Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks

This chapter covers the following topics:

Database and System Administration Tasks

You must complete all of the tasks in this section to finish the upgrade. All tasks must be completed during system downtime on the Release 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

  1. Verify completion of concurrent programs (Required)

    The upgrade process creates numerous concurrent program requests. Once you bring up the application tier, these programs run automatically to complete tasks such as data cleanup and upgrades to historical data, among others.

    Note: Before you continue, ensure that all concurrent programs generated by the upgrade have run successfully. Refer to Managing Concurrent Processes of this guide for a sample list of concurrent programs.

  2. Drop obsoleted product schema (optional)

    Note: This step should be executed only after completing the Verify completion of concurrent programs post-upgrade task.

    1. Ensure no objects exist in the product schema to be obsoleted. If objects exist in the schema, then they should be removed before dropping the schema.

    2. After determining the schema is empty and no customizations or dependencies exist, the schema can be dropped using addropschema.sql.

      Usage: sqlplus apps @<AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/addropschema.sql <EBS_SYSTEM password if on AD-TXK Delta 13 or later or SYSTEM password if on an earlier AD-TXK RUP> <APPLSYS_Schema> <Obsoleted_Product_Schema_Name>

      Example: sqlplus apps/apps @<AD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/addropschema.sql manager applsys bsc

      Note: Enter the apps password when prompted.

    3. Obsolete Product Schemas that can be considered for dropping include:


      • The following schemas must be retained to support technical dependencies from other products:


        Note: Some schemas may be active for other licensed products although these products are listed as obsolete in Planning for an Upgrade. In these cases, the functionality is removed.

  3. Drop dangling synonyms (optional)

    After dropping obsoleted product schema, you must run the following script to drop dangling synonyms:

    $ sqlplus APPS/****@DB @<AD_TOP>/sql/adzd_drop_synonyms.sql
  4. Reset ORACLE schema passwords (recommended)

    During the upgrade, Rapid Install preserves the passwords that you previously set for existing products. However, as it creates a schema for each new product installed, if you did not enter a password in the Rapid Install wizard, then it sets up a default password derived from the product abbreviation (short name). To maintain product security, reset these default passwords now.

    Conditional Action: Perform the steps to change the passwords as described in the Oracle E-Business Suite Password Management section in the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

  5. Change the WLS Admin default password (recommended)

    For security purposes, you should now change the default password for the WLS Admin account as follows:

    1. Run the following command to stop all application tier services except the Node Manager and the Admin Server:

      $ EBSAPPS.env run
      $ $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ –skipNM -skipAdmin
    2. Run the following command to change the WLS Admin password:

       $ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/

      Note: You will be prompted for the password information.

      For Windows Users:

      Run the following commands on Windows platforms:

      C:\> <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>\adadminsrvctl.cmd stop
      C:\> <ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME>\adnodemgrctl.cmd stop

      Start the Node Manager by running the following commands on Windows:

      C:\> cd %INST_TOP%\admin\install
      C:\> adsvNodeManager.cmd

      Exit the command prompt after executing 'adsvNodeManager.cmd' and start services from a new command prompt.

    3. Restart all services with the following command:


    Additional Information: For additional information refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide Release 12.2 (Part No. E22953).

  6. Apply recommended patches (recommended)

    Use Patch Wizard to generate a list of recommended patches for your environment and apply the list of recommended patches to your environment.

    Suggested Reading: Additional information regarding the use of Patch Wizard is available in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 11i and 12.x: Required Updates for Patch Wizard (Doc ID: 1267768.1)

  7. Apply recommended security patches (recommended)

    1. Oracle highly recommends that you apply the latest critical patch update to your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

      Required Action: Go to the Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin web page located at:

      From this page, go to the latest Critical Patch Update page and select the link to Oracle E-Business Suite. From this page, select the link to the Oracle E-Business Suite MOS Note for the current CPU. Review and apply the CPU patches according to the referenced MOS note.

    2. Oracle highly recommends that you enable TLS. You will enable TLS after you upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2. You must apply the prerequisite patch requirements to enable TLS.

      Required Action: Review the prerequisite patch requirements in Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1367293.1), Section 5.1 for TLS 1.2 with Backward Compatibility, and Section 6.1 for TLS 1.2 Only. Apply all required patches and prerequisites to enable TLS.

  8. Install online help (recommended)

    To install the American English online help, run the database portion of the online help patch (u10201000.drv). It is located in $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver directory. You must apply the American English online help patch driver ($AU_TOP/patch/115/driver/u10201000.drv) using AD Online Patching (adop) with phase=apply hotpatch=yes and options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply.

