Configuring the Talent Profile Function

Configuring Talent Profile

Configuring Manager and Personal Actions in Talent Profile

This topic provides information on how to configure the manager and personal actions available from the following sections in the Talent Profile page.

Configuring the Actions List

In Talent Profile, the standard Personal Actions or Manager Actions list is role based. The Actions list contains Personal Actions or Manager Actions depending on the profile the person is viewing.

If you want to configure the Actions list according to your business requirements, then you must create custom menus using the predefined menus.

Functions in the Available in the Predefined Personal Actions Menu

The following table provides a list of functions available in the predefined Personal Actions Menu:

Prompt Sub Menu Sub Menu Type Function Grant Description
Personal Information     Personal Information Y  
Payslip     Payslip Y  
W4 Information     Employees W4 Information Y  
Manage Payroll Payments     Manage Payroll Payments V4.0 N  
Release Information     Release Information Y  
      Employee Appraisals N Obsolete - replaced with Employee: My Appraisals Page
Appraisals     Employee: My Appraisals Page Y  
Suitability Matching     Suitability Matching Y  
Tenure Status     Tenure Status Overview Y  
Academic Rank     Academic Rank Y  
Education and Qualifications     Qualification Y  
Other Professional Qualifications     Award Y  
Competency Profile     Competency Profile Y  
Work Preferences     Work Preferences Y  
Resume     Resume Y  
Apply for Job     Search and Apply for a Job Page Y  
      Enroll and Cancel Training N  
      External Training N  
Employee W2     Employee W2 Y  
Extra Information     Extra Information Types Y  
Special Information     Special Information Types Y  
Event And Bookings     Event And Bookings Y  
Employee Review     Employee Reviews V4.0 Y  
Absence Management     Absence Management Y  
      Training Plan Views N  
Contact Extra Information     Contact Extra Information Y  
Private Vehicle Entry     SS Vehicle Repository Y  
Vehicle Mileage Expenses     SS Mileage Claim Y  
Commutation Information     JP Commutation Information Self Service Y  
Documents of Record     Documents of Record Y  
Employment Verification     Employment Verification Y  
Voluntary Termination     Voluntary Termination Y  
Charitable Contributions     Charitable Contributions Y  
Manage Payroll Payments     Manage Payroll Payments V4.0 Y  
Employee Directory     Proxy Page N  
Organization Manager V4.0     Organization Manager Y  
  OTA Learner Application Menu HOMEPAGE   Y  
Defined Contribution Plan Enrollment     Defined Contribution Plan Enrollment Y  

Functions in the Available in the Predefined Manager Actions Menu

The following table provides a list of functions available in the predefined Manger Actions menu.

Prompt Function Grant Description
  Worker Status Change V5.2 Y  
Worker Status Change Worker Status Change Y  
  Change Hours V5.2 Y  
Change Hours Change Hours Y  
Termination Termination Y  
  Change Pay V5.2 Y  
Change Pay Change Pay Y  
Change Job Change Job Y  
  Transfer V5.2 Y  
Change Cost Center, Location and Manager Change Cost Center, Location and Manager Y  
Personal Information Personal Information Y  
Tenure Status Tenure Status Y  
Transfer Transfer Y  
Education and Qualifications Qualification Y  
Other Professional Qualifications Award Y  
Competency Profile Competency Profile Y  
Work Preferences Work Preferences Y  
Resume Resume Y  
Training Enroll and Cancel Training N  
External Training External Training N  
Change Job and Terms Change Job and Terms Y  
Change Cost Center, Terms and Manager Change Cost Center, Terms and Manager Y  
Extra Information Extra Information Types Y  
  Change Worker Status and Terms V5.2 Y  
Change Worker Status and Terms Change Worker Status and Terms Y  
Employee Review Employee Reviews V4.0 Y  
Individual Compensation Distribution(Original) Self Service Individual Distributions(Original)-Internal Use Y  
Individual Compensation Distributions Self Service Individual Compensation Distributions-Internal Y  
  Organization Manager N Obsolete
  Hire V5.2 N Obsolete
  Applicant Hire V5.2 N Obsolete
  French Hire N Obsolete
  French Applicant Hire N Obsolete
IRASLINE Information Types SG IRASLINE Person EIT Y  
Private Vehicle Entry SS Manager Vehicle Repository Y  
Vehicle Mileage Expenses SS Mileage Claim Y  
Commutation Information JP Commutation Information Self Service Y  
Assign Schedules and Manage Exceptions Assign Schedule Y  
Documents of Record Documents of Record Y  
Contact Extra Information Contact Extra Information Y  
  Hire Y  
  Applicant Hire Y  
  Special Information Types V4.0- OSHA Y  
  Special Information Types V4.0- Stock Options Y  
Competence Profile ADS Competence Profile V4.0 Y  
Applicant Hire iRecruitment Applicant Hire iRecruitment Y  
Transfer with Compensation Distribution V4.0 Transfer with Comp V4.0 Y  
IRASLINE Person Extra Information Types SG IRASLINE Person EIT Y  
Private Vehicle Entry SS Vehicle Repository Y  
Assignment Costing Assignment Costing Y  
  Assignment Costing Workflow Notify Y  
  Reverse Termination Y  
P11D P11D Manager Action Y  
Change Manager Change Manager Y  
Termination with Compensation Termination with Compensation V4.0 Y  
Release Information Release Information Y  
Academic Rank Academic Rank Y  
Special Information Special Information Types Y  
Event And Bookings Event And Bookings Y  
Absence Management Absence Management Y  

