People Types and Employment Groups

People Types and Employment Groups Overview

As an enterprise, you define different groups of people to:

Managing People Types and Employment Groups Using Oracle HRMS

Oracle HRMS provides you with the following ways to group people in your enterprise:

Managing People Types and Employment Groups Using Oracle Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR)

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) enables different groups of people to access HR information through personalized interfaces for their roles, and information needs. Using SSHR, you can configure HR business processes for different user groups based on their specific requirements. You can hide or show different regions of the application and fields of a transaction based on the category of user. For example, you can grant access for all employees to maintain their own benefit options and personal information.

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) is a separately licensed product. Contact your Oracle sales representative for more information on licenses.

Reporting on People Types and Employment Groups

Oracle HRMS and Oracle HRMS Intelligence (HRMSi) enable you to produce a range of reports that you can run for different groups of people. For example:

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Key Concepts

To get the most of your people types and employment groups functionality, you need to understand the following concepts:

People Types and Employment Groups

Oracle HRMS enables you to represent and organize your workforce to meet the requirements of your enterprise.

How can I represent different groups of people in my enterprise?

Oracle HRMS provides you with the following ways to group people in your enterprise:

Can I identify and group together all the people who are members of a union?

Yes. Oracle HRMS provides you with the People Group key flexfield to hold specific information you want to record for the people in your enterprise. For example, you can use the People Group key flexfield to capture the people in your enterprise who are members of a union. The people you identify as being a union member create a special group of people.

I need to report on all the employees at one location to meet statutory reporting requirements. Is this possible?

You can group people together using the structures in which they work and the roles they perform so that you can report on all the employees from a specific location to meet certain reporting requirements.

Can I record details of additional roles the people in my enterprise perform?

Yes. Oracle HRMS enables you to record details of additional roles a person has in your enterprise. As a result of performing an additional role, the person can be a member of a representative body, typically a committee or organization with joint employer and employee representation.

People and Person Types

Person Types

In any enterprise there is a need to identify different groups of people. For each group that exists in your enterprise there may be different types of information you need to keep. You may also want to control access to the records of different groups of people.

There are four basic types of people for whom you maintain information in your human resource system. These are:

A special category of the External type is contact. A contact can be associated with an employee, contingent worker, or an applicant.

Contacts can include the following types of people: people who are dependents of employees, people whom employees name as beneficiaries of certain benefits, and people whom employees list as their contacts in case of emergency.

System and User Person Types

Oracle HRMS comes with a set of seven person types recognized by the application, and identified by a system name. These are shown in the table below. Note that the system person type of External is supplied with two user names.

Person Types and System Names Table

The following table describes the person names and system types:

Person Types and System Names
User Name System Name Default
Employee Employee Yes
Applicant Applicant Yes
Contingent Worker Contingent Worker Yes
Ex-employee Ex-employee Yes
Ex-applicant Ex-applicant Yes
Ex-contingent Worker Ex-contingent Worker Yes
Contact External Yes
External External No

Each person type has a predefined user name, or user person type, that you can change when you install the system. To more accurately represent the people of your enterprise, you can then extend this further by adding subgroups to each system person type. For example, Oracle HRMS is installed with the system person type of employee, you might have two types of employee in your enterprise:

You can define these as subgroups of the Employee person type to:

Note: Each employee's assignment can be described by an assignment category such as Full Time - Regular or Part Time - Temporary. So you do not use person types to distinguish the category of assignment.

In another example, you might want to distinguish between internal and external applicants for vacancies. You may also be involved in a redundancy program or a program of staff layoffs, and need to identify employees as preferred candidates for any vacancies. You can do this with the following subgroups of applicant:

In these examples you are able to extend system person types by defining your own user person types to accurately represent the people of your enterprise.

When you create people in Oracle HRMS, you assign them a person type to represent them in your enterprise. The user person type you select for them is known as their person type usage.

If subsequently you apply further person types to a person, for example if an employee applies for another job in your enterprise, then this is displayed as a concatenation of all the applicable person types, in this example, employee.applicant.

Note: A person cannot be an employee and a contingent worker at the same time.

OAB Person Types

In addition to system and user person types there are also OAB person types. These are predefined in Oracle HRMS and automatically created when certain actions occur in Standard or Advanced benefits. For example, when an employee dies, a user type of surviving family member could be created or when the leaving reason of retiree is entered for an employee, the user person type of retiree is created.

The eight predefined person types are shown in the table below.

OAB Person Types Table:

The following table describes the OAB person types:

OAB Person Types
User Name System Name
Retiree Retiree
Former Spouse Former Spouse
Surviving Family Member Surviving Family Member
Surviving Spouse Surviving Spouse
Former Family Member Former Family Member
Beneficiary Beneficiary
Dependent Dependent
Participant Participant
Surviving Domestic Partner Surviving Domestic Partner
Surviving Domestic Partner Family Member Surviving Domestic Partner Family Member

Although these are usually created automatically as part of your benefits administration, you can add and delete these person types manually using the Person Type Usage window. This enables you to correct any special circumstances and also assign people to OAB person types for which they would otherwise not be eligible.

