Setting Up Oracle Number Portability

This chapter covers the following topics:

Work Items in Oracle Number Portability

Oracle Number Portability makes use of workflows to automate business processes. Work items perform the business and network functions necessary to fulfill a service order request. In the application, each work item typically maps to a single workflow, due to the complexity of the business process. This is why workflows are referred to as work items in Oracle Number Portability.

The workflows delivered with the application are created using the Oracle Workflow Builder. You need to use this application to customize the workflow to meet your business needs. Work items comprise function activities. You may need to modify some or all of these while customizing the work items for your business.

The Oracle Workflow includes a standard set of pre-defined notifications and function activities to use in building business processes. The application provides an additional set of pre-defined stub processes, notifications and function activities to support messaging and the porting process. The stub processes must be customized using Oracle Workflow Builder.

Predefined Work Items in Oracle Number Portability

Work items are organized into groups known as item types. The following table lists the standard item types delivered with Oracle Number Portability.

Note: Do not modify any of the standard Oracle Number Portability item types, except NP Processes.

Item Types
Item Type Internal Name Description Customizable
Standard WFSTD Contains standard function activities that are commonly used to create business processes. No
SFM Standard XDPWFSTD XDPWFSTD Contains function activities that are commonly used across both the Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager and Oracle Number Portability applications. The following are examples of functions:
  • Send Message

  • Subscribe to Acknowledgments

SFM Lookup Code XDPCODES Contains lookup types used for easy selection in workflow activities. This could be, for example, a list of fulfillment actions, or a list of messages. No
NP Standard XNPWFSTD Contains function activities that are specific to Oracle Number Portability. Use these activities in the implementation of your business processes. The following are examples of standard functions:
  • Creating a porting order

  • Determining if porting is possible

NP Lookup Code XNPTYPES Contains lookup types used for easy selection in workflow activities. This could be, for example, a list of fulfillment actions, or a list of messages. No

Standard Work Item Parameters

Business processes in Oracle Number Portability are driven by messages or events. Messages can be exchanged between two different service providers or between different components of the same service provider.

To maintain the state or context of the business process, each work item or workflow must include the set of standard work item parameters in addition to any business specific parameters. The developer must explicitly assign standard work item parameters to the work item.

Work item parameters act as a parameter pool for all the defined work items in Oracle Number Portability. You define new work item parameters using the existing parameters in the pool. In addition, you can add parameters to the pool to define new work item parameters, or to extend existing work item parameters assigned to a work item.

Mandatory Work Item Parameters

The standard work item parameters listed in the following table are mandatory for any Oracle Number Portability work item. All standard parameters are required for any message header that is generated, except the Messaged parameter.

The Message_ID is used to identify the most recent incoming or outgoing message for a work item instance. This is essential when managing messages (for example, as in re-sending a message).

Note: Oracle SDP Number Portability Work Item Parameters are shown in the application as the Display Name. Sometimes the display name differs from the parameter name. For example, SP_ Name displays in the application as Owning Service Provider.

Work Item Parameters
Parameter Name Description
SP_NAME Code of the service provider for which the work item is executing.
Display Name: Owning Service Provider
OPP_REFERENCE_ID Code of the service provider for which the work item is executing.
Display Name: Owning Service Provider
SENDER_NAME Code of the sending service provider. This is included in all messages sent from the local system to the peer system.
Display Name: Sender Name
RECIPIENT_NAME Code of the receiving service provider. This is included in all messages sent from the local system to the peer system.
Display Name: Recipient Name
MESSAGE_ID Code of the receiving service provider. This is included in all messages sent from the local system to the peer system.
Display Name: Recipient Name
STARTING_NUMBER Starting telephone number in a Service Delivery Platform order.
Display Name: Starting Number
ENDING_NUMBER Ending telephone number in an Service Deliver Platform order.
Display Name: Ending Number

Default Work Items in Oracle Number Portability

Note: These work items are optional. You chose whether or not to load the default work items during application installation.

The following table provides a summary of the seeded work items provided with Oracle Number Portability. These work items need to be customized to meet the needs of your application installation.

