Organization Structures

Organization Structures Overview

Oracle HRMS provides you with organization management functionality to represent the operating structures of your enterprise.

Representing Organization Structures Using Oracle HRMS

Using the Configuration Workbench for your implementation, you can configure the Oracle eBusiness Suite of applications to represent the management and operating structures of your enterprise.

The Configuration Workbench delivers an integrated configuration management toolset for HR systems and assists in the evaluation, configuration, deployment, and maintenance of HR applications. The workbench uses a configuration interview, to review the decisions and operational questions you make about setting up your enterprise using Oracle HRMS.

The Configuration Workbench configuration process suggests a combination of business groups and organizations to satisfy your integrated legal, financial, organization and employee management needs using Oracle HRMS. The suggested combination of business groups and organizations uses one of the following configuration models:

These configuration models define the basic information model to represent any enterprise. You can add other location and internal work structures that represent your internal organization or reporting structures for specific legal, personnel, and financial management requirements.

Managing your Work Structures Using Graphical Charting Capabilities

You can plan and implement new working structures ahead of time using graphical charts. The hierarchy diagrammer enables you to create organization and position hierarchies to reflect reporting lines and control access to information in your enterprise. See:

The hierarchy diagrammers use the same security model as the other windows in Oracle HRMS and access to them is restricted by your responsibility.

Reporting on Organization Structures

Oracle HRMS and Oracle HRMSi enable you to produce several reports to satisfy the statutory requirements for your legislation and meet your business analysis needs. For example:

Reporting Costs for Your Organization Structures

With the Oracle eBusiness suite of applications, you can automatically create HR organizations to corresponding company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations.

Key Concepts

To effectively use Oracle HRMS for organization management, see:

Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Organization Classifications

Extending the Enterprise Framework

Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework


Organization Hierarchies

Defaults for the Business Group

Internal Organizations and Cost Centers

Organization Structures

Oracle HRMS can represent all the components of your enterprise. You can record the physical locations where your employees work and all the different departments and sections that make up your enterprise. You can even record information about other organizations you work with, such as recruitment agencies or tax authorities.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework

You can view and edit hierarchy diagrams for organizations and positions using:

How do you represent your enterprise as an employer?

You can use the GRE/Legal Entity and Employer organization classifications to represent the employer in each country you do business. If you use the Configuration Workbench to set up your organization structures, then an employer organization is set up in each country your enterprise operates.

In US and Canada, how do you manage government reporting?

Oracle HRMS enables you to set up one or more Government Reporting Entities (GREs) within each of your Business Groups. GREs represent an employer the government recognizes as being responsible for paying employees and for filing a variety of reports that government agencies require. If your enterprise has a single Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service, your Business Group and GRE are the same organization.

For Canada, you also need to set up Provincial Reporting Establishments (PREs). GREs and PREs represent an employer the governments recognise as being responsible for paying employees and for filing a variety of reports. There must be a GRE for each Business Number that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) assigns to an employer. There must be a PRE for each Quebec Identification Number that the Ministere du Revenu assigns to an employer. If your enterprise has a single Business Number from the CRA and a single Quebec Identification Number, your Business Group, GRE and PRE are the same organization.

How do you represent the structure of an enterprise?

Oracle HRMS enables you to build a model of your enterprise showing all the reporting lines and other hierarchical relationships. You can set up reporting hierarchies reflecting all the reporting lines in your enterprise, as established in organization charts.

The Configuration Workbench creates an enterprise structure that suits your operational (management and reporting), and geographical requirements. You can use the enterprise structure the workbench sets up as the basic infrastructure of your company. Once the basic structure is set up, you can define further locations and organizations and add them to your organization hierarchy.

Do I need to run a separate program to create hierarchy diagrams?

No. The hierarchy diagrammers are standard Oracle HRMS windows, with the addition of a graphical area. They work together with the Organization Hierarchy window and Position Hierarchy window so you can create basic hierarchies using these windows and then make intuitive drag-and-drop changes using the diagrammers.

Any changes made using the hierarchy diagrammers are reflected in the hierarchy windows, and are saved in your database.

Can I create multiple versions of a hierarchy, and model different business scenarios?

Yes. You can use the diagrammers together with the organization and position hierarchy windows to:

Can I print the graphical versions of the hierarchies?

Yes. You can print pictorial representations of organization and position hierarchies.

Can I create hierarchies that contain organizations from multiple business groups?

Yes. If you have the appropriate security access to more than one business group, you can include organizations from more than one business group in your hierarchy.


Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You represent your enterprise using key organization structures in Oracle HRMS. These structures provide the framework so you can perform legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting. You can set up these organization structures yourself, or use the Configuration Workbench.

The Configuration Workbench delivers an integrated configuration management toolset for HR systems and assists in the evaluation, configuration, deployment, and maintenance of HR applications. The workbench suggests a basic structure of organizations for your enterprise based on configuration models.

See: Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

Once the basic enterprise structure is set up, you add the additional organizations and locations that exist in your enterprise. You define the internal organizations that represent your internal divisions and departments, and you define the external organizations that represent the organizations outside of your enterprise. For example, you can set up an external organization to represent the tax office for which your enterprise uses for reporting purposes.

You can use organizations to represent many levels of your enterprise, from the highest level of organization that represents the whole enterprise, to the lowest level of organization that represents a section or department.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework

See: Organization Classifications

See: Setting Up Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Business Group

The business group represents a country in which your enterprise operates. You create it as an organization in Oracle HRMS, but it does not represent a specific organization within your enterprise structure, and you do not include it in your organization hierarchies. A business group enables you to group and manage data in accordance with the rules and reporting requirements of each country, and to control access to data.

The critical factors for deciding when to use a separate business group, or an international business group, are based on the following factors:

Generally the laws are so different in each country that to be compliant, there must be a different business group for each country in which an enterprise has employees.

Operating Company

An operating company represents a division or line of business within your enterprise that is legally registered for reporting in at least one country. An operating company is a holding company, a company within a company.

Ultimate Legal Entity

The ultimate legal entity represents the enterprise, and typically, the enterprise is the highest (global) level of a business organization. The ultimate legal entity is the parent company or organization for all its subsidiaries and divisions. Oracle HRMS represents the ultimate legal entity with the GRE/Legal Entity organization classification.

Legal Entity/Employer

A legal entity represents the designated legal employer for all employment-related activities. The legal authorities in a country recognize this organization as a separate employer. In an organization hierarchy, a legal entity may report to an operating company or to the ultimate legal entity.

A legal employer is a legal entity that is responsible for employing people in a particular country. Therefore, if you employ people in a country, then you must have at least one organization classified as a legal entity and a legal employer.

The Configuration Workbench classifies an organization as a GRE/Legal Entity where your enterprise operates in a country, and classifies it as an Employer if you employ people in that country also. For example, you can have a legal entity in a country where you do business, but do not employ people in that country.

Consolidated Legal Entity

A consolidated legal entity acts on behalf of multiple operating companies that are not legally registered, or simply on behalf of the enterprise in a country. You typically use the consolidated legal entity for when you have multiple operating companies in your enterprise, but for the purposes of consolidation, you group the information into one organization. For management reporting purposes, the organizations below the consolidated legal entity in an organization hierarchy, such as, your departments and sections, can report to any organization in the enterprise. However, for legal reporting purposes, they report up to the consolidated legal entity.

For information on how to model your enterprise using the key organization structures, see: Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

Extending the Enterprise Framework

After you or the Configuration Workbench has set up your basic enterprise framework, you can extend it by setting up the additional organization structures that exist for your enterprise. You use internal organizations to represent the internal divisions or departments, and external organizations to represent the organizations outside of your enterprise for reporting or third-party payment purposes. External organizations can appear in your organization hierarchies together with internal organizations, and are defined in the same way.

See: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You use classifications to define the purpose of an organization, see: Organization Classifications

Basic Enterprise Structure

The following diagram demonstrates a basic enterprise structure, based on the multiple operating companies in one country configuration model. You generate the essential framework of your enterprise using the configuration model that suits your enterprise. The Configuration Workbench defines the basic structure of organizations in your enterprise and places them in an organization hierarchy.

See: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Basic Enterprise Structure

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram displays an enterprise based in the U.S. with four separate divisions represented by Companies 1 - 4. The Legal Employers are responsible for employing people and represent the designated employers for all employment-related activities.

The following diagrams are examples of how you can set up and include additional internal and external organizations in your organization hierarchy. Each diagram uses a separate legal employer to explain how you can set up different organizations for different purposes. You can, however, use the same legal employer for each type of setup. You will probably use a combination of the following examples.

Reporting Structures Organization Setup

the picture is described in the document text

The organization setup in the preceding diagram represents a simplified structure of the different levels of management reporting. If your management reporting structures and your enterprise's costs are the same, then you can use roll-up reporting capabilities. For example, if you associate a cost center to an HR organization, you can record the payroll costs of the employees assigned to that organization, and the organizations below it in the hierarchy.

See: Internal Organizations and Cost Centers

You can also represent multiple or matrix reporting relationships by setting up one of more organization hierarchies. The organizations you set up can appear in one or several different hierarchies. The Configuration Workbench enables you to add new organizations on top of the basic enterprise structure using worksheets. You can then use the hierarchy diagrammers in Oracle HR to add or change the reporting lines.

See: Moving Organizations or Positions in a Hierarchy

Benefit Providers and Workers Representation Organization Setup

the picture is described in the document text

You can set up organizations to represent the benefit providers that supply benefits to the people in your enterprise. For example, in the preceding diagram, a pension provider and a medical/health provider are set up as external organizations in the business group. This set up provides your workforce in the Department and Section organizations with the opportunity to make pension contributions and receive medical cover from the benefit providers.

A trade union and bargaining unit are also set up as external organizations in the business group. These organizations represent the workers' representative bodies.

For more information on the classifications you can choose for your organizations, see: Organization Classifications

Government Reporting Organization Setup

the picture is described in the document text

Using the preceding diagram as an example, you use external organizations to represent the government reporting offices outside of your enterprise, such as social insurance providers, tax offices, and establishments. Linking the external organizations to your internal organizations enables:

Organization Classifications

Organization classifications define the purpose of an organization and its functionality within Oracle HRMS. The classifications you assign to an organization control the additional information you can set up at the organization level. The Configuration Workbench automatically assigns the appropriate classifications to the organizations it creates.

For more information on the key organization structures you use to represent your enterprise, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You can define one organization with multiple classifications or you can define separate organizations to represent different types of entity. For example, you can classify an organization as a legal entity as well as an HR organization if it's the same organization. If they are different, then you create two organizations.

Note: Oracle HRMS enables you to install your own additional information types for classifications.

You can select the following classifications in the Organization window, depending on your legislation:

All Legislations

All legislations can use the following classifications:

US Legislation

The US legislation can use the following classifications:

UK Legislation

The UK legislation can use the Education Authority classification to define a Local Education Authority (LEA) that is responsible for education within that council's jurisdiction.

Canadian Legislation

The Canadian legislation can use the following classifications:

French Legislation

The French legislation can use the following classifications:

Dutch Legislation

The Dutch legislation can use the following classifications:

German Legislation

The German legislation can use the following classifications:

Hong Kong Legislation

The Hong Kong legislation can use the MPF Trustee Organization classification to set up and enrol employees in an MPF Trustee. This classification allows you to record details of the trustee and details of the scheme provided by the trustee.

Mexico Legislation

The Mexico legislation must use the legal employer classification to define the legal entity. You can add additional organization information for your legal employer, if needed.

Use the GRE/Legal Entity classification to define an organization that is recognized as a separate employer by Social Security or other legal authorities. When you assign a location to a GRE, and you have not already associated them with each other in the generic hierarchy, HRMS will make the association for you.

Saudi Legislation

The Saudi legislation can use the following classifications:

Hungary Legislation

The Hungary legislation can use the following classifications:

Spanish Legislation

The Spanish legislation can use the following classifications:

Korea Legislation

The Korean legislation can use the following classification:

Indian Legislation

Your organization hierarchy should contain at least one GRE/Legal Entity (Tax Organization) and Registered Company.

The Indian legislation can use the following classifications:

Polish Legislation

The Polish legislation can use the following classifications:

Norwegian Legislation

The Norwegian legislation can use the following classifications:

Finnish Legislation

The Finnish legislation can use the following classifications:

Danish Legislation

The Danish legislation can use the following classifications:

Swedish Legislation

The Swedish legislation can use the following classifications:

South African Legislation

The South African legislation can use the following classification:

UAE Legislation

The UAE legislation can use the Legal Employer classification to define and enter additional organization information for your legal employer.

Irish Legislation

The Irish legislation can use the following classifications:

Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

The first step in any configuration is to decide what organization structures your enterprise requires. To help you decide, you can use the following best practice configuration models:

These models deal with integration points between the different applications and the requirements of different industries and geographies. They can help you choose the right organization structures to meet your management and reporting requirements.

The Configuration Workbench uses the models as templates to generate the organization framework of business groups, operating companies, legal entities, and employers for any enterprise. Through an interview process, the Configuration Workbench gathers the detailed information it requires to generate an actual configuration of your enterprise using the appropriate configuration model.

