Oracle HRMS for Spain Supplement


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Enterprise and Workforce Management

Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises
Organization Classifications
Creating an Organization
Entering Organization Classifications
Entering Additional Information
Setting Up Spanish Organizations
Entering Statutory Information
Entering Benefit Uplift Details
Entering Disability Deduction Information
Entering Exempt Situations Information
Entering Natural Disaster Information
Entering Work Center Reference
Entering Work Center Details
Entering Partial Unemployment Information
Entering Work Center Shutdown Information
Entering a Section Reference
Entering Tax Office Details
Entering Tax Administration Details
Entering Social Security Office Information
Entering Social Security Province Office Information
Entering Healthcare Organization Information
Business Groups: Entering SOE Information
Business Groups: Entering SOE Detail Information

Jobs and Positions

Defining a Job

Employment Agreements and Legal Compliance

Entering Disability Information

Workforce Sourcing and Deployment

Windows for Maintaining Personal Information
Person Extra Information Types
Entering a New Person (People Window)
Entering Additional Personal Information (People Window)
Entering Contracts
Working Shift Patterns
Setting Up Shifts and Shift Patterns
Assigning Working Shift Patterns to an Employee
Assignment Statuses
Entering Additional Assignment Details (Assignment Window)
Linking Professional Categories to Contribution Groups
Entering Tax Information for Employees
Setting Up the Contract Key Relation User table
Entering Social Security Information for Employees
Workforce and Applicant Termination
Linking Termination Reasons to Social Security Reasons
Ending Employment
Contact Information Overview
Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts
Entering Employees Window
Entering a New Employee
Entering Employment Information
The Workforce Headcount Report Set
Setting Up Statutory Reports
Running the Spanish Company Certificate Report
Running the Spanish Company Certificate Generator
Setting Up the Spanish RED System: New Hires, Leavers, and Contract Changes Report
Running the Spanish RED System: New Hires, Leavers, and Contract Changes Report
Running the Spanish RED System Data Lock Process

Compensation and Benefits

Predefined Elements
Survey of Classifications
Defining an Element
Defining an Element's Input Values
Defining Element Links
Making Manual Element Entries
Absence Categories and Types
Setting Up Absence Management
Defining and Linking an Absence Element
Defining an Absence Type
Setting Up Absences
Setting Up Temporary Disability Absences
Entering Temporary Disability Absence
Entering Maternity Absences
Entering Pregnancy At Risk Absence
Entering Part-time Maternity Absence
Entering Adoption Absence
Historic Rates
Net-to-Gross Processing of Earnings
Contractual Earnings and Deductions
Partially Exempt Earnings Overview
Benefits in Kind Overview
Setting Up Historic Rates
Setting Up Benefit in Kind Information
Payroll Balances
Legislative Balance Initialization
Balance Dimensions
Uploading Initial Balances
Court Orders Overview
Setting Up Court Orders


Benefit Uplift Formulas for Spain


Additional Implementation Steps for Spain

If you are implementing Oracle HRMS for Spain you must also complete the following additional implementation steps.

Please see the implementation section in Implementing Oracle HRMS for all other implementation steps that are not specific to Spain.

Additional Implementation Steps

Step 1: Set Up Spanish Organizations

You must set up your organizations in a specific order to meet your business and reporting requirements.

See: Setting Up Spanish Organizations

Step 2: Set Up Contract Key Relationship

You must set up the ES_CONTRACT_KEY_RELATION table to map the relationship between the contract key, status, type, subtype, and start reason.

See: Setting Up User Tables, Columns and Rows, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide and Setting Up the Contract Key Relation User Table

Step 3: Set Up Termination Reasons

You must link your termination reason to the social security reasons for terminating employees.

See:Linking Termination Reasons to Social Security Reasons

Step 4: Set Up Professional Category and Contribution Group Required Step

You must link the professional category to contribution groups to determine the monthly minimum and maximum social security contributions for employees.

See: Linking Professional Categories to Contribution Group

Step 5: Set Up Shift Patterns

Set up work patterns to record shift details for your employees. See: Setting Up Shift and Shift Patterns, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Step 6: Set Up Statutory Reports

Before you can run the RED System : New Hires, Leavers, and Contract Changes Report and the Company Certificate Report, you must set up these reports to run the report generator and then run the data lock process.

See: Setting Up Statutory Reports

Step 7: Set Up Tax and Social Security Information

You must define the following element links for recording the tax information accurately.

You must define the following element links for recording the social security information accurately.

You define the links in the Element Links window

  1. Select Tax Details in the Element Name field

  2. Select an effective date that is prior to the system date, for example, 01 Jan 2001.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Repeat the above steps for the Tax Withholding Rates Overrides, Social Security Details, Multiple Employment Details.

Step 8: Set Up Absence Information Required Step

You must set up the absence information to report the absences and the social security deductions accurately on the social security contribution reports (TC-1 and TC-2).

See: Setting Up Absences

Step 9: Set Up Temporary Disability Absence Type

You must set up the Temporary Disability absence type to record the sickness leave. See:Setting Up Temporary Disability Absences

Step 10: Set Up Historic Rates Required Step

You must set up Historic Rates if you want the option of calculating payments from the rates applicable when the work was done, rather than the later rates in effect at the time of calculation.

The Tax Withholding Rate process uses Historic Rates to calculate the Contractual Earnings. You must create a Rate Type called Contractual Earnings in the lookup, and attach this rate type to all elements that should be included in the employee's contractual earnings.

See: Setting Up Historic Rates

Step 11: Set Up Net-to-Gross Information Optional Step

You need to set up net-to-gross information to process net-to-gross calculations.

See: Setting Up Net-to-Gross Calculation, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Step 12: Set Up Set Up Events for Proration and RetroPay Optional Step

You need to set up the proration and RetroPay information to make pro-rata payments and backdated payments

See: Setting Up Proration or Retro-Notification, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Step 13: Set Up Benefits in Kind Information Optional Step

You need to set up benefits in kind information to capture and calculate the applicable benefit information.

See: Setting Up Benefits in Kind

Step 14: Set Up Court Order Information Optional Step

To calculate court order deductions you need to set up the court order information.

See: Setting Up Court Orders

Step 15: Set Up Statutory Information Required Step

You must set up your statutory information to process the tax and social security deductions.

See: Setting Up Statutory Information

Step 16: Set Up Partially Exempt Earnings Information Optional Step

To process the partially exempt earnings, you must set up the partially exempt element information.

See: Setting Up Partially Exempt Earnings, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Step 17: Set Up Tax Withholding Rate Information Optional Step

To compute the tax withholding rate you must set up the personal and economic information.

See: Setting Up Tax Withholding Information, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Step 18: Set Up Statement of Earnings Optional Step

You need to set up the online statement of earnings before you can see the values correctly.

See: Setting Up The Statement of Earnings, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Step 19: Set Up RetroPay Optional Step

You need to set up the RetroPay information to process backdated payments and corrections.

See: Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide

Step 20: Set Up Advance Pay Optional Step

You must set up the advance pay information to enable users to process the advance payments to employees.

See: Setting Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide
