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Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration Release Notes

Release 1.0

Part Number: E26574-02

Last revised: 04 January 2012

This document provides a complete, up-to-date description of Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration (OHADI) Release 1.0. You should ensure that you have the most current version of this document, and that you have read and understand all tasks described herein before you begin your installation.

How to Use This Document

This document contains the following information about OHADI Release 1.0:

  1. Media Pack Contents
  2. Product Description
  3. Implementation and User Documentation

1. Media Pack Contents

This Media Pack contains the following files required to install the physical data model portion of Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration 1.0 (OHADI) and the associated documentation:

Filename Contains
doc\ User Documentation Files
software\ohadi_metadata_config_ddl_1_0.sql Script to create Physical Database Objects for Metadata Configuration Schema
software\ohadi_interface_grant_access_1_0.sql Script to grant SELECT permission to metadata configuration user and HDWF user to access interface schema tables
software\ohadi_metadata_config_grant_access_1_0.sql Script to grant SELECT permission to HDWF user to access metadata configuration schema tables
software\ Contains seed data procedures and scripts


2. Product Description

OHADI provides a rich platform for processing of data from diverse source systems and loading of the homogenized, consistent, complete, correct and standardized analytics ready data into HDWF.

OHADI provides the following features:


3. Implementation and User Documentation


The Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration 1.0 Media Pack includes the following user documentation:

Using the Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration Release Content Document

To use Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration Release Content Document, navigate to the rcd folder and click rcd.htm.

Using the Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration Secure Installation and Configuration Guide

To use Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration Secure Installation and Configuration Guide, navigate to the iguide folder and click iguide.htm.



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