Mexico only: You cannot use the Configuration Workbench to create the hierarchy. You must use the Generic Hierarchy functionality.

Single Operating Company in One Country

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows the basic configuration for a small or medium sized enterprise with little or no complexity in operating structures. Vision Corporation is the ultimate legal entity, and for reporting purposes, this organization holds any data associated with the enterprise. Every enterprise has one ultimate legal entity.

This simple enterprise structure is based on the best practice configuration model. Creating the key enterprise structures as separate organizations enables your enterprise to expand and acquire new companies whilst reducing the cost of re-implementation.

Single Operating Company in Multiple Countries

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows a configuration for a medium or large enterprise with some international operations introducing a degree of complexity. It also shows that operations and people in some countries are held within an international business group (XZ). You can see that the business groups represent countries, and do not appear in the organization hierarchy. This is based on the best practice configuration model.

For more information on the key organization structures, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Multiple Operating Companies in One Country

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows a configuration for a multi-company enterprise operating in a single country. This type of complexity can exist in any size of enterprise. Vision Lighting and Vision Security in the diagram are represented as operating companies. Every enterprise has at least one operating company. This may be a division, or a subsidiary within the enterprise which is legally registered in at least one country.

The Configuration Workbench creates at least one operating company organization as best practice. This reduces the cost of any re-implementation as a result of expansion due to acquisition or diversification within the enterprise.

Multiple Operating Companies in Multiple Countries

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram demonstrates a multi-company enterprise operating in multiple countries. Every enterprise has at least one legal entity that is the designated legal employer for all employment related activities. In the diagram, the Vision Security operating company operates and employs people in the U.S. and Ireland. The Vision Security U.S. and the Vision Security Ireland organizations represent the designated legal entities/employers in those countries.

The Configuration Workbench classifies an organization as a GRE/Legal Entity where your enterprise operates in a country, and classifies it as an Employer if you employ people in that country also. For example, you can have a legal entity in a country where you do business, but do not employ people in that country.

Multiple Operating Companies in Multiple Countries with a Consolidated Legal Entity

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows an alternative configuration for a multi-national and multi-company enterprise with the addition of a consolidated legal entity. A consolidated legal entity acts on behalf of several operating companies or the enterprise, and is the legal employer in the country. Using the preceding diagram as an example, Vision Corp UK is the consolidated legal entity for Vision Corporation in the UK. For management reporting, VL UK and VS UK report to Vision Lighting, and for legal reporting, they report to Vision Corp UK.

For more information on the key organization structures, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Employer Superannuation Contributions in Oracle Payroll

Oracle Payroll for Australia allows you to enter and record information about employer superannuation contributions. Details about the superannuation fund, membership details and contribution amounts can be recorded.

In Australia, employers are legally obliged to contribute a defined percentage (Superannuation Guarantee) of the employee's earnings base toward a superannuation provider.

Employers who fail to pay at least the prescribed amount of Superannuation Guarantee must pay the Superannuation Guarantee Charge.

Oracle Payroll for Australia allows employees to have their contribution allocated to multiple funds.

Defaults for the Business Group

You can enter certain types of information for the Business Group to appear as defaults throughout your enterprise structures:

If you are using HRMS in the US, you have additional defaults:

Employee and Applicant Identification Numbers

When defining a Business Group, you choose a method of creating identifying numbers for its employees and applicants. The choices are:

Generic Hierarchies Overview

Generic hierarchies group and correlate information about your business into an ordered structure of parent-child relationships that implementation teams can use as input parameters to reports and concurrent processes. One standard purpose for a generic hierarchy is to supply input parameters to a generic purge process you perform on temporary tables. With appropriate access rights, you can also design your own generic hierarchies from scratch. You can extend predefined hierarchy and node types, using any combination of HRMS data.

You can use the flexibility of generic hierarchies to correlate information across business groups, specifying combinations of people, jobs, competencies, grades, locations, training, or other structures, with precise scope. You can reuse hierarchies, delivering comparable and consistent information limited only by your maintenance of the hierarchies. You can process specific groupings of workers, process flexfield data, or trigger Oracle Alerts or Workflow. Here are some examples of business questions you can address using generic hierarchies:

Defining and Maintaining Generic Hierarchies

You create or maintain generic hierarchies in the Generic Hierarchies pages. You define a new hierarchy in three stages:

Defining a New Hierarchy

  1. Create a hierarchy based on a predefined or user-defined hierarchy type.

  2. Enter information about the initial version of the hierarchy and specify effective dates.

    Note: Some government-mandated reports, such as Multiple Work Site in the US, require that you submit the report within a specified date range. When you create the hierarchy, enter an effective date and end date to match or encompass that range.

    You cannot create a hierarchy version with an effective date range that overlaps another version.

  3. Enter node information, based on predefined or user-defined node types.

Hierarchy Types and Node Types

The top node is the hierarchy type itself you create in the Generic Hierarchies pages, bearing a user-defined name, such as Competencies or Job Objectives. You define node types and add them to your hierarchy structure as child nodes, to specify the kind of information you want to include on each level. You can group related categories of nodes on the same level. For example, you can define Personal, Programming, and Communication node types, and include them on the same level in a competencies hierarchy. Validation is optional, but you must link a value set to a node type if you want to validate the data. Contact your system administrator to obtain access to the Maintain Hierarchy Types module by attaching the self-service menu PQH_GHR_MENU to your responsibility.

For example, the structure of the predefined Establishment Hierarchy type ("VETS, EEO, AAP, OSHA, Multi Work Sites") specifies that the top node must be a Parent Entity. The value set for a Parent Entity node type contains organizations with the classification of Parent Entity. Subordinate nodes must be an Establishment or a Location. The value set for the Location node type contains locations that store report information in a Location EIT.

Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type

Use the Recruiting Area Region hierarchy type to define recruiting areas for use in Oracle iRecruitment. You define recruiting area regions to enable managers to create vacancies in multiple locations in iRecruitment. A recruiting area consists of a set of countries, business groups, and locations. When you define recruiting area region hierarchies, hiring managers and recruiters can select appropriate locations as vacancy locations when creating vacancies iRecruitment.

Managers can create vacancies in:

For more information on types of vacancies, see: Vacancies in iRecruitment, Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide

Prerequisites: You must define work structure components such as business groups and locations in Oracle HRMS before you create recruiting areas using the Generic Hierarchies function. A recruiting area region hierarchy must have the following structure: Country > Business Group > Location.

For example, you can create a recruiting area region that has:

Following are the steps to create a recruiting area region hierarchy type. In this example, you define the Australia Recruiting Area so that your managers can select vacancy locations in Australia.

  1. Click Create Hierarchy on the Maintain Hierarchy Content page. The Create Hierarchy page opens.

  2. Enter a hierarchy name, for example, Australia Recruiting Area.

  3. Select Recruiting Area Region as the Hierarchy Type.

    Important: You must select the Global check box if you are creating a recruiting area region that spans multiple countries or multiple business groups. For example, if you are creating a recruiting area known as Asia Pacific that includes countries such as Japan, Australia, India and New Zealand, then you must select the Global check box.

  4. Enter the version number and the valid from date.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. In the Nodes region, click Add Child. The Add Child Node page appears.

  7. Select Country as the Node Type and Australia as the Node Name. Click Apply.

  8. Click the Add Child icon in the country row to add a business group.

  9. The Node Type field displays Business Group. Accept this value.

  10. Select the appropriate business group in the Node Name field, for example, Vision Australia and click Apply.

  11. Click the Add Child icon in the business group row to add locations.

  12. The Node Type field displays Location. Accept this value.

  13. Select the appropriate location as the node name. You can add more than one location if required.

  14. Click Apply. This recruiting area is available to managers when they create vacancy details. Managers can select specific locations as vacancy locations.

You can create more than one recruiting area region hierarchy type. Analyze your business and recruitment requirements before you create recruiting areas.

The Recruiting Area Region hierarchy type provides you with the flexibility to create different models of recruiting areas. The figures below describe two examples of recruiting areas that you can create.

Example 1: Recruiting Area Region with Multiple Locations in a Business Group

the picture is described in the document text

This figure shows the Bay Area recruiting area region that consists of a country with a single business group and multiple locations. If managers want to advertise vacancies in multiple locations in the Bay Area, then they can select the Bay Area recruiting area and select locations as vacancy locations.

Example 2: Recruiting Area Region with Multiple Locations across Business Groups

the picture is described in the document text

This figure shows the Americas recruiting area region, which contains two countries: Canada and the United States. There are two business groups in the United States with multiple locations. If there is a Sales Director vacancy requirement in the Americas region, managers can select the Americas recruiting area while defining the vacancy and select required locations in the United States and Canada as vacancy locations.

Updating or Deleting Recruiting Area Region Hierarchy Type.

The following rules apply when you try to update or delete a recruiting area region hierarchy type:

You can add locations to recruiting areas associated with vacancies even if active applications exist.

You must not:

Hierarchy Versions

You can specify a status of Active or Inactive for your hierarchy version. You can create a new version of an existing hierarchy, preserving only its structure. Or you can duplicate an existing version, preserving both its structure and data.

Note: If you change a hierarchy after using it for government-mandated reports, create and save a new version. This enables you to use the old version to recreate old reports retrospectively, in compliance with applicable laws.

Example: City Allowance Rates Hierarchy

The figure below is an example of a hierarchy that provides input data for travel expense reports, correlating allowance rates with cities. Because it is unlikely that travel destinations always correspond with organization locations, this example uses no validation or value sets.

the picture is described in the document text

Creating and Maintaining Organizations

Creating an Organization

Use the Organization window to create:

If you use the Configuration Workbench to configure your enterprise structure, then you only need to create the additional internal and external organizations you require. For example, you can set up additional organizations to represent the internal divisions or departments, and external organizations for reporting or third party payments.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework

To create an organization

  1. Navigate to the Organization window and click New to create a new organization.

    Note: For information about querying existing organizations, see: Finding an Organization

  2. Enter a name for your organization in the Name field. A check is performed to see if organizations with the same name already exist.

    All Oracle applications you install share the information entered in the Organization window. Therefore organization names must be unique within a business group, and business group names must be unique across your applications network.

    You can create two organizations with the same name in different business groups but this can cause confusion later, if the HR: Cross business group profile option is set to Yes and you decide to share certain information across all business groups. If you decide to create two organizations with the same name, be sure that this will not cause you problems in the future.

  3. Optionally, select an organization type in the Type field.

    Organization types do not classify your organization, you use them for reporting purposes only. The type may identify the function an organization performs, such as Administration or Service, or the level of each organization in your enterprise, such as Division, Department or Cost Center. You create the organization types you require by entering values for the Lookup Type ORG_TYPE.

  4. Enter a start date in the From field. This should be early enough to include any historical information you need to enter.

    Note: You cannot assign an employee to an organization before the start date of the organization.

  5. Enter a location, if one exists. You can also enter an internal address to add more details such as floor or office number.

    Dutch only: If you are setting up external organizations for a tax office, a social insurance provider or a private health insurance provider, you must enter the postal address and contact details using the NL_POSTAL_ADDRESS Location EIT.

    Mexico only: When defining a GRE/Legal Entity, if you select a location here, HRMS automatically associates it with this GRE in the Generic Hierarchy.

    US only: If you are using Oracle Payroll in the US, every organization to which employees can have assignments, including business groups, must have on record a location with a complete address. This is because the system uses the location of the organization of the employee's primary assignment to determine employee work locations for tax purposes. This does not apply to GREs, because the assignment to a GRE exists in addition to the assignment to an organization.

    India only: You can define an income tax organization and enter its location details. You can then select this organization at the GRE/Legal Entity Income Tax Office.

    Note: If you are an Oracle Inventory user, then you must not assign a location to more than one organization classified as an Inventory Organization.

  6. Enter internal or external in the Internal or External field. You cannot assign people to an external organization.

    Examples of external organizations that may require entry are disability organizations, benefits carriers, insurance carriers, organizations that employees name as beneficiaries of certain employee benefits, and organizations that are recipients of third party payments from employees' pay.

  7. Save the basic organization details.

Entering Organization Classifications

To determine the purpose and use of each organization you create, you give it one or more classifications. The setup information you enter for an organization depends in large part on its classification.

See: Organization Classifications

Note: If you classify an organization as a business group, it is not reversible.

To enter organization classifications:

  1. Enter the classification for your organization in the Name field.

  2. Enable the classification by checking the Enable box. This allows you to use and enter the essential additional information for your organization.

  3. Save the classification details.

  4. You can either enter additional information for the classification type or enter another classification.

    Note: Save each classification after entering and enabling it.

Entering Additional Information

For each classification you set up you can enter additional information. This information can be different for each classification.

For Business group see: Business Group

For HR organization see: HR Organization

For representative body see: Representative Body

For constituency see: Constituency

For bargaining association see: Bargaining Association

For payee organization see: Payee Organization

For GRE/legal entity see: GRE/Legal Entity

See Classification and Additional Information Types if you need to check which classification to select.