Seeded Work Items
Work Item Internal Name Description
Cancel Disconnect Porting Request from Order Entry CANCEL_DISC_PORT_REQ_FROM_ OMS Customer contacts current operator to cancel a disconnect subscription request.
Cancel Modify Porting Request from Order Entry CANCEL_MODIFY_PORT_FROM_OMS Customer contacts new operator to cancel a modification previously submitted on a porting request.
Cancel Porting Request from Order Entry CANCEL_PORT_REQ_FROM_OMS Customer contacts new operator to cancel a porting request.
Charge New Operator for Porting Request REC_RECEIVE_CHARGING_NOTIF Donor Operator charges recipient operator for the port-out transaction.
Create or Modify Ported Number PROVISION_PORTED_NUMBER Create or Update network elements with new porting data received from Number Registration Center.
Delete Ported Number DELETE_PORTED_NUMBERS Remove porting data from network elements provisioned earlier. This may be in response to a broadcast received from Number Registration Center to carry out this activity.
Disconnect Porting Request from Order Entry DISC_PORT_REQ_FROM_OMS Customer contacts current operator to disconnect subscription.
Hold Porting Request from Order Entry HOLD_PORT_REQ_FROM_OMS Customer contacts new operator to place a porting request on hold
Hold Porting Request from other Operator HOLD_PORT_REQ_FROM_OPERATOR Hold Porting Request received from other operator
Inquire Donor Operator for Porting Out PORTING_INQUIRY_FROM_ OPERATOR Donor operator determines whether porting inquiry request should be approved or rejected.
Inquire Recipient Operator for Porting In PORTING_INQUIRY_FROM_OMS New Operator receives porting inquiry from customer care.
Load, Disaster Recovery and Backup of Local Database LOAD_DISASTER_RECOVERY_ BACKUP Synchronize local database with Number Registration Center.
Modify Porting Request from Operator MODIFY_PORT_REQ_FROM_ OPERATOR Modifies the Porting Request on receiving such a request from the other operator.
Modify Porting Request from Order Entry MODIFY_PORT_REQ_FROM_OMS Customer contacts new operator to modify a porting request.
Number Range Split Request from Order Entry NUMBER_RANGE_SPLIT Number Range Split declared by a regulatory board.
Porting Notification Concurrence RECEIVE_CONCURRENCE Donor Operator and Recipient Operator receives concurrence notification from Number Registration Center for a porting transaction.
Porting Order initiated by Recipient Operator PORTING_ORDER_FROM_OMS Recipient Operator receives porting order from Customer Care.
QueryPorting Data QUERY_REFERENCE_DATA Query Number Registration Center for porting data.
Reject Porting Request PORTING_NOTIFICATION_REJECTION Donor Operator and Recipient Operator receive rejection notification from Number Registration Center for a porting transaction.
Remind Operator for Porting Response PORTING_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER Number Registration Center reminds operator that a response is required to proceed with the porting process.
Respond to Porting Order Received by Donor operator PORTING_ORDER_FROM_OPERATOR Donor Operator responds to a Porting Request.
Transfer Number Range Holder from Order Entry TRANSFER_NUMBER_RANGE_ HOLDER Transfer Number Range Holder declared by a regulatory board.

Workflow Activity Functions

When defining a workflow, it is important to understand the interaction between Oracle Workflow and Oracle Number Portability. See Workflows in Oracle Number Portability.

In simple terms, you build your workflow using any or all of the following types of function activities:

Standard Function Activities Provided by Oracle Workflow

Standard function activities provided by workflow are actions that simply progress a workflow to the next activity, or change standard workflow information.

These functions are defined during workflow installation, in the Standards section. These procedure types are held in the WF_STANDARD package in any Oracle database. Do not adjust these procedures.

Standard Function Activities Provided by Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager

For standard function activities provided by Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager, refer to Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager Implementation Guide.

Standard Function Activities Provided by Oracle Number Portability

You receive the following number portability standard function activities with the application:

Standard Function Activities
Name Description
Check Flag Value Checks the flag value for the given PORTING_ID workitem parameter.
Check if Donor is eligible to Port Out Checks whether or not the donor service provider in this porting transaction has provisioned the number range, or has assigned the number range. If either condition is true, then the activity completes with Y.
Check if Donor is Initial Donor Checks whether or not this donor is also the initial donor.
Create or Modify SMS Porting Records Creates or modifies a Porting Record for each telephone number in the range. The Porting ID for the first record is the same as that set in the work item parameter.
Create Porting Order Creates a porting order based on the Service Provider role.
Deprovision FEs Sets the fulfillment elements to be deprovisioned for this feature type and number range. For each fulfillment element, the Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager provisioning procedure (Execute FA) is invoked.
At the end of this activity, control passes to the provisioning subsystem which executes the fulfillment procedure. An FA_ DONE message is subscribed for each fulfillment action being executed which gives the execution result of the fulfillment procedure. The callback procedure associated with the FA_DONE handles the responses received.
The immediate next activity following this activity must be the Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager Standard Wait For Flow. This is to ensure proper hand-off from the provisioning system back to the Number Portability system.
Only fulfillment elements that were earlier provisioned by this service provider can be modified. Otherwise, the fulfillment elements are ignored.
Determine Current Service Provider Role Determines whether or not a given service provider is the donor, original donor, or recipient for the current porting transaction, and completes the activity with the appropriate result code.
Determine if Subsequent Porting Request Checks whether or not this is a subsequent porting request.
Returns either Y or N.
Does Porting Record exist for Donor Check whether or not there exists a porting record with the given status in this telephone number range that belongs to the given donor’s service provider ID.
Returns either Y or N.
Does Porting Record exist for Recipient Check whether or not a porting record with the given status exists in this telephone number range that belongs to the given recipient’s service provider ID.
Returns either Y or N.
Get Porting Status Retrieves the status of the porting record for the given PortingID
Prepare Notification Message Prepares a default notification message.
Provision or Modify Provisioned FEs Sets or retrieves the fulfillment elements to be provisioned or modified for this feature type and number range. For each fulfillment element, the Service Delivery Platform’s provisioning procedure (Execute FA) is invoked.
At the end of this activity, control passes to the provisioning subsystem which executes the fulfillment procedure. An FA_ DONE message is subscribed for each fulfillment action being executed which gives the execution result of the fulfillment procedure. The callback procedure associated with the FA_DONE handles the responses received.
The immediate next activity following the activity must be SDP Standard Wait For Flow. This is to ensure proper hand-off from the provisioning system back to the Number Portability system.
Only fulfillment elements that were earlier provisioned by this service provider can be modified.
Set Date Value Sets the Date value
Set Flag Value Sets the flag to the given value for the entries in XNP_SV_SOA for the given PORTING_ID workitem parameter, and FLAG_ NAME for the current Service Provider.
The Value is 'Y' or 'N’.
Set SMS Provisioning Done Date Sets the date when the Service Management System completes provisioning
Update Charging Information Updates the Subscription Version in the Service Order Administrator for each telephone number with the given Porting ID, with invoice information.
Update Comments and Notes Information Updates the comments and notes for the current Porting ID and the current service provider.
Update Customer Information Updates the customer information for the current Porting ID and the current service provider.
Update Network Information in SOA Updates the network information in the XNP_SV_SOA for the current Porting ID and the current service provider.
Update Porting Status for Number Range Updates the status type code in the XNP_SV_SOA with the new status type code. All records with the porting ID belonging to the current service provider are updated to the new status.
If the new status belongs to the ACTIVE phase, and if records exist for this number range in ACTIVE phase, then these records are first reset to the OLD phase. The actual update of the records with the given porting ID is performed after this step.
Update Porting Status for Porting Id Updates the status type code in the XNP_SV_SOA with the new status type code. All records with the porting id and belonging to the current service provider are updated to the new status. If the new status belongs to the ACTIVE phase, and if there exists records for this number range already in ACTIVE phase, then they first are reset to OLD phase. The actual update of the records with the given porting id is done next.
Validate Runtime Data Validates runtime data
Verify Porting Status Checks if the STATUS_TYPE_CODE from XNP_SV_SOA for the given PORTING_ID is same as the given status type code (in STATUS_TO_COMPARE_WITH).
Returns T if the two statuses match.
Returns F if the two statuses do not match.

