Class ExpressionHelper

  extended by com.bea.content.expression.ExpressionHelper

public class ExpressionHelper
extends Object

Helper class to handle dealing with content Expressions.

For details on what content expressions should look like, see parse().

Nested Class Summary
static class ExpressionHelper.ParseException
          Exception to report an error while parsing a query expression.
Field Summary
static String AND
          Syntax textual and logical operator.
static String CONTAINS
          Syntax textual contains operator.
static String CONTAINS_ALL
          Syntax textual contains all operator.
static String CONTAINS_ANY
          Syntax textual contains any operator.
static String defDateFormatStr
          The default datetime format string in the content expression syntax ("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z").
static String EQUALS
          Syntax textual equals operator.
static String GREATER_THAN
          Syntax textual greater than operator.
          Syntax textual greater than or equals operator.
static String IN
          Syntax textual in operator.
static String LESS_THAN
          Syntax textual less than operator.
static String LESS_THAN_EQUALS
          Syntax textual less than or equals operator.
static String LIKE
          Syntax textual like operator.
static String LIKE_IGNORE_CASE
          Syntax textual like (case insensitive) operator.
static String NOT_EQUALS
          Syntax textual not equals operator.
static String OR
          Syntax textual or logical operator.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Expression convertContainsAnyOperators(Expression expr)
          Convert an expression tree to not contain any 'containsany' comparison operators.
static Expression convertInOperators(Expression expr)
          Convert an expression tree to not contain any 'in' comparison operators.
static String fromStringLiteral(String in)
          Convert a String literal (which may contain quoted characters) into a corresponding String value.
static String getComparator(Expression expr)
          Get the syntax comparator textual operator for the given leaf node.
static String getContentId(Expression expr)
          Return the content id from the expression, if it's an expression for a single content object based upon identifier.
static Search getContentIdSearch(String contentId)
          Get a search object for a single content based upon the supplied id.
static Search getContentPathSearch(ID uid, String version)
          Get a search object for a single version based upon the supplied UID and version.
static Search getContentPathSearch(String contentPath)
          Get a search object for a single content based upon the supplied path.
static PropertyRef getLeftHandSide(Expression expr)
          Get the left-hand-side of a valid leaf node, which should be a PropertyRef.
static String getLogicalComparator(Expression expr)
          Get the syntax logical comparator textual operator for the given branch node.
static int getOrdinalValue(char ch)
          Get the ordinal (Unicode) value of a character.
static Object getRightHandSide(Expression expr)
          Get the right-hand-side of a valid leaf node.
static Expression getSubExpression(Expression expr, int count)
          Get a child expression of the specified expression at the count index.
static boolean isHexString(String str)
          Determine if a string contains only ASCII hexidecimal characters ([0-9a-fA-F]).
static Expression isLogicalNot(Expression expr)
          Tell if an expression is really a logical not and, if so, returns the contained expression.
static boolean isValidBranchNode(Expression expr)
          Tell if an expression is a valid content branch node type.
static boolean isValidLeafNode(Expression expr)
          Tell if an expression is a valid content leaf node type.
static LogicalAnd join(Expression expr1, Expression expr2)
          Join together two expression via an AND expression.
static Expression normalize(Expression expr)
          Normalize an Expression.
static Expression parse(String queryStr)
          Convert a query expression string into an Expression object.
static void print(PrintWriter out, Expression expr)
          Print a string representation of the given expression.
static void printBranchNode(PrintWriter out, Expression expr)
          Return a string representation of the given expression branch.
static void printLeafNode(PrintWriter out, Expression expr)
          Return a string representation of the given leaf expression node.
static Expression realize(Expression expr, PropertyProvider props)
          Realize an expression, which can contain property references, into an an expression which contains only literal values and can be sent to a ISearchManager.
static String retrievePathFromVersionPath(String path)
static String retrieveVersionFromVersionPath(String path)
static String toString(Expression expr)
          Get a string representation of the given expression.
static String toStringLiteral(String in)
          Get an ASCII String literal from a Java string.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String defDateFormatStr
The default datetime format string in the content expression syntax ("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z").