    $ adop phase=apply patchtop=$AU_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:u10201000.drv options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,forceapply hotpatch=yes
  9. Apply online help for Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack (recommended)

    Action: Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack Readme (applied in the Performing the Upgrade chapter) and apply the corresponding Oracle E-Business Suite Release Online Help patch.

  10. Apply mandatory interoperability patches (required for Oracle Database 19c)

    Note: This step is applicable if you have upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database 19c.

    The mandatory interoperability patches are listed in Database Preparation Guidelines for an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1349240.1). In the Upgrade Paths section, click Path D. In the Path D : Customers on 12.1.3 on 19c section, apply the mandatory interoperability patches listed in the step '7. Apply latest 12.2 Release Update Pack (RUP) and complete remaining Database related steps'.

  11. Apply latest product patches (Required)

    Determine the latest product-specific patches. Then, download the American English patches. You must apply the patches using AD Online Patching (adop).

    Additional Information: See Patch Wizard Main Page in Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Procedures Guide.

    If you have languages other than American English registered in your system, then follow instructions in the following step.

  12. Grant flexfield value set access to specific users (Required)

    If you have not already granted flexfield value set access in a previous version of Release 12.2, then you must perform this step.

    Release 12.2 includes a new security feature, flexfield value set security; it controls who can create or modify flexfield values in the Flexfield Values Setup window (FNDFFMSV). Flexfield value set security requires some mandatory setup steps before any user can create or update values in the Values window.

    Note: Follow the required steps in the Flexfield Value Set Security chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide, Release 12.2.

  13. Installing NLS upgrade patch driver and NLS Online Help (conditional)

    For additional NLS languages active in the system, once the American English upgrade and recommended Release Update Pack level have been applied, you can then upgrade your NLS software for existing languages by performing either one of the following steps:

    1. Using the Translation Synchronization Patch followed by applying the NLS Online Help patch if available.

    2. Installing the R12.2.0 NLS software available in Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, followed by installing NLS versions of all US patches applied to your system including recommended Release Update Pack. You must then apply the NLS Online Help patch if available.

    Conditional Action: All NLS patches, including the NLS Translation Synchronization patches and the NLS Online Help patches, must be called through AD Online Patching (adop). Follow instructions in the Post-Installation Tasks section of the Oracle E-Business Suite NLS Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1314621.1) for your release level. For additional information, refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Translation Synchronization Patches (Doc Id: 252422.1).

  14. Re-enable custom triggers, constraints, and indexes (conditional).

    During the upgrade, custom triggers or constraints may have been modified. If you disabled these triggers and constraints, then identify any data updates that must be made before you re-enable them.

    If you dropped any custom indexes, then review the new data model to determine if the index is necessary before you redefine it.

  15. Manually add custom redirects and resources to configuration files (conditional)

    The Allowed Redirects and Allowed Resources features are enabled by default after your upgrade. Consequently, if you use custom redirects and resources, such as JSPs and servlets, in your environment, then you must manually add these to your configuration files for allowed redirects and allowed resources, respectively.

    Additional Information: For more information, see 'Allowed Redirects' and 'Allowed Resources' in the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

  16. Update and verify custom responsibilities (conditional)

    Verify that all custom responsibilities use the correct menu. From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Security > Responsibilities. Query each custom responsibility and update as necessary.

  17. Migrate the CUSTOM library (conditional)

    Before you copy custom code in the CUSTOM library to the new directory structure, refer to the backup you previously created and verify that the customizations are valid for the new version of Oracle E-Business Suite.

    For valid customizations, place a copy of the new CUSTOM library (CUSTOM.pll) in a safe place. It is located in the $AU_TOP/resource directory (UNIX), or the %AU_TOP%\resource directory (Windows). Then, make a copy of the old Oracle Forms CUSTOM library and place it in the new directory. Upgrade to Oracle Forms Developer 10g by regenerating the library. Or, you can cut and paste the existing custom code into the new library, and then regenerate it.

    Note: See Using the CUSTOM Library in the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

  18. Copy and re-customize modified scripts or reports (conditional)

    Copy custom shell scripts or reports to the custom application directories and re-customize the copy as necessary.

    Note: See Customization Standards in Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

  19. Copy existing custom start scripts (conditional)

    If you have customized the concurrent manager startup script ($FND_TOP/bin/ on UNIX), then you must copy the customized script from the old environment to the new environment. You should then verify that your customizations are valid for the new environment.

    Warning: Oracle does not recommend customizing this script. If you perceive a need to change this script, then contact Oracle Support before making changes. For more information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

    Note: The default location in UNIX for the startmgr script is $FND_TOP/bin. For more information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

  20. Review user responsibility assignments (recommended)

    Although user/responsibility assignments are preserved during the upgrade, the effective permissions granted by the seeded responsibilities, menus, functions, and report security groups may have changed. Use the information on the Forms or Security reports in the System Administrator responsibility to confirm that permissions granted by responsibilities continue to meet the requirements of the job roles (without granting more privileges than are necessary).