User-Defined Function Activities

Some actions that take place in a process are user specific actions. These actions may or may not have standard workflow or Oracle Number Portability implications.

For example, it is possible that a number in a log table must be incremented every time a status change has occurred. As this activity is not an order specific action, this is merely an example of a procedure that retrieves the number from the table and adds one to it.

In contrast, a user-defined procedure contains some workflow or Oracle Number Portability API calls in it.

For example, returning to the previous log table example, it is possible that there is a requirement to log the From Status and the To Status when an order status change takes place. In order to perform this action, a user-defined procedure must first retrieve the order parameters or the work item parameters using an Oracle Number Portability API call, and then insert them into the log table.

Another example of a user-defined procedure that is referenced by a workflow function is the process of retrieving the Existing Service Provider Name parameter from the Oracle Number Portability order, and then using the retrieved value to determine the service provider identifier. The procedure code can then update the work item parameter SP_ID in the Oracle Number Portability order.

Working with Messages

You use the iMessage Studio to manage the task of creating new messages. In creating a message, you must perform the following tasks in the order listed:

You also use the iMessage Studio to create events and timers.

Related Topics

Creating an event

Creating a timer

Defining a Message

To define a new message, perform the following steps.



To define a new message:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage studio

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new message.

  3. Enter a name for the message.

  4. Select the Details tab.

  5. Select Message from the drop-down list of available types.

  6. Enter a short name for the message in the Display Name field. This name is referenced by the message studio when generating procedures.

  7. Enter a brief description of the message.

  8. Select a priority for the message. This value sets the priority for the message in the outbound or inbound message queue.

  9. Select a queue name from the drop-down list. If you are uncertain of which to choose, then keep the default value unchanged.

  10. Choose a user Responsibility for this message from the drop-down list.

  11. Enter the DTD Location path. This value sets the path structure to the file that holds all the schema (Document Type Definitions) for this message. The file is named <message>.dtd, where <message> corresponds to the name of the message you are currently defining.

  12. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Refer to Adding Message Elements for instructions on entering information for each message element that makes up this message.

Adding Message Elements

When creating a message definition, the Message Code and MESSAGE are automatically shown as mandatory messages elements. The message code is defined as the root element.

To add a message element to a message, perform the following steps.

Warning: You must never delete the root element, which is the message code for this message.


You must create the message details first, before you can add message elements to it. See Defining a Message for details.

To add message elements:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the message to which you wish to add elements from the Message Codes list on the left.

  3. Select the Elements tab.

  4. Enter a name for the element that you are adding.

  5. Enter the datatype for your message element. The message element datatype is the XML tag that appears in the message for this element. Supported datatypes are:

    • Text

    • Number

    • Date and time

  6. Enter the maximum allowed length of the data.

  7. Enter a default value for this message element. You only specify default values for message elements that are parameters. The Send and Publish generated procedures raise an error at run-time if an element does not have a value.

  8. Check Mandatory if the message element must be included with the message.

  9. Check Parameter if this element is to be used as an argument in generated procedures.

    If a message element is marked as a parameter, then the default value is used. The iMessage Studio generates a CREATE_MSG(), SEND_MSG(), and a PUBLISH_MSG() procedures with the element as a parameter defaulted to the value specified.

  10. Enter a value for the sequence order that you wish the parameter to appear in all the generated procedures.

  11. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Setting Message Structure

The iMessage Studio provides a hierarchical diagramming that you use to define the message structure, and to set relationships between message elements. Only predefined elements can be part of this hierarchy.

You can format an XML message by defining its structure here. This allows for complex messages, with master detail relationships.

To define the message structure, perform the following steps.

