Oracle® Database Firewall

Release Notes

Release 5.1 for Oracle Linux


December 2011

These Release Notes contain important information about the Oracle Database Firewall Release 5.1. They apply to Oracle Database Firewall on all platforms.

This document contains the following sections:

1 Downloading the Latest Version of This Document

You can download the most current version of this document from the following Web site:

2 Installing Oracle Database Firewall 5.1

Refer to the Oracle Database Firewall Installation Guide for installation instructions.

3 Upgrading to Oracle Database Firewall 5.1

You can upgrade from Oracle Database Firewall release 5.0 to 5.1.

3.1 Pre-requisite

If you have not already done so, you must apply the Oracle Database Firewall Bundle Patch 5 (Patch 13077854) before upgrading from release 5.0 to 5.1.

3.2 Overview of the Upgrade Procedure

The upgrade procedure is done in the three stages detailed in the following sections. If you have a Management Server, perform all three of these stages on the Management Server first, then on the Database Firewall:


Be sure that your configuration and data backups are up-to-date before performing the upgrade procedure.

3.3 Upgrading the Base Platform

To upgrade the base platform:

  1. Log in to the Database Firewall or Management Server as root.

  2. Insert Oracle Database Firewall 5.1 installation disk 1, and mount using the command:

    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

  3. Create a /tmp/disk1.repo file, and insert the following in this file:

    name=DBFW Platform update
  4. Execute the command:

    yum -y update -c /tmp/disk1.repo --disablerepo=secerno-updates

    Inspect the output for errors.

  5. Unmount Disk 1 using the command:

    umount /mnt

  6. Remove the disk from the drive.

3.4 Upgrading the Oracle Database Firewall or Management Server


If you have managed Database Firewalls, first upgrade the Management Server, then the Database Firewalls.

To upgrade the Oracle Database Firewall or Management Server:

  1. Insert Oracle Database Firewall 5.1 installation Disk 2, and mount using the command:

    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

  2. Copy the RPM file that matches your platform from Disk 2 to the Database Firewall or Management Server.

    The RPM file is in the root directory on Disk 2.

  3. Apply the RPM by running the command:

    rpm --freshen --repackage RPM_File

  4. Unmount Disk 2 using the command:

    umount /mnt

  5. Reboot the Database Firewall or Management Server.

    Note: Check console 9 for additional booting messages.

  6. To verify this procedure:

    1. Log in to the Database Firewall or Management Server Administration Console, and check that it displays version 5.1.

    2. Run one of the following commands and verify that version 5.1 is displayed.

      For a Database Firewall, run: rpm -q dbfw-multi

      For a Management Server, run: rpm -q dbfw-mgmtsvr

    3. Run the command:

      uname -r

      The output should be: 2.6.18- or later.

3.5 Upgrading the Embedded Oracle Database

To upgrade the embedded Oracle Database:

  1. Insert Oracle Database Firewall 5.1 installation Disk 3.

  2. As user root, mount using the command:

    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

  3. Shutdown the following Database Firewall or Management Server system services:

    /etc/init.d/monitor stop
    /etc/init.d/dbfw stop
    /etc/init.d/controller stop
    /etc/init.d/stund stop
    /etc/init.d/dbfwlistener stop
    /etc/init.d/dbfwdb stop
  4. Switch to user oracle:

    su - oracle

  5. Run the command:

    . /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/bin/oraenv

    Specify dbfwdb when prompted.

  6. Install the opatch utility update:

    unzip /mnt/updates/opatch/

    If prompted, select to replace all files in this directory.

  7. Check that the opatch utility was successfully installed by running the command:

    /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/OPatch/opatch version

    Version should be displayed.

  8. Unzip the PSU zip file:

    unzip /mnt/updates/psu/ -d /tmp

  9. Change directory:

    cd /tmp/12419331

  10. In the /tmp/12419331 apply the patch using the command:

    /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/OPatch/opatch apply

    If there are errors, see the patch documentation.

  11. Exit, and start the Oracle database as user root:

    /etc/init.d/dbfwdb start
    /etc/init.d/dbfwlistener start
  12. Switch to user oracle:

    su - oracle

  13. Run the command:

    . /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/bin/oraenv

    Specify dbfwdb when prompted.

  14. Upgrade existing databases:

    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> @/var/lib/oracle/dbfw/rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply
  15. In the directory $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/catbundle, check the following files for errors. The timestamp is the actual time:

    catbundle_PSU_database SID_APPLY_timestamp.log

    catbundle_PSU_database SID_GENERATE_timestamp.log

  16. Reboot the system.

    Note: Check console 9 for additional booting messages.

  17. Verify that the Oracle database was upgraded correctly:

    1. Log in as user Oracle, and run the command:

      . /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/bin/oraenv

      Specify dbfwdb when prompted.

    2. Log in to the database:

      sqlplus sys as sysdba

    3. Check the dba_registry_history table:

      select * from dba_registry_history

      Verify that patch set update is mentioned.

4 Known Issues

The system has the following known issues:

4.1 Enabling or Disabling Local Monitor in DPE Mode Terminates Database Sessions

If you enable or disable Local Monitor from a protected database being monitored in DPE mode, any existing database sessions terminate.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 11859598.

4.2 Booting Message Is Not Displayed During Upgrade

After the first stage of the upgrade procedure (upgrading the base platform), the booting Database Firewall message is not displayed. To see the complete booting messages, check console 9.

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 13461821.

4.3 Update from Disc 1 Fails if Run a Second Time During Upgragde

During stage one of the upgrade (upgrading the base platform), once you execute the command in Step 4 (yum -update...), if you then run this command another time, for example if you use a different Disc 1, the update fails.

The workaround is to run the following command before you run the yum -update... command again:

yum clean all -c /tmp/disk1.repo --disablerepo=secerno-updates

This issue is tracked with Oracle bug 13452515.

5 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Firewall Release Notes, Release 5.1 for Oracle Linux


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