    Note: See Organizing Programs into Request Groups in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for more information.

  21. Configure applications client software for forms applet (Required).

    Action: The connection between the client and the applications forms is provided through an applet in the client web browser. Instead of using the browser's own JVM, Oracle E-Business Suite uses the Sun Java (J2SE) native plug-in. Refer to download instructions in Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID: 393931.1).

  22. Re-configure physical and logical host names on the application tier post upgrade (conditional)

    If the Oracle E-Business Suite system has been upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 using the logical hostname for the application tier, then you must refer to Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.x Using Logical Host Names, (Doc ID: 1968231.1). Refer to section 5.4: Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Using Physical and Logical Host Names on the Application Tier, and section 5.4.2: Reconfiguring Physical and Logical Host Names on the Application Tier Post Upgrade, and complete the required steps.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway

Conditional Action: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway requires manual post-installation steps. If you want to use the Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway feature for Web service generation, deployment, and invocation, then perform the steps documented in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1311068.1).

Note: After the upgrade, the deployed WSDL URL information has already been changed. Therefore, you may have to replace it with the new WSDL URL and service location or address accordingly in Web service clients while invoking the deployed Oracle E-Business Suite service. To ensure the backward compatibility, the previous 12.1.X service endpoint (services deployed in Oracle E-Business Suite) will continue to work at run time after the upgrade. New service endpoint from Oracle SOA Suite server will be shown in the interface detail page and should be used for client programs.

Oracle XML Gateway

Conditional Action: Complete the installation and setup tasks described in Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1311068.1) for enabling Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway and generic XML Gateway services.

Note: After the upgrade, the deployed WSDL URL for a generic XML Gateway service will be changed. You may have to replace it with the new WSDL URL and service location or address accordingly in Web service clients while invoking the generic XML Gateway service. For more information about XML Gateway Web services, see the Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

Financials and Procurement Tasks

Complete the tasks in this section before you allow users to log on to Oracle Financials and Procurement products.

Oracle Purchasing

Conditional Action: Oracle Purchasing (available as part of Oracle Procurement) is integrated with Oracle Transportation Management. If you have licensed both Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle Purchasing and will use Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle Purchasing, then perform the post-update steps outlined in About Oracle Transportation Management Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2+ (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite 11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite 11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID: 1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to deploy these BPEL processes.

Oracle Environmental Accounting and Reporting

Conditional Action: If you have licensed Oracle Environmental Accounting and Reporting, then perform the steps outlined in Oracle Environmental Accounting and Reporting Installation Notes for Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse (Doc ID: 1669671.1) for enabling this application.

Advanced Collections

This task applies for customers using Advanced Collections with Strategies.

Post Migration Verification Steps

  1. From the Collections Administrator responsibility, confirm the Collections Business Level in the Setup Checklist.

  2. From the System Administrator responsibility, start the concurrent program Workflow Background Process for the following item types:

    • IEXSTRY - IEX: Collection Strategy Work Flow

    • IEXSTFFM - IEX: Strategy Fulfilment Mailer

    • IEXSTRCM - IEX: Strategy Custom Work Flow

  3. Run the script $IEX_TOP/patch/115/sql/iexumchk.sql to set the profile option Unit of Measure (UOM) to 'time'.

Customer Relationship Management Tasks

Oracle Price Protection

This task applies only to Oracle Price Protection customers. For complete installation, configuration and deployment steps, refer to the My Oracle Support knowledge document that is relevant to your Oracle SOA Suite version. See Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Document ID:1951625.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 11g R1 (Document ID: 1584883.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite 11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite 11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID: 1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to deploy these BPEL processes.

Human Resources Tasks

Complete the task in this section before you allow users to log on to Human Resources Management products.

Human Resources

  1. Apply latest HRMS Legislative Updates (Required)

    Action: To maintain required legislative compliance, you must apply all legislative data updates. The updates are maintained regularly to be in line with government and country-specific legal requirements. See the latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch (Doc ID: 1469456.1) for information and instructions on how to ensure that your system is up to date.

    Note: If you are using only Oracle HR Shared for use with another Oracle E-Business Suite product, then DO NOT apply this legislative data.


These tasks apply only to Oracle Payroll.

