Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting

Monthly and Year-End Reporting Overview

Monthly Reporting

CPFLine Report - shows employer/employee CPF deductions and other contributions for which the CPF Board is a collecting agent, for example, Community Fund contributions and the Skills Development Levy.

Year-End Reporting

At the end of every tax year, an employee will be included in the IR8A magnetic tape, regardless of whether they are still an active employee, or a terminated employee. The only exception is for employees whose IR21 (Earnings Reporting for Non-Resident Employees who will be leaving Singapore) has been run. Employees who do not have payroll processes, or have earnings information with a zero value, will also be excluded from the IR8A process.

Note: The A8A, A8B and IR8S magtapes will be processed for employees who have indicated or have summary information in the IR8A.

Note: If you terminate an employee, or the employee leaves the organization during the period, and is later rehired, you must reenter the extra assignment information for the employee. Re-entering the data ensures that the IRASLine Archive processes correctly.

See: Running the IR21 Process for more information about producing IR21s.

See: Rehiring an Ex-Employee, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Creating Magnetic Tapes

Before you can run the year-end processes listed, you must first run the archive process. Archived data is used to produce the year-end magnetic tapes (but not the month-end tapes).

When you run the month- or year-reports, you produce both the magnetic tape file that you will send to the CPF Board or IRAS, and also a report. The report enables you to check that the information in the file is correct. You can then, if necessary, rerun the report.

You produce year-end magnetic tapes for each basis year, legal entity, and archive run.

Once the reports show that the data in your magnetic tape files is correct, you can import these files into the PAT system in order to submit the information electronically.

Multiple Assignment Processing

If an employee has multiple active assignments, the IRAS expects to see the contributions per assignment presented by legal entity. This applies to month-end reporting, year-end reporting, and IR21s.

This means that:

HRMS for Singapore produces a report with data grouped in a similar way:

Monthly and Year-End Reporting

How does Oracle HRMS help me file my monthly and year-end returns?

Oracle HRMS enables you to produce the data and create the file that you submit to the CPF Board at month-end or the IRAS at year-end.

Which monthly and year-end reports am I required to submit?

Oracle helps you produce various legislative reports and end-of-year file. However, for an up-to-date list of the statutory reports required in Singapore, we suggest you check the appropriate government department web sites, for example, the IRAS web site.

Does Oracle Payroll for Singapore produce data that I can upload into PAT system?

Yes, both month-end and year-end data produced conforms with the requirements of the Singapore Network Services (SNS) PAT system. The PAT system is an electronic service that enables businesses to submit their employees' monthly CPF contribution details and salary data (IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B) electronically via CrimsonLogic to CPF Board and IRAS.

How To Set Up and Run End of Period Processing

Processing CPF Contributions using Enhanced RetroPay

Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions are made by both employees and employers, and are submitted to the CPF Board.

The amount of CPF to be paid, depends on the employee's salary, age and Work Authority category. CPF contributions are a deduction from the employee's earnings. Oracle HRMS for Singapore supports retrospective payment of earnings. The type of earnings being processed determines how CPF deductions are calculated for retrospective earnings.

Oracle HRMS for Singapore supports retrospective payment of earnings. The type of earnings being processed determines how CPF deductions are calculated for retrospective earnings.

CPF RetroPay Methods

Two methods have been defined for processing retrospective payments and CPF contributions:

Method A

Calculates retrospective CPF contributions in the current payment period. The Ordinary Wage (OW) is based on the paid period (since CPF is liable in the current period).

Method B

Calculates retrospective CPF contributions at the time of the retrospective earning. The Additional Wage (AW) capping is based on the amounts in the earned periods.

You can decide how you want to process retrospective payments, and have the option of using either Method A, or Method B.

The Enhanced RetroPay process does not require you to attach any formula nor define any element sets.

Important: If you have setup Retropay By Element previously, and now have enabled Enhanced Retropay you can still run the previously configured RetroPay by Element process. However, you will be unable to configure new RetroPay By Element elements.

CPF Requirements and Implementation

Complete the following implementation steps to enable Enhanced RetroPay to process CPF contributions correctly:

  1. Ensure that the legislative rule ADVANCED_RETRO is enabled.

  2. Define the RetroPay Definitions (RetroPay Enhanced).

  3. Define RetroPay Components

    • Method B - When Earned (SG_CORRECTION)

    • Method A – When Paid (SG_BACKDATES)

    Note: Ensure that you set the priority for processing Reprocessed Corrections first and then Partial Reprocess Components and lastly Reprocessed Components.

