Anatomy of Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework UI Components

Configuration Model

The Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework configuration model uses a familiar structure that follows that of a SQL query. No coding or custom expressions are required to configure any Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework component.

For the sake of explaining different configuration options of Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework components, we will use a SQL query structure to introduce the relevant concept in the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework configuration template. Please note that Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework does not execute a SQL query to display data in a component.

For example, given the SQL query:


The metric can be added under "Metrics" with the Attribute of "Asset Cost" and Aggregation "Sum".

Example of Defining a Metric

the picture is described in the document text

If the SQL statement is:


The Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework Configuration would show fa_asset as the selected data set.

Example of Selecting a Data Set

the picture is described in the document text

If the SQL statement is:


The Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework Configuration would have the condition with Asset Type Code for Attribute, = for Operator, and CAPITALIZED for Value.

Example of Setting the Condition

the picture is described in the document text

If the SQL statement is:


The Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework Configuration would have Category listed under Dimensions

Example of Defining the Dimensions

the picture is described in the document text

If the SQL statement is:

  SUM(ASSET_COST) > 10000

The Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework Configuration would have Asset Cost (SUM) for Attribute, >= for Operator, and 10000 for Value under Aggregate Conditions.

Example of Defining the Aggregation Condition

the picture is described in the document text

Based on above example, the following chart will be displayed:

Example of a Chart with Asset Cost (Sum) by Category

the picture is described in the document text

Common Configuration

Many components share common configuration options as follows:

Common Configuration Options

the picture is described in the document text

Configuration Details

The following table lists descriptions of all configuration options across different components.

Configuration Options
Configuration Option Mandatory/Optional Description Example
Component Title (all) Mandatory In navigation components. Title must be
Selected Refinements
Available Refinements
Component Title (all) Optional Dynamic/Static: in visualization component.
Dynamic: displays the metric attribute (aggregation function) by dimension.
Chart: Asset Cost (Sum) by Category
Enable Data Set Optional Flag to enable configuration of multiple data sets.  
Data Set (all) Mandatory The data set display name. Assets
Record Identifier (all) Optional Used in case of entities in the data set at a different cardinality than the grain.
When no record identifier is specified, records are displayed as-is.
Affects aggregation.
Asset Number
Condition (all) Optional Applies to both dimension and metric.
Compound conditions with logical operators (AND/OR) can be applied among the conditions or among a group of conditions.
((Record Type = 'I' AND Hold Count >= 0) AND (Discount Amount Available NOT NULL OR Second Discount Amount Available NOT NULL))
Chart Type (chart)   Supports different types of charts: bar, bar/line, pie, donut, scatter, and bubble.
Controls how bar, bar/line, and line chart is displayed (vertical/horizontal).
Controls how a stacked chart is displayed (stacked/unstacked).
Allows enabling zoom.
Visualization (chart) Chart Line Smoothing: Controls display of smoother line for line series.
Show Data Points: Controls display of data points on lines that are displayed on the chart.
Allow runtime changes: Control to allow business users to change the threshold or number of dimensions
For Pie and Donut charts:
  • + Add Threshold: Set the threshold value for each metric

Other chart types:
  • Number of Dimensions: Controls the number of dimensions displayed on the chart

  • Order of Display: Controls the display of first or last dimensions after sorting order of display

Visualization (tag cloud)   Show Metric Value: display the tag cloud term with relative weight
Number of items: controls how many terms are displayed
Dimensions (all visualization components) Mandatory Qualitative data (string, strings, and date attributes
Define the level of granularity that shows in the component
Major Category, Minor Category
Metrics (all visualization components) Mandatory Quantitative data
Aggregated based on a given dimension.
Supports SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX/COUNT DISTINCT and COUNT in Aggregated Table
Only one metric is displayed at runtime (except multi-metric chart)
Asset Cost (Sum)
Sort Option (Chart, Results Table, and Grid) Optional Enables sorting based on the dimension or metric defined. Allows runtime sorting in the chart and results table).  
Cascading (Chart, Tag Cloud) Optional When the data is refined to a single value for the dimension value, the component is updated to use a different dimension. Major Category, Minor Category
Aggregation Condition Optional Allow having condition on the defined metric. Asset Cost (Sum) >= 10000
Condition for Display Optional Controls when the data is displayed on the component.
Used when displaying the data within a context.
Book code (count distinct) = 1

Note: Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework currently does not enforce validations on the component configuration at design time. Any invalid configurations will error out and be displayed in place of the component at runtime. Revisit the configuration and adjust accordingly.

The subsequent sections cover how UI components enable users to handle diverse scenarios and obtain several types of insights.

Navigation Components

Navigation components enable interactive navigation through the data without having prior knowledge of its distribution nor characteristics. Also, they allow searching for a specific keyword or term, apply filters, and reset applied filters.

Search Box

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework comes with search capabilities that allow users to search for a term within a particular data set.

Search Box Overview

To perform a basic search, type your search term into the search box and Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework will then list available matches in attribute values. If you select a value from the suggestion list then Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework will execute a specific search on that attribute match. Alternatively, you can click on the magnifying glass (search icon) to retrieve all records containing this value regardless of which attribute matches your search criteria.

You can also switch between the configured data sets to search for available matches within the selected data set. The name of the selected data set will appear on top of the search component.

Introduced in V9, the Search Box and Selected Refinement components have undergone a redesign to conform with the updated Oracle design standards.

Search Box

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework has advanced search capabilities in the search box such as wildcards, phrase and Boolean search. These types of searches are described below.

The search box can be dragged to the page to be included as a new component on the page or vice versa. The search component can also be added to the page from the 'Add Components' panel.

Note: Only one search component per page is allowed and can exist either in the navigation panel or on the page but not at both the places.

Search Box Placed on a Page

the picture is described in the document text

Search Scope

Beginning with V11, designers can customize the search experience in an ECC dashboard to allow users to search only within the context of applied filters or search across everything regardless of applied filters.

This is possible via the introduction of a new configuration element called "Search Scope," which has two options:

Search Category

The Search Box feature supports the search category, which allows for searching within a specific attribute value.

Search Category in Search Box

the picture is described in the document text

Search Configuration

Configuration Options for Search Box
Option Description
Data Set Multiple data sets can be added. The configuration has to be repeated for each data set.
Default Used to configure the data set that is selected by default for the search component at runtime. Only one data set can be configured as the default.
Place Holder String defined to act as a placeholder inside the search bar. Default is: 'Search ...'.
Search Scope Control to configure search experience to be either "Search Within" or "Search Without".
Allow runtime search scope selection Enabling this checkbox allows business users to define search behavior at runtime; that is, users can set the search scope to be either "Search Within" or "Search Without".
Search Category Select the attribute for search. In the runtime, all the values for this attribute are available in a list for the user to select. They can also be searched from an embedded search box.
Actions Select Action Type
Refinement: Applies refinement to the page using search value
Hyperlink: Navigates to the page provided after applying refinement with search value

Search Box Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Search Behavior

Various types of searches and the associated behaviors are described below.

Value Search

Upon Selecting an attribute value from category and further selecting another attribute value from suggestion list of search adds both category attribute value and selected attribute value as refinements in selected refinements.

Value Search

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V6, search suggestions of a value search are subject to a control in metadata. Only the attributes with flag "Search Suggest List?" are part of value search suggestions.

Record Search

Introduced in V6, record search exhibits the same behavior as value search. Search queries are added as refinements by clicking on the magnifying glass. Search queries are applied as refinements to the page under 'Your Search' accordion.

Search Query Example

the picture is described in the document text

'Your Search' Accordion Example

the picture is described in the document text

Phrase Search

Phrase Search allows you to search for an exact sequence of terms using quotation marks (" "). For example, searching for phillip taylor returns only records with phillip taylor (case-insensitive).

Wildcard Search

Wildcard or partial search is used when searching for a term where you only know a few letters. By default, when you start typing your search term in the search box, a trailing wildcard (*) is implicitly added at the end of the word. For example, a search for work returns all values with terms that start with work; for example, WORKSTATIONS.

Also, you can use an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) at the beginning of the search term, and the results match any text contains the characters between the search operator, even if they occur in the middle of a word. For example, with a search for *work* or %work%, all values that have 'work' are returned in the search results. The (*) or (%) symbols perform a multiple character wildcard search that looks for 0 or more characters. Thus, a search for *work* returns values such as PC WORKSTATION, NETWORK, and WORKSTATIONS.

Boolean Search

You can include logical operators in the search to set more precise search logic based on the operators listed below: Note: Boolean operators must be in capital letters only: AND, OR, and NOT.

Note: Boolean operators must be in capital letters only: AND,OR , and NOT.

The following table describes these operators:

Boolean Search Operators
Operator Purpose Example Usage and Results
AND Returns results with all specified terms. cip AND addition
Returns results with both 'cip' and 'addition'
OR Returns results with any specified terms. desktop OR laptop
Returns results with either 'desktop' or 'laptop'
NOT Negates the following term (Will not retrieve records that have the unwanted keyword). desktop NOT monitor
Returns results with 'desktop' but not 'monitor'

Operator precedence is determined in the following order:

  1. Any sub-expressions in parentheses are evaluated first

  2. NOT is evaluated before other operators

  3. AND is evaluated after NOT

  4. OR is evaluated after AND


An expression is used to build a more complex search query. You can combine keywords with AND, OR, or NOT. Use parentheses to determine the relationship between operators when more than one operator is used. For example, a search for (computer OR desktop) NOT monitor returns records that contain both the words computer and desktopbut do not contain monitor.

Quick Date Filter

Introduced in V12, the Quick Date Filter feature significantly enhances user experience by allowing users to swiftly select date filters without navigating to available refinements. This feature enables users to select date attributes, choose from predefined time ranges, and utilize relative date ranges such as "last 7 days" or "previous month."

Example of Quick Date Search Icon and Tooltip

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Quick Date Filter with Expanded List

the picture is described in the document text

Important: Note that Quick Date Filter is not applicable to date subsets or fiscal years.

The implementation of this feature requires no configuration changes and is seamlessly embedded within the search box. The date list is generated based on date and date-time attributes marked with the "Show in Guided Discovery" flag in the metadata.

Example of Data Set Page, Attributes Tab, with "Show in Guided Discovery" Selected for RETURN_DATE

the picture is described in the document text

In cases of multiple datasets, the date list is derived from the default dataset configured under search settings. Users can select from a variety of quick filtering options and even apply custom relative date filters. The levels available are Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, and Years. Additionally, users have the flexibility to choose filtering at the levels of Hours and Minutes for date-time attributes.

Options to Choose "Last," "Next," and "Current" for a Date

the picture is described in the document text

Once applied, quick date filters are added to selected refinements as regular date filters, allowing users to amend them and switch between list, range, and relative range type date filters as needed.

To utilize this feature, ensure that the date or date-time attribute intended for quick filtering is designated as "Show in Guided Discovery?" in the metadata as described above.

Selected Refinements

Selected Refinements display all values that the user has selected to filter the dashboard, organized by attribute name and data set. The captured filtered can come from user interaction with any of the Oracle Enterprise Command Center components that allow refinements such as search box, tag clouds, charts, and so on.

The Selected Refinements component can additionally control associative filtering behavior and make the dashboard sensitive to refinement state coming from directly or indirectly associated data sets. This is done by specifying the associated data sets in the configuration.

Beginning with V6, a user can view the meaning or values of filters applied in selected refinements by hovering on them. This feature is controlled by Lookup Mapping in metadata. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework leverages a mapping between the attribute code and the attribute description to show the description in a tooltip when the hovers on the attribute code in Selected Refinements.

Selected Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Selected Refinements have the look and feel options described in the following table:

Selected Refinements Look and Feel Options
Page Layout Selected Refinements
Default (Side Navigation) Displayed inside the navigation panel.
If the user collapsed the side navigation panel, a funnel icon is displayed at the top of the page.
Side Navigation Collapsed Displayed as a funnel icon.
If the user opens the side navigation panel, selected refinements are displayed at the top of the page.
No Side Navigation No selected refinement on the page.


Configuration Options for Selected Refinements
Option Description
Title Default title "Selected Refinements"
Data Set Supports more than one data set selection for honoring association and applied filters between defined data sets.
Override Applied Filters With this flag enabled, if the user applies filters from a different data set, then filters from any other data sets are deleted in selected refinements.

Selected Refinements Configuration

the picture is described in the document text


Introduced in Version 4, the Breadcrumbs feature is an intuitive representation of the selected refinements as a trail of filters on the dashboard page. This feature is configured along with the search box on page. It emphasizes the sequence of the steps in the path the user has chosen to arrive at the current state of the dashboard. The Breadcrumbs component can be added in two ways:

The Breadcrumbs component shows the data set name on top of each filter. It lists all types of filters available in selected refinements. User can delete individual filters or clear all filters from the breadcrumbs.

If there are more than three filters of the same attribute, all the filters are grouped and collapsed displaying an icon. Clicking on the icon displays all the filters of the attribute. All the filters for such attributes can be removed at once. Users can hover over a refinement to view the data set name.

Beginning with v9, the breadcrumbs for selected refinements was re-designed. A user can hover over a refinement to view the data set name.

Example of Breadcrumbs for Selected Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V7, the Breadcrumbs component has been improved to enhance user discovery capabilities by allowing the user to replace or apply additional filters from the selected refinement, inheriting all the refinement behavior as in available refinements.

If you click on the attribute name, then you can select another value and apply it as a filter on top of the existing one from the same attribute.

If you click on the attribute value, then you can select another value and replace it with the existing one from the same attribute.

Note: This behavior is applied to multi-assigned attributes with OR and AND. If you filter by one of the context attributes (single assign) in the dashboard, like a ledger, operating unit, or inventory organization, and then click on the attribute name or value, the applied filter will be replaced by the new value.

If you applied a date range filter, then you can click on the attribute name or attribute value and replace the existing filter with the same attribute.

Also, if you applied a date range filter, and then clicked on the attribute name or value and switched from a range to a list or from a relative range to a list, and next filtered by one value or more from the list, then these filters will be applied on top of the existing range filter applied from the same attribute. The new filter will be added in different accordions because it is based on different operators (in accordance with standard behavior in ECC).

If you applied a numeric range filter, you can click on the attribute name or attribute value and replace the existing filter with the same attribute.

Beginning with V10, Breadcrumbs for Selected Refinements has been enhanced to allow users to make quick selections simply by clicking on the respective attribute. Users can also make multiple selections by clicking on the respective checkboxes, followed by clicking on the Select Filter button. Negative refinements are also simplified as users can click on the negative refinement icon for an attribute to negatively refine the dashboard.

Saved Search

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework provides an option to save the frequently applied filters or preferred filters as saved searches for allowing users to reuse them. All saved searches are context-sensitive to the page and are part of the search suggestions. The list of saved searches can be obtained when focused on the search component. Saved searches are searchable by their title, filter attributes and filter values.

