Self-Service Interfaces

Self-Service Interfaces Overview

Self-Service interfaces enable learners, managers, and instructors to access and manage their learning. Learners can use the learner interface to create learning paths and enroll into courses that help meet their learning goals. The manager interface enables managers to track their employees learning activities. Instructors can access the classes they teach and communicate with learners using the instructor interface.

Managing Your Learning through Learner Self Service

The learner interface is a central location where you can find all your learning. From the learner pages, you can:

Managing your Employees through Manager Self Service

The Manager interface is almost identical to the Learner interface. The only difference is that the manager first selects the specific employee for which to view the learning. Every manager is also a learner, so managers can take learning for themselves.

Use the Manager pages to set specific learning goals for your employees and track their learning progress. You can define and manage the training requirements and the corresponding learning paths for your employees. This service is available to you only when you log into Oracle Applications as a manager. Using the Manager pages, for each of your employees you can:

Note: When you log in as a manager, you see the list of employees available to you according to the HR security group.

Managing your classes through Instructor Self Service

The instructor interface provides the following capabilities:

Key Concepts

To use the self-service interfaces, you must understand the following key concepts:

Self-Service Interfaces Requirements

Employees and managers can set learning goals for themselves and their employees, helping them become ready to take on new responsibilities and roles. Instructors can find information on their classes, communicate with learners, and play their online classes. The learner, manager, and instructor interfaces cater to each of your learning needs individually.

Can a learner record external learning information?

Yes. A learner can use the External Learning page to record the learning details of courses provided by an external training provider, which are not part of the OLM catalog. Learners and managers can record this external learning for information purposes, to retain a comprehensive learning history.

When does a class move to Learning History?

Any class, online or offline, that has passed its end date automatically moves to the Learning History (expired section).

When a learner completes an offline class, as when an administrator marks an instructor-led class as completed by the learner, the class automatically moves to the Learning History (completed section).

When a learner completes an online class, the class remains on the learner home page, so that the learner can easily access the class again. When ready, the learner selects Move to History to move an online class to the Learning History (completed section).

Can a learner update a learning path created by the manager?

No. A learner cannot update a learning path created by their manager, as only the manager has the rights to update a manager-type learning path. This safeguard ensures that the manager retains control over the learning the manager regards as necessary.

Can a learner unenroll from a class after requesting enrollment?

Yes, after the learner is enrolled, but the application disables the Unenroll button until the manager has approved the request for enrollment. Prior to approval, the learner can ask the manager to reject the enrollment request.

Can a learner enroll in a class when the learner has already enrolled in or has requested another class that has overlapping dates?

Yes. A learner can enroll in multiple courses that fall within the same date range.

Can a manager play the online course to which an employee is enrolled?

No. In the Manager Self Service pages, a manager can view the employee's current learning and learning history, but cannot play an online course in which the employee is enrolled (unless they themselves are enrolled).

Why do you require a separate instructor interface?

The instructor interface provides essential information to the instructors at one central location. Instructors have quick and easy access to their classes and do not have to search for required information. Instructors can play their online classes and communicate with learners using chats and discussion forums.

My Learning Interface

My Learning Home Page

Learners can navigate to the My Learning Home Page using the Learner Home menu.

The My Learning page offers flexibility to learners to view either their current enrollments or their learning history on the same page. This page provides two buttons: Current and History. Learners can click either of the options to view details as required. Depending on what the learners want to view the following sections are available:

You can use the Home page to access:

Course Catalog

Use the Course Catalog section to search for courses, certifications, learning paths, forums, and chats. Note that search and browse show only the learning to which your catalog administrator has granted you access. Use the Browse Categories link to locate learning by category. Click a category to view the subcategories, learning paths, certifications, courses, forums, and chats within that category.

When you enroll in another class for the same course, you can remove yourself from classes where you are waitlisted and from the classes that you are enrolled in. Use the Remove from Waitlists or Other Enrollments dialog box to complete this action. This dialog box appears when learners enroll in a class after a class search from the My Learning Home page and on the Course Details and Class Details pages.

When you search for classes, the Search New Learning page displays a list of classes.


The Announcements section displays the announcements and notifications awaiting your attention.

Forums and Chats

You can view forums and chats available to learners.

