Interface Configuration

Interface Configuration Overview

Oracle HRMS provides functionality that enables you to enter and update large groups of element entries, to extract records from the HRMS tables to send to third parties, and to upload legacy data and information supplied by third parties into the HRMS tables.

You can use BEE (Batch Element Entry) to enter or update a batch of element entries for many employees, using defaults for fast entry. For example, to ensure that the data entry process is fast and that the data entered is accurate, you can use BEE to enter timecard data needed for regular pay processing,

See: Batch Element Entry

System Extract lets you manage the formatting, extraction, and delivery of HRMS data to benefits carriers, payroll providers, and other third-party vendors. For example, you can use System Extract to extract records for benefits plans into an extract file that you then transmit to a third-party benefits carrier.

See: Benefits System Extract

National Finance Center (NFC) system extracts permit agencies who use the NFC as an HR or payroll provider to generate and submit the necessary position and personnel data to NFC.

See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

The Oracle HRMS Data Pump loads legacy data into the Oracle HRMS tables using a set of predefined batch tables and standard processes that simplify the tasks of data-loading using supported APIs.

You map the data items from your external system to the parameter values of the appropriate APIs, load your data into a single generic batch lines table, and then run a process that automatically calls the appropriate API for each line of data in the batch table.

See: Data Pump, Oracle HRMS Data Pump (Technical Essay)

Oracle Generic Third Party Backfeed enables you to upload information supplied by a third-party payroll system into the Oracle HRMS tables. For example, you can load payment information and balance details calculated by a third-party payroll system and then view this information using Oracle HRMS windows and generate reports based on this information.

Backfeed holds the uploaded data in Backfeed tables that are independent of Oracle Payroll.

See: Payroll Backfeed, Oracle Generic Third Party Payroll Backfeed (Technical Essay)

Interface Configuration

How does Oracle HRMS help me reduce data entry errors?

There are three ways:

Can I make one-time changes to entries?

Yes. Some types of compensation or payment (such as expense reimbursements) need only be entered for the period to which they apply. For others, the regular value can be adjusted if you need a different value for one payroll run.

I'm entering compensation details for analysis but not for payroll processing. How do I reduce data entry work to a minimum?

If the same compensation entry applies to a group of employees, the system can enter it automatically. You need to set up the element with standard links. Use Batch Element Entry to start or update other entries in batches.

Can I see a history of all compensation values for an employee over time?

Yes, you can view all changes for one or more types of compensation. For salaries, you can also see new proposed salary changes.

How do I compare compensation for groups of employees?

You can select employees by organization, job, position, or grade and view past and current salaries. For other types of compensation, you can compare the latest values for all employees in any period of time you choose.

Can you enter weekly timecard data?

Yes, using Batch Element Entry, you can enter timecard information for a group of employees, using default values as appropriate. You can validate your entries against system rules and external control totals before uploading it to the database in time for the payroll run.

I'm entering compensation details for analysis but not for payroll processing. How do you reduce data entry work to a minimum?

If the same compensation entry applies to a group of employees, the system can enter it automatically. You need to set up the element with standard links. Use Batch Element Entry to start or update other entries in batches.

You can download salary information to a spreadsheet, update it there, and upload the new information to the database.

Can you migrate legacy data in Oracle HRMS?

Yes. You can use the Data Pump to update and load legacy data into the Oracle HRMS tables. You load data from an existing HRMS system into a single batch interface table using a set of supplied PL/SQL interface routines that map the data against the appropriate API. The data pump engine then uploads the data into the Oracle HRMS system.

Does Oracle HRMS provide an open interface with third-party systems?

Yes. The Oracle HRMS Data Pump provides data transformation, validation and adapters for connectivity to third-party systems.

Can I produce a record of HR changes for the National Finance Center (NFC)?

You can generate an extract of new and updated position data and Notification of Personnel Actions. The extract consists of a header record, a Job Control Language (JCL) file, and detail records that you can then transmit to NFC.

System Extract

System Extract

Many human resource departments outsource at least some of their compensation and benefits administration processing to third-party carriers, payroll providers, or other vendors. Thus, there is a great need for reliable data exchange between plan sponsors and these third parties.

You can use System Extract to extract records for a variety of plans, including compensation and benefits plans and absence plans. You can also use or modify predefined HR/Payroll extracts to gather employee and payroll data, such as the details of earnings, deductions, and information elements. You can use the extract reports for internal reporting, such as listing all employees in receipt of a bonus, or for transfer to third-party providers, such as pension providers. See: HR/Payroll Extracts, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Note: System Extract does not actually remove any data from the source.

To extract records from the database for transmission to a third party, you must define the criteria that determine which records are extracted. You can restrict extract data according to a wide range of criteria such as organization, plan, and data that has changed since the previous extract. You must also define the layout of the extracted records, including the data elements and date ranges.

After you create your extract definition, you run the system extract concurrent process to create your extract results. You can then review these results, including any errors that occurred during the process. When you are satisfied with the results of the extract, you can transfer the extract file to the medium by which you transmit or store the extract results.

The system extract process consists of four main steps, outlined below:

  1. Define the Extract Layout

  2. Define the Extract Criteria Profile

  3. Define the System Extract

  4. Run the System Extract Concurrent Processes

Extract Layout

You create an extract layout definition to control the data elements that are included in the extract and the format of the extract results.

An extract layout consists of data elements and their formatting, record layouts that define which data elements appear in the header, subheader, detail, trailer, and sub-trailer areas of the extract, and a file layout that specifies the order of the records.

Your extract layout also indicates the sort order of the records and any conditional record inclusion criteria that you define.

For example, you could create an extract layout definition for the enrollment results of the medical plans offered by your organization. You define data elements such as the participant's first name, middle name, last name, and the plan they elected. Then, in your record layout, you arrange these data elements within five areas: detail, header, sub-header, trailer, and sub-trailer. Finally, you create a file layout by sequencing these record layouts.

Data Elements

Data elements are individual data components which contain values that you include in an extract. Different data element types can contain different values. You use your data element definitions in conjunction with your extract criteria definitions to restrict the data that is included in the extract. The data element types are as follows:

You can format different data element types in different ways. Depending on the data element type, you can specify justification, format mask, maximum length, and other formats.

If the seeded format masks are insufficient, you can add format masks to the system's number and date lookups. You use a lookup code that begins with 'N' for numeric format masks or 'D' for date format masks. You cannot define your own format mask for phone numbers or social security numbers.

Note: A system administrator familiar with Oracle formats should enter this information.

You can sort the data elements in a record by up to four levels based on any data element you include in the extract. Sorting can occur on each record in a file layout.

Record Layout

You specify the data elements to be included in the header, subheader, detail, trailer, and sub-trailer portions of your record layout. Typically, the header and trailer portions of a record contain control information, such as file identifying information, dates, and totals. Detail records contain the content and values of an extract. Subheader elements contain non-person data, such as organizations and positions, that you use to order person information contained in the detail portion of the layout.

You can specify Required data elements. If a required data element is missing, the entire record is written to the error log during the extract process and no extract result is created for that record.

You can also choose to hide a data element from an extract record when you run the write process. Hidden data elements appear in the extract result after you run the extract process, but are hidden when you initiate the extract write process. Hiding enables you to use a sensitive field such as salary to determine included or excluded records without exposing the field value to unauthorized personnel.

File Layout

You define a file layout to create the sequence (from right to left) in which the records display in an extract. Sequence numbers are unique.

Extract Criteria

The extract criteria you select determine the data that is extracted by filtering the data. Data that does not meet your extract criteria is not extracted. You can select from several groupings of criteria that you combine to create an extract criteria profile.

Extract Definition

The extract definition combines a layout (what you have chosen to include) and a criteria profile (what you have chosen to restrict), enabling you to reuse layouts and profiles in different combinations. Here you define parameters for the system extract concurrent process that you run to create the extract result.

You can output the extract data as a text file or an XML file.

See: XML-Enabled System Extracts

Extract Processing

You extract the data by running a pair of concurrent processes, the Extract Process and the Extract Write Process. While you are testing your extract, you run the processes separately, but after testing you will typically run them together in a request set. You can run various reports to view the results.

Extract Concurrent Processes

You run the Extract Process from the Concurrent Manager to create results for an extract definition. After you run the extract process, you can view the results in the Extract Results window. The extract process generates a summary report and an error report. You can run the Extract Audit Report to view a limited selection of records from the extract results.

You run the Extract Layout Report to extract just your layout definition with no data. This is useful for reviewing the format of the layout. Benefit carriers may also find this information useful in helping them import the extract result into their systems.

Use the Extract Results Data Purge process to remove unwanted data from the extract results tables. Purging unneeded data helps save table and disk space.

See: Purging System Extract Results

Extract Results

The Extract Process automatically runs the Extract Summary report (you can also run the report separately for any existing extract). Run the Extract Error Report to view any errors that occurred during the extract process.

The Extract Results window displays detailed information about an extract. If your security profile prevents access to certain person information, the window hides those person records. However, summary totals display based on the entire population, regardless of your security profile.

You can view (but neither change nor delete) the change events for a person from the Change Event Log, shared with Oracle Payroll.

To maintain application performance, you should periodically purge unwanted data from the extract change log tables by running the Extract Change Event Log Purge process.

See: Purging the System Extract Change Log

Extract Write Process

Once you are satisfied with the results of your extract, you run the Extract Write Process from the Concurrent Manager to save the output of the extract to the directory and file you specified in your extract definition.

