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Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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1.  Oracle Solaris ZFS File System (Introduction)

2.  Getting Started With Oracle Solaris ZFS

3.  Managing Oracle Solaris ZFS Storage Pools

4.  Installing and Booting an Oracle Solaris ZFS Root File System

Installing and Booting an Oracle Solaris ZFS Root File System (Overview)

ZFS Installation Features

Oracle Solaris Installation and Live Upgrade Requirements for ZFS Support

Oracle Solaris Release Requirements

General ZFS Root Pool Requirements

Disk Space Requirements for ZFS Root Pools

ZFS Root Pool Configuration Requirements

Installing a ZFS Root File System (Oracle Solaris Initial Installation)

How to Create a Mirrored ZFS Root Pool (Postinstallation)

Installing a ZFS Root File System (Oracle Solaris Flash Archive Installation)

Installing a ZFS Root File System ( JumpStart Installation)

JumpStart Keywords for ZFS

JumpStart Profile Examples for ZFS

JumpStart Issues for ZFS

Migrating to a ZFS Root File System or Updating a ZFS Root File System (Live Upgrade)

ZFS Migration Issues With Live Upgrade

Using Live Upgrade to Migrate or Update a ZFS Root File System (Without Zones)

Using Live Upgrade to Migrate or Upgrade a System With Zones (Solaris 10 10/08)

How to Migrate a UFS Root File System With Zone Roots on UFS to a ZFS Root File System (Solaris 10 10/08)

How to Configure a ZFS Root File System With Zone Roots on ZFS (Solaris 10 10/08)

How to Upgrade or Patch a ZFS Root File System With Zone Roots on ZFS (Solaris 10 10/08)

Using Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade to Migrate or Upgrade a System With Zones (at Least Solaris 10 5/09)

Supported ZFS with Zone Root Configuration Information (at Least Solaris 10 5/09)

How to Create a ZFS BE With a ZFS Root File System and a Zone Root (at Least Solaris 10 5/09)

How to Upgrade or Patch a ZFS Root File System With Zone Roots (at Least Solaris 10 5/09)

How to Migrate a UFS Root File System With a Zone Root to a ZFS Root File System (at Least Solaris 10 5/09)

Managing Your ZFS Swap and Dump Devices

Adjusting the Sizes of Your ZFS Swap Device and Dump Device

Customizing ZFS Swap and Dump Volumes

Troubleshooting ZFS Dump Device Issues

Booting From a ZFS Root File System

Booting From an Alternate Disk in a Mirrored ZFS Root Pool

SPARC: Booting From a ZFS Root File System

x86: Booting From a ZFS Root File System

Resolving ZFS Mount-Point Problems That Prevent Successful Booting (Solaris 10 10/08)

How to Resolve ZFS Mount-Point Problems

Booting for Recovery Purposes in a ZFS Root Environment

How to Boot ZFS Failsafe Mode

How to Boot ZFS From Alternate Media

Recovering the ZFS Root Pool or Root Pool Snapshots

How to Replace a Disk in the ZFS Root Pool

How to Create Root Pool Snapshots

How to Re-create a ZFS Root Pool and Restore Root Pool Snapshots

How to Roll Back Root Pool Snapshots From a Failsafe Boot

5.  Managing Oracle Solaris ZFS File Systems

6.  Working With Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshots and Clones

7.  Using ACLs and Attributes to Protect Oracle Solaris ZFS Files

8.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Delegated Administration

9.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Advanced Topics

10.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Troubleshooting and Pool Recovery

11.  Recommended Oracle Solaris ZFS Practices

A.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Version Descriptions


Installing a ZFS Root File System (Oracle Solaris Flash Archive Installation)

Starting in the Solaris 10 10/09 release, you can create a flash archive on a system with a UFS root file system or a ZFS root file system. A flash archive of a ZFS root pool contains the entire pool hierarchy, except for the swap and dump volumes, and any excluded datasets. The swap and dump volumes are created when the flash archive is installed. You can use the flash archive installation method as follows:

Review the following limitations before you consider installing a system with a ZFS flash archive:

After a master system is installed with or upgraded to at least the Solaris 10 10/09 release, you can create a ZFS flash archive to be used to install a target system. The basic process follows:

The following archive options are supported for installing a ZFS root pool with a flash archive:

After a ZFS flash archive is installed, the system is configured as follows:

Example 4-2 Installing a System With a ZFS Flash Archive (JumpStart Installation)

After the master system is installed or upgraded to at least the Solaris 10 10/09 release, you then create a flash archive of the ZFS root pool. For example:

# flarcreate -n zfsBE zfs10upflar
Full Flash
Checking integrity...
Integrity OK.
Running precreation scripts...
Precreation scripts done.
Determining the size of the archive...
The archive will be approximately 6.77GB.
Creating the archive...
Archive creation complete.
Running postcreation scripts...
Postcreation scripts done.

Running pre-exit scripts...
Pre-exit scripts done.

On the system that will be used as the installation server, you then create a JumpStart profile as you would to install any system. For example, the following profile is used to install the zfs10upflar archive:

install_type flash_install
archive_location nfs system:/export/jump/zfs10upflar
partitioning explicit
pool rpool auto auto auto mirror c0t1d0s0 c0t0d0s0

Example 4-3 Initial Installation of a Bootable ZFS Root File System (Flash Archive Installation)

You can install a ZFS root file system by selecting the Flash installation option. This option assumes that a ZFS flash archive has already been created and is available.

  1. From the Solaris Interactive Installation screen, select the F4_Flash option.

  2. From the Reboot After Installation screen, select the Auto Reboot or Manual Reboot option.

  3. From the Choose Filesystem Type screen, select ZFS.

  4. From the Flash Archive Retrieval Method screen, select the retrieval method, such as HTTP, FTP, NFS, Local File, Local Tape, or Local Device.

    For example, select NFS if the ZFS flash archive is shared from an NFS server.

  5. From the Flash Archive Addition screen, specify the location of the ZFS flash archive.

    For example, if the location is an NFS server, identify the server by its IP address and then specify the path to the ZFS flash archive.

    NFS Location: 12.34.567.890:/export/zfs10upflar
  6. From the Flash Archive Selection screen, confirm the retrieval method and the ZFS BE name.

    Flash Archive Selection                                                  
      You selected the following Flash archives to use to install this system.  If  
      you want to add another archive to install select "New".                      
            Retrieval Method      Name                                              
            NFS                   zfsBE
  7. Review the next set of screens, similar to an initial installation, and select the options that match your configuration:

    • Select Disks

    • Preserve Data?

    • Configure ZFS Settings

      Review the summary information and then select the Continue option.

      For example:

      Configure ZFS Settings                                                   
        Specify the name of the pool to be created from the disk(s) you have chosen.  
        Also specify the name of the dataset to be created within the pool that is    
        to be used as the root directory for the filesystem.                          
                    ZFS Pool Name: rpool                                              
            ZFS Root Dataset Name: s10zfsBE                                           
            ZFS Pool Size (in MB): 69995                                              
        Size of Swap Area (in MB): 2048                                               
        Size of Dump Area (in MB): 1024                                               
              (Pool size must be between 7591 MB and 69995 MB)         

      If the flash archive is a ZFS send stream, the combined or separate /var file system options are not presented. In this case, whether /var is combined or not depends on how it is configured on the master system.

    • Press Continue at the Mount Remote File Systems? screen.

    • Review the Profile screen, and press F4 to make any changes. Otherwise, press Begin_Installation (F2).

      For example:

        The information shown below is your profile for installing Solaris software.  
        It reflects the choices you've made on previous screens.                      
                      Installation Option: Flash                                      
                              Boot Device: c1t0d0                                     
                    Root File System Type: ZFS                                        
                          Client Services: None                                       
                                 Software: 1 Flash Archive                            
                                             NFS: zfsBE                        
                                Pool Name: rpool                                      
                    Boot Environment Name: s10zfsBE                             
                                Pool Size: 69995 MB                                   
                          Devices in Pool: c1t0d0