Three types of saved searches are available for the users: Seeded, Public, and Private. Seeded saved searches are published along with the product, Public saved searches are created by admin users and all the saved searches created by users are called Private saved searches. Private saved searches are accessible only by the users who created them, whereas public saved searches are accessible by all the dashboard users.

For more information, see Saved Search, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Available Refinements

The Available Refinements feature enables interactive navigation through the data without having prior knowledge of its distribution nor characteristics.

As a user interacts with available refinements components or perform filtering operations from other components on the dashboard, Available Refinements dynamically updates the attribute list to show relevant attributes and attribute refinements. This navigation is data-driven and supports progressive disclosure of additional attributes as appropriate according to the user's navigation path through the data. Data rendered in the attribute value list also honors refinement state and can shrink, expand or be removed based on which subset of data user is exploring.

Available Refinements supports displaying attributes in a grouped list to reduce clutter.

Available Refinements also supports switching between data sets to apply relevant filters from the data sets. The name of the selected data set will appear in the header of the available refinements section.

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework supports advanced scrolling functionality by limiting the height of refinements section by the height of the dashboard. Any expansion of refinements due to the addition of selected refinements or expansion of accordions in available refinements will be within this height.

Descriptive flexfield (DFF) attributes can be accessed from available refinements along with customer defined labels for DFF attributes. Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework allows progressive disclosure for context-sensitive attributes.

Beginning with V6, users can see easily understandable value set descriptions in available refinements instead of simply value set codes.

The Available Refinements feature also supports filtering the dashboard with time-level precision for date-time attributes. A user can select a time range along with a date range.

Available Refinements

the picture is described in the document text


Configuration Options for Available Refinements
Option Description
Title Default title "Available Refinements".
Data Set Multiple data sets can be added.
Default Only one of the data sets can be selected. Available refinements select that data set as the default data set at runtime.
Attribute List Display Attribute Groups: this checkbox allows selecting and displaying attribute groups.
Attribute list: allows controlling of attribute display in the component, and how the attribute is displayed (list/range). These controls are supported in both attributes flat list and attribute groups.

Available Refinements Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

The Negative Refinements feature allows users to refine the data by filtering out the selected values. Such refinements are displayed in selected refinements with an Exclude icon indicating them as negative refinements.

To apply a negative refinement, you can click the Exclude icon. The icon is visible only when hovered on the attribute value or navigated to using the keyboard.

Example of a Applying a Negative Refinement

the picture is described in the document text

Example of an Applied Negative Refinement

the picture is described in the document text

Also, more than one value can be selected using the Exclude icon for all the desired exclusions.

Example of Multiple Negative Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Multiple Negative Refinements Applied

the picture is described in the document text

If a search is made, the Exclude All button excludes all the search results.

Negative refinements change the refinement behavior of multi-select AND attribute to multi-select OR and vice-versa.

Behavior Matrix for Refinement Selections
Negative Refinement Selection Single Assignment, Positive Single Assignment, Negative Multiple Assignment, Positive Multiple Assignment, Negative
Single Selection = < > N/A N/A
Multiple Selection OR N/A N/A OR NOT X AND NOT Y
Multiple Selection AND N/A N/A AND NOT X OR NOT Y

Like Search

Available refinements support LIKE search for attribute type: 'string' and search queries using operators such as: '*/%' - for zero or more characters and '?' - for one character allowing the user to perform searches with partial matches or exact matches. Search results are immediately applied as refinements in selected refinements.

Clicking the magnifying glass icon performs a LIKE search even when no partial search operators are included in the search query. A partial search operator is implicitly added at the end of the search query if no operator has been mentioned.

Like Search in Available Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Like Search in Selected Refinements

the picture is described in the document text

Additional Features for Filters

Range Filter

Beginning with V7, a user can switch between the range display and list display for date and numeric attributes in the available refinements and breadcrumb features.

Also, a slider is available in the numeric attribute to improve user usability for range filters.

Relative Date Filter

Beginning with V7, a Relative Date Filter allows the business users to filter on the dashboard based on a sliding window of time. Users can also take advantage of the default saved search with the relative date.

Users can apply time-based filters to any date and DateTime column in the dashboard with the relative date filter. For example, users can use the relative date filter to show only sales data that has occurred within the last 30 days (calendar months). From the available refinement; the user can filter by relative date filter from any date attribute by clicking on the relative date icon.

The default filter is "Today" and the user can switch between the different variations of relative dates. Also, the user can specify a relative date period as either an explicit number of past or future time units (for example, 2 years) or specify a previous period. For example, Year To Date, which includes data from 1-January this year to the current date, and Month To Date, which includes data from the beginning of the month to the current date.

Visualization Components

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework has a set of graphs and charts that provide a powerful way of summarizing and presenting data that are critical in decision making. The user can thus find insights, detect outliers, filter the data directly from the charts, and drill down to a deeper level of detail. The following sections describe these components.

Summarization Bar

The Summarization Bar (also called the Summary Bar) allows users to get their footing into a particular business area by viewing metric or dimension values that summarize important aspects about the business area covered by the dashboard.

In V5, the summarization bar also displays abbreviated numbers for values of flag and metrics above 1000. The abbreviation is language-sensitive.

An entry in the summarization bar can be one of the types in the following table:

Entry Types for a Summarization Bar
Summary Item Description
Metric Displays the value of a specific metric, such as total sales or average profit.
Can be used to navigate to a destination dashboard or tab and optionally invoke a refinement action.
Dimension The dimension value associated with either the top or bottom value of an associated metric value, such as the product category with the highest total sales.
Flag Flags display the count of the configured dimension. Additional metrics are displayed in the pop-up.

Summarization Bar

the picture is described in the document text


The general configuration options and item-specific configuration options are listed below.

General Configuration

General Configuration Options for Summarization Bar
Option Description
+ Add Summary Item Click the drop-down arrow beside + Add Summary Item and select the type of summary item to add from the list.
Title Summary item title
Data Set Select data set


Configuration Steps for Summary Bar

  1. Enter the summary bar title and add Flag as a summary item.

    Example of Defining the Summary Bar Title and Adding Flag as a Summary Item

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Enter the following:

    • Define the flag title.

    • Define the data set name.

    • Enter a record identifier if needed.

    • Enter a flag color if needed.

    • Define conditions if any.

    • Select the dimension.

    Example of Additional Configuration Fields for a Summary Bar

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Define a metric (optional).

    Example of a Metric for a Summary Bar

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Add another summary bar item - Dimension.

    Define the summary item title.

    Define the data set.

    Example of Defining Another Summary Bar Item

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Select the attribute to be used as the dimension.

    Example of Selecting an Attribute as a Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Add a new summary bar item - Metric.

    Define a title and data set.

    Example of Adding Another Summary Bar Item (Metric)

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Add conditions as required.

    Example of Defining Conditions for a Summary Bar

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Define metrics.

    Example of Selecting a Metric

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. Preview the summary bar.

    Preview of a Summary Bar

    the picture is described in the document text

Specific configuration per item


Visualization Options
Option Description
Enable Tooltip Allow adding a tooltip to describe the summary item.
Tooltip Text Use the {Value}token to represent the value.

Abbreviated numbers can be shown, with the following characteristics:

Visualization Option for Abbreviated Numbers
Option Description
Show as abbreviated number From Visualizations accordion, Enable Show as abbreviated number

Visualization Configuration Option

the picture is described in the document text

Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting Options
Option Description
Add Condition Add one or more conditions
  • Choose a color to display upon meeting the condition

  • Select a mathematical operator to use

  • Enter the appropriate value in the Value field

  • Enter the minimum and maximum values if the 'between (b/w)' operator is chosen

  • Delete a condition using the Delete icon

Conditional Formatting Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Conditional Formatting at Runtime

the picture is described in the document text


Action Options
Option Description
Action From the action type list, select the action.
Refinement Action
  • Click +Metric refinement.

  • Add the refinement action.

  • To navigate to a specific tab in a tabbed component container in the same dashboard, enter the tab component ID and the subtab number.

  • Note: Tab component ID generated and displayed in the tab component configuration.

  • Note: Metric refinements cannot apply a compound condition as refinements.

Metric Refinement Action Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Metric Refinement in Runtime

the picture is described in the document text

Action Options
Option Description
Hyperlink Action
  • When users click the value, they navigate to the specified URL.

  • A hyperlink can be to another dashboard in the same application or an external URL

  • URLs can include attribute values as parameters.

  • To open a new browser window for the destination dashboard, select the Open link in a new window checkbox

  • Enter the hyperlink destination in the URL field.

  • To add attribute values to an external URL(optional):

    • Click + Add URL Parameters.

    • In the attribute list, select parameter attribute(s)

    • The attributes are inserted as parameters in the URL, where the parameter name is the attribute key, and the parameter value is {ID}, where ID is the ID for that attribute.

Hyperlink Action Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Flag Condition

Flag Condition Options
Option Description
+ Add Condition
  • Select a predefined metric

  • Operator

  • Value

Flag Condition Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V10, users can personalize the Summarization Bar component by including, excluding, or reordering items using the runtime options window. For more information, see User Personalization.

Example of Summarization Bar Personalization Through Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

The Flag Search feature is introduced in V12. This search capability within a flag pop-up allows users to search within the entire list, rather than being restricted to the 100 items displayed. This search functionality inherits the capabilities available in the Available Refinement feature. It is important to note that this search functionality is applicable exclusively to dimensions.

Example of Searching within the Flag Pop-up Window

the picture is described in the document text

Tag Cloud

The Tag Cloud component allows users to compare a set of displayed terms based on the value of an associated metric. The component can optionally display the metric value associated with each term.

Tag Cloud Example

the picture is described in the document text


Configuration information for a tag cloud is listed below.

General configuration

The terms displayed on the Tag Cloud are values from a selected dimension. You can configure a list of available dimensions for users to select from.

The value of the selected metric determines the relative size of the Tag Cloud terms.

Tag Cloud Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Specific configuration

Specific configuration options for the Tag Cloud are listed below.


Provide additional display configuration options for the Tag Cloud.

Tag Cloud Visualization Options
Option Description
Show Metric Value Turn on this option to display the calculated metric value for each Tag Cloud term.
Number of Items Type or select the maximum number of terms to display on the Tag Cloud.

Tag Cloud Visualization Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Tag Cloud Cascading

Cascading levels are displayed as a trail of breadcrumbs, called cascading breadcrumbs, on the top right corner of tag cloud giving a better understanding of drill-downs applied to reach the current state.

Tag Cloud Cascading Options
Option Description
Show cascading breadcrumb Disable to not display cascading breadcrumbs
+ Add Cascading
  • Click +Add Cascading Item.

  • Select the first dimension (the top level of the cascade).

  • To add another cascade level, click +Add Cascading Item and select the second dimension (the new dimension is added to the end of the cascade).

Note: To add a cascading level, all dimensions should be redefined in the dimension section.

Tag Cloud Cascading Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Export in Tag Cloud

Underlying data of the Tag Cloud component can be exported in a CSV file. Exported data honors all runtime changes. As the underlying data needs to be holistic, exported data of the chart contains all the data irrespective of how many dimensions are displayed. The Export feature is controlled from the Actions accordion.

Tag Cloud Export Configuration

the picture is described in the document text


The Chart component displays a graphical chart based on the application data. It supports several sub-types and includes options for selecting the specific data to display.

The chart subtypes are described below.

Multi Data Set Support

Bar and Bar/Line charts support display of metrics from multiple data sets over the common dimensions. The common dimensions should have the same attribute display name and an association should be defined on these data sets.

Association takes care of refining the dashboard appropriately when a filter is applied from the chart. Metrics are aggregated according to the data corresponding to the data set. If a dimension value is missing from any of the data set, it is shown with a corresponding zero value.

Multi data Set Support is applicable for multi-metric charts and honors the existing functionalities of a multi-metric chart.

Once Multi Data Set Support is enabled, a designer can configure the conditions and record identifier for each data set.

Multi Data Set Support also allows users to configure metrics from the same data set but with different conditions or record identifiers.

General Configuration

Configuration options for charts are described below.

General Configuration Options
Option Description
Title The title of the chart.
Data Set Select a data set to associate with the chart.
Enable Multi Data Set Use this flag to enable configuration support to multiple data sets.
Chart Type Select a chart type.
Dimension Series dimension: The series dimension is mandatory (M) in most of the chart types, as described in the table below.
Time Dimension (Optional) Provision to set a date or date-time attribute as a time dimension and to set its aggregation (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly).
Chart Dimensions
Type Group Dimension Series Dimension
Bar N/A (M) Category axis
Stacked Bar Category axis (M) Color
Stacked Bar Percentage Category axis (M) Color
Multi-Metric Bar N/A (M) Category axis
Line N/A (M) Category axis
Stacked Line Category axis (M) Color
Bar/Line Category axis (M) Category axis
Stacked Bar/Line Category axis (M) Color
Multi-Metric Bar/Line N/A (M) Category axis
Bubble (M) Color Number of Bubbles
Scatter (M) Shape and Color Number of Shapes
Pie/Donut N/A (M) Wedge color

In the Chart Dimensions window, you can define the dimensions for a chart. Click in the search box to see a list of dimensions, or enter text to search for a specific dimension.

Use the Time Dimension configuration window to optionally define the options for the time dimension. For example, the Time Dimension could be 'Returned Date' and the Time Grain could be "Monthly'.

Chart Options
Option Description
Show Series Metric (Single vs. Multi) Controls the display of metric values all at once on a chart, or controlled by the user through chart runtime options.
Allow Multi Metric Option Allow business users at runtime to change the chart from single to multi- metric.
This option is checked by default.
Show as Line Convert a bar chart to a line chart.
Show as Waterfall Convert a bar chart to a waterfall chart.
The waterfall chart component supports only a bar chart with a single dimension and a single metric.
+ Add Metric Select metric attribute + aggregation function as below:
  • SUM: Calculates the total value for the metric.

  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average value for the metric.

  • MINIMUM: Selects the minimum value for the metric.

  • MAXIMUM: Selects the maximum value for the metric.

  • COUNT DISTINCT: Counts unique values for an attribute

Return Absolute Value Convert negative values to absolute values.
+ Add Y Axis Reference Line
  • Reference line: allow displaying reference line on the chart based on a predefined metric.

    Example: Average of Asset Cost (Sum)

  • Can add a reference line for as many as the metrics defined on the chart.

  • If the chart displays only one metric, the corresponding reference line to this metric will be displayed.

  • Supports average, min, max, constant.

  • Applied to all chart types except pie/donut charts.

Chart Metric Calculation

the picture is described in the document text

Sort Options:

Cascading levels are displayed as a trail of breadcrumbs, called cascading breadcrumbs, on the top right corner of a chart. This feature gives the user a better understanding of drill-downs applied to reach the current state.

Chart Cascading Options
Option Description
Show cascading breadcrumb Disable to not display cascading breadcrumbs.
+ Add Cascading Item Select the first dimension (the top level of the cascade).
To add another cascade level, click +Add Cascading Item and select second dimension (The new dimension is added to the end of the cascade).