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String EQUALS
Syntax textual equals operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String NOT_EQUALS
Syntax textual not equals operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String GREATER_THAN
Syntax textual greater than operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String LESS_THAN
Syntax textual less than operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String GREATER_THAN_EQUALS
Syntax textual greater than or equals operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String LESS_THAN_EQUALS
Syntax textual less than or equals operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String LIKE
Syntax textual like operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String LIKE_IGNORE_CASE
Syntax textual like (case insensitive) operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CONTAINS
Syntax textual contains operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CONTAINS_ALL
Syntax textual contains all operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String CONTAINS_ANY
Syntax textual contains any operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String IN
Syntax textual in operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String AND
Syntax textual and logical operator.

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String OR
Syntax textual or logical operator.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public ExpressionHelper()
Method Detail


public static Expression parse(String queryStr)
                        throws ExpressionHelper.ParseException,
Convert a query expression string into an Expression object.

The string should follow the query syntax specified in the Personalization Server documentation. The expression syntax is tree-based, with each leaf in the tree beinging of the form "property comparator value" (e.g. "cm_BinarySize <= 1234").

Property (LHS)

This specifies the object property to match against. To specify a property name which contains non-identifier characters (e.g. whitespace, double quotes, dashes), you can use the "toProperty('property name')" form in the left-hand-side. To specify property set names as part of the property name, either use the "" form or the "toProperty('propertyset', 'property')" form in the left-hand-side.


The valid comparision operators are = (or ==), !=, <, >, <=, >=, "like", "likeignorecase", "contains", "containsall" "containsany", and "in".
The "like" and "likeignorecase" operators expect the pattern (which is the value of the leaf) to use * (match all) and ? (match any); "like" and "likeignorecase" also are only expected to work against String values, although they might work with other datatypes depending upon the search implementation. "like" does case sensitive matching; "likeignorecase" does case insensitive matching.
The "in" operator expects the value to be a list. Otherwise, it's equivalent to =.
The "contains" operator is only expected to work against multi-valued properties, although it might work with other datatypes depending upon the search implementation.
The "containsall" and "containsany" operators are only expected to work against multi-valued properties, although they might work with other datatypes depending upon the search implementation. They expect the value to be a list. Otherwise, they're equivalent to "contains".

Value (RHS)
  • String literal values are enclosed in single quotes (back-slash is the quoting character, unicode characters not supported). Additionally, unicode (e.g. "\u6565"), octal (e.g. "\7", "\65", "\377"), and standard Java escape sequences (e.g. "\n", "\r", "\b") are allowed in the string literals.
  • Boolean literals are either the "true" or "false" keyword (without quotes).
  • Number literals are Java form (scientific notation is supported).
  • Time literals are presented in "toDate(['formatStr'], 'dateStr')" format. formatStr must be a valid SimpleDateFormat format string; if omitted, 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss z' is used. Also, the "now" keyword specifies the time at which the expression was created.
  • Lists are a comma-separated list of the other value types inside parenthesis. Lists are 1-dimensional; they cannot contain other lists. Lists are only valid values with:
    • =, !=, "containsany" or "containsall" against multi-valued property
    • "in" against single-valued property
  • References to user, request, or session properties are represented as such:
     <type>Property(<propertyset>, <propertyname>)
     where <type> is one of 'user', 'request',
     or 'session', <propertyset> is the property set name
     and follows the rules for string literals.
     <propertyname> is the property name and follows the
     rules for string literals.
    References to properties should not be passed into the ISearchManager class. Expressions which contain references to properties should be realized into a searchable expression via the realize() method.

Each branch in the tree is comprised of 1 or more leafs or branches separated by either "&&" (boolean AND) or "||" (boolean OR). They can be enclosed in parenthesis for clearity and ordering (AND has precendance over OR). Additionally, "!" marks a branch as using negative logic (boolean NOT). The "!" operator can only be used preceding an open parenthesis.