To enter Business Group additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter HR organization additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter representative body additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter constituency additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter bargaining association information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select Trade Union Information, see: Entering Trade Union Information for a Bargaining Association

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter payee organization information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select Payee Organization, see: Payee Organizations: Entering (Australian) Superannuation Information.

  4. Select AU Payee Bank Details, see: Entering AU Payee Bank Details

  5. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter GRE/Legal Entity information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

Finding an Organization

Use the Find Organization window to find the organizations you want to review or amend. If you want to set up a new organization, rather than querying an existing organization, select the New button. For more information about creating a new organization, see Creating an Organization.

Note: When you navigate to the Organization window, the Find Organization window automatically displays.

To query an organization using the Find Organization window

  1. Do one, a selection, or all of the following:

    • Enter a full or partial query on the organization's name. If more than one name matches the selection criteria, select one of the names.

    • Enter a full or partial query on the organization type and/or location. If more than one organization type or location matches the selection criteria, select the type and/or location to query.

    • Enter a full or partial query on the classification name. If more than one classification name matches the selection criteria, select the name to query.

      For the classification you have selected indicate whether you want to query on:

      • Enabled classifications: This only returns those organizations that match your selection criteria and have your selected classification enabled.

      • Disabled classification: This only returns those organizations that match your selection criteria and have your selected classification disabled.

      • Both: This returns organizations that match your selection criteria and have your selected classification, regardless of whether the classification is enabled or disabled.

  2. Choose the:

    • Find button to run the query.

      The organization or organizations found by the query display in the Organization window. If the query finds more than one organization, you can use the [Down Arrow] key or choose Next Record from the Go menu to display the next organization.

    • Clear button to remove the existing selection criteria. You can then enter new information on which to perform a query.

Removing and Deleting Organizations

Remove an organization if you want to prevent it being available for employee assignments. This still leaves a history of the organization. Only delete an organization if you want to completely remove it from your system.

To remove an organization

  1. Select the organization you want to remove.

  2. Enter an end date (Date To) on the organization record.

To delete an organization

  1. Remove any employee assignments to the organization.

  2. Remove the organization from any hierarchies.

  3. Disable its organization classifications in the Organization window.

  4. Delete the organization in the Organization window.

Entering Additional Organization Information

Entering Business Group Information

To enter Business Group information

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Business Group Information.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Business Group Information window.

  3. You can enter a short name for the Business Group. This name is no longer used in Oracle HRMS it is provided for compatibility with earlier releases, where it appeared in the header line of each form.

  4. Select the method of creating identifying numbers for employees, applicants, and contingent workers. The choices are:

    • Automatic number generation.

      If you choose the automatic entry method of number generation you can at a later date decide to switch to global sequencing. Global sequencing enables you to use a single sequence of person numbers for applicants, employees or contingent workers across multiple business groups.

      See: Running the Global Sequencing for Person Number Generation Process

      You can switch from local automatic numbering to manual numbering for a person type by editing the business group information and selecting Manual.

      Note: If you are using Oracle iRecruitment, ensure to set the applicant numbering to Automatic.

    • Manual entry.

      If you choose the manual entry method of number generation, but at a later date decide to change to the Automatic method of number generation, you can run the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process.

      See: Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process

    • Automatic use of the national identifier (for example, the social security number in the US, and the NI number in the UK). If you choose this option you must ensure that a national identifier is entered for each new person. This option is not available for applicants.

      Note: For whichever method of number generation you choose, it is important to be aware that the number is displayed in various windows and reports. Therefore, if you choose the national identifier method, the person's national identifier is displayed.

    • Employee numbering for contingent worker. This option allows you to use the same sequence of numbers for contingent workers as you use for your employees. For example, you enter an employee and the application gives the employee number 101. If the next person entered is a contingent worker they receive the number 102.

  5. Select the names of the key flexfield structures you want to use in this Business Group.

  6. Select the appropriate Legislation Code and default currency. The Legislation Code determines the startup data you can access and the contents of some legislation-specific windows.

    Mexico only: Specify MXN as the currency. Do not select MXP.

    Important: Selecting the correct legislation code is essential for the correct functioning of Oracle HRMS. You cannot change the legislation code after entering employees against the Business Group.

  7. US users: To maintain fiscal year balances in Oracle Payroll if your fiscal year is different from the calendar year, enter the fiscal year start date.

    The application does not provide a connection between the fiscal year functionality in Oracle General Ledger and in Oracle HRMS. In Oracle General Ledger you specify how the fiscal calendar is broken down in the Accounting Calendar view. Oracle HRMS calculates a fiscal quarter as a three month period. The application calculates four equal three month periods beginning from the fiscal year start date.

    South African users: You must enter the fiscal year start date for your Business Group, or you will not be able to define payrolls later.

  8. You can enter a Minimum and Maximum Working Age for the Business Group. When you enter or hire employees, you receive a warning if the person's age is outside this range.

  9. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering Budget Value Defaults

You can set up budgets for non-monetary measures such as headcount or full-time equivalent. When you enter employee assignments to define the work an employee does for your enterprise, you can specify the value of the assignment towards these budgets. For example, all assignments typically count as one for headcount budgets, but may count as less than one for full-time equivalent budgets.

To remove the requirement to enter these values for every assignment, you can enter defaults for the whole Business Group. You can override the defaults for individual assignments.

To define budget value defaults

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Budget Value Defaults.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Budget Value Defaults window.

  3. In the Units field, select a measurement type, such as Full Time Equivalent or Headcount.

  4. Enter a default value in the Value field.

    You can enter a default value for as many budgetary units as you plan to use for the Business Group.

    To find out more about budgets see: Budgeting Overview

Business Groups: Selecting a PTO Balance Type

If you use Oracle Payroll, you can choose to use a payroll balance to store gross accruals for an accrual plan. The payroll balance is maintained by the payroll run. It calculates accruals from the day after either the Date Earned or the Date Paid of the last payroll period in which the assignment was processed

To specify whether to use Date Earned or Date Paid for all your accrual plans, select a PTO Balance Type for your business group. The default is Date Paid.

To select a PTO balance type

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose Others, and select PTO Balance Type.

  2. Click in the field on the Additional Organization Information window to open the PTO Balance Type window.

  3. Select Date Paid or Date Earned in the PTO Balance Type field.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups and HR Organizations: Entering Work Day Defaults

To enter schedule information for a person, you can:

Alternatively, you can enter basic schedule information in various areas of Oracle HRMS, such as here in the Organization window. You can set up default working hours for all employees in the Business Group or in an HR Organization, saving data entry at lower levels. When necessary, you can override the defaults at lower levels, for example, for individual positions or employee assignments.

Important: The application does not use the schedule information that you can enter here to determine a worker's availability. This is for information purposes only.

The decision for which method to set up is based on knowledge of which applications use which information.

The Salary Administration process uses working hours information to prorate the salary values against which it validates any salary proposals.

To define work day defaults

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group or HR Organization if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group or HR Organization, choose the Others button, and select Work Day Information.

  2. Click in the field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Work Day Information window.

  3. Enter the normal start and end times in 24 hour format. For example, for 5.30 p.m., enter 17:30.

  4. Enter a number in the Working Hours field, and select the corresponding period of time in the Frequency field. For example, enter 40 and select Week.

    You can add to the list of available frequencies by making entries for the Lookup Type FREQUENCY, using the Application Utilities Lookups window.

Defining Benefits Defaults for a Business Group

Follow this procedure to define a default payroll for benefits administration and to configure the use of benefits assignments.

You use both the Payroll Description window and the Organization window to assign a default payroll to a business group.

When a benefits assignment is created for an employee, due to their termination or other qualifying event, the benefits assignment must have a default payroll. US and Canadian customers should define a default payroll with a periodicity of monthly.

You can indicate if you want the application to auto-generate benefits assignments for qualifying events. For US and Canadian customers, the application creates benefits assignments by default.

To define benefits defaults for a business group

  1. For monthly payrolls, create a payroll with a period type of Calendar Month using the Payroll Description window.

  2. Save your work and exit the Payroll Description window.

  3. Select the business group for which you want to define a default payroll using the Find Organization window.

  4. Place the cursor in the Organization classifications block on the Business Group field and choose the Others button.

  5. Select Benefits Defaults from the Additional Organization Information lookups.

  6. Choose the Next button to display the Benefits Defaults window.

  7. Select a default payroll for this business group.

  8. In the Benefits Assignment field, select Yes if you want to record benefits assignments for continuing benefits eligibility.

    If your enterprise uses Oracle HRMS solely for compensation management--or if you do not want the application to automatically create benefits assignments--select No.

    See: Continuing Eligibility: Benefits Assignments, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  9. Save your work.

Business Group: Setting Up Public Sector-type Functionality

Oracle HR enables you to set up a particular business group for Commercial or Public Sector-type functionality.

To set up public sector-type functionality

  1. In the organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Public Sector Details.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization information window to open the Public Sector Details window.

  3. In the Installed field, select Yes or No.

    The default value is No, hence there is no impact on existing business groups. Select Yes if you want to use the public sector-type functionality of Oracle HR. You need to manually change this value for each business group.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering Recruitment Information

You enter recruitment information at the business group level to define various default values for iRecruitment.

You enter additional information for iRecruitment in the Organization window of Oracle HRMS.

To enter Recruitment information

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Recruitment.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Recruitment information window.

  3. Specify how the vacancy code is allocated. The choices are:

    • Manual - the Vacancy Name field is displayed when you create a vacancy. You must manually enter a name for the vacancy.

    • Automatic - the application assigns a unique vacancy name automatically. The Vacancy Name field is not displayed when you create a vacancy.

  4. Enter the default number of openings for a vacancy. The default number is displayed in the Total Openings field when you create a vacancy. You can overwrite the default value if required.

  5. You can specify the organization defaulting method. The choices are:

    • Creator - The default organization for a vacancy is the organization for the person who has created the vacancy (employee who has logged in).

    • Manager - The default organization for a vacancy is the organization for the manager of the vacancy.

    You can overwrite these defaults when you create a vacancy. Both methods use the primary assignment.

  6. Specify the location defaulting method. The choices are:

    • Manager - The default location for the vacancy is the same location as the manager for the vacancy.

    • Position - The default location for the vacancy is the same location as the position for the vacancy.

  7. You can select a default budget measurement type, for example, FTE or headcount.

    To find out more about budgets, see Budgeting Overview

  8. Select a default status which is assigned to a candidate when a candidate withdraws an application. If you do not specify a particular status here, the candidate receives the Terminate status.

  9. Specify a user-defined person type as a default for candidates who register in iRecruitment. Oracle HRMS creates a record with this default person type when a candidate registers in iRecruitment. If you do not specify a value, the default person type is Candidate.

    Note: The user person type that you define here is associated with the External system person type. The internal code for this system person type is OTHER.

  10. Select Yes if you want to exclude this business group from the list of business groups available on the Create Vacancy page. You should do this if you do not want managers or recruiters to be able to create vacancies for this business group.

  11. Select a default resume template that iRecruitment can use to create resumes for candidates. When candidates register, they can use the default template or select a template of their choice in the Create Resume page.

  12. Select Yes to record and track applicant data for compliance purposes. When you enable the applicant tracking functionality, Oracle iRecruitment creates snapshots of applicants who apply for vacancies in that business group. The snapshots include personal information, skills, qualifications, and work preferences.

  13. Save your work.

Entering Payslip Information

To enter payslip information

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select either Business Group or HR Organization, choose Others, and select Payslip Information.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Payslip Information window.

  3. Select the type of extra information to be displayed on the payslip. The choices are:

    • Balance

    • Element

    • Message

    Your selection determines which other fields you must complete in this window.

To enter Balance extra information

  1. Select a balance name.

  2. Select a dimension.

  3. Optionally, enter a display name for the balance.

  4. Optionally, enter a message text.

  5. Save your work.

To enter Element extra information

  1. Select the element you want to display.

  2. Select the input value for the element.

  3. Optionally, enter a display name for the element.

  4. Optionally, enter a message text.

  5. Save your work.

To enter Message extra information

  1. Enter a display name for the message.

  2. Enter a message text. This message will be displayed on the employees' online payslip.

  3. Save your work.

Entering Self-Service Preference Information

You enter self-service preference information to define whether documents such as the online payslip or tax form are available in an online and/or paper version.

Note: You can also enter this information at the Person or Location level.

See: Person Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide and Location Extra Information Types

These information levels are arranged in a hierarchy; if you define self-service preferences at the person level, the settings will override any other settings made at the location, business group, or HR organization level. Similarly, if you define self-service preferences at the location level, the settings override any settings at the business group or HR organization level. Settings at the HR organization level will override settings at the business group level.

To enter Self-Service Preference information

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group or HR Organization if it does not already appear there.

  2. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group or HR Organization, choose Others, and select Self Service Preference.

  3. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Self Service Preference window.

  4. Select the document type for which you want to define preferences.

    If Payslip Modeler functionality is available, you must select the document type as Payslip Modeler.