See: Running the System Extract Concurrent Processes

System Extract Migration

You can migrate a system extract to another business group or database instance. To save time during implementation, build a system extract once, then copy the data elements, record and file layouts, and extract criteria that comprise the extract definition.

Note: To copy an extract within a business group, use the Extract Definition window. To modify a seeded extract, you must copy it and use the copy.

See: Migrating a System Extract

XML-Enabled System Extracts

You can use System Extract to generate an XML file for data transfer. Unlike ASCII files that rely on character ordering and spacing, XML files use tags to identify data types.

When you define the Extract Definition, you can create either a TXT or an XML formatted file. If you select XML, the Extract Process generates the following files:

The XML file contains the data along with the XML tags. The recipient of the extract--such as a benefits provider--uses the XSL file to determine the layout of the XML file. The XSD file allows you to view the XML file in a web browser.

Each tab in the Extract Layout and Extract Definition forms contains a field called XML Tag. The XML tag defaults to the name you assign each record. You can change the name of the XML tag at anytime prior to running the Extract Process. A tag can contain up to 80 characters and does not allow spaces, numbers, or special characters.

Tag names do not need to be unique. If you extract XML for an existing extract that has no tags defined, the Extract Process uses the lookup codes contained in the BEN_EXT_XML_TAGS Lookup Type to populate the tags in the extract results.

Converting XML to PDF

Using Oracle XML Publisher, you can predefine a PDF template, then merge the template with XML output from a system extract to create a PDF file of your extract.

In HRMS, you link the PDF template that you created in XML Publisher to the extract definition. The Extract Process process calls the Extract XML Publisher process if you select Submit Write Process Automatically, or if you run the Extract Write Process for an extract with PDF Output as the extract type.

See: Running the Extract XML Publisher Process

See: XML Publisher Introduction in Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

Defining an Extract Criteria Profile

You use the Criteria Definition window to create an extract criteria profile that limits the results of a system extract to records that match your extract criteria.

To define an extract criteria profile

  1. Enter an extract criteria Profile Name or query an existing profile that you want to modify.

  2. Choose a tabbed region that represents a criteria category you want to include in your profile.

    • People limits your extract results to an individual or to people who meet the criteria you select, such as assignment location, organization, or benefits group.

    • Benefits limits your extract results to a particular plan or reporting group, including dependents.

    • Changes limits the extract to data that has changed according to a number of criteria types such as element and input values.

    • Payroll limits the extract to specified types of payroll and element entries.

    • Communications limits the extract to specific communication types and dates.

    • Premium enables you to extract premiums for a single month or for a range of dates, or restrict a premium extract to the last occurrence of a record update.

    • Compensation limits the data extract to specific plans that you have defined in Compensation Workbench.

    • Sub Header limits the data extract based on non-person data, such as organization, position, or payroll, that you include in the sub header region of the extract file layout.

    • Advanced criteria creates an extract for a change event when you have complex criteria for selecting records; you can select records for a change event over one or more periods of time, and by the actual date and/or effective date of change.

    Note: If you define an extract criteria profile that uses change events, you must enable these change events in the Application Utilities Lookups window. Query the Lookup code BEN_EXT_CHG_EVT and select Enable for each change event you want to enable.

  3. Select a Criteria Type that limits the records to include in this extract.

  4. Select a criteria value based on the criteria type you selected.

  5. Check the Exclude field if this criteria type and value is excluded from appearing in your extract.

    If you select Person Assignment Set, and the set you already defined in Payroll is set to Exclude, checking Exclude here would actually include the data in the assignment set.

  6. Optionally, select Rule to use a FastFormula rule that you have written to filter data based on criteria that you define.

    Use the Extract Person Inclusion rule type for People criteria, or the Extract Sub Header Inclusion rule type for Sub Header criteria.

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each criterion that you are including in this extract criteria profile.

  8. Save your work.

To define an extra criteria profile using Advanced criteria

  1. Enter or query an extract profile in the Profile Name field.

  2. Select the criteria types and values that you want to include in this extract criteria profile.

  3. Choose the Advanced tab.

  4. Select the Criteria Type of Combination.

  5. Navigate to the Advanced Criteria window by clicking into a Value row and choosing the Details button.

  6. Select a Criteria Type. Choose from:

    • Change Actual Date

    • Change Effective Date

    • Change Event

  7. Select an Operator to limit the criteria values.

    Note: For change dates, select either equals (=) or between as the operator. For change events, select either equals (=) or does not equal (!=).

  8. Select a change value in the Value 1 field.

    Note: For change dates, select a value that specifies a period of time, such as Last Day of Previous Month. For change events, select a particular change event.

  9. Select another value in the Value 2 field if you are adding more criteria values to this extract profile or if you are comparing values in the Value 1 and Value 2 fields.

  10. Save your work.

Defining an Extract Layout

You use the Layout Definition window to define the data elements, records, and format of the records that are extracted by your extract definition.

Your extract layout definition consists of the data elements to include in the extract, the record layout that controls the records that appear in the header, footer, and detail areas of your extract, and the file layout that defines the records to include in the extract.

See: Extract Layout

Data Elements

You use the Data Elements tabbed region to select the data elements to include in an extract and to define the layout format of each data element.

To define the layout format of a data element

  1. Enter the Name of the data element you are defining.

  2. Select the data Type of the data element.

    Note: Depending on the data type you select, the system presents different formatting options for that data element.

  3. Enter an XML tag name if you output the system extract file in XML format.

    Note: The XML tag name defaults to the name you assign the record. When you define the Extract Definition, you can choose to extract a text file or an XML file.

  4. If you select the Field data element type, enter values for several parameters. Field data elements are most often data extracted from a database field, but can also include common header and trailer totals, subheader elements for non-person data, dates, and other filler information. You cannot update the list of fields delivered with the system.

    • Select the Field.

    • For numbers, dates, phone numbers, and national identifiers, select a Format Mask that formats the results of the value. For example, you can set the capitalization of all extracted records to Uppercase, Lowercase, or Initial Capitals.

    • Select the Justification, left or right. The default justification is left justified. For data elements with a number value, you typically select right justified.

    • Enter a value or character string to use when the value for the data element is null in the When Null Use field.

    • Enter the maximum number of characters to include in this data element in the Max Length field.

    Note: You can include a maximum of 300 elements in a record. To add more than 300 elements to a record, select the Extract Record Continuation (Links Two Records Together) element. You can only use this element for detail records. If you add this element as the last element to any record, the Extract Write Process appends the next record to the same line.

  5. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the Decoded Field data element type. Decoded Fields enable you to display a value that differs from its value in the database.

    • Select the Field.

    • Select a value in the If Value Is field that, when met, requires a substitute value (example: M or S).

    • Enter the substitute value in the Replace With field (example: Married or Single).

    • Enter a value in the Other Values field to use when the decoded value is either null or undefined (example: Marital Status Unknown).

      Note: If a list of values exists, you must use one of its values. Otherwise, you can enter the text yourself.

  6. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the Record Calculation data element type. As a prerequisite, you must first define the corresponding record layout and the elements in the record layout.

    • Select a calculation Function, such as Add.

    • Select the Record Name of the layout in which you are including the calculated data element.

    • Select the Format Mask.

    • Select the Justification, either left or right.

    • Enter a Sequence number for the first data element in the calculation.

    • Select the first Data Element Name in the calculation.

    • Select the remaining data elements in the calculation, entering a sequence number for each element.

  7. Enter a character string in the Value field if you select the String data element type.

  8. Enter values for the following parameters if you select the Total data element type:

    • Select the totaling function, either count or sum (if sum, the data element must be numeric).

    • If the function is Count, select a record but no data element.

    • If the function is Sum, select a record and a data element.

    • Select the Format Mask.

    • Select the Justification, either left or right.

  9. Select a Rule to define a data element if the standard data element types do not meet your criteria. The rules are formulas created in Fast Formula.

    See: Total Compensation Formula Types, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide

  10. Save your work.

Record layout

You use the Record Layout tabbed region to define the header, sub header, detail, trailer, and sub trailer portions of your data extract.

To define the record layout of a system extract

  1. Enter a Name for the record layout definition.

  2. Select the record layout Type.

    The Repeating Level field is populated based on the lowest level in the extract hierarchy from which data elements are selected for this record. This is a read-only field.

  3. Enter an XML tag name if you output the system extract file in XML format.

    Note: The XML tag name defaults to the name you assign the record. When you define the Extract Definition, you can choose to extract a text file or an XML file.

  4. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which this data element displays in the extract report.

    Note: Sequence numbers must be unique. They must start at 1 and be between 1 and 300. It is recommended that you do not leave any gaps in your record sequence.

  5. Select a data element in the Data Element Name field.

    Note: You can include a maximum of 300 elements in a record. To add more than 300 elements to a record, select the Extract Record Continuation (Links Two Records Together) element. You can only use this element for detail records. If you add this element as the last element to any record, the Extract Write Process appends the next record to the same line.

  6. Enter a Start Position number for this record if you are defining a fixed layout format.

    Note: If the data element is hidden do not include a start position.

  7. Enter a Delimiter (such as an asterisk or a comma) that separates the fields of this data element if you are defining a variable layout format.

    Note: If the data element is hidden do not include a delimiter

  8. Check the Required field if this data element must be included in the extract record.

    Note: If a required data element is missing, the result excludes the record, which appears in the error log during the extract process.