Examples of valid expression strings:

  • identifier == '00099abv48932ds'
  • keys == ('00099abv48932ds', -1, 2.0, true, now, null)
  • language == userProperty('MyProperties', 'userPreferredLang')
  • ((UserAge <= 35 && colors contains 'red') || (UserAge > 35 && !(colors contains 'black')) && mimeType == 'text/html'
  • toProperty('MyApp', 'Launch Date') < now && !(MyApp.expireDate > toDate('HH:mm:ss MM-dd-yyyy', '12:12:12 12/12/2002'))

In the resulting expression tree, the following caveats apply for it to be valid for the ISearchManager:

  • Each branch node can only be a LogicalAnd, LogicalOr, LogicalMulitAnd, or LogicalMultiOr. Any other branch node type is invalid.
  • Each leaf node can only be an Equals, GreaterOrEquals, GreaterThan, LessOrEquals, LessThan, NotEquals, StringLike, ContainedIn, CollectionContains, CollectionContainsAll, or CollectionContainsAny. Any other branch node type is invalid.
  • Any valid branch or leaf node may be contained in a LogicalNot node.
  • In each leaf node, the left-hand-side will always be a PropertyRef node, which must contain Strings for getPropertySet() and getPropertyName(). In non-realized expression, a leaf node can be a UserPropertyRef, RequestPropertyRef, or SessionPropertyRef to represent a reference to an external property. Repositories should not receive non-realized expression, and, therefore, should not handle these objects; they are free to raise an exception if one is found.
  • The right-hand-side of Equals, NotEquals, GreaterOrEquals, GreaterThan, LessOrEquals, LessThan, or CollectionContains leaf nodes can be a Collection, Long, Double, String, or Timestamp.
  • The right-hand-side of StringLike leaf nodes can be a String. Anything else is invalid (i.e. should not match). The isCaseInsensitiveMatch() flag of the StringLike will be set depending upon whether it should do case sensitive (false, i.e. like) or case insensitive (true, i.e. likeignorecase) matching.
  • The right-hand-side of CollectionContainsAll, CollectionContainsAny, or ContainedIn leaf nodes can be a Collection. Anything else is invalid (i.e. should not match).

queryStr - the query expression string
an Expression object representing (null if queryStr is a null expression).
ExpressionHelper.ParseException - thrown on a an invalid expression query or a parser error.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown on a general error.
See Also


public static LogicalAnd join(Expression expr1,
                              Expression expr2)
Join together two expression via an AND expression.

expr1 - the first expression.
expr2 - the second expression.
a LogicalAnd of the two expressions.


public static Search getContentIdSearch(String contentId)
Get a search object for a single content based upon the supplied id.


public static Search getContentPathSearch(String contentPath)
Get a search object for a single content based upon the supplied path.


public static Search getContentPathSearch(ID uid,
                                          String version)
Get a search object for a single version based upon the supplied UID and version.


public static String getContentId(Expression expr)
Return the content id from the expression, if it's an expression for a single content object based upon identifier.

the content id, or null if it's not a identifier equality expression.


public static Expression normalize(Expression expr)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
Normalize an Expression.

This will recursively remove branches that contain only one Expression (which are boolean equivelant to the one child expression) or that contain no children (which are considered empty).

expr - the incoming expression.
the normalized expression, null if normalized to nothing.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the expression is not a valid content expression.


public static Expression convertInOperators(Expression expr)
                                     throws IllegalArgumentException
Convert an expression tree to not contain any 'in' comparison operators.

This will change all ContainedIn leafs into a MultiOr branch of Equals leafs for each element of the ContainedIn right-hand-side list. Or, in syntax terms, "prop in (1, 2, 3)" will become "(prop == 1 || prop == 2 || prop == 3)".

expr - the incoming expression.
the updated expression, which might not be the same as what's passed in depending upon the structure (can be null if it normalizes down to "prop in null" or "prop in ()").
IllegalArgumentException - if the expression structure isn't valid.


public static Expression convertContainsAnyOperators(Expression expr)
                                              throws IllegalArgumentException
Convert an expression tree to not contain any 'containsany' comparison operators.