  5. Select whether you want the document to be available online.

  6. Select whether you want the document to be available on paper.

  7. If you are providing payslips in PDF format:

    • Select the appropriate localization template. If you do not select the a payslip template, then the web-based payslip is displayed.

      Note: Australia, China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and New Zealand users should select the appropriate predefined localization template.

    • You can append custom data to the generated XML. Specify the custom package and procedure in the XML Code field as : <custom.package>.<custom.procedure>

    • Specify the dates these changes are to take effect.

    Note: Template, XML Code and Effective Date fields in Self-Service Preference can be configured at the Business Group, HR Organization and Location levels.

    The application generates either an Oracle Applications Framework (OAF)-based payslip or PDF payslip depending on the values entered in the Template and Effective Date fields. A PDF Payslip is generated when you select the template and enter the effective date on or before the payroll payment date.

    For example, consider the effective date of PDF payslip as 01-Jun-2016:

    • If the payment date is prior to effective date (31-May-2016), then the application generates an OAF payslip.

    • If the payment date later than effective date (30-Jun-2016), then the application generates a PDF payslip.

    For UAE only: The application supports only PDF payslip.

  8. If payslip modelling is enabled for your localization, then select the template that you want to use for payslip modeling process to use, if you do not want the application to use the default template.

  9. Select the element set to exclude the elements from being selected when you run a payslip modelling process.

  10. Select either GRE/Legal Entity Address or HR Organization Address (default) for display on the payslip.

    Note: You can configure this segment only at Business Group level.

    For Canada only:Both the OAF and PDF payslips display the HR Organization as the Employer Address.

  11. If you selected GRE/Legal Entity Address for the Payslip Employer Address field, then select the effective date after which the GRE address displays on the payslip.

    Note: You can configure this segment only at Business Group level.

    For Canada only:This field is not applicable.

  12. Select either Payslip View Date or Date Paid to configure the date to be used for displaying Online Payslips. If this field is left blank or if the Payslip View Date is selected then the online payslip will be displayed based on the Payslip View Date that is defined for the payroll period. If Date Paid is selected, then the payslip will be displayed based on the Date Paid of the payroll run.

    Note: By default, Payslip View Date - Check Date for any period will be equal to the Payslip offset defined for the payroll. However, if the user manually changes these dates for any period, then the Payslip Offset for that period will be considered as the Payslip View Date - Check Date and not the Offset defined for the Payroll.

    Further, if the Payslip View Date and/or the Payslip Offset is set to null, then all payslips (prior, current and future) will be available to the employee. (By default, the Payslip Offset is set to zero when defining a payroll.)

  13. Select whether you want to display the rate details section.

  14. Save your work.

Entering Payee Bank Details Information

You enter payee bank information at the organization level for making third party payments. When you select the Payee Organization as Third Party Payment for an employee in the Personal Payment Method window, these bank details populate automatically.

To enter payee bank details information

  1. In the Organization window, query the payee organization.

  2. In the Organization Classifications region, select Payee Organization, choose the Others button, and select Payee Bank Details.

  3. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Payee Bank Details window.

  4. Enter the bank details. The information you enter here depends on the setup of your Bank key flexfield.

    Singapore users: Enter the SWIFT BIC to identify the bank.

  5. Save your work.

Identifying Balances for the Payslip

You enter payslip balances information to determine the balances you want to archive and display on the payslip. You can define multiple balances for archive.

Enter the payslip balances information using the Organization window.

To identify balances for the payslip

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Payslip Balances.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to open the Payslip Balances window.

  3. Select the Balance Name and Balance Dimension. In the Balance Narrative field enter a description of the balance information. This appears on the payslip. The order you define the balances determines the sequence the application picks them up and displays on the payslip.

    Note: Netherlands users: You can select the Social Insurance Type from the list of values, but only if you have selected entries for both the Balance Name and Balance Dimension fields.

  4. Save your work.

Identifying Elements for the Payslip

You enter payslip elements information to determine the elements you want to archive and appear on the payslip. You can define multiple element input values for archive.

Enter the payslip elements information using the Organization window.

To identify elements for the payslip

  1. In the Organization window, query the Business Group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button, and select Payslip Elements.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to open the Payslip Elements window.

  3. Select the Element Name and Input Value. In the Narrative field enter a description of the element information. This appears on the payslip. The order you define the elements, determines the sequence the application picks them up and displays them on the payslip.

    Note: Netherlands users: You can select the Social Insurance Type from the list of values, but only if you have selected entries for both the Balance Name and Balance Dimension fields.

  4. Save your work.

HR Organizations: Entering Costing Information

To enter costing information

  1. In the Organization window, query the HR Organization if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select HR Organizations, choose Others, and select Costing Information.

  2. Click in the Additional Information window to display the segments of the Cost Allocation flexfield set up with the qualifier of Organization.

  3. Select the appropriate cost code in each segment.

    For individual employees, you can override these organization-level codes by entering costing information on their assignments.

Entering Reporting Information for an HR Organization or a Company Cost Center

Use the Reporting Information window to enter information that can be used when reporting on the organization.

If you want to enter managers for a number of organizations, or want to see an historical record of the managers for an organization, then you can use the Organization Manager Relationship window. See: Selecting and Viewing Managers for Organizations

To enter reporting information

  1. Query the Company Cost Center in the Organization window, if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Company Cost Center, choose the Others button, and select GL Company Cost Center Information.

  2. Click in the field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the GL Company Cost Center Information window.

  3. Enter a reporting name. This could be a short name that enables you to easily identify the organization in a report.

  4. Select the manager of the cost center. The list of people consists of all active employees from your business group. If the HR: Cross Business Group profile option is set to yes, then it includes employees from all your business groups.

  5. Enter a start date for the relationship, and an end date if required.

HR Organizations: Entering Parent Organizations

After you set up organization hierarchies, use the Parent Organization window to place a subordinate organization in hierarchies by naming its immediate parent in each hierarchy.

To enter a parent organization

  1. In the Organization window, query the HR Organization if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select HR Organization, choose Others, and select Parent Organization to open the Parent Organization window.

  2. Select the hierarchy name.

  3. Select the name of the parent organization to which the HR Organization is subordinate in this hierarchy.

  4. To enter the HR Organization in another hierarchy, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Entering GL Company Cost Center Information for a Company Cost Center

Use the GL Company Cost Center window to enter information about the company or cost center in Oracle General Ledger that the organization represents. Liaise with your Financials implementation team to get this information.

Oracle HRMS may default this information automatically if it is set up to generate organizations in HRMS whenever a cost center is defined in GL.

Once your company cost center information has been set up then you must not change it.

To define GL Company Cost Center Information:

  1. Query the company cost center in the Organization window, if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Company Cost Center, choose the Others button, and select GL Company Cost Center Information.

  2. Click in the field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the GL Company Cost Center Information window.

  3. Select the company value set that validates the company segment in your GL flexfield and the GL company name for the organization.

    Note: If you are defining an organization that represents a company in GL do not complete any further fields and save your work.

  4. Select the cost center value set that validates the cost center segment in your GL flexfield and the GL cost center name for the organization.

  5. Save your work.

Entering Representative Body Information

You use the Representative Body Information window to record details about organizations classified as a representative body; for example, jurisdiction and duration of mandate.

To enter Representative Body Information:

  1. Select the Job Group associated with the representative body.

    Note: You cannot associate a representative body with the default HR Job Group.

  2. Select the body's jurisdiction; for example, fire wardens or health and safety issues. This list is maintained using the JURISDICTION lookup type

  3. Enter the duration of the body's mandate and select the units (for example, years).

  4. Select the body's method of funding; for example, employer funded, employee funded, or joint funded. This list is maintained using the FUNDING_METHOD lookup type.

  5. Enter the maximum number of seats.

    Note: The maximum number of seats for a constituency must not exceed the total number of seats available for the representative body.

  6. Save your work.

    Warning: Once you have attached roles to a representative body, you must not change the Job Group associated with the representative body, as this may lead to errors in the operating of the system.

Entering Constituency Information for a Representative Body

You can assign constituencies to a representative body in the Constituency window.

To enter constituency information for a representative body:

  1. Select a constituency.

  2. Enter the number of seats.

    Note: The number of seats allocated to a constituency must not exceed the maximum number of seats for its representative body.

  3. Select a voting method.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Location Information for Constituencies

Enter a location for the constituency from the Organization window.

To enter a location

  1. Select Location from the Others window.

  2. Select a valid location.

  3. Include or exclude the location from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Organization Hierarchy Information for Constituencies

Enter organization hierarchy information for the constituency in the Organization window. You can control which people to include or exclude in the constituency by indicating a starting node.

To enter organization hierarchy information:

  1. Select organization hierarchy from the Others window.

  2. Select the organization hierarchy.

  3. Enter the hierarchy starting node.

  4. Include or exclude the organization hierarchy from the constituency in the selection field.

  5. Save your work

Entering Organization Information for Constituencies

Enter an organization for the constituency from the Organization window.

To enter an organization

  1. Select organization from the Others window.

  2. Select the organization.

  3. Include or exclude the organization from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Grade Information for Constituencies

Enter a grade for the constituency in the Organization window.

To enter additional grade information

  1. Select grade from the Others window.

  2. Select the grade.

  3. Include or exclude the grade from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Bargaining Unit Information for Constituencies

Enter a bargaining unit for the constituency from the Organization window.

To enter additional bargaining unit information

  1. Select bargaining unit from the Others window.

  2. Select the bargaining unit.

  3. Include or exclude the bargaining unit from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Job Information for Constituencies

Enter job information for the constituency from the Organization window.

To enter additional job information

  1. Select job from the Others window.

  2. Select the job.

  3. Include or exclude the job from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Collective Agreement Grade Information for Constituencies

Enter a collective agreement grade for the constituency from the Organization window.

To enter additional collective agreement grade information

  1. Select collective agreement grades from the Others window.

  2. Select the grade.

  3. Include or exclude the grade from the constituency in the selection field.

  4. Save your work.

Entering Trade Union Information for a Bargaining Association

Use the Trade Union Information window to record further information about your bargaining association if it is a trade union.

To enter trade union information for a bargaining association

  1. Query the bargaining association in the organizations window if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Bargaining Association, choose the Others button.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Trade Union Information window.

  3. Enter an employer reference and a trade union reference. These could be numbers to be used in an Electronic Data Interchange.

  4. Save your work

Entering Additional Information for a Professional Body

Use the Professional Body Info window to define details for a professional body.

To define professional body information

  1. Query the professional body in the Organization window, if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Professional Body Information and choose the Others button.

  2. Click in the field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the Professional Body Info. window.

  3. Select the user defined table that should be used when calculating subscription rates for this professional body.

  4. Enter the date upon which subscriptions to this body are to be reviewed.

  5. Save your work.

Business Group: Entering SuperStream SuperFund Information

Enter information about the SuperStream Superfund details in the Organization window.

To enter information about the SuperStream SuperFund

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed. Select the Business Group in the Organization Classifications region and then choose the Others button. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  2. Click in the field to display the SuperStream SuperFund window.

  3. Enter information about the superannuation fund - fund code, fund name

  4. Enter the Australian Business number for validation purposes.

  5. Enter whether the superfund is a self managed super fund. The default is No.

  6. Enter the Superfund USI number. This automatically defaults to the ABN entered when the Self Managed SuperFund value is set to Yes.

  7. Enter the electronic reporting address for self managed superfund reporting purposes.

  8. Select the payment method for making payments to the Superfunds.

  9. Enter the Customer Reference Number, if you have selected BPAY as the payment method.

  10. Enter the BPAY Biller Code if you have selected BPAY as the payment method.

  11. Enter the BSB number, account name, and number, if you have selected Direct Credit as the payment method.

  12. Save your work

GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Legal Employer Information

Enter information about the legal employer in the Organization window.

To enter information about the legal employer

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select Legal Employer. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the Legal Employer Information window.

  4. Enter information about the legal employer - for example, enter the group account number, tax file number (TFN), employer name, trading name, a description of the nature of the business, and optionally enter the Australian Company Number (ACN).

  5. Select a contact name and telephone number.

  6. Select the person in the Payment Summary Signatory field who authorizes the payment summary.

  7. Enter the child support number and then select the appropriate Child Support Office and ATO Office.

  8. Enter the Australian Business Number (ABN) and branch number.

  9. Enter the ATO corporate gateway user ID.

  10. In the Salary Calculation Options field, select the options to calculate the salary for an employee. The options are elements, formulas, or balances. If you do not specify the value here, the application uses the values specified at the assignment EIT to calculate the salary for the employee. The default is blank.

  11. In the Remuneration Calculation options field, select the options to calculate remuneration for an employee. The options are elements, formulas, or balances. If you do not specify the value here, the application uses the values specified at the assignment EIT to calculate the remuneration for the employee. The default is blank.

  12. Click OK.

GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Designated Group Employer Details

Oracle HRMS allows you to group legal employers and assign a Designated Group Employer (DGE) for the group. The DGE of the legal employer group can claim general exemption deduction for the group, in each state. You can generate the payroll tax report to view details of payroll tax contributions liabilities, for a specified legal employer, state, or month.

