Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance Overview

In your enterprise, you may have employment agreements that govern employment terms and conditions. These agreements may cover a few, many, or all of your workforce and the terms that they define could vary, depending on the particular situation of an employee. For example, the employment terms and conditions such as pay, work schedules, vacations, termination notice, maternity leave, and deductions from wages may vary for an employee or groups of employees. The employer and the representatives of the employees, for example union representatives, negotiate the working terms and conditions specified in the employment agreements.

Apart from adhering to the employment agreements, an employer has to submit several reports to government authorities to ensure legal compliance. These reports measure the extent the employer complies with legal requirements such as employment standards, pay equity, labor relations (for unionized employees), health and safety protection at work for the employees.

Oracle HRMS enables you to represent the employment agreements with your employees and fulfill your statutory reporting requirements.

Representing Employment Agreements Using Oracle HRMS

In Oracle HRMS, you represent an employment agreement as a collective agreement. Using Oracle HRMS, you can:

For more information about representing employment agreements using Oracle HRMS, see: Collective Agreements

Recording Occupational Health and Safety Details Using Oracle HRMS

Using Oracle HRMS, you can:

Oracle HRMS enables you to link this information together. For example, if a medical assessment is required as the result of a work accident, and that assessment then diagnoses a disability in the person, you can connect these records to one another.

Reporting for Legal Compliance

Oracle HRMS and Oracle HRMSi provide support for several countries to enable employers to fulfill their statutory reporting requirements. For example, Oracle HRMS enables:

Oracle HRMSi offers, for example, the establishment and organization worksheets to report about employee equal opportunities by job. To work with Oracle HRMSi reports, you must purchase the appropriate license from Oracle. For information on licenses, contact your Oracle sales representative.

For more information, see Employee Agreements and Legal Compliance Reports, Oracle HRMS Window Navigation and Reports Guide

Key Concepts

To effectively use Oracle HRMS for employee agreements and legal compliance, see:

Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Oracle HRMS enables you to record employment agreements and details of occupational health and safety measures at work for your employees.

Can I have selected employees covered by an employment agreement in my enterprise?

Oracle HRMS enables you to have some employees covered by an employment agreement and few others not covered by any employment agreement. For the employees covered by an employment agreement, you record the collective agreement details.

In an enterprise, can different employment agreements cover different employees?

Oracle HRMS provides the flexibility to maintain multiple employment agreements to cover different groups of people in an enterprise. For example, if you have officer workers and factory workers in your enterprise, you can maintain two different employment agreements to suit the groups.

How do I represent employment agreements in Oracle HRMS?

You represent an employment agreement in Oracle HRMS as a collective agreement. You represent the terms and conditions, as entitlement items that employees covered by the employment agreement will receive.

Can I specify which employees can receive specific terms of employment, for example the vehicle allowance?

You can define eligibility profiles (rules) that ensure that only employees who meet the eligibility rules receive the specific terms of employment, in this case the vehicle allowance.

Can an employee continue to receive a specific employment term after an event makes the employee ineligible for it?

Yes, an employee can still receive an employment term even if they are no longer eligible for them. For example, if by transferring from a location an employee becomes ineligible for a location allowance, you can define it as a retained right if you still want them to receive it. The employee will continue to receive the allowance for the period you define in this window.

What are the terms of employment that I can represent in a collective agreement?

Oracle HRMS enables you to represent the terms of employment based on your business requirements. Some of the terms of employment you can represent are pay, work schedules, vacations, termination notice, maternity leave, and deductions from wages.

Which occupational health and safety details can I maintain in Oracle HRMS?

You can record occupational health and safety details such as medical assessments of your employees, any injuries caused during work, and employee disabilities. You can also specify if the disability is the result of an injury at work.

What types of work injuries can I record?

Oracle HRMS enables you to record work injuries that occur at work, on the way to or from work, and in other circumstances that your enterprise defines as work-related.

Can I link the medical assessments, disability information, and work incident details?

You link these occupational health and safety details by relating one to the other. For example, if you do a medical assessment because of a work incident, which in turn results in a disability, then you mention them in the medical assessments, disability information and work incidents records.

Can I generate government-mandated reports covering disabilities, occupational health, and safety details?

Oracle HRMS enables you to generate government-mandated reports concerned with employment opportunities for people with various types of disabilities (Americans with Disabilities Act reports) and reports about the extent and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses affecting employees (Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports).

Collective Agreement Setup

Collective Agreements

A collective agreement is an agreement that defines the terms and conditions of employment for all employees that are covered by its terms. Agreements are typically negotiated and agreed by external bodies such as Trade Unions and Representatives of Employers.

The following sections describe the components you can use to represent the terms of a collective agreement in Oracle HRMS and to apply the correct entitlements to the primary assignments of eligible employees.

Entitlement Items

An entitlement item forms the basis for any entitlement that can be given to an employee as part of a collective agreement. For example, probation period, annual holiday, and car allowance are all entitlement items. For any entitlement you need to provide as part of a collective agreement, you must create an entitlement item.

You can create two types of entitlement item. These are:

Eligibility Profiles

Use eligibility profiles to define the criteria that an employee must meet in order to receive a particular entitlement. The criteria that you can include in an eligibility profile are grouped into five factors:

Each factor contains a variety of criteria from which you select one or more criteria values.

For example, if a collective agreement states that people working in California should receive an extra allowance, you could define an eligibility profile using the Employment Factor criteria of Work Location. The value for the Work Location criterion would be California, (You need to define this work location using the Locations window). A person must meet this criterion in order to be given the associated allowance.

Eligibility profiles can be used in benefits plans, collective agreements, or both. The information you can enter against a profile differs slightly depending on whether you have accessed this window from the total compensation or collective agreements area of the application.

In addition to the eligibility profiles you define, there is a Default profile that you can select when defining entitlement values. You can use this to define a value to apply to everyone not eligible to receive something more beneficial.

Derived Factors

As part of the criteria for an eligibility profile you can set up derived factors. These are eligibility factors that are calculated by the application and can change over time. See: Derived Factors, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide for more information.

Collective Agreement Details

For each collective agreement recognized by your enterprise you can record information such as a name, number, and whether it is active. You can also indicate the parties by whom it has been agreed. You set these parties up using the organization classifications Employer and Bargaining Association.

Collective Agreement Entitlement Values

For each entitlement item to be included in a collective agreement you must select which eligibility profiles to use, and enter the values that employees who satisfy the criteria receive.

For some example setups of entitlements see: Example Entitlement Setups

Evaluation and Application of Collective Agreement Entitlement Values

To indicate which people are covered by the terms of a collective agreement you select the agreement as part of their primary assignment.

Note: You can select collective agreements as part of other assignments, but the evaluate and apply processes only calculate values for the primary assignment.