Configuring the Action Links in the Side Navigation Container

Managers and workers can process multiple self-service transactions effectively and with minimum navigation using the action links in a side navigator. The side navigator appears in a separate page when they select an Action in the Talent Profile page.

The manager or personal actions that appear in the side navigation container are driven by the following menus:

Important: The manager and personal actions whether launched from Self-Service Manager Actions, Personal Actions, Organization Chart or Talent Profile are the same. As some of the self-service functions are not supported in the side navigation container, there would be a mismatch between functions in the side navigation container and the drop-down list available in Talent Profile.

Configuration Guidelines for the Side Navigator

The SSHR Side Bar Menu (HR_SS_SIDEBAR) and SSHR Emp Side Bar Menu (HR_SS_EMP_SIDEBAR) contain a list of predefined supported functions including global and localization specific. During implementation, you can remove those functions that are not applicable to your legislation using the "function exclusion" feature available in the Responsibility window of the System Administrator responsibility.

Enabling Managers to View and Perform Manager Actions for Multiple Assignments

Using Talent Profile, managers can view and perform manager actions for multiple assignments of an employee or worker in their hierarchy, if the subordinate has more than one assignment. If you wish to enable your managers to view and update multiple assignments for employees and workers, you can use the HR: Enable Multiple Assignments in SSHR system profile to allow this. See the Multiple Assignments section in the User Access and Security in Oracle SSHR, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Guide topic.

Configuring the Default XML Templates

Managers can print talent profiles of their workers. They can also generate a comparison report of the talent profiles of their workers.

Configure the Print Profile Default XML Template, if Required

Oracle Succession Planning delivers the Single Person Profile Template (PEREMPTP) to print the talent profile of a worker.

You can create custom print profile templates based on your business requirements. Your custom print profile template must be based on the predefined Single Person Profile Template (PEREMPTP). Whenever you create a custom template to generate the Printable Profile (Full) report, you must set the custom template code as the value of the 'FullProfileTemplateCode' parameter value in the relevant Talent Profile launch function so that the application uses the custom print profile template.

To create and use a custom template of the Printable Profile (Full) report, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

  2. Create a XML template based on the predefined PEREMPTP template. For example, name the custom template as Custom template for Talent Profile and code as PEREMPTPCUST.

  3. Navigate to the Form Functions window using the System Administrator responsibility.

  4. Query the relevant Talent Profile launch function to which you want to add the custom print profile template. For example, query the Talent Profile (HR_TALENTPROFILE_SS) function.

  5. Click the Form tab. You view the existing parameter definitions.

  6. Add the following parameter:


    Important: The parameter value must be same as the code of the custom template that you created in the earlier step.

  7. Save your work.

Configure the Compare Profile Default XML Templates, if Required

By default, managers can compare either two or three workers using the following predefined templates:

Oracle Succession Planning supplies the PERTPDDF data definition source file that contains all the data tags that compare profile templates use. To enable your managers to compare the profiles of more than two or three workers, you must create templates using the predefined data definition source. You must also create a new function with the same name as the template name and grant the function. You can create custom templates using Oracle XML Publisher. This enables managers to select the custom template when they compare profiles.

Configuring the Quick Search and Hierarchy Regions

By default, the Talent Profile page displays two regions: Quick Search and Hierarchy that managers can use to navigate between talent profiles of workers. These regions are configurable and can be removed from the Talent Profile page.

The following sections explain the regions and how you can configure them.

Configuring the Quick Search Region

The Quick Search region displays two search options:

To display the region, you must grant the HR_TP_VIEW_GBL_SEARCH_SS function to the user.