See: Running the Payroll Tax Report, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (Australia)

You can assign legal employer as a DGEs for a state from the Designated Group Employer window.

To enter Designated Group Employer Details

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select Designated Group Employer. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the Designated Group Employer window.

  4. Select the legal employer and group for which you want to assign DGEs.

  5. Assign the legal employer as the DGE for a state by selecting Yes in the respective state field. For example, if you want to assign the legal employer as a DGE for Victoria select Yes in the field Designated Group Employer - VIC.

  6. Enter the rate in the SA Variable Tax Rate field to calculate the payroll tax.

  7. Enter the rate in the QLD Payroll Tax Variable Rate field to calculate the payroll tax. If you do not enter any value, then the application uses the value of 4.95% to calculate the payroll tax.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Save your work.

GRE/Legal Entity: Entering the STP Information

Use this window to record the single touch payroll information for the legal employer.

To enter the STP information about the legal employer

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select STP Information. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the STP Information window.

  4. Enter the business management system (BMS) software used by the employer.

  5. Enter the identifier of the previous BMS used by the employe when there is a change to the legal employer.

  6. Select the payer name to communicate for any queries regarding the STP file.

  7. Enter the work phone number of the payer.

  8. Enter the email address of the payer for reporting purposes.

  9. Enter a start date from when you want to include any changes to the TFN Declaration. This step is optional.

  10. Enter the start date of STP phase 1. Enter 01-July-2018.

  11. Enter the start date of STP phase 2. Enter 01-July-2022.

  12. Select if your organization is registered for Working Holiday Maker program.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Save your work.

GRE/Legal Entity: Entering the STP Intermediary Info

Employers record the information about the tax agent who will submit the file to the sending service provider (SSP) on their behalf.

To enter STP Intermediary Info

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select STP Intermediary Info. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the STP Intermediary Info window.

  4. Enter the ABN of the registered agent or the intermediary providing the data.

  5. Enter the registered agent number issued by the Tax Practitioners Board that is associated with Intermediary ABN. This is optional.

  6. Enter the E-mail address of the nominated contact person for the intermediary. This information is mandatory.

  7. Enter the telephone number of the contact person who is nominated for the intermediary. This information is mandatory.

  8. Enter the name of the individual who made the declaration on behalf of the intermediary.

  9. Enter the date the individual signed and accepted the terms of the Declaration on behalf of the intermediary.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Save your work.

GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Self Service Payment Summary Display Information

Enter the earliest year from when you want to view the payment summary from the self service pages in the Organization window. You cannot search for the payment summary for the years that do not exist between the selected start year and the financial year.

To enter information about the self service payment summary

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then choose the Others button to display additional information

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select Legal Employer. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the Self Service PS Display window.

  4. Select the financial year for which you want to display the payment summary.

  5. Select the start year from which you want to display the payment summary. If you specify the start year, then the employees will not view the payment summary on self-service for the year which is earlier then start year.

  6. Click OK and save your work.

GRE/Legal Entity: Entering SuperStream Information

Use the SuperStream Information window to enter information required for Contribution for SuperStream reporting

To enter SuperStream information

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select the GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then choose the Others button to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select SuperStream Informatuon. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  3. Click in the field to display the SuperStream Information window.

  4. Enter the applicable information about the contact person for superannuation enquires.

    • Contact Surname

    • Contact Given Name

    • Contact Email Address

    • Contact Telephone Type

    • Contact Telephone Area

    • Contact Telephone Number

  5. Enter the following Bank account where failed contribution amounts are to be returned. This is for information purposes only.

    • BSB Number

    • Account Number

    • Account Name

  6. Click Ok.

Setting Up Superannuation

Superannuation uses third party payment functionality provided with Oracle HRMS.

To setup and process employer superannuation contributions, you must do the following:

To set up superannuation

  1. Create a superannuation fund as a payee organization.

    See: Payee Organizations: Entering Superannuation Information.

  2. Enter details for the Superannuation Fund defining the nominated balance.

    See: Payee Organizations: Entering Superannuation Information.

  3. Create your organization payment methods, ensuring that you have checked the Third Party Payment check box.

    See: Defining a Payment Method, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  4. Add this Organization Payment method to all valid payment methods for your payroll(s).

  5. Create the personal payment method for each employee assignment making sure the payee details are selected for the correct superannuation fund.

    If the employee has superannuation guarantee contributions for more than one superannuation fund, the employee must have a personal payment method for each of these funds.

    See: Entering Payment Methods for an Employee, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide.

  6. Assign the superannuation elements Super Contribution and Super Guarantee ensuring that the payee details are completed.

    Note: You must create a separate Super Contribution element entry for each superannuation fund.

Payee Organizations: Entering Superannuation Information

Enter information about the superannuation fund details in the Organization window.

To enter information about the superannuation fund

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed. Select the Payee Organization in the Organization Classifications region and then click Others. The Additional Organization Information window is displayed.

  2. Click in the field to display the Superannuation Fund window.

  3. Enter information about the superannuation fund - for example, fund code, fund name, phone number, superannuation guarantee contribution and non-superannuation contribution details.

  4. Enter the Australian Business Number (ABN) for validation purposes.

  5. Enter if the fund is a Self Managed Super Fund. The default is No. When Self Managed Super Fund field is set to Yes, the SuperStream report does not populate the USI field in the produced report.

  6. Enter the fund USI number. This automatically defaults to ABN entered when Self Managed Super Fund is set to Yes.

  7. Select a nominated balance.

    If you choose to use a balance that you have created, it must include the following dimensions:

    Balance Dimension Name Description Used by...
    ASG_RUN Run Amount the formula
    ASG_MTD Month to Date the formula
    ASG_YTD Financial Year to Date (1 July - 30 June) reporting
    ASG_QTD Quarter to Date (1 July - 30 September; 1 October - 31 December; 1 January - 31 March; 1 April - 30 June) the formula

    If you use a post-tax balance as the basis for superannuation when nominating a balance during the Superannuation Fund set up, Oracle Payroll will still calculate the superannuation on the pre-tax amount.

    Note: You must have an Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) balance set up in order for this information to be complete

  8. Enter the electronic reporting address for self managed super fund.

  9. Enter the payment method to determine how are the money is to be paid to funds.

  10. Enter the BPAY biller bode (BP) if BPAY is selected as the payment method.

  11. Enter the customer reference number (BP) if BPAY is selected as the payment method.

  12. Enter the BSB number (DC), account number (DC), and account name (DC) if direct credit is selected as the payment method.

  13. Enter the dates from and to, and click OK.

    The dates from and to determine which fund values are correct on a particular date.

    For example, if the superannuation guarantee contribution is changed from 9% to 9.25% on July 1, 2013, you would enter the dates as follows:

    Date From Date To % Contribution
    July 1, 2012 June 30, 2013 9
    July 1, 2013 -- 9.25

    You must also ensure that the dates from and to are contiguous.

  14. Save your work.

Entering the Queensland Mental Health Levy

The calculation of mental health levy thresholds is based on the annual Australian taxable wages. The levy is then applied proportionately to the Queensland taxable wages that exceed the thresholds.

Use the Queensland (QLD) Mental Health Levy window to enter the wages to calculate the mental health levy for Queensland.

To enter the Queensland Mental Health Levy:

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select QLD Mental Health Levy to open the QLD Mental Health Levy window.

  3. In the QLD Mental Health Levy window, enter the estimated annual wages for Queensland.

  4. Enter the estimated annual wages for Australia.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

Entering the Victorian Mental Health Levy

The calculation of mental health levy thresholds is based on the annual Australian taxable wages. The levy is then applied proportionately to Victorian taxable wages that exceed the thresholds.

Use the Victorian (VIC) Mental Health Levy window to enter the wages to calculate the mental health levy for Victoria.

To enter the VIC Mental Health Levy:

  1. From the Organization window, query the organization if it is not already displayed and select GRE/Legal Entity in the Organization Classifications region. Then click Others to display additional information.

  2. From the Additional Organization Information window, select VIC Mental Health Levy to open the VIC Mental Health Levy window.

  3. In the VIC Mental Health Levy window, enter the estimated annual wages in Victoria.

  4. Enter the estimated annual wages in Australia.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save.

Entering Related Organizations Information for an HR Organization

Use the Related Organizations information type to associate an operating unit to an HR organization. If you use a multi-org application, then the operating unit you select here becomes the operating unit for workers assigned to the HR organization.

Tip: If you use the Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) feature for a product that integrates with Oracle HRMS, then you can associate an operating unit to every HR organization in your enterprise using Web ADI. MOAC is a key feature in Oracle Applications that enables you to access multiple operating units from a single application responsibility. For more information on MOAC, see: Multiple Organizations Overview, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide

See: Data Download and Upload Using Web ADI Overview, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

To enter related organizations information

  1. Query the HR Organization in the Organization window if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select HR Organizations, choose Others, and select Related Organizations.

  2. Click in the Additional Information window to open the Related Organizations Information window.

  3. Select an operating unit to associate to the HR organization.

Changing the Person Numbering Method

Running the Change Person Numbering to Automatic Process

Use this process to change the method of number generation for your employees, applicants or contingent workers from manual to automatic. This process applies to your current business group.

Run the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process from the Submit Request window.

To run the change person numbering to automatic process

  1. Select the Change Person Numbering to Automatic process in the Request Name field.

  2. Click in the Parameters field if it does not automatically open.

  3. Select the person type that you want the method to change from manual number generation to automatic.

  4. Choose OK and then Submit.

    After the process has run, the first automatic number assigned to a person is one higher than the maximum number already in use.

Running the Global Sequencing for Person Number Generation Process

You use this process to change the method of number generation for your employees, applicants, or contingent workers from automatic to global sequencing.

Run the Global Sequencing for Person Number Generation Process from the Submit Request window.

To run the global sequencing for person number generation process

  1. Select the Change automatic person number generation to global sequencing process in the Request Name field.

  2. Click in the parameters field if it does not automatically open.

  3. Select the person type that you want the method to change from automatic to global sequencing.

  4. Choose OK and then Submit.

    After the process has run, the first number assigned to a person is part of a global sequence across multiple business groups.

Assigning Managers to Organizations

Selecting and Viewing Managers for Organizations

Use the Organization Manager Relationship window to assign managers to organizations. The primary reason for doing this is for reporting purposes.

You can only assign managers to organizations that have a classification that uses the Reporting Information information type, for example HR Organizations.

You can also use this window to view a history of managers for an organization.

Note: The list of organizations and employees you can select is dependant on the HR: Cross Business Group profile option

To select managers for an organization

  1. Select the organization for which you want to enter a manager in the Organization Manager Details region.

  2. Select the manager for the organization and enter start and end dates, if appropriate.

    Note that you can have only one current manager for an organization.

  3. Save your work.

To view managers for an organization

  1. Select the organization or the manager that you want to query.

  2. If you have selected a manager and want to show all the organizations to which that person and all his direct reports are managers, then select the Show the manager and direct reports check box. If you do not select the check box, then the query returns only the organizations to which the person you have selected is a manager.

  3. Indicate the timeframe for which you want to view the results and choose the Find button. The results of your query are displayed in the Organization Manager Details region.

    If your security profile allows you to see the manager but not the organization, or the organization but not the manager, you are able to view the organization manager record but not update it.



In Oracle HRMS, you set up each physical site where your employees work as a separate location. If you use the Configuration Workbench to configure your basic enterprise structure, then you only need to create locations for the additional organizations you require.

See: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You can set up:

Similarly, you enter the addresses of external organizations that you want to maintain in your system, such as employment agencies, tax authorities, and insurance or benefits carriers. When setting up internal or external organizations, you select from a list of these locations.

This approach has these advantages:

Mexico Only

Oracle HRMS uses the location associated with an assignment to determine its social security affiliation. It is recommended that you associate all locations with one or more appropriate GRE using the Mexico HRMS Statutory Reporting Hierarchy. Oracle HRMS determines the GRE of an assignment based on the hierarchy you have associated the location with.

See: Government Reporting Entities (GREs), Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Mexico)

See: Mexico HRMS Statutory Reporting Generic Hierarchy Type, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Mexico)

See: Entering an Assignment (Assignment Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Location Extra Information Types

You can define as many Extra Information Types as you require to hold information about locations. There are also some predefined person EITs.

Note: To be able to access the predefined EITs, you must link the EIT to your responsibility.

See: Setting Up Extra Information Types For a Responsibility, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

The predefined location EITs are:

Setting Up Locations

You can enter addresses in the Location window.

Locations are shared across Business Groups in HRMS and with two other Oracle applications: Inventory and Purchasing. HRMS does not use some of the fields in the Location window. These fields are disabled for HRMS users. For example, the Legal Address check box is read-only and supports future functionality in Oracle Financials.

For information about Oracle Purchasing locations, see: Defining Locations, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

To enter a work location and its address

  1. Enter the name of the location, and a description if required.

  2. Uncheck the Global check box if you want the location to only be available within the default Business Group of your current responsibility. Accept the default if you want the location to be a global location and therefore available to all Business Groups.

    If you are setting up a global location, the location name must be unique across all Business Groups.

    If you are setting up a location for one Business Group, the location name must be unique within that Business Group and all global locations, but does not have to be unique across all Business Groups.

    Note: You cannot amend the Global check box once you have set up your location.

  3. Select a national address style from the list. If a local address style exists for your country, it is displayed as the default. Otherwise, the international style is displayed.

    Australian users: There is a choice of Australia (International) address style and Australia address style. If you want to upgrade from an existing Australia (International) address style to the Australia address style, run the Upgrade Australia Address Style process. This is an optional step. This process enables you to validate and correct any invalid address information for reporting purposes.

    If you are entering an international address, use the Australia (International) address style. If this is unavailable, use the generic style with a valid ISA 3166 code country code.

    US and Canadian users: The local style is only displayed if you have Vertex geocode data installed.

    Note: You can change existing address styles or create new ones if required.

    See: Changing Default National Address Styles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  4. Enter address information in this window.

    US Payroll users: If you change a location address, then you must update the location in the State Tax Rules window for each assignment at that location. If the Address Validation Using Vertex Web Services feature is enabled, then Vertex Web Services validates addresses in the Location window. See: Address Validation Using Vertex Web Services, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide (US)

    US users: In the EEO Exception Report, location addresses are truncated to 115 characters if the combined length of the location code and address lines 1,2, and 3 is greater than 115 characters.

    Canadian Payroll users: You enter Census Metropolitan Area codes here in the Location Address flexfield.

    Note: You must enter the postal code in the following format NNNNAA, for example, 1234AB.

    Irish users: You enter the employer's address here and attach it to the legal employer.

  5. If the mailing address of the location differs from the payroll taxation address, you need to enter an overriding address into the Payroll Tax fields.

  6. Select a time zone if you want to associate a time zone with the location.

    Note: When you select a time zone, ensure that it corresponds to the location's address.

  7. Choose OK, and then choose the Extra Information button to enter any additional information required by your enterprise.

    See: Entering Extra Information, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  8. Save your location.

To make locations inactive

Making a location inactive prevents users from selecting it.

To remove an address from the Location list

  1. Enter an inactive date when the location is no longer in use in your enterprise, and save your changes.

To delete a location

You can delete locations that have not been used.

Note: If a location is still in use, but you do not want it to be selected today or in the future, enter an inactive date.

  1. Query the location you want to delete.

  2. Delete the location.

  3. Save the changes.

Auto Orgs

Internal Organizations and Cost Centers

With the Oracle eBusiness suite of applications you can enable the automatic creation of HR organizations using the Auto Orgs functionality. If your enterprise has a close relationship between its financial structure and line management hierarchy, then this means you only have to maintain your financial structure in GL and the corresponding organizations that you need to create your line manager hierarchy are automatically generated. The application creates HR organizations corresponding to company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations.

Alternatively, if your financial cost centers are different to your HR organizations, but you still want to represent your cost centers as organizations, you can enable the application to automatically create company cost center organizations. These also correspond to company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations.

Cost Allocation Key Flexfield

When defining an HR organization, you can identify one cost center against which the payroll costs of the employees assigned to the organization should be collected. You simply select the cost center from a list in a segment of the Cost Allocation key flexfield.

For example, suppose you are defining in Oracle HRMS the organization Product Assembly, whose employee payroll costs go to the cost center Production. When entering the organization Product Assembly, you select Production from the list of cost centers in the Cost Allocation flexfield:

Cost Allocation Key Flexfield

Segment 1: Cost Center



503-Public Relations

Note: If employees' costs are charged to cost centers other than those of their organizations, or if they work in an organization only part time, you can enter other cost centers, and the percentage of time to be charged to each, on their employee assignments. Costing information entered for employee assignments overrides that entered for organizations.

For more information about the cost allocation key flexfield see: The Cost Allocation Key Flexfield

Implementing Automatic Company Cost Center Creation

Follow these steps to set up automatic creation of organizations in HRMS corresponding to company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations.

See: Internal Organizations and Cost Centers for more information about the relationship between GL cost centers and HR organizations.

To implement automatic company cost center creation

You must perform these steps after you have defined your business groups but before you create any HR organizations.

  1. Ensure that your GL account combinations have been set up in Oracle GL. This should have been done as part of your Oracle Financials implementation.

  2. Work with your Financials implementation team to decide how your financial companies relate to your business groups. Also, you need to discuss how financial companies and cost centers relate to the internal organizations. For example, do your financial companies map to GREs? Do your cost centers map to HR organizations, and so on.

  3. Define an organization for each of the companies that exist in your business group. These companies should have been set up during your Financials implementation. You can apply a classification of company cost center to either an existing, or new organization.

    See:Entering Organization Classifications

    Select the value set that validates the company segment in your GL accounting flexfield and select the company name for each of the company cost center organizations.

    If you are defining an organization that represents a company in GL, then do not complete the cost center fields.

    See: Entering GL Company Cost Center Information for a Company Cost Center

    Note: You must take care when defining your company organizations as it influences the cost center organizations that are available to your business group.

  4. Set the HR: GL Cost Center Org Classifications profile option to one of the following to define what organization classifications are created in HRMS:

    • If your financials cost centers are the same as your HR organizations, then set the profile option to HR Organizations and Company Cost Centers.

    • If your financials cost centers are different but you still want to represent your cost centers as organizations, then set the profile option to Company Cost Centers. You need to do this if you intend to use the management reporting functionality and your HR organizations are not cost centers.

    For more information on profile options see: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  5. Set the GL Organization Name Format profile option. This defines the format of the names for the organizations created automatically. If you do not want to use the predefined formats you can add your own using the HR_GL_ORG_NAME_FORMAT lookup type.

    See: Defining the Name Format of Company Cost Centers

  6. If you want to generate your organizations in HRMS based on your GL structure, then run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process.

    Note: Run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set or the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process only after you have created an organization to represent each of the financials companies that relate to your business group.

    See: Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR Request Set and Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations

  7. Select a manager for each of the company cost centers, once you have entered the details of your workforce into your application. You must perform this step if you are using management reporting. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  8. Set the HR: Automatically Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Centers with HR profile option to Yes or No. You use this profile to indicate if new GL account code combinations are automatically reflected in HR, or whether you want to control this by running the required processes manually.

    Set the profile to Yes if you want Oracle HRMS to automatically create an organization whenever any new GL account code combinations are subsequently created in Oracle Financials. Oracle HRMS will submit the Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Center with HR process automatically for every new account code combination. You define the classifications for the organizations created by this process by setting the HR: GL Cost Center Org Classifications profile option.

    Set the profile to No if you do not want the Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Center with HR process to run automatically, but perhaps want to create all the required organizations at once. You can then run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations and the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations processes, or the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set as often as you need.

    Note: If the Concurrent: Hold Requests profile option is set to Yes for your GL responsibility, then the process that creates organizations in HRMS automatically will remain on hold until you restart it.

Upgrading to Automatic Company Cost Center Creation

Follow these steps to upgrade your existing application to automatic creation of organizations in HRMS corresponding to company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations.

See: Internal Organizations and Cost Centers for more information about the relationship between GL cost centers and HR organizations.

To upgrade to automatic company cost center creation

You must perform these steps after you have defined your business groups but before you create any HR organizations.

  1. Ensure that your GL account combinations have been set up in Oracle GL. This should have been done as part of your Oracle Financials implementation.

  2. Work with your Financials implementation team to decide how your financial companies relate to your business groups. Also, you need to discuss how financial companies and cost centers relate to the internal organizations. For example, do your financial companies map to GREs? Do your cost centers map to HR organizations, and so on.

  3. Define an organization for each of the companies that exist in your business group. These companies should have been set up during your Financials implementation. You can either apply a classification of company cost center to an existing, or new organization.

    See: Entering Organization Classifications

    Select the value set that validates the company segment in your GL accounting flexfield and select the company name for each of the company cost center organizations.

    If you are defining an organization that represents a company in GL, then do not complete the cost center fields.

    See: Entering GL Company Cost Center Information for a Company Cost Center

    Note: You must take care when defining your company organizations as it influences the cost center organizations that are available to your business group.

  4. Ensure that the HR: Data Exchange Directory profile option has been set. This defines the directory into which the Export GL Organizations process writes tab delimited files. These files are subsequently read by the Upload GL Company Cost Center Information request set.

  5. Ensure that your database administrator has defined the directory specified in the previous step as a database directory for PL/SQL file I/O. See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2.

  6. Set the GL Organization Name Format profile option. This defines the format of the names for the organizations created automatically. If you do not want to use the predefined formats you can add your own using the HR_GL_ORG_NAME_FORMAT lookup type.

    See: Defining the Name Format of Company Cost Centers

  7. Run the Export GL Company Cost Centers process.

    Note: Run the Export GL Company Cost Centers process only after you have created an organization to represent each of the financials companies that relate to your business group.

    See: Running the Export GL Company Cost Centers Process

  8. Amend the tab delimited file produced by the Export GL Company Cost Centers process to map your cost centers to existing organizations.

    See: Running the Export GL Company Cost Centers Process

  9. Upload the amended tab delimited file using the Upload Company Cost Center Information request set.

    See: Running the Upload Company Cost Center Information Request Set

  10. Check the Exception Report generated by the Upload Company Cost Center Information request set to ensure that all company cost centers classifications have been created successfully.

    See: Running the Upload Company Cost Center Information Request Set

  11. Set the HR: GL Cost Center Org Classifications profile option to one of the following to define what organization classifications are created in HRMS:

    • If your financials cost centers are the same as your HR organizations, then set the profile option to HR Organization and Company Cost Center.

    • If your financials cost centers are different but you still want to represent your cost centers as organizations, then set the profile option to Company Cost Center. You need to do this if you intend to use the management reporting functionality and your HR organizations are not cost centers.

    For more information on profile options see: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  12. Run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations process.

    See: Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations Process

  13. Set the HR: Automatically Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Centers with HR profile option to Yes or No. You use this profile to indicate if new GL account code combinations are automatically reflected in HR, or whether you want to control this by running the required processes manually.

    Set the profile to Yes if you want Oracle HRMS to automatically create an organization whenever any new GL account code combinations are subsequently created in Oracle Financials. Oracle HRMS will submit the Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Center with HR process automatically for every new account code combination. You define the classifications for the organizations created by this process by setting the HR: GL Cost Center Org Classifications profile option.

    Set the profile to No if you do not want the Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Center with HR process to run automatically, but perhaps want to create all the required organizations at once. You can then run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations and the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations processes, or the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set as often as you need.

    Note: If the Concurrent: Hold Requests profile option is set to Yes for your GL responsibility, then the process that creates organizations in HRMS automatically will remain on hold until you restart it.

Defining the Name Format of Company Cost Centers

You must set up the HR: GL Organization Name Format profile option if you want your application to create organizations in HRMS based on cost centers in GL automatically. This profile defines how the name of the organization in HRMS is generated.

The options available in this profile option are held in the HR_GL_ORG_NAME_FORMAT lookup type. You can add your own formats to this lookup if required.

Use the Application Utilities Lookups window to define organization name formats.

To define the company cost center name format

  1. Query the HR_GL_ORG_NAME_FORMAT lookup type.

  2. Add a new record.

  3. Construct a name format in the Code column using the following codes:

    • $COC - Company Code

    • $CCC - Cost Center Code

    • $CON - Company Name

    • $CCN - Cost Center Name

    Any other characters included in the code are used as delimiters. For example, if you want your organization names to be constructed using the cost center name followed by the company code and separated with a hyphen, then you would enter $CCN-$COC.

  4. Enter a meaning and, optionally, a description for the lookup code.

  5. Save your work.

What Next?

You can now set the HR: GL Organization Name Format profile option at Site level in the System Profile Values window.

Running the Export GL Company Cost Centers Process

Run this process if you are converting your existing setup to use automatic cost center creation.

Note: You can only use the export functionality if you have the full version of Oracle HRMS installed.

The process is run for your current business group and writes information about GL company cost center combinations for companies that you have previously defined for your business group to a tab delimited file. It creates a record in the file for each unique company cost center combination that has been defined in GL.

To identify the company and cost center segments, the process looks to see which segments have had certain qualifiers applied. The company segment is identified by the Balancing Segment qualifier, and the cost center is identified by the Cost Center Segment qualifier.

Note: You need to ensure that your Financials implementation team has set both of these qualifiers for the GL account combinations that are being mapped to organizations in HR.

The process only includes company and cost center combinations that have not already been linked to an organization.

Run the Export GL Company Cost Centers process in the Submit requests window. You can only have one version of this process running at any one time.

To run the Export GL Company Cost Centers process:

  1. Select Export GL Company Cost Centers in the Name field.

  2. Select the chart of accounts for which you want to run the process.

  3. Choose the Submit button to run the process.

    The process produces two files and puts them in the directory defined by the HR: Data Exchange Directory profile option. The files produced are:

    • GLCC_business group name_business group id.hdr

      This header file defines the upload parameters used by the upload process. Do not edit this file.

    • GLCC_business group name._business group id.txt

      This file contains the organization information that you can edit.

What Next?

You can use a spreadsheet or text editor to amend the GLCC_business group name_business group id.txt file to map company and cost center combinations to existing organizations in HRMS. To do this, replace the suggested organization name with the exact name of the existing organization in the organization_name column. Do not make any amendments to any other columns.

Note: If you are using Microsoft Excel to edit the tab delimited file you must make sure the settings are correct when importing the file using the Text Import wizard. Select Tab as the delimiter and ensure that each column that contains IDs or Dates is given a Column Data Format of Text. This is to ensure that numbers that begin with zeros are imported correctly and that dates are imported with the correct format. The columns you need to set are:

Running the Upload GL Company Cost Center Information Request Set

Run the Upload GL Company Cost Center Information request set to upload the amended version of the exported file created using the Export GL Company Cost Centers process.

Note: You can only use the Upload functionality if you have the full version of Oracle HRMS installed.

By uploading the file you map company and cost center combinations to existing organizations. A classification of company cost center is added to the each existing organization.

Note: Ensure that the .txt filename you have amended is exactly the same, including case, as that entered in the header file.

Run the Upload GL Company Cost Center Information request set in the Submit Request Set window.

To run the Upload GL Company Cost Center Information request set:

  1. Select Upload GL Company Cost Center Information in the Request Set field.

  2. Click in the Parameters field to display the Parameters window.

  3. Enter the path for the header file created during the export procedure.

  4. Choose the submit button to run the request set.

    The processes that make up the request set are now run in turn.

What Next?

Once the DataPump Exceptions Report process has completed you should check the output. This details any organizations that have not been uploaded correctly, for example if the organization name entered into the spreadsheet does not exist, or if an organization specified already has a company cost center classification.

If the process has produced some exceptions, then you must do the following:

Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR Request Set

Run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set when setting up your enterprise to create organizations that correspond to your cost centers in GL automatically to report on financials information.

The request set contains the following concurrent processes:

If you have set the HR: Automatically Synchronize Single GL Company Cost Centers with HR profile option to No run this request set, or its constituent parts, periodically.

Run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set in the Submit Request Set window. You can only run one version of these processes at a time.

To run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set:

  1. Select Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR in the Name field.

  2. Select the chart of accounts for which you want to run the request set.

  3. Click Submit to run the request set.

Running the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations Process

This process creates company cost center organizations for the companies in your business group. It creates an organization for each unique GL account code combination that is defined in GL, if an organization does not already exist with the same company code, company value set, cost center code, and cost center value set. You define which classifications to assign to the organization using the HR: GL Cost Center Org Classifications profile option.

The process sets the start date of the new organization to the start date of the company or cost center value set, whichever is earlier.

The process sets the end date of the new organization to the end date of the company or cost center value set, whichever is later. If no end date has been entered for either value set, then the process does not define an end date for the new organization.

Secondly the process checks for a match on organization names. If a name matches the format defined in the HR: GL Organization Name Format profile option, then the process adds any missing classifications to the organization.

Note: Run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process only after you create an organization to represent each of the financial companies that relate to your business group.

Additionally, you can use the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process to update the names, and start and end dates of existing organizations created using Auto Orgs to reflect changes in the company or cost center value set.

Run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process in the Submit Request window. You can only run one version of this process at a time.

Note: This process is also included in the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set. See:Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set.

To run the Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations process

  1. Select Create and Maintain Company Cost Center Organizations in the name field.

  2. Select the chart of accounts for which you want to run the process.

  3. Select a company if you want to run the process for one company only. If you do not specify a company the process generates company cost center organizations for each company organization in your business group that has the same company value set as that which is used to validate the balancing segment value in the chosen chart of accounts.

  4. Indicate whether you want to synchronize existing organization names. Select Yes and the process updates organization names to reflect any changes to the company description or cost center description in the company or cost center value sets, or to the HR: GL Organization Name Format profile option.

  5. Indicate whether you want to synchronize start and end dates for existing organizations. Select Yes and the process updates the start and end dates of organizations to reflect any changes to the values in the company or cost center value sets.

  6. Click Submit to run the process.

Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations Process

This process links existing company cost center organizations to GL account combinations. The process checks for a match on company code, company value set, cost center code, and cost center value set.

To identify the company and cost center segments, the process looks to see which segments have had certain qualifiers applied. The Balancing Segment qualifier identifies the company segment, and the Cost Center Segment qualifier identifies the cost center, in the GL Accounting flexfield.

Note: Ensure that your Financials implementation team has set both of these qualifiers for the GL account combinations that are being mapped to organizations in HR.

The process only includes company and cost center combinations that are not already linked to an organization. Once you link an organization to a GL account combination, then you cannot link the GL account to a different organization, and you cannot update the link.

Run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with existing Organizations process in the Submit Request window. You can only run one version of this process at a time.

Note: This process is also included in the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set. See: Running the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with HR request set.

To run the Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations process

  1. Select Synchronize GL Company Cost Centers with Existing Organizations in the name field.

  2. Select the chart of accounts for which you want to run the process.

  3. Click Submit to run the process.

Organization Hierarchies

Organization Hierarchies

Organization hierarchies show reporting lines and other hierarchical relationships between organizations in your enterprise.

You set up a primary reporting hierarchy reflecting the main reporting lines, as established in the organization chart of your enterprise. Below is an example of an organization chart showing the reporting lines of a single-company enterprise.

Chart Showing Primary Reporting Lines

the picture is described in the document text

Multiple Hierarchies

In addition to the primary reporting hierarchy, you can set up as many other organization hierarchies as you need.

Hierarchies for Matrix Management

Your enterprise may have a matrix management structure in which organizations have more than one reporting line. For example, looking at the organization chart for Global Industries, the HR organization under Production might have another reporting relationship to the organization Company HR. You can set up additional hierarchies to reflect secondary reporting relationships within your enterprise.

Security Hierarchies

As well as constructing hierarchies to reflect reporting lines, you can also use hierarchies to control access to information. For example, in a decentralized enterprise you might want to give each regional manager access to the records of the employees in the organizations in their region.

Looking again at the organization chart for Global Industries, you want managers in the Sales East office to have access to the records of all employees in the eastern region sales groups. You can do this by building a geographical hierarchy of your regions and the organizations in each.

You can also give managers in the Sales East office access to records in other organizations by creating a global organization hierarchy structure.

Hierarchies for Reporting

When you run some of the Oracle HRMS standard reports, you can specify an organization hierarchy to determine which organizations and employees the report covers. You can also use this approach in your own standard or ad hoc reports. You can create additional organization hierarchies just for analysis and inquiry purposes.

In the US, to produce reporting for government authorities, for example EEO-1 and VETS-4212 reports, you build special establishment hierarchies to obtain the correct coverage of employees.

Organizational Change and Version Control

Changing your hierarchies to reflect simple changes in reporting lines is easy. You create a new version of your existing hierarchy and modify parts of its structure. Oracle HRMS retains earlier versions of hierarchies for historical information.

However, when you experience a major restructuring, it is often best to create new work structures, including new organizations and reporting lines.

Tip: You can create future-dated versions of your organization structures and use these to prepare for reorganization in advance. You retain previous versions of your hierarchies for historical information.

If you want to read more information about dated information and hierarchy versions, see Managing Change Over Time

Global Organization Hierarchies

Global organization hierarchies enable you to work on organizations in multiple business groups and provide standard functionality for global reporting. In a multinational enterprise with organizations in multiple business groups, for example, global hierarchies enable you to set up a single global reporting hierarchy for management or approvals. In other words, you maintain only one hierarchy instead of several.

A global hierarchy can contain organizations from any business group on your database. By associating a global organization hierarchy with a global security profile you can create a security hierarchy that gives users access to organizations across business groups.

For more information about security profiles, see Security Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

If you use the Oracle HRMS forms interface, then you cannot access data across business groups using one responsibility, even if you associate a global security profile to your responsibility. Your access is limited to organizations in the business group defined in the HR:Business Group profile option.

Creating and Maintaining Organization Hierarchies

Creating Organization Hierarchies

Create organization hierarchies to show reporting lines and other hierarchical relationships. If you want to include organizations from a single Business Group, use the Organization Hierarchy window, alternatively, use the Global Organization Hierarchy window to include organizations from any Business Group. Always define hierarchies from the top organization down.

You must define the top organization in the hierarchy, and at least one organization subordinate to it.

Note: To access the Global Organizations Hierarchy window you must have a global security profile associated with your responsibility and your System Administrator must add the window to the menu.

To set up a new organization hierarchy

  1. Enter a unique name for the hierarchy, and check Primary if it is your main reporting hierarchy.

  2. Save your work.

  3. Enter the version number and start date for the hierarchy.

    You can copy an existing hierarchy. See: To copy an existing hierarchy, below.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Query the top organization name in the Organization block.

  6. In the Subordinates block, select the immediate subordinates for the top organization.

    If you are using the Global Organization Hierarchy window, the lookup displays which Business Group each organization belongs to as organizations from different Business Groups can have the same name.

  7. To add organizations below one of these immediate subordinates choose the Down Arrow button for the organization.

    The Organization block now displays the organization you selected. You can add subordinates to this organization. To return to the previous level, choose the Up Arrow button.

    Note: The list of organizations from which you can select in the Subordinates block includes organizations that are already in the hierarchy. If you select such an organization, you will move it and all its subordinates within the hierarchy.

    See: Changing Organization Hierarchies

To enable position control

  1. Query the organization hierarchy in the Name field.

  2. Check the Top Node Position Control Enabled checkbox to select this hierarchy as the one that operates under the position control business rules.

    You can designate only one hierarchy for position control. Any versions you create of this hierarchy are also position controlled.

  3. Determine the top node for position control (the level at which position control begins):

    • To set the level at the highest organization so that position control is enabled for all organizations, it is sufficient to check the Top Node Position Control Enabled check box as in the previous step.

    • To set the level so that position control begins at a subordinate level, choose the organization in the Subordinate block and select Yes from the LOV in the Position Control Enabled field.

  4. To exclude an organization that shouldn't operate under position control rules, choose the organization in the Subordinates block and select No from the LOV in the Position Control Enabled field.

    Excluding the organization automatically excludes its subordinates.

    Note: If you are converting positions from a legacy system, use HR_POSITION_API before enabling position control. You do not have to approve legacy positions you create before defining position control organizations.

To change the top node for position control

  1. Query the organization hierarchy version that's position controlled.

  2. Query the organization that was the previous top node in the Organization Name field.

  3. Click the Up button to move the organization into the Subordinates block and select No from the LOV in the Position Control Enabled field. Excluding the organization automatically excludes its subordinates, but if subordinate organizations have a Yes value in the Position Control Enabled field, you must change them manually to No or to a blank.

  4. Query the organization that will become the new top node in the Organization block.

  5. Click the Up button to move the organization into the Subordinates block and select Yes from the LOV in the Position Control Enabled field.

  6. Exclude subordinate organizations from position control as desired by choosing the organization in the Subordinates block and selecting No from the LOV in the Position Control Enabled field.

To create a new version of an existing hierarchy

  1. Query the name of the hierarchy.

  2. In the Version field, use the Down Arrow to move through existing versions of the hierarchy until you reach a version number for which no other data appears. Enter the start date for the new version.

    Note: Overlapping versions of a hierarchy cannot exist. Whenever you enter a new version of a hierarchy, the system automatically gives an end date to the existing version. Oracle HRMS retains the records of obsolete hierarchies, so you do not lose any historical information.

    You can copy an existing hierarchy. See: To copy an existing hierarchy, below.

  3. Query the top organization name in the Organization block.

  4. In the Subordinates block, select the immediate subordinates for the top organization.

  5. To add organizations below one of these immediate subordinates, choose the Down Arrow button for the organization.

    The Organization block now displays the organization you selected. You can add subordinates to this organization. To return to the previous level, choose the Up Arrow button.

To copy an existing hierarchy

  1. Enter or query the name and number of your new hierarchy version and choose the Copy Hierarchy button.

  2. Select the name and version number of the hierarchy you want to copy.

    Details of this hierarchy then appear in the Organization and Subordinates blocks. You can change these.

Changing Organization Hierarchies

To view which organizations are in a hierarchy

  1. Query the hierarchy and version you want to view.

  2. In the Organization region, enter a query on the Name field.

  3. Check the Exists in Hierarchy check box and run the query. You can now scroll through the organizations currently in the hierarchy in the Name field.

To add a new organization to an existing hierarchy

  1. Query the hierarchy and version you want to change.

  2. Query the parent organization for the one you are adding.

  3. Select the new organization in the Subordinates block.

    Important: The list of organizations from which you can select in the Subordinates block includes organizations that are already in the hierarchy. If you select such an organization, you will move it and all its subordinates within the hierarchy.

To change the top organization of an existing hierarchy

  1. Query the hierarchy and version you want to change.

  2. Query the new top organization.

  3. Select the previous top organization in the Subordinates block.

To move an organization and all its subordinates

  1. Query the hierarchy and version you want to change.

  2. Query the new parent organization for the one you want to move.

  3. Select the organization to move in the Subordinates block. All the organization's subordinates are moved.

Deleting Organization Hierarchies

You cannot delete an organization hierarchy if other versions exist, or a security profile uses it.