Note: To add a cascading level; all dimensions should be redefined in the series dimension section.

Chart Cascading Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Additional Options for Line and Bar/Line Charts

This section describes configuration options for line charts. For more information on line charts, refer to Data Visualization, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Chart Visualization Options
Option Description
Chart Line Smoothing Enable the flag to display a smooth line with curvature. Applicable for line and bar/line charts.
Show Line Data Points Controls the display of data points on the line. Applicable for line and bar/line charts.

Visualization Configuration for Line and Bar/Line Chart Options

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Line Chart with Smoothing and Data Points

the picture is described in the document text

Additional Options for Waterfall Charts

Configuration Options for Waterfall Charts
Option Description
Show as Waterfall Converts bar chart to waterfall chart.
Note: Group dimension should not be configured as waterfall chart does not honor stacking.
Show beginning and ending totals Displays totals in the chart. Also enables the runtime option allowing the user to control the display of total bars.
Color Pinning Controls pinning colors for the increase bar, decrease bar, and total bar.
Note: Color pinning in configuration is enabled by default.

Visualization Configuration for Waterfall Chart

the picture is described in the document text

"Other" in Pie/Donut Charts

Dimensions corresponding to a percentage lower than the threshold are grouped into the "Other" group. If configured, the threshold limit is also controlled from runtime options.

"Other" is always displayed last in the legend. "Other" considers sorting based on the metric – when sorted in ascending order, "Other" is the first group and when sorted in descending order, "Other" is the last group.

"Other" is always displayed at the end of the legend regardless of the sorting option on the dimension. A user can filter by "Other" from the chart to drill down to data grouped in "Other". Also, the user cannot filter by "Other" from the chart legend.

Options for "Other" in Pie/Donut Charts
Option Description
Allow run-time changes Enable the flag to allow the business user to make changes to the threshold.
+ Add Threshold Select each metric and configure threshold corresponding to that metric. The dimensions with metric values below this threshold will be grouped into “Other”.
Click + Add Threshold for adding a threshold to another metric.

Visualization Options for "Other" Feature in Pie/Donut Charts

the picture is described in the document text

Example of "Other" in a Pie Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Chart Configuration in Action with Examples

Bar Chart

  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Note: The chart title is an optional parameter. Unless it is explicitly set, Enterprise Command Center Framework generates a title based on the dimensions and metrics used in the chart.

    Configuration for Chart Title and Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    The x-axis and y-axis titles are optional as ECC can generate them from the dimensions and metric selected.

    Enable zoom if required. Enabling zoom allows the user to zoom in at runtime. Zooming helps enhance the readability of the chart when the metric values are small.

    Define the layout:

    • Horizontal versus Vertical

    • Stacked versus Unstacked (applicable to a stacked chart only)

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the series dimension.

    Configuration of the Series Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric.

    Chart Configuration of Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Bar Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Stacked Bar Chart

  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Note: The chart title is an optional parameter. Unless it is explicitly set, Enterprise Command Center Framework generates a title based on the dimensions and metrics used in the chart.

    Configuration of the Chart Title and Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    The x-axis and y-axis titles are optional as ECC can generate them from the dimensions and metric selected.

    Enable zoom if required. Enabling zoom allows the user to zoom in at runtime. Zooming helps enhance the readability of the chart when the metric values are small.

    Define the layout:

    • Horizontal versus Vertical

    • Stacked versus Unstacked (applicable to a stacked chart only)

      Configuration of the Chart Type

      the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the group and series dimension.

    Chart Configuration of the Group and Series Dimensions

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric.

    Chart Configuration of Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Stacked Bar Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Bar/Line Chart

  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Note: The chart title is an optional parameter. Unless it is explicitly set, Enterprise Command Center Framework generates a title based on the dimensions and metrics used in the chart.

    Configuration of the Chart Title and Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    The x-axis and y-axis titles are optional as ECC can generate them from the dimensions and metric selected.

    Enable zoom if required. Enabling zoom allows the user to zoom in at runtime. Zooming helps enhance the readability of the chart when the metric values are small.

    Define the layout:

    • Horizontal versus Vertical

    • Stacked versus Unstacked (applicable to a stacked chart only)

      Configuration of the Chart Type

      the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the series dimension.

    Configuration of the Series Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric for the bar and the metric for the line.

    Configuration of the Metrics for the Bar and the Line

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Bar/Line Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Single Metric versus Multi-Metric View

  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Note: The chart title is an optional parameter. Unless it is explicitly set, Enterprise Command Center Framework generates a title based on the dimensions and metrics used in the chart.

  2. Define the chart type.

    The x-axis and y-axis titles are optional as ECC can generate them from the dimensions and metric selected.

    Enable zoom if required. Enabling zoom allows the user to zoom in at runtime. Zooming helps enhance the readability of the chart when the metric values are small.

    Define the layout:

    • Horizontal versus Vertical

    • Stacked versus Unstacked (applicable to a stacked chart only)

  3. Set the series dimension.

    Configuration of the Series Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set multiple metrics.

    Note here that for "Return %", no aggregation has been defined. It is a calculated attribute, and hence the aggregation is already defined for it in metadata.

    Toggle between values of "Show Series Metric: Single Vs Multi."

    Configuration of Multiple Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    When the Show Series Metric value is set to Single, the chart displays values for that single metric.

    Preview of a Bar Chart for a Single Metric

    the picture is described in the document text

    When the Show Series Metric value is set to Multi, the chart displays data for multiple metrics.

    Preview of a Bar Chart for Multiple Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

Multi-Data Set Support in Bar and Bar/Line Charts

Bar and Bar/Line charts support the display of metrics from multiple data sets over the common dimensions. The common dimensions should have the same attribute display name, and an association should be defined on these data sets.

The association takes care of refining the dashboard appropriately when a filter is applied from the chart. Metrics are aggregated according to the data corresponding to the data set.

If a dimension value is missing from any of the data sets, it is shown with a corresponding zero value.

Multi Data Set support is applicable for multi-metric charts and honors the existing functionalities of multi-metric chart. Once Multi Data Set support is enabled, the designer can configure conditions and record identifier for each data set. Multi Data Set support also allows users to configure metrics from the same data set but with different conditions or record identifiers.

  1. Define a Data Set 1 with a condition.

    Define a meaningful alias for the data set.

    Note: In this example, we are trying to compare expense across categories for Sales and procurement cost centers.

    Define First Data Set for Chart Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define a Data Set 2 with a condition. Set a meaningful alias for the data set.

    Define Second Data Set for Chart Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the chart type and its associated settings. Only Bar and Bar/Line charts support the multi data set feature.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the common dimension across data sets.

    Configuration of a Common Dimension across Data Sets

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Set the metrics for both data sets.

    Configuration of Metrics for Both Data Sets

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Bar Chart with Multi Data Set Support

    the picture is described in the document text

Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart Configuration Options
Option Description
Show as Waterfall Converts a bar chart to a waterfall chart.
Note that the Group dimension should not be configured because the waterfall chart does not honor stacking.
Show beginning and ending totals Displays totals in the chart. This option also enables a runtime option for the user to control the display of the total bars.
Color Pinning This option controls pinning colors for the increase bar, decrease bar, and total bars.
Color pinning in configuration is enabled by default.
  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Configuration of Chart Title and Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    Configuration of Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the series dimension.

    Setting the Series Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric.

    Check Show as Waterfall.

    In the following figure, the "Cash Vs Receipt" attribute is a calculated attribute. Therefore, there is no aggregation defined on it.

    Setting the Metrics Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Waterfall Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Inside the Visualization accordion in the Chart Configuration window, select the Show beginning and ending totals checkbox.

    Selection of the "Show Beginning and Ending Totals" Box

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Enable color pinning.

    Enabling Color Pinning

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Preview the chart again.

    Preview of A Waterfall Chart with Totals and Color Pinning

    the picture is described in the document text

Percent Chart

  1. Define the chart title and data set.

    Define the record identifier.

    Set the chart type as Bar.

    Set the orientation.

    Note: Most of the data sets are stored in a denormalized form. This means that if there are two holds for a single invoice, there would be two records for that invoice. Every other attribute may remain the same. In such cases, if we don’t define a record identifier and try to calculate Invoice amount per Supplier, we may end up in miscalculating the invoice amount because an invoice may appear more than once in denormalized form. Hence, if we define a record identifier, which is Invoice Number in this example, only one record corresponding to that invoice will be selected at random.

    Configuration of Chart Title, Data Set, Record Identifier, Type, and Orientation

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the group and series dimensions.

    Note: A percent chart only works in a stacked setup. Therefore it is necessary to define both the group and series dimensions.

    Configuration of Dimensions

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set metrics.

    Select the Show as Percentage checkbox.

    Configuration of Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Percent Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Time Series Chart

Time Series Chart Configuration Options
Option Description
Time Dimension To define any date or date-time attribute as a time dimension. The date or date-time attribute must have been configured as a dimension.
Time Grain To set the aggregation for the time dimension.
  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration for Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    Note that time series charts are supported in bar and bar/line charts only.

    Configuration of Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set a date or date-time attribute as a dimension.

    Configuration of Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Explicitly declare the dimension as a time dimension.

    Set the time grain.

    Note: Available time grains are:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Quarterly

    • Yearly

    For a date-time attribute, the hours and minute label time grain is supported only during cascading. Cascading examples are mentioned later in this section.

    Declaration of Time Dimension and Setting of the Time Grain

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Set the metric.

    Select the Show as Line checkbox.

    • Return % is a calculated attribute and hence aggregation is not defined on it during configuration. Aggregation is already defined in metadata.

    • Show as Line is an optional setting here. It is more meaningful to see time trends in a line chart rather in a bar form.

    Metrics Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Time Series Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Additional Configuration for Smoothing a Line Chart

Chart Visualization Options
Option Description
Chart Line Smoothing Enable the flag to display a smooth line with curvature. Applicable for line and bar/line charts.
Show Line Data Points Controls the display of data points on the line. Applicable for line and bar/line charts.
  1. Continue in the same example and make the relevant changes in visualization accordion to smooth the line chart.

    Ensure that the Chart Line Smoothing checkbox is selected.

    Visualization Configuration Options

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Chart with Line Smoothing

    the picture is described in the document text

Examples of Configurations for Analytical Functions in Charts

Reference Lines

Chart Option for Reference Line
Option Description
+ Add Y Axis Reference Line
  • Reference line: allow displaying reference line on the chart based on a predefined metric.

    Example: Average of Asset Cost (Sum)

  • Can add a reference line for as many as the metrics defined on the chart.

  • Can add an additional reference line, Y2-Axis Reference Line, in a bar/line chart.

  • If the chart displays only one metric, the corresponding reference line to this metric will be displayed.

  • Supports average, min, max, constant.

  • Applied to all chart types except pie/donut charts.

  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    Time series charts are supported only in bar and bar/line charts.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set a date or date-time attribute as a dimension.

    In this example, Returned Date is set as a dimension.

    Configuration of a Date as a Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Explicitly declare the dimension as a time dimension. In this example, Returned Date is declared as the time dimension.

    Set the time grain. In this example, the time grain is Quarterly.

    Configuration of Time Dimension and Time Grain

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Set the metric.

    Set the reference line to indicate an average of returned order amount per quarter.

    Configuration of Metrics

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Reference Line in a Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Simple Moving Average

Introduced in ECC V12, the simple moving average (SMA) functionality emerged as a pivotal feature for data analysis and decision-making. By smoothing trends and providing a more stable representation of data, the SMA facilitated the identification of underlying patterns and trends within time series data. Its ability to reduce the impact of short-term volatility enabled users to make more informed decisions with greater confidence over time.

The Simple Moving Average, supported in bar and bar/line charts, is specifically designed for time series data, with the overlaid dotted line enhancing visual clarity without detracting from the original metric. Configuration of the Simple Moving Average is user-friendly, allowing for the definition of the moving average within the metric settings, adjustment of the rolling window, and the option to enable it as a default view.

Options for Simple Moving Average
Option Description
+ Add Moving Average Allows displaying the moving average on the chart based on a predefined metric. Users need to select the metric and define the moving average window. The default window is two (2) periods.
Show Moving Average Enables the display of the moving average on the default view.
  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    Note that time series charts are supported only in bar and bar/line charts.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set a date or date-time attribute as a dimension.

    In this example, Returned Date is set as a dimension.

    Setting the Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Explicitly declare the dimension as a time dimension. In this example, Returned Date is declared as the time dimension.

    Set the time grain. In this example, the time grain is Quarterly.

    Setting the Time Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Set the metric.

    Set the moving average period.

    Configuration of Metrics Information

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Simple Moving Average in a Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Running Total

Introduced in V12, the running total enhancement offers users a powerful tool for gaining comprehensive insights into cumulative metrics across various data aggregations. This feature, accessible through a new checkbox within the metric accordion, allows users to calculate running totals on any type of aggregation, including calculated attributes. With support extending to all bar and bar/line charts except for the Stacked Bar chart, users can now leverage this functionality to enhance their decision-making processes and gain deeper understanding from different perspectives.

Option for Running Total
Option Description
+ Add Moving Average Allows displaying running total on the chart based on a predefined metric. Designers need to define the metric and check the Show running total box.
  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the dimension.

    Setting the Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the bar metric.

    Set the line metric with a running total.

    • "Cash vs. Receipts" in this example is a calculated attribute and hence there is no aggregation.

    • In the bar metric, the metric is used without running total.

    • In the line metric, running total of the same metric is used.

    Configuring the Metrics Information

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Running Total in a Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Examples of Configuration Steps for Pie and Donut Charts

Pie/Donut Chart

  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Set the chart type to Pie.

    Configuration of the Chart Type as Pie

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the dimension.

    Configuration of the Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set metric.

    Configuration of Metric Information

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Pie Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Now change the chart type in Step 2 to Donut and preview the chart.

    Preview of a Donut Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

Thresholding using the "Other" Option in Pie/Donut Charts

Dimensions corresponding to a percentage lower than a specified threshold are grouped into a group called "Other." If configured, the threshold limit is also controlled from runtime options. "Other" is always displayed last in the legend. A user can filter by "Other" from the chart to drill down to data grouped in the "Other" group; however, the user cannot filter by "Other" from the chart legend.

Chart Options for Thresholding
Option Description
Allow runtime changes Enable this flag to allow the business user to make changes to the threshold.
+ Add Threshold Select each metric and configure threshold corresponding to that metric. The dimensions with metric values below this threshold will be grouped into "Other."
Click + Add Threshold for adding a threshold to another metric.
  1. Configure a donut chart as described in the steps above.

  2. Add a threshold. In the example below, the segments of "Return Reasons" that contribute to less than 5% of the whole will be grouped as "Other." .