Details of the Function

Configuring the Hierarchy Bean

The hierarchy bean appears at the top of the profile below the Quick Search region. The hierarchy bean lists the workers in the supervisor hierarchy of the logged in user.

To display the hierarchy bean, you must the grant the HR_TP_VIEW_PER_HIERARCHY_SS function to the user.

Details of the Function

Personalizing Talent Profile

This topic provides information on personalizing Talent Profile regions and region columns.

See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for more information on personalizing OA Framework pages.

Talent Profile Regions

Use the information in the following table to create or rearrange regions on the Talent Profile page (/oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/webui/TMProfileRN):

Note: TMProfileRN represents the entire page. Therefore, you cannot add this region, for example, in the Appraisals region of the Talent Profile page.

Region Display Name Region Path
Other Information /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/additionalinfo/webui/AdditionalInformationRN
Appraisal /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performance/webui/AppraisalChartRN
Other Professional Qualifications /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/qualifications/webui/AwardsOverviewRN
Benefits /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/benefit/webui/BenefitsOverviewRN
Career Path /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/careerpath/webui/CareerPathRN
Cash Compensation /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryCashCompGraphRN
Certification /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/learning/webui/CertificationsSummaryRN
Competencies /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/competency/webui/CompetencyOverviewRN
Compensation Statement /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryComponentsRN
Job History /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/employment/webui/CareerHistoryRN
Performance Objectives /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/perfmanagement/webui/PerformanceManagementRN

Note: Talent Profile retrieves information about objectives from Oracle Performance Management. The plan administrator must select the Include Objective Setting in Process check box for a plan to display details of objectives in the Performance Objectives region for both direct and indirect reports of the manager. For more information, refer to the Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

Previous Employment /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/prevemp/webui/PrevEmploymentOverviewRN
Qualifications /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/qualifications/webui/QualificationsOverviewRN
Salary /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryOverviewRN
Succession Plan R12.2: /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/successionplannew/webui/SuccessionPlanNewOverviewRN
Pre R12.2: /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/successionplan/webui/SuccessionPlanOverviewRN
See this section for more information.
Training /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/training/webui/TrainingOverviewRN
Work Preferences /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/workpreference/webui/WorkPreferenceOverviewRN
Performance Matrix (Header is not shown) /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performancematrix/webui/NineBoxSwitcherRN
Performance Ratings /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performance/webui/PerformanceRatingRN

Talent Profile Region Columns

You can personalize the supplied Talent Profile region columns to suit your business requirements. For example, by default, the Competencies region displays the following columns:

If required, you can add columns to display different information. Using personalization, you can change labels, hints, tips, and messages.

See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Extensibility chapter.

Display the Relevant Succession Plan Region on the Talent Profile Page of a Worker

Managers can view succession plan details of their workers when they navigate to the Talent Profile of workers. By default, the Talent Profile page of a worker displays the Succession Plan region (SuccessionPlanNewOverviewRN) that is part of the R12.2 Succession Planning model.

The SuccessionPlanNewOverviewRN region contains the following columns:

If you are not using the Succession Planning model of R12.2, then you must hide this version of the Succession Plan region and display the pre R12.2 Succession Plan region (SuccessionPlanOverviewRN) on the Talent Profile page.

The SuccessionPlanOverviewRN region contains the following columns:

Complete the following steps to display the pre R12.2 Succession Plan region:

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page of a worker.

  2. Click the Personalize link.

  3. Choose the appropriate context.

  4. Click Complete View and Expand All options.

  5. Navigate to the Flexible Layout row of the SuccessionPlanNewFlexRN region.

  6. Click Remove Content and then select Yes. This action hides the R12.2 Succession Plan region.

  7. Navigate to the Flexible Layout row that does not have content.

  8. Click Add Content (green plus icon). The Add Content page appears.

  9. Click Next until you view the Succession Plans option.

  10. Select this option and click Apply.

  11. Click Return to Application. The worker's Talent Profile page now displays the pre R12.2 Succession Plan region.

Configuring the Region Icons

This topic explains how you can configure the region icons in the Talent Profile regions.

Configuring the Region Icon in the Talent Profile Regions

All the Talent Profile regions display icons that indicate the regions content in a graphical representation. You can add the required icons using the Personalization function. Each region is shared region and a separate XML document. Place the icons that are going to be used in the Talent Profile Regions in the OA_Media folder.

Locate the region icon item and navigate to the PhotoCellRN page element. The Photo item of PhotoCellRN is an image type item. This item has an Image URI property, which is set to a blank image, by default. To display another image, personalize this property to point to the required image to be used on the region by starting with /OA_Media/ followed by the icon file name of the icon being used for this region.