  9. To define conditions (enrollment results with a status of Void, for example) for excluding a data element from the record layout, select Advanced Conditions and follow the instructions in To define the conditions of inclusions for an extract layout below.

  10. Save your work.

File layout

You use the File Layout tabbed region to define the sequence in which the records in this extract display and any conditions that must exist for a record to be included in the extract.

To define the file layout of a system extract

  1. Enter a Name for the file layout definition.

  2. Enter an XML tag name if you output the system extract file in XML format.

    Note: The XML tag name defaults to the name you assign the record. When you define the Extract Definition, you can choose to extract a text file or an XML file.

  3. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the extracted records display.

  4. Select a record that you have defined in the Record Name field.

  5. Check Prevent Duplicates to prevent the production of duplicate records for the same record and person.

  6. Check Required if this record must be included in the file layout.

    Important: If a required record is missing, the extract excludes the person from its output.

  7. Check Hide to hide a record from an extract file when you run the write process.

    Note: Hidden data elements appear in the extract result after you run the extract process, but are hidden when you initiate the extract write process.

  8. Choose the Sort button to define a data element sort order for this file layout definition.

  9. To exclude a record or group of records from the layout, select Advanced Conditions and follow the instructions in To define the conditions of inclusions for an extract layout below.

  10. Click Grouping to select the key data element by which to order the extract results.

    If you group data elements, you must do so based on a Sub Header element.

  11. Repeat steps 3-7 for each record in your file layout definition.

  12. Save your work.

To define the sort order of the data elements in a record

You can use the Sort window to define up to four levels of sorting for each record in a file layout. You can sort by any data element included in a record.

For extracts with multiple records, the sorting criteria defined for the record with the highest sequence number are inherited by records with lower sequence numbers unless you define a separate sort order for a record with a lower sequence number.

  1. Select the record in the File Layout window for which you are defining the data element sort order.

    Note: Selecting a record limits the data elements by which you can sort to the data elements contained in that record. You can sort by a data element that you do not want to display in a record by adding that data element to the record and checking the Hide field.

  2. Choose the Sort button to display the Sort window.

  3. Select the primary data element by which you want to sort the record in the First Sort field.

  4. Select the second data element by which you want to sort the record in the Second Sort field.

    • You can further sort the record by selecting data elements in the Third and Fourth Sort fields.

  5. Save your work.

Conditions of Inclusion for File and Record Layouts

You use the Record Layout Advanced Conditions window or the File Layout Advanced Conditions window to define the conditions that must exist for a data element to be included in a record or for a record to be included in a file.

Note: Conditional inclusion is based on a text comparison of a data element value with a value you supply or with another data element. Before creating an extract, you should test your conditional inclusion criteria for accuracy on a small number of records.

To define the conditions of inclusions for an extract layout

  1. From the Layout Definition window, do one of the following:

    • Choose the Record Layout tabbed region. Enter or query a record for which you are defining conditional inclusion criteria.

    • Choose the File Layout tabbed region. Enter or query a file for which you are defining conditional inclusion criteria.

  2. Choose Advanced Conditions.

  3. Enter the Seq (sequence) number in which the application checks for this condition.

  4. Select a Data Element Name from the list of data elements in this layout definition.

  5. Select an Operator based on your conditions of inclusion for this data element.

  6. Enter a Value for the data element.

    When you click into the Value field, a sample entry appears based on the operator you selected. Substitute your data element value for the sample value. For example, if you select an operator of Equals (=), enter the exact value surrounded by single quotation marks.

    Alternatively, you can select another data element from the list of values. You can compare the two elements using the operators = , <> (not equal to), > , < , >=, or <= .

  7. Select a value of either And or Or if your inclusion criteria contains more than one data element value.

  8. Select an Action that excludes the record based on whether the conditions of inclusion are true or false.

  9. Save your work.

Defining a System Extract

You use the Define Extract window to define and maintain the definition of a system extract.

Your extract definition includes an extract criteria profile and an extract layout definition that you have already defined as well as other parameters needed for the extract batch process, such as the extract date range and the output directory and file name of the extract file.

To define a system extract

  1. Enter an Extract Name that uniquely identifies this extract definition.

  2. Select the kind of data that you want to include in the extract in the Type field.

    • Choose either Full Profile, Changes Only, Compensation Workbench, or Communication.

    Note: Ensure you select the Compensation Workbench type to extract Compensation Workbench data.

  3. Enter an XML tag name if you output the system extract file in XML format.

    Note: The XML tag name defaults to the name you assign the record. When you define the Extract Definition, you can choose to extract a text file or an XML file.

  4. Select an extract criteria profile in the Inclusion Criteria field to limit the results of the extract.

  5. Select a file layout definition in the File Layout field that limits the records included in this extract to those defined in this file layout.

  6. Enter the Output Directory where you want to write the results of the extract.

    System Extract validates the directory you enter against the database directories defined for PL/SQL file I/O by your database administrator. If you want to write to additional or different directories, your database administrator must define those directories for PL/SQL file I/O. See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.

  7. Enter the name of the output file in the Output File Name field.

  8. Select an Output Type to determine the format of the extract file. Choose from:

    • Excel Spreadsheet (HTML)

    • Flat File

    • HTML File

    • PDF File

    • RTF

    • XML File

    Note: Select Flat File to generate a single text file. Select XML File to generate three files with the extensions, .xml, .xsl, and .xsd. Select PDF File if you created a PDF template in Oracle XML Publisher.

  9. To enable you to view the extract results from within the Concurrent Manager View Requests window, select the Display Output File in Write Process check box.

  10. Check the Append Current Request ID field if you want to add the request ID to the file name.

    In the Options tabbed region:

  11. Check the Submit Write Process Automatically field if you want to write the results of this extract to a file when you run the benefits extract batch process.

    Note: If you want to review the results of your extract before writing the results to a file do not check this field. You can write the extract results to a file by running the extract write batch process from the Concurrent Manager.

  12. Check the Special Handling for Dependents (ANSI 834, HIPAA) field if you are defining this extract to conform with ANSI 834 or HIPAA standards.

    Note: If you check this field, you should consider selecting the data element of Person Participation Type (ANSI) when defining the layout for this extract to distinguish participant and dependent enrollment records in the extract results.

  13. Check the Update Communication Sent Date field if you are defining an extract for communications.

  14. Select the name of a PDF Template you created in Oracle XML Publisher if you want to generate a PDF version of an XML extract.

  15. Save your work.

Viewing Extract Change Events for a Person

You use the Change Event Log window to view the change events that have occurred to a person.

Note: You can view change events for multiple persons by running a system extract that includes change event criteria.

To view change events for a person

  1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for this person.

    The system displays the change events for this person.

  2. Select a change event to view the Old and New Values for the event.

Viewing Extract Results

You use the Extract Results window to view the output of a system extract run, including summary information, detailed results by person, and run results errors.

If your security profile prevents access to certain person information, the Extract Results window hides those person records. However, summary totals display based on the entire population, regardless of your security profile.

To view the results of a system extract

  1. Query an extract result that you want to view in the Extract Name field. The system displays summary information for the extract, including:

    • The run Request ID and Run Status

    • Extract run dates and times

    • Number of records in the extract result

    • Number of records, people, and errors in the extract result

    • The extract output directory and file name

  2. Select a Run Status of Approved by User if you want to approve an extract result with a status of Job Failure.

    Note: You cannot successfully run the extract write process for an extract with a status of Job Failure unless you change the run status to Approved by User. Conversely, you can change an extract with a status of Successful Completion to Rejected by User to prevent the extract write process from writing out an extract file.

  3. Save your work if you changed the status of this extract run result.

  4. Choose the Details button to view extract results by person.

    The system automatically queries all persons who were processed in this run. For each person, the system displays:

    • The run records that comprise the system extract definition

    • The data elements for each record

    • The value of each data element for this person

  5. Choose the Sub Header and Trailer button to view records, data elements, and values for the sub header and sub trailer region of this system extract report. You can also navigate to person detail records for the sub header.

  6. Choose the Header and Trailer button to view records, data elements, and values for the header and footer regions of this system extract report.

  7. Choose the Errors button to view by person any errors that occurred in the system extract generation process.

    • Select an error and choose the More button to view a description of the error.

  8. Correct any errors, if necessary, and re-run the system extract process or load the extract file onto the delivery medium by which it is sent to your third party benefits administrator or other outside party.

Running the System Extract Concurrent Processes

Use the Extract Process to extract records from the database for transmission to a third party, such as a carrier, payroll provider, or other benefits vendor.

Update the user profile option BEN: Max Extract Line Size to set the maximum length of a record generated by the Extract Write Process.

See: User Profiles

You use the Submit Requests window to run the system extract batch processes for an extract definition that you have created.

See: Benefits System Extract.

To run the system extract batch process

  1. Select the Extract Process in the Request Name field.

  2. Select the Extract Name as the parameter for this process.

  3. Enter the effective date on which you want to run the report.

  4. Select the Output Type.

  5. The Template displays based on the Output Type you select.

  6. Optionally, select a value for the Person Selection Rule. This enables you to select a fast formula that is a Person Selection Rule type.

  7. Choose the Submit Requests button to run the report when you finish defining this batch process.

  8. View the results of the Extract Process in the Extract Results window by querying the name of the extract.

    See: Viewing Extract Results.

    The Extract Process also produces a summary report and an error report that you can review.

  9. Run the Extract Audit Report from the Concurrent Manager to view a limited selection of records from the extract results.

  10. Run the Extract Write Process from the Concurrent Manager to write the results of the extract to the file you specified in your extract definition.

Restarting an Extract Process

If the Extract Process terminates for any reason, you can run the Extract Restart Process to resume extracting data records from the point where the Extract Process stopped.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

To restart an Extract Process

  1. Select the Extract Restart Process in the Name field.

  2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  3. Select the Benefit Action ID number of the extract process that has stopped.

  4. Choose the OK button.

  5. Complete the batch process request and choose Submit.

Purging System Extract Results

When you run the Extract Process, the application writes the output to the results tables. To free table and disk space, you should periodically purge this data.

Run the Extract Results Data Purge process to delete extract results in batch mode. If you want to delete a specific extract record, you can do so from the Extract Results window.

Prior to purging extract results, confirm that you no longer need the results or that you have written the output to a file using the Extract Write Process.

To purge a specific extract

  1. Open the Extract Results window.

  2. Query the result that you want to delete.

  3. Choose the Delete icon from the toolbar.

  4. Confirm the deletion.

  5. Save your work.

To purge extracts in batch mode

  1. Navigate to the Submit Requests window.

  2. Select the Extract Results Data Purge process.

  3. Open the parameters window.

  4. In the Validate field, select whether to Commit or Rollback the results of the purge process.

  5. Optional: select an Extract Name to purge the results of a single extract.

  6. Set the effective date of the process.

    Note: The purge process deletes all extract results on or before the effective date.

  7. Choose Submit.

Purging the System Extract Change Log

If you run system extracts based on change events, you should periodically purge the change event log to maintain application performance. Run the Extract Change Event Log Purge to delete data from the ben_Ext_chg_evt_log table.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

To purge the System Extract Change Log

  1. Select Extract Change Event Log Purge in the Name field.

  2. Select Rollback in the Validate field to generate a report of data that will be purged when you run the process in Commit mode.

  3. Select a person to purge the extract change log for a single user.

  4. Enter a date in the On or Prior to Effective Date field to purge records based on your DateTrack date.

  5. Enter a date in the On or Prior to Actual Date field to purge records based on the system date.

  6. Click OK to close the Parameters window.

  7. Click Submit.

Running the Extract XML Publisher Process

You can run the Extract XML Publisher process directly from the Concurrent Manager to create an output file without first processing a system extract. This is useful if you want to merge the same XML data with two or more different templates, for example, a report and a form letter. This prevents you from having to run the system extract twice, which can be time-consuming for a large extract.

You run processes from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Extract XML Publisher process

  1. Select Extract XML Publisher in the Name field.

  2. Enter the Report Application ID of the template. This is the ID under which you registered the template in Oracle XML Publisher, for example, PER or PQH.

    The application filters the list of available templates based on the ID you enter.

  3. Select the Template.

  4. In the XML File with Path field, enter the directory path and file name of the XML extract you created.

  5. In the Output File with Path field, enter the directory and file name of the PDF file you are creating.

  6. Click OK to close the Parameters window.

  7. Select the Output Type of the file you are generating.

    You should select an output type that corresponds to the template you created in Oracle XML Publisher.

  8. Click Submit

Migrating a System Extract

You can migrate a system extract from one business group to another after you define the data elements, record layouts, file layout, and selection criteria that comprise the extract definition.

The migration process does not support seeded extract definitions. You migrate seeded extracts directly from the Extract Definition window.

Note: Any extract criteria in your source extract definition must also exist in your target database. For example, if you filter extract records by a change event, you must enable the change event in the target business group. You cannot copy Advanced Criteria.

You run processes from the Submit Request window.

To migrate a system extract

  1. Select Extract Definition Download to Data File in the Name field.

    Run this process from the source business group that contains the extract definition you want to migrate.

  2. In the Location and File Name field, enter a target directory path and file name.

    Your database administrator should provide you with a valid directory path. If you do not enter a path, the download process writes the file to the directory where you store your concurrent manager log files.

  3. Select an Extract File Layout Name from your list of extract definitions.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Complete the process request and choose Submit.

To upload a system extract for migration

  1. In the Name field, select Extract Definition Upload from Data File.

    Run this process from the target business group.

  2. In the Location and File Name field, enter the directory path and file name where you downloaded the extract definition.

    If you are migrating between database instances, you must physically move the downloaded data file to a directory where you can upload the file into the target business group.

  3. Select Commit or Rollback in the Validate field.

    The migration process does not update an extract that you have already migrated. Run the upload process in Rollback mode to fix errors listed in the audit log before you commit the upload.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Complete the process request and choose Submit.

    If you migrate an extract definition and any extract criteria in your target business group do not match the source business group, you must recreate the data in the target after you complete the upload process. You can make any other changes to your extract definition after you complete the upload.

If you encounter any errors when uploading the extract definition, verify that you:

Batch Element Entry

BEE (Batch Element Entry)

Using BEE is the fast way to enter batches of elements on a regular basis, or when compensation policies change. For example, in each payroll period you can use BEE to:

From time to time, you might also use BEE for:

When you enter absences in a batch, BEE creates absence records as well as element entries.

How To Enter a Batch

Each batch has a header and as many batch lines as you require; a batch line is one element entry for an assignment. Lines within a batch can have different effective dates. There are three ways you can enter batches:

You can use any combination of these approaches in a batch.

For example, to grant Entitlement pay to all full-time employees in the Overseas Division, you might create an assignment set for these employees and run a concurrent process to enter the entitlement information for the set. Then, to handle part-time employees, you might select the entitlement element in the Batch Lines window and create a batch line individually for each part-time employee, entering a pro-rata amount.

Validation of Batch Entries

To validate a batch after saving it, you run the BEE validation process from the Batch Header window. This process checks the header and each line of the batch. For example, it checks that each assignment number exists in the database, and that you have specified values for all required input values. It also runs any validation formulas you have defined for the input values.

You can add your own validation procedures to the standard process. For example, you can set up control totals or extra business validation.

Control Totals

Control totals are predefined for checking the number of lines in a batch and for summing pay values and hours. You can create control totals for other numerical element input values by defining a lookup for the lookup type CONTROL_TYPE. If you need other kinds of control totals, you can define lookups for them, but you must also write a validation procedure for checking the batch against the total.

Transfer to Entries Table

When the batch is ready for transfer to the database, you run the BEE transfer process from the Batch Header window. This process first performs the same checks as the validation process. If it finds no errors, it transfers the element entries from the temporary tables to the Entries table in Oracle HRMS.

You can choose whether the transfer process automatically purges the entries from the temporary tables after transfer. You can also run a separate purge process.

You should not attempt to process concurrently batches that contain the same assignments. If an assignment exists in more than one batch that you try to process at the same time, the processes may fail due to assignment interlocks.


After a successful BEE transfer, you can roll back the transfer process if you want to completely remove it, provided you have not purged the batch from the BEE tables. You can choose to roll back the transfer even if some of the entries have been processed.

You roll back the transfer from the Submit Requests window. Oracle Payroll users can also roll back processes from the Payroll Processes window, or individual batch lines from the Assignment Processes window.

Batch Statuses

The Batch Status depends on the status of the batch header, all the batch lines, and any control totals specified for the batch. On the Batch Header window, you can see the following status values:

Status Meaning
Valid All of the lines, control totals, and header are valid
Transferred All of the lines, control totals, and header have been transferred
Transfer Incomplete The header and control totals have been transferred, along with some of the lines
Unprocessed At least one line, control total, or the header is unprocessed
Error At least one line, control total, or the header is in error
Status Mismatch The combination of statuses in the header, lines, and batch is not consistent. For example, it is inconsistent for some, but not all, of the lines to h ave the status Transferred

Note: A status mismatch is not possible if you always use the Batch Header and Batch Lines windows to enter and maintain a batch.

Elements Not Updated with BEE

You can use BEE to update non-RPA enrollment elements and time capture elements. The OFHR application maintains a history of all elements including those elements created and updated by using BEE.

You must update some elements using an RPA only. The following is a list of elements that you cannot update using BEE:

The following two elements have an Input Value that you cannot update using BEE:

Making Batch Element Entries Using BEE

To make batch element entries using BEE, this is the overall procedure:

  1. If you want to use a concurrent process to create an identical batch line for several assignments, create an assignment set.

    See: Creating an Assignment Set, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  2. If you want to create several batch lines for each assignment, create one or more customization element sets.

    Note: Each element set should contain a maximum of 20 elements since this is the limit on the number that can be viewed in the Batch Assignment Entry window (four elements on each of the five tabs).

    See: Defining an Element or Distribution Set, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  3. Identify the batch, supply any external totals against which to balance it, and determine what should happen if any of the batch lines duplicate existing element entries.

    See: Entering a Batch Header

  4. Enter the batch.

    If you are using an assignment set, you enter details for one element and run a concurrent process to create identical batch lines for each assignment.

    See: Creating the Same Line for Several Assignments

    Then, if necessary, you can edit these line by line, using defaults to help you enter missing information.

    See: Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines

    If you are using element sets, you select an assignment and element set, enter a line for each element in the set, select another assignment, repeat the process, and so on.

    See: Creating Several Lines for One Assignment

  5. Validate the batch.

    See: Validating a BEE Batch

    Note: If you have several batches to validate, transfer, or purge, you can process them in a single operation from the Batch Summary window. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together.

  6. Review the results, correct any lines with a status of Error, then validate again.

    See: Reviewing BEE Process Results

  7. Transfer the batch to the HRMS Entries table.

    See: Transferring a BEE Batch

  8. Purge the batch from the BEE tables if this was not done automatically on transfer.

    See: Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables

    If you have transferred a batch, but not purged it, you can roll back the transfer if you want to remove it completely from the HRMS Entries table. See: Rolling Back a BEE Process

Entering a Batch Header

You can enter batches of element entries in the Batch Header and Batch Lines windows. The header identifies the batch and determines what happens if any of the batch lines duplicate existing element entries.

To enter a batch header and control totals

  1. Set your effective date to the date when you want the entries to take effect.

  2. Enter a name for the batch, and select a batch type. You can also enter a reference number and the source of the batch, if you require these for your own reference.

  3. Select what action the process should take if one of the batch lines matches an existing element entry for an assignment at the effective date.

    • Create New Entry - The process creates a new entry if multiple entries of the element are allowed by the element definition. If multiple entries are not allowed, the process sets the status of the batch line to Error.

    • Reject Entry - The process sets the status of the batch line to Error.

    • Change Existing Entry - The process corrects or updates the existing entry. If there is more than one existing entry, the process sets the status of the batch line to Error.

    The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using SQL*Plus or a similar tool).

  4. If you selected Change Existing Entry, select the type of date effective change to be made to recurring entries:

    • Update - The process changes the existing entry from the effective date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated changes to the existing entry, the process inserts the change before the next scheduled change.

    • Correct - The process corrects the existing entry from its start date through to its end date. Any future-dated changes are unaffected.

    • Override - The process changes the existing entry from the effective date, but preserves the previous information. If there are future-dated changes to the existing entry, the process replaces all future-dated changes with the batch line.

      Notice that if you select this option, you cannot check the Reject if Future Changes check box.

    The Undefined option is display-only (for batches created using SQL*Plus or a similar tool).

  5. If you want to reject batch lines that match entries that start in the future or for which future changes are scheduled, check the Reject if Future Changes check box.

    Notice that if you check this box, you cannot select the Override option.

  6. If you want the batch to be purged from the temporary tables after successful transfer to Oracle HRMS, check the Purge After Transfer check box.

  7. If you want to cancel a rollback process if the system detects run results for any of the batch lines, check the Reject Rollback if Results Exist check box.

    Note: The process interlock rule (which prevents you rolling back a payroll process if any further processing has taken place) does not automatically apply to BEE Rollback. If you leave this box unchecked, you can perform a rollback even if run results from payroll processing exist for any of the lines.

  8. If you want rollbacks to exclude batch lines that have previously failed a rollback, check the Reject Rollback if Entry Not Found check box. If you check this box and BEE cannot roll back the element entry, the batch line retains a status of transferred. If you do not check this box, BEE attempts to roll back batch lines that have previously failed rollback, and returns an error status.

  9. If you want rollbacks to include element entries updated since the last BEE operation, check the Roll Back Entry Updates check box. However, even if you check this box, the rollback always excludes overrides and corrections. If you do not check this box, you exclude from rollback all element entries updated since the last BEE operation.

  10. If you want to delete the batch automatically after a rollback, check the Purge After Rollback check box.

  11. If you are going to use the Assignment Lines window and you want the system to display automatically any existing lines in this batch for an assignment and element set you select, check the Auto Query box.

  12. If you are going to use the Batch Lines window and you want the system to display an error if you enter an invalid assignment number, check the Auto Validation box.

    Control Totals

  13. If you use control totals to validate the batch before transfer, choose the Totals button

  14. Select a batch control type (such as Hours, to sum all the values in the Hours input value, or Line Count, to check the number of lines in the batch).

  15. Enter the control total for each control type.

    You can enter as many types and totals as you require.

Setting Up BEE Validation Using Control Totals

You can validate a BEE batch against control totals to check for missing lines or miskeying of amounts.

You can set up as many control types as you require. The following control type is predefined: _COUNT_LINES_, which checks the number of lines in a batch.

You can set up control types to sum the entries in any numerical input value, using the Application Utilities Lookups window.

To define a control type

  1. Query the lookup type CONTROL_TYPE.

  2. Enter a new lookup code called _TOTAL_COLUMN_x, where x is any unique suffix you choose to identify this control type. For example, you could define a code called _TOTAL_COLUMN_BONUS.

  3. Enter the meaning for this lookup code. The meaning must be the name of the input value you want to sum.

    The meaning is displayed to users when they select a control type for a batch.

  4. Enter a description.

  5. Save your work.

    Important: If your control type does not sum a numerical element input value, do not call the lookup code _TOTAL_COLUMN_x. Use another naming convention. In this case, you will need to write a procedure that validates batches against your new control type. See: Creating Control Totals for the Batch Element Entry Process, Implementing Oracle HRMS.

Creating the Same Line for Several Assignments

Use the Create Batch Lines window to create identical lines for all assignments identified by an assignment set. This is a quick way to create many lines for an element or an element set. If you select a single element and the input values need to vary between assignments, you can leave these blank and add them later using the Batch Lines window. If you select an element set, the batch will contain blank lines for each element. You can leave them blank to accept the default values for the input values, or you can edit individual lines in the Batch Lines window.

To enter batch lines for an assignment set

  1. Enter or query a batch header in the Batch Header window, and choose the Assignment Set button.

  2. In the Create Batch Lines window, select the assignment set and payroll that identify the employees you want to create lines for.

  3. If you are creating blank lines for an element set, select the set and enter an effective date for the entries. Then go to step 9.

  4. If you are creating lines for a single element, select the element and enter input values as appropriate.

  5. The following fields may be available depending on your localization and the element you selected:

    • Enter Further Information for this element entry.

    • For a non-recurring element, optionally select a date within the current payroll period in the Date Earned field. The entry will not be processed until this date (that is, the Date Earned of the Payroll Run must be on or after this date).

  6. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determine the processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run. Lower priority numbers process first.

  7. If you selected an absence element, enter the absence start and end dates. BEE uses these dates to create an absence record, however the absence element is entered as of the effective date.

  8. Change the effective date if required.

  9. Choose the Process button to submit a concurrent process called Create Batches. Confirm that you want the system to create the lines.

    The Create Batch Lines window now closes, taking you back to the Batch Header window.

  10. Choose the Assignment Set button again if you want to add lines for another element. Requery your batch and choose the Element Lines button if you want to view and edit the lines created by the process.

Creating or Editing Individual Batch Lines

In the Batch Lines window, you can enter new lines for individual assignments, and you can view and edit lines created automatically for an assignment set. You can speed up entry of new lines by entering default input values

Note: A batch can contain lines for as many elements as you require. Lines within a batch can have different effective dates.

To enter individual batch lines

  1. Enter or query a batch header in the Batch Header window, and choose the Element Lines button.

  2. Select the element for which you want to make entries.

  3. To enter default values to speed up the data entry, choose the Defaults button. The Defaults window displays the input values for the selected element.

  4. Enter default values in any of the fields in the Defaults window. These defaults apply to all new entries in the batch, but not to any entries you have already made. You can change the defaults at any time during your data entry.

    Note: These defaults will override any defaults defined for the element or element link. To use the element or link defaults, leave the input value blank. These defaults are entered during the BEE transfer process.

  5. Uncheck the Display check box for any field that you do not want to display in the Lines window. You can hide any fields for which the default is correct for every entry.

  6. In the Lines window, enter the data required for the batch. Lists of values are available on some fields, but no validation is enforced during data entry.

    Note: You will not see any defaults defined for the input values, but if you leave the input values blank, the defaults are entered during the BEE transfer process.

  7. The following fields may be available depending on your localization and the element you selected:

    • Enter Further Information for this element entry.

    • For a non-recurring element, optionally select a date within the current payroll period in the Date Earned field. The entry will not be processed until this date (that is, the Date Earned of the Payroll Run must be on or after this date).

    • Select a third party payment method in the Payee field to enter information about a third party recipient of a payment resulting from a deduction.

  8. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determine the processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run. Lower priority numbers process first.

  9. You can override the Effective Date for any line. This is the effective start date for a new entry or the effective date of an update.

  10. If you selected an absence element, enter the absence start and end dates. BEE uses these dates to create an absence record, however the element is entered as of the effective date.

  11. Save your entries. If you want to make entries for another element, select the element, enter new defaults, enter the lines, then save again.

Retrieving Existing Batch Lines

Use the Batch Lines window to view existing batch lines.

To retrieve existing batch lines

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Select the element in the Element field.

    • Check the Unknown Elements check box if you are querying batch lines entered for an invalid element (or no element) by SQL*Plus or another tool.

  2. Choose the Find button.

Updating a Batch

You can update a batch at any time before you transfer it. If you make any changes to a batch with the status Validated or Error, the batch status changes to Unprocessed.

Creating Several Lines for One Assignment

Use the Batch Assignment Entry window for fast entry of several batch lines for one assignment. You can make one or more entries for each element in an element set.

To enter lines for one assignment

  1. Enter or query the batch header in the Batch Header window and choose the Assignment Lines button.

  2. Select an assignment and element set.

  3. Enter the input values for the first four elements in the set. Lists of values are available on some fields, but no validation is enforced during data entry.

    Note: You will not see any defaults defined for the input values, but if you leave the input values blank, the defaults are entered during the BEE transfer process.

  4. The following fields may be available depending on your localization and the element you selected:

    • Enter Further Information for this element entry.

    • For a non-recurring element, optionally select a date within the current payroll period in the Date Earned field. The entry will not be processed until this date (that is, the Date Earned of the Payroll Run must be on or after this date).

    • Select a third party payment method in the Payee field to enter information about a third party recipient of a payment resulting from a deduction.

  5. Enter a number in the Subpriority field if you want to determine the processing sequence of multiple entries in the payroll run. Lower priority numbers process first.

  6. You can override the effective date for any line. This is the effective start date for a new entry or the effective date of an update.

  7. For absence elements, enter the absence start and end dates. BEE uses these dates to create an absence record, however the element is entered as of the effective date.

  8. If there are more elements in the set, click on the next tab to display them. Continue entering input values.

  9. When you have made entries to as many elements as you require from the set, save your work.

  10. If you want to make entries for another assignment, select the assignment, enter the lines, then save again.

    Note: The entry values from the previous assignment are not cleared automatically from the form. So you can use the same values without retyping, you can type over the existing values, or you can use the Down Arrow key to clear the record.

Validating a BEE Batch

The validation process tests each batch line against certain predefined rules about element entries, and also against your own rules if you have created additional validation procedures.

You can also validate several batches together from the Batch Summary window. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together.

To validate a batch

  1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose the Process button.

  2. Select Validate, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.

  3. When the concurrent request is completed, query the batch in the Batch Header window. If you have several batches to review, query them in the Batch Summary window.

    See: Reviewing BEE Process Results.

Transferring a BEE Batch

A batch exists in the temporary BEE tables only until you run the transfer process to create element entries in the Oracle HRMS Entries table.

You can also transfer several batches together from the Batch Summary window. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together.

To transfer a batch

  1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose the Process button.

  2. Select Transfer, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.

  3. When the concurrent request is completed, query the batch in the Batch Header window.

    If the Batch Status is Transferred, there were no errors in the batch and the process has created the element entries. The process may have issued messages associated with the batch header, lines, or control totals.

    If the Batch Status is Error, a control total or all the batch lines have the status Error. Check the status fields in the Batch Lines window and the Control Totals window, and review the messages issued by the process.

    If the Batch Status is Transfer Incomplete, the process has created element entries for some of the batch lines. The other lines have the status Error. You must correct these lines and rerun the transfer process until the Batch Status is Transferred.

Purging a Batch From the BEE Tables

If the Purge After Transfer check box on the Batch Header window is checked when you run the transfer process, the batch is deleted from the BEE tables automatically after the transfer. If the box is not checked, you can purge the batch by running a separate process.

You can purge a batch with any status.

Important: You cannot roll back a batch transfer if you have purged the batch from the BEE tables.

You can also purge several batches together from the Batch Summary window. See: Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together.

To purge a batch

  1. Query the batch in the Batch Header window, and choose the Process button.

  2. Select Purge, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request ID so that you can query it on the Requests window.

    When the concurrent request is completed, the batch is purged.

Reviewing BEE Process Results

To review the results of a batch process, use the Batch Summary window. Oracle Payroll users can also review batch results and retry or rollback batch transfers on the Payroll Processes window.

To review batch process results

  1. Query one or more batches by name, reference, or status in the Batch Summary window.

    If a batch status is Error, at least one line, control total, or the header is in error.

  2. Click on a batch to select it and choose the Errors button to identify the problem with a batch that has the status Error or Transfer Incomplete. The Messages window opens. You can view all messages or query them by type: Batch Header, Batch Line Level, or Control Total.

  3. To see and correct a batch, click on it in the Batch Summary window and choose the View Batch button. The Batch Header window opens with the selected batch displayed.

  4. From the header window, you can view lines, control totals, or messages:

    • To view the status of individual lines in the batch, choose the Element Lines button. In the Batch Lines window, select an element and choose Find.

      Note: If the batch status is Transfer Incomplete, you can only modify or delete the lines that are in error, or the control totals.

    • If you entered control totals for the batch, choose the Totals button on the Batch Header window to view the status for each control type.

    • To view messages for the whole batch, or all lines, or control totals, choose the Messages button. Use the option group at the top of the Messages window to control which messages are displayed.

Processing Multiple BEE Batches Together

You can use the Batch Summary window to validate, transfer, or purge several batches in a single action.

To process multiple batches

  1. Query the batches by name, status, or reference id in the Batch Summary window.

  2. Use the Process check boxes to select the batches you want to process. You can use the Select All button to check all the boxes, then uncheck some as required.

    Important: Do not select multiple batches that contain the same assignments. The batches are processed at the same time, and interlock problems may arise if two processes try to process the same assignment. To avoid this, ensure your batches contain separate sets of assignments.

  3. Choose the Process button and select the process you require (Transfer, Validate, or Purge) and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request IDs for the batches so that you can query them on the Requests window.

  4. When the concurrent requests are completed, the Batch Summary window displays the status of each batch and you can review any errors.

    See: Reviewing BEE Process Results.

Rolling Back a BEE Process

After a successful BEE transfer or partial transfer, you can roll back the transfer process if you want to completely remove it. Use the Batch Header window to specify how a rollback operates. For example, you can:

The process interlock rule (which prevents you rolling back a payroll process if any further processing has taken place) does not apply to BEE Rollback. You can still perform the rollback even if run results from payroll processing exist for any of the lines.

If the batch included absence entries, the rollback removes the absence records as well as the element entries.

You run the BEE Rollback process from the Submit Requests window.

Note: Oracle Payroll users can also roll back a batch, or individual batch lines from the Payroll Processes window or Assignment Processes window.

To roll back a BEE process

  1. Select the batch header name of the process you want to roll back.

  2. Enter Yes to cancel the rollback process if the system detects run results for any of the batch lines. Enter No if you want the system to complete the rollback even though run results exist.

  3. Enter Yes to keep the batch after the rollback. Enter No to delete the batch after the rollback.

Spreadsheet Loaders

Spreadsheet Loaders: Frequently Asked Questions

This topic answers the following questions:

What is a Spreadsheet Loader?

A spreadsheet loader is an HRMS interface that helps you to upload data more easily to Oracle HRMS. You use the spreadsheet loader interface to:

When Can You Use Spreadsheet Loaders?

You can use spreadsheet loaders for a range of upload operations to Oracle HRMS. For example:

Do Spreadsheet Loaders Require a Fixed Spreadsheet Template, Or Can You Create a Spreadsheet Template of Your Own?

The spreadsheet templates are fixed so that you can be sure of an exact correspondence with the Oracle HRMS tables. You cannot add or remove columns from the spreadsheet template. However, you can update the data within each column.

You can search for and access these templates from the spreadsheet loader interface. For example, US users loading employee tax information from Configuration Workbench can expect to see spreadsheets called:

Australian users loading employee and employee tax information from Configuration Workbench can expect to see spreadsheets called:

You can always obtain the most up-to-date list from the spreadsheet interface.

Can You Create a Spreadsheet on Your Desktop Rather than in the Loader Interface, and Then Upload it to HRMS from the Spreadsheet Loader Interface?


Always use the spreadsheet loader interface to create your spreadsheets. The loader interface automatically inserts macros that are essential for the success of your subsequent processing. You can then download this spreadsheet to your desktop and edit the data before re-uploading it.

How Do You Access the Spreadsheet Loaders?

Because spreadsheet loaders are a convenient method of data upload, you can access them from various points within the HRMS suite of products:

Are the Spreadsheet Loaders on the HRMS MIX Menu Available in All Localizations?

BEE Spreadsheet Interface and Data Pump Interface Spreadsheet Loaders

Note that the BEE Spreadsheet Interface and the Data Pump Spreadsheet Interface are only delivered on these menus:

Batch Balance Adjustment Spreadsheet Loader

The BBA Spreadsheet Interface is delivered only with International HR and Pay, but you can add it to your Mass Information eXchange menu by adding the function PAY_SS_LOADER_BBA.

How Do You Use the BEE Spreadsheet Loader Interface to Process a BEE Batch?

Access the BEE Spreadsheet Loader Interface and then follow the on-screen instructions on how to proceed.

How Do You Perform a Batch Balance Adjustment with the BBA Spreadsheet Interface?

Access the BBA Spreadsheet Interface and then follow the on-screen instructions on how to proceed.

What is the Correct Format for Your Spreadsheet?

Use the ICX formats for number and date. Your session dates are based on the Excel format, but ideally the Excel and ICX date formats should both be DD MON YYYY (for example, 23 MAR 2005).

What Restrictions Exist?

Batch Element Entry

For batch element entry you may find that if one of the costing segments is not qualified for element entry level it will not display in the Professional forms UI even though it does display in the spreadsheet loader interface.

Batch Balance Adjustment

For batch balance adjustments, you enter a consolidation set name when you create your initial spreadsheet. However, we strongly recommend that you always re-enter the consolidation set name when you use Update Lines to update a batch. You can re-enter the consolidation set name by selecting the Consolidation Set Name from the LOV. If you do not re-enter the consolidation set name, the Update Lines feature applies a default value of '0' in place of the actual name. This default value then generates an error message when you attempt to upload your spreadsheet.