  4. Define Time Definitions to denote the time spans as Start of Time and End of Time. Associate the time definitions with the Retro Components.

  5. Set up Elements - Create Retro elements required for CPF calculation for Method A and Method B.

    Element Name Classification Priority Input Values Balance Feeds
    Retro Method A When Paid Ordinary Earnings Ordinary Earnings 2250 Pay Value Retro Ord Payroll Period
    Retro Method B When Earned Ordinary Earnings Ordinary Earnings 2250 Pay Value Retro Ord Retro Period
    Retro Method A When Paid Additional Earnings Additional Earnings 2500 Pay Value Retro Add Payroll Period
    Retro Method B When Earned Additional Earnings Additional Earnings 2500 Pay Value Retro Add Retro Period
  6. Associate the retro component usages, times spans, and retro elements to the elements.

    A few points to keep in mind while processing retro payments:

    Feed the following balances if you want to include the retro elements in the CPF calculations

    • CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp

    • CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp

    Feed the following balances into the Retro elements if you want to include these retro elements in the Community Fund calculation.

    • SINDA Eligible Comp

    • ECF Eligible Comp

    • MBMF Eligible Comp

    • SDL Eligible Comp

    • CDAC Eligible Comp

  7. Link the retro elements to the relevant payrolls for the relevant retrospective payroll periods.

  8. To provide the correct CPF retrospective payments by using Method B, the following definitions are required. Define the CPF elements by adding Retro Component with the Retro CPF elements.

    Element Name Retro Component Reprocess Type Time Spans RetroPay Element
    CPF Contributions Method B Partial Start of Time - End of Time Retro CPF Contributions
    CPF Employer Liability Method B Partial Start of Time - End of Time Retro CPF Employer Liability
    CPF Employee Deductions Method B Partial Start of Time - End of Time Retro CPF Employee Deductions
  9. Set up the Retro Notifications Report.

    1. Enable the dynamic triggers for Insert, Update, and Delete actions on PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES table to ensure that any changes are made to the element entries are recorded.

    2. Define Retro event group based in the date-tracked changes to monitor the changes.

    3. Enable Functional Areas - Enable the Singapore legislation or if required (business group) for Incident Resister functional area.

  10. Ensure that the Retropay (Enhanced) and the Retro-Notifications Report (Enhanced) program are available from the SG HRMS Request Group.

  11. Ensure that the View RetroPay Status is available on the View menu.

  12. Run the Retro Notifications Report (Enhanced).

  13. Run the RetroPay Enhanced Process.

Setting Up CPF Monthly Reporting

Oracle HRMS meets the statutory monthly CPF reporting requirement by enabling you to create the data that you must submit to the CPF Board for each legal entity in your organization.

You create the file for submission to the CPF Board by running the CPFLine Report.

To set up CPF monthly reporting

  1. Check that payroll runs are complete and have processed CPF amounts to feed the CPF balances.

    See: Viewing Assignment Payroll Process Results for a Payroll, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  2. You can now run the report and check the results before submitting the file to the CPF Board.

    See: Running the CPFLine Report

Setting Up Multiple CPF Submission Numbers for CPF Reporting

Oracle HRMS for Singapore supports multiple CPF Submission Number for Mandatory CPF and Voluntary CPF contributions. You can use multiple CSN to report CPF contributions using the CPF Submission Number.

Follow the steps given below to report using multiple CPF Submission numbers.

To set up using multiple CSN for CPF Reporting

  1. If you have a single CPF Submission number, record the single CPF Submission Number for a legal entity using the Legal Entity window. This number is referred to as Legal Entity CSN.

    Work Structure > GRE/Legal Entity > Legal Entity > CPF Submission Number

  2. If you have multiple CPF Submission Numbers, record multiple CSNs for a legal entity using the Multiple CSN Submission Number window at the Legal Entity level.

    Work Structure > GRE/Legal Entity > Multiple CSN > CPF Submission Number

  3. Link the CSN to the employee's assignment.

    Assignment > Extra Information > CPF Submission Number.

  4. Select the correct CPF submission number from LOV.. Enter the start and end dates, if applicable.

    Note: You can record only one CPF submission number per payment code during the same date range, for example, you can have 193200032WPTE01, 193200032WVCT02 but you cannot have 193200032WPTE01 and 193200032WPTE03.

