Generic Upgrades

OTL: Generic Upgrade Program

Use the OTL: Generic Upgrade Program to any upgrade any data model changes in OTL. You can run the upgrade program at any time without any adverse impact on your daily operations, technology stack, or application upgrades.

You can use the profile option OTL: Data Volume for Upgrade Program Worker to determine the number of records that each worker must process. For example, you could set this to one tenth of the size of the table you want to upgrade.

The OTL: Generic Upgrade program consists of the following upgrade types:

The Process Time Limit (Hours) parameter enables you to control the pace at which you complete the upgrade. You can resume the upgrade, from the same stage at a later point of time without reprocessing the previously processed data.

You can limit the maximum number of worker processes using the Max. Number of Worker Processes parameter.

For more information, see: OTL: Generic Upgrade Framework - My Oracle Support Note: 1268331.1.

Completing the Retrieval Generic Upgrade

You complete the Retrieval Generic Upgrade from the Submit Requests window to:

The Retrieval – Generic Upgrade enhances performance and impacts all the OTL retrieval processes:

To complete the Retrieval - Generic Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Retrieval – Generic Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that:

    • You try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    • You check the record count of the HXC_LATEST_DETAILS and decide the appropriate parameters.

    • This upgrade process involves only one table HXC_LATEST_DETAILS and is not a processing intensive program. However, the time required is impacted by the size of the time store tables, system load etc. You can choose the time to run the upgrade accordingly.

Completing the Deposit Transactions Restructuring

You complete the Deposit Transactions Restructuring Upgrade from the Submit Requests window to segregate deposit and retrieval transactions records in time store.

To complete the Deposit Transactions Restructuring Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Deposit Transactions Restructuring as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that:

    • You try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    • You check the size of the HXC_TRANSACTIONS, HXC_TRANSACTION_DETAILS, HXC_DEP_TRANSACTIONS, HXC_DEP_TRANSACTION_DETAILS tables and decide the appropriate parameters.

Completing the Retrieval Payroll Upgrade

You complete the Retrieval Payroll Upgrade from the Submit Requests window. This upgrade improves the performance of transfer time from OTL to BEE process.

For the Timecard Retrieval Dashboard to work, you should have completed the following steps:

To Complete the Retrieval Payroll Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Retrieval Payroll Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that you try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    Note: The HXC_PAY_LATEST_DETAILS table acts as a staging copy of HXC_LATEST_DETAILS table's, which stores only those records that the Payroll application has not yet retrieved. On successful retrieval, data from the application will automatically clear the data in the HXC_PAY_LATEST_DETAILS table.

Completing the Retrieval Projects Upgrade Program

You complete the Retrieval Project Upgrade from the Submit Requests window. This upgrade improves the performance of the PRC: Transaction Import process.

For the Timecard Retrieval Dashboard to work, you should have completed the following steps:

To Complete the Retrieval Projects Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Retrieval Projects Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that you try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    Note: The HXC_PA_LATEST_DETAILS table acts as a staging copy of HXC_LATEST_DETAILS table's, which stores only those records that the Payroll application has not yet retrieved. On successful retrieval, data from the application will automatically clear the data in the HXC_PA_LATEST_DETAILS table.

Completing the Archive OTLR Upgrade

You complete the Retrieval Project Upgrade from the Submit Requests window.

Run this upgrade process to Archive the OTLR counterparts of already Archived Self Service timecards. You do not need to run this upgrade process if you have not run the Archive Process yet, or each time the timecards are archived. The Archive and Restore process contains the logic to archive OTLR timecard as well. Running this process ensures that all data belonging to Archived Self-Service Timecards moves to OFF_LINE tables from OTLR too.

To Complete the Archive OTLR Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Archive OTLR Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that you try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    Note: The OTLR tables HXT_SUM_HOURS_WORKED_F and HXT_DET_HOURS_WORKED_F have OFF_LINE counterpart tables – HXT_SUM_HOURS_WORKED_F_AR and HXT_DET_HOURS_WORKED_F_AR with this feature. The archived self-service timecard contains all corresponding OTLR summaries and details moved to the Archive table space into the OFF_LINE tables.

    Note: For a timecard or a time detail which is directly entered in OTLR without entry in Self-Service and is in the same date range as a Validated and Archived Data set, then the application does not display the details in the Entry/Validation/Approval Screen. Additionally, you cannot edit any existing aspects of the timecard or create new details for these timecards. Such timecard batches are not available for validation and transfer to BEE.

Completing the Timecard Summary - Transferred To Column Upgrade

You complete the Timecard Summary - Transferred To Column Upgrade from the Submit Requests window.

Run this upgrade process modifies the Transferred To column displayed on Recent Timecards page. This process modifies the structure of the application to collect this information during retrieval process and display this information in the page rather than collect information and display when the page is rendered.

To Complete the Timecard Summary - Transferred To Column Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Timecard Summary - Transferred To Column Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that you try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.

    Note: The HXC_TIMECARD_SUMMARY table includes a column TRANSFERRED_TO, which contains the details of the timecards retrieved to the recipient applications and updates the table with the names. The upgrade analyzes all timecards that do not have values for the column TRANSFERRED_TO and selects the corresponding details. The application updates the respective timecards, as applicable, with the recipient application to which it is retrieved.

Completing the Time Accounting Dashboard Upgrade

You complete the Time Accounting Dashboard Upgrade from the Submit Requests window.

Run this upgrade process to collect Time Accounting data for timecards created earlier than two years.

To Complete the Time Accounting Dashboard Upgrade

  1. In the Submit Requests window, enter OTL: Generic Upgrade Program as the Name.

  2. In the Parameters window, select Time Accounting Dashboard Upgrade as the Upgrade Type.

  3. Enter the Process Time Limit (Hours).

  4. Enter the Max. Number of Worker Processes.

    Note: It is strongly recommended that you try the upgrade process in a test instance with a size equal to the production instance before trying out in production.