Class DefaultPropertyProvider

  extended by com.bea.content.expression.DefaultBasePropertyProvider
      extended by com.bea.content.expression.DefaultPropertyProvider
All Implemented Interfaces

public class DefaultPropertyProvider
extends DefaultBasePropertyProvider

A generic implementation of a property provider, that supports user, request, session, and event properties.

Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
DefaultPropertyProvider(ProfileWrapper userWrapper, Request request, Session session, Event event)
          Create a new PropertyProvider, initializing possible sources for the property value.
DefaultPropertyProvider(String userId, Request request, Session session, Event event)
          Create a new PropertyProvider, initializing possible sources for the property value.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.expression.DefaultBasePropertyProvider
getInstance, getProperty, setUser
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultPropertyProvider()
Empty constructor.


public DefaultPropertyProvider(String userId,
                               Request request,
                               Session session,
                               Event event)
                        throws ProfileNotFoundException
Create a new PropertyProvider, initializing possible sources for the property value. All parameters are optional.

userId - String representation of the user
request - The request object
session - The session object
event - The event object
ProfileNotFoundException - when the ProfileWrapper cannot be found for the passed in userId


public DefaultPropertyProvider(ProfileWrapper userWrapper,
                               Request request,
                               Session session,
                               Event event)
Create a new PropertyProvider, initializing possible sources for the property value. All parameters are optional.

userWrapper - The profile wrapper of the user
request - The request object
session - The session object
event - The event object

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