    The application performs validation checks when entering Legal Entity Multiple CSN and displays error messages if invalid. For an assignment, you can report the CPF Contributions as follows:

    • If the assignment has no link to any CPF Submission number, the legal entity's CSN is used for the assignment.

    • If the assignment has a link to a PTE CPF Submission Number, that is different from the legal entity's CSN, the CPF contributions are reported using PTE CSN.

    • If the assignment only has a link to a VCT CSN, Voluntary CPF is reported using VCT CSN and Mandatory CPF is reported using the legal entity's CSN.

    • If the assignment has a link to a VCT CSN and PTE CSN, and the PTE CSN is different with legal entity's CSN, then Voluntary CPF is reported using the VCT CSN and Mandatory CPF is reported using the PTE CSN.

    • If the employee only has Voluntary CPF, if it has no link to any CSN, it is reported using Legal Entity's CSN.

    • If the employee only has Voluntary CPF, if it has link to a VCT CSN, it is reported using VCT CSN.

Running the CPFLine Report

The CPFLine Report produces the file that you submit each month for each legal entity in your enterprise. The data produced by running this report is in the format that is required by the CPF Board and PAT system. PAT system is an electronic service that enables businesses to submit their employees' monthly CPF contribution details and salary data (IR8A, IR8S, Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B)

You also create a report that enables you to view the CPF contributions that are included in the file. The information in the report is grouped as follows:

The Pension Fund Name is displayed as:

Oracle HRMS calculates CPF for 1984 Frozen CPF Scheme based on the salary of October 1984. There is no maximum CPF for employer contribution when calculating the 1984 Frozen Scheme. You must select the appropriate CPF category to calculate CPF amount for 1984 Frozen CPF scheme. See: Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window) for selecting CPF categories.

You run the CPFLine Report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the CPF Line Report

  1. In the Name field, select CPFLine Report.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a name for the magnetic file (the output file) and the audit file (the report).

  3. Select the legal entity on whom you are reporting.

  4. Select the CPF Submission Number for which you want to report the CPF contributions if there are multiple CSNs for a legal entity.

  5. Enter the end date for the month you are reporting. The date is defaulted to the last day of the current month using your system date.

  6. Enter CPF and FWL (Foreign Worker's Levy) interest if any interest is due on late payments for either CPF or FWL.

  7. Click Submit.

    After checking the report, you can rerun this process as required.

Running the Additional Wages CPF Capping Report

The Additional Wages CPF Capping report lists all employees and their respective additional earnings. Oracle Payroll calculates Additional Wage CPF Capping based on the previous year's monthly ordinary wages.

Note: The AW ceiling is $76,500 for new employees whose previous year's monthly ordinary wages are not known.

The report has two sections. The first part of the report lists employees who have either overpaid or underpaid the CPF on additional wages. Employees with values listed in the underpaid column, means that these employees are required to make additional payments to IRAS.

Employees with values listed in the overpaid column, means that these employees are eligible to claim the excess amount paid from the CPF Board. These employees will have additional details in the second part of the report. The eligible CPF has a maximum capping of $4,500.

You run the Additional Wages CPF Capping report from the Submit Request window.

To run the Additional Wages CPF Capping report

  1. Select the Legal Employer from the list of values. This will run the report for employees linked to an individual legal employer.

  2. Enter the year you want to run the report for.

  3. Optionally enter an employee id. If you enter an individual employee's details in this field, the report will be run for that employee only. Leaving this field blank will generate the report for all employees linked to the legal employer you selected.

  4. Choose the OK button.

Setting Up Year-End Reporting

Oracle HRMS meets the statutory end-of-year IRAS reporting requirement by enabling you to create the magnetic tape files that you must submit to the IRAS. The files that are created conform with the standards required by the IRAS and PAT System.

Non-Singaporean citizens who are liable for an IR21 form in the same tax year are not included in the year-end return.

See: Running the IR21 report to find out how to run this report and to ensure the employee is not included in year-end return.

Before you can set up your year-end reporting, you must have recorded employees' IRAS information using the Person and Assignment EITs.

See: Person Extra Information Types and Assignment Extra Information Types for more information.

If there are any changes to amounts or fields that affect the total amount of employment income e.g. where employee's income tax is borne by employer but not indicated previously, employers must submit an amendment file.