Note: You can not add or amend the person type of Retiree as this is maintained by the application.

You can also change the user name of any person type usage to another user name defined for the same system person type in this window.

OAB system person types co-exist with the HR system person types. This means that a person can be recorded as an Applicant for HR purposes and a Beneficiary for OAB purposes simultaneously.

Person Types and Information Management

You can use person types to control the type of information you can enter. For example, you cannot enter earnings or deductions for an applicant. You can use person types in the following ways:

Tip: If you want to define rules of eligibility for a compensation or benefits element based on the type of employee, you cannot use the person type directly. However, you can use person type in a formula to validate the values entered for an employee.

Also, consider whether you can meet your needs using the assignment status and employment category to control eligibility for compensation and benefits.

Other Employee Groups

All the work structures provide ways of defining groups of employees in your enterprise, such as groups working at a particular location, or on a certain grade, or in a department. You create the groups by assigning employees to the work structures in the Assignment window.

You can also assign people to:

See: Components of the Assignment, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Oracle HRMS provides a special structure you can use to define any other special groupings of employees your enterprise requires. This structure is called the people group. Just as with payrolls and other work structures, you can assign employees to people groups, and use them to define employee eligibility for compensation and benefits elements.

The People Group Flexfield

People Group is a key flexfield, like Job Name, Position Name, and Grade Name. As with these other key flexfields, you can define up to 30 segments to hold information you use to identify employee groups in your enterprise.

Using the People Group key flexfield to define your groups is a powerful mechanism because you can:

If your enterprise uses pay scales to relate compensation levels to grades indirectly, you can use a People Group segment to specify which employees are processed by the Increment Progression Points process.

Once you decide how to define the Group key flexfield structure and segments, it is the responsibility of the system administrator to set the flexfield up. At least one segment of this flexfield must be set up before you can begin entering employee assignments.

Making People Group Segments Required

If you make any of the People Group segments required, this will apply to both the Element Link window and the Assignment window. This means that you may have to create multiple element links if you want to use a People Group segment in the eligibility criteria for a link.

For example, suppose you have defined two segments: a Yes/No segment called Fast Track, which is required, and a segment called Pension Plan, which is not required. You want to make an element available only to members of a certain pension plan. However, you must create two element links: one for members of the pension plan who are on the Fast Track, and another for members who are not on the Fast Track.

Important: If there are many possible values for the required segment, the maintenance of multiple links can become a burden so be cautious in making segments of this flexfield required.

Defining Person Types

You can define your own names to identify the groups of people. These include groups of employees, applicants, contingent workers, and contacts, as well as current and 'ex-' types.

You can change these default names or define any number of subgroups to help to more accurately represent the people in your enterprise. For example, you might want to use Person Type to identify internal and external applicants for vacancies. You can do this by using the person type of applicant and defining subgroups of internal and external.

When you enter a person in the application you assign them a person type. The person type you select for the person is known as their person type usage. If you subsequently assign a further person type to the person this is displayed as a concatenation of the two person types. For example, if you enter a person as an employee and then later assign the person type of applicant this displays as employee.applicant.

You enter user names for person types in the Person Types window.

To change a user name for a person type:

  1. Delete the contents of the User Name field and type in your preferred name.

To map other user names to a person-type system name:

  1. Insert a new record.

  2. Enter a unique user name, and select the system name you want to map on to.

    Deactivating User Names

    You cannot delete user names the application uses, but you can deactivate them by unchecking the Active check box. Deactivating a person type prevents you from selecting it in the People window. Notice that you cannot deactivate a default User Name. You must first select another user name as the default.

Changing Person Type Usage and Deleting OAB Person Type Usage

Use the Person Type Usage window to manually change person type usage. You do this when you want to change someone's person type to another user person type for the same system person type.

For example, you may have two user person types for the system person type of employee. These could be Student Placement, and Permanent Employee. If you wanted to change one of your employees from a Student Placement to a Permanent Employee, you would use this window. This change is datetracked for HR person types.

See: Person Types

The user person types shown on the Person Type Usage window are displayed in the Type field on the People window. OAB person types are usually automatically linked to a person when an event occurs in benefits administration, however there may be special occasions where you would want to amend them manually.

To change a person type usage

  1. Select the new user person type and choose Correction or Update in the displayed dialogue box. For an OAB person type you have the Correction option only.

  2. Save you work.

To delete an OAB person type usage

  1. Set the effective date to the date on which you want the usage to end.

  2. Select the user person type you want to delete and select Delete.

    Note: You can delete all records that use OAB person types except for those that use the person type Retiree, as this can only be maintained by the system.

  3. Choose the End date or Purge button and save your work.

    If the amendments you have made mean that changes must be made to any benefit assignments, you must make these manually.

Entering OAB Person Type Usage

Use the Person Type Usage window to manually assign a person an OAB user person type that was not automatically created.