Once this has been done the application has to calculate what values the employee is eligible for and apply them to their record. How this is done depends on the settings of the following user profiles:

If the HR:Auto Evaluate Entitlements profile is set to Yes, then the values that an employee is entitled to are calculated as soon as the collective agreement is saved to their assignment. If it is set to No then you must run the evaluation process manually from the Collective Agreement Results window.

Note: If the HR:Auto Evaluate Entitlements profile is set to No, then the apply process will not run automatically, even if the HR:Auto Apply Entitlements is set to Yes

If the HR:Auto Apply Entitlements is set to Yes, then the values calculated for a person during the evaluation process are automatically applied to an employee's record. For any entitlements where the employee is entitled to more than one value but the application cannot determine which is most beneficial to the employee, you have to make a choice manually. If it is set to No you have to select and apply all values manually in the Collective Agreement Results window.

There is also a concurrent process called Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation that you can run from the Submit Request window to evaluate and apply an employee's entitlement values.

Value Sets for Collective Agreements

As part of the setup of your collective agreement entitlement items you may need to use value sets in order for your entitlement items to perform correctly.

Item Value Sets

If you are creating an entitlement item that populates one of the fields on the assignment included in the table below you need to select the corresponding item value set. This is so that when the entitlement item is selected in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window the values field displays a drop-down list of valid values.

The following table describes the fields on the assignment and the corresponding item value set:

Item Value Sets
Field Value Set

In addition to these a CAGR_YES_NO value set is provided to be used where the valid value for a field is Yes or No, or the field uses a check box, for example Union Member.

You can also use these supplied value sets as examples to set up your own should you need to. For example, if you want to create a value set to write a value to a descriptive flexfield column, you can define a value set that enforces the same validation that is used by the descriptive flexfield.

Beneficial Rule Value Sets

For entitlement items where the most beneficial value cannot be determined from the value itself, but can be determined from some other value associated with it, you can define a value set to enable the application to do this. An example of this would be grades where you can use the sequence number associated with a grade to determine which is most beneficial. This is presuming that you have set up your grades so that the higher the sequence number, the better the grade.

An example value set, CAGR_BR_GRADE has been supplied for you to use as a template for creating your own value sets.

Setups for Collective Agreement Value Sets

In order for the value set to work correctly with the collective agreement, it must conform to the following rules:

Example Entitlement Setups

The following give an example setup for each of the categories supported in Oracle HRMS.

Assignment Category Example

Imagine that the notice period for employees is based on their employee category as shown in the following table:

Assignment Category
Employee Category Notice Period
Default 1 month
Blue Collar 2 months
White Collar 3 months

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

1. Create an entitlement item called Notice Period and associate it with the Notice Period field.

2. Create two eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Employee Category. In one select the employee category of Blue Collar and in the other select the employee category of White Collar.

3. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Notice Period entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window and define the values for each of the eligibility profiles. Against White Collar, enter 3, and against Blue Collar, enter 2. Use the Default profile name to define the notice period of one month for all other employees.

Pay Scales Example

Imagine your enterprise uses the salary scale shown in the following table where employees' salary is based on their job and grade:

Pay Scales
Job Grade Point Salary
Manager M1 1.1 40000
Manager M1 1.2 45000
Manager M1 1.3 47500
Manager M2 2.1 50000
Manager M2 2.2 55000
Executive E1 3.1 65000
Executive E1 3.2 75000

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

1. Define jobs called Manager and Executive.

2. Define the grades M1, M2 and E2

3. Define a pay scale with points 1.1 through to 3.2.

4. Define a scale rate to associate the correct salary value with each point for the pay scale.

5. Define a grade scale to associate each grade to the correct points.

6. Create an entitlement item called Pay Scale and associate it with the Spinal Point field.

7. Create two eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Job. In one select the job of Manager and in the other select the job of Executive.

8. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Pay Scale entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the Pay Scales tab. For the first row you would select the Manager eligibility profile, the grade M1, and the step 1.1.

Payroll Example

Imagine your enterprise uses the hourly rates shown in the following table where employees' rates are based on their grade:

Grade Standard Hourly Rate Overtime Hourly Rate
A1 7.50 9.00
A2 8.20 9.90
A3 9.60 11.00

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

1. Define the grades A1 through to A3

2. Ensure the input values, element links and element entries have been defined for the Basic Salary Rate and Overtime elements.

3. Create two entitlement items, one called Standard Hourly Rate associated with the Basic Salary Rate element, and another called Overtime Hourly Rate associated with the Overtime element.

4. Create three eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Grade. Select A1 in the first, A2 in the second, and A3 in the third.

5. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Standard Hourly Rate entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the values tabbed region. For the first row you would select the A1 Grade eligibility profile and enter the value of 7.50.

6. Select the Overtime Hourly Rate entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the values tabbed region. For the first row you would select the A1 Grade eligibility profile and enter the value of 9.00.

Setting Up a Collective Agreement

Follow these steps to enter a collective agreement, set up the eligibility criteria for the agreement, and to apply the values defined in the agreement to the eligible employees.

Note: Not all legislations utilise all the collective agreements functionality.

To set up a collective agreement

  1. Define the entitlement items for your agreement.

    See: Defining an Entitlement Item for a Collective Agreement

  2. Define the eligibility profiles to be used with your collective agreement.

    See: Defining an Eligibility Profile

  3. Create organizations to represent the two parties who have negotiated the agreement if required. Use the Employer and Bargaining Association organization classifications.

    See: Entering Organization Classifications

  4. Create the collective agreement.

    See: Entering a Collective Agreement

  5. Define the entitlements for your collective agreement.

    See: Defining Collective Agreement Entitlements

  6. Assign the collective agreement to all employees who are covered by its terms.

    See: Entering an Assignment, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

  7. Select and apply the entitlement values to be applied to an employee.

    See: Selecting and Applying Collective Agreement Entitlement Values

  8. Define a FastFormula of type Person Selection to use in the Person Selection Rule parameter of the Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation process. You can create formulas to run the process for persons who match the criteria of your rule and to improve the performance of the process.

    For more information about defining formulas, see:

    Writing or Editing a Formula, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide

    Total Compensation Formula Types, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide

Defining an Entitlement Item for a Collective Agreement

You create entitlement items using the Entitlement Item Definition window.

To define an entitlement item to generate values to be written to an employee's record:

  1. Enter a name for your entitlement item. This must be unique within the category.

  2. Select the category for your entitlement item. The category you select here determines the values you see in the Field Name field. For example, if you select a category of Assignment, you will only be able to select field names that relate to assignments.

    If you select the Payroll category, then you can select an element name, rather than a field, to associate with the entitlement item.

    Note: The category of Absence does not have any field names associated with it in the current release so therefore does not have any effect on current absence processing.

  3. If you have selected the Payroll category, then you must select the element to which the entitlement item is associated. For example, if this item is to generate values for a person's salary you should select the Regular Salary element.

    If the element has been defined to allow multiple entries, then you must indicate whether the value calculated using this item should be applied to all entries within the pay period or not. If you do not select this check box and there are multiple entries for the element then the collective agreement apply process will error.

    If there are no element entries for an assignment to which the entitlement item applies, then select the Automatically Create Entries check box. This enables the Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation process to create the required element entries while processing and applying collective agreement entitlement results.

    Note: You must select the Automatically Create Entries check box while defining new entitlement items as you cannot update this information for existing entitlement items.

    You must also select an input value for the element. Once an element and input value combination has been associated with an entitlement item, it cannot be used again.

  4. If you have selected any other entitlement category then you must select a field name and, if the field you select requires it, a unit of measure. This defines which field in the application will be populated with the value generated by this entitlement item. You can only associate each field with one entitlement item.

    Defining a Beneficial Rule

  5. Select the rule that defines which value is most beneficial for this entitlement item. For example, if the item was Holiday Allowance, then the beneficial rule should be Highest. The application will use this rule when an entitlement item produces multiple valid values for an employee.

    If it is not possible for you to define a beneficial rule or the application cannot determine what is the most beneficial value then you are required to manually select a value if multiple values are returned.

  6. Select an item value set for your entitlement item, if required.

    For information on which entitlement items require item values sets see: Value Sets for Collective Agreements

  7. Select a beneficial value set if your entitlement item requires a value set to determine the most beneficial value.

    For information on setting up value sets for collective agreements see: Value Sets for Collective Agreements

  8. Save your work.

To define an entitlement item to generate values held in the collective agreement results for an employee:

  1. Enter a name for your entitlement item. This must be unique within the category.

  2. Select a beneficial rule and value set if required.

  3. Select a category and unit of measure for your entitlement item.

  4. Save your work.

Defining an Eligibility Profile

You use the Participation Eligibility Profiles window to define an eligibility profile with an effective start date of your choice. Before defining the profile, define any derived factors (such as length of service or compensation level), or your own eligibility criteria, that you plan to use as eligibility criteria.

If you want to create your own criteria to include in the eligibility profile, click User Defined Eligibility Criteria and create new criteria, see: Creating your own Eligibility Criteria., Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide To access these criteria, choose the Other tabbed region, and select User Defined Criteria from the list

You can use eligibility profiles to determine:

The information you can enter differs slightly depending on whether you have accessed this window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

Note: If you use the Total Compensation Setup Wizard to set up grade ladders, programs and plans, and Total Compensation Statements, you can create or update eligibility profiles while you are working in the Wizard.

To define an eligibility profile

  1. Enter the Name of the eligibility profile you are defining.

  2. Enter a Description of this eligibility profile.

  3. Select an Assignment Type to which this eligibility profile applies.

    For example, you can define an eligibility profile for employee assignments if this profile is only used for employees.

    Note: You can only select Employee Assignment Only for profiles to be used with collective agreements.

  4. Select the profile Status.

    Pending: This eligibility profile is currently proposed, but not active.

    Active: This eligibility profile is in use.

    Inactive: This eligibility profile is in use but cannot be associated with any new programs, plans, or options.

    Closed: This eligibility profile was once Active or Pending, but is no longer in use.

  5. Select whether this eligibility profile applies to benefits or collective agreements. If you are defining an eligibility profile for work schedules or grade step progression, then select benefits.

  6. Choose the tabbed region that contains a criteria element that you want to include in your eligibility profile. Choose from:

    • Personal

    • Employment

    • Derived Factors

    • Related Coverages (Not applicable to collective agreements)

    • Other

  7. Select a criteria element.

    For example, you could choose Person Type as one of several eligibility criteria of the Personal type.

    Note: When you define more than one value for a criterion, at least one of the values must be present in the person's record for them to be eligible. However, when you use multiple criteria in an eligibility profile (for example, a Work Location and an Organization), the person must meet at least one value for each criterion.

    If you use a FastFormula eligibility rule as part of your eligibility profile, the participant must meet the criteria of the rule and one value from any other criteria that you include in the eligibility profile. If you use more than one FastFormula rule, by default the participant must meet the criteria of all the rules. If you change the user profile option BEN:Eligible Profile Rule from AND to OR, the participant need only meet the criteria of one rule.

  8. Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order the system processes this criteria element relative to any other criteria in this eligibility profile.

    Note: You must assign a sequence number of a higher priority to all criteria that are used to exclude eligibility.

  9. Select one or more values for the criteria element you have selected.

  10. Check the Exclude field if a person becomes ineligible to participate in the compensation object, or to receive the collective agreement entitlement you associate with this eligibility profile if they meet this criterion.

    You typically check the Exclude field when it is easier or faster to define which persons are excluded from eligibility, as opposed to defining which person are eligible.

  11. If you are defining an eligibility profile for a grade ladder, and you want to rank your employees to determine the most eligible person to progress, enter an eligibility Score for this criteria.

    The application calculates the eligibility rank based on the total score for all criteria that the person satisfies.

  12. For grade ladders, you can also enter an eligibility Weight for a criteria.

    The application multiplies the weight by the criteria value. You can only use weights with criteria that contain numeric values. If you enter a score and a weight for a criteria, the application adds the person's score to the weight to arrive at the final number.

  13. Repeat steps 6 to 12 for each criteria element that you include in your eligibility profile.

  14. Choose the Display All tabbed region to view the criteria elements in this eligibility profile.

  15. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level

You can define a compensation level factor as part of an eligibility profile (to be used in determining benefits participation or collective agreement entitlements) or a variable rate profile. A compensation level factor can be based on either stated salary, balance type, or benefits balance type.

You define compensation level factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define a compensation level factor:

  1. Enter a Name for this compensation level factor.

  2. Select the Unit Of Measure for this compensation level factor.

  3. Select the Source of the compensation level factor.

    • Select the Defined Balance for this compensation level factor if you selected a source of balance type.

    • Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a source of benefits balance type.

    • Select the compensation periodicity in the Stated Comp Periodicity field if you selected a source of stated compensation.

    Note: If you have installed the Oracle Incentive Compensation patch 4409180 you can select either Oracle Incentive Compensation - Amount Earned or Oracle Incentive Compensation - Amount Paid as the source. If you select any of these sources, then the Incentive Compensation Information region displays, where you can enter the Start and End Dates, and select the Prorate if date range differs from OIC range check box

    In the Values block:

  4. Enter the Minimum amount under which the system does not calculate this compensation level factor.

    • Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum compensation amount under which the system excludes participants when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

  5. Enter the Maximum amount above which the system does not calculate this compensation level factor.

    • Check the No Maximum Compensation field if there is no maximum compensation amount above which the system excludes participants when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

  6. Select a Determination Code or Rule to define when the system determines a participant's compensation level.

  7. Choose a Rounding Code or Rounding Rule to specify the level to which the system rounds the results of this compensation level factor.

  8. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Percent of Full Time Employment

A percent full time factor derives an employee's percent of full time employment. The application uses this information to calculate activity rates, coverage amounts, or to determine participation eligibility for either benefits or collective agreement entitlements.

For example, you could define the 100% percent full-time factor to identify those employees who work 100% full-time (40 hours per week) and thus qualify for most benefits or entitlements.

You define percent full time factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define a percent full time factor:

  1. Enter a Name for this percent full time factor.

  2. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum percentage of full-time employment under which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter a Minimum Percent Value to define the minimum percentage of full-time employment to be used in this calculation.

  3. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum percent of full-time employment beyond which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter a Maximum Percent Value to define the maximum percent of full-time employment to be used in this calculation.

  4. Check the Use Primary Assignment Only field to specify that the application considers only an employee's primary assignment when determining percent of full time employment.

  5. Check the Use Sum of All Assignments field to specify that the application considers all active assignments when determining percent of full-time employment.

  6. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this calculation.

  7. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Hours Worked In Period

An hours worked in period factor derives the number of hours a given employee has worked over a given period of time. The application uses this information to determine participation eligibility for either benefits or collective agreement entitlements, activity rates, and coverage amounts.

You define hours worked in period factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define an hours worked in period factor:

  1. Enter a Name for this hours worked in period factor.

  2. Select the calculation source for this hours worked in period factor in the Source field.

    Balance Type: The application retrieves hours worked information from a balance.

    Benefits Balance Type: The application retrieves hours worked information from a benefits balance.

  3. Specify when the application calculates this hours worked in period factor in the Once or Continuing field.

    Once: The application only calculates this hours worked in period factor following a life event or for open enrollment.

    Continuing: The application calculates this hours worked in period factor each time you run the Participation batch process.

  4. Select the Defined Balance for this compensation level factor if you selected a calculation source of balance type.

  5. Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a calculation source of benefits balance type.

  6. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum number of hours worked in period under which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Minimum hours worked in period under which the application does not calculate this hours worked in period factor.

  7. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum hours worked in period above which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Maximum hours worked in period beyond which the application does not calculate this hours worked in period factor.

  8. Select an hours worked Determination Code or Rule that defines how to calculate the hours worked in period.

  9. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this hours worked in period factor.

  10. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Age

An age factor derives a person's age in order to determine participation eligibility for either benefits or collective agreement entitlements, activity rates, and coverage amounts.

For example, you could define the Retire 65 age factor to identify those employees who are at least 65 years of age and thus qualify for a maximum benefit under your corporation's retirement plan. For collective agreements you could define the Age Less Than 21 age factor to identify those employees who are less than 21 and thus should be placed on a particular grade.

You define age factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define an age factor:

  1. Enter a Name for this age factor.

  2. Select the UOM to specify the unit of measure for this age factor.

  3. Select an Age to Use code to indicate the kind of person, such as the participant or the participant's child, for whom you are defining a derived age factor.

    Note: Derived factors to be used with collective agreements can only use the employee's age.

  4. Select an Age Determination Code or Rule to specify the date the application uses to calculate age.

  5. Check the No Minimum Age field if there is no minimum age under which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Minimum age beyond which the application does not calculate this age factor.

  6. Check the No Maximum Age field if there is no maximum age beyond which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Maximum age beyond which the application does not calculate this age factor.

  7. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this age factor calculation.

  8. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Length of Service

A length of service factor derives the length of service for a given worker in order to determine participation eligibility for either benefits or collective agreement entitlements, activity rates, and coverage amounts.

You define length of service factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define a length of service factor:

  1. Enter a Name for this length of service factor.

  2. Select the unit of measure in the UOM field by which you are defining the length of service factor.

  3. Select a Determination Code or Rule that defines how the system calculates an employee's length of service.

  4. Check the No Minimum Applies field if there is no minimum length of service under which the system excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Minimum length of service under which the system does not calculate this length of service factor.

  5. Check the No Maximum Applies field if there is no maximum length of service above which the system excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

    • Or, enter the Maximum length of service beyond which the system does not calculate this length of service factor.

  6. Select a length of service Date to Use Code or Rule to specify the date from which the system calculates the employee's length of service.

    Hire Date: The system always uses the employee's hire date as the start date when calculating length of service.

    Adjusted Service Date: The system first uses the employee's adjusted service date if one exists. If there is no adjusted service date, the system uses the employee's hire date.

  7. Check the Use Override Service Date field to indicate that the system should override the person's service date when determining eligibility.

    Note: You enter the Override Service Date for a person in the Participation Overrides window.

  8. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the system rounds the results of this length of service factor.

  9. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Combination Age and Length of Service

A combination age and length of service factor associates two factors you have already defined: an age factor and a length of service factor.

You define combination age and length of service factors in the Derived Factors window. The values you can select in some of the fields depend on whether you have accessed the Derived Factors window from the Total Compensation or Collective Agreements area of the application.

To define a combination age and length of service factor:

  1. Enter a Name for the combination age and length of service factor you are defining.

  2. Select an Age Factor.

  3. Select a Length of Service Factor.

  4. Enter the Minimum value for the combination of age and length of service that qualifies a person as eligible for the benefit, collective agreement entitlement, or activity rate with which this factor is associated.

  5. Enter the Maximum value for the combination of age and length of service that qualifies a person as eligible for the benefit, collective agreement entitlement, or activity rate with which this factor is associated.

  6. Enter an Order Number to specify the order in which the application processes and displays combined age and length of service records.

  7. Save your work.

Entering a Collective Agreement

Use the Collective Agreements window to enter information about collective agreements used by your enterprise.

To enter a collective agreement:

  1. Enter the name of the collective agreement. This must be unique to allow a collective agreement to be referenced across your business group.

  2. Select a status for the collective agreement. Although you can still apply inactive collective agreements to employees, no values are calculated for it until you set it to Active.

  3. Enter the number of the collective agreement.

  4. Enter the start date of the collective agreement and enter its jurisdiction.

    Note: An end date should only be entered once the collective agreement is no longer applicable to your enterprise. After the end date the collective agreement can no longer be applied to an assignment.

  5. Select the employer and bargaining unit who have negotiated the collective agreement. These are defined using the employer classification and bargaining association classification in the Organization window. Enter the name of the signatory for each party.

  6. Enter the name of the authorizing body and the date on which the collective agreement was authorized.

  7. Save your changes.

What Next?

You can now define the entitlement values for the collective agreement using the entitlement items and eligibility profiles you have created. You do this in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

Defining Collective Agreement Entitlements

Use the Collective Agreement Entitlements window to define the values associated with all the entitlement items in your collective agreement. These are the values that employees covered by the terms of the collective agreement receive if they meet the criteria defined by the eligibility profile. Each value is held in an entitlement line.