See: Running the IRAS Amendment Line Archive Process and Business Group: Entering IRAS Submission Details

To set up year-end reporting

  1. Run payrolls or adjust balances to produce run results that feed the end-of-year balances.

    See: Viewing Assignment Payroll Process Results for a Payroll, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide and Adjusting Balances, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

  2. Run the data archive process, reporting by basis year and legal entity and create a control report listing (a listing of the data in the archive). You must run this process, as the magnetic tape is created from archived data only.

    See: Running the IRASLine Archive

  3. Check the data manually to ensure it is valid. Error text for employee data that fails validation is included in the output file.

  4. Rerun the archive if required.

    See: Rerunning the IRASLine Archive

  5. Run the year-end reports for each legal entity in your enterprise to create the magnetic tape files.

    See: Running the IR8S File Process,

    See: Running the IR8A File Process,

    See: Running the Appendix 8A (A8A) File Process.

    See: Running the A8B File Report

  6. Run the amendment archive process if there are any changes to amounts or fields that affect the total amount of employment income.

    See: Running the IRAS Amendment Line Archive Process and Business Group: Entering IRAS Submission Details

Running the IRASLine Archive Process

This process archives the data required to create the year-end magnetic tapes. You must ensure that the details you have set up in the extra information types or special information types store the correct information. The IRASLine Archive process validates the information you enter in any information types and reports the errors in the log file. When you run this process, you archive data for assignments that:

Important: To process A8A data in IRASLine Archive process, select Yes in the Enable A8A Processing field of the Legal Entity window.

See: GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Legal Employer Details

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IRASLine Archive process

  1. Enter IRASLine Archive in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the legal entity that you are running the process for.

  3. Select the basis year. This is the tax year on which you are reporting.

  4. Click Submit.

Rerunning the IRASLine Archive Process

If, after error checking, you find errors in the archive, you can repeat the process in one of the following ways:

You must check the control listing again to ensure that the data is now error-free.

Running the IRAS Amendment Line Archive Process

If there are any changes to amounts or fields that affect the total amount of employment income e.g. where employee's income tax is borne by employer but not indicated previously, employers must submit an amendment file.

This process archives the difference between the actual value and the original archived value required to create the year-end magnetic tapes. You must ensure that the details you have set up in the extra information types or special information types store the correct information.

The IRAS Amendment Line Archive process validates any numeric information you enter in the information types and reports the errors in the log file.

Important: To process IRAS Amended Line Archive process, you must run the original IRAS Line Archive process first and then run one of the IR8A, IR8S, A8A or A8B processes at least once. If you have not run any of the IR8A, IR8S, A8A, or A8B processes, but have changed the values after IRAS Line archive process, you can simply rollback previous IRAS Line archive process and then run it again.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IRAS Amendment Line Archive process

  1. Enter IRAS Amendment Line Archive in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the legal entity for which you are running the process.

  3. Select the basis year. This is the tax year on which you are reporting.

  4. Click Submit.

Rerunning the IRAS Amendment Line Archive Process

If, after error checking, you find errors in the archive, you can repeat the process in one of the following ways:

You must check the control listing again to ensure that the data is now error-free.

Running the IR8A File Process

You run the IR8A File to produce the file that includes your employees' earnings for a specific tax year and legal entity. The process also creates a report for you to view the contributions that are included in the file.

Note: The balances 366 and 367 are rounded up to the next Dollar in the file.

This process creates a control report listing. Confirm that this listing is the same as the one created when you ran the archive process.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IR8A File process

  1. Enter IR8A File in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a name for the magnetic file.

  3. Select the appropriate legal entity for this report.

  4. Select the basis year. This is the tax year on which you are reporting.

  5. Select the report type whether you are generating an original or an amendment file.

  6. Select the archive run. The date displayed is the effective date on which you ran the archive and the code is the payroll action ID of the archive.

  7. Click Submit.

Running the IR8S File Process

You run the IR8S File process to produce the file that includes the contributions made by you and your employees to CPF or other approved Pension of Provident Fund. You run the process for specific tax year and legal entity. You can review the contributions on the resulting report.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IR8S File process

  1. Enter IR8S File in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the name for the magnetic file.

  3. Select the legal entity that you are running the process for.

  4. Select the basis year. This is the tax year for which you are reporting.

  5. Select the report type whether you are generating an original or an amendment file.

  6. Select the archive run. The date displayed is the effective date on which you ran the archive and the code is the payroll action ID of the archive.