To delete an organization hierarchy

  1. Remove all the subordinate organizations from the hierarchy, starting at the lowest level.

  2. Delete the organization hierarchy.

Running the Organization Hierarchy Report

Oracle HRMS includes a standard Organization Hierarchy Report to display the relationships between organizations in a hierarchy.

You run reports from the Submit Requests window.

To run the Organization Hierarchy Report

  1. In the Name field, select Organization Hierarchy.

  2. Enter the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.

  3. Enter the effective date for which you want to see the report.

  4. In the Organization Structure field, select the hierarchy. If there are multiple versions, select a version.

    If the effective date lies between the version's start and end dates, the report shows information for the effective date. If it lies outside these dates, the report shows information for the start date of the version.

  5. In the Parent Organization field, select the highest organization in the hierarchy that you want to see on the report.

  6. Enter Yes in the Managers Shown field to see managers' names. The report includes all assignments that have a manager status in the Assignment window, at the time the report is run.

    If there are more than ten managers, you see the number of managers only.

  7. Choose the Submit button.

Launching a Hierarchy Diagrammer

You edit organization or position hierarchies in the Organization Hierarchy Diagrammer window or the Position Hierarchy Diagrammer window.

Note: Before you can access the hierarchy diagrammers, a TCF SocketServer must be running. Your system administrator can set this up for you.

To launch a hierarchy diagrammer:

  1. Open the Organization or Position Hierarchy window using the Diagrammer menu option. This displays a cut-down version of the Hierarchy window.

    Note: To create hierarchies containing organizations from only one business group, choose the Diagrammer Local option. To include hierarchies from more than one business group, choose the Diagrammer Global option.

  2. Query the hierarchy you want to edit. If it does not yet exist, you can create a new hierarchy by:

  3. Choose the Open Editor button to open the Hierarchy Diagrammer window. The selected organization or position hierarchy is displayed.

    The hierarchy diagrammer is divided into three regions:

    • The hierarchy diagram region. This displays a diagrammatic representation of an organization or position hierarchy. You use the hierarchy diagram region to graphically view, create or modify an organization or position hierarchy.

    • The node list region. This displays a Find block and a list of organizations or positions that you have located using the Find feature and have not yet attached to a hierarchy.

    • The node properties region. This displays details of the selected organization or position. Use the buttons to display further position and assignment details for the selected organization or position.

Finding an Organization or Position in the Hierarchy Diagrammers

You can display a list of unattached organizations or positions so that you can view additional information about them or add them to your hierarchy. You do this using the node list region of the Hierarchy Diagrammer windows.

To find an organization or position

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the organization or position.

    • To broaden the search, you can use the percent (%) symbol to replace one or more letters; for example, enter Sales% to find Sales North, Sales South, Sales Central and so on.

    • To narrow the search, you can enter different criteria in the other fields next to the Find button; for example, to find all Sales organizations with Senior Sales Executive jobs, you could enter:

      • Sales% in the Name field

      • Senior Sales Executive in the Job field

      • Active in the Hiring Status field

  2. Choose the Find button.

    All matches for the criteria you entered are listed below the Find area.

  3. To remove the search results and start a new query, choose the Clear button.

Changing the Appearance of a Hierarchy Diagram

You can change the appearance of a hierarchy diagram including:

The changes you make affect the appearance of the diagram both on screen and when you print it out.

Expanding and Collapsing Diagrams

Organizations and positions with subordinate levels in a hierarchy diagram include buttons for expanding or collapsing diagrams:

Changing the Style of a Diagram

You can choose from three styles of hierarchy diagram:

Choose a style from the View menu or choose the appropriate toolbar button to change the style.

Changing the Font and Colors in a Diagram

You can change the colors of the following elements of a hierarchy diagram:

To change the font and colors in a diagram

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. Choose Edit, Preferences from the menu to display the Preferences window.

  3. Choose the Choose Color... button for the diagram element you want to change.

  4. Select a color from the Color Picker dialog.

    You can also change the style and size of the text by selecting from the Font Name and Font Size poplists in the Preferences window.

Changing the Display Area of a Diagram

You can increase the area of the screen available for the hierarchy diagram by hiding unwanted regions of the window using the following options on the View menu:

You can also resize the amount of space available to each region of the window, to make the best use of the display space, by dragging the edge of the region.

Displaying Information about Organizations or Positions

You can display additional information about organizations or positions in the hierarchy diagrammers, to assist you in creating or editing hierarchies.

To display additional information for an organization or position

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. Either:

    • Select an organization or position in the hierarchy diagram region of the window.


    • Use the Find feature to display an unattached organization or position in the node list region of the window and then select it.

  3. Choose one of the following buttons:

    • Organizations or Positions

    • Assignments

    • Organization Holders or Position Holders

    A floating window appears displaying additional details for the selected organization or position.

  4. To search further on the selected organization or position, you can filter your search using search criteria. For example, if you select an organization and choose the Position button, you can search using the following criteria: Position Name, Hiring Status, and Job. The results will appear in a separate page. The navigation buttons appear if the search retrieves more than one page of data

Setting Up a New Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to graphically set up a new organization or position hierarchy. You must first use the Organization or Position window to specify:

See: Creating an Organization

See: Defining a Position

To set up a new organization or position hierarchy

  1. Open the Organization or Position Hierarchy window using the Diagrammer menu option. This displays a cut-down version of the Hierarchy window.

    Note: To create hierarchies containing organizations from only one business group, choose the Diagrammer Local option. To include hierarchies from more than one business group, choose the Diagrammer Global option. The availability of these options depends on whether your system administrator has granted you access to the local or global versions of the windows using function security. See Menu Structure, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  2. Enter a unique name for your new hierarchy, and check Primary if it is your main reporting hierarchy.

  3. Enter the version number and start date for the hierarchy.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Choose the Open Editor button to open the hierarchy diagrammer.

  6. In the node list region of the window, query the organization or position that represents the top level in the hierarchy and drag it to the hierarchy diagram region of the window.

  7. Build the hierarchy by adding organizations or positions, working from the top level down.

    • To add an organization or position, drag it from the node list region to the organization or position that will be its parent and drop it on top to add it to the hierarchy. The cursor displays a small rectangle when you are on top of the parent value.

    • You can move and remove organizations or positions to modify the hierarchy until you have the correct structure.

  8. Save your hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database to create the new hierarchy.

Creating a New Version of an Existing Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to create a new version of an existing organization or position hierarchy.

To create a new version of an existing hierarchy

  1. Open the Organization or Position Hierarchy window using the Diagrammer menu option. This displays a cut-down version of the Hierarchy window.

    Note: To create hierarchies containing organizations from only one business group, choose the Diagrammer Local option. To include hierarchies from more than one business group, choose the Diagrammer Global option. The availability of these options depends on whether your system administrator has granted you access to the local or global versions of the windows using function security

    See Menu Structure, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  2. Query the name of the hierarchy.

  3. In the Version field, use the Down Arrow to move through existing versions of the hierarchy until you reach a version number for which no other data appears. Enter the start date for the new version.

    Overlapping versions of a hierarchy cannot exist. When you create a new version of an existing hierarchy, the system automatically gives an end date to the existing version. Oracle HRMS retains all previous versions of hierarchies for historical information.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Choose the Open Editor button to open the Hierarchy Diagrammer window. The new version of the organization or position hierarchy is displayed.

  6. Modify the hierarchy to add, move or remove organizations or positions to create the new hierarchy.

  7. . Save your hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database to create the new hierarchy.

    You can also create a new hierarchy by copying an existing hierarchy and modifying it.

Copying an Existing Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to create a new organization or position hierarchy by copying an existing one.

To copy an existing hierarchy

  1. Open the Organization or Position Hierarchy window using the Diagrammer menu option. This displays a cut-down version of the Hierarchy window.

    Note: To create hierarchies containing organizations from only one business group, choose the Diagrammer Local option. To include hierarchies from more than one business group, choose the Diagrammer Global option. The availability of these options depends on whether your system administrator has granted you access to the local or global versions of the windows using function security.

    See Menu Structure, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  2. Choose New from the File menu, enter a name for your new hierarchy and save your work.

  3. Enter a start date for your new hierarchy and choose the Copy Hierarchy button (do not save first).

  4. Select the name and version of the hierarchy you want to copy, and choose Copy.

  5. Choose the Open Editor button to open the Hierarchy Diagrammer window. The copied organization or position hierarchy is displayed.

  6. Modify the hierarchy to add, move or remove organizations or positions to create the new hierarchy.

  7. Save your hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database to create the new hierarchy.

Adding Organizations or Positions to a Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to add organizations or positions to an organization or position hierarchy.

To add organizations or positions to a hierarchy

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. In the node list region of the window, query the organization or position you want to add to your hierarchy.

  3. Select the organization or position name in the node list, and drag it to the organization or position that will be its parent, then drop it on top to add it to the hierarchy.

    The cursor displays a small rectangle when you are on top of the parent value.

  4. Save your changes to the hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database.

Removing Organizations or Positions From a Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to remove organizations or positions from an organization or position hierarchy.

To remove organizations or positions from a hierarchy

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. Select the organization or position you want to delete from your hierarchy, and drag and drop it into the node list region of the window, or choose Cut to remove it and all its descendants.

    You are not deleting the organization or position from your database; you are just removing it from the hierarchy.

  3. Save your changes to the hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database.

Moving Organizations or Positions in a Hierarchy

Use the hierarchy diagrammers to move organizations or positions in an organization or position hierarchy.

To move organizations or positions in a hierarchy (drag and drop)

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. Select the organization or position you want to move in your hierarchy, drag it to the organization or position that will be its parent and drop it on top to add it to the hierarchy.

    The cursor displays a small rectangle when you are on top of the parent value.

  3. Save your changes to the hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database.

To move organizations or positions in a hierarchy (cut and paste)

  1. Launch a hierarchy diagrammer.

  2. Select the organization or position you want to move in your hierarchy, and choose Cut from the Edit menu or choose the Cut button on the toolbar.

  3. Move the cursor over an organization or position that you want to move it beneath, or next to.

    The cursor displays a small rectangle when you are on top of the parent value.

  4. Choose:

    • Paste, to move the organization or position to be a subordinate of the one selected


    • Paste Next to, to move the organization or position to the same level as the one selected.

  5. Save your changes to the hierarchy. The hierarchy diagrammer commits the changes to your database.

Menu and Toolbar Commands

You can access the following commands from the hierarchy diagrammer menus. Use them to create, edit, save and print hierarchy diagrams and control the display of hierarchy diagrams on your desktop.

Some of these commands are also available from the toolbar, which provides quick access to commands you use often.

File Menu


the picture is described in the document text

Saves changes made to the hierarchy to your database.


the picture is described in the document text

Refreshes the screen to show the latest changes to the hierarchy diagram.


Prints the hierarchy diagram as it is displayed in the window.

Close Hierarchy Editor

Exits the hierarchy diagrammer and prompts you to save any changes.

Edit Menu


the picture is described in the document text

Removes the selected organization or position and any subordinate organizations or positions from the current hierarchy, and places it on the clipboard. Use with Paste or Paste next to, to move the organization or position.


the picture is described in the document text

Copies the selected organization or position and any subordinate organizations or positions in the current hierarchy to the clipboard. Use with Paste or Paste next to, to move the organization or position. When you paste the copied organization or position, it is removed from its original place in the hierarchy and replaced at the new location, thus having the same effect as the Cut option.


the picture is described in the document text

Pastes an organization or position into the hierarchy at the level below the selected organization or position.

Paste next to

Pastes an organization or position into the hierarchy at the same level as the selected organization or position.


the picture is described in the document text

Removes an organization or position from the hierarchy diagram. Unlike Cut and Copy, this option does not place the organization or position on the clipboard. Only removes organizations and positions from the hierarchy and does not delete them from your database.

Properties (on-screen button)

the picture is described in the document text

Displays a floating window showing the properties of the selected organization or position. You can use this instead of the node properties region of the window.


Displays the Preferences window, which you can use to change the text style and size, and the colors of the text, lines, nodes and background of the hierarchy diagram.

View Menu

Vertical Style

the picture is described in the document text

Changes the view of the current hierarchy diagram to a stacked hierarchical layout.

Interleaved Style

the picture is described in the document text

Changes the view of the current hierarchy diagram to an expanded, stacked hierarchical layout.

Org Chart Style

the picture is described in the document text

Changes the view of the current hierarchy diagram to an organization chart style layout.

Node Properties

Toggles on or off the region of the window containing the properties of the selected organization or position, enabling you to display more of the hierarchy diagram.

Node List

Toggles on or off the region of the window containing the Find block and the list of organizations or positions that are not part of the hierarchy, enabling you to display more of the hierarchy diagram.


Toggles the toolbar on and off.

Status Bar

Toggles the status bar at the bottom of the main hierarchy diagrammer window on and off.

Help Menu


Displays information about the hierarchy diagrammer.


Displays help for using any Oracle applications you have installed.