You can access your subscribed category forums and chats using the Forums and Chats page. You can post new topics to a forum or participate in existing discussions. Use chats for online discussions with other learners subscribed to the chat. You can search for and subscribe to forums and chats within a category. Use the Class Details page to access your class forums and chats.

Manage my external classes

Click this link to view details of external learning such as the course name, provider, and completion date.

Current Learning

Current Learning presents the following sections:

My Current Instructor-Led Enrollments

This section shows details for synchronous learning, which is instructor-led offline and online enrollments.

My Current Self-Paced Enrollments

This section shows details for asynchronous learning, which is self-paced offline and online enrollments.

You can play your online courses, but you must use the Learning Certifications and Learning Paths sections to enroll in and play the online courses in your subscribed certifications and paths. You can search for and subscribe to learning certifications using Search.

The Class column displays the following information:

The Start Date column displays the following information:

The Play column displays the Play icon for online (synchronous and asynchronous) classes.

My Current Waitlists

If you are placed on a waitlist for a class, then this section shows the class name with your number on the waitlist. To remove yourself from the waitlist, click the class link to navigate to the Class Details page. See Using the Class Details Page for more information.

My Current Learning Paths

View details of the learning paths that you have subscribed to. Learners can view the number of classes that they completed compared to the total number of classes in the learning path. The Due Date column will be blank if a learning path does not have a due date.

My Current Certifications

View certifications that you have subscribed to. The Certification column displays different information depending on the status of the certification.

The different statuses for a certification are:

Different icons indicate the certification status of a learner.

The following list explains the status of each course in a certification:

My Current External Learning

View details of external learning such as the course name, provider, and completion date.

Learning History

You can continue to play completed online courses from the learning history page, but cannot play the courses for which your enrollment is cancelled.

Learning history presents the following sections:

My Instructor-Led Enrollment History

This section shows the history of instructor-led offline and online enrollments.

My Self-Paced Enrollment History

This section shows the history of self-paced offline and online enrollments.

My Learning Path History

The My Learning Path History section lists the learning paths that have expired, those that you subscribed to and completed or unsubscribed from, and those you have moved from home to learning history.

My Certification History

The My Certification History section displays information on expired certifications, those that you subscribed to and completed or unsubscribed from, and those you moved to the history section.

My External Learning History

The External Learning History section shows learning taken externally, such as from an outside vendor, and entered manually.

Key Concepts


Using the Category Page

The Category page appears when a learner clicks a hyperlink in the Browse Course Catalog section in the My Learning Home Page. You can view the subcategories, learning paths, courses, certifications, forums, and chats within that category. Using the links available in the Courses, Certification, and Learning Paths section, you can drill-down to view the details of the learning content.

If there is only one class for a course, then when the learner clicks the Enroll icon, a pop-up window appears to provide enrollment details. If there is more than one class for a course, then OLM presents the Course Details page from where the learner can choose a class to enroll in.

Learners can subscribe to learning paths, certifications, forums and chats from this page.

See: My Learning Home Page

Using the Course Details Page

The Course Details page displays relevant information about a course. Course details include course name, course description, objectives, audience, delivered competencies, content outline, attachments, and class reviews, if any. If there are any ratings for a class, then OLM displays them in the star format, in range between 0 and 5. For example, a 3-star rating will show as 3 yellow stars and 2 gray stars.

Learners can enroll into classes from the Course Details page or click a class link to view details and enroll. See: Using the Class Details Page

Using the Class Details Page

The Class Details page helps learners to view the class enrollment status and take online classes. If there are any ratings or reviews for a class, then learners can review and rate the class. Depending on the enrollment status of the learner, actions to perform for a class are available.

Class details include the type of class, duration, enrollment start and end dates a learner's enrollment status for the class, and forums and chats for the class. If there are any ratings for a class, then OLM displays them in the star format, in range between 0 and 5. For example, a 3-star rating will show as 3 yellow stars and 2 gray stars.

In the Other Information region, learners can view the session details of the class, if any. The session details include: name of the session, date and time of the session, and room where the class session will be held. The session section is not displayed if the class does not have any sessions.

Class status provides useful information about a class. The class status can be one of the following:

Removing from the Waitlist

The Remove from Waitlist action is available to learners who are on the enrollment waitlist. Select this action to remove yourself from the class waiting list. Select a status and a reason for your action.