This will change all CollectionContainsAny leafs into a MultiOr branch of CollectionContains leafs for each element of the CollectionContainsAny right-hand-side list. Or, in syntax terms, "prop containsany (1, 2, 3)" will become "(prop contains 1 || prop contains== 2 || prop contains 3)".

expr - the incoming expression.
the updated expression, which might not be the same as what's passed in depending upon the structure (can be null if it normalizes down to "prop containsany null" or "prop containsany ()").
IllegalArgumentException - if the expression structure isn't valid.


public static Expression realize(Expression expr,
                                 PropertyProvider props)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Realize an expression, which can contain property references, into an an expression which contains only literal values and can be sent to a ISearchManager. Or, in syntax terms, if the user's "prop" property in the 'propset' Property Set is 'red', "prop == userProperty('propset', 'prop')" will become "prop == 'red'".

This will modify the passed in expression.

expr - the expression to realize.
props - the object which provides values for property references.
the modified expression
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the expr is not a valid content expression or contain a reference to an unknown property type.


public static Expression isLogicalNot(Expression expr)
Tell if an expression is really a logical not and, if so, returns the contained expression.

expr - the expression.
the contained expressions if expr is a logical not, null otherwise.


public static boolean isValidLeafNode(Expression expr)
Tell if an expression is a valid content leaf node type.


public static boolean isValidBranchNode(Expression expr)
Tell if an expression is a valid content branch node type.


public static String toString(Expression expr)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
Get a string representation of the given expression.

Pretty much, a string generated from this method can be parse()'ed into the semantically equivalent (not neccessarily identical) expression tree.

expr - the expression.
the query syntax representation of the expression.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given expression is not a valid content expression.


public static void print(PrintWriter out,
                         Expression expr)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Print a string representation of the given expression.

Pretty much, a string generated from this method can be parse()'ed into the semantically equivalent (not neccessarily identical) expression tree.

out - the output writer.
expr - the expression.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given expression is not a valid content expression.


public static void printLeafNode(PrintWriter out,
                                 Expression expr)
                          throws IllegalArgumentException
Return a string representation of the given leaf expression node.

out - the output writer.
expr - the expression.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given expression is not a valid leaf expression.


public static PropertyRef getLeftHandSide(Expression expr)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the left-hand-side of a valid leaf node, which should be a PropertyRef.

expr - the leaf node expression.
the left-hand-side content property ref
IllegalArgumentException - if the the left-hand-side is null or not a PropertyRef.


public static String getComparator(Expression expr)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the syntax comparator textual operator for the given leaf node.

expr - the leaf node expression.
IllegalArgumentException - if the expression is not a valid leaf node.


public static Object getRightHandSide(Expression expr)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the right-hand-side of a valid leaf node.

expr - the leaf node expression.
the right-hand-side value, which should be an Object value, null, a RequestPropertyRef, a SessionPropertyRef, or a UserPropertyRef.
IllegalArgumentException - if the expression is not a valid leaf node.


public static void printBranchNode(PrintWriter out,
                                   Expression expr)
Return a string representation of the given expression branch.

out - the output writer.
expr - the expression.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given expression is not a valid branch node expression or one it's children is invalid.


public static String getLogicalComparator(Expression expr)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the syntax logical comparator textual operator for the given branch node.

expr - the expression.
the boolean logic syntax operator constant, either AND or OR, or null if the expression is null.
IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the given expression is not a valid branch node expression.


public static Expression getSubExpression(Expression expr,
                                          int count)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException
Get a child expression of the specified expression at the count index.

expr - the parent expression.
count - the index.
the child expression or null if no such child.
IllegalArgumentException - if the child is not an Expression.


public static String fromStringLiteral(String in)
Convert a String literal (which may contain quoted characters) into a corresponding String value.

This supports the standard Java Language Specification escape sequences.

In addition, this also supports escaping of wildcard characters '*' & '?' used by the expression helper

in - the input string literal.
the string value.


public static boolean isHexString(String str)
Determine if a string contains only ASCII hexidecimal characters ([0-9a-fA-F]).

str - the input string.
true if the string contains only ASCII hex characters.


public static String toStringLiteral(String in)
Get an ASCII String literal from a Java string.

This will quote some special characters with back-slashes.

The output of this can be sent through fromStringLiteral(java.lang.String) to result in the original String.


public static int getOrdinalValue(char ch)
Get the ordinal (Unicode) value of a character.


public static String retrieveVersionFromVersionPath(String path)


public static String retrievePathFromVersionPath(String path)

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