National Finance Center Interface

National Finance Center Interface

The National Finance Center (NFC) serves as an HR, payroll, and time and attendance provider for many US Federal agencies. If your agency uses NFC as a provider, after configuring the product for NFC during implementation, you can generate the necessary position and personnel extracts and submit these files to NFC.

See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

Personnel Action and Position Outbound Interfaces

The personnel actions outbound interface process generates an extract of all new and updated Notification of Personnel Actions. The personnel action outbound interface creates a personnel action file that consists of a header record, a Job Control Language (JCL) file, and a detail record that contains a document type:

If you process a Correction action on the same day as the original personnel action, such as a Correction to an Appointment action, the extract process submits one composite record using the most recent data. If you process a Cancellation action on the same day as the original action, the application does not include the record in the extract file.

See: Submitting NFC Personnel Actions Data

Position Outbound Interface

The position outbound interface process generates an extract of all new and updated position records. Similar to the personnel outbound interface process, the position outbound interface consists of a header and JCL file, and detail records. The header includes a sub-header for master and occupied individual positions. The interface includes detail records for the:

NFC defines positions as master and individual positions. You define a master position and then define one or more individual positions based on that master position. You can then assign these individual positions to your employees. Master and individual positions share key data items. If a key data item such as the NFC Agency Code changes in an occupied individual position, you must create a new master position and individual positions, and move the affected employees to the newly created positions.

See: Submitting NFC Position Data

Error Processing

The position and personnel action extracts produce a workflow notification to inform you that the extract process has completed successfully or has produced an error. When you complete the parameters for the extract process, you can indicate which groupbox should receive the notification, such as the personnel office groupbox. You can also choose to have the application not send a notification or only send one if there is an error.

See: Changing a Workflow Attribute

NFC processes the files through its Position Management System and Personnel Processing System, and then applies the data to its databases when the edits pass. If after submitting the data to NFC, NFC reports any post transmission errors, you can correct the records, change the status in the extract results, and then run a concurrent program that identifies those records for inclusion in the next transmission file.

See: Correcting Errors and Resubmitting NFC Data

Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

As a system administrator, you can configure the application when you implement the product so that your users can submit position and personnel data to the National Finance Center (NFC).

Complete the following steps to configure the application for NFC.


  1. Define the position key flexfield.

    See: Setting up the Position Key Flexfield for NFC Implementations

  2. Map the position key flexfield segments to the business group US Federal Org Information.

    See: Entering Business Group Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  3. Specify the NFC implementation option.

    See: Entering Business Group Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Enter the identification information that you obtained from NFC for the following lookups:




    See: Adding Lookup Types and Values

  5. Enter values applicable to your agency for the following lookup types:






    See: Adding Lookup Types and Values

  6. Disable the lookup values that your agency does not use to facilitate faster and more accurate data entry.

    For example, if users only select your agency's OPM Agency Code (Agency/Subelement Code) when defining the position title, you can disable the remaining values.

    See: Removing Lookup Values

  7. For each NOAC, select the Required option for the Remark Codes NFC lists as required.

    See: Associating Remarks to NOACs

  8. Define the personal address flexfield. Optionally, define value sets for the county field.

    See: Defining the Personal Address Flexfield for NFC

  9. Define a Job Control Language (JCL) file from the predefined one.

    See: Defining a NFC Job Control Language Interface

  10. Define a NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface and a NFC Position Outbound Interface from the predefined ones.

    See: Defining NFC Personnel Actions and Position Outbound Interfaces

  11. Add the request sets to your request group:

    • NFC Personnel Data Outbound Interface

    • NFC Position Outbound Interface

    See: Request Groups Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide

  12. Schedule the NFC Personnel Data Outbound Interface and NFC Position Outbound Interface request sets to run daily.

    See: Submitting NFC Personnel Actions Data, Submitting NFC Position Data

  13. Add the Synchronize NFC Outbound Interface Errors concurrent program to your request group.

    See: Request Groups Window, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide

  14. If you do not want to receive a workflow notification when the application generates the position or personnel extract or when the application encounters an error, you can change the workflow attributes.

    See: Changing a Workflow Attribute

  15. Define master record and individual positions.

    See: Defining a Position, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Defining a NFC Job Control Language Interface

The Job Control Language file identifies the origin and destination of the NFC FESI transmission files. For example, the JCL file includes the routing information and the user ID required for the authentication of the position.

You generate the JCL extract only once and then send this file with the daily position and personnel transmissions. A predefined JCL extract comes with the application. You can copy and then modify the extract with the data elements appropriate for your agency.

To copy and modify the JCL extract

  1. In the Extract Definition window, query the NFC JCL Outbound Interface.

  2. Name the extract by entering a new Extract Prefix and click Copy Extract.

  3. Save your work.

  4. In the Extract Definition window, query the new extract.

  5. In the Layout Tab, define the Output Directory and the Output File name.

    Ensure that you can write a file to the specified directory and that this directory is accessible from the concurrent manager.

  6. Choose a file type of flat file, the format required to transmit your file to NFC.

  7. Check the Append Concurrent Request ID so that you can reference this request ID if there is an error or to enter it as a concurrent manager parameter if you manually initiate the Write Extract Process.

  8. On the Options tab, check Submit Write Extract Process Automatically, if you do not choose to review the JCL file before writing it to a directory file for transmission to NFC.

  9. Save your work.

  10. In the Layout Definition window, query the new extract.

  11. Select the row of the Record Name that you want to change, for example the Routing Info. Click the Record Layout button to display its data elements.

  12. Select the row of the Data Element you want to change and click the Data Element button.

  13. In the Data Elements tab, enter the appropriate Value for the String Information.

  14. Save your work.

  15. Repeat the above steps to revise the JCL data elements that you need to modify with agency information.

Defining NFC Personnel Actions and Position Interfaces

The application comes with predefined position and personnel actions extracts for the interface files that you submit to the National Finance Center. You copy and modify these predefined extracts to specify agency information, such as the name and directory location of the resulting extract file.

Use the Extract Definition window.

To copy and modify the extracts

  1. Query the NFC Position Outbound Interface extract:

  2. Name the extract by entering a new Extract Prefix and click Copy Extract.

  3. Save your work.

  4. In the Extract Definition window, query the new extract.

  5. Click the Layout tab and define the Output Directory and the Output File name.

    Ensure that you can write a file to the specified directory and that this directory is accessible from the concurrent manager.

  6. Choose a file type of flat file, the format required to transmit your file to NFC.

  7. Check the Append Concurrent Request ID.

    The application includes the request ID in notifications. Users may also reference the ID when manually initiating the Write Extract Process.

  8. Optionally, click the Options tab and check Submit Write Extract Process Automatically.

    Do not choose this option if your users wish to review the generated extract file before they write the results to the flat file that they transmit to NFC.

  9. Save your work.

  10. Repeat these steps to copy and modify the NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface.

Submitting NFC Position Data

You submit position data to the National Finance Center (NFC) on a daily basis by generating extract files that conform to NFC's interface requirements. You can schedule the concurrent process that generates this extract file to run automatically.

You can also manually initiate the concurrent process. For example, you might manually initiate the extract process the first time you send your personnel records for a given organization to NFC, and then schedule a daily extract process to list only those records that have changed. You might also manually submit the records if you encounter an internal error that caused that day's concurrent manager processes to error. The following day, you could change the date range to send the current and previous days records.

The position extract retrieves any current and retroactive records based on your date criteria. The application also extracts any future-dated records whose effective date falls in the date range you specify. If multiple changes to a record occur on the same day, the application submits the most recent information.

When you initiate the extract process, you complete the information requested in the Submit Request Set window. To simplify data entry, if you skip the non-required parameter fields, the application selects all the records that meet the information you entered in the required fields.

The application submits a snapshot of the position record for the date range you specify. If you process a retroactive action that changes the position data, and you have processed no intervening actions, the snapshot contains the details of the retroactive action. If however, you processed an intervening action, the snapshot contains the most recent position details, in this case those of the intervening action.

If NFC notifies you of an unsuccessful transmission, you can resubmit the request set. If NFC notifies you of specific errors, you can correct them and then retransmit the corrected records.

See: Correcting Errors and Resubmitting NFC Data

Use the concurrent manager Submit Requests window to generate an extract file of your position data.

To manually initiate the NFC Position Outbound Interface

  1. Select NFC Position Outbound Interface.

    Each request set automatically includes the Outbound JCL Interface that your system administrator defined for you.

  2. Select the NFC Position Outbound Interface row, and click the Parameters field.

  3. Select the Position Extract Name your system administrator defined for your agency to use when submitting position data from the list of values.

  4. Select the JCL Extract Name your system administrator defined for your agency to use when submitting position data from the list of values.

  5. Select a Transmission Type.

    • Full: Extracts a complete list of all your position records. You might choose this option the first time you submit your records to NFC.

    • Change: Extracts only those records that have changed in the date range specified by the From Date and To Date fields.

  6. If your system administrator did not set up the Write Extract Process to run immediately after the Position Outbound Interface extract process, run the Write Extract Process to generate the flat file that you subsequently transmit to NFC.

  7. Select the Date Criteria.

    • Current Date automatically enters today's date in the From Date and To Date fields.

      Use this option for daily transmissions.

    • Date Last Transmission enters the date that you last produced an extract in the From Date field and the current date in the To Date field.

      Select this option to include records that you changed on a day when your routinely scheduled transmissions do not occur, such as weekends or holidays.