  1. Install or Update Vertex for Payroll (Required)

    Action: Oracle Payroll uses the Vertex Quantum Payroll Tax Series in the United States and Canada. The HRMS data in this release contains version 4.0 of this third-party product. If you run Oracle Payroll in the United States or Canada, then refer to advanced configuration steps allowed by Payroll, and installing or updating the Vertex software in Installing Quantum for Oracle Payroll (Doc ID: 224273.1).

  2. Compile Japanese flexfields after generating messages (Required)

    Several of the Japanese Flexfields have value sets with translated prompts for some of the Quickpick columns. These values must be seeded in the NLS language for the flexfield to compile cleanly. The seeding occurs when the messages are compiled. You may see some Japanese flexfields that appear as invalid. Resolve this issue by using AD Administration first to generate messages, and then to re-generate flexfields that failed to cleanly compile.

Projects Tasks

Conditional Action: Compile all Fast Formulas via FFXBCP (Refer Doc ID: 167689.1). This step applies to all customers who are upgrading to Release 12.2 and want to use the HR Rate by Criteria for labor rates, to be used in forecast or labor cost distribution in the Projects application.

Oracle Fusion Project Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Projects Coexistence

You can use Oracle Fusion Project Management to manage your projects and resources. After you are ready to start performing financial management activities such as collecting costs and billing, you can import the project into Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Projects, and generate the project budget.

Use Oracle Fusion Project Management for collaboration, scheduling, resource management, and progress tracking. As resources report actual hours in Oracle EBS Projects, export the resource to Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management and track the resource utilization.

You must complete the following post-install steps to enable the coexistence:

  1. Get the SSL certificate.

  2. Import the SSL certificate to the EBS instance.

  3. Set the Username token authentication credentials for the service.

  4. Add the service invocation subscription to invoke the service.

  5. Add a subscription to the events.

Applying Patches

Download and apply patch 24610809:R12.PJT.C from My Oracle Support.

Obtain the SSL certificate

Complete the following steps to export the SSL certificate from your browser. The following steps describe the process using Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Click the site identity button located in the address bar of your browser.

  2. Click the More Information button.

  3. Select Security.

  4. Click View Certificate.

  5. Review the certificate details on the General tab. Verify that the imported SSL certificate is valid.

  6. Select the Details tab.

  7. Click Export…

  8. Export the certificate to your directory.

  9. Save the certificate using the host name of the web service provider. For example, if the host name is *, then save the certificate as: *

Importing the SSL Certificate to the EBS Instance

Perform the following steps to transfer the exported certificate to the EBS instance:

  1. Use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to export the server name to the EBS instance. For example, sftp <servername>

  2. Enter your username and password when prompted.

  3. Use the put command to enter the certificate into the instance. For example, put *

  4. Log in to the EBS instance using telnet command.

  5. Select a directory in which to save the certificate file.

  6. Import the certificate to the EBS keystore. Ensure that you are in the same directory where you saved the certificate.

    • Use the keytool command to complete the task. For example, if your certificate name is *, then the command will be:

      keytool -import -alias FusionCert -file * -keystore $AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts.

  7. Enter the keystore password when the system requests it.

  8. Restart the EBS server after importing the certificate.

  9. To update the certificate to an updated release, delete the previously imported certificate. Use the following command:

    keytool -delete -alias <mydomain> -keystore $AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security/cacerts.

Setting the Username Token Authentication Credentials for the Service

Use the following information to set the user name token credentials:

  1. sqlplus apps/apps@db @$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql <Module> <Key> <Value> to store your key, module, and password.

    Note: The password is stored in the fnd vault and remains secured from the end user when creating subscriptions. Users provide the module and the key and must remember it for later use.

  2. Enter unique Key and Module pairs to identify passwords.

    • Module: PA


    • Value: Welcome1

Adding the Service Invocation Subscription to Invoke the Service

Use the following Service Invocation Subscription details to invoke the service:

Adding a Subscription to the Events

Perform the following steps after you have added the Fusion SSL certificate to the EBS instance:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle E-Business Suite application using login credentials that provide access to the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Administrator Workflow > Business Events.

  3. You must add four business events. They include:





  4. Search for the predefined business event

  5. Click GO.

  6. Find your search result under the Results: Events section. Click Subscriptions.

  7. Click Create Subscription.

  8. In the Create Event Subscription page, enter the following subscription details:

    1. System: <EBS Instance>

    2. Source Type: Local

    3. Event Filter: This field is auto populated

    4. Execution Phase: Select a value between 1-99

    5. Status: Enabled

    6. Rule Data: Message

    7. Action Type: Invoke Web Service

    8. On Error: Stop and Rollback

  9. Click Next.

  10. In the Select a WSDL Source section, enter the WSDL URL.

    • The WSDL URL is the URL of the Oracle Fusion Cloud instance you are using to register this event.