    Configuration of Threshold Options

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Chart with Thresholding

    the picture is described in the document text

Common Chart Features


Introduced in V10, the support for the Trellis Chart brings forth an alternative chart type designed to enhance data visualization. The Trellis Chart presents a series of sub-charts, all utilizing the same scale and axes, thereby simplifying the comprehension of data relationships. This chart type effectively splits a single chart into multiple versions, arranged side-by-side, with data partitioned across these versions based on a chosen series dimension, such as product lines or country for a "sales by category" column chart.

Chart Options for a Trellis Chart
Option Description
Trellis Row Allows displaying data partitioned vertically by the chosen dimension.
Trellis Column Allows displaying data partitioned horizontally by the chosen dimension.

The support for pie and donut charts with trellis is introduced in V11.

Trellis Chart with Pie Charts

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Set the chart type to Pie or Donut.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set the dimension.

    Configuration of Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric.

    Configuration of Metric Information

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Preview the chart.

    Preview of Pie Chart

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Add a trellis row with the attribute "Shipment Method."

    Trellis Configuration with Trellis Row

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Preview the new trellis chart.

    Preview of a Trellis Chart with Trellis Row Configured

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Add a trellis column.

    Note that in this example, we have removed the attribute "Shipment Method" from Trellis Row and added it under Trellis Column.

    Trellis Configuration with Trellis Column

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Trellis Chart with Trellis Column Configured

    the picture is described in the document text

Chart Cascading Option

Introduced in ECC V7, the enhancement of the chart tooltip empowers business users to anticipate the next level of available detail on the chart, thereby enhancing their information discovery experience. For charts with cascading enabled, users can hover over the chart series to visualize the subsequent level of details in a similar chart type.

With the Cascading Breadcrumb feature, cascading levels are displayed as a trail of breadcrumbs on the top right corner of the chart, giving a better understanding of drill-downs applied to reach the current state.

Chart Cascading Options
Option Description
Show cascading breadcrumb Disable to not display cascading breadcrumbs.
+ Add Cascading Item Select the first dimension (the top level of the cascade).
To add another cascade level, click +Add Cascading Item and select second dimension. The new dimension is added to the end of the cascade.

Note: To add a cascading level; all dimensions should be redefined in the series dimension section.

  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Set the chart type to pie or donut (donut in the example here).

    Configuration of Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set more than one series dimension to cascade.

    Configuration of Dimensions

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Set the metric.

    Configuration of the Metric

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Define cascading.

    Chart Cascade Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Preview the chart.

    Preview of a Chart with Cascading

    the picture is described in the document text

Cascading in a Time Series Chart

In V11, the time series chart has been improved to accommodate finer time grains including Week, Day, Hour, and Minute. Hour and Minute time grains are exclusively available during cascading. The cascading drop-down list now features auto-bucketed time grains from the start point to the end, determined by the attribute profile.

  1. Define the data set.

    Configuration of the Data Set

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Define the chart type. In this example, the chart type is Bar.

    Note: Time series charts are only supported in bar/bar-line charts.

    Configuration of the Chart Type

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Set a date or date-time attribute as the dimension.

    Configuration of Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Explicitly declare the dimension as a time dimension.

    Set the time grain.

    Note: Available time grains are:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Quarterly

    • Yearly

    For a date-time attribute, the hours and minute label time grain is supported only during cascading.

    Configuration of Time Dimension

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Set the metric.

    Configuration of Metric

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Set the monthly to weekly cascading.

    Configuration of Chart Cascade

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. Preview the chart. Hover over any bar in previewing.

    Preview of Cascading in a Time Series Chart

    the picture is described in the document text


Sorting has the following options:

Option Description
Group Sort Enable sorting either by group dimension or metric.
Series Sort Enable sorting on series dimension.
Trellis Row Sort To sort by the dimension configured as the trellis row.
Trellis Column Sort To sort by the dimension configured as the trellis column.

Example of Sorting in the Metadata Page

the picture is described in the document text

Top N in Charts

For chart types other than Pie and Donut, the Top N feature can be used to include just the essential information by rendering the chart with a subset of dimensions to display only the first N dimensions in the chart. Top N takes the Sort definition into account for considering the first or last N dimensions.

Top N is applicable for all chart types apart from pie and donut chart types, if the group dimension is configured.

In Bar and Bar/Line chart types, if the chart has group dimension, then Top N considers the group dimension; otherwise the series dimension. In Bubble and Scatter chart types, Top N always considers the group dimension.

Top N Configuration Options
Option Description
Number of Dimensions Controls the number of dimensions displayed on the chart.
If the group dimension is configured, the number of dimensions is used to control the number of group dimensions displayed; otherwise, the series dimension is used.
Order of Display Order of display controls whether to display the first or last dimensions after considering sorting.
Applicable only if sorting is configured.
Number of Trellis Dimension Controls the number of trellis dimensions displayed on the chart. By default, it is set to five (5).

Visualization Options for the Top N Feature

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Top N in a Bar Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Export in Charts

A chart can be exported as a PNG image that contains a snapshot of the chart. The snapshot contains the chart as-is -- as seen on the dashboard to honor runtime changes and any change in size with chart maximization.

Underlying data of the chart component can also be exported in a CSV file. Exported data also honors all the runtime changes. As the underlying data needs to be holistic, the exported data of chart will contain all the data even if Top N is configured.

Export can be configured from Actions accordion.

Actions Options
Option Description
Enable Export as Image This option allows the business user to export a snapshot of the chart.
Disable this option to change the default option.
Enable Export Enable this flag to allow the business user to export underlying data of the chart.
Disable to change the default option.

A trellis chart cannot be exported in the form of an image.

Actions Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Color Pinning in Charts

Beginning with V6, chart colors can be pinned with context-specific colors. These colors remain intact irrespective of user session.

The following table describes the instances in which color pinning is supported: The availability for color pinning in a group dimension, series dimension, or metric plus threshold is listed for each chart type.

Support Matrix for Color Pinning in Charts
Chart Type Group Dimension Series Dimension Metric +Threshold
Pie N/A Available N/A
Donut N/A Available N/A
Bar N/A Available Available
Multi-Metric Bar N/A N/A Available
Stacked Bar N/A Available Available
Line N/A Available Available
Multi-Metric Line N/A N/A Available
Stacked Line N/A Available Available
Bar/Line N/A N/A Available
Stacked Bar/Line N/A Available Available
Scatter Available N/A N/A
Bubble Available N/A N/A

A color pinned on a dimension (for example, in a pie chart) honors configuration from the metadata. Colors pinned on metrics (for example, in a multi-metric bar chart) honor the component configuration.

Example of Color Pinning

the picture is described in the document text

Actions Options for Color Pinning
Option Description
Enable Color Pinning This control enables configuration for color pinning.
Add Color This option adds an option for color pinning on a metric.
Select Metric Select one of the configured metrics.
Select Color Select one of the colors in color palette.
Increase, Decrease, Totals This option applies to the waterfall chart only. Select colors for each change in waterfall chart.
Preview Color This option applies to the waterfall chart only. The selected color appears for preview.

Example of Actions Configuration for Color Pinning

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Actions Configuration for a Waterfall Chart

the picture is described in the document text

Introduced in ECC V10, a new color palette has been introduced for dataset color, summary bar, flag color, and metric colors in components:

Color Palette for Selected Components

the picture is described in the document text

In addition, a new color palette is introduced for color pinning in metadata, which will then reflect changes in components such as the Results Grid, and the Results Table.. The following is the color palette for color pinning in metadata:

Color Palette for Color Pinning in Metadata

the picture is described in the document text

Aggregated Table

An aggregated table tabulates aggregations across dimensions of interest. The displayed metrics are aggregations defined at design time. The aggregate table displays ten records per page, but when maximized, it displays up to 50 records per page. The aggregated table also displays abbreviated values with actual values displayed in the tooltip. The abbreviation is also language-sensitive.

Example of an Aggregated Table

the picture is described in the document text

A business user can adjust the data displayed in the aggregated table from a runtime option.

Example of Adjusting Data for the Aggregated Table Runtime Option

the picture is described in the document text

Specific Configuration

Specific Configuration Options for an Aggregated Table
Option Description
Add Attribute Click + Add Attribute
The attribute list contains the dimensions used to aggregate the metrics. Dimension columns are always displayed to the left of the table.
Beginning with V10, conditional formatting for attributes is driven by metadata colors.
Add Metric Click + Add Metric
The metric attribute has a default aggregation function assigned per attribute type.
You can change the default aggregation.
Beginning with V10, the metric attribute also has a provision to set conditional formatting based on the metric value.
Show as abbreviated number This flag controls the display of aggregated metrics as abbreviated values instead of actual values. Actual values are displayed as a tooltip. You can disable the flag to change the default option.
Actions Enable Export
This flag controls the ability of the business user to export the data in the aggregate table. Export honors granularity in the aggregate table by including all the selected attributes and metrics. You can disable the flag to change the default option.
Enable Aggregated Table Summary Enable displaying summary of all metrics. The summary is impacted by selected refinements and local filters.

Export for Aggregated Tables

Enable the Export option to export the contents of the aggregated table. Export considers granularity of the aggregated table set from runtime options.

Export can be configured from the Actions accordion.

Actions Option
Option Description
Enable Export Controls whether a business user can export the underlying data in the aggregated table.
Disable to change the default option.

Aggregated Table Actions Option

the picture is described in the document text

The following steps outline the configuration of an aggregated table.

  1. Define the title and the data set.

    Defining the Title and Data Set for an Aggregated Table

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Add the attributes and metrics. The checkbox Show as abbreviated number is checked by default.

    Configuring Attributes and Metrics for an Aggregated Table

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Enable the aggregated table summary by selecting its checkbox.

    Enabling the Aggregated Table Summary

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Preview the aggregated table.

    Preview of an Aggregated Table

    the picture is described in the document text

Pivot View

Introduced in V8, the Pivot View feature presents an alternative visualization to aggregated table. A pivot view can be configured to include a grand summary row and grand summary columns.

Example of a Pivot View

the picture is described in the document text

In addition to viewing the Pivot View data, users can change the pivot layout by show/hide attributes and metrics using runtime options.

Introduced in ECC V9, enhancements to both the Aggregated Table component and Pivot View now support the reordering of attributes and metrics from runtime. This capability allows users to pivot an aggregate table on any attribute, enabling them to view aggregations by setting any attribute as the column attribute. Additionally, in runtime options for Pivot view, to help users in the identification of attribute types of unique icons are displayed. Row attributes, column attributes and unselected attributes have distinct icons.

Introduced in ECC V10, enhancements to the Pivot view now offer sub-summary support for attributes outlined in the configuration. Additionally, users can conveniently enable or disable pivot sub-summary during runtime.

Enhancements in V11 to the runtime option allow an end user to enable or disable the sub-summary based on their preferred attribute.

Example of Pivot View Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

The Pivot View component allows for sorting by dimension (from A to Z or Z to A) or grand summary (from smallest to largest or largest to smallest).

Example of Pivot with Grand Summary and Sub-Summary

the picture is described in the document text

Enhancements in V12 allow users to sort by a metric in a pivot view. The sorted view is presented in an inline view, and it shows only up to 100 records after sorting.

Example of a Pivot Sorted by Expense Amount (Sum)

the picture is described in the document text

Note: Metadata-level color pinning is extended to the Aggregate Table component and corresponding Pivot View in V10. This feature is used in conditional formatting display. For example, an attribute such as "Posting Status" could have conditional formatting enabled from the metadata.

Configuration Options Specific to the Pivot View

Configuration options for Pivot View only are listed in the table below.

Configuration Options for Pivot View
Option Description
Enable Pivot View Enable Pivot View support. Allow switching between the aggregate table and the pivot view at runtime.
Set Default Pivot View Set the pivot as the default view of the aggregated table.
Pivot Summary: Row Summary Display a grand summary row.
Pivot Summary: Column Summary Display grand summary columns.
Pivot Summary: Enable Subsummary Display subsummary specific to the selected attributes.

Configuration Example

  1. Define the title and data set.

    Defining the Title and Data Set for Pivot View

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Add the attributes and metrics. Show as abbreviated number is checked by default.

    Configuring Attributes and Metrics for Pivot View

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Enable Pivot View and its associated settings.

    Configuring the Pivot View Settings

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Preview the pivot view.

    Preview of a Pivot View

    the picture is described in the document text

Dynamic Attribute Label in Pivot View and Available Refinements

Beginning with V9, designers can establish precedence rules in metadata, and these rules subsequently affect the behavior of the pivot view. Users can assign a label to a target attribute based on a predefined value of a trigger attribute, and dynamically, the corresponding defined label will be shown in the pivot view.

Note: This feature is supported in only the Pivot View component, and not in the Aggregate Table component.

Skipping Null Attributes in the Aggregate Table Component and Pivot View

Beginning with V9, the "skip null" feature is extended to the Aggregate Table component and Pivot view.

Designers can create an Aggregate table component or Pivot view and based on the presence of values in the attributes, the respective attributes will be displayed. That is, if an attribute has null values only, then the attribute will not be displayed. Any attribute that at least has one non-null value will be displayed.

Local Filters in Aggregate Table

Introduced in ECC V12, local filters for aggregated table empowers users to focus only the records of interest without affecting the global context.

For example, in an aggregated table displaying records for expenses, a user could apply a local filter for only those expenses in the categories of "Airfare" and "Meals." With those filters applied, only the expenses in those categories are displayed.

Example of Applying Local Filters to an Aggregated Table

the picture is described in the document text

Example of an Aggregated Table with Local Filters Applied

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework V13 includes an improvement regarding attribute visibility within an aggregated table. Previously, attributes designed for hyperlink actions were intentionally omitted from runtime display but remained accessible via the show/hide context menu. Beginning with V13, attributes are included in hyperlinks even if they are not part of the aggregated table’s configuration. This change ensures attribute visibility aligns with user expectations and design objectives, thereby enhancing the usability of the aggregated table.

Detailed Insight Components

Oracle Enterprise Command Centers offer detailed insights into the data though results tables and grids. This allows users to take the required action to resolve a process bottleneck, address an exception, or progress a business transaction.

Results Table

The Results Table component displays a set of data in a table format. A results table displays ten records in each page and when expanded at runtime, the results table displays up to 50 records per page.

Descriptive flexfield attributes can be configured as an attribute group in a results table.

The data displayed in the Results Table component is either:

The Results Table component supports several new features in V10, including: conditional formatting, freezing of columns, grouping of row actions under one icon, flexibility in selecting rows, and end user personalization capabilities, These features are described below.

The Results Table component supports conditional formatting. For categorical attributes, the conditional formatting is driven by metadata color pinning. For numerical attributes, the conditional formatting is supported from the component's configuration.

The Results Table component supports freezing of columns:

The Results Table component displays all the row actions grouped under the horizontal overflow icon (…). This column is also frozen by default. No such grouping exists for result tables having only one row action.

The Result Table offers flexibility in selecting rows with the following options:

Beginning in V10, the Results Table component allows end users to hide, show, reorder, and delete attributes in runtime. When multiple records are selected during runtime, the user can access summary statistics (sum and average) related to numerical attributes. This information appears in the footer of the results table. Both of these features are considered in the scope of End User Personalization and are preserved for a user from session to session.

Hide/Show Attributes Window for a Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V11, a local filter is supported in a results table to focus only the records of interest without affecting the global context. Except for calculated attributes, all attributes support local filtering at runtime. Local filtering is also applicable for the inline results tables.

A user can hover over a column title to view and select local filters.

Example of a Local Filter for a Column in a Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

Example of a Results Table with Local Filters Selected

the picture is described in the document text

Introduced in ECC V11, the Show Selected Records view is supported in results tables. The footer of the result table is enhanced to show a hyperlink when records are selected. Upon clicking the hyperlink, a user can access all the selected records under a single view. The selected records are overlaid on the original table with a breadcrumb on the table title so the user can go back to the original table.

Example of a Results Table with Three Records Selected across Pages and Hyperlink in Footer

the picture is described in the document text

Upon clicking the hyperlink, a user can access all the selected records under a single view. The selected records are then overlaid on the original table with a breadcrumb in the table title to go back to the original table.

Example of Selected Records in a Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework V13 includes an improvement regarding attribute visibility within the results table. Previously, specific attributes tailored for hyperlink actions were intentionally omitted from real-time display, in accordance with ECC standards. However, this approach led to a discrepancy where these attributes remained accessible to business users via the show/hide context menu, contrary to the designer's intent to conceal them. In response, the enhancement removes the restriction and allows attributes to be included inside hyperlinks even if they are not part of the results table configuration. This modification eliminates the need for a design change while ensuring that attribute visibility aligns with user expectations and design objectives.

Configuration for a Results Table

Configuration options are listed below.

Common Configuration Options
Option Description
Title Component title.
Data Set Select one data set.

Flat List Configuration

Flat List Configuration Options
Option Description
Attributes Select an attribute and click + Add Attribute.
Indicators Click + Add Indicator to add an Indicator.

Results Table - Flat List Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Attribute Group and Attribute Level Configuration

Attribute Group Configuration Options
Option Description
Display Attribute Group Select Display Attribute Group to allow the display of attribute groups in the results table.
Persistent Attributes Click + Add Attribute in the persistent attribute section.
  • To set the display order of the attributes, drag each attribute to the appropriate location in the list. The column at the top of the list displays at the far left of the table.

  • To remove a column from the Persistent Attribute list, click its delete icon.

  • To add an indicator click + Add Indicator.

Interchangeable Attributes Click + Add Group in Interchangeable Attributes section.
Add attribute groups:
  • Cannot change the name of an attribute group

  • Can re-order the attribute groups, and the attributes within a group

Results Table - Attribute Group Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Attribute Level Configuration Options
Option Description
Show Column Checkbox To show or hide the indicator column in the result table.
Freeze Columns To apply or remove freezing to a column. This option is enabled for persistent columns.
Conditional Formatting To enable conditional formatting for numerical attributes based on the column value.

Indicator Configuration

Beginning with V9, the Results Table component supports displaying indicators in order to highlight vital parameters with visual cues rather than text, so that a user can quickly spot them. In an 'attribute group' setup, indicators can only be added in the section of persistent attributes.

Indicator Configuration Options
Option Description
Show Column Checkbox This box is used to show or hide the Indicator Column in the results table.
Display Name Text Box The name of the indicator.
The same name is used as a column name for the indicator.
Image URL Text Box The URL to retrieve an image as a thumbnail.
The URL can include attribute values as parameters
Add URL Parameter Button The + Add URL Parameters option defines the attribute passed as a parameter to dynamically retrieve the indicator.
Tooltip Text Box This box is used to provide additional details for the attribute value.
The description can include tokens to represent the value of the attribute.
Conditional Hide Attribute Text Box This box provides a Boolean attribute based on which indicators can be shown/hidden dynamically at runtime.

Results Table Indicator Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Specific Configurations

Actions - Row Action

Select +Add Action and select Action Type: Hyperlink.

Row Action Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Actions - Row Action

Select +Add Action and Action Type: Js Function Call.

Row Action (Js Function Call) Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Actions - Action Menu

Select + Add Action and select Action Type: Pass Parameters

Results Table Action Menu Configuration

the picture is described in the document text


Sorting allows a user to configure the default sort order to use for the table. To add a new sort rule:

Results Table Sorting Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Visualization Configuration

Visualization configuration is optional. There are three options for Record Selection Mode.

Record Selection Mode Options
Options Description
Multiple The default option. Multiple rows can be selected at a time.
Single Only one record can be selected at a time.
Disable Row selection is disabled. This option is useful where the results table is on a single page and there is no need to perform any action on the table.

Compare Configuration

The Results Table component includes a Compare option on the Actions menu for comparing selected items. The configuration options for the Compare option are described below.

Configuration Options
Options Description
Enable Compare Checkbox to enable compare at runtime
Compare Header Allow adding static test as a compare header
Header Attribute Display compare header as a tokenized attribute
Show Attribute Display Name Flag to display both attribute label and value

Compare Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Configuration Matrix

The options to display the column header are described in the following table.

Configuration Matrix
Header Attribute Header Display Example
Empty Empty Record n Record 1
Text Empty Text n Item 1
Text Attribute Name Text: Attribute Value Item: LCD Thin Panel Monitor
Empty Attribute Name Attribute Display Name: Attribute Value Description: LCD Thin Panel Monitor

The options to control the display of attribute groups in the Compare window are listed in the following table.

Options for Display of Attribute Groups in the Compare Window
Option Description
In Metadata Attribute Groups,
Include in user actions
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in Compare window
In Results Table Configuration,
Display Attribute Groups
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in the results table and Compare window
(Groups displayed will be a union between the ones configured in metadata and in the results table)
In Results Grid Configuration,
Use Attribute Groups
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in Compare window
(Groups configured in metadata will be displayed)

The options to control the display of grid attributes in the Compare window header are listed in the following table.

Options for Display of Grid Attributes in the Compare Window Header
Option Description
In Results Grid Cell Configuration, accessible in Compare and Record Details (Available for grid items: Text Input and Button) Checkbox to display grid item in Compare window header

Record Details Configuration

The Record Details option allows you to view all the significant information of a record in a tabular format. The Record Details option displays the details in a window similar to the Compare option window . Attributes in a record details window can also be organized into respective groups, if configured. Similar to the Compare window, a Record Details window also supports dynamic titles and column header grid actions.

Configuration Options for Record Details
Options Description
Add action Row action type: Record details
Record Details Header Allow adding static test as a compare header
Header Attribute Display record details title as a tokenized attribute
Show Attribute Display Name Flag to display both attribute label and value

Record Details Configuration for Results Table

the picture is described in the document text

The options to display the column header are described in the following table.

Configuration Matrix
Header Attribute Header Display Example
Empty Empty Record n Record 1
Text Empty Text n Item 1
Text Attribute Name Text: Attribute Value Item: LCD Thin Panel Monitor
Empty Attribute Name Attribute Display Name: Attribute Value Description: LCD Thin Panel Monitor

The options to control the display of attribute groups are described in the following table.

Options to Control Display of Attribute Groups in Record Details
Option Description
In Metadata Attribute Groups:
Include in user actions
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in the record details.
In Results Table Configuration:
Display Attribute Groups
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in the results table and record details.
(Groups displayed will be a union between the ones configured in metadata and in the results table.)

Timeline View

Introduced in ECC V8, Timeline view is supported in results table as an alternative visualization to the default results table. The timeline view is an interactive data representation of a time period, with key events marked along in chronological order. A user can quickly navigate forward and backward within a defined time range. Events are represented as timeline items, and each event can have a duration based on the start and end date of that event. A user can switch between the results table and the timeline view using the timeline icon.

Example of a Timeline View

the picture is described in the document text

The full range of available dates is based on the earliest and latest available dates for the date attributes displayed on the timeline. The timeline can have more than one event; a user can select which event to be displayed or display more than one event using the runtime options. Also, a user can control the event limit displayed on the timeline with the option to enable/disable the overview marque.

Example of Timeline Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

A user can view a set of actions from the timeline through the timeline context menu by right-clicking on the timeline event.

Note: The timeline supports only row actions configured at the result table level.

Example of Timeline Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V8, designers are empowered with the ability to regulate the granularity of events displayed on the timeline through an event identifier. This capability enables designers to show only unique events based on Title, Description 1, Description 2, Start Date, and End Date.

Example of Timeline Events Before Application of Event Identifier

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Timeline Events after Application of Event Identifier

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V9, support for displaying indicators is added in timeline view. A timeline can display as many as four indicators during runtime. However, there is no restriction on a designer to specify a fixed number of indicators. Only the indicators configured in Results Table can be added in a timeline event. In addition to this, the timeline supports a configuration-driven tooltip to provide additional information for each timeline event. Only the attributes configured in Results Table can be added as a tooltip.

Example of Timeline View with Indicators

the picture is described in the document text

The timeline does not support images in Internet Explorer; the event title and description are only displayed in the event bubble, and full event details are displayed in the event tooltip.

Example of Timeline in Internet Explorer Browser

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework includes the following enhancements in V13:

Specific Configuration Options for Timeline View

The following table lists general timeline configuration options.

General Timeline Configuration
Option Description
Enable Timeline View Box to enable timeline view.
Default View Makes the timeline the default view of the results table.
Timeline Overview Enables draggable timeline and overview to pan around the Viewport.
Event Limit Sets the limit of the number of events displayed on the timeline. This number can be changed at runtime.
Component Height Sets the timeline height in pixels.

The following table lists configuration options for specific events.

Event Configuration
Option Description
+ Add Event Click on the Event button to add timeline events.
Event Name Enter the event title that will be displayed on the timeline.
Title Select the main attribute that will be timeline event.
Description 1 Specify a description attribute.
Description 2 Specify another description attribute.
Start Date Specify the event start date.
End Date (optional) Specify the event end date. If this option is configured, the timeline displays the event duration based on the start and end dates.
Apply Event Identifier Enable this option to show only unique events based on Title, Description 1, Description 2, Start Date, and End Date.
Show Label Use this box to show or hide the attribute label.
Display Image Select this option to display an image in the timeline.
Note that the image will be visible only in the case of multiple events being configured and being present during runtime.
Image URL Use this option to specify the URL for the image.
+ Add URL Parameters Specify any parameters for the URL above.
Indicators Use this multi-select box to configure indicators for the timeline event.
Additional Tooltip Use this multi-select box to configure attributes for tooltip.

Example of Timeline Event Configuration

the picture is described in the document text


The Grid component displays a list of records in any configurable layout that best highlights different elements of the record. It has powerful capabilities for listing long textual values as well as images, indicator icons, buttons and star ratings.

Specific Configuration

Grid Configuration Options
Option Description
Layout Template
  • Consists of multiple rows and columns where cells support any number of column/row spans.

  • Allows the display of multiple item types in the same cell, such as dimension and metric attribute values, input texts, custom buttons, star rating, and visual indicator icons.

  • To define the layout template, set the grid column and rows.

  • Click Preview to start configuring each cell in the layout template.

Add items in a cell Click +Add item drop-down list and select one of the values:
  • Attribute values

  • Button

  • Text Input

  • Indicator Icon

  1. Set the number of columns and rows for the grid.

    Setting the Number of Columns and Rows

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click Preview.

  3. Click a cell to configure it.

  4. A Cell Configuration panel is shown.

    Cell Configuration Panel

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Click on "+ Add Item" and select 'Attribute Value'.

    Selecting Attribute Value

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select a cell.

  7. Set "Colspan" to 2 to merge two columns.

    Merging Two Columns for a Cell

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Click Preview.

  9. Toggle the "Show label" setting to hide the label.

    Hiding a Label

    the picture is described in the document text

  10. Select Asset Description.

  11. Click Preview.

  12. Click a cell.

  13. Select "+ Add Item" to add a Value item.

    Adding a Value Item

    the picture is described in the document text

  14. Select "Current Age in Years".

  15. Select "Show as Star Rating".

  16. Set the range from 1 to 30, and select "Display rating value".

  17. Select "Current Age in Years".

    Grid Star Rating Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  18. You can then add more attribute values.

    Grid Visualization Option Attributes
    Option Description
    • To control component height, set the height in pixels.

    • Set the number of grid columns.

    • Set the number of items per page.

    • To enable Compare, check the "Enable Compare" checkbox.

      Add the Compare Header display name.

    Adding More Attribute Values

    the picture is described in the document text

  19. Click "Back".

  20. Click Visualization.

    Set the following visualization options:

    • To control component height, set the height in pixels.

    • Set the number of grid columns.

    • Set the number of items per page.

    • To enable Compare, check the "Enable Compare" box.

      Add the Compare Header display name.

    • Set the record selection mode

      • Multiple: Multiple records of the grid can be selected at a time. This is the default option.

      • Single: Only one record can be selected at a time.

      • Disable: Record selection is disabled.

    Selecting Visualization

    the picture is described in the document text

  21. Visualization is set to the following:

    • Number of grid columns is 2

    • Number of items per page is 10

    Edit "Compare Header" 'Asset'.

    Grid Visualization Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

  22. Click Preview.

  23. Set the Item Image URL.

    Grid Visualization Configuration Options
    Option Description
    Item Image Enable image, to allow displaying image in the grid
    • Set image position

    • Image URL

  24. Click Save.

    Grid Item Image Configuration

    the picture is described in the document text

Grid Component

the picture is described in the document text

Grid Formatting Options
Option Description
Note: Is part of attribute value configuration
Control the formatting of text in grid from 'formatting' accordion after selecting the cell
Format the text with options:
  • Display > Inline/ Block: controls how the attribute value will be displayed in the cell in one line (inline) or different lines (block)

  • Text Style > Bold, Italic and Underline

  • Text Alignments > Left, Right, or Center

  • Text Size > Small (10), Medium (12), large (14)

  • Text Color > select from the color palette

Example of Text Formatting in a Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Text Formatting at Runtime

the picture is described in the document text

Grid Sorting Options
Option Description
  • Allows user to define the default sort order to use for the grid

  • To define a new sort rule, click + Add New Sort

  • Select an attribute and Ascending or Descending sorting option

  • Allows end user sorting; enables the end user to change the default sorting at runtime

Grid Sort Option

the picture is described in the document text

A user can change the method of sorting using the Options icon.

Allow End-User Sorting

the picture is described in the document text

Grid Visualization Options
Option Description
  • Hide Pagination Controls > Allow displaying the Grid without pagination bar

  • Disable Record Selection > Allow removing the record selection checkboxes at runtime

Example of Visualization Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Example of Grid without Controls and Record Selection

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V9, the Grid component is more compact. All attributes are top-aligned.

Example Grid with Compact Design

the picture is described in the document text

Beginning with V10, metadata-level color pinning is extended to the Grid component. Color pinning is used in the conditional formatting of categorical attributes in a grid.