  7. Click OK and Submit.

Running the Appendix 8A (A8A) File Process

You run the Appendix 8A File process to produce the file that includes the details of any benefits-in-kind provided to your employees, for example, car-related benefits, or the cost of running a fax machine. . The IR8A file provides a total of these benefits-in-kind. You can review the contributions on the resulting report.

You run this report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the A8A File

  1. Enter A8A File in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a name for the magnetic file.

  3. Select the legal entity for this report.

  4. Select the report type whether you are generating an original or an amendment file.

  5. Select the archive run. The date displayed is the effective date on which you ran the archive and the code is the payroll action ID of the archive.

  6. Click OK and Submit.

Running the A8B File Report

As part of the information submitted to Inland Revenue at year end, employers must provide details about employees' gains or profit from any stock options exercised in the period.

Oracle HRMS for Singapore allows you to record details of any stock options granted to an employee, and any stock options exercised during a financial period.

You enter details about any stock options granted or exercised from the Extra Person Information window.

See: Person Extra Information Types

You run the A8B File report from the Submit Request window.

To run the A8B File report

  1. In the Name field, select A8B File.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a magnetic file name for the report you are running.

  3. Select the legal entity for whom you wish to run the report.

  4. Enter the basis year for which you want to run the report.

  5. Select the report type whether you are generating an original or an amendment file.

  6. Enter archive run details.

  7. Click OK and then Submit.

Running the IR8S Ad Hoc Printed Archive Report

You run the IR8S Ad Hoc Printed Archive report to produce a file that includes your employees' earnings and employers' liabilities for a specific tax year and legal entity. The report contains details that the IRAS can view on a periodic basis, in addition to the required IR8S File that you can submit as part of normal end of period processing in Singapore.

You can run the IR8S Ad Hoc Printed Archive to validate information that you can submit to the IRAS. The IRAS may also request ad hoc reporting by some employers for various reasons throughout the year, including normal auditing or for identifying employees whose details were not submitted correctly.

You run this process from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IR8S Ad Hoc Printed Archive report

  1. Enter IR8S Ad Hoc Printed Archive (Singapore) in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the legal entity.

  3. Optionally, select an assignment set. To print all assignments from an assignment set, select a set from the list. Only amendment-based sets appear in the list.

  4. Optionally, select an employee number. To print a report for a single employee, select an employee number. If you selected an assignment set, only employee numbers from the assignment set appear in the list. If you did not select an assignment set, employee numbers from the legal entity appear in the list.

  5. Select the basis year, which is the tax year for this report.

  6. Click Submit.

Running the IR21 (Notification of a Non-Citizen Employee's Cessation of Employment or Departure from Singapore) Process

The IRAS requires an IR21 form for any non-Singaporean employee who is either leaving an enterprise, or leaving Singapore for more than three months. The IRAS uses further criteria to determine which of these non-nationals need an IR21.

The IR21 notifies the IRAS that an employee is leaving and provides details of the employee's earnings and deductions for the previous two-year period. The IRAS uses this information to determine if the employee has any outstanding tax liability.

The predefined Inland Revenue Form IR21 (Singapore) report helps you to complete the IR21 form (and its appendix). The report includes information about an employee's:

If you are reporting on multiple assignments in the IR21, the predefined report generates:

See Multiple Assignment Processing and Reporting.

You run this report from the Submit Requests window.

To run the IR21 Process

  1. Enter Inland Revenue Form IR21 (Singapore) in the Name field.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter the basis year for this report. You can select either the current year or any of the previous three years.

  3. Enter the legal name of the employee for whom you are running this report.

    You can only select an employee if they have a termination record with an actual termination date that is in the selected basis year.

    See: Ending Employment, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide for more information about terminating an employee.

  4. Enter the form type to determine if you are running the selected employee's IR21 for the first time, or re-running it.

    • The status defaults to Original the first time you run this report.

    • The status defaults to Amended if you have run this report previously. You can change this status to Additional.

    The status you choose is shown at the top of report. If the report status is Amended, the user can discard earlier versions of the report. If the report status is Additional, the user needs to retain the earlier version(s) .

  5. Choose the Submit button.

    You can rerun this report as often as required. Every time you run this report, the report date is recorded against the Singapore IR21 Processing Dates EIT for this employee.

    See: Person Extra Information Types and Entering Extra Information, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide.

Running the Generate IRAS Summary Report

You run this report to check MOAs and summary amount.

You run the Generate IRAS Summary report from the Submit Request window.

