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Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: JumpStart Installations     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Where to Find Oracle Solaris Installation Planning Information

2.  JumpStart (Overview)

3.  Preparing JumpStart Installations (Tasks)

4.  Using Optional JumpStart Features (Tasks)

5.  Creating Custom Rule and Probe Keywords (Tasks)

6.  Performing a JumpStart Installation (Tasks)

7.  Installing With JumpStart (Examples)

8.  JumpStart Keyword Reference

9.  Installing a ZFS Root Pool With JumpStart

What's New in the Solaris 10 10/09 Release

JumpStart Installation for a ZFS Root (/) File System (Overview and Planning)

Limitations for a JumpStart Installation for a ZFS Root Pool

JumpStart Keywords for a ZFS Root (/) File System (Reference)

bootenv Profile Keyword (ZFS and UFS)

install_type Keyword (ZFS and UFS)

pool Profile Keyword (ZFS Only)

root_device Profile Keyword (ZFS and UFS)

JumpStart Profile Examples for a ZFS Root Pool

Additional Resources



JumpStart Installation for a ZFS Root (/) File System (Overview and Planning)

This section describes how to create a JumpStart profile to install a ZFS root pool.

Note - If you want to install a UFS root (/) file system, all existing profile keywords work as in previous Oracle Solaris releases. For a list of UFS profile keywords, see Chapter 8, JumpStart Keyword Reference.

A ZFS specific profile must contain the pool keyword. The pool keyword installs a new root pool and a new boot environment is created by default. You can create a separate /var dataset with existing bootenv installbe keywords and the new bename and dataset options. Some keywords that are allowed in a UFS-specific profile are not allowed in a ZFS specific profile, such as those specifying the creation of UFS mount points.

For overall ZFS planning information, see Chapter 5, ZFS Root File System Installation Planning, in Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade.

Limitations for a JumpStart Installation for a ZFS Root Pool

Keep the following issues in mind before considering a JumpStart installation of a bootable ZFS root pool.

Table 9-1 JumpStart Limitations for ZFS Root Pools

For More Information
For a JumpStart installation, you cannot use an existing ZFS storage pool to create a bootable ZFS root pool.
You must create a new ZFS storage pool with syntax similar to the following:
pool rpool 20G 4G 4G c0t0d0s0

The complete pool keyword line is required because you cannot use an existing pool. The bootenv keyword line is optional. If you do not use bootenv, a default boot environment is created for you. For example:

install_type initial_install
cluster SUNWCall
pool rpool 20G 4g 4g any
bootenv installbe bename newBE
You cannot create a pool with whole disks.
You must create your pool with disk slices rather than whole disks.

If in the profile you create a pool with whole disks, such as c0t0d0, the installation fails. You will receive an error message similar to the following.

Invalid disk name (c0t0d0)
Some keywords that are allowed in a UFS specific profile are not allowed in a ZFS specific profile, such as those specifying the creation of UFS mount points.
You cannot upgrade with JumpStart. You must use Live Upgrade.
With Live Upgrade, you can create a copy of the currently running system. This copy can be upgraded and then activated to become the currently running system.