Example of a Results Grid in Single Record Selection Mode with Conditional Formatting Enabled

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Single record selected

  2. Badge with a specific color pinned to its attribute

In ECC V10, the Results Grid component's "Button" styling options were enhanced. With the introduction of additional styling options of "Button" in the Results Grid component, designers are able to customize buttons to suit their requirements in an ECC dashboard. These options provide more flexibility to the designer and help make the look and feel more intuitive to the end user.

The following are enhancements in V10:

Beginning with V11, the Grid component shows all the selected records under a single view. The footer of the grid is enhanced to include a hyperlink when records are selected. Upon clicking the hyperlink, a user can access all the selected records under a single view. The selected records are overlaid on the original grid with a breadcrumb in the grid title to go back to the original grid.

Compare Configuration

Configuration options for the Compare feature are listed in the table below.

Configuration Options for the Compare Feature
Options Description
Enable Compare Checkbox to enable the Compare feature at runtime.
Compare Header Allows adding a static test as a Compare header.
Header Attribute Displays the Compare header as a tokenized attribute.
Show Attribute Display Name Flag to display both the attribute label and the value.

Compare Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

The options to display the column header are described in the following table.

Configuration Matrix for the Column Header
Header Attribute Header Display Example
Empty Empty Record n Record 1
Text Empty Text n Item 1
Text Attribute Name Text: Attribute Value Item: LCD Thin Panel Monitor
Empty Attribute Name Attribute Display Name: Attribute Value Description: LCD Thin Panel Monitor

The options to control the display of attribute groups in the Compare window are listed in the following table.

Options for Display of Attribute Groups in the Compare Window
Option Description
In Metadata Attribute Groups,
Include in user actions
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in the Compare window.
In Results Grid Configuration,
Use Attribute Groups
Checkbox to enable groups to be displayed in the Compare window.
(Groups configured in metadata will be displayed)

The option to control the display of grid attributes in the Compare window header is listed in the following table.

Option for the Display of Grid Attributes in the Compare Window Header
Option Description
In the Results Grid Cell Configuration, Accessible in Compare and Record Details (Available for grid items: Text Input and Button) Checkbox to display a grid item in the Compare window header.

Results Grid Configuration

For the configuration of a results grid, the Record Details option allows you to view all the significant information of a record in a tabular format.

Configuration of Record Details
Options Description
Enable Record Details Checkbox to enable record details.
Record Details Header Allows adding a static test as a compare header.
Header Attribute Display the record details title as a tokenized attribute.
Show Attribute Display Name Flag to display both the attribute label and the value.

Record Details Configuration for a Results Grid

the picture is described in the document text

The options to display the column header are described in the following table.

Configuration Matrix for the Column Header Options
Header Attribute Header Display Example
Empty Empty Record n Record 1
Text Empty Text n Item 1
Text Attribute Name Text: Attribute Value Item: LCD Thin Panel Monitor
Empty Attribute Name Attribute Display Name: Attribute Value Description: LCD Thin Panel Monitor

The options to control the display of attribute groups in the record details are described in the following table.

Options to Control Display of Attribute Groups in Record Details
Option Description
In Metadata Attribute Groups,
Include in user actions
Box to enable groups to be displayed in record details
In Results Grid Configuration,
Use Attribute Groups
Box to enable groups to be displayed in record details
(Groups configured in metadata will be displayed)

The option to control the display of grid attributes in the record details title is described in the table below.

Option to Control Display of Grid Attributes in Record Details Title
Option Description
In Results Grid Cell Configuration, Accessible in Compare and Record Details (Available for grid items: Text Input and Button) Box to specify display of a grid item in the Compare window header.

Aggregated Grid

Beginning with V5, the Grid feature supports the display of aggregated metrics. All dimensions in the grid control the aggregation level. Aggregation leverages all the visible grid items driven by attributes, including image and indicator icons. The Aggregated Grid feature has all the flexible layout and formatting options available for the grid.

Users can not filter by aggregated value. Also, aggregated grids do not support the compare, record details, and attribute actions.

The Aggregated Grid feature supports language-sensitive abbreviation. Also, aggregate conditions and condition for display can be configured for Aggregated Grid.

Example of an Aggregated Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Visualization Options for Aggregated Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Aggregated Grid Configuration Options
Option Description
Visualization Show as Abbreviated Number
Enable the flag to show abbreviated numbers instead of actual values for aggregated values. Actual values are displayed as a tooltip.
The option is visible if at least one aggregated attribute is configured.
You can change the default option by disabling the flag.
Add aggregated items in a cell Click the +Add item list and select one of the values:
  • Attribute values

  • Select an attribute

  • Select an aggregation function

Configuration of an Aggregated Grid

the picture is described in the document text

Layout Components

Tabbed Component Container

The Tabbed Component Container feature allows you to group components on a dashboard. Containers cannot be nested within each other and you cannot move components inside or outside a tabbed component.

Tabbed Component Container

the picture is described in the document text


The Tabbed Container groups components into multiple tabs. Each tab may contain one or more components.

By default, the container includes two tabs.

Configuration Options for the Tabbed Component Container
Option Description
Title Add a title for the component
+ Create Tab To add a new tab
Tab Title Add a title for the tab

Only the administrator user at runtime can delete tabs and reorder the tabs within the Tabbed Container.

The Delete icon is displayed only if the tab contains more than two tabs.

Tabbed Component Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Deleting Tabs

the picture is described in the document text


Introduced in V6, the diagram component provides immediate insights into a business flow or a process lifecycle through a network view. It allows a fast and efficient analysis and reporting of specific process flow. For example, tracking critical quality issues during the manufacturing and distribution cycle: a diagram simplifies tracing the origination of raw materials, manufacturing process, and shipping products to customers. Another example is tracking purchase order and related lots, work orders, and serial numbers for items, in which you can trace the relationships between one another.

Example of a Diagram

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Current tab

  2. History tab

  3. Anchor node

  4. Pagination control

You can zoom in to focus on an intermediate process or zoom out to get a perspective of the entire process.

Beginning with V9, the Diagram supports visualizing events from multiple data sets in a timeline view.

The diagram enables the designer/developer to configure the process flow/cycle flexibly; the main two elements in the diagram configuration are:

Configuration of diagram contains three major sections:

Data set configuration includes options to create business entities as data sets and represents these business entities as nodes. A designer can configure the attributes required for the diagram and can set text formatting and configure hyperlink actions for every attribute. These attributes are described in the table below.

Attributes for a Diagram
Category Option Description
Data Set Add Data Set Configuration for adding multiple data sets.
Data Set Show on the node Control to display node title.
Data Set Node Title Free text to set Node Title, defaults with data set name, if left empty.
Data Set Node Identifier Control to set granularity of data set. More than one attribute can be selected.
Data Set Record Identifier Attribute to be selected as record identifier.
Data Set Conditions Compound conditions with OR/AND operators among conditions/groups of condition.
Attribute Show Attribute Control to enable display of attribute display name on a node.
Attribute Show Label Control to enable display of attribute display name on a node.
Attribute Aggregation Used to define aggregation of an attribute.
Attribute Apply Hierarchical Aggregation Control to calculate hierarchical aggregation.
Attribute Custom Label Used to define a business-friendly label for the aggregated metric.
Attribute Actions Action Control to define a hyperlink action.
Attribute Actions Display Action Description in Tooltip Control to display tooltip for Action (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Attribute Actions Open link in new window Control to open actions in new browser window (Available when Action is "Hyperlink")
Attribute Actions Display in a Pop-Up Control to open actions in ECC Pop-up (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Attribute Actions Conditional Action Display Control for defining when an Action should be available.
Indicators Show as item image Control to show indicator as an image for the node.
Indicators Image URL Control to provide URL in order to retrieve a thumbnail image. URL can include attribute values as parameters.
Indicators Default Image Control to display default image when another image is not available.
Indicators + Add URL Parameters Control to add parameter for the URL above.
Indicators Tooltip Control to provide additional detail for the attribute value.
Indicators Action Control to define a hyperlink action.
Indicators Display Action Description in Tooltip Control to display tooltip for Action (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Indicators Open link in new window Control to open actions in new browser window (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Indicators Display in a Pop-Up Control to open actions in an ECC Pop-Up (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Indicators Display in a Drawer Control to open actions in ECC Drawer (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Indicators Display inline Control to open actions in as an overlay on parent component (Available when Action is "Hyperlink").
Indicators Conditional Action Display Control for defining when an Action should be available.
Formatting Text Style Control to set font style of attribute label, value displayed on node.
Formatting Text Size Control to set font size of attribute label, value displayed on node.
Formatting Text Color Control to set font color of attribute label, value displayed on node.
Record Details Record Details Header Text to display as record details pop-up header.
Record Details Record Details Header Attribute Attribute to be displayed as record details pop-up header.

Data Set Relationship Configuration

The Diagram component requires configuration of relationships among data sets to display appropriate links among the nodes.

Configuration allows defining multiple relationships among data sets based on one or more attributes. It also allows defining relationship between same data sets but with different attributes

A diagram displays related nodes and links in a single page and automatically creates another page to show other related nodes.

Data Set Relationship Configuration Options for the Diagram Component
Option Description
Select Source Data Set Control for selecting one of the configured data sets as source data set of a relationship.
Select Target Data Set Control for selecting one of the configured data sets as target data set of a relationship.
Select Attribute Control to select attributes for defining relationship between the data.

Beginning with V7, the concept of an alias provides the ability to define a data set more than once in a diagram. Every alias is treated as a virtual data set and can be configured as a different node.

Note: The alias name for a data set node in a diagram is used as a key for diagram processing and cannot be translated. Consequently, when a user hovers over a data set node icon in the user interface, the alias name is always displayed in Roman letters.

Hierarchical View

An Hierarchical View accordion allows a user to use a hierarchical query instead of a diagram and subsequent hierarchical query settings, including the ability to create a data set view.

Hierarchical View Options for the Diagram Component
Option Description
Use Hierarchical Query Allow the diagram to represent a hierarchical structure in a vertical layout.
Tree/vertical layout is supported with expanding and collapsing the hierarchy level by level for better readability.
Show level Control to show the level.
Display as card type Control to align nodes as a card; that is, center-align the nodes.
Create Data Set View Control to create Data Set View from the Hierarchical Query.

Visualization Configuration

Visualization configuration allows designers to control the UI clutter while improving the performance. Designers can set an appropriate number of nodes to be displayed and control the maximum number of pages a diagram can be spanned across.

Beginning with V8, the Diagram component supports a "Row Expander" feature, which allows business users to switch between a diagram display and a multilevel hierarchy layout display.

Beginning with V9, the Diagram component supports three kinds of visualization:

Configuration options are described in the table below.

Visualization Configuration Options for the Diagram Component
Option Description
Visualization Option List for selecting the type of visualization for the component.
Component Height Number to set the height of component in pixels.
Page Limit Upper limit on number of pages allowed to be displayed.
Nodes Limit Per Page Upper limit on number of nodes displayed on page (Appropriate number has to be configured in order to avoid UI clutter).
Timeline as Default View Control to set Timeline view as the default view in Hybrid Case (Applicable only when the component's visualization type is Hybrid).
Visualize Node Grouping Visualizes grouped nodes that control the display aspects of the diagram nodes at a different level of detail; also allows for the grouping redundant nodes.
Show Zoom Window Enables the display of the overview window rendered within the diagram.
Row Expander as Default View Control to set 'multilevel hierarchy layout' as the default display option (Applicable only when the component's visualization is either of type Diagram or Hybrid).
Default Display Option Control to select the default dataset for the row expander context.

Configuration options specifically for the Timeline View are listed in the table below.

Visualization Configuration Options for the Timeline
Option Description
Timeline Overview Enable the draggable timeline and overview to pan around the Viewport.
+ Add Event Click on the Event button to add timeline events.
Event Name Enter the event title that will be displayed on the timeline.
Title Select the main attribute that will be timeline event.
Description 1 Specify a description attribute.
Description 2 Specify another description attribute.
Start Date Event start date.
End Date (optional) Event end date. If this option is configured, the timeline displays the event duration based on the start and end dates.
Apply Event Identifier Enable this option to show only unique events based on Title, Description 1, Description 2, Start Date, and End Date
Show Label Box to show or hide the attribute label.
Display Image Enable this option for displaying an image in the timeline.
Note that the image will be visible only in the case of multiple events being configured and are present during runtime.
Image URL The URL for the image.
+ Add URL Parameters Any parameters for the URL above.
Indicators Multi-select box to configure indicators for the timeline event.
Additional Tooltip Multi-select box to configure attributes for tooltip.

In the case of the Hybrid visualization, a designer is presented with separate accordions for the timeline view and diagram view, with an option to set default view in the common accordion.

Row Expander Freeze

The Row Expander Freeze feature, introduced in V10, allows the designer to freeze or lock attributes so that when a user scrolls the context of the node is maintained. This feature is available for both the network diagram and hierarchical queries. Every attribute in the configuration for diagram has a flag for "Freeze in row expander" so a designer can set any attribute to be frozen/locked in row expander by selecting this box. Once an attribute is checked as "Freeze in row expander," that attribute will be frozen, When an end user scrolls within a row expander view, they will still see the frozen attributes. A light grey background appears for the frozen attributes. If the designer selects an attribute which is in the middle or last and chooses to freeze it, then that attribute will move to the front.

Search Within

Beginning with V10, the Diagram component includes the Search Within capability. This feature was previously only available for Hierarchical Query. This feature allows users to investigate a subset of the larger network diagram they are viewing to focus on a problem area, perform root cause analysis, or identify an opportunity within the overall network diagram. Users can view a specific business flow and apply a filter to create a diagram to visualize that flow. This filter is known as the "Driving Filter." After applying a "Driving Filter," the user can use a "Search Within" filter to refine the diagram further and focus on a subset of the diagram. Nodes that satisfy the "Search Within" condition are highlighted with a more prominent and noticeable border color, and the path which connects (directly/indirectly) is also highlighted. The nodes and links that are not connected to qualifying nodes are dimmed. This makes the nodes and the path stand out, and the user can then focus on this subset of the diagram while being in the same larger context.

The following is the result once a Search Within filter has been applied:

Highlight Path versus Search Within in a Network Diagram

The Highlight Path feature is used for a particular node in the network diagram. Users can see the chosen node and anything connected to it only; anything that is not directly or indirectly connected to this node is dimmed. The highlighted path is applied only to one node. The Search Within feature searches for any attribution on any node within the network diagram. Therefore, more than one node can satisfy the criteria, and all the nodes directly or indirectly connected to these nodes (that satisfy the criteria) are highlighted. Also, the Traversal filter, in the Available Refinements component, behaves like Search Within from Network Diagram, with the only difference being that the funnel icon is not displayed. Instead, the filter appears in the Selected Refinements box.

Search Within in a Hierarchical Query versus Search Within in a Network Diagram

With Hierarchical Query, because of the presence of only one dataset and therefore all nodes have the same attributes, whatever node satisfies the criteria will be displayed along with nodes that do not directly satisfy the criteria but have a child or children that do (although these nodes are dimmed). Any node that neither directly satisfies the filter criteria nor has a child or children that do will be removed from the display.