To run the Generate IRAS Summary report

  1. In the Name field, select Generate IRAS Summary Report.

  2. In the Parameters window, enter a magnetic file name for the report you are running.

  3. Select the legal entity for whom you want to run the report.

  4. Select the basis year for which you want to run the report. This is the tax year on which you are reporting.

  5. Select the report to generate as a single report or a summary report.

  6. Select the report type whether an original or an amendment file.

  7. If you have previously run the IRAS Archive process, then enter the archive run details.

  8. Select the assignment set if you want to run the reports for a specific group of employees.

  9. Select the employee number if you want to run report for a single employee.

  10. Click OK and then Submit.

Setting Up the National Service In-Camp Training Computation Report

Before you can run the National Service (NS) In-Camp Training Computation report, you must perform the following set-up process. You only need to do this once,but you must redo it whenever there are changes to the pay elements required for the NS claim calculation.

To set up the National Service In-Camp Training Computation report

  1. Define the primary balances required for the NS calculation:

    • Balance types must be Basic Salary or Allowance.

    • Create one balance for every pay element that you want to include in the NS calculation.

    • Select the _ASG_MONTH dimension for each balance. No classification is required.

    See: Defining User Balances

  2. Define the basic salary and allowance elements required for the NS calculation and link them to the balances that you defined previously.

    • Create an element for each balance.

    Tip: We recommend that you give the element the same name as the balance, or use a similar name, to help you link the balance and element easily.

    • Classify the basic salary elements as Ordinary Earnings and the allowance elements as Additional Earnings.

    • Enter into each element's Further Element Information field the equivalent primary balance. For example, enter the NS Car Allowance balance into the NS Car Allowance pay element.

    See: Defining an Element, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide and Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  3. Using the Balance window, query the primary balances and check that the pay elements you created feed the correct balances.

  4. Create two element sets to identify the payment elements that are required for the calculation.

    • Create one element set for the allowances that will be reported as line items. Include the Additional Earnings pay elements that you created previously.

    • Create another element set for the elements that will be summed and reported as the current basic salary. Include the Ordinary Earnings pay elements that you created previously.

    • Select Run Set as the type for each element set.

  5. Using the Assignment window, check that the allowance and basic salary elements have been set up as element entries for any assignments that you want to report on for a specific payroll period.

    See: Making Manual Element Entries, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

What Next?

You can now run the National Service In-Camp Training Computation report

Running the National Service In-Camp Training Computation Report

The National Service In-Camp Training Computation report calculates the pay amount that an employer can claim from the Ministry of Defence for an employee who is attending mandatory National Service In-Camp Training. The report:

You run the National Service In-Camp Training Computation report from the Submit Requests window. You must run the report for each active assignment held by the employee at the time of their training.

To run the National Service In-Camp Training Computation report

  1. In the Name field, select National Service In-Camp Training Computation.

  2. In the Parameters window, select the employee's assignment number.

  3. Enter the allowance and basic salary element sets that you created when you set up the report.

    See: Setting Up the National Service In-Camp Training Computation Report

  4. Enter the date on which the employee is due to start their National Service In-Camp Training. The pay calculation uses data for the six-month period prior to this date.

  5. Optionally enter a date in the field Last Month for Average Calculation. This value will determine the last month from which to rollback a six month period, in order to correctly calculate the allowances payable to the employee. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the current month as the default date for the last month.

  6. Choose the Submit button.

Setting up Overtime Element

To display Overtime information on the payslip, you must perform the following steps:

To set up overtime element

  1. Define an overtime element.

  2. Select the Primary Classification as Ordinary Earnings. You can also choose to set up as the classification as either Ordinary or Additional earnings, but you must include the following items.

    • Pay Value - existing.

    • Rate Unit: Money

    • Hours Unit: Hours in Decimal format (2 places)

    • Multiplier Unit: Number

    • Start Date Unit: Date

    • End Date Unit: Date

  3. Click Balance Feed Control(z) button to define sub-classification, add Ordinary Earnings Overtime for primary classification Ordinary Earnings or Additional Earnings Overtime for primary classification Additional Earnings.

  4. Enter the element entry values for the defined element:

    • If you leave the Multiplier blank, it will be displayed as 1. Default is 1.

    • If you leave the Start Date or/and End Date, then the current pay period start date and end date are displayed..

  5. If you want the element to be calculated for CPF, then you must feed the pay value into the elements CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp and CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp.