Oracle Payroll Command Center

This chapter covers the following topics:

Payroll Command Center

Payroll Command Center Overview

The Oracle Payroll Command Center presents payroll administrators, payroll managers, and the payroll team with an integrated view of the payroll data. Use key metrics, drill-down graphs, tag clouds, and aggregated tables to gain insight into the payroll, payments, and tax balance data to manage payroll efficiently and to improve your operational and process efficiency.

The Payroll Command Center is available to the following localizations:

Note: The Payroll Command Center - "Payroll Dashboard" is supported for all Payroll localizations. Anything that is localization-specific can be enhanced by adding new tabs to the existing "Payroll Dashboard" tab in the Payroll Command Center.

Additional Information: The US Payroll Command Center offers a US localization-specific "US Tax Dashboard" to provide insight into the employee tax balance data. This dashboard is not currently available to other Payroll localizations.

As a payroll administrator or a payroll manager, use the Payroll Command Center to:

As a US payroll administrator, use the command center to:

The Payroll Command Center includes the following dashboards:

Note: You can use the Payroll Command Center only after the installation and common configurations are completed as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1, Installing Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework, Release 12.2. For additional ECC overview information, see Overview of Enterprise Command Centers, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Searching Enterprise Command Center Dashboards

Use the sidebar to search for and refine (filter) the data on a dashboard. You can select a value or record from the Available Refinements component, or you can use the Search field to find a keyword, a value, or a specific record. You can also search using keywords. When you submit a search, or select an available refinement, the search term or refinement is added to the Selected Refinements list, and all of the dashboard data will be filtered based on these refinements. You can add multiple refinements and remove any of them at any time. Use Saved Search to create and save your search. You can edit, delete, or refer to this saved search. Use an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%) to perform a partial keyword or record search that matches any string of zero or more characters. You can also use a question mark (?) to perform a partial search that matches any single character.

Additional Information: For more information about searching for and refining data in enterprise command centers, see Search in Highlights of an Enterprise Command Center, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Payroll Dashboard

See Payroll Command Center Overview.

The Payroll Dashboard is a generic dashboard applicable to all Oracle HRMS and Oracle Payroll legislations including Oracle International HR and Payroll.

Important: The payroll data that you can see on the dashboard depends on the security setup of your enterprise. The fiscal year that is set up for your legislation defines the payroll data that you view on the Current Year - Payroll and Current Year - Payments tabs of this dashboard.

Use the Payroll Dashboard to:

To access the Payroll Dashboard, use the predefined Payroll Professional responsibility and the Payroll Command Center menu, or the responsibility and navigation that your enterprise has set up.

Legislation-Specific Refinements

The following table lists the legislation-specific attributes that are available in the Payroll Dashboard (data set), Available Refinements component.

Legislation-Specific Attributes in Available Refinements
Legislation Attributes
UK PAYE Reference

Payroll Dashboard

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes the dashboard:

Important: In the metrics summary bars, you can display only those metrics that are applicable to your legislation. Click the Options icon and select the applicable metrics in the Hide/Show Summary Items personalization component.

Hide/Show Summary Items

the picture is described in the document text

Component Description
Payroll Metrics (summary bar) This summary bar contains the following key metrics:
  • Organizations: This metric shows the number of organizations that you can access. Select the organization for which you want to view the payroll data.

  • Payrolls: This metric shows the number of payrolls that you can access. Select the payroll for which you want to view data.

  • Employees: This metric shows the number of active employees that you can access.

  • Total Supplemental Earnings: This metric shows the sum of supplemental earnings.

  • Total Earnings: This metric shows the sum of all earnings.

  • Total Deductions: This metric shows the sum of all deductions.

  • Total Payments: This metric shows the sum of all payments for the selected period.

  • Currency: This metric shows the currency, which depends on the legislation and the responsibility that you use to log into the Payroll Dashboard.

Payroll Alerts (summary bar) This summary bar provides the following alerts. When you click an alert, the Alert Information tab displays information related to the alert. Use these details to focus on missing or incomplete assignment data and to take corrective actions prior to launching the payroll process cycle.
  • New Assignments: This metric shows the number of employee assignments that are newly hired during the current payroll period. You can review whether the newly hired employee data is correct and complete prior to processing the payroll.

  • Inactive Assignments: This metric shows the number of employee assignments that are suspended. Review inactive assignments to ensure that terminated employees have received their remaining paid-time-off payout and other payments.

  • Missing Prepayments: This metric shows the number of employees assignments with missing prepayments after the payroll is processed using QuickPay.

  • Missing Payment Method: This metric shows the number of employee assignments with no personal payment method.