In a Network Diagram, because of the possibility of the presence of multiple datasets and therefore different sets of attributes, only the node that satisfies the filter criteria will be highlighted. Even in cases where the Network Diagram has only one data set the node that satisfies the filter criteria will be highlighted.

What happens when the user applies a Search Within from the network diagram and then, from available refinements, applies another Traversal filter or another filter from the same dataset?

Search within is a local component. Whenever the selected refinement is affected by the user either by applying another traversal filter or other filter from the same dataset, or by removing a filter, the Search Within filter is removed. In addition, the item filter selected from available refinements is then applied. Thus, if a Traversal Filter is applied from available refinements, then that filter replaces the prior Search Within filter.

What happens when a user applies a traversal filter from available refinements and then from the network diagram applies a Search Within filter?

The Search Within filter will be applied on top of the Traversal Filter. The two filters will form an AND condition if the Search Within fitler was applied on a different attribute, and will form an OR condition if the Search Within was applied on the same attribute.

How can a user reset a Search Within filter?

A user can click on the funnel icon to view the Search Within filters as in a Hierarchical Query. Also as with a Hierarchical Query, a user can click on the Clear button to reset the diagram to its initial state and remove the Search Within filter. This reset affects only the Diagram and not the whole page as the Search Within filter is local and only affects the Diagram/ Hierarchical Query component.

Traversal Filter in Hierarchical Query

Beginning with V9, the concept of a "Search Within" filter, that is, a local filter to the Diagram within the Hierarchical Query, is supported. This filter is local to the Diagram component and will not affect other components.

Once a "Search within" filter has been applied on a node, then the root node and the nodes that satisfy the condition are displayed. Any nodes that do not themselves satisfy the condition but have child/children nodes that do are also displayed but grayed out.

A funnel icon is displayed to indicate that a "Search Within" filter has been applied.

The following is an example of how a user can create a traversal filter in an hierarchical query:

  1. Right-click on any node and select Show Details.

  2. Select any attribute value and then choose Search Within. This creates a local filter and that is only applied to current diagram locally. For example, select 'Manufacturing' as the Organization and click Search Within. You can select multiple attribute values as well.

  3. Upon the selection of the "Search Within" filter, only the nodes that satisfy the condition, that is, have 'Manufacturing' as the Organization, are displayed. Those that do not have "Manufacturing as the Organization but have child/children nodes that do are displayed but grayed out.

The funnel icon denotes that the "Search Within" filter is applied.

You can click on the funnel icon to view the details of the "Search within" filter. You can click on the funnel icon and then the Clear button to remove the "Search Within" filter.

If you selects a new node as the anchor node, then the "Search Within" filter is removed as well.

Export to PDF

Users can export a hierarchical query diagram to a PDF.

Users can see that the "Search Within" is applied and, in the example above, see that the node with Organization that is not 'Manufacturing' has a different background to differentiate it.

Row Expander

The funnel icon indicates that a "Search Within" filter has been applied. A node with an Organization that is not 'Manufacturing' has a different background to differentiate it. When a user clicks on the funnel icon, the applied filters are shown, as in a Network diagram.

Users can remove the filter by hovering over the filter and clicking the Clear button in the Applied Filters window.

Considerations for Hierarchical Query

When a new node is selected as the anchor node, then the "Search Within" filter or filters are removed.

The "Search Within" filter or filters are not part of the Selected Refinement component and likewise do not impact or refine other components.

A user must filter only on the attribute/value found in a given node. A user cannot edit the filter as well in V9. User capabilities will be extended in a future release.

Aggregations are impacted when the user filters out nodes.

A user can apply multiple filters only in one attempt. That is, if a user wants to apply a filter of location 'US' and total reports '4', then the user must find a node that has both values and apply the two filters together.

If a user applies one filter and then applies another filter, then the most recent filter will override the previously-applied filter. Both this point and the preceding one will be addressed in a future release where users will be allowed to choose from facets instead of finding the node with the required value.

In the row expander view, the display option list is not displayed for the hierarchical query diagram view.

Filters displayed at the top of the row expander in a hierarchical query diagram view are wrapped.

In V10, the Hierarchical Query design is changed. Updates include a new icon to indicate the Hierarchy. When this Hierarchy icon is clicked, the respective node becomes the anchor node. A deep link traversal filter is also introduced.

Starting with V11, designers can configure a Hierarchical Query to display a default image if there were no other image to be found for a node.

Support for Hierarchical Aggregation in Hierarchical Query

Beginning with V11, Hierarchical Query supports Hierarchical Aggregation to present a consolidated view of parent- and child-level information under a single tree structure. The row expander view also supports hierarchical aggregation.

Note the following:

Deep Link Traversal Filter in Hierarchical Query

Until ECC V9, Traversal Filter via Deep Link was possible only in a network diagram and not in a hierarchical query. This V10 feature brings the same functionality in a hierarchical query so that designers can set up the dashboard in way which leads business users to the intended diagram with all the relevant driving and traversal filters without the users having to apply those themselves. Designers can submit a deep link in a hierarchical query just like in a network diagram; that is, a designer can append the "istraversal" flag with the value of 'true in the deep link URL for the respective attribute.

For example:

ASSCOMP":[{"attributeKey":"ORG_CODE","values":["V1"],"operator":" ="},{"at
tributeKey":"COMPONENT_NAME","values":["AT Work

ECC Pop-up

Beginning with Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework V6, the ECC Pop-up component allows users to perform an Oracle E-Business Suite transaction on an Oracle Application Framework page within the dashboard itself. Users can review additional information or access a third-party website related to any record in the pop-up without navigating to any other page.

Note: Some external websites may not be loaded because of browser security issues (such as cross-origin requests or mixed content issues).

An ECC Pop-up can be configured for hyperlink actions in the Diagram, Results Table, and Grid components to support display of the hyperlink contents in a pop-up.

Designers can combine the push model feature with ECC Pop-up so that the dashboard can immediately reflect the changes applied by a user's action in the ECC Pop-up.

Note: Adding the property eccPopupMode=Y to the link in the respective component's configuration will hide the Oracle Application Framework global headers, footers, and buttons.

Example of an ECC Pop-up

the picture is described in the document text

Configuration Options for the ECC Pop-up
Option Description
Display in a Pop-up Available only for Action Type: Hyperlink.
Pop-up Title Free text for setting a header/title on ECC Pop-up. Ex: 'Cancel Dispute'.
Lock Dashboard This option locks the dashboard controls when ECC Pop-up is opened.
Refresh on Close This option allows the configuration of refreshing dashboard contents or the entire dashboard.
Refresh Contents Refreshes contents of every component in the dashboard that allows the changes made in pop-up to be reflected.
Refresh Dashboard Refreshes the page to reflect changes.
Action Url Hyperlink for the pop-up contents.
URL Parameters Allows configuration of attribute values as parameters to the hyperlink.

ECC Drawer

In ECC V8, the Results Table, Grid, and Diagram components support linking contents through an ECC Drawer. A drawer is a panel that slides in and out from the side. It helps users complete tasks faster and more efficiently. As an example, users can use drawers to navigate to another ECC page or any other Oracle Application Framework page. Using an ECC Drawer is recommended linking another ECC dashboard.

ECC Drawer is accessible from any hyperlink configured on Results Table, Grid, and Diagram.

Designers can combine the push model feature with ECC Drawer so that the dashboard can immediately reflect the changes applied by the user's action in the ECC Drawer.

Beginning with V11, the default size of the drawer component is set to 90% of the page size. An end user has the ability to reduce the size to 50%.

The configuration of an ECC Drawer is the same as that for an ECC Pop-up. Note that by default, the dashboard is locked for the drawer, and the option in the configuration is disabled.

Example of an ECC Drawer

the picture is described in the document text

ECC Inline View

Beginning with V9, the Results Table and Diagram components support linking information through the Inline View component. An inline view acts an overlay on top of the parent component. It helps the user to access related information without leaving the original context, leading to shorter turnaround time and better user experience. Through an intuitive breadcrumbs feature, an inline view provides seamless navigation between the parent, or source component and the target component. The primary use case for an inline view is providing access to context-specific information from detailed components: Results Table, Results Table-based Timeline (Single Dataset), Diagram-based timeline (Multiple Datasets).

Supported Targets for Source Components
Source Component Supported Detail Target Component
Results Table Results Table, Single Dataset Timeline, Multi-Dataset Timeline
Diagram Results Table, Single Dataset Timeline, Multi-Dataset Timeline
Single Dataset Timeline Results Table, Single Dataset Timeline, Multi-Dataset Timeline
Multiple Dataset Timeline Results Table, Single Dataset Timeline, Multi-Dataset Timeline

A Single Dataset Timeline is a timeline that shows events from a single dataset. Such timelines are based on the Results Table component.

A Multiple Dataset Timeline is a timeline that shows events from multiple datasets. Such timelines are based on the Diagram component.

The inline view is accessible from any attribute-level hyperlink action configured on a Results Table or Diagram.

For example, an inline view could have a source or parent component of General Ledger Journals in a results table. The target component could then be the Journal Lines, also as a results table.

Example of an Inline View: General Ledger Journals Source Component

the picture is described in the document text

Example of an Inline View: Journal Lines Target Component

the picture is described in the document text

Support for Time Stamps and Time Zones

Business users can leverage the dashboard to view information detail down to the seconds level and Enterprise Command Center dashboards can also display the time difference from the current time to the seconds level.

Example of a Time Stamp for Action Date

the picture is described in the document text

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework also considers the Oracle E-Business Suite user's time zone for displaying time-sensitive data. This capability improves information accuracy and reliability.

Common Component Controls

Pagination Controls

Components that display detailed data includes pagination controls that allow navigation between pages. The following components include pagination controls:

Pagination Controls

the picture is described in the document text

Runtime Options

In some components, the runtime options includes several options that enable the business user to control how the data is displayed in the component. . Starting with V11, the runtime options support inline labels to improve form usability. The following components include a runtime option:

Tag Cloud

A tag cloud can be used if there are dimensions and multiple metrics available (based on the configuration). From the runtime option, the user can select a metric or dimension from the drop-down list to select the dimension or metric to be displayed.

Tag Cloud Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text


Configuration options include:

Chart Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Search Component

A user can switch among the data sets to search for values from each data set and apply as filters.

The name of the data set appears in the component title.

Search Component Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Available Refinements

A user can switch among the data sets to apply attribute values as filters.

The name of the data set appears in the component title.

Available Refinements Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Summarization Bar

Beginning with V10, users can select, deselect, or reorder summary bar items to be displayed through runtime options.

Summarization Bar Runtime Option

the picture is described in the document text

Results Table

Beginning with V10, users can hide, show, or reorder the result table attributes they want to view through runtime options.

Results Table Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Timeline View

End users can do the following through runtime options:

Timeline View Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Aggregated Table

Users can hide, show, and rearrange the attributes and metrics using the runtime options.

Aggregated Table Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Pivot View

Users can hide, show, and rearrange the attributes and metrics using the runtime options.

Users can also enable or disable the subsummary for an attribute.

Pivot View Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Results Grid

Users can compare multiple records (if enabled).

Users can reorder the appearance of records (If enabled).

Results Grid Runtime Options

the picture is described in the document text

Retain Selected Refinements across Dashboards

Beginning with V10, designers can configure a component to preserve selected refinements across dashboards. With this feature enabled, when the end user scrolls away from a page (via a component) and then returns to it, the selected refinements will be preserved. This new feature spans across all components that support hyperlinks: Results Grid, Search, Results Table, Aggregate Table, Aggregate Grid, Summarization bar, and Diagram. Designers can choose to preserve selected refinements in the component's configuration by selecting the Retain Existing Refinement State on Source Page checkbox.

ECC Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks in ECC are primarily used to facilitate navigation by providing links that redirect users to specific destinations. Integrating hyperlinks into ECC dashboards greatly enhances interactivity, leading to an improved user experience.

Hyperlinks in ECC are supported in the summary bar (metric item), aggregated table, result table, grid, and diagram.

Depending on the business case, the structure of the hyperlink differs. There are essentially three distinct hyperlink structures within ECC.

Navigating to a Form

Follow these steps to enable links for an Oracle E-Business Suite window in Oracle Forms.

The syntax for the link is:

/ecc/ebs/formsCaller?functionCode={form function}

Where functionCode is the form function associated with the form.

Use Parameter to pass an argument to the form function.

For example: To pay an open invoice, the payables manager wants to click on the invoice number of the result table component to navigate to the Invoice Workbench form. The hyperlink needs to be configured on the attribute (invoice number) to facilitate seamless navigation to the Invoice Workbench form.

Example of a Results Table with a Link to the Invoice Workbench

the picture is described in the document text

The steps to configure this link are:

  1. For the Invoice Number attribute, Set the column action to "Column Action."

  2. Set the action as "Hyperlink."

  3. Enable Display action description in tooltip.

  4. Provide business-friendly text, such as "Navigate to Invoice Workbench," for the tooltip.

  5. Select Open Link in a new window to open the form.

  6. Select Add URL MACing.

  7. Set the Hyperlink URL:


    where AP_APXINWKB is the form function of the Invoice Workbench.

  8. Set the URL Parameter to "Invoice." The INVOICE_ID that is used in the URL is the attribute key for the attribute Invoice.

Example of the Results Table Configuration for the Link to the Invoice Workbench

the picture is described in the document text

Navigating to an Oracle Application Framework Page

Follow these steps to enable links for Oracle Application Framework (OAF) pages.

The syntax for the link is:

/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc={OA Page}

Where OAFunc is the FND function associated with OA Page.

Parameter is optional. Use it to apply a refinement on the target OAF page.

For example: While reviewing the "Work Order Schedule exceptions" in an results table, a Project Manufacturing user wants to review the genealogy of a specific work order. A hyperlink thus needs to be configured as a row action. It will be called "Network," as shown below.

The steps to configure this link are:

  1. Inside the Action accordion of Row Actions, add a Row Action.

  2. Define the action type as Hyper Link.

  3. Define the Action Name "Network."

  4. Define Action Column header "Network."

  5. Select Display default icon to prefix the action with an icon

  6. Select Add URL MACing.

  7. Define the Hyperlink URL:

  8. Set the URL parameter to "Work Order."

Example of the Results Table Configuration with a Link to a Work Order Page

the picture is described in the document text

Navigating to an Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework Page using Deep Links

A deep link in ECC serves as a specialized hyperlink that enables seamless navigation to another dashboard while preserving pre-set filters. This functionality is pivotal for maintaining context within a specific business area. Deep links accommodate various ECC refinements and even allow the configuration of hidden filters within chosen refinements. They are especially valuable when users need to retain filter context across dashboards to carry out related tasks by offering a smooth transition to different dashboards for these activities.