Note: The Message Level, Range To, Range From, Non-Updateable, From Step, and To Step fields are to be used in future releases and are not currently active.

Example Entitlement Setups

The following give an example setup for each of the categories supported in Oracle HRMS.

Assignment Category Example

Imagine that the notice period for employees is based on their employee category as shown in the following table:

Employee Category Notice Period
Default 1 month
Blue Collar 2 months
White Collar 3 months

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

  1. Create an entitlement item called Notice Period and associate it with the Notice Period field.

  2. Create two eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Employee Category. In one select the employee category of Blue Collar and in the other select the employee category of White Collar.

  3. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Notice Period entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window and define the values for each of the eligibility profiles. Against White Collar, enter 3, and against Blue Collar, enter 2. Use the Default profile name to define the notice period of one month for all other employees.

Pay Scales Example

Imagine your enterprise uses the salary scale shown in the following table where employees' salary is based on their job and grade:

Job Grade Point Salary
Manager M1 1.1 40000
Manager M1 1.2 45000
Manager M1 1.3 47500
Manager M2 2.1 50000
Manager M2 2.2 55000
Executive E1 3.1 65000
Executive E1 3.2 75000

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

  1. Define jobs called Manager and Executive.

  2. Define the grades M1, M2 and E2.

  3. Define a pay scale with points 1.1 through to 3.2.

  4. Define a scale rate to associate the correct salary value with each point for the pay scale.

  5. Define a grade scale to associate each grade to the correct points.

  6. Create an entitlement item called Pay Scale and associate it with the Spinal Point field.

  7. Create two eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Job. In one select the job of Manager and in the other select the job of Executive.

  8. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Pay Scale entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the Pay Scales tab. For the first row you would select the Manager eligibility profile, the grade M1, and the step 1.1.

Payroll Example

Imagine your enterprise uses the hourly rates shown in the following table where employees' rates are based on their grade:

Grade Standard Hourly Rate Overtime Hourly Rate
A1 7.50 9.00
A2 8.20 9.90
A3 9.60 11.00

To represent these collective agreement terms in Oracle HRMS you must complete the following steps:

  1. Define the grades A1 through to A3.

  2. Ensure the input values, element links and element entries have been defined for the Basic Salary Rate and Overtime elements.

  3. Create two entitlement items, one called Standard Hourly Rate associated with the Basic Salary Rate element, and another called Overtime Hourly Rate associated with the Overtime element.

  4. Create three eligibility profiles based on the employment factor of Grade. Select A1 in the first, A2 in the second, and A3 in the third.

  5. Assuming you have already created your collective agreement, select the Standard Hourly Rate entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

    For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the values tabbed region. For the first row you would select the A1 Grade eligibility profile and enter the value of 7.50.

  6. Select the Overtime Hourly Rate entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlements window.

    For each of the rows in the table you define a row in the values tabbed region. For the first row you would select the A1 Grade eligibility profile and enter the value of 9.00.

To define entitlements for a collective agreement

  1. Select the category for the entitlement you are creating. Only entitlement items with this category can be selected in the Entitlement region.

    Note: If you are defining entitlements for a payroll item type, then check that the following definitions have been entered:

    • The element and its input values

    • The element links

    • The element entries for all eligible employees

  2. Select the entitlement item for which you want to create values. The remaining fields display the entries defined for the entitlement item in the Collective Agreement Entitlement Items window.

  3. If you want to use a formula to calculate the value for this entitlement, then choose the Formula radio button and select the formula. If you want to define criteria to calculate the value, then ensure the Criteria radio button is selected.

Defining Entitlement Lines

  1. Select the eligibility profile for which you want to define a value.

    Note: In addition to the eligibility profiles you have created there is a DEFAULT profile. If you set up a value using this profile, then it is applied to all employees on the collective agreement, unless they are eligible for a more beneficial value.

  2. Select whether this value is active. Inactive lines are ignored when calculating collective agreement values for an employee.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you are entering values for a pay scale, then select the grade, and the step to be applied to employees that satisfy the criteria for this line. The pay scale for the grade is displayed automatically. The grade is used in association with the eligibility profile to determine the eligibility for pay scale entitlement items. To be eligible to be placed on the specified step, an employee must satisfy both the eligibility profile and be on the selected grade.

      For example, if your eligibility profile is Age Less than 21, and you have selected grade SE01, then an employee must be less than 21 and be on grade SE01 to be placed on the step defined by this line.

    • Otherwise, enter the value to be applied to employees that satisfy this eligibility profile.

  4. Add further entitlement lines until you have created all the required values for this entitlement, then save your work.

Setting up Collective Agreement Grades

Collective agreement grades enable you to define how an employee is graded or ranked in a collective agreement. A collective agreement grade is defined by a combination of values that you enter using grade factors. A grade factor is a user-defined field that you set up as part of the grade structure in the Collective Agreement Grades (CAGR) key flexfield. The grades that you predefine for a collective agreement are known as reference grades. To set up collective agreement grades:

To setup collective agreement grades:

  1. Set up the Collective Agreement Grades key flexfield to define a grade structure and grade factors.

    See: User-Definable Key Flexfields , Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

    Note: If you are in Italy, do not set up this flexfield. You must use the predefined IT_CAGR flexfield structure.

  2. Enter a collective agreement

  3. Enter collective agreement grades. to link a grade structure to a collective agreement, and to define a set of reference grades.

    What Next?

    You can now define a collective agreement grade for an assignment using the Employment Terms tabbed region on the Assignment form.

    See: Entering Additional Assignment Details, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Entering Collective Agreement Grades

You enter collective agreement grades to link a collective agreement to a grade structure and to define a set of reference grades that can be used in that collective agreement.

You enter this information using the Agreement Grades window.

To enter a collective agreement grade:

  1. Query the collective agreement and select the grade structure. The reference grades entered will be recorded against the combination of collective agreement and grade structure selected.

  2. Check the Override Allowed check box if you want to enable users to enter any combination of values for the selected grade structure in the Assignment window. If you leave the check box unchecked users will be forced to select a predefined reference grade.

  3. Insert a sequence number and click the Name field. Enter values for the grade factors that are displayed. Each combination of values represents a reference grade.

  4. Enter as many reference grades as required.

  5. Save your changes.

    You can now use the Assignment window to define the assignment's collective agreement grade.

    See: Entering Additional Assignment Details, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Collective Agreement Administration

Collective Agreement Administration

After you set up the collective agreements in your enterprise, you need to evaluate and apply it for your required employees. Oracle HRMS provides you the evaluate and apply processes to enable your employees to receive the entitlements specified in the collective agreement.

