Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide (US)


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Recruitment and Hiring

Recruitment and Hiring Overview
Recruitment and Hiring
Recruitment Preparation
Raising a Requisition for a Vacancy
Defining a Recruitment Activity
Viewing Vacancies
Selection Processing
Applications and Assignments
Applicant Assignment Statuses
Interviews and Other Recruitment Events
Application Termination
Recording an Application Quickly
Entering Full Application Information
Scheduling an Interview
Cancelling an Applicant Record
Updating Applicant Assignments by Group
Rejecting an Application
Running the Requisition Summary Report
Appointments and the Hiring Process
Hiring an Applicant (People Window and Application Window)
Hiring an Ex-Employee or Ex-Contingent Worker
Changing the Hire Date
Cancelling a Hire
Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process
Recruitment Using People Management Templates
Entering a New Applicant
Recording an Application
Entering Application Information
Making an Offer to an Applicant
Changing an Applicant's Status to Accepted Offer
Hiring an Applicant
Ending an Application
Reactivating an Application
Terminating an Applicant

People Management

People Management Overview
People Management
People in a Global Enterprise
Tracking People's Roles and Activities
Windows for Maintaining Personal Information
Identifying Employees, Contingent Workers, and Assignments
Special Information Types
Person Extra Information Types
Person Record Synchronization
Person-Name Formats
Tenure Tracking
Finding a Person Using the Find Person Window
Entering a New Person (People Window)
Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window)
Tracking Tenure
Entering Extra Information for Tenure Tracking
Entering Pictures
Entering and Maintaining Documents of Record
Running the Person Synchronization Report
Deleting a Person from the System (People and Delete Person Windows)
Setting Up Special Information
Entering Special Information
Enabling Special Information Types
Running the Update Person Names Program
Creating Contract Statuses
Defining Contract Letter Types
Entering Contracts
Managing Contracts
Generating and Printing Contracts
The Employee Assignment
Employment Information
Employment History
Entering Payment Methods for an Employee Assignment
Entering Previous Employment Details
Defining Information for the Employer Shared Responsibility Provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Contingent Workers
The Contingent Worker Assignment
Contingent Worker Suppliers
Defining a Combination of Assignment Rate Type and Basis
Entering Assignment Rates for Contingent Worker Assignments
Starting a Placement for an Ex-Employee or Ex-Contingent Worker
Employee Transfers and Secondments
Updating Deployment Proposals
Employee Records During Secondment
Overview of the Approval Process for Employee Transfers and Secondments
Setting Up Employee Transfers and Secondments
Assignment Statuses
Assignment Extra Information Types (EITs)
Defining Assignment Statuses (Assignment Window)
Entering an Assignment
Entering Additional Assignment Details (Assignment Window)
Additional Employment Information
Changing Primary Assignments
Ending an Assignment (Assignment Window)
Entering Secondary Assignment Statuses
Removing Title from Person Search Lists
Using Mass Assignment Update
Using Mass Employee Assignment Update
Reviewing and Correcting Mass Assignment Update Errors
Purging Transaction Data
Using Mass Applicant Assignment Update
Overview of Self-Service Actions
Configuring Self-Service Actions
Managing Conflicting Actions
Initiating a Self-Service Action
Approving a Self-Service Action
Workforce and Applicant Termination
Ending Employment
Ending a Placement
Canceling a Termination
Updating an Employee's Final Process Date
Contact Information Overview
Address Validation Using Vertex Web Services Overview
Entering Addresses (Address Window)
Adding a City to the Database
Entering People's Addresses at Sites with Oracle Payroll
Entering People's Addresses at Sites without Oracle Payroll
Adding Telephone Information (Phone Numbers Window)
Running the Invalid Address Report (US)
Entering Communication Delivery Methods
Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts
Template Windows User Interface
Entering Employees Window
Folders for Saved Search Criteria or Results
Finding a Person or Group of People
Managing Your Group Folders
Entering a New Employee
Entering Employment Information
Maintaining Contingent Worker Information
Activating an Assignment
Creating Additional Assignments
Suspending an Assignment
Terminate a Secondary Employee Assignment
Ending a Secondary Employee Assignment
Checking for Duplicate People
Sending a Workflow Notification
Entering Visa Related Data
Saving Search Criteria or Search Results to a Folder
Deleting a Folder
Creating a New Group Folder
New Hire Reporting
The Workforce Headcount Report Set
Running the Full Personal Details Report Set
Running the Employee Summary Report
Running the Employee Payroll Movements Report
Running the Worker Organization Movements Report
Running the Assignment Status Report
Running the Terminations Report
Running the Conclude Placement Report
Running the Head Count Detail Report
Running the Workforce Count Reports
Running the Duplicate Person Report
Running the Full Person Details Report
Running the Person Full History Report
Using the People Folders
Listing Assignments Using the Assignments Folder
Listing Assignments Using the List Assignments Window
Using the List People by Assignment Window
Listing Workforce by Position
Listing Workforce by Organization
Listing People by Special Information
Viewing a Worker's Assignment History
Running the Terminations with Active Support Order Report
Setting up New Hire Reporting
Running the New Hire State Report
Running the New Hire State Magnetic Media Report
Tenure Notifications
Tenure Reports
Key Concepts for People Management Intelligence
Employee Anniversary and Birthday Detail Workbook
Employee by Supervisor Status Workbook
Employee Composition Analysis Workbook
Employee Hired or Terminated Detail Workbook
Employee Mailing Address (United States Specific) Detail Workbook
Employee Organization Transfer Detail Workbook
Employee Primary Assignment Detail Workbook
Employee Termination Detail Workbook
Employee Termination with Comments Detail Workbook
Human Resource Setup Analysis Workbook
Person/Assignment History Detail Workbook

Talent Management

Talent Management Overview
Talent Management Requirements
Competencies Overview
Rating Scales
Competency Measurement
Competency Types
Defining Rating Scales
Defining Competencies
Querying Competencies
Uploading Third-Party Competency Information
Grouping Competencies into Types
Competency Requirements
Defining Core Competencies
Defining Organization, Job, and Position Competency Requirements
Copying Competency Requirements
Viewing Competency Requirements
Competency Profiles
Suitability Matching
Creating a Competency Profile
Entering Work Preferences for a Worker
Qualification Types
Defining Qualification Types
Entering Qualifications
Defining Schools and Colleges
Entering Schools and Colleges Attended
Career Paths
Defining Career Paths
The Special Information Approach to Skills Matching
Running the Skills Matching Report
Event and Attendance Administration
Entering Performance Ratings
Entering an Employee Review
Creating a Booking Event
Key Concepts for Competencies, Qualifications, and Development Intelligence
Competence (Skill) Development Detail Workbook
Competence Updates after Appraisal Workbook

HRMS Glossary