  • Missing Salary: This metric shows the number of employee assignments with no salary proposal.

  • Missing Payroll: This metric shows the number of employee assignments with no payroll.

  • Missing Position: This metric shows the number of employee assignments that have no position assigned in the current period of the payroll.

Number of People by Payroll Name (tag cloud) This tag cloud shows payroll names with the total number of persons processed for each payroll. Click a tag cloud to filter the information on the dashboard.
Payroll Information (tabbed component):
Current Period - Payroll (tab)
The Current Period - Payroll tab displays the payroll data based on the most current payroll period. You can compare the latest payroll values with the previous three periods and also drill down to individual payroll or period dates.

Important: The payroll data is dependent on when your payroll administrator runs the data load during the payroll cycle. For example, if your payroll administrator has just completed the payroll process, then the information in this tab may not match the data that the Current Period - Payments tab presents. However, if the Prepayments process is also completed by the time the data load is run, then the Current Period - Payroll data will match the data in the Current Period - Payments.

  • Assignment Count by Payroll: This chart shows the total number of employee assignments processed for each payroll in a pay period or on an effective date. Use this chart to compare the number of assignments processed in the last few payroll periods.

  • Total Amount by Payroll Name, Pay Period: This chart shows the total payroll amounts for each payroll in a pay period. Select a dimension to view the payroll amounts by effective date, classification, category, or reporting name.

  • Total Amount by Classification: By default, this tag cloud shows the payroll amounts by element classification attribute. Select a dimension to view the payroll amounts by category or reporting name. Use this tag to identify any discrepancies that carry over from the past payroll period. The discrepancies include missing elements, element categories that missed processing, or employee assignments that were over processed.

  • Summary by Elements: Use this aggregated table to view payroll element details for multiple levels of aggregation. You can view aggregate amounts and hours for the selected attributes and export the results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Payroll Information (tabbed component):
Current Period - Payments (tab)
The Current Period - Payments tab shows employee payments for the current pay period in the following components:
  • Payments Tag Cloud: This tag cloud shows the total amounts paid for each payment method or in a pay period. Click a payment method or a pay period tag to filter the information on the dashboard.

  • Net Pay Distribution: By default, this chart shows the net amounts paid through each payment method in a pay period. Select a different dimension to view the net pay distribution by payment category or payroll name.

  • Third-Party Pay Distribution: This chart shows the distribution of third-party payments made through each payment method or payment type in a pay period.

  • Summary by Payments: Use this aggregated table to view employee payment details for multiple levels of aggregation. You can view aggregate payments for the selected attributes and export the results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Payroll Information (tabbed component):
Current Year - Payroll (tab)
The Current Year - Payroll tab shows the fiscal year-to-date payroll total amounts as of the latest data load date in the following charts:
  • Total Amount by Payroll Name: By default, this donut chart shows the total amounts for each payroll. Select a different dimension to view the amounts by salary basis, GRE name, or organization.

  • Total Amount by Element Classification: By default, this pie chart shows the total amounts by element classification. Select a different dimension to view the amounts by classification or category.

  • Total Amount by Payroll Name, Quarter: By default, this chart shows the total amounts by payroll name and quarter. Select a different group dimension to view the amounts by supervisor, organization, or GRE name. Select a different dimension to view the amounts by pay month or effective date.

  • Total Amount by Payroll Name, Classification: By default, this chart shows the total amounts by payroll name and classification. Select a group dimension to view the amounts by GRE name or supervisor. Select a dimension to view the amounts by category or reporting name.

  • Employee Payroll Summary: Use this aggregated table to view employee payroll details for multiple levels of aggregation. You can view aggregate yearly amounts and hours for the selected attributes and export the results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Payroll Information (tabbed component):
Current Year - Payments (tab)
The Current Year - Payments tab presents the fiscal year-to-date payments data (that is from the beginning of the current year through the latest data load date) in the following charts
  • Payments by Pay Method: This pie chart shows the distribution of employee payments (year-to-date totals) for each payment method.

  • Payments by Grade, Job, or Position: By default, this donut chart shows the distribution of payments (year-to-date totals) for each job. Select a different dimension to view the payment distribution by position, grade, or supervisor.

  • Payments by Location: This bar chart shows the payments distribution by work location.

  • Employee Payment Summary: Use this aggregated table to employee payment details for multiple levels of aggregation. You can view aggregate yearly payments for the selected attributes and export the results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.

Payroll Information (tabbed component):
Alerts Information (tab)
This tab shows the details for the metric that you select in Payroll Alerts. You can export the results in a comma-separated values (CSV) file format.