To evaluate and apply, you must:

If you set the HR:Auto Evaluate Entitlements profile to Yes, then the application calculates the values that an employee is entitled to as soon as the collective agreement is saved to their assignment. If you set it to No, then you must run the evaluation process manually from the Collective Agreement Results window.

Note: If you set the HR:Auto Evaluate Entitlements profile to No, then the apply process will not run automatically, even if you set the HR:Auto Apply Entitlements to Yes.

If you set the HR:Auto Apply Entitlements to Yes, then the application applies the values calculated for a person during the evaluation process automatically to the employee's record. For any entitlements where the employee is entitled to more than one value but the application cannot determine which is most beneficial to the employee, you have to make a choice manually. If you set it to No, then you have to select and apply all values manually in the Collective Agreement Results window.

There is also a concurrent process called Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation that you can run from the Submit Request window to evaluate and apply an employee's entitlement values.

Administering Retained Rights

Oracle HRMS enables an employee to continue to receive a specific entitlement item after an event makes the employee ineligible for the entitlement item. For example, if by changing the role an employee plays in your enterprise, the employee becomes ineligible for an education allowance, you can define it as a retained right if you still want them to receive it. The employee will continue to receive the allowance for the period you define in this window.

Selecting and Applying Collective Agreement Entitlement Values

How you use the Collective Agreement Results window depends on the settings of the profile options associated with collective agreements:

The following procedures describe the behavior of the application following the selection of a collective agreement for the first time.

To select and apply entitlement values for setups A and B:

  1. If your setup corresponds to Setup A, then in the Collective Agreement Results window, choose the Refresh Entitlements button. The Collective Agreement Evaluation process is run and the results are displayed.

    If your setup corresponds to Setup B, then this evaluation will have been done automatically once you saved the collective agreement against the employee.

  2. Choose the View Log button to look at the log file and ensure that the evaluation process has run correctly.

  3. Use the category field to limit the entitlement items displayed in the Name fields by category if required. The results for the selected item are shown in the Entitlement Results region.

  4. Choose which value to apply to the employee for each item by checking the Chosen check box. You must still check the Chosen check box even if only one value is displayed.

    Where no values are displayed for an item then the employee is not eligible for that item.

    Where the application has been able to calculate which of the values for an item is most beneficial to the employee, the Suggested check box is checked to show this. You must still check the Chosen check box for these values in order for them to be applied to the employee.

    Any values that are included because they are retained rights are shown by a check in the Retained check box.

  5. Save your work once you have chosen the value you want to apply to the employee for a particular item.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until you have chosen values for all the entitlement items for which the employee is eligible.

  7. Choose the Apply button to apply the values to the employee's record.

  8. Choose the View Log button to look at the log and ensure that the values have been applied successfully. Any errors or warnings are shown in the Apply Process Log section.

    Note: Every time you run the Apply process, a new Apply Process Log section is added to the end of the log, so ensure you are looking at the correct section.

  9. Close the Collective Agreement Results window and requery the assignment in the Assignment window. The values applied from the collective agreement are displayed.

To select and apply entitlement values for setup C:

  1. Choose the View Log button in the Collective Agreement Results window to look at the log file and ensure that the evaluation and apply processes have been run correctly.

  2. Do one of the following to identify for which of the entitlement items the application has not been able to determine the most beneficial value for the employee:

    • Look through the log and check that the entry for each entitlement item that satisfies more than one eligibility profile contains the line Beneficial value is: You will have to choose a value manually for each of those that do not.

    • Navigate through the entitlement items in the Name fields. You will need to choose a value manually for each entitlement item that does not have the Suggested check box checked for one of its values.

  3. Choose which value to apply to the employee for each item that has not been processed automatically by checking the Chosen check box. You must still check the Chosen check box even if only one value is displayed.

    Note: If you want to override any of the values the application has applied, then you can still check the Chosen check box for items that have a suggested value.

  4. Once you have chosen all the required values, then choose the Apply button to apply the values to the employee's record.

  5. Choose the View Log button to look at the log and ensure that the values have been applied successfully. Any errors or warnings are shown in the Apply Process Log section.

    Note: Every time you run the Apply process, a new Apply Process Log section is added to the end of the log, so ensure you are looking at the correct section.

  6. Close the Collective Agreement Results window and requery the assignment in the Assignment window. The values applied from the collective agreement are displayed.

What Next?

If you make any changes to a person's employment record that may impact their entitlements, or you make changes to a collective agreement that may impact the entitlements of the employees covered by its terms, you must do one of the following:

Defining Retained Rights

Use the Collective Agreement Retained Rights window to define rights that an employee can still receive, even if they are no longer eligible for them. For example, if by transferring from a location an employee becomes ineligible for a location allowance, you can define it as a retained right if you still want them to receive it. The employee will continue to receive the allowance for the period you define in this window.

To define a retained right

  1. Use the Category and Name fields to select the entitlement item that you want to retain for the employee.

  2. Check the Retained check box for the value you want to retain.

  3. Check the Freeze check box if you want to freeze the value of the entitlement. This means that even if the value of the entitlement item changes in the future due to a change in the collective agreement, the employee will still receive the value as it is now.

    For example, if an employee receives a retained location allowance of $2000 that is frozen, even if the terms of the collective agreement increase the location allowance to $3000, then employee still receives $2000.

  4. Enter the date from which the entitlement item is retained, and if required, enter the date when the item is no longer retained.

  5. Save your work.

Running the Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation Process

The Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation process enables you to evaluate and apply collective agreement entitlements for an employee using the Submit Request window.


To run the Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation process:

  1. Select the Collective Agreement Entitlement Evaluation process in the name field.

  2. Click in the Parameters field to display the Parameters window, if it does not automatically open.

  3. Select the date on which you want to run the process. This defaults to the system date.

  4. Select the process mode. The options are:

    • Evaluate Only: Only the evaluation of possible results is performed.

    • Evaluate and Apply: Evaluate the possible results and apply them to the employee's record.

    • Apply Only: Apply the results already generated by the previous evaluation.

  5. Select the processing level. The options are:

    • Single Assignment: Run the process for a single person.

    • Single Collective Agreement: Run the process for all people on a single collective agreement.

    • Single Entitlement: Run the process for a single entitlement item across all collective agreements.

    • Single Entitlement for Single Assignment: Run the process for a particular entitlement for a single person. You can use this option for employees with multiple entitlements. If there is change to the eligibility of a specific entitlement for which an evaluation is required, then select this option.

  6. Select the validation mode. The options are:

    • No Commit - Database Not Updated: The selected process runs and produces a log file indicating any errors that have occurred but does not save any information on the database. This enables you to run the Apply process without actually applying the results to your employee's record. This means you can correct any problems that may occur prior to amending any values.

    • Commit - Database Updated: The selected process runs and saves the information on the database.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • If you have selected a processing level of Single Assignment, then select the person for whom you want to run the process.