Displaying Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions

To view additional details of workers, you can display the Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as regions on the Talent Profile page. You can display a maximum of 10 EIT regions. Use the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature to display EITs as regions.

On the Talent Profile page, you can add the EIT region and then configure the Flex: Descriptive Flex (HrEitDescFlex) item in this region to display contexts and segments of your choice.

Note: The EIT region does not support More link.

To display EITs as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


  1. Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature:

    • Personalize Self-service Defn

    • FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled

    • Self Service Accessibility Features

    For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

  2. Set up descriptive flexfield segments to record EIT data. EITs are defined using descriptive flexfields.

    See: Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Displaying EITs as Regions

Example 1

In this example, you display the Passport Details region on the Talent Profile page. To display this region, you must have defined the required flexfield segments such as Country, Passport Number, Issue Date, and Expiry Date before carrying out these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

  2. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears.

  3. Select the required Personalization level and click Go.

  4. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the EIT region.

  5. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

    The Add Content page appears.

  6. Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 EIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one EIT region for each flexible layout.

  7. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page.

    As a next step, configure the EIT region to enter the title.

  8. Click the Personalize icon for that region.

  9. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

  10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click Apply.

    You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.

  11. Click the Personalize icon of the Flex:Descriptive Flex item.

  12. Enter the EIT context and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use the following format when specifying the context and segments:

    For example:

    Passport Details|Country|Status|Passport Number|Date of Issue|Expiry Date
  13. Click Apply to save your changes.

Example 2

In this example, you display multiple EITs: Employee Succession Planning Information and Tenure Status Details. Note that you must have defined the required segments for these flexfields before carrying out these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

  2. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears.

  3. Select the required Personalization level and click Go.

  4. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the EIT region

  5. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

    The Add Content page appears.

  6. Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 EIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one EIT region for each flexible layout.

  7. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page.

    As a next step, configure the EIT region to enter the title.

  8. Click the Personalize icon for that region.

  9. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

  10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click Apply.

    You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.

  11. Click the Personalize icon for the Flex:Descriptive Flex item.

  12. Enter the multiple EIT contexts and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use double pipe || to enter two different contexts while the segments can be separated by single pipe |

    For example:

    Employee Succession Planning Information|Succession Potential|Retention Potential||Tenure Status| Tenure Status|Date Determined
  13. Click Apply to save your changes.

Restricting Access to Sensitive EIT Information

When you display EIT regions, there may be some information that is sensitive, which requires to be hidden from users who log in to the application. For example, if you configure an EIT to display additional succession planning information, managers can view such additional succession planning information when they navigate to their Talent Profile page as workers. To restrict the display of such sensitive information, use the 'ShowLoggedInDtls' formvalue available with every EIT on the Talent Profile page. To control the display of EIT information for the logged in manager, you must specify the value using the OAF Personalization feature. If the value of this formvalue is set to 'Y', then the EIT information is visible to the logged in manager. If the value of this Form Value is set to 'N', then the EIT information is not displayed to the logged in manager.

Complete the following steps to restrict access to sensitive EIT information:

  1. On the Talent Profile page, click the Personalize page link.

  2. Select the 'Content' tab.

  3. In the EIT region, click the Personalize properties (pencil) icon.

  4. Select the Complete View radio button.

  5. Click the Expand All link.

  6. Click the Personalize icon for the Form Value personalization item.

  7. Set the value to "Y' or 'N' as required.

  8. Click Apply to save your work.

Displaying Person Special Information Types (SITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions

To view additional details of workers, you can display the person Special Information Types (SITs) as regions on the Talent Profile page. You can display a maximum of 10 SIT regions. Use the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature to display SITs as regions.

On the Talent Profile page, you can add the SIT region and then configure the Flex: Key flex for Sit (HrSitKeyFlex) item to display contexts and segments of your choice.

Note: The SIT region does not support More link.

To display SITs as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


  1. Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature:

    • Personalize Self-service Defn

    • FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled

    • Self Service Accessibility Features

    For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

  2. Set up key flexfield segments to record SIT data. SITs are stored in a key flexfield combination table where the combination of segments must be unique.

    See: User Definable Key Flexfields, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Displaying SITs as Regions

Example 1

In this example, you display the Visa Details region on the Talent Profile page. To display this region, you must have defined the required flexfield segments such as Visa Type and Purpose of Visa.

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

  2. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears.

  3. Select the required Personalization level and click Go.

  4. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the SIT region.

  5. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

    The Add Content page appears.

  6. Select any one of the available Special Information Type regions. 10 SIT predefined regions are available. Oracle recommends that you select only one SIT region for each flexible layout.

  7. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page.

    As a next step, configure the SIT region to enter the title.

  8. Click the Personalize icon for that region.

  9. Scroll to the SitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

  10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Visa Details and click Apply.

    You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.

  11. Click the Personalize icon of the Flex:Descriptive Flex item.

  12. Enter the SIT context and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use the following format when specifying the context and segments:

    For example:

    Visa Details|Visa Type|Purpose of Visa
  13. Click Apply to save your work.

Example 2

In this example, you display multiple SITs: Vehicle Profile and Work Environment. Note that you must have defined the required segments for these flexfields.

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

  2. Click the global Personalize Page link. The Page Layout Personalization page appears.

  3. Select the required Personalization level and click Go.

  4. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the SIT region

  5. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

    The Add Content page appears.

  6. Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 SIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one SIT region for each flexible layout.

  7. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page.

    As a next step, configure the SIT region to enter the title.

  8. Click the Personalize pencil icon for that region.

  9. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

  10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click Apply.

    You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.

  11. Click the Personalize icon for the Flex: Key Flex for Sit item.

  12. Specify the multiple SIT contexts and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use double pipe || to enter two different contexts while the segments can be separated by single pipe |

    For example:

    Vehicle Profile|Vehicle Type|Issue Date|Plate Number|State Issued||Work Environment|Location|Plant|Field|Home
  13. Click Apply to save your work.

Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Page Regions

On the Talent Profile page, you can use custom regions to display business specific details. You can configure custom regions if you need to use information structures other than EITs or SITs. Use a SQL Statement to retrieve the business specific information from the database and then configure the custom regions to display the content. You can configure a maximum of 10 custom regions on the Talent Profile page.

Note: The custom region does not support More link.

To display custom content as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


  1. Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature:

    • Personalize Self-service Defn

    • FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled

    • Self Service Accessibility Features

    For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

  2. Create a database view based on one or more tables in the database. Consider security and information requirements before creating a database view.

    You can use the Additional WHERE clause to display the data of the worker whose profile is being viewed, if the database view returns data for all workers. This clause uses specific parameters that are passed dynamically. Following are the parameters:

    • ##PERSON_ID## - Person ID of the currently viewed worker's profile

    • ##PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_ID## - Assignment ID of the currently viewed worker's profile

    • ##LOGIN_PERSON_ID## - Person ID of the logged in worker who is a manager

    • ##BUSINESS_GROUP_ID## - Business group ID of the currently viewed worker

    • ##EFFECTIVE_DATE## - Effective date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"

    Following rules apply when you create a database view:

    1. Views can be based on any database table.

    2. Create an alias starting with 'D_' or 'd_' for the view columns that you want to display on the Talent Profile page.

    3. Use the HR_TP_NAME_TRANSLATIONS lookup type to create a lookup for each column that is created as an alias in the previous step. The lookup code must be the same as the column alias. Provide a user friendly value in the Meaning column as this value appears as the column header in the custom region of the Talent Profile page.

      Example of Lookup Codes

      Code Meaning
      D_FULL_NAME Full Name
      D_PARTY_ID Party Identifier
  3. Write a SQL statement to retrieve data from the database view.

Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Regions

Example 1

In this example, you display the Worker Information region that has two columns: Name and Party Number. The Additional Where clause in this example has a person_id IN clause where the login_person_id and the person_id of the worker whose profile is being viewed are passed.

  1. Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

  2. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears.

  3. Select the required Personalization level and click Go.

  4. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the custom region

  5. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

    The Add Content page appears.

  6. Select any one of the available Dynamic View regions. 10 Dynamic View predefined regions are available. Oracle recommends that you select only one dynamic region for each flexible layout.

  7. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page.

    As a next step, configure the dynamic region to enter the title.

  8. Click the Personalize icon for that region.

  9. Scroll to the DyncVwFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

  10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Worker Information and click Apply.

    The Dynamic View has three parameters that you must configure to display data in the region:

    • Layout Style: Valid values are: TABLE - Table Layout and FORM - Message Component (Form) Style Layout

    • DyViewName: The database view name that you created to show the required data in the custom region.

    • DyWhereClause: Any additional where clause that is required to further filter the data retrieved from the view.

  11. Click the personalize icon of the DyViewName item to specify the database view name.

  12. Change the Prompt field with the desired database view name for the region and click Apply.

  13. Click the personalize icon for the DyWhereClause item to specify the additional where clause.

  14. Change the Prompt field with the desired additional Where Clause for the region and click Apply.