    • Enter the URL in the following format: https://<host name>.<domain name>: port. For example, enter:

  11. Click Next to select the service. The Service Name field is populated with ProjectServiceV2 in the Select Service section.

  12. Click Next and select the service port.

  13. Click Next and select the operation. In this example it is findProjectPlan.

    Note: All services used for integration with Oracle E-Business Suite are synchronous services.

  14. Click Next to complete the subscription registry and link it with the predefined business event.

  15. In the Create Event Subscription – Invoke Web Service section. The application provides the Subscription Parameters and User ID with access to the service and the parameters to retrieve the password from the vault. For customizations in Service Invocation, users can extend the default java class and provide the extended class in place of Java Rule Function.

  16. Add the other three business events using the above steps 4 through 15. The corresponding operations and service names for each business event include:

    • Business Event:

      Operation: findProjectByProjectId

      Service Name: ProjectServiceV2

    • Business Event:

      Operation: updateProjectPlan

      Service Name: ProjectServiceV2

    • Business Event:

      Operation: uploadFileToUcm

      Service Name: ERPIntegrationService

Supply Chain Management Tasks

Oracle Product Hub

These tasks apply only to Oracle Product Hub.

  1. Creating Versions of Item Catalog Categories

    Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

    In Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.2 and higher, you can choose to create a different version of an item catalog category (ICC) when you change a transaction attribute for structure component in the ICC if you set the profile option "Enable PIM for Telco Features" to Yes. When you enable the use of ICC versions, the system automatically creates a draft version for every new ICC created. You cannot choose to create versions for some ICCs, but not others. After upgrading from a release prior to 12.1.2 and after setting the profile option "Enable PIM for Telco Features" to Yes, you must create a released version for each existing ICC. Oracle provides an upgrade API that automatically performs this task. A database administrator can invoke the upgrade API from the back end after you set the profile option "Enable PIM for Telco Features" to Yes.

    Upgrade API Sample Call

                    uid NUMBER;
                    rid NUMBER;
                    rad NUMBER;
                    sgid NUMBER;
                    uid, rid, rad, sgid
     FND_GLOBAL.apps_initialize (uid, rid, rad, sgid);
  2. Licensing Product Hub for Communications

    Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

    Conditional Action: If you license Product Hub for Communications, release 12.1.2 or later, Oracle Product Hub provides seeded libraries containing attribute groups, attributes, and value sets that are used primarily within the Telecommunications industry. These libraries are not automatically installed. The system administrator must run FND load commands to upload each library after installing the Oracle Product Hub for Communications patch. You can find these commands in the Seeded Item Metadata Libraries appendix, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide, or in the patch readme file.

  3. Using the Packing Hierarchy Structure Type

    Applies to: Release 12.0

    If you have used the structure type Packaging Hierarchy in releases prior to 12.1, note that only the preferred packaging structure from this structure type is migrated over in the upgrade process. If you have defined multiple packaging structures and want to migrate all of them, consider bringing them into the system by transferring them into other structure types, at which time they will be treated as regular structure types and not Packs.

  4. Defining Item Pages for Item Organization Attribute Groups

    Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

    Prior to Release 12.1.1, users were unable to define item pages by business entity, so all item and item organization attribute groups appeared on item pages together. Any item organization attribute groups in existence prior to Release 12.1.1 must be added to item pages for the item organization business entity.

  5. PIM publication web services require manual post installation steps

    Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

    Conditional Action: If you are using the Publication feature in Oracle Product Hub for Communications, then perform the steps outlined in the Oracle Data Integrator Artifacts and Web Services for Oracle Product Hub Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1336146.1).

  6. Update Existing Item Attributes (conditional)

    Conditional Action: For the item attributes SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table, the valid combination of values is either Y,Y,Y or N,N,N. Any other combination is considered as data discrepancy. Customers can chose a valid combination for these item attributes depending on their business requirements and execute an appropriate concurrent program to correct such discrepancy. Refer to Data Fix: Items having invalid combination of SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG, INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG attributes (Doc ID: 1676349.1) for instructions to identify and correct any items that have such data discrepancy.

  7. Gather Table Statistics (recommended)

    Applies to: Release 12.0 and 12.1

    Considerable changes have been made to the data model that stores Item user-defined attributes in Release 12.1.1. Oracle recommends gathering table statistics for the following EGO tables:



  8. Use the Product Workbench (Required)

    Applies to: Release 12.2

    If you plan to use the Product Workbench, you must enable it by adding it to the allowlist of JavaServer Pages (JSPs).

    Additional Information: Refer to Allowed JSPs, Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide.

Oracle Shipping Execution

Conditional Action: Oracle Shipping Execution (available as part of Oracle Order Management) is integrated with Oracle Transportation Management. If you have licensed both Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle Order Management and will use Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle Shipping Execution, then perform the post-update steps outlined in Oracle Transportation Management Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Post-Update Steps, Release 12.2.0 (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite 11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite 11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID: 1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to deploy these BPEL processes.

Oracle Value Chain Planning

Conditional Action: Oracle Value Chain Planning includes Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Demand Planning, Inventory Optimization, Global Order Promising, Collaborative Planning, Production Scheduling, Strategic Network Optimization, Service Parts Planning, Advanced Planning Command Center, and Demand Signal Repository. If you have licensed any of these products, then perform the steps outlined in Oracle Value Chain Planning Installation Notes Release 12.2.0 (Doc ID: 1361221.1) to enable these applications. If you are deploying Value Chain Planning Applications on a RAC DB, then you must also refer to RAC Configuration Setups For Running MRP Planning, APS Planning, and Data Collection Processes (Doc ID: 279156.1) and RAC for GOP - Setups for Global Order Promising (GOP) When Using a Real Application Clusters (RAC) Environment (Doc ID: 266125.1) to understand restrictions and requirements for running application processes in a RAC environment.

Oracle Warehouse Management

Conditional Action: Oracle Warehouse Management is integrated with Oracle Transportation Management. If you have licensed both Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle Warehouse Management, and you plan to use Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle Warehouse Management, then perform the post-update steps outlined in Oracle Transportation Management Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Post-Update Steps, Release 12.2.0 (Doc ID: 1362803.1).

Note: The prebuilt BPEL business processes in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 are certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12c, Oracle SOA Suite 11g. The BPEL 10g based prebuilt integrations are not supported in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Customers upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 from 11i must migrate to Oracle SOA Suite 11g or Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Refer to Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 (Doc ID: 1584883.1) and Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 with BPEL in SOA Suite 12c (Doc ID: 1951625.1). Follow the respective documentation to deploy these BPEL processes.

Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle strongly recommends that you perform a full system backup of your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 including the Run and Patch file systems (fs1 and fs2), the Non-Edition file system (fs_ne), all technology stack component Oracle homes, and the database.

Secure Configuration

This section applies to all users, regardless of which products are registered as active.

  1. Review and Deploy Security Guidelines (Recommended for all Oracle E-Business Suite releases)

    • Follow the Secure Configuration Guidelines

      Tip: You must follow all recommended secure configuration guidelines as documented in the Security Guide. At a minimum, Oracle recommends that you configure the following:

      1. Allowed JSPs feature

      2. TLS for inbound, outbound, and loopback connections

      Action: Review and deploy the recommended security guidelines documented in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Security Guide, Part 2: Secure Configurations.

      Action: Follow the instructions in Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1367293.1) to encrypt inbound, outbound, and loopback connections.

      Tip: If you have any computers requiring direct access to the database that are not registered nodes in AutoConfig (such as OAM clients), then you must explicitly grant access.

    • Execute the Security Check Scripts

      Action: Regularly run the Security Check Scripts on your production instance to ensure that it is, and continues to be in compliance with the recommendations in this document. For information on how to run the Security Check Scripts, run the scripts according to Security Configuration and Auditing Scripts for Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID: 2069190.1).

      Tip: If you upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 or higher, then you can use the Secure Configuration Console on an ongoing basis to perform necessary checks on your environment.

  2. Perform the following if you have upgraded to Release Update 12.2.6 or higher:

    Tip: After you apply Patch 24744399:R12.FND.C (a mandatory post requisite for R12.ATG_PF.C.Delta.6) or upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.7 Release Update Pack (which includes patch 24744399:R12.FND.C), your system will be 'locked down' until a local system administrator resolves or acknowledges the recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration Console.

    • Login to the Oracle E-Business Suite

      Upon initial login as a local system administrator that has the Functional Administrator responsibility, you are automatically directed to the Secure Configuration Console.

    • Resolve or acknowledge security configurations

      You must now either resolve or acknowledge the recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration Console.

    Suggested Reading: Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Security Guide, Part 2: Secure Configurations in the Secure Configuration Console chapter.

System Maintenance Tasks

After you have verified that the system and the product upgrades are complete, perform the "clean-up" tasks described in this section.

System Maintenance

  1. Delete obsolete product files (recommended)

    Delete the product files for the previous release (if you have not done so already). You may want to retain report output files or customized programs. Output files are stored in the old log and output subdirectories under each product's top directory, under the log and output directories you created, or under a common directory.

