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Application Packaging Developer's Guide     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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1.  Designing a Package

2.  Building a Package

The Process of Building a Package (Task Map)

Package Environment Variables

General Rules on Using Environment Variables

Package Environment Variables Summary

Creating a pkginfo File

Defining a Package Instance

Defining a Package Abbreviation (PKG)

Specifying a Package Architecture (ARCH)

Specifying a Package Instruction Set Architecture (SUNW_ISA)

Specifying a Package Version (VERSION)

Defining a Package Name (NAME)

Defining a Package Category (CATEGORY)

How to Create a pkginfo File

Organizing a Package's Contents

How to Organize a Package's Contents

Creating a prototype File

Format of the prototype File

The ftype Field

The class Field

The path Field

Collectively Relocatable Objects

Individually Relocatable Objects

Parametric Path Names

A Brief Word on an Object's Source and Destination Locations

The mode Field

The owner Field

The group Field

Creating a prototype File From Scratch

Example--Creating a prototype File With the pkgproto Command

Fine-Tuning a prototype File Created With the pkgproto Command

Creating Object Entries With File Types v, e, x, and i

Using Multiple Class Definitions

Example--Fine-Tuning a prototype File Created Using the pkgproto Command

Adding Functionality to a prototype File

Defining Additional Objects to Be Created at Install Time

Creating Links at Install Time

Distributing Packages Over Multiple Volumes

Nesting prototype Files

Setting Default Values for the mode, owner, and group Fields

Providing a Search Path for the pkgmk Command

Setting Environment Variables

How to Create a prototype File by Using the pkgproto Command

Building a Package

Using the Simplest pkgmk Command

The pkgmap File

How to Build a Package

3.  Enhancing the Functionality of a Package (Tasks)

4.  Verifying and Transferring a Package

5.  Case Studies of Package Creation

6.  Advanced Techniques for Creating Packages



The Process of Building a Package (Task Map)

Table 2-1 describes a process for you to follow when building packages, especially if you are inexperienced at building them. Although it is not mandatory for you to complete the first four tasks in the exact order listed, your package building experience will be easier if you do. Once you are an experienced package designer, you can shuffle the sequence of these tasks to your preference.

As an experienced package designer, you can automate the package building process by using the make command and makefiles. For more information, see the make(1S) man page.

Table 2-1 The Process of Building a Package Task Map

For Instructions
1. Create a pkginfo file
Create the pkginfo file to describe the characteristics of the package.
2. Organize package contents
Arrange the package components into a hierarchical directory structure.
3. (optional) Create information files
Define package dependencies, include a copyright message, and reserve additional space on the target system.
4. (optional) Create installation scripts
Customize the installation and removal processes of the package.
5. Create a prototype file
Describe the object in your package in a prototype file.
6. Build the package
Build the package by using the pkgmk command.
7. Verify and transfer the package
Verify the integrity of the package before copying it to a distribution medium.