    • If you have selected a processing level of Single Collective Agreement, then select the agreement for which you want to run the process.

    • If you have selected a processing level of Single Entitlement, then select the entitlement item for which you want to run the process.

    • If you have selected a process level of Single Entitlement for Single Assignment, then select the person and the entitlement item for which you want to run the process.

    Any changes that are made as a result of this process are made to the person's primary assignment.

  8. Use the Person Section Rule parameter if your enterprise has a large volume of collective agreement entitlements data to evaluate. By selecting a person selection rule, you can limit the persons evaluated by the process.

  9. Choose OK to return to the Submit Request window and choose Submit to run the report. You can view the log file generated from the Requests window. Use this file to identify any problems that have occurred during the running of the process.

Occupational Health

Occupational Health: Medical Assessments, Disabilities and Work Incidents

Oracle HRMS enables you to record medical assessments, disability information, and work incidents for the people in your enterprise. It also enables you to link this information together. For example, if a medical assessment is required as the result of a work accident, and that assessment then diagnoses a disability in the person, you could relate these records to one another.

Note: The Medical assessments, disabilities and work incidents functionality may not be used by your localization.

Medical Assessments

The Medical Assessment window enables you to enter information about the medical assessments (consultations) provided to the people in your enterprise. For example, you can record:

A person can have multiple medical assessment records. For example, a person may have a recruitment medical and several annual medicals.


Using the datetracked Disabilities window, you can enter information about a person's disabilities. For example, you can record:

A person can have multiple disability records. Each disability can be linked to one work incident and to one medical assessment that diagnosed (or identified) the condition. Once a disability has been diagnosed and recorded, you can link it to multiple assessments that evaluate the disability.

Work Incidents

Oracle HRMS enables you to record work incidents, for example, accidents, that involve the people in your enterprise. Work incidents are incidents that occur:

Using the Work Incidents window, you can record:

A person can have multiple work incident records.

The graphic illustrates the relationship between the medical assessment, disability and work incident tasks. It shows the full process that you could follow if you wanted to record:

The "Start" boxes show the points at which you can start the process, depending on the task you need to perform.

Recording a Disability

the picture is described in the document text

Entering Work Incident Information

You use the Work Incidents window to enter information about the work incident in which a person was involved.

To enter work incident information

  1. Enter information about the incident:

    • Enter a unique reference number for this incident.

    • Enter the date on which the incident occurred.

    • If the incident occurred over time, enter the date on which the incident was identified or reported.

    • Select the type of incident that occurred.

    • Enter the time at which the incident occurred, if known.

    • Check the check box if the incident occurred over a period of time. For example, check this box if the incident was a gas leak.

    • Select the circumstances of the incident in the Activity field. For example, you can specify if the incident occurred en route to work.

      For Russian users only: Activity is not required in Russia, so this field is not available to Russian users. Select the primary and secondary reasons for the incident. For example, you can select violation of industrial discipline as the primary reason and extreme temperatures as the secondary reason.

    • Enter the date on which the incident was reported.

    • Enter the reference number for a related work incident. The list is limited to incidents that involved this person and that occurred on or before the date of this incident.

Incident Description

  1. Choose the Incident Description tab.

  2. Enter more detail about the incident:

    • Select the main cause of the incident in the Hazard field.

    • Enter the location of this incident, for example, if the incident occurred in the workplace, identify the room and building.

    • Enter a further description of the incident, if required.

Incident Reporting

  1. Choose the Incident Reporting tab.

  2. Enter the reporting details:

    • Select the name of the person who reported this incident. You can only select a person who is on the system and who is in the same Business Group.

    • Select the method used to report this incident, for example, a voicemail.

    • Enter the date and time when the incident was reported. This cannot be earlier than the date and time recorded for the incident.

    Note: You must select the name of the person who reported this incident before you can enter the date and time.

    • Enter the organization to whom the incident was reported, for example, the local fire station or police.

    • Enter contact details for anyone who witnessed the incident.

    Note: For Russian users:The Incident Reporting tab is not applicable.

Official Notifications

  1. Choose the Official Notifications tab.

  2. Enter the official notification details:

    • Select the name of your organization's health and safety representative and enter the date on which they were notified of the incident

    • Describe any remedial action that was taken (or is planned) as a result of this incident.

    • Select the organization and person that are the representative body for this person and enter the date on which they were notified of the incident

    Note: You must select the representative body organization before you can enter the person and reporting date.

    See: Entering Representative Body Information

Medical Details

  1. Choose the Medical Details tab.

  2. Enter any medical details:

    • Select the type of injury and/or disease caused by the incident.

    • Enter any further description of the injury or disease.

    • Check the box if the person received medical attention as a result of this incident. Then enter the name of the physician and/or the contact details for the hospital that was consulted or that provided treatment.

    Note: If treatment was provided by an internal organization or person, for example, an occupational health organization or a first-aid officer, enter the details into the Hospital Details field.

    Note: For Russian users:The Medical Details tab is not applicable.

Other Information

  1. Choose the Other tab.

  2. Enter other information about this incident:

    • If compensation was awarded for this incident, enter the amount. Then select the currency for the compensation amount. The Business Group's currency is shown as the default.

    Note: If you enter a compensation amount, the Currency field cannot be left blank.

    • Enter the date on which the compensation was given.

    • Enter the job the person was doing at the time of the incident. The list is limited to jobs with effective start dates before the incident and effective end dates, if any, after the incident.

    • Enter the time the worker began work on the day of the incident.

    See:Defining a Job

    Note: If the person was involved in this incident prior to joining your enterprise, leave the Job field blank.

    • Check the Resulted in Absence? check box if the person was absent from work as a result of this incident.

  3. Enter further information about this work incident in the Further Information field if it has been set up by your Oracle localization team.

    For Russian users only, see: Entering Work Incident Information

    For Mexican users only: Select the type of risk from the available list-of-values.

  4. Save your changes.

What Next?

If a medical assessment is required as a result of this incident, you can choose the Medical Assessment button to open the Medical Assessment window and to enter the details of the assessment. If you enter a medical assessment in this way, its type is Occupational Assessment and it is automatically linked to this incident.

Entering Medical Assessments

Use the Medical Assessments window to record information about the medical examinations performed for the people in your enterprise.

To enter a medical assessment:

  1. Enter the date on which the medical assessment was held.

  2. Select the type of assessment, for example, Annual Medical Assessment.

    • If you opened the Medical Assessment window via the Disability window, the assessment type is Disability and cannot be changed.

    • If you opened the Medical Assessment window via the Work Incidents window, the assessment type is Occupational Assessment and cannot be changed.

  3. Select the result of the assessment.

    Note: If the assessment type is Disability Assessment, you can only select Unfit for Work or Fit for Work. You cannot select a Disability result for a Disability Assessment.