  8. Enter the NFC Agency Code.

    The application enters a value for this field based on the lookup value entered by your system administrator during implementation.

    See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

  9. Enter the Personnel Office ID.

  10. The application enters values for the following fields based on the lookup values entered by your system administrator: Transmission Indicator, Sign-on Identification, and User ID.

    See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

  11. Enter the Department Code.

  12. The application enters the name of the payroll you defined during implementation.

    If you have more than one payroll defined, select the appropriate one from the list of values.

  13. If you want to receive a notification when the process successfully completes or if the application encounters an error, select the workflow recipient from the list of values

To run the Write Extract Process

The Write Extract Process places the extract results in a specified directory as a flat file for transmission to NFC. If your system administrator did not choose to automatically start the Write Extract Process, then you must run that process.

  1. In the Submit Request window, choose Extract Write Process from the list of values.

  2. Click the Parameters field, and select the Request ID of the NFC Position Outbound Interface that you wish to transmit to NFC from the list of recent extracts.

  3. Click the Submit button.

  4. Locate the path of the resulting file in the View Requests window. Select the Request ID and click View Output.

  5. Follow your agency's practices for transmitting the flat file to NFC.

Submitting NFC Personnel Actions Data

The personnel actions outbound interface process generates an extract of all new and updated Notification of Personnel Actions. You submit personnel actions data to the National Finance Center (NFC) on a daily basis by generating extract files that conform to NFC's interface requirements. You can schedule the concurrent process that generates this extract file to run automatically.

You can also manually initiate the concurrent process. For example, you might manually initiate the extract process the first time you send your position records for a given organization to NFC, and then schedule a daily extract process to list only those records that have changed. You might also manually submit the records if you encounter an internal error that caused that day's concurrent manager processes to error. The following day, you could change the date range to send the current and previous days records.

When you initiate the extract process, you complete the information requested in the Submit Request Set window. To simplify data entry, if you skip the non-required parameter fields, the application selects all the records that meet the information you entered in the required fields.

The personnel action extract retrieves any current and retroactive NPAs based on your date criteria. The application also extracts any future-dated records whose effective date falls in the date range you specify.

If NFC notifies you of an unsuccessful transmission, you can resubmit the request set. If NFC notifies you of errors, you can correct them.

See: Correcting Errors and Resubmitting NFC Data

Use the concurrent manager Submit Requests window to generate an extract file of your personnel actions data data.

To manually initiate the NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface

  1. Select NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface.

    Each request set automatically includes the Outbound JCL Interface that your system administrator defined for you.

  2. Select the NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface row, and click the Parameters field.

  3. Select the Personnel Actions Extract Name your system administrator defined for your agency to use when submitting position data from the list of values.

  4. Select the JCL Extract Name your system administrator defined for your agency to use when submitting personnel actions data from the list of values.

  5. If your system administrator did not set up the Write Extract Process to run immediately after the Personnel Actions Outbound Interface extract process, run the Write Extract Process to generate the flat file that you subsequently transmit to NFC.

  6. Select the Date Criteria.

    • Current Date automatically enters today's date in the From Date and To Date fields.

      This default value is the most often used since most agencies submit their data daily to NFC.

    • Date Last Transmission enters the date of your last regularly scheduled in the From Date field and the current date in the To Date field.

      Use this option to ensure that the application includes, in the next regularly scheduled extract, those records that you change on a day when the extract process does not run, for example, on a weekend day.

  7. Enter the NFC Agency Code.

    The application enters a value for this field based on the lookup value entered by your system administrator during implementation.

    See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

  8. Enter the Personnel Office ID.

  9. The application enters values for the following fields based on the lookup values entered by your system administrator: Transmission Indicator, Sign-on Identification, and User ID.

    See: Setting up the National Finance Center (NFC) Interfaces

  10. Enter the Department Code.

  11. Enter the Payroll Name.

  12. If you want to receive a notification when the process successfully completes or when there is an error, select the recipient from the list of values

To run the Write Extract Process

If your system administrator did not choose to automatically start the Write Extract Process that places the extract results in a specified directory as a flat file for transmission to NFC, then you initiate the process manually.

  1. In the Submit Request window, choose Extract Write Process from the list of values.

  2. Click the Parameters field, and select the Request ID of the NFC Position Outbound Interface that you wish to transmit to NFC from the list of recent extracts.

  3. Click the Submit button.

  4. Locate the path of the resulting file in the View Requests window. Select the Request ID and click View Output.

  5. Follow your agency's practices for transmitting the flat file to NFC.

Correcting and Resubmitting NFC Data

When the NFC notifies you about post transmission errors, you can correct the errors and retransmit the corrected records.

If NFC informs you that the data file did not successfully transmit, you must resubmit the changes. You can resubmit the same request set or repeat the extract process using the same date range you did for the original extract.

If NFC notifies you that specific records failed, after reviewing and correcting the errors, you can change the status of the extract results and then run the Synchronize NFC Outbound Interface Errors concurrent manager program that tracks these records and automatically retransmits them with the next scheduled transmission.

NFC rejects Cancellations or Correction actions if it finds no corresponding original action. If your original action produced an error, you must change the status on its extract record and run the Synchronize NFC Outbound Interface Errors program to prevent the application from transmitting the Cancellation or Correction action until you have corrected the original action.

Use the Extract Results window to change the status.

To change the extract result status

  1. Query the extract that contained the errors by entering the name of the extract (NFC Position Outbound Interface or NFC Personnel Actions Outbound Interface), and the Request ID.

    If you do not know the Request ID, use the transmission date reported by NFC as a guide. In the concurrent manager View Requests window, locate the interface file submitted for that day and note its Request ID.

    If you submitted more than one position interface file that day, locate the most recent position interface file and use that Request ID.

  2. Click the Detail button to display the individual data elements and their values.

  3. Locate the Status data element, and change its value from S (successful) to E (error).

To resubmit changed records

Use the Submit Requests window to initiate the concurrent manager program.

  1. In the Name field, select the Synchronize NFC Outbound Interface Errors program from the list of values.

  2. Click the Parameter field and select Personnel Actions or Position depending on the type of interface file that you have corrected and are now ready to retransmit.

  3. Select the Request ID from the list and click OK.

    The application displays the most recent request set by default.

  4. Click Submit to run the program.

    The next time you transmit the same type of interface file (position or personnel actions), the application identifies the records with a status of E that belong to the request set you specified, and retransmits those records.

Defining the Personal Address Flexfield for NFC

Before you can capture and report to NFC properly formatted employee addresses, you must configure the personal address flexfield with the value sets for State, County, and City.

The City list of values includes only those cities within the United States. The State list of values includes the duty station codes and names for 50 US states, 7 territories (American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Virgin Islands) and for the AFO addresses (Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces (Other), and Armed Forces Pacific).

When defining the address style you can optionally specify a default value for the county based on the state and city name. Note, however, that for cities that overlap two or more counties, the default value may not supply the one required by users. In these situations, users can choose the appropriate county from the list of values

Login with the Application Developer responsibility, and use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to specify value sets for the Personal Address Information.

To define the address style

  1. In the title field, query the Personal Address Information for the US Federal Human Resources application.

  2. In the Context Field Values, query the US_GLB code.

  3. Deselect the Freeze Flexfield Definition so that you can make the following changes to the Personal Address Flexfield.

  4. Click Segments to open the Segment Summary window and display the segment and value set information for the selected address style.

  5. Rearrange the sequence for the City, State and County segments:

    • City segment: sequence number 4

    • State segment: sequence number 5

    • County segment: sequence number 6

  6. Attach the following value sets to the City, State, and County segments:

    • City segment: GHR_US_CITIES

    • State segment: GHR_US_STATES

    • County segment: GHR_US_COUNTIES

    Note: You must make the Country segment mandatory. Do not change the validation on any segment as this may invalidate existing data.

  7. Save your work.

To set a default value for the County segment based on the State and the City name

  1. In the Segments Summary window, select the County segment, and click the Open button to display the Segments window.

  2. In the Validation region Default Type field, choose SQL Statement.

  3. In the Validation region Default Value field, paste the following information

    from ghr_duty_stations_f dut,fnd_sessions fs
    where  dut.duty_station_code in 
        (select substr(dut1.duty_station_code,0,2)||'0000'||substr(dut1.duty_station_code,7,3) 
         from ghr_duty_stations_f dut1,ghr_duty_stations_f dut2,fnd_sessions fs1
         where$FLEX$.SS_CITIES and in
             (select  upper(meaning)
              from fnd_common_lookups fc 
              where fc.lookup_type = 'US_STATE' and lookup_code=:$FLEX$.SS_STATES
         and substr(dut1.duty_station_code,0,2) = substr(dut2.duty_station_code,0,2)
         and substr(dut2.duty_station_code,3,7) = '0000000' 
         and fs1.effective_date between dut1.effective_start_date and dut1.effective_end_date 
         and fs1.effective_date  between dut2.effective_start_date and dut2.effective_end_date
         and  fs1.session_id = userenv('sessionid')
    and  fs.effective_date  between dut.effective_start_date and dut.effective_end_date
    and  fs.session_id = userenv('sessionid')
  4. Save your work.

To complete the address definition

  1. In the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window, select the Freeze Flexfield Definition checkbox to prevent further changes.

  2. Save your work.

  3. Click Compile to compile the definition.

  4. Save your work.