Enrolling in a Class

OLM displays an Enroll icon for a class, if the learner is not yet enrolled. Click Enroll to enroll into a class. On enrolling in a class, you receive a confirmation that you have successfully enrolled, or a message indicating that you are waitlisted for the class. If the enrollment requires approval, then your enrollment request goes to an approver.

When you receive a confirmation that you are enrolled in a class, a context page shows if you are placed on waitlists for other classes of the same course. You can remove yourself from these class waitlists, if required.

Unenrolling from a Class

You can unenroll from a class that you have enrolled in yourself, and also unenroll from a class that your manager or an administrator has enrolled you in. You cannot unenroll from a mandatory class.

Performing Actions After Enrollment

The following actions are available for a class after a learner enrolls in the class. These actions depend on the class type and components available for the class.

OLM tracks all attempts of learners when they attempt to play online content, which is SCORM 2004 compliant. For a class type of asynchronous online, if there are multiple performances coming from SCORM 2004, then the Status column record of multiple performance records. Learners can click the links to view details of the content summary and all performance records.

Electronic Signature

If a class requires evaluation and electronic signature, then learners must first provide the electronic signature and then complete the evaluation.

Accessing Class Forums and Chats

You can access the class forums and chats from the Class Details page after you have successfully enrolled in the class. Class forums support private messages that are visible to selected recipients only. Only learners and moderators can post private messages to a class forum. You can use class chats for online discussions with instructors and other learners enrolled in the class.

Related Topics

See: My Learning Home Page

See: Using the Course Details Page

Taking Assessments

Learning administrators can associate assessments with a course or a class to understand the effectiveness of the offering or to measure a learner's performance and knowledge.

OLM presents the following assessment types:

Viewing the Test Overview and Questions Regions

The Test Overview and Questions regions appear when the Summary button is enabled for a test.

Use the following regions in the Test Instructions page to track questions when you take a test, a survey, or an evaluation. You can see how many questions a test has and use the region to navigate to any question in the test.

Using the Learning Path Details Page

The sections that learners can view in the Learning Path Details page vary depending on whether a learner has subscribed to a learning path. General learning path details include learning path information such as the total number of courses in the learning path, learning path sections, subscription date, due date, objectives and any delivered competencies.

Note: Learners can view mandatory courses only if they have subscribed to the learning path.

Learners can subscribe to a learning path using the Subscribe icon. The Learning Path Subscribe page appears only if all courses in all the learning path sections are mandatory. If courses are not mandatory, then, when a learner subscribes to a learning path, a confirmation message appears in the Learning Path Details page.

Actions that a Learner can Perform after Subscribing to a Learning Path

The following actions are available for a learning path after a learner subscribes to the learning path:

Using the Certification Details Page

The sections that learners can view in the Learning Certification page vary depending on whether a learner has subscribed to a certification. General certification details include description, objectives, and the certification specific competencies.

You can subscribe to a certification using the Subscribe icon. The Learning Certification page displays separate sections for mandatory and optional certification courses. All the courses in the mandatory section must be completed to get certified. The Optional Courses section displays a message about the number of courses that you must complete in the section.

When you subscribe to a certification, you can enroll in classes that are a part of the certification. You can view details of a class such as the class name, the class type, the language, the class start date, and the duration. If the class enrollment is approval-based, then you are not enrolled until your enrollment is approved.

When you subscribe to a certification that does not require approval, OLM automatically presents a list of classes to enroll in. OLM displays only those classes to which learners have access and they must have completed mandatory course and competence prerequisites. You can either enroll in classes using the Enroll button or choose to not enroll in classes by using the Skip Enrollments button. If there is only one class in a mandatory course, then that class is selected by default. If there are multiple classes, you can use the Reset button to change your selection of classes.

When learners subscribe to a certification that requires approval, they can use the Enroll in Classes option in the Select an Action list to enroll in classes, post certification subscription approval. During certification subscription renewal, learners can use the Enroll in Classes option. For certifications with only instructor-led offerings, the certified date is the end date of the last completed instructor-led class in the certification.

The following actions area available to a learner who has subscribed to a certification:

Note: A learning administrator can restrict the use of self-study in initial certifications and renewals of certifications. The application will display classes based on the type of restriction or may display a message that is suitable to initial certification or certification renewal.

Related Topics

See: My Learning Home Page

Reviewing and Rating

Learners can review and rate classes. The reviews and ratings that learners provide are available for other learners to view. Learners can review and rate classes only after enrollment.

To rate a class and enter review comments, a learner can navigate to the Class Details page of the relevant class from the My Learning Home page and select "Create Review" from the drop-down menu. See: Using the Class Details Page

In the Create Review pop-up window, the learner can:

Note: The learning administrator has the ability to delete reviews and ratings that learners provide.


Related Topics

See: My Learning Home Page

Using the External Learning Page

If enabled, learners can enter their own external learning, with or without approval, from the Learner Self-Service responsibility. The External Learning page appears when learners click the Manage my external classes link in the My Learning Home page.

A learner can use the External Learning page to record the learning details of courses provided by an external training provider, which are not part of the OLM catalog. Use this page to add, update, or delete external learning.

See: My Learning Home Page

Learning (old) Interface

The Learner Home

The Learner Home page provides a snapshot view of all your learning. You can view classes that you are currently enrolled in, view learning certifications and learning paths you have subscribed to, track the status of pending enrollments, and communicate with instructors and other learners using forums and chats. You can use the Home page to access your:

You can export class schedule details such as class time, class start and end dates, if the Export feature for classes is enabled. System administrators enable this feature.

Additional bins on the Home page give you quick access to your subscribed category chats and forums and private forum messages. The Announcements bin displays the announcements and notifications awaiting your attention. From the Browse Catalog bin, you can quickly browse through categories and their contents.

Personalize Home Page

You can personalize the information containers on your Home page. You can display or hide the containers. You can also reorder the containers.

The Learner's Catalog View

Use the catalog page to browse categories, search for and enroll in courses, or request enrollment from an approver.

Searching and Browsing the Catalog

Note: If Oracle Endeca is installed and licensed in your environment, then refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery Integration and System Administration Guide for detailed information about the Endeca enhancements to your product.

Use the Search window to search for courses, certifications, learning paths, forums, and chats. Note that search and browse show only the learning to which your catalog administrator has granted you access. Use the Browse Catalog window or the catalog page to locate learning by category. Click a category to view the subcategories, learning paths, courses, forums, and chats within that category.

You can drill down to the class level from a category. The class details page displays detailed class information and lists the course prerequisites, competency prerequisites, forums, and chats associated with the class. On the Course page, you can view the image of the course and if the course has prerequisites, you can click the links to view course details of the prerequisite course. Class status provides useful information about a class. The class status can be one of the following:

Enrolling and Unenrolling in a Class

You can directly enroll into a class when you search and view course information. Click Choose or Enroll in class icon to enroll into a class. If there is more than one offering for a course, then you can select the offering. If there is only one offering but more than one class for the course, then you can enroll in the required class. If there is only one class for the course, then the Enroll page appears.

On enrolling in a class, you receive a confirmation that you have successfully enrolled, or a message indicating that you are waitlisted for the class. If the enrollment requires approval, then your enrollment request goes to an approver, usually your manager. You can unenroll from a class that you have enrolled in yourself, and also unenroll from a class that your manager or an administrator has enrolled you in. You cannot unenroll from a mandatory class.

Class Evaluation and Electronic Signature

Class Evaluation

You can complete evaluation for classes from the Evaluate or Sign column of the Enrollments table. If the class consists of an evaluation, then OLM displays a play icon for the object in the Evaluate or Sign column. When you complete the class, the play icon becomes active. After you complete the evaluation, OLM replaces the icon with the Done text.

Electronic Signature

Online Class: When you complete the last learning object in a class with electronic signature, the Learner Home page displays the signing icon in the Evaluate or Sign column. When you click this icon, OLM presents the E-signatures page. On the E-signature tabbed region, select the signature type and select the approve or reject response type. If you select Approve, then OLM saves the electronic signature record. If you select Reject, then OLM does not save the electronic signature record. You must enter user name and password, and click the Sign icon to provide electronic signature. The E-Record tabbed region displays a record of your electronic signature. After you provide the electronic signature, OLM replaces the signing icon with the Done text, if there is no evaluation to complete.