  4. Select the name of the examiner and the name of the organization that performed the assessment.

    If the organization is not listed, create the organization and select the Medical Service Provider classification.

    See: Entering Organizations and Entering Organization Classifications.

  5. Enter the date on which the next assessment is planned.

  6. Select the work incident to which this assessment is related, if any. After you choose an incident, the date on which it occurred is automatically displayed.

    You can only link an assessment to an incident if the assessment type is Occupational Assessment.

    Note: If you have saved the assessment date, the list of incidents is limited to those that occurred before the assessment date. Otherwise, all incidents for that person are listed.

    To enter a work incident for this person, see Entering Work Incidents.

  7. Enter a description of the assessment.

  8. Enter further details in the Further Information field if it has been set up by your Oracle localization team.

  9. Save your work.

What Next?

If, as a result of this assessment, a disability was identified, you can enter the details of that disability and link it to this assessment.

See: Entering Disability Information

Note: Once a medical assessment is referenced in a disability record, you cannot change its result from Disability.

Entering Disability Information

HRMS enables you to enter detailed disability information for the people in your enterprise.

You use the Disability window to enter this information.

Note: If you want to record that a person is registered as disabled, but you do not need to hold information about that disability, you can just check the Registered Disabled check box on the Personal tab in the Person window.

See: Entering a New Person (People Window), Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

To enter disability information

  1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical disability information that you want to enter.

    Note: If you want to associate this disability record with an existing medical assessment or work incident, your current effective date must be later than the assessment and incident dates. Ask your system administrator to enable the Work Incidents and Medical Assessments windows if they are not available.

  2. Select the category of disability, for example, Severely Disabled.

  3. Enter into the FTE field the full-time equivalent that this person represents towards your enterprise's quota of disabled employees. If no quota scheme exists, then leave the default value as 1.00.

    Note: You can enter a number that is greater than 1.00, depending on the level of disability.

    The actual figure will normally be provided by the official disability organization.

  4. Select the status of this disability information.

    • Active: This information will be included in reports. You cannot enter an Active status if the record has an end date.

    • Inactive: This information will not be included in reports.

    • Pending: This information is not yet complete because you entered it before you entered the medical assessment confirming this disability (where the consultation result was Disability.)

    • Closed: This information has an end date because the person no longer has this disability.

    For Russian users only: Disability status is not applicable in Russia, so the Status field is not available to Russian users. Instead, select the type of disability. You can find this information in the disability certificate provided by the Office of Medical Examination. The application uses this information to calculate any tax benefits and deductions for the employee.

  5. Select the reason for the disability, for example, Occupational Incident. If the disability was diagnosed as the result of a medical assessment, select Occupational Assessment.

  6. Enter the percentage of disability as determined by the official assessment of this disability.

    For Hungarian and Spanish users only: The degree of disability depends on the category of disability. For example, if the person's disability category states that the disability decreases the work capacity by 50%, enter 50 as the percentage.

  7. Select the incident that is related to, or caused, this disability. The list of incidents is limited to incidents that occurred before the current effective date of this disability. When you select an incident, its date is displayed automatically.

  8. Select the medical assessment that recorded this disability.

    The list of assessments is limited to assessments that:

    • have a result of Disability

    • have a consultation date that is earlier than the current effective date of the disability

    • are not already linked to a disability record for this person

    • were linked to any incident that you selected in the previous step

    To link an incident to an assessment, see: Entering Medical Assessments

    This field is not datetracked.

Entering Disability Registration Information

  1. Choose the Registration tabbed region to enter the disability registration details.

  2. Enter into the ID field the registration number assigned by the disability organization.

  3. Select the name of the official disability organization with whom the person's disability is registered.

    You create disability organizations in the Organization window, selecting the Disability Organization classification.

    See: Creating an Organization

  4. Enter the date on which the employee was registered as disabled with the disability organization and the date on which this registration expires.

    Japanese users only: Select the confirmation method by which the disability was confirmed (by the employer).

Entering Additional Disability Information

  1. Choose the Other tabbed region to enter additional details about this disability.

  2. Enter a description of the disability.

    For Russian users only: Disability description is not applicable in Russia. Instead, enter the job conditions under which the disabled employee can work. You can find this information in the disability certificate provided by the Office of Medical Examination. You can use this information to identify suitable assignments for the disabled employee.

  3. Enter information about the work restrictions that the employee is subject to as a result of their disability.

  4. Enter further information about this disability if the Further Information field has been set up by your Oracle localization team.

    For Hungarian users only: Record if the employee is blind. The application uses this information to calculate any additional holiday or tax benefit for the employee.

    For Indian users only: Indicate if the employee has provided proof of disability, for claiming disability benefits.

    For Korea users only: Specify the following:

    • Disability grade

    • Effective date of the disability

    • If a certificate of disability is available or not.

    • Disabled type

    You require this information when the employee is eligible for disable exemption.

    For Mexican users only: Specify the following:

    • Disability ID of any related disabilities

      The list-of-values displays all previous disabilities for your employee.

    • Number of disability days subsidized by the social security agencies

    • Type of disability

      Valid values are:

      • General Disease

      • Maternity

      • Risk Incident

    • Result of the disability

      The Consequence field provides the following options:

      • None

      • Temporary Disability

      • Provisional Initial Assessment

      • Definitive Initial Assessment

      • Death

      • Relapse

      • Assessment after start date

      • Provisional re-assessment

      • Relapse without medical discharge

      • Definitive re-assessment

    • Disability control

    For Spanish users only: Record if the employee or dependent contact has a condition with reduced mobility. This information affects the employee's tax withholding rate.

    For UAE users only: Indicate if the employee's disability will impact their social insurance contribution. Only one disability can be considered for calculating the social insurance contribution.

    For Japanese users only: Specify the following:

    You require the following information to submit the disability reports to the authorities for statutory purposes.

    • Degree/Grade - select the degree if the employee is intellectually disabled and the grade if physically disabled.

    • Confirmation Method - select the confirmation method by which the disability was confirmed by the employer.

    • Severely Disabled - select Yes if the employee has severe physical disability or severe intellectual disability and must be counted as 2 disabled persons for reporting purposes.

    • Part-time Worker - select Yes if the employee is a part-timer for reporting purposes.

    The following information is required for the worker insurance report if the employee is disabled or injured as a result of work accident.

    • Wa Insurance Disability Grade - select the grade for work insurance purposes.

    • Insurance Injury and Sickness - select the values for the work insurance purposes.

  5. Save your work.

What Next?

To set up an assessment to evaluate this disability, choose the Medical Asse. (Assessment) button.

See: Entering a Medical Assessment for more information.

Maintaining Disability Information

You can make changes to the disability information that you saved previously, but if your disability record includes either incident or medical assessment information, you cannot change or delete this information once you have saved it.