    To remove obsolete files for an old release, change to the top directory of that release and enter the following command:


    $ rm -rf <old APPL_TOP>

    Here is an example:

    $ rm -rf /d01/appl/r10


    C:\> rd /s /q <old APPL_TOP>

    Here is an example:

    C:\> rd /s /q \APPL110
  2. Register new products (conditional)

    New products added since Release 12 are not automatically registered in the database. If you intend to use new products, then register them using License Manager. See Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for instructions.

    Additional Information: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide for instructions to license new products.

    By default, the Java Color Scheme profile option should be set to 'Standard' for all sessions and optimal system response time. The upgrade process sets this default value for all instances.

    Additional Information: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide for more information.

  3. Update Java Color Scheme profile option for selected users (conditional)

    By default, the Java Color Scheme profile option should be set to "standard" for all sessions for optimal system response time. The upgrade process sets this default value for all instances. However, setting this profile option to a different value may work better for some systems. See Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide for more information.

  4. Complete Transport Agent setup (conditional)

    If you are using a proxy server to handle your outbound Oracle Transport Agent requests, then set following OXTA parameters in the container configuration:

    • OXTAOutUseProxy=True

    • OXTAOutProxyHost=<Your proxy server name>

    • OXTAOutProxyPort=<Your proxy server port>

    To set the parameters, go to the Oracle Applications Manager Site Map and choose AutoConfig > Applications Node > Edit Parameters. Then, use the Search field to find OXTA. After you set the parameters, run AutoConfig to regenerate the file (INST_TOP/appl/admin/

    Note: See Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.

  5. Complete Setup for Oracle XML Gateway (Required)

    The Oracle XML Gateway engine uses style sheets from an operating system directory you define as a database directory for PL/SQL file I/O in your Oracle E-Business Suite instance. You must also specify the same directory in the ECX: XSLT File Path profile option. The profile option value must be an absolute path and cannot contain a symbolic link or other operating system-specific parameters.

    Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2 for more information.

    Also, ensure that the following profile options are set at site level for Oracle XML Gateway. If you have previously set these profile options, then no action is necessary, as the upgrade preserves these values.

    Profile Option Description
    ECX: XSLT File Path Path to the directory specified as the location for style sheets to be used for XSLT transformations. This value must be a database directory defined for PL/SQL file I/O. Ensure that there is no slash at the end of the directory name.
    ECX: System Administrator Email Address Address to which Oracle XML Gateway error notifications should be sent.
    ECX: Server Time Zone Time zone the database server is running in.

    Note: See Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide for more information.

Oracle XML Publisher Tasks

These tasks apply to all users, regardless of which products are registered as active.

  1. Enable PDF printing (Required)

    The PDF Publisher print style and PASTA_PDF printer driver provide the capability to print PDF files using a third-party utility. You can use this style and driver to print a generated PDF. The Pasta Universal Printer type has been associated with the style and driver for ease of use.

    Action: Refer to the Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide, Release 12, for configuration steps. For access to the Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide and the latest updates, refer to Notes for Using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher 10g in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1640073.1).

  2. Specify a temporary directory for XML Publisher (Required)

    Use the Oracle XML Publisher's Administration interface to assign a temporary directory for the site level. The temporary directory improves performance and allows unlimited XML file size.

    Additional Information: See Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide for more information about this directory.

Post-Upgrade Steps of Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack for Release 12.2

You must complete the post-upgrade steps described in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack Readme specific to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack (RUP) that you have upgraded to that is described in the Apply the Latest Oracle E-Business Suite Update Pack for Release 12.2 section of this chapter.

Required Action: For example, if you upgrade to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6, then you must complete all post-uprade steps described in the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 Readme (Doc ID: 2114016.1).

Additional Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (conditional)

Note: This step is applicable if your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

For additional mandatory post-upgrade steps for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), refer to Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Doc ID: 2517025.1). Refer to section 4.5 Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 and section Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks.

Mandatory Post-Upgrade Steps for All Upgrade Customers

Required Action: Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1320300.1) and perform all applicable post-upgrade steps in Section 1: Instructions for All Customers, and Section 3: Instructions for Upgrade Customers such as 'Create Snapshot'.

Additional Tasks

This section points to additional tasks that may be necessary, and suggests documentation that describes those tasks.

Reapplying Application Tier Customizations

If your system includes customized forms, reports, programs, libraries, or other application files, then reapply all changes that you need for this release.

Required Action: Re-deploy your customizations following the instructions in Developing and Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1577661.1), Section 1.5, Deploying Custom Application Tier Objects.

Migrating Portlets Preferences Store

If you are using Oracle E-Business Suite portlets, then copy the Portlets Preference Store directory from your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 10_1_3_Oracle_Home/portal/portletdata directory to following non editioned directory on your new new Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 file system:


Note: Autoconfig context variable s_portlet_preference_store_directory by default points to the same directory.