Note: Elements can be defined more than once within the structure. Also, message elements can be used multiple times throughout the message.


You must create the message details first, before you can set the message structure. See Defining a Message for details.

To set the message structure:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the Structure tab. Use the Structure tab to set up the message element hierarchy you require for this message. The onscreen Usage Notes describe how to modify the hierarchy.

  3. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining Message Data Source

To set the source for the information in a message, perform the following steps.

Note: Message elements that are not parameters require a data source.


You must create the message details first, before you can define the message source. See Defining a Message for details.

To define the message data source:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the Data Source tab.

  3. Select a message element in the structure tree.

  4. Choose a value for Cardinality from the drop-down list, if necessary. This value decides whether or not this element is used more than once within this message. You can define the cardinality only if the data source type is set to SQL Query.

    • One or More: This choice provides the ability to repeat elements within the same message. For example, choose this if you need to set multiple phone numbers for a subscriber.

    • One and Only One: This choice prevents the message element from repeating itself within the message. If more than one value exists, the first value is used and the other values are ignored. For example, choose One and Only One if a request can have only one donor.

  5. Select the source type from the drop-down list provided. Note that if you choose either PL/SQL Procedure or SQL Query, then you must enter the appropriate code into the Source field also.

  6. Enter one of the following in the Reference field:

    • If the element type is SQL Query, then enter the column number used to provide the value of this element.

    • If the element type is SDP Parameter, SDP Order Parameter, or SDP FA Parameter, then enter the name of the parameter.

  7. Enter one of the following in the Source field:

    • If the source type is SQL Query, then enter an SQL query. Do not terminate the SQL query with a semicolon.

    • If the source type is PL/SQL Procedure, then enter an SQL function.

  8. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining Message Processing Logic

Incoming messages and events are handled by the Event Manager. There are multiple ways in which a message can be processed. See Message Processing Logic in Oracle Number Portability.

To define the message processing logic, perform the following steps.


You must create the message details first, before you can define the message processing logic. See Defining a Message for details.

To define your own message processing logic:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the Processing Logic tab.

  3. Choose a processing logic type from the drop-down list.

    • Default Processing Logic

      If no application has registered for the message, the Event Manager automatically executes the default processing logic DEFAULT_PROCESS() for that message.

    • Validate Logic

      The VALIDATE() procedure provides a hook to include business specific validation. It is automatically executed by the Event Manager on the newly arrived message.

    • Incoming Message Process Logic

      The PROCESS() procedure also provides a hook to include the application logic. It is executed by the Event Manager before delivering the message to the callback procedure of the registered application.

    • Outgoing Message Process Logic

      The outgoing process logic is executed before the message is put on the Outgoing Queue for delivery. The user-defined code is executed as part of the SEND() procedure.

  4. Enter the appropriate PL/SQL script.

  5. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Compiling a Message

Perform the following steps to compile a message.

You can also select Setup > Message Definition > Compile iMessage to compile a single message, or Setup > Message Definition > Compile All iMessages to perform a batch compile.

Warning: Always ensure that no dequeuers of adapters are running when compiling messages in production.


The message must exist before you can compile it.

To compile a message:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the Details tab.

  3. Select the message you wish to compile from the list at the left.

  4. Click Compile. The Decision window appears confirming successful compiling. You can click OK, or choose to View the compiled message, displayed in the Generated Message Process Logic window.

  5. Close the iMessage Studio window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Sending a Test Message

You test how a message functions in Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager using the iMessage Studio Test Message interface. You use this utility to send a test message to a queue.

The message can also be tested using the standard SQL*PLUS interface. You may use the Order Flowthrough utility, or the Workflow Monitor to monitor the progress of the message. Errors during processing appear in the Notifications utility. Use this information to correct the error, then resubmit it to the queue for processing, if necessary.

To test a message, perform the following steps.

Note: The Test Message interface can be accessed either from the iMessage Studio or from the Test Center menu.


You must first compile the message before you can test it.

To send a test message:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Select the Test Message tab.

  3. Select the message code from the list at the left for the message you wish to test. The Parameter and Data Type fields fill in automatically.

  4. Enter a value in the Reference Id field.

  5. This reference value relates the message being sent or received with the current application transaction. For example, this value could be the Order ID.

  6. Enter a value in the Opposite Reference Id field.

  7. This reference value relates the message being sent or received with the remote application transaction. For example, this value could be the workflow instance.

  8. Enter a (comma-separated) list of fulfillment element names in the Consumer List field to which the message or event will be sent (published).

  9. Enter the Service Provider Code of the current service provider in the Sender Name field.

    For example, this value could be 9501.

  10. Enter the Service Provider Code of the intended recipient service provider in the Recipient List field.

    For example, this value could be 9502. This field may be left empty for events that are being published.

  11. Enter the version number of the message being sent. This value is increment only if the original message cannot be processed due to some error.

  12. Click Send to send the test message.

  13. Click OK to exit. A confirmation window opens containing the Message ID and similar information. It is suggested that you manually record this data as it is useful in tracking a message within the system.

Creating an Event

To create a new event message, perform the following steps.



To create an event:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new event message.

  3. Select the Details tab.

  4. Select Event from the drop-down list of available types.

  5. Enter a short name for the event in the Display Name field. This name is referenced by the message studio when generating procedures.

  6. Enter a brief description of the event.

  7. Select a priority for the event. This value sets the priority for the event message in the outbound or inbound message queue.

  8. Select a queue name from the drop-down list. Select either:

    • Inbound Message Queue

    • Outbound Message Queue

    If you are uncertain of which queue to choose, then keep the default value unchanged.

  9. Select a user Responsibility for this message from the drop-down list.

  10. Enter the DTD Location path. This value sets the path structure to the file that holds all the schema (Document Type Definitions) for this message. The file is named <message>.dtd, where <message> corresponds to the name of the message you are currently defining.

  11. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Creating a Timer

All timers must have a delay and an interval defined as elements. These two elements, Delay and Interval, can be any of the following:

These elements can be default values.

These values can be retrieved from a message store using a user-defined procedure.

Warning: Delay and Interval cannot be parameters.



To create a timer:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Studio:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Studio

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new timer message.

  3. Select the Details tab.

  4. Select Timer from the drop-down list of available types.

  5. Enter a short name for the event in the Display Name field. This name is referenced by the iMessage Studio when generating procedures.

  6. Enter a brief description of the timer.

  7. Select a priority for the timer. This value sets the priority for the timer message in the Timer Message Queue.

  8. Select Timer Message Queue from the drop-down list.

  9. Chose a user responsibility for this message from the Responsibility drop-down list.

  10. Enter the DTD Location path. This value sets the path structure to the file that holds all the schema (Document Type Definitions) for this message. The file is named <message>.dtd, where <message> corresponds to the name of the message you are currently defining.

  11. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Note: You cannot add new elements to a timer.

Associating Messages with Subscribers

You can associate one or more responses with each defined event, and register default message subscribers using the iMessage Subscribers window.

Related Topics

Associating responses with events

Registering default message subscribers

Associating Responses with Events

Responses associated with events are used by the application workflow in the performing activities.

To associate a response with an event, perform the following steps.

Note: If a message has an associated timer, the timer must be configured as a response for the event.


You must first define an event before you can associate a response with it.

To associate a response with an event:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Subscribers window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Subscribers

  2. Select the Responses tab.

  3. Select an event from the Events pane at the left-hand side of the window.

  4. Choose an Event Code from the drop-down list. Note that it is possible to link multiple events to the selected event, if desired.

  5. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Registering Default Message Subscribers

To register message subscribers to receive automatic notification when an event occurs, perform the following steps.



To register default message subscribers:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the iMessage Subscribers window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Message Definition > iMessage Subscribers

  2. Select the Default Subscribers tab.

  3. Select an event from the list at the left.

  4. Choose a fulfillment element to associate with the event from the drop-down list.

  5. Add additional fulfillment elements, if desired, in the spaces provided.

  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5, as many times as necessary.

  7. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Note: You can also register message subscribers by registering an API using the Callback Registration tab.

Defining Geographic Areas

Defining geographic areas comprise:

For more information on geographic areas, see Geographic Area Definitions.

Defining Geographic Area Types

Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager, on which Oracle Number Portability is dependent, provides certain seeded geographic area types. To add new area types, perform the following steps.



To define geographic area types:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following navigation path to open the Application Object Library Lookups window.

    Functions (tab) > Application Definition > Lookup Codes

  2. Enter XNP_AREA_TYPE_CODE in the Type field.

  3. Enter the name of the new Lookup Code and its Meaning. The Meaning will appear when you prepare to create the new geographic area.

  4. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining Geographic Areas

Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager provides a seeded WORLD node to which all other geographic areas belong. Do not delete this root node, and do not define any other root node.

To define a new geographic area, perform the following steps.


You must have defined the area type to which the new geographic area will belong.

To define geographic areas:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator, use the following navigation path to open the Geographic Areas window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Service Definitions > Geographic Areas

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new geographic area.

  3. Enter the name of the new geographic area in the field on the left.

  4. Enter the Display Name and Brief Description of the geographic area, and select the Area Type from the drop-down list.

  5. Select the Hierarchy tab if you want to assign child areas to this area, otherwise, proceed to step 7.

  6. Use the Add/Delete Node icons on the screen to structure the tree hierarchy.

  7. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining Service Providers

To define a service provider, perform the following steps. For more information, see Service Providers.



To define a service provider:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following navigation path to open the Service Providers window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Service Definitions > Service Providers

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new service provider.

  3. Enter the Name for the new service provider.

  4. Use the Details tab to enter basic information about the service provider.

  5. Use the Contacts tab to enter contact information for the service provider. It is possible to enter more than one contact for a service provider.

  6. Use the Numbers tab to enter a number range for each service provider. It is possible for one service provider to own a particular number range, but they may have chosen to assign it to another service provider. For the purposes of number portability, ONP always uses the assigned service provider.

  7. Use the Filters tab to enter number filters for the service provider. A filter is the list of telephone number ranges in which a service provider is interested. You enter this information to create filters so that a Number Registration Center can broadcast your subscription version information selectively.

  8. Use the Coverage tab to enter geographic areas supported by a Number Registration Center service provider. If you are setting up a Number Registration Center as one of the service providers on your system, then you must provide information about those geographic areas supported by this Number Registration Center. You do not have to perform this step for other types of service providers. If you do not see the desired area name in the Available box, enter the name in the Filter field and click Find. If the area is not defined yet, click New Geographic Area to open the Geographic Area setup window and then add it. See Defining Geographic Areas.

  9. Use the Routing# tab to enter routing numbers for the service provider. Each service provider designates certain number ranges for the purpose of routing ported calls. These routing numbers provide the necessary information for routing a ported call. The numbers are mapped to the service provider’s network elements and to the Oracle Number Portability subscriber’s dialing number. Routing numbers are provided by the Number Registration Center for service providers apart from you, or for those service providers on whose behalf you act. All other service provider’s entries are added to and deleted from this table upon instruction from the Number Registration Center.

  10. Click the Adapter Configuration tab to enter information about a service provider adapter. Click New Adapter Configurations to create a new fulfillment element, or to modify an existing fulfillment element.

  11. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining Porting Status Types

A service order may have one, or a number of different statuses throughout its life cycle. You can define statuses that reflect the terminology and business processes of your organization.


Each porting status must be associated with one of the four phases:

To define a porting status type:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following navigation path to open the Porting Status Types window: Functions (tab) > Setup > Service Definitions > Porting Status Types

  2. Click the New icon on the tool bar to create a new porting status type.

  3. Enter a value at the left in the Porting Status Code field.

  4. Enter a Display Name and Brief Description for the new status.

  5. Select a phase for the new status from the Phase Indicator drop down list.

  6. Enter the desired display sequence.

  7. Check the Active box to enable the use of this status by Oracle Number Portability.

  8. Close the window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Interface Definition

A fulfillment procedure is composed of specific commands that are sent to a fulfillment element when a fulfillment action is invoked. Examples of such commands might be to open a Telnet session or to provide element-specific routing commands to the element. For instructions on managing fulfillment elements and modifying fulfillment element configuration, refer to the Oracle Service Fuldfillment Manager documentation.

A fulfillment procedure comprises the following elements:

Fulfillment Elements

A fulfillment element is either one of the following:

For example, Service Switching Points and Signal Transfer Points are types of network elements typically provisioned for number portability.

Fulfillment Elements as Network Elements

You configure each network element as a fulfillment element. This process includes specifying the following items for the fulfillment element:

Fulfillment Elements as External Systems

Every service provider (external system) with which the application interacts must have a corresponding fulfillment element created for it. This fulfillment element represents the configuration setup for the gateway to that external system.

You must define the appropriate fulfillment element in order for the application to interact with an external system. You must configure adapters that can interact with that external system. Adapters route messages to and from the external system appropriately.

Fulfillment Element Types

Every fulfillment element belongs to a fulfillment element type group. The application supports the creation of new element types, if necessary.

Typically, you need fulfillment element types that correspond to the following categories:

Note: If the fulfillment element is a network element of type SCP, SSP, or STP, then you must define the number ranges served by this network element for a given feature type.

Fulfillment Actions

Fulfillment actions apply fulfillment procedures to fulfillment elements. Each fulfillment element is of a certain fulfillment type, and has a software version and an adapter assigned to it. From this information, the fulfillment action determines which fulfillment procedure to perform on this fulfillment element. One fulfillment action is written for every action that is performed on a fulfillment element.

A fulfillment action acts upon only a single fulfillment element (true at runtime only). A fulfillment action can act on multiple fulfillment element types, however, by specifying for each element type the adapter, the software version, and the procedure to be applied.

If fulfillment actions are defined for use in Oracle Number Portability, then they are assigned internal names such as Provision Number Portability, Deprovision Number Portability, or Modify Number Portability. Display names correspond to these internal names. A user may define fulfillment actions as well.

Predefined Fulfillment Element Types

The Oracle Number Portability application comes with a number of predefined fulfillment element types. The following table lists these predefined element types.

Element Types
Element Type Description
BILLING_GATEWAY Refers to billing system gateway
DIRECTORY_GATEWAY Refers to directory assistance gateway
NRC_GATEWAY Refers to the Number Registration Center gateway
SCP Refers to the LNP database for all service control points
SP_GATEWAY Refers to messaging gateways for remote systems of other service providers
SSP Refers to signal switching point
STP Refers to signal transfer point

Defining Number Ranges and the Network Map

You use the Network Map form window to perform the following tasks:

Defining Served Number Ranges

Perform the following steps to define the served number ranges for a given network element.


You must define a fulfillment element before you can associate a range of telephone numbers to it.

To define served number ranges:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following navigation path to open the Fulfillment Elements window: Functions (tab) > Setup > Interface Definition > Fulfillment Elements

  2. Select a fulfillment element from the list on the left.

  3. Click Network Map. The Network Map for <fulfillment element> window opens (where <fulfillment element> is the fulfillment element you selected earlier).

  4. Select the Served Number Ranges tab.

  5. Enter a start and an end number to define the range of telephone numbers with which this fulfillment element is associated.

  6. Choose a feature type from the list of values that matches your business process.

  7. Select the check box for Primary if the defined number range is to be stored in the primary source for routing information.

  8. Select the check box for Active, if the defined number range is to be stored in the active database (as opposed to a backup system).

  9. Close the Network Map window. You will be prompted to save your changes.

Defining a Network Map



To define a network map:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following navigation path to open the Fulfillment Elements window: Functions (tab) > Setup > Interface Definition > Fulfillment Elements

  2. Select a fulfillment element from the list on the left.

  3. Click Network Map. The Network Map for <fulfillment element> window opens (where <fulfillment element> is the fulfillment element you selected earlier).

  4. Select the Associated Network Elements tab. The information in this tab is for future use and is currently read-only.

  5. Close the Network Map window.

Defining Lookup Codes



To define Oracle Number Portability specific Lookup Codes:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the Applications Object Library Lookups window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definition > Lookup Codes

  2. Run a query to display the details of the lookup type under which you want to define the lookup code. Several lookup types are pre-seeded in Oracle Number Portability.

  3. Click anywhere in the spread table. Now click the New tool bar button to open a blank row.

  4. Enter a name for the lookup code in the Code field. The code name is internal to the system.

  5. Enter a user name for the lookup code in the meaning field. This value is displayed in the LOV.

  6. Optionally enter a description in the Description field.

  7. If you want the lookup code to be effective only for a specific period, set the period by using selecting the Effective Dates From and To fields.

  8. Verify that the Enabled check box is selected. Only enabled lookup codes will appear in the List Of Values.

  9. Save your work.

Setting up System Profile Options

Profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way your application looks and behaves. As System Administrator, you control how Oracle Number Portability operates by setting profile options to the values you want. You can set profile options at four different levels: site, application, responsibility, and user. For a detailed discussion of User Profile options, please refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

When a profile option may be set at more than one level, site has the lowest priority, superseded by application, then responsibility, with user having the highest priority. For example, a value entered at the site level may be overridden by values entered at any other level. A value entered at the user level has the highest priority, and overrides values entered at any other level.

Use the System Profile Values window to set up the system profile values.

From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path:

Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definitions > Profile > System.

In the Find System Profile Values window, enter the necessary search criteria, and click Find. The System Profile Values window appears.

You can set the following profile options in Oracle Number Portability.

Profile Option
Profile Option Name Description
XNP: Acknowledgement Required Flag for Send Message Ensures guaranteed delivery of messages. Adapters will send ACK back to calling program.
The default is N.
XNP: Default Initial Porting Status Initial porting status that is assigned to a porting record.
XNP: Enable Features Determine if features such as CNAM, LIDB are available for Installation.
XNP: Enable NRC Determines if this installation requires use of a central reference database.
XNP: Installation Mode Installation mode for operation of Number Portability.
XNP: Maximum Send Message Retries The maximum number of attempts that Send Message makes.
XNP: Send Message Pop Time Out Send Message Pop Time-out
XNP: Show Protected Messages Flag Determines whether iMessage Studio Form displays seed messages
XNP: Service Provider Code for Service Bureau Mode Service Provider Code for Service Bureau mode
XNP: Remote Acknowledgement Time Out Duration Defines the Time-out duration while waiting for an Acknowledgment messages from the Remote System.
Duration is in seconds.

Setting up Personal Profile Options

Use the Personal Profile Values window to set up your local profile options. For a detailed discussion of User Profile options, please refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

To set up personal profile options:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to open the Personal Profile Values window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definition > Profiles > Personal

    This window displays all your user profile options and their values. If you wish to display only specific user profile options, first choose Enter from the View > Query by Example menu to enter search criteria in the Profile Name field, then choose Run from the View > Query by Example menu to run the search.

    The name of the user profile option appears in the Profile Name field while the Default Value field displays the runtime value of that option. The System Administrator sets default values for many of the profile options. Some profile options may not display a default value.

  2. Move your cursor to the User Value field of the option the value of which you wish to modify.

  3. Enter a new value for the option if it is updatable, or if the List lamp appears, choose a value from the list of available values.

    You can change most of your user profile options; values you enter in the User Value field override values preset by the System Administrator. A few profile options cannot be changed, but are displayed for informational purposes only.

    For most personal profile options, the application automatically checks the value you enter to ensure it is valid.

    Note: Number or date values are not validated, therefore, you must make sure that you enter a valid value for profile options that require a number or date; otherwise, your personal profile option may not work as you expect.

    Though you cannot delete a profile option from your personal profile, you can clear its value (if it can be updated) by highlighting the field and pressing [Backspace] or by choosing Clear > Field from the Edit menu. If you clear the value, the change does not take effect until you sign on again or change responsibilities.

  4. Choose Save from the File menu to save your change. Your change will take effect when you either change responsibilities, or log out and log back in.

Defining User Display Messages

Before defining user display messages, register your application, and create a message directory (or some other location if your operating system does not support directories) directly under your application’s base directory where Oracle Application Object Library (AOL) can store your message files. You need a message directory on both the Forms Server machine(s) and the concurrent processing server machine(s).

Use the Message window to define user display messages. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the Messages window:

Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definition > User Display Messages.

For detailed discussion, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

The Oracle AOL Generic Loader

The Oracle Application Object Library loader is a general purpose data migration tool that is used for patching seed data, delivering translations, or copying setup or transaction data from development to production systems.

The loader is a concurrent program named FNDLOAD. To use this utility, enter the following command at a UNIX prompt.

FNDLOAD apps/pwd 0 Y mode configfile datafile entity [ param ... ] The following table lists the parameters used with this executable, and describes them.

Parameter Description
apps/pwd Specifies the APPS schema and password.
If the connect_string is omitted, it is taken in a platform-specific manner from the environment using the name TWO_TASK
0 Y Concurrent program flags
mode Specifies either UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD operation.
  • UPLOAD causes the specified data file to be uploaded to the database.

