Class CampaignModel.ScenarioLink

  extended by com.bea.p13n.model.Model
      extended by com.bea.campaign.model.CampaignModel.ScenarioLink
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public class CampaignModel.ScenarioLink
extends Model

An object representing a link to a scenario model. These will be the children of CampaignModels from xml parsed out of the Datasync repository.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
Model.ChangeEvent, Model.ChangeListener, Model.ChangeSupport, Model.Debug
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
childrenModels, docModel, parentModel, roChildrenModels
Constructor Summary
CampaignModel.ScenarioLink(String scenarioUri)
          Constructor from scenario-link.
CampaignModel.ScenarioLink(String schemaUri, String instanceUri, String instanceId)
          Construtor from data-link.
Method Summary
 Model copy()
          Make a copy of the ScenarioLink.
 boolean equals(Object o)
 String getInstanceId()
          Get the instance id of the scenario in the scenario.
 String getInstanceUri()
          Get the scenario instance uri.
 String getSchemaUri()
          The scenario namespace uri.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isDataLink()
          Was this scenario link a data-link?
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.model.Model
addChangeListener, addChild, addChild, childAdded, childRemoved, clone, doubleEquals, equals, getChildren, getDebug, getDebug, getDocument, getParent, longEquals, preRemove, propertyChanged, removeChangeListener, removeChild, removeChild, removeEmpties, setDocument, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CampaignModel.ScenarioLink(String schemaUri,
                                  String instanceUri,
                                  String instanceId)
Construtor from data-link.

schemaUri - the scenario namespace uri.
instanceUri - the scenario instance uri (generally the datasync uri).
instanceId - the scenario id (generally originally the data:id of scenario).


public CampaignModel.ScenarioLink(String scenarioUri)
Constructor from scenario-link.

scenarioUri - the scenario uri (generally the datasync uri).
Method Detail


public Model copy()
Make a copy of the ScenarioLink.

Specified by:
copy in class Model


public String getSchemaUri()
The scenario namespace uri.


public String getInstanceUri()
Get the scenario instance uri. If the campaign was loaded from a datasync repository, this will correspond to the datasync uri of the scenario.


public String getInstanceId()
Get the instance id of the scenario in the scenario. This will correspond to the data:id attribute of the scenario in the campaign, prior to it be cleaved and replaced with a data-link.


public boolean isDataLink()
Was this scenario link a data-link?


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object

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