The OAB user person types shown on the Person Type Usage window are in addition to the type selected in the Type field on the People window. Apart from employee and applicant, they are usually automatically linked to a person when an event occurs in benefits administration, however there may be special occasions where you would want to assign a person type to a person manually.

To enter OAB person types

  1. Set the effective date to the date on which the person type usage must begin.

  2. Query the person to whom you are assigning a person type.

  3. Insert a new record in the Person Type Usage window.

  4. Select the OAB user person type you want to associate with this person.

    Note: You can only have one active instance of any OAB system person type existing for a person at any one time. That means that if you already have a record of an OAB system person type, you cannot add another record for the same OAB system person type until after the end date of the existing record.

  5. Save your work. If the amendments you have made mean that changes must be made to a person's benefits assignments, you must make these manually.

Workers' Representation and Supplementary Roles

Workers' Representation and Supplementary Roles

Oracle HRMS enables you to record information about constituencies, representative bodies, supplementary roles and elections. Within your enterprise you can perform a number of different roles. These roles range from company defined initiatives such as Fire Warden to legislative defined roles awarded as a result of an election.


Constituencies are made up of components, such as, organization, location, and grade. You select components to define which people are part of the constituency. For example, if you include a grade in the constituency, all the people of that grade are included in the constituency. The people within the constituency are those eligible to vote in an election.

You can select the components to include in the constituency by using existing organization hierarchies. You use the Organization window to define the components of the constituency.

Representative Body

As a result of performing a role, an employee can be a member of a representative body. Representative bodies are typically committees or organizations with joint employer and employee representation.

Where these bodies are established by legislation, there are rules concerning the election process and you, or your enterprise, are responsible for recording the results of that election process.

The Organization window enables you to enter information about a representative body. By assigning constituencies to a representative body, you define which people make up that body.

Supplementary Roles

Supplementary roles are additional tasks that an employee performs in addition to being an employee. You can elect a person to a role, such as Union Representative, or a non-elected role, such as Fire Warden.

If a person needs to be elected to the role, you enter the election details and assign the person to the role using the elections window, but if they do not need to be elected, you can assign the person to the role through the Supplementary Roles window. You do not need to create any supplementary roles using the Job window before you can assign a person to that role.


You can record election information, results and the role being undertaken by the person following an election, using the Elections window.

The following graphic illustrates the two processes of assigning supplementary roles:

Assigning Supplementary Roles

the picture is described in the document text

Entering Supplementary Role Information

You can record information about any roles an employee or contingent worker holds which are not part of their contract; for example, Fire Warden or member of a workers' representative council.

You enter information about supplementary roles in the Supplementary Roles window.

To enter a supplementary role for an employee in Oracle HRMS

  1. In the Supplementary Roles window, select the Job Group to which the role belongs. You cannot select the default HR Job Group here. If you select a Job Group first, the list of roles is filtered to show only those roles attached to that Job Group.

  2. Select the role (only roles attached to Job Groups other than the default HR Job Group are available for selection in this window). If you select a role first, the Job Group is automatically selected.

    You can save your work and close the window at this stage, or fill in the remaining optional fields in the window to record:

    • The representative body associated with the role, if applicable (you can only select representative bodies associated with the Job Group you have selected).

    • Whether the employee or contingent worker is a primary contact for the representative body.

    • The date on which the employee or contingent worker begins the role (this defaults to the effective date) and the end date.

    • The start date of any confidentiality agreement associated with the role.

    • Whether the role carries any additional rights, and if so, the date on which these rights will end.

    Note: The additional rights setting is defaulted from the value entered when you defined the role in the Job window. You can change this.

Entering Election Information

Use the Elections window to record information about an election, or to assign a candidate to a supplementary role.

To enter election details:

  1. Select the name of the representative body.

    When you select the name of the representative body, the previous election date displays automatically if there has been a previous election.

  2. Enter the date and description of the election.

  3. Enter the previous election date if there has been a previous election, otherwise leave the Previous Election Date field blank.

  4. Enter the next election date if there is to be a future election, otherwise leave the Next Election Date field blank.

  5. Enter the date the results are published in the Results Date field, otherwise you cannot enter a place attained by each candidate later.

Constituency Details

  1. Select the constituencies that are taking part in the election in the Constituency Details block.

Candidates and Election Results

  1. Select candidates for the election in the Candidates block.

  2. Enter the place attained by each candidate in the Rank field.

  3. Select a supplementary role for elected candidates if required.

    You can only select a supplementary role, that is part of the job group selected for the representative body, you are entering election results for.

  4. Check the Primary Contact check box if the elected person is a primary contact for this representative body.

  5. Enter a start date and end date for the supplementary role.

    If you enter a results date this defaults into the Start Date field. If you enter a next election date, this defaults into the End Date field.

  6. Save your work.

    You can maintain supplementary role information in the Supplementary Role window. If you assign a supplementary role to a candidate and save it, you are only able to delete the supplementary role from the person's record in the Supplementary Roles window. You can then return to the Elections window and delete the candidate record, if required.