Recruitment and Hiring


Appointments and the Hiring Process

The appointment process takes the applicant from the recruitment process to employee administration where the initial tasks include entering terms and conditions and payroll information.

If you are an Oracle US Federal HRMS user, you use the Request for Personnel Action (RPA) to appoint employees.

If you are using Oracle SSHR, you can use the Candidate Offers functionality to generate offer letters.

Hire Dates and Future-Dated Changes

Oracle HRMS enables you to make future-dated changes to a person's details.

If you make future-dated changes to an applicant's details, such as changing their name, and you subsequently hire the person, the earliest hire date you can enter is the day following the date of the last change. The hire date can, of course, be a future date (providing it is at least 1 day after the date of the last change). For example, if you received an application on January 10th and you changed the applicant's details using future dates, say on January 22nd and February 10th, and you subsequently hire the applicant, the earliest hire date you can enter is February 11th (the date of the last change plus one day).

Alternatively, you could hire the applicant (change their person type to Employee), and then make the changes to their details with the status of Employee.

Back-to-Back Employment and Placements

Back-to-back employment and placements occur when a previous period of employment or a previous placement ends 1 day before a new period of employment or a new placement begins.

Oracle HRMS supports back-to-back employment and placements even where there is a difference in person types. That is, an ex-employee can begin a placement on the day following termination of their employment, and an ex-contingent worker can begin employment on the day following the end of their placement.

An ex-employee starting new employment or a placement on April 1st must have an actual termination date and a final processing date (for payroll processing) for their previous employment of March 31st. (If your enterprise does not have Oracle Payroll, the final processing date automatically defaults from the actual termination date).

An ex-contingent worker starting employment or a new placement on April 1st must have an actual termination date of March 31st for their most recent placement.

Note: You cannot change the hire date of any back-to-back employment. Instead, you must cancel the employment and rehire the employee.

Earliest Hire Dates

Rehire before Final Process Date

Note: Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Russia, UK, US, and United Arab Emirates Payroll users can rehire ex-employee before the final process date.See: Rehire Before Final Process Date

Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Russia, UK, US, and United Arab Emirates Payroll Only: To provide greater flexibility in the hiring process, Oracle HRMS enables you to rehire a terminated employee before the Final Process (and after the Last Standard Process) date for their previous period of service.

Rehire before Final Process Date

the picture is described in the document text

As illustrated in the diagram, when you complete the rehire, the application changes the existing, terminated assignment into a secondary assignment. The new, active assignment becomes the primary. You can then process payments from both assignments during the overlapping periods of service.

Note: When you cancel the rehire, the application changes the secondary terminated assignment back to a primary terminated assignment. The application however retains the date changes to the primary terminated assignment even after a cancellation. For example, if the actual termination date is 20 April, the final process date is 31 April, and you rehire the person on 25 April, the application updates the primary terminated assignment for the period 21 April to 24 April and creates a new one for the period 25 April to 31 April. If you subsequently cancel the rehire, then the application retains the primary terminated assignment for the period 21 April to 24 April as well as the one for the period 25 April to 31 April.

When you rehire before the final process date, the employee has overlapping periods of service between the rehire date and the final process date. The Terminate window displays the service dates for all the overlapping periods of service. The latest period of service appears by default. You can scroll down to view the earlier periods of service.

Valid Person Types for Applicants

You can convert an applicant to an employee but not to a contingent worker. However, an applicant can become a contingent worker (a Contingent Worker.Applicant) while their application for employment remains active. Subsequently, you can either cancel the application, and allow the contingent worker placement to continue, or end the contingent worker placement prior to hiring the applicant.