default panel.
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard refreshes the answer manager, showing the two answer choices currently defined for this question.
15 Script Wizard - Answer Manager for measureSuccess Question You must now configure the third and final answer choice to display at runtime for this question.
From the set of navigation buttons to the right of the Answer Manager window, select Create.
The Script Wizard progresses to the define answer choice window.
16 Script Wizard - Define Answer Choice for Untitled For the third answer choice, enter the following:
Answer Value: Very successful
Answer Label: Very successful
For the question "Should this be the default answer for this question," select No.
If you choose Yes, you will be reminded that this will overwrite the selection of Moderately successful as the default answer choice for this question.
This version of the script will use the panel level defaults. Select Go to next default panel.
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard refreshes the answer manager, showing all three answer choices defined for this question.
17 Script Wizard - Answer Manager for measureSuccess Question You have now finished defining two panels, the second containing a single question with three answer choices. At this point, save your work.
Click Save.
The Script Wizard progresses to the save script window.
18 Script Wizard - Save Script helloWorldWizardScript From the save script window, for the prompt Do you want to save the script with a different name, select No.
When complete, click Next.
The Script Wizard progresses to the continue with script save window.
19 Script Wizard - Continue With Script Save You can choose one of the following save options:
  • To save the current wizard script and continue editing it, select Save and continue editing.

  • To save the wizard script in the database without deploying it, close the wizard tool, and view the Script Author canvas, select Save and exit.

  • To save the wizard script, deploy it to the database, close the wizard tool, and view the Script Author canvas, select Save, deploy and exit.

    Select the last option, Save, deploy and exit.

    When complete, click Next.

The Script Wizard progresses to the create graphical script copy window.
20 Script Wizard - Create Graphical Script Copy From this window, by clicking Yes you can view the wizard script you have completed, using Script Author's visual tools. However, the script displayed is a copy of the wizard script. Any changes made in the resulting graphical script will not be reflected in the original wizard script, which will still be accessible to open, edit, view and deploy from the Script Wizard.
Select Yes and click Next.
The Script Wizard progresses to the script is complete window.
21 Script Wizard - Script is Complete for helloWorldWizardScript Click Finish to exit the wizard and return to the Script Author canvas.
The wizard script then deploys to the database per your request, and the flow you created appears on the Script Author canvas. Note that this graphical copy is entitled "Copy of helloWorldWizardScript."
At this point, you have the option of saving this graphical copy of the wizard script to the database or your local file system. Since you can always open the wizard script and graph a copy to use with Script Author's graphical tools, select File > Close to close the graphical Script Author without saving. In the resulting Select an Option window, click No to exit without saving.
Copy of helloWizardScript appears on the Script Author canvas.
After closing the script, the graphical Script Author user interface appears, with no script open.
22 Script Author File Menu or Script Author Tools Menu or keyboard or Script Author Toolbar Start the Script Wizard again, using one of the following methods:
From the File menu:
  • Select Open.

  • In the resulting Open Script window, click Wizard script.

From the Tools menu:
  • Select Wizard.

  • In the Choose Create or Edit window, select Edit Wizard Script and click Next.

From the keyboard:
  • Click ALT + T to select the Tools menu.

  • Type W to select the Wizard option.

  • Using the Tab key to navigate through wizard page options and the space bar to select the active option, select Edit Wizard Script and click Next.

From the Script Author toolbar:
  • Click Script Wizard.

  • In the Choose Create or Edit window, select Edit Wizard Script and click Next.

The Script Wizard launches.
23 Script Wizard - Script Manager Scroll down through the list of existing wizard scripts if necessary to locate the appropriate script. Scripts are listed by global script name and include last revised date and script language. For any wizard script in the list, you can perform the following:
  • To modify any panel, question, or answer choice details, select the appropriate script from the list, and from the wizard function buttons to the right of the wizard scripts table, click Edit.

  • To retain the original wizard script but to make a copy of the script to modify, select the appropriate script from the list and click Copy.

  • To delete the wizard script from the database, select the appropriate script from the list and click Delete.

    Caution: This will permanently delete the selected script. Unless you have made a copy of this wizard script, you will not be able to modify, edit, or execute this script after deletion.

  • To create a graphical copy of this script for viewing or modification with the Script Author's visual editing tools, select the appropriate script from the list and click Graph. This will close the Script Wizard.

  • To deploy a saved wizard script to the database, select the appropriate script from the list and click Deploy.

The selected function will execute.

Using the Regression Test Script

Oracle provides a regression test script for the purpose of testing Oracle Scripting implementations and functionality. This script contains references to custom Java. Custom Java classes, compiled into JAR files, are included in the package and must be managed accordingly.



Creating a Hello World Graphical Test Script


To use the regression test script, perform the following:

  1. Download and unzip the regression test script files.

    The regression test script is accessible from My Oracle Support Note 124522.1. To locate this, enter the document ID in the Search field in My Oracle Support. From the support document titled Oracle Scripting Regression Testing Scripts, download the associated ZIP archive and unzip this package. Included are a Script Author file, a compiled Java class file, and a packaged Java archive.

  2. Using the Script Author Java applet, open the Script Author file. Note the global script name (File > Script Properties) and change this if necessary to prevent overwriting any existing script with the same name in your environment.

  3. Deploy the regression test script to the database from the Script Author Java applet (Tools > Deploy Script).

    You can view deployed scripts from the Scripting Administration console (Administration tab > Deployed Scripts subtab).

  4. Upload the custom Java archive file to the Oracle Applications database from the Scripting Administration console (Administration tab > Jar Listings subtab).

  5. Map the script to the custom Java archive from the Scripting Administration console (Administration tab > Jar Mapping subtab).

    The regression test script is now appropriately deployed, and can be tested using any Scripting Engine interface. To test using the Web interface, survey campaign requirements must be established using this script.

Survey Administration Console Tasks

To verify your implementation for scripts to be executed in the Scripting Engine Web interface, you must establish survey campaign requirements. Steps to perform for implementations that require scripts to be executed in an Oracle Applications 12-compatible Web browser are described below.



  1. Identify existing physical survey resources or create physical survey resources to use with your script in the Web interface.

    Physical resources are the actual HTML or JSP files that display at runtime. In the case of a URL for redirect, this file typically already exists, loaded on a Web site accessible to the Apache Web server at runtime.

    For OAF survey campaigns, survey resources are not required. If you do not associate section resources with a survey campaign, no header section or footer section appears at runtime. If you do not associate page resources, application defaults are used for the error page or final page, as appropriate, at runtime.

    Physical survey resources will be required if you choose to associate survey resources with an OAF survey campaign. No seeded HTML resources are available.

    For JTT survey campaigns, you can use seeded JSP test resources to test your implementation, or you can customize your own resources based on these seeded resources. These seeded JavaServer page files (IESSVYTESTHEADER.JSP, IESSVYTESTTHANKU.JSP, IESSVYTESTERROR.JSP and IESSVYMENUBASEDERROR.JSP) are located in $OA_HTML in your environment. For error pages with a hosting type of menu-based, use the appropriate seeded resource (IESSVYMENUBASEDERROR.JSP).

  2. Using the Survey Administration console, define survey resources (Survey Resources > Create).

    OAF survey campaigns do not require any resources to be associated in order to execute a script in a Web browser.

    • If using HTML survey resources, upload the physical HTML files into the database at the time of survey resource definition.

    • If using URLs for redirect, define each URL.

    For JTT survey campaigns, as a minimum, you must define a header section, error page, and final page resource.

    • For JTT survey campaigns, upload to the $OA_HTML directory on the APPL_TOP the physical JSP files which correspond to survey resource definitions.

    • For assistance or to obtain the correct privileges, consult with your systems administrator or your Web server administrator.

  3. Using the Survey Administration console, create a survey campaign (Survey Campaign > Create). Identify the script you want to use as your survey questionnaire or Web script (for example, the Hello World or regression test script). For survey resources, reference the resources identified in steps 1 and 2 above.

    • The base technology stack you select for a survey campaign cannot be changed once the survey campaign is saved. For verification purposes, select the technology stack appropriate for script execution at runtime. This determines the way the script is processed in a Web browser at runtime.

    • You may choose to create a prototype survey campaign for verification. Prototype survey campaigns are identical to standard survey campaigns, except that the script used as the survey campaign questionnaire is not locked. Locking the script protects the integrity of the data collected during the course of a survey campaign. Designating the script as a prototype provides you with flexibility; in the event that one test script is not functioning, you can change the script associated with the survey campaign without needing to recreate the survey campaign and all its dependent objects. This characteristic can only be selected or cleared while a survey campaign status is Open.

  4. Within an existing survey campaign, create a cycle (as a child to the survey campaign).

    • To create a cycle from the Create Survey Campaign page, type a name in the Cycle Name field prior to clicking Create.

    • Alternatively, from the Update Survey Campaign page, in the Cycle and Deployments area, click Add Cycle, and in the Add Cycle page, type a name in the Cycle Name field and click Apply.

  5. Create a deployment as a child to an existing survey campaign and cycle. From the Update Survey Campaign page, in the Deployments area, click Create.

    • For deploy date, use a date prior to or equal to SYSDATE. The time portion of the date and time string will be ignored for this parameter only.

    • For standard deployments, after providing click Create.

    • For targeted deployments, select Targeted from the Deployment Type list and click Go. In the expanded Create Survey Deployment page, include all required parameters, and click Create.

      Only enter list and reminder information if you have a corresponding, accurate list created in Oracle Marketing and you have functioning invitation and reminder master documents associated with a fulfillment template using Oracle One-to-One Fulfillment functionality.

  6. Activate your deployment by clicking Activate in the Update Deployment page. For appropriate deployment types, note the survey URL.

  7. If scripts will be executed using the Using an Oracle Applications 12-compatible Web browser, access the survey URL (from an invitation or reminder, if a targeted survey campaign), and execute your script in the Scripting Agent Web interface. Test all paths in the script to ensure the implementation is successful.

  8. Using an Oracle Applications 12-compatible Web browser, access the survey URL. If a targeted survey campaign, access the URL from an invitation or reminder. Test your script in the Scripting Engine Web interface. Test all paths in the script to ensure the implementation is successful.

Scripting Engine Tasks

To verify that the Scripting Engine will execute scripts, you can execute servlet tests designed to ensure scripts will execute in the Apache mid-tier architecture.

Then, test a simple script with no custom Java (such as Hello World), and a script containing custom Java (such as regression test), using the Scripting Engine.

Note: Oracle recommends that all implementations test first using the agent interface. Implementations using the Web interface must then also perform the appropriate verification steps.

Each Oracle Scripting implementation includes at least one custom script. Oracle recommends, at minimum, that the first script used at an enterprise is developed by Oracle consultants or partners. In addition to testing the recommended Hello World and regression test scripts, it is recommended that you completely test your custom script prior to putting that script into production.

If custom Java is required, you must create and test your custom methods, compile and package your Java archive appropriately, and deploy the Java archive to your environment. To test these methods from Oracle Scripting, your script must contain valid references to the code, and must also be deployed to your environment.

This section includes the following topics:

Apache Web Server Servlet Verification URLs

Script Servlet Verification

To execute Oracle Scripting in the agent application using the Apache Mid-Tier architecture, the Scripting Servlet must be operational.

The following URL can be used to verify that the Scripting Servlet is properly configured and operational:

http://<servername>.<domain>:<Apache Web server port>/<servlet_zone>/oracle.apps.ies.client.application.ScriptingServlet

A message of "up and running..." indicates success. This message must be obtained to assure that scripts can be executed appropriately.

Apache JServ Servlet Verification

The following URL can be used to verify that the Apache JServ servlet engine is configured and operational:

http://<servername>.<domain>:<Apache Web server port>/<servlet_zone>/IsItWorking

A message of "Yes, It's working! Congratulations, Apache JServ/<version> is working!" indicates success. Note, however, that this servlet may have been removed by system administration and is not necessarily an indication of whether the Scripting Servlet will function.

AOL Test Servlet Verification

The following URL can be used to verify that the AOL test servlet is configured and operational:

http://<servername>.<domain>:<Apache Web server port>/<servlet_zone>/ oracle.apps.fnd.test.HelloWorldServlet

A message of "Hello World! From AOL oracle.apps.fnd.test.HelloWorldServlet" indicates success.

Note, however, that this servlet may have been removed by system administration and is not necessarily an indication of whether the Scripting Servlet will function.

Scripting Engine Agent Interface Verification

Execute a script without custom Java using the Scripting Engine agent interface. For example, execute the Hello World test script to test your implementation. Then, execute a script that references custom Java using the Scripting Engine agent interface. For example, execute the regression test script to test your implementation.