Additional Information: Refer to section Migrating Customizations from the Default Production Location in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, WebCenter Portal, and ADF 11g Release 1 (

Note: This applies to all customers using Oracle E-Business Suite portlets with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, regardless of whether they integrate with Oracle Portal or Oracle WebCenter consumer.

For Portal 10g

Oracle E-Business Suite customers upgrading from 12.0 or 12.1 to 12.2 and already having Oracle Portal 10g configured:

  1. Conditional Action: Upgrade Oracle Portal 10g to Oracle Portal 11g as described in section 10 of the Integrating Oracle Portal 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 document on My Oracle Support (Document ID: 1074334.1).

  2. Migrate Portlets Preferences Store.

For Portal 11g

Oracle E-Business Suite customers upgrading from 12.0 or 12.1 to 12.2 and already having Oracle Portal 11g configured:

  1. Migrate Portlets Preferences Store.

Regenerating Business Views (conditional)

If you are using Business Views, then regenerate your business views by running the Generate Business Views by Application concurrent program using the Business View Setup responsibility:

If you don't have the Business Views Setup responsibility assigned to the SYSADMIN user, then complete the following:

Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool

Review the Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool (PDRT) Release Notes for Oracle E-Business Suite Person Data Removal Tool consideration (Document ID: 2388237.1.)

If you have already applied PDRT patches at the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 level, then you must apply the patches corresponding to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 at this stage.

Understanding Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration Tasks

Suggested Reading: Ensure you are completely familiar with information in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide and the Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide. In addition, you should understand the information in the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide, Release 12.2. This document contains important details about AD utilities as well as instructions on how to patch your system and perform manual maintenance tasks.

Implementing New Product and Country-specific Functionality

Suggested Reading: Refer to the implementation or setup guides (or implementation or setup section of the user's guides) associated with the Oracle E-Business Suite products in your system for instructions on implementing or setting up new products and features.

Resizing the Database

The size of the production database depends on the products that you have licensed and the additional features (such as multiple languages or multiple organizations) that you have configured in your system. Refer to the product-specific documentation.

Optional Advanced Configurations

You may have identified the need to scale your environment due to sizing requirements or for high availability. You may now scale the environment.

Scale the Environment

Upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 is performed with a single application tier node and a single database node even if you are using RAC. Scaling the environment is a post-upgrade task. Now that the upgrade is complete, you may scale your environment according to production level requirements by adding application tier nodes and database RAC nodes.

Adding Application Tier Nodes

Conditional Action: If you need to add additional application tier nodes, then configure load balancing as described in Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1375686.1).

When deploying multiple application tier nodes for an Oracle E-Business Suite environment, you can use a Shared Application Tier Filesystem or replicate the filesystem on every node in the environment.

Tip: Oracle highly recommends that you use a Shared Application Tier Filesystem.

When directed in Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1375686.1), follow the steps in one of the following notes to create a new application tier node:

Adding Database Tier Nodes to RAC

Conditional Action: If you are adding additional database tier nodes to Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) to meet scalability or high availability requirements, then follow the steps in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Adding or Deleting 11gR2 or 12c1 Oracle RAC Nodes (Doc ID: 1570554.1).

Performing DMZ Configuration

Conditional Action: If you need to configure Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 for access from the Internet, then review and follow the steps documented in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ (Doc ID: 1375670.1).

Validating Custom and Third-Party Products

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 includes significant database and file system architecture changes designed to support Online Patching. Therefore, integrations with Oracle E-Business Suite may need to be modified to comply with new deployment and development standards in order to work correctly with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Examples include custom and third-party integrations, as well as integrations with other Oracle products such as Oracle Application Express.

Additional Information: Refer to Guidance for Integrating Custom and Third-Party Products With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID: 1916149.1).

If you identified external integrations that require updates to meet certification requirements with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 or require additional steps to deploy, then perform those actions now. Validate all external integrations once the necessary steps have been performed.

Additional Information: For more information, refer to Preparing External Integrations.

Backing Up Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle strongly recommends that you perform a full system backup of your Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 including the Run and Patch file systems (fs1 and fs2), the Non-Edition file system (fs_ne), all technology stack component Oracle homes, and the database.

Logging On to Oracle E-Business Suite

To start Oracle E-Business Suite and access all Oracle E-Business Suite products, go to the Oracle E-Business Suite Login page, located at the following URL:

http://<host name>.<domain name>:<HTTP port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin

For example:

The system administrator should log on the first time using the SYSADMIN logon account that is pre-configured in the Applications installation. Use the System Administrator responsibility to launch an Oracle E-Business Suite session where you can complete the required implementation steps.

Note: See the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide. See also the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.