  • DOWNLOAD causes the loader to fetch rows and write them to the specified data file.

configfile Specifies the configuration file to use.
  • The configuration file usually ends with a suffix of .lct, but this rule is neither enforced nor supplied by the loader.

datafile Specifies the data file to write.
  • (DOWNLOAD) If the data file already exists, then it is overwritten.

  • The configuration file usually ends with a suffix of .lct, but this rule is neither enforced nor supplied by the loader.

entity Specifies the entity type to begin the download or upload.
  • If you wish to upload all of the entity types in a data file (.ldt), specify a dash (-) as the entity type.

param Specifies zero or more additional parameters that are used to provide bind values in the access SQL (for both the UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD operations).
Each parameter is of the form NAME=VALUE. The given NAME must not conflict with an attribute name for the entities being loaded.

Loader File Definitions

You can find the FNDLOAD configuration files for XNP at the following location:


The following table lists the Loader files used with Oracle Number Portability, and provides the entities and download parameters supported by each. See the contents of the individual configuration file for complete documentation on usage.

Loader Files
Name Description Entity Parameters
xnpcbevt.lct Callback Events XNP_CALLBACK_EVENTS MSG_CODE
xnpevtsb.lct Event Subscribers XNP_EVENT\_SUBSCRIBERS MSG_CODE FE_NAME
xnpgeoas.lct Geographic Areas and Hierarchy XNP_GEO_AREAS XNP_GEO_HIERARCHY CODE CODE
xnpmsgak.lct Message Acknowledgments XNP_MSG_ACKS MST_CODE
xnpmsgps.lct Messages XNP_MSG_TYPES MSG_CODE
xnpsptre.lct Service Providers XNP_SERVICE_PROVIDERS CODE
xnpstats.lct Porting Status Types XNP_SV_STATUS_TYPES STATUS_TYPE_CODE
xnptmrpb.lct Timer Publishers XNP_TIMER_PUBLISHERS MSG_CODE

The following table lists dependencies between the various files.

Parameter Dependency
xnpcbevt.lct First run xnpmsgps.lct
xnpevtsb.lct First load the fulfillment element data
xnpgeoas.lct First load the Areas, then the Hierarchy
xnpmsgak.lct First run xnpmsgps.lct
xnpsnumr.lct First load the fulfillment element data, then run xnpsptre.lct
xnptmrpb.lct First run xnpmsgps.lct


For additional information, see the files in the following application directories.

Transferring Lookups to Workflow

To transfer common lookup codes from the configuration tables to workflow, perform the following steps.



To transfer Lookups to Workflow:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the LOAD NP AND SFM LOOKUPS ONTO WORKFLOW window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definition > Transfer Lookups to Workflow

  2. The window opens with the correct default values already set.

  3. Click Submit to accept the defaults and start the transfer process.

  4. Close this window when the process is complete.

    Note: To access the output files generated by the Lookup download, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

Downloading Porting Lookups to File

To download the porting lookup codes from workflow into an ASCII file, perform the following steps.


You must first transfer the lookups to workflow. See Transferring Lookups to Workflow for details.

To download Porting Lookups from Workflow:

  1. From the NP System Administrator Navigator window, use the following path to navigate to the DOWNLOAD PORTING LOOKUPS FROM WORKFLOW window:

    Functions (tab) > Setup > Application Definition > Download Porting Lookups to File.

    The Download NP Lookups from Workflow window opens with the correct default values already set.

  2. Click Submit to accept the defaults and start the download process. This action retrieves the NP lookup codes from the database and stores them in file XNPDNPLK.wft.

  3. Close this window when the process is complete.

Downloading Common Lookups to File

For instructions on downloading common lookup codes from workflow into an ASCII file, refer to the Oracle Service Fulfillment Manager documentation.

Managing Users

This section details how to access Oracle Number Portability. It also discusses user management issues.

Login Interfaces

There are two types of login interfaces within Oracle applications - the Oracle Applications Forms login, common to all Oracle applications, and the HTML JTF login screen. The Forms-based applications utilize Oracle Developer 2000, while the HTML applications present the JTF interface to the customer.

In Oracle Applications Forms, the System Administrator controls a variety of parameters relating to fulfilling porting orders, and the Provisioning Managers monitor order statuses.

The JTF console is where you can submit a port in request to Oracle Number Portability. The menus that appear after login depend upon the roles and responsibilities assigned to the log in parameters assigned to the Customer Care or System Administrator.

Roles, Responsibilities, and Permissions

During the implementation process and throughout the life span of Oracle Number Portability, it will be necessary for an administrator to assign roles, responsibilities, and permissions to users.

A role is a collection of page and function level permissions that are granted to maintain application security. A permission is the smallest unit making up a role. The two types of permissions are: Functional and Data Access Control (DAC).

Permissions dictate the actions that a user can perform.

Responsibilities control the presentation of menus, tabs, and screens. For example, the responsibility NP_SYSADMIN gives administration users a different set of menus than the responsibility NP_CUST_CARE_ADMIN given to Provisioning Managers, or Customer Care Administrators.

The following are the seeded roles available in Oracle Number Portability. Note that all roles and responsibilities associated with Oracle Number Portability uses the prefix NP.

Responsibility Name Responsibility Key
NP Customer Care Administrator NP_CUST_CARE_ADMIN
NP System Administrator NP_SYSADMIN

For information on registering users, approving users, associating roles, associating responsibilities to the user, and verifying user setup, refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.