Oracle Learning Management Glossary

Oracle Learning Management Glossary


An attribute of Delivery Mode, to define learning that does not require a time, place, or live instructor. Asynchronous learning is also known as self-paced learning. Asynchronous learning can be either online, such as a recorded seminar or other self-paced web content, or offline, such as a book or a CD-ROMSee also Delivery Mode
A status that verifies that a learner has participated in a synchronous offering. For online offerings, the application can capture the change in status; for offline offerings, an instructor can record the change in status.


Blended Learning
The ability to employ multiple delivery modes in delivering a single piece of learning or a series of learning events. Blended learning describes both the ability to deliver a single piece of learning through multiple modes, and the ability to construct a series of learning events that employ different delivery modes.


What the learner sees when browsing through available courses and learning paths. You can divide the Oracle Learning Management (OLM) catalog into categories to facilitate the learners' search for related learning. The single catalog organizes and displays all learning, regardless of delivery mode.
Catalog Category
A subdivision of the catalog. You create categories to organize courses in the catalog, and to help learners search for related learning. You can create a hierarchy of categories, and a course can be a part of more than one category.
Catalog Prerequisites
Courses and competencies that a learner must or should complete before enrolling in a given class. Mandatory prerequisites prevent learners from enrolling in the class, while advisory prerequisites merely inform the learner of courses they should take or competencies they should acquire prior to enrollment.
A scheduled live discussion that enables learners and instructors to exchange messages online. You can create a chat within a category or for a specific class.
The entity that is an individual instance of an offering, and in which learners enroll, typically for synchronous offerings. For each class, you can create multiple sessions. See Session
CMI Adapter
See SCORM Adapter
CMI Objectives
Data elements contained in AICC content to enable greater content tracking. As part of the AICC specification, you can import CMI Objectives contained in a learning object. You can also view the CMI Objectives contained in a learning object post import.
A measurable behavior required by an organization, job or position that a person may demonstrate in the work context. A competence can be a piece of knowledge, a skill, an attitude, or an attribute.
A status that indicates a learner has taken the course. The completed status depends on the delivery mode of the offering: for online asynchronous offerings, Completed is when the learner has played the offering, dependent on the type of tracking; for offline asynchronous offerings, it is when the learner has read a book or other offline material; for offline or online synchronous offerings it is when the learner has attended the class.
A piece of online learning material that is delivered to the learners through offerings.
Content Folder
An organizing container for online learning objects. You set up content folders to reflect the structure of your content, for example, by subject matter, curriculum, or learner job roles. You create content folders and sub folders to organize and group related learning objects.See also Learning Object
Content Location
A URL that identifies and locates your physical content that is located on a content server, either an external server or an OLM content server.
Content Tree
The content hierarchy consisting of content folders, its sub folders, learning objects and tests.See also Learning Object,Test
A catalog entity that is described by attributes such as objectives and learner competencies. It is the entity that defines and describes the learning, without specifics such as content and delivery mode which are defined in the offering. An offering is a child of a course.
Cross Charge
The transfer of the cost of training fees or resources between organizations, departments, or cost centers within an enterprise.
Customer Restricted
Offerings or classes that are restricted to one or more customers (learner or customer/order priced).


Delivery Mode
Identifies the style in which learning is delivered. Delivery modes are either synchronous (real time) or asynchronous (self -paced), and either online (viewed through the player) or offline (such as a class in a classroom, or a book to be read). The four combinations are: online synchronous, online asynchronous, offline synchronous, and offline asynchronous. Once defined, customers can name the delivery modes whatever they wish, to describe their different styles of learning.
Descriptive Flexfields
A field that your organization configures to capture additional information required by your business but not otherwise tracked by Oracle Applications. See also Key Flexfield


A status describing a learner's engagement with a learning catalog entity. For example, a learner must enroll in a class in order to access it. You must set appropriate learner access conditions for your offering or class to ensure that only specific learners enroll in the class.
Enrollment End
Date by which an offering or class no longer shows in the learner catalog. Learners cannot enroll after that date.
Enrollment List
List of enrollments against an offering or class.
Enrollment Start
Date on which an offering or class shows up in the learner catalog.


Finance Header
A record of a monetary amount against a learner enrollment or a resource booking. A finance header can consist of multiple finance lines.
Finance Line
An individual financial transaction within a finance header.
Finance Total
Total of finance lines against enrollment for a class. Finance can be of type Receivable or Cross Charge.See also Finance Line, Cross Charge
Flexfields (Key And Descriptive)
Configurable additional data entry fields that are not predetermined by Oracle Applications. They are not altered by patch install or upgrades.See also Key Flexfields, Descriptive Flexfields
A message board that learners and instructors use to post general learning topics for discussion. Users can subscribe to a forum and post topics and messages for discussion. You can create forums within a category or for a specific class.