Configuring Deep Links

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework supports the following filters as part of deep links:

The generic syntax for configuring a deep link is as follows:

eccDeepLink=[{"dataset_key": [<filters>]}]   

For configuring a selection filter, the syntax is

Properties for a Selection Filter
Property Description
attributeKey The attribute key of the data set.
values The attribute value to use for the refinement.
operator One of the operations to apply on the data set attribute: ==, null, !null, !=, >,<,>=,<=
hide Optional. Set this to true to hide the selected attribute on the selected refinement UI.

An example of the syntax for configuring a range filter is:

eccDeepLink=[{" dataset_key ":[{"from":"2001-02-26","to":"2006-12-13","attributeKey":"< attribute_key >"},{"from":"720","to":"90000","attributeKey":"<attribute_key>"}]}]
Properties for a Range Filter
Property Description
attributeKey The attribute key of the data set.
from The lower bound number or date. The date should be in canonical format.
to The upper bound number or date. The date should be in canonical format.
hide Optional. Set this to true to hide the selected attribute on the selected refinement UI.

An example of the syntax for configuring a search filter is:

Properties for a Search Filter
Property Description
search Array of search keywords, comma-separated; every keyword should be at least three characters long.
hide Optional. Set this to true to hide the selected attribute on the selected refinement UI.

The syntax to clear the filters in the target dashboard is

Example of a Deep Link

For example, say in Project Manufacturing, the Project Manufacturing Execution Genealogy diagram is utilized for tracking detailed project manufacturing activities. When dealing with a particular work order, it's essential to review the work order's specific timeline to grasp its start and completion. The solution here is to implement a hyperlink action for the work order attribute, enabling direct access to the work order's dedicated timeline without the need for cumbersome manual filtering.

The steps to configure the link are:

  1. Set the Action Type as "Hyperlink" for Work Order attribute.

  2. Select "Display action description in tooltip"

  3. Set the tooltip description with a business-friendly name "View Timeline"

  4. Select "Add URL MACing"

  5. Select "Display Inline" as the preferred medium to access timeline. Timeline is a component, rather an ECC page. Hence, accessing it using inline view makes more sense as it will allow the user to see the timeline while remaining in context of the dashboard

  6. Set the URL as below:


    In cases where a deep link is required to provide direct navigation to a component within the target page, the URL path is constructed with a page URL followed by the unique component ID, such as "/ecc/web/eccComponent/pjm-gnt/timeline/9mo5xgsyt1r."

    Example of a Diagram Configuration with a Link for a Work Order's Timeline

    the picture is described in the document text

    However, in certain situations where the entire page's content needs to be displayed instead of just a specific component, a different URL structure is employed. For instance, when accessing an associate's expenses, the entire expense analysis dashboard associated with that associate is presented, and the URL takes the form of "/ecc/web/eccapp/ap-emp-exp/ap-exp-ana."

    In this alternate structure, "eccApp" is used instead of "eccComponent," and there is no inclusion of a specific component ID since the objective is to present the entire page's content.

  7. Set the URL parameter to "Work Order".

An example of a deep link with multiple parameters is:


Example of an Aggregate Table Configuration with Multiple Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

In scenarios where a deep link incorporates multiple attributes, these attributes are assigned sequential numbers for their values. It is crucial that the URL parameters adhere to the exact same sequence used in the URL.

An example of a deep link with a Hide parameter is:


In certain situations, concealing the applied refinement from end user becomes necessary. In such instances, the "hide" parameter proves to be valuable.

Custom Label

Introduced in ECC V12, the Custom Label feature enhances effective communication by enabling users to align aggregated data with their organization's or team's internal language and conventions. Additionally, it enhances flexibility and adaptability by accommodating diverse user requirements, ensuring that visualizations are relevant and meaningful to their specific use cases.

UI Elements in which Custom Label is Effective
Component UI Elements
Summary Bar Flag pop-up metric title
Chart Axis title
Default chart title
Chart legend
Runtime option
Cascaded chart
Aggregated Table (Pivot view) Column headers
Runtime option
Tag Cloud Default component title
Runtime option
Network Diagram Node
Row expander
Show detail
Grid Cell label

An example of a custom label for a chart could be one defined as follows:

Note: For the line metric, a custom label is not defined. Hence, the icon is not active. Note how the custom label icon has turned blue for the Bar Metric, indicating that a custom label is set.

Configuration Options for a Chart with a Custom Label

the picture is described in the document text

Note the effect of a custom label in the axis title, tooltip, and chart title.

Preview of a Custom Label in a Chart

the picture is described in the document text

For an example with an Aggregated Table, a custom label could be defined on the metric "Expense Amount (Sum)".

Example of Aggregated Table Configuration with a Custom Label

the picture is described in the document text

A preview of the aggregated table shows the effect on the runtime context menu and column headers.

Example of an Aggregated Table with a Custom Label

the picture is described in the document text

The following is an example of a network diagram (Hierarchical Query).

The custom label "Organization Expense" is set where hierarchical aggregation is enabled:

Diagram Configuration with a Custom Label where Hierarchical Aggregation is Enabled

the picture is described in the document text

The custom label "Own Expense" is set where hierarchical aggregation is not enabled.

Diagram Configuration with a Custom Label where Hierarchical Aggregation is Disabled

the picture is described in the document text

In the Row Expander view of the diagram, the custom labels "Organizational Expense" and "Own Expenses" are used as column headers.

Example of Custom Labels in a Diagram's Row Expander View

the picture is described in the document text


User Personalization was introduced in V10. It consists of two types:

End User Personalization

End User Personalization allows end users to make changes in the dashboard that will suit their preferences. End users can do the following:


Users can personalize the chart to suit their needs by flipping the chart layout or using a different metric/dimension.

Tag Cloud

User can personalize the Tag Cloud to suit their needs by using different metric/dimension.

Summarization Bar

User can personalize the Summarization Bar to suit their needs by reordering summary items, showing/hiding summary items from the view.

Results Table

User can personalize the Results Table to suit their needs by reordering attributes, showing/hiding attributes from the view.

Aggregate Table/Pivot

User can personalize the Aggregate Table/Pivot to suit their needs by reordering attributes, showing/hiding attributes, enabling/hiding sub-summary from the view.


User can personalize the Timeline to suit their needs by changing the event limit, or choosing the types of events shown the view.

Reset End User Personalization at Page Level

End User Personalization can be reset at Page level, this would reset End User Personalization for all components in the dashboard, as this is performed at the Page level.

Power User Personalization

Power users can modify the dashboard to tailor it based on their business requirements.


Characteristics of a power user's capabilities and UI experience include:

Beginning with V11, an "i" icon on the dashboard is available. Clicking this icon opens a window with additional information as well as a Personalize button to enable personalization and an Exit button to exit personalization.

Examples of Power User Capabilities
Can Perform Cannot Perform
Add a new component Create a new data set
Modify an existing component Create a new dashboard
Delete a component Configure a component from a data set that is not part of the application datasets
Change dashboard layout Create a public saved search

The following table summarizes the differences between the two types of personalization.

End User Personalization versus Power User Personalization
End User Personalization Power User Personalization
All business users Power users only
Runtime changes Configuration changes (components)
Implicit saving as user utilizes run-time options Explicitly saving for configuration changes
Involves no efforts from the user Involves efforts from the user

Power user personalization is preserved during patching. A user is notified when a new version is available. Users can apply the new version and lose all the personalizations, or they can cancel and keep the personalized version.

Personalizing a Page as a Power User

  1. When personalization is enabled for a user (that is, the FND:ECC Power User Enabled profile option is enabled at the user level), a new icon placed inside the (i) icon to indicate that user can personalize the dashboard. The power user can do so by clicking on the Edit Dashboard Icon. This icon is black by default.

    Example of the Edit Dashboard Icon

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Once the user clicks on the icon, the icon color changes from black to blue, and the page is enabled for editing.

    Example of the Edit Dashboard Icon before Editing the Page

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. When the user applies a personalization on the dashboard, the icon becomes red, indicating that this page is personalized.

    Example of the Edit Dashboard Icon after Personalization

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. When the user hovers over the icon, a tooltip, "Personalized Dashboard," is displayed to indicate that the dashboard is personalized.

    Tooltip Indicating the Dashboard is Personalized

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. The user can reset the personalization by clicking on the Reset icon at the dashboard level.

  6. When the user enables a personalization on a page, applies personalization on one of the existing components in the dashboard, or adds a new component, a new icon is displayed at the component level identifying that the component is personalized (this icon is visible only in personalization mode).

    Example of the "Personalized" Icon at the Component Level

    the picture is described in the document text

  7. When the user hovers over the icon, the "Personalized" tooltip is displayed to indicate that the component is personalized.

    Tooltip for the "Personalized" Icon at the Component Level

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. A notification message is shown inside the information icon and has options to accept or cancel options. This icon has a red dot to indicate a new notification is present for the user.

    1. Once the power user applies the change, the red dot will disappear and the dashboard will be the latest version from the administrator.

    2. If the power user selects Cancel, then the icon is closed. If the power user opens the "i" icon again, they can see the message again inside it.

    3. At any time, the power user can click on the Reset icon to go to the latest version from the administrator.

    4. The power user can use the scrollbar to see all the data sets.

    Example of Options after Personalization

    the picture is described in the document text

"Copy Component" Feature for Power Users

The Copy component feature is added in V11. Power users can copy any component in a page that belongs to the same application.

To copy a component: In the Configuration window, a power user can:

  1. Click on the Copy Component field to select which component to copy and from which page to copy.

  2. Click Apply.

The source component's configuration will be copied over, and the power user can choose to either save the configuration as is, or choose to edit the component further and then save the configuration.

All configuration and all runtime options will be copied from source component in the target component.

Only 1:1 mapping of components is possible; that is, from a results table component the Copy Component list will display only results table components across dashboards in that application to copy. For example: if you are copying within a Chart component: The list will display only chart components across dashboards within the current application.

Personalization Tracking

Beginning with V11, administrators can track and revert personalization changes made by power users.

Admins can revert all personalization made by power users at the page level to the site level dashboard or revert individual component updates.

Personalization Tracking Tab

the picture is described in the document text


Collaboration: Export

Beginning with V11, an administrator can export a subset of pages when exporting an application. This flexibility allows the administrator to change only the pages that they intend to modify without affecting other pages within the destination application during the import process. Previously, an update to a single page necessitated exporting the entire application, with unintended updates to other pages in the process.

All pages are initially selected by default; administrators can remove this filter and choose specific pages.

All views associated with exported data sets are automatically included in the export.

Export/Import Page

the picture is described in the document text

Collaboration: Move/Copy Pages

Beginning with V11, an administrator can move a page from one application to another or copy a page from one application to another. A "copy" action will copy the page in the destination application while maintaining the page in the source, and a "move action will remove the page from the source application and add it to the destination application.

The steps to move or copy a page are:

  1. An administrator can click on the Move icon within any page section under any particular application to move or copy the page.

  2. From the pop-up window, the administrator can select to which application to move or copy the page.

  3. To copy and not move the page, the administrator should select the Create a copy checkbox. If this checkbox is not selected, the page will be moved in its entirety to the target application.

Move Page

the picture is described in the document text

Share Personalization

Introduced in V12, the Share Personalization functionality presents enhanced user engagement and fosters improved collaboration and communication. It enables users to share personalized dashboards seamlessly across an Oracle E-Business Suite responsibility.

Share Personalization Process Example

  1. A power user has requested an administrator to share their personalization with everyone using their responsibility.

    The administrator visits the activity audit dashboard and filters by Page name and username to find the personalization detail.

    The administrator accesses the corresponding row action "Share Personalization."

    Share Personalizations Action Selected on Personalizations Tracking Tab

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. As soon as share personalization is clicked, the page is copied.

    A message with the page key provided upon successful copy of page appears upon the successful copying of page.

    The message disappears only when user explicitly click on close button corresponding to the message.

    Example of "Page Copied Successfully" Message

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Upon a user clicking the hyperlink, a drawer opens with page detail of the copied page and the user can make amendments and save the changes.

    The naming convention of the copied page is as follows:

    • Page short name: <existing name> <-> <personalized>-1

    • Page Name: <existing name> <space> <Personalized (1)>

    Note that the first copy has the number 1, and the nth copy would have the number n.

    Edit Page for the Copied Page

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. If the user amends the name, key, or orientation and then clicks Save, a message appears inside the drawer indicating that the changes are saved.

    The drawer is closed automatically.

    If the user clicks Cancel, the drawer is closed immediately.

    "Saved Successfully" Message for an Updated Page

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. The administrator then continues with the rest of the process, such as creating new FND function and assigning a permission set in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment to complete the process.

Once the personalization is shared, if any of the users using the shared version of personalized wants to use the original version of the dashboard then they need to collaborate with the administrator. In a situation where a few users want the personalized version of the dashboard and a few want the shipped version of the dashboard, the administrator needs to create different responsibilities to handle those scenarios.

Important: When a newer product version is adopted, there will be no automatic notification since the shared personalization page is essentially a copied page. Therefore, any communication pertaining to the newer shipped version must be handled offline between the administrator and the business users. It is essential to ensure that all relevant parties are informed and updated regarding any changes or updates to the product version to maintain effective collaboration and workflow management.

Data Set Views

Beginning in V11, users have the ability to create Data Set Views which are created based on the Hierarchical Query configuration (dataset and dataset joins).

A Data Set View is an alternative to a data set. Any component can be configured using the Data Set View instead of a regular data set. The difference in using a Data Set View instead of a Data Set is that the component will reflect its hierarchical nature; that is, since the self-join is inherent to the Data Set View, this would impact the resulting component.

An example from Human Resources would be: Let's say we have a Data Set View with an employees and managers relationship. When an individual is searched for, the resulting component will not simply show the records for that individual, as was the case previously with using a data set, but will also display all rows for all employees under this individual's organization.

Previously the usage of a Hierarchical Query was limited to only the Diagram component. With this enhanced feature the hierarchical display behavior is extended to all components.

Aggregation will not be used when creating the hierarchical view. A user can apply aggregations separately on the component later. All attributes from the selected data set will be included.

Only when the "Use Hierarchical Query" checkbox is enabled will the user see the "Create Data Set View" checkbox along with View key and View Name fields.

Components that use Data Set View should display all rows/items even if they do not contain data. For example, an Aggregate Table should show everyone in the organization even if they do not have any data, unlike they usual behavior.

Examples of Data Set View Options for Chart Configuration and Diagram Configuration

the picture is described in the document text

Creating Views in the Administration User Interface

Managing views directly from the administration UI provides for a more standard process to search, create, update, and delete views.

Administrators can create, edit, or delete views from the data set/view accordion. They can also see the New View button under the "Data Sets and Views" accordion.

Data Sets Page with "New View" Button for Data Set View

the picture is described in the document text

After clicking the New View button, the administrator can configure the view within a drawer.

Configuration for a Data Set View within a Drawer

the picture is described in the document text

Administrators can configure, preview, and save the view from the within the administration page.