Oracle Discoverer Workbooks

This appendix covers the following topics:


Analysis and reporting for data received from survey campaigns has been enhanced. In previous releases of Oracle Scripting, three survey-related reports were accessible from the Survey Administration console. Beginning with Oracle Scripting release 11.5.9 (Interaction Center Family Pack Q or later), Oracle provides six predefined sets of reporting criteria to provide analysis information for the effectiveness of Oracle Scripting scripts executed as survey campaigns.

Oracle Discoverer is a tool which enables report builders and analysts to create, modify, and execute ad hoc queries and reports. Casual users can view and navigate through pre-defined reports and graphs. Oracle Discoverer provides a business view (referred to as the end user layer or EUL) to hide the complexity of the underlying data structure. It enables users to focus on solving business problems instead of data access issues.

When scripts are executed as survey campaigns, return information for each deployment is stored in transaction tables in the IES schema of the Oracle Applications database. These transaction tables provide reporting data for three of the six survey analysis workbooks. Executing the Summarize Survey Data Concurrent Program (for details, see the topic Summarize Survey Data Concurrent Program in the Oracle Scripting User Guide) moves relevant information into tables that summarize survey data from individual responses. These summary tables provide reporting data for the remaining three survey analysis workbooks. A matrix containing a list of the workbooks, a description of each, and the tables or views accessed by each workbook is provided below in Survey Workbook Descriptions.

To view survey data using Oracle Discoverer workbooks, Oracle Applications users who are assigned a particular responsibility (based on the implementation) log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition and select the appropriate workbook from the database. The Oracle Applications user and responsibility must be granted administrative privileges to the end user layer as part of implementation. If you do not have access to the Oracle Scripting survey analysis workbooks, or do not have the appropriate privileges to access the workbooks, consult your Oracle Discoverer administrator, or perform the implementation steps described in this document.

Within the Survey Analysis business area are six pre-defined Oracle Scripting survey summary workbooks. Workbooks are lists of records, similar in design to a spreadsheet, that gather requirements for a Structured Query Language (SQL) database query. The columns in a workbook use ordinary business terms, shielding end users from requiring knowledge of the underlying relational database structure. When the query associated with each workbook is executed, users are prompted for parameters, after which the workbook builds and executes SQL statements which provide the requested information, which can range from simple to complex. The return data generated from the workbooks can be exported to a spreadsheet, allowing managers to create additional ad hoc reports on any data items available within a survey.

Using Oracle Discoverer, you therefore generate survey reports derived from survey data stored in one of two locations: in IES transaction tables within the Oracle Applications database schema, or summarized and compiled for analysis in survey summary tables following execution of the appropriate concurrent program.

Oracle Discoverer administrators can tailor existing workbooks to refine reporting information, or create new workbooks, using the Discoverer Plus or Discoverer Desktop components.

Oracle Discoverer employs an end user layer (EUL). An EUL is a metadata repository that allows users to view and select records from complex database structures without requiring knowledge of those structures or knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL). The EUL consists of one or more business areas. Each business area contains folders (equivalent to tables and views) and each folder contains items (equivalent to columns in the table or view). Business areas are visible through Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

The EUL also contains workbooks. Workbooks are visible through Oracle Discoverer User Edition. Workbooks contain the specific data needed for various analysis tasks. Workbooks belong to business areas. Similar in appearance to a spreadsheet, a workbook references data in tables and views, and may have a query associated with it.

For the purpose of Oracle Scripting survey analysis, six workbooks are provided to generate specific reporting data on various survey-related activities. Each has a query associated with it which, when appropriately executed, provides an ad-hoc report on the appropriate parameters.

As part of post-installation steps for an Oracle Applications implementation, two EULs are created. Oracle Scripting reports are accessed through the Oracle Business Intelligence System (BIS) EUL.

This implementation guide contains the required steps to implement Oracle Discoverer workbooks to generate survey analysis reports for Oracle Scripting.

Use of Oracle Discoverer workbooks for survey reporting requires upgrade or installation of Oracle Applications 11.5.9 or later. Manual post-installation steps are required to import the survey reports into the EUL. This is accomplished using a shell script or by importing the workbooks into the Oracle Discoverer 4i Admin Edition. If you have not already imported these workbooks as part of the post-installation steps for Oracle Applications 11.5.9, you can do so by following the detailed steps provided in this appendix.

This section includes the following topics:

Implementing Survey Analysis Discoverer Workbooks

To implement Oracle Discoverer workbooks for Oracle Scripting survey reporting, the following tasks are required:

Perform the following to implement Oracle Scripting survey reporting using Oracle Discoverer workbooks:

EULs are created by Oracle Discoverer administrators. These users have access to Oracle Discoverer Administrative Edition with database administrator (DBA) privileges. These users must also have access to Oracle Discoverer User Edition (client/server version).

The EUL stores metadata for Oracle Discoverer. Oracle Scripting administrators that want to view the Oracle Discoverer reports must access the BIS EUL. If the BIS EUL has not been created, perform the procedure Creating an End User Layer. If this EUL exists and you have access to it from Oracle Discoverer, you may omit this procedure from your implementation steps.


Prerequisites for implementing Oracle Discoverer reporting for survey analysis include the following:


This section includes the following tasks:


Staging Oracle Discoverer EEX Files for Import

Oracle Discoverer workbooks are created in Discoverer User Edition and can be saved as Discoverer export (EEX) files. The Discoverer files that provide Oracle Scripting survey workbook reports must be imported by an Oracle Discoverer Administrator before they are accessible to Discoverer users.

After installation of Oracle Applications,, these files are installed on the appl_top in the following directory in your Oracle Applications server file structure:


In order for these files to be imported during implementation, you must either map a network drive on the administration client to the appl_top where the EEX files are installed, or you copy the EEX files to the Discoverer administration server.

The appropriate EEX files to import include the following:

Creating an End User Layer

Perform the following to create an EUL for Oracle Discoverer. This is not required if you have access to the BIS EUL.


You must have access to Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition on a Windows NT server. This software can be installed on your client or you can access a remote server using software such as Citrix.


Oracle RDBMS DBA privileges


  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle RDBMS user with database administrator (DBA) privileges.

    For example:

    Username: sysadmin:System Administrator (case-sensitive)

    Password: sysadmin

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    Upon connection, if no EUL exists accessible to your user account, the following message appears:

    Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition:

    You do not have access to any End User Layers (EUL). You must create at least one EUL to which you have access to use Discoverer. Do you want to create an EUL now?

    Click Yes.

    The EUL Manager Wizard appears.

  3. In the first window of the EUL Manager, click Create an EUL...

    The Create EUL Wizard appears.

  4. Complete the EUL Wizard options as follows:

    In the Who will own the new EUL area:

    • Select the Select an existing user option.

      Since you are using the same user, you are not prompted for a password.

    • Check Grant access to PUBLIC.

    • Check New EUL is for use by Oracle Applications users ONLY.

      Note: Selection of this last criteria is essential for application security and to ensure supportability.

      In the EUL connection information area:

    • In the User field, type the name of the user.

    • In the Password field, type the user's password.

    • In the Confirm Password field, retype the user's password.

      Click Next.

      The Create EUL Wizard Step 2 window appears.

  5. Complete the EUL Wizard Step 2 options as follows:

    • From the Schema list, select the APPS schema.

    • In the Password field, type the apps level password.

    • Click Next.

      The Create EUL Wizard Step 3 window appears.

  6. Complete the EUL Wizard Step 3 options as follows:

    • From the default tablespace list, select an appropriate tablespace into which EUL data will be inserted.

    • From the temporary tablespace list, select an appropriate tablespace into which data is temporarily stored.

      Note: Choosing the wrong tablespace can greatly impact performance. If you don't know which tablespace is appropriate for the default or temporary tablespace, consult your database administrator.

    • Click Finish.

      A series of progress indicators appears.

  7. An Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition message appears, indicating that the EUL has been created successfully. Click OK.

  8. Optionally, if you want to install tutorial information, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

  9. An Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition message appears, asking whether you want to connect as the owner of the new EUL that you have just created.

    Click No if you want to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

    To proceed with the next procedure:

Assigning End User Layer Implementation Privileges

This procedure is only required if you have created a new EUL. Perform this procedure to assign administrative privileges for this EUL to a specific Oracle Applications user and responsibility (required in order to complete the implementation).



Oracle RDBMS DBA privileges



  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer Administrator Edition as an Oracle RDBMS user with database administrator (DBA) privileges. This must be the same user that created or imported this EUL.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Privileges.

    The Privileges window appears with the Privileges tab selected.

  3. From the user and responsibility drop-down list, select the appropriate user for whom you want to assign administrative access to this EUL.

    • Ensure the User box is checked.

    • Optionally, you can clear the Responsibility box to reduce the amount of records appearing in this list.

      For implementations with access to the seeded SYSADMIN Oracle Applications user account, selecting SYSADMIN is appropriate. Otherwise, ensure the user you select has the appropriate responsibility assigned.

  4. From the Privileges list, select all options and click Apply.

    The selected user is granted administrative access to the EUL.

  5. From the user and responsibility drop-down list, select the appropriate responsibility for which you want to assign administrative access to this EUL.

    • Ensure the Responsibility box is checked.

    • Optionally, you can clear the User box to reduce the amount of records appearing in this list.

      For implementations using the seeded SYSADMIN Oracle Applications user account in step 3 above, select the System Administrator responsibility.

      For other implementations, any responsibility is appropriate (including System Administrator), as long as the user selected in step 3 already has this responsibility.

  6. From the Privileges list, select all options and click Apply.

    The selected responsibility is granted administrative access to the EUL.

  7. Click OK to save your work and exit the Privileges window.

  8. From the File menu, select Exit to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

    All remaining implementation or use steps in this document should be performed by the user and responsibility for which administrative access to this EUL is granted.

Importing Oracle Discoverer Objects into an End User Layer

This procedure is required for all enterprises that want to implement Oracle Scripting survey analysis capabilities.

Perform the following to import Oracle Discoverer objects (a business area and workbooks) into an end user layer. Use the BIS EUL if accessible to your user. Otherwise, use the EUL you created.



Use the responsibility for which EUL administrative privileges are assigned. See prerequisites above for more information.


  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle Applications user with administrative privileges to this EUL.

    For example:

    Username: sysadmin:System Administrator (case-sensitive)

    Password: sysadmin

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    The Load Wizard appears.

  3. From the Load Wizard window, select Open an existing business area.

    The Load Wizard: Step 1 window refreshes, listing all business areas accessible to your user account.

  4. In the business area selection list, if Survey Analysis appears, you do not need to import any EEX files.

    In the business area selection list, if the Survey Analysis business area is not listed, you must import the Oracle Discoverer export (EEX) files for use with Oracle Scripting survey reporting.

  5. From the Load Wizard window, select Cancel.

    The Load Wizard window closes.

  6. Optionally, close the Administration Tasklist window, which is not required.

  7. From the File menu, select Import.

    The Import Wizard: Step 1 window appears.

  8. From the Import Wizard window, click Add...

    The Open window appears.

  9. In the Open window, navigate to the directory in which the Oracle Scripting EEX files have been staged in preparation for import.

    In this release, there are 22 EEX files required for Oracle Scripting survey reports.

  10. Select all required EEX files and click Open to add them to the list.

    The Open window closes. The EEX files to import are now listed in the Import Wizard: Step 1 window.

  11. Click Next.

    The Import Wizard: Step 2 window appears.

  12. In the Import Wizard: Step 2 window, set the following options:

    • In the If two objects match then what action should occur area, select Refresh the object and check Preserve display related properties.

    • In the How should two objects be matched up area, select Match objects by identifier.

    • In the Should the current user take ownership of imported workbooks area, select Always take ownership of imported workbooks.

  13. In the Import Wizard: Step 2 window, click Next.

    The Import Wizard: Step 3 page appears.

  14. In the Import Wizard: Step 3 page, click Start to begin importing the selected EEX files.

  15. When the importation completes, click Finish.

    The Import Wizard closes.

    In the Data tab of the Discoverer Administration Edition work area, the business area you imported appears as an expandable navigation tree.

    Each business area contains folders (equivalent to tables and views) and each folder contains items (equivalent to columns in the table or view).

    If enabled, the Administration Tasklist also appears.

  16. From the File menu, select Exit to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

Assigning Responsibility and Business Area Privileges

The user and responsibility established in Assigning End User Layer Implementation Privileges has full administrative access to this EUL.

Perform this procedure to designate a user and responsibility for using Oracle Discoverer User Edition to generate and view workbooks, without administrative access.

For implementations with access to the seeded SYSADMIN Oracle Applications user account, performing this step allows you to have Oracle Discoverer survey analysis workbook users who do not have unrestricted access to Oracle Applications.

This procedure results in assigning permissions to access the workbooks to a specific responsibility. Following this procedure, assign the designated responsibility to workbook user accounts



Use the responsibility for which EUL administrative privileges are assigned.


  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle Applications user with administrative privileges to this EUL.

    For example:

    Username: sysadmin:System Administrator (case-sensitive)

    Password: sysadmin

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    The Load Wizard appears.

  3. From the Load Wizard window, select Cancel.

    The Load Wizard window closes.

  4. Optionally, close the Administration Tasklist window, which is not required.

  5. From the Tools menu, select Privileges.

    The Privileges window appears with the Privileges tab selected.

  6. From the user and responsibility drop-down list, select the appropriate responsibility for which you want to assign user access to the appropriate set of workbooks.

    • Ensure the Responsibility box is checked.

    • Optionally, you can clear the User box to reduce the amount of records appearing in this list.

      For implementations using a responsibility specifically created for this purpose, ensure you select the new responsibility. For example, if you created a responsibility called Survey Analysis, select this responsibility.

  7. From the Privileges list, select the User Edition box.

    The checkbox options below the User Edition category enable.

  8. From the User Edition category, select all options and click Apply.

  9. Click OK to save your work and exit the Privileges window.

  10. From the Tools menu, select Security.

    The Security window appears with the business area to user tab selected.

  11. In the business area to user tab of the Security window, in the Business area list, select Survey Analysis.

    Note: If the Survey Analysis business area is not listed, perform the procedure described in Importing Oracle Discoverer Objects into an End User Layer. If you still do not see the Survey Analysis business area, consult your Oracle Discoverer administrator.

  12. Ensure the appropriate business area is selected.

  13. From the Available users/responsibilities list, select the appropriate Oracle Applications responsibility for which you have granted user edition privileges in step 6 above, and click the right arrow.

    The selected responsibility appears in the Selected users/responsibilities list.

  14. When satisfied with your selections, click Apply and then OK.

    The Security window closes.

    You have now granted permission for any user with a specific responsibility to open the Oracle Discoverer User Edition tool and to access the Survey Analysis business area. You must perform the next procedure to grant this responsibility permission to open the appropriate workbooks.

  15. From the File menu, select Exit to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

Assigning Workbook Privileges

Perform this procedure to grant to a specific responsibility the privileges to open the appropriate workbooks for survey analysis.

This step must be performed for all implementations for which the procedure in Assigning Responsibility and Business Area Privileges was performed.



Use the responsibility for which EUL administrative privileges are assigned.


  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle Applications user with administrative privileges to this EUL who is also the owner of the workbooks.

    For example:

    Username: sysadmin:System Administrator (case-sensitive)

    Password: sysadmin

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    The Workbook Wizard appears.

  3. From the Workbook Wizard window, select Cancel.

    The Workbook Wizard window closes.

  4. From the File menu, select Manage Workbooks > Sharing.

    The Share Workbooks window appears with the Workbook to user tab selected.

  5. From Workbook drop-down list, select the first workbook.

    The list of values in the Workbook list include all six workbooks in the Survey Analysis business area.

  6. In the Users area, from the Available list, select the responsibility for which User Edition privileges were granted in the previous procedure and click Add.

    The selected responsibility appears in the Shared list in the Users area.

  7. Click OK.

    The Share Workbooks window closes.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each workbook in Survey Analysis business area.

  9. From the File menu, select Exit to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

    Implementation of the survey analysis workbooks is now complete. Perform the next procedure to view survey analysis workbooks.

Verifying the End User Layer

After all implementation steps described above have been performed, you can verify an Oracle Discoverer User Edition's access to the Oracle Scripting reports available in the Survey Analysis business area.

Perform this procedure to verify the implementation.

Note: This step is optional, to assist in troubleshooting.



The appropriate responsibility varies, based on implementation choices.



  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle Applications user with the appropriate responsibility to view survey analysis workbooks.

    For example:

    Username: anyuser:Survey Analysis (case-sensitive)

    Password: yourpassword

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    The Workbook Wizard appears.

  3. From the Workbook Wizard window, select Cancel.

    The Workbook Wizard window closes.

  4. From the Tools menu, select Options...

    The Options window appears.

  5. Click the EUL tab.

  6. From the Select a default EUL list, ensure the Oracle database user that created the EUL appears.

  7. Click OK.

  8. From the File menu, select Open.

    The Open Workbook window appears.

  9. Click Database and then click Open.

    The Open Workbook from Database window appears.

    All workbooks for which this responsibility has permissions appear in the list.

  10. Select the appropriate workbook and click Open.

  11. If the Workbook in Other Database Account window appears, select Open the workbook in the current database account and click OK.

  12. An Oracle Discoverer message will appear asking for confirmation to run the query for the selected workbook.

    You have completed the verification. Since you do not need to execute the query, click No.

  13. From the File menu, select Exit to exit Oracle Discoverer Administration Edition.

Viewing Oracle Scripting Survey Reports

Once implemented, Oracle Discoverer User Edition users with the appropriate responsibility can generate Oracle Scripting survey reports using the workbooks imported into the Survey Analysis business area.

Perform this procedure to view Oracle Discoverer workbooks in the Survey Analysis business area and generate fresh reports.



The appropriate responsibility varies, based on implementation choices.



  1. Log into Oracle Discoverer User Edition as an Oracle Applications user with the appropriate responsibility to view survey analysis workbooks.

    For example:

    Username: anyuser:Survey Analysis (case-sensitive)

    Password: yourpassword

    Connect: mydatabaseinstance

  2. Click Connect.

    The Workbook Wizard appears.

  3. From the Workbook Wizard, select Open an existing Workbook.

    The Workbook Wizard window refreshes, showing workbook location options.

  4. Select Database.

    The Workbook Wizard window closes. The Open Workbook from Database window appears.

    All workbooks for which this responsibility has permissions appear in the list.

  5. From the Open Workbook from Database window, select the appropriate workbook and click Open.

  6. If the Workbook in Other Database Account window appears, select Open the workbook in the current database account and click OK.

  7. An Oracle Discoverer message appears asking for confirmation to run the query for the selected workbook. To execute the query, click Yes. To view the workbook without data, click No.

    Note: To run the query at a later time, select Sheet > Refresh Sheet.

    Click Yes.

    The Parameter Wizard appears.

    For specific guidance on workbook parameters, refer to the detailed workbook descriptions in Survey Workbook Descriptions.

  8. Select the appropriate parameters and click Finish to execute the query.

    The query executes, populating the workbook with data.

    Note: Three workbooks (BIX: Survey Campaign Summary Report, BIX: Survey Deployment Detail Report, and BIX: Survey Question Frequency Report) require the Summarize Survey Data concurrent program to be executed prior to generating workbooks, to ensure current data. For any of these workbooks, if a query is executed prior to the execution of the concurrent program, and no data is available, the report will appear displaying column headings only. If the concurrent program had been previously executed, but not recently, stale data will appear in the workbook.

  9. Optionally, to export the workbook to Microsoft Excel, click the Excel icon in the Discoverer User Edition toolbar.

Survey Workbook Descriptions

The following table indicates the name of each workbook, its filename, and a description of each workbook.

Workbook Name File Name Description Tables or Views Accessed by Workbook
Survey Question Frequency bixsvyqsfrwbo.eex This report provides answer frequency data for each survey deployment, showing only non-text fields. This report can be used to show how people have responded to survey questions at a summary level for each survey deployment. It provides a table of all non-text questions, plus the frequency of responses for all the questions. ies_svy_ques_data_v
Survey Question Detail bixsvyqsdtwbo.eex This report provides the detailed response for each survey that has been completed. It compiles all answers that each respondent has provided. It is sorted by response date. ies_svy_surveys_all
Survey Question Text bixsvyqstxwbo.eex This report provides detail solely on the text data type fields (text field, text area, and password field) collected within a survey. This is useful for providing a collection of comments provided by survey respondents for specific questions. ies_svy_surveys_all
Survey Campaign Summary bixsvycmpswbo.eex This report provides Summary information on each Survey Campaign, with totals provided at the survey campaign and cycle level. It allows you to get an overview of how many surveys have been sent out, whether there have been errors with the surveys, and the response ratio. ies_svy_summary_stats_v
Survey Deployment Detail bixsvydpldwbo.eex This report provides detail information on each deployment, with totals provided at the cycle and deployment level. ies_svy_summary_stats_v
Survey Cross Tabulation bixiescrsstbrwbo.eex This report allows the administrator to select a specific survey deployment, and then cross-tabulate the results from two different questions. You can select a question and a target value from one question and use that as the establishing criteria for reporting on a different response. For example, you can select all survey records in which the answer to the Overall Satisfaction question is "3 - somewhat satisfied," and then for that set of records, display the responses for a second question (such as "would you use this service again"). ies_svy_surveys_v

This section includes the following topics:

Survey Question Frequency Workbook

This report provides answer frequency data for each survey deployment, showing only non-text fields. This report can be used to show how people have responded to survey questions at a summary level for each survey deployment. It provides a table of all non-text questions, plus the frequency of responses for all the questions.

Survey Question Frequency Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Campaign Name Name of the survey campaign.
Cycle Name Name of the cycle, in alphabetical order.
Deployment Name Name of the deployment, in alphabetical order.
Panel Name Name of the panel. These appear in the order in which the panels displayed in the script.
Question Name Name of the question. These appear in the order in which the question was asked in the survey questionnaire.
Available Answers Answers for each question. These appear in the order in which they are listed for the question.
Selected Answers The answers that have been selected by survey respondents. Excludes abandoned survey responses. In other words, if a respondent did not answer even a single question in a survey questionnaire, then that survey transaction is excluded from these totals. If a respondent answered one or more questions, with null values for any other question, then the responses are included in these totals.
Total Answers per Question The total number of responses for the question (sum of all the selected answers). Excludes aborted surveys.
Answer Frequency Percentage of answers for this question. Calculated only for data types of radio buttons, check boxes, and drop-down lists. It is not valid for text fields or text areas.

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Survey campaign

Cycle name/ID

Survey deployment (breaks to a new page for each survey cycle, each deployment)


Survey Question Detail Workbook

This report provides the detailed response for each survey that has been completed. It compiles all answers that each respondent has provided. It is sorted by response date.

Survey Question Detail Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Submit Date Date the response was entered - RESPONSE_COLLECTED_DATE
Response ID Survey Respondent ID
First Name Contact's first name from the AMS List Entries table (for targeted survey deployments only). Blank if standard (non-list-based) deployment.
Last Name Contact's first name from the AMS List Entries table (for targeted survey deployments only). Blank if standard (non-list-based) deployment.
Panel Name Name of the panel. These appear in the order in which the panels displayed in the script.
Question Name Name of the question. These appear in the order in which the question was asked in the survey questionnaire.
Answer The survey respondent's selected answer to the question.

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Survey campaign

Cycle name/ID

Survey deployment

Survey Question Text Workbook

This report provides detail solely on the text data type fields (text field, text area, and password field) collected within a survey. This is useful for providing a collection of comments provided by survey respondents for specific questions.

Survey Question Text Responses Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Submit Date Date the response was entered - RESPONSE_COLLECTED_DATE
Survey respondent ID RESPONSE_ID
Panel Name Name of the panel. These appear in the order in which the panels displayed in the script.
Question Name Name of the question. These appear in the order in which the question was asked in the survey questionnaire.
Answer The survey respondent's selected answer to the question.

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Submit Date


Total responses evaluated.

Survey Campaign Summary Workbook

This report provides Summary information on each Survey Campaign, with totals provided at the survey campaign and cycle level. It allows you to get an overview of how many surveys have been sent out, whether there have been errors with the surveys, and the response ratio.

Survey Question Detail Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Survey Campaign Name Survey Campaign Name
Cycle Name Name of Survey Cycle
Deployment Name Name of Survey deployment
Deployment Status Status of the deployment. Status types include Open, Pending, Error, Active, Cancelled or Incomplete. For a description of each status, see the Deployment Status topic in the description of Deployments in the Oracle Scripting User Guide.
Number of Targeted Respondents For targeted deployments, the total number of survey targets in a list. For standard deployments, the sum of abandoned and completed surveys (represents the number of opportunities to get survey feedback).
Number of Survey Errors Number of surveys that could not be delivered to list member because of e-mail address or server errors.
Number Surveys Aborted Number of surveys that have been opened, but no answers have been recorded.
Number Abandoned Number of surveys that have been opened, but for which no answers were provided.
Number Surveys Completed Number of surveys that have one or more answers.
Response Ratio Completed responses divided by total number of invitations

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Survey campaign

--- Cycle

------ Deployment


Survey Deployment Detail Workbook

This report provides detail information on each deployment, with totals provided at the cycle and deployment level.

Survey Deployment Detail Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Campaign Name Name of the survey campaign.
Cycle Name Name of the cycle, in alphabetical order.
Deployment Name Name of the deployment, in alphabetical order.
Deployment Status Status of the deployment. Status types include Open, Pending, Error, Active, Cancelled or Incomplete. For a description of each status, see the Deployment Status topic in the description of Deployments in the Oracle Scripting User Guide.
Start Date The start date for a deployment. This will be blank at the survey campaign and cycle levels, which do not have start dates.
End Date The deployment end date for a deployment. This will be blank at the survey campaign and cycle levels, which do not have end dates.
List Name Name of list used to send invitation or reminder master documents.
Number of Invitations Sent The number of survey invitations sent. This value will be blank for standard (non-list-based) survey deployments.
Number of Reminders Sent The number of survey reminders sent. This value will be blank for standard (non-list-based) survey deployments.
Number Surveys Completed Number of surveys that have one or more answers.
Number of Abandoned Surveys Number of surveys that have been opened, but for which no answers were provided.
Number of Errors Number of surveys that could not be delivered to list member because of e-mail address or server errors.
Response Ratio Completed responses divided by total number of invitations

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Survey campaign

--- Cycle

------ Deployment

--------- Deployment Status


Survey Cross Tabulation Workbook

This report allows the administrator to select a specific survey deployment, and then cross-tabulate the results from two different questions. You can select a question and a target value from one question and use that as the establishing criteria for reporting on a different response. For example, you can select all survey records in which the answer to the Overall Satisfaction question is "3 - somewhat satisfied," and then for that set of records, display the responses for a second question (such as "would you use this service again").

Survey Deployment Detail Workbook Columns

The following table lists column headings for this workbook and a description of each column.

Column Name Description
Selection Question The question that is to be used as the primary selection
Cross Tab Question The question that is cross tabulated against the selection question
Selection Question Choices The available answers under the selection question
Cross Tab Answers The available answers under the cross tab question
Cross Tab Answer Frequency The frequency at which each answer was chosen for this particular selection question and cross tab question
Cross Tab Answer Ratio The percentage of the individuals who had responded with a particular value under the selection question
Cross Tab Answer Percentage The percentage of individuals who had this particular value for their selection question, out of all people surveyed.

Selection Criteria

Sort Criteria

Sort by the answers in the Selections Question Choices column, then by the Cross Tab Answers column