Note: Since testing for all customized scripts is recommended at the lowest HTML interpretation engine available, steps for implementing the Scripting Engine for the agent interface are recommended to be performed for all implementations.



  1. Using the Scripting Engine agent interface, log into Oracle applications using the Personal Homepage login (or the Single Sign-On login, if implemented) as a user with the Scripting User or Scripting Agent responsibility.

  2. From the Script Chooser, select and execute the regression test script in the Scripting Engine agent interface. Test all paths in the script to ensure the implementation is successful.

Scripting Engine Web Interface Verification Tasks

Once you can execute a script in the Web interface (based on an existing survey campaign deployment), you have verified your implementation.


You can perform the following tasks:

Executing a Script in the Web Interface



  1. Using an Oracle Applications 12-compatible Web browser, access the survey URL for the survey deployment you wish to test.

  2. Execute your script in the Scripting Agent Web interface. Test all paths in the script to ensure the implementation is successful.

    Performing any verification task other than testing the Guest User requires you to also perform all Survey implementation steps. These are in addition to Scripting Engine implementation tasks for all implementations and those required for the Web interface, since testing a script in the Web interface requires a survey campaign to be defined and deployed.

    Note: Since testing for all customized scripts is recommended at the lowest HTML interpretation engine available, steps for implementing the Scripting Engine for the agent interface are recommended to be performed for all implementations.

Testing Display Server for UNIX Environments

Implementations of Oracle Scripting using UNIX servers require a display server to be set up to process graphics in order to view reports generated under the Reports tab of the Scripting Administration console.

Note: Interaction Center Family Pack P and later implementations no longer require a functional display server for a survey respondent to participate in a survey.

Note: Interaction Center Family Pack Q and later implementations no longer require a functional display survey for the Survey Administration console.

You can verify that the display server is appropriately configured by accessing a seeded JSP test page and viewing the resulting message.

The following URL can be used to verify that the display server is properly configured and operational:

http://<servername>.<domain>:<Apache Web server port>/OA_HTML/ iestestdisplayserver.jsp


For more information on the display server, see Setting Display Server for UNIX Environments.

Viewing Server Message Logs

Use this procedure to view message logs for Oracle Scripting.



Log into Oracle applications using the Personal Home Page login, or the Single Sign-On login if implemented.


Survey Administrator


For specifics on the profiles required for viewing FND server logs, see Information, Error and Debug Logging Profile Options.


  1. From the Survey Administration console, click Diagnostics.

    The Diagnostics page appears.

  2. Select Show Log and click Go.

    The Search page appears. This is where you define criteria for message logs you want to view.

  3. In the Parameters area, if you want to view message logs generated for the Oracle Applications user account under which you are currently logged in, then in the User ID field, leave the default value.

    If you want to view message logs generated for a different user, you must first obtain the FND User ID of the appropriate user. For more information, see Finding the FND User ID Value of a Defined User.

  4. In the Session ID field:

    • If you do not want message logs to be restricted to any session, then delete any value appearing in this field.

    • If you want to view message logs for your current session, then leave the default value.

    • If you know the session ID for a different session for which you explicitly want to view message logs, type this value.

  5. Optionally, in the Message Text field, enter any message text you want to find.

  6. Optionally, in the Begin Date field, select a date from which message logs were generated.

  7. Optionally, in the End Date field, select the last date for which you want to retrieve message logs.

  8. In the Categories area, clear any logging levels for which you do not want to view message logs.

    These are listed in sequence from least amount of information (and most critical) to most information.

    For example, clear all values except Unexpected and Error.

  9. In the Module field, if you want to restrict message logs to a particular product or set of Java classes, enter your filter criteria.

    For example, to restrict message logs to all messages logged for Oracle Scripting, enter IES% or ies%. To restrict messages to the Scripting Engine component, enter IES.ENGINE% or ies.engine%.

    Include the percent (%) sign, which designates that you want to see all logs in the designated category.

  10. Optionally, in the Sequence area, define a sequence.

  11. Click Go.

    After processing, the Search field refreshes. Message logs meeting the specified criteria appear in the Results area.

  12. If you want to export the message logs, click Export.

  13. If you want to return to the Survey Administration console, click Return to Application.