A person in charge of delivering a synchronous offering. Note that for backwards compatibility, "Trainer" is the predefined name of the resource type.


Key Flexfield
A flexible data field made up of segments. Each segment has a name you define and a set of valid values you specify. Used as the key to uniquely identify an entity, such as jobs, positions, grades, cost codes, and employee groups. See also Descriptive Flexfield


One who enrolls and takes up a course on OLM. There can be different types of learners: internal learners, or external learners such as customers and partners.
Learner Access
A definition of the list of learners who can access a catalog object. You can define learner access at the category, course, offering, and class levels. An object lower in the hierarchy derives access from the parent object (inherited access). For example, a course inherits access that is defined for the category above it. You cannot modify access inherited from another object.
Learning Certification
A catalog object that offers learners the opportunity to subscribe to and complete one-time and renewable certifications. The learning certification is primarily a container for a logical grouping of existing courses, with added attributes such as renewability and deadlines.
Learning History
The list of past courses a learner has taken that are captured on the system.
Learning Object
An entity that defines online course content within OLM. Learning objects provide the metadata to represent and describe the actual physical content located on the content server. You can structure online content as a hierarchy of learning objects, to be delivered as a single offering. OLM automatically tracks learner progress at the learning object level.
Learning Path
A sequence of two or more courses that enables tracking of learner progress against a higher level learning objective than is associated with an individual course. A learning path can be created by a learner, manager, or administrator.
LMS Administrator
A role of a user in the system. This is the role of a user who is tasked with managing the system, entering and maintaining data, and handling the setup related tasks.
The physical address of a particular class or other.


The manager to whom one or more learners report.


An entity under a course. Attributes such as delivery mode, language, and content define offerings. An offering consists of one or more classes.See also Synchronous
Learning that a learner can complete while not logged into the learning management system. Examples include instructor led training in a classroom, paper-based study, or CD-ROM offerings.
Learning for which the learner must log into the learning management system to participate. Online learning content is delivered and tracked by the learning management system.
The functionality within the learning management system that delivers online content.
The price at which a class is charged for attendance. The price can be overwritten by administrators and is not relevant if OM is used.
Proficiency Level
The perceived level of expertise of a person in a competence, in the opinion of the assessor, over a given period. For example, a person may demonstrate the communication competence at Expert level.


Question Bank
A storage of questions that are used in one or more tests.


A person or object that is necessary to deliver a class, for example, a named instructor or a specific classroom required for a synchronous offline offering. In OLM, you create resource types and define the resources that are available for each resource type.
The physical room identifier where a class takes place.


A list of learning, and associated dates, that is due to take place for a learner or for an instructor.
SCORM Adapter
A set of files enabling communication between your content and OLM when your content contains SCORM CMI calls, and when your content is outside the Oracle domain. With the SCORM adapter, the content can successfully communicate tracking information to the learning management system irrespective of the content location. The SCORM adapter files reside on the same content server as your content.
A catalog entity that is a subset of a class. Used when a single synchronous class meets at more than one time, or in more than one location, on more than one date, or with more than one instructor.
Successfully Completed
A learner has successfully completed a class when the learner is verified as not only having attended or attempted the offering, but having demonstrated competency sufficient to achieve the competencies associated with the course.
An attribute of delivery mode for learning that requires a time, place, or live instructor. Synchronous learning can be either online, such as a live web seminar, or offline, such as an instructor led class in a physical room.See also Delivery Mode


A grouping of questions taken from question banks and delivered through the player. Tests are designed to test explicit knowledge, skill level, and/or ability of a learner. See also Question Bank
A predefined resource type. The Trainer resource type is named for backward compatibility. However, the application refers to the resources of this type as instructors.
Training Center
A place where learning occurs, or a hierarchy used for reporting on classes and resources.
An official report that shows whether a learner has completed, attended, or failed a class. Transcript covers for instance one larger goal such as a degree or comprehensive goal that perhaps could be attained through successfully completing a learning path.


Web Conference
An entity that you use to deliver online synchronous classes and record these classes for on-demand playback. You can create a Web conference for an online synchronous class or enter recorded Web conference information for the class to associate it with a recorded Web conference.