Scheduled Class: After the learner participates in a class, the administrator or instructor can change the enrollment status to pending signature. When you click the signing icon in the Evaluate or Sign column, OLM presents the E-signatures page. On the E-signature tabbed region, select the signature type and select the approve or reject response type. You must enter user name and password, and click the Sign icon to provide electronic signature. The E-Record tabbed region displays a record of your electronic signature. After you provide the electronic signature, OLM replaces the signing icon with the Done text, if there is no evaluation to complete.

Note: If a class requires evaluation and electronic signature, then you must first provide the electronic signature and then complete the evaluation.

Accessing Class Forums and Chats

You can access the class forums and chats from the Class Details page after you have successfully enrolled in the class. Class forums support private messages that are visible to selected recipients only. Only learners and moderators can post private messages to a class forum. You can use class chats for online discussions with instructors and other leaners enrolled in the class.

Learning History

Use the learning history page to view your completed learning, learning that has expired or was cancelled, and learning that you chose to move from your Home page to the Learning History page.

Note: Click Move to History to move a course, learning certification, or a learning path from the Home page to the Learning History page.

The learning history page displays up to four sections, depending on the setup of your application:

Instructor Interface

Instructor Interface

The instructor interface enables you to manage your classes and bookings, communicate with learners online, and carry out your administrative tasks.

Instructor Home

The instructor home page provides a snapshot view of the classes you are teaching or are scheduled to teach. In addition to class details, you can find information on sessions, enrollments, resource bookings, course prerequisites, competency prerequisites, class forums, and class chats. You can mark attendance from the enrollment lists, and, if enabled, update the enrollment status for learners in your classes.

Viewing Free Text Responses

If a test for a class includes free text questions, then you can view the responses using the Free Text Responses link on the Content tab for a test. You can search for a class and then view learners' response to the free text questions answered as part of a test or survey.

Note: You cannot view free text responses answered as part of a class evaluation.

Viewing the Evaluation Status for a Class

Instructors can view the evaluation status of learners for a specific class. For more information, see: Viewing the Evaluation Status for Courses and Classes

Setting the Enrollment Status for a Scheduled Class with Mandatory Evaluation: For a scheduled class that includes mandatory evaluation, you must set the enrollment status to Pending Evaluation after you complete teaching the class. The evaluation becomes active on the learner's home page and when the learner completes the evaluation OLM changes the learner's enrollment status to Attended.

Setting the Enrollment Status for a Scheduled Class with Electronic Signature: When you change the enrollment status of learners in a class that is part of a electronic signature enabled course and click Apply, OLM displays the E-signatures page. On the E-signatures tabbed region, select the signature type, which is the type of signer, for example, reviewer or author. Select Approve or Reject response type. If you select Approve, then OLM saves the enrollment status changes after the electronic signature process is completed. If you select Reject, then OLM does not save the enrollment status updates. Enter any comments, if applicable. Enter your user name and password to sign the document. Click the Sign icon to complete the electronic signature process. The E-Record tabbed region displays a record of the enrollment status changes that you make. You cannot set the enrollment status of a learner directly to Attended in a class that is electronic signature enabled. You can set the enrollment status to Pending Signature to obtain the electronic signature of the learner.

Note: If a class requires learners to provide electronic signature and complete an evaluation, then set the status to Pending Signature and Evaluation. Learners must first provide their electronic signature and then complete the evaluation.

Playing Online Classes: You can also play your online classes from the Home page. The player automatically launches the web conference for classes that you can host and deliver to learners over the Web.

Note: OLM does not track your performance when you play courses.

Viewing the Announcements Bin: The Announcements bin displays the latest announcements and notifications requiring your attention. You can access the forums and chats you moderate. Your latest supplemental bookings appear in My Supplemental Bookings.

You can export class schedule details such as class time, class start and end dates, if the Export feature for classes is enabled. System administrators enable this feature.

Forums and Chats

From the Forums and Chats page you can access the forums and chats for your classes and the forums and chats you moderate. Class forums support both public and private messages. Public topics and messages are available to all users for discussion. Only learners and moderators can exchange private messages. A moderator monitors the forum and chat messages and has the privilege to delete messages from a forum.

Note: You can also access your class forums and chats from the Class Details page. Clicking More sends you to the Forums and Chats page, which lists all the forums and chats for the class.

Booking Details

From the Supplemental Bookings page you can access your bookings for non-catalog activities such as vacation or preparation time. The Booking History page lists your past bookings.