Class GetPropertyTag

  extended by javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
      extended by com.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.BaseTag
          extended by com.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyTag
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag

public class GetPropertyTag
extends BaseTag

Tag to retrieve or print a property of a Node. If tag is used unnested(i.e. not nested inside a ForEachNestedProperty tag

When the tag is used standalone the Node must be set as an attribute of the page context with the id specified in this tag.

If the version attribute is set to the name (number) of a particular Version then the property will be retrieved from the Version object instead of from the Node. Use a value of "0" to use the current version without having to supply the version number of the current version.

If the property is of type Property.BINARY and is a text document (eg. .txt, .html) then the document will be printed. If the BINARY property is not a document (eg. .gif, .pdf) then ShowBinaryServlet should be used to write that content directly to a jsp's output stream. If retrieving a stream for the binary property is necessary, use the INodeManager.getStream(com.bea.content.ContentContext, com.bea.content.ID, String) method.

If the property name is not specified the primary property will be used, if defined.

If a resultId is defined then it will be set with the value(s) of the Property. If there are multiple values then it will be set as a Collection. If the resultId is not set then the value(s) will be printed

If the following standard properties are used as the property name then the corresponding value from the Node will be returned. These standard properties are not used if a particular version of the node is being used by specifying the version attribute.

  • cm_nodeName
  • cm_path
  • cm_createdBy
  • cm_modifiedBy
  • cm_createdDate
  • cm_modifiedDate If tag is nested inside a ForEachNestedProperty tag:

    Property name must be defined.

    If an invalid property name is used null is returned, unless failOnError is set to true, then an exception will be thrown, or if default is specified, then that will be retrieved.

    If "node" or "id" attribute is set while in a ForEachNestedProperty tag, it is assumed that the property being retrieved is for that node only and the ForEachNestedProperty will be ignored.

    See Also
    Serialized Form

    Field Summary
    protected  String baseHref
              The BASE HREF to use.
    protected  int blockSize
              The block size to read the data in.
    protected  String conversionType
              The conversion type.
    protected  String dateFormat
              The date format to use.
    protected  String defValue
              The default value to print if the property is not found, or if the property does not contain a value.
    protected  int endIndex
              The index at which we should stop reading.
    protected  boolean isMultiple
              If this is true then a Collection will be returned as the resultId, if false then an Object will be returned that may be cast to the appropriate Property type.
    protected  String name
              The name of the property to print.
    protected  Node node
              The Node to use.
    protected  String numFormat
              The number format to use.
    protected  String resultId
              The id of the script variable to put the result into.
    protected  String resultType
              The Type of the result.
    protected  int startIndex
              The index at which we should start reading.
    protected  int transactionTimeout
              The streaming of the data directly to the jsp page is wrapped in a transaction to cover the situation where the back-end system is transactional (like a database) and the InputStream retrieved is tied to that transactional resource (like a BlobInputStream).
    protected  String version
              The version name (number) to use if the property is to be retrieved from a Version instead of from the Node.
    Fields inherited from class com.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.BaseTag
    cacheId, cacheScope, cacheTimeout, failOnError, useCache
    Fields inherited from class javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
    id, pageContext
    Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag
    Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
    Constructor Summary
    Method Summary
     String convert(String in)
              Convert a string with the current convertType.
    static String convert(String conversionType, String in)
              Convert a string according to the specified convertType.
     int doStartTag()
              Start the tag.
     String getBaseHref()
              Get the value of baseHref.
     String getBlockSize()
              Get the value of blockSize as a String.
     String getConversionType()
              Get the value of conversionType.
     String getDateFormat()
              Get the date format to use.
     String getDefault()
              Get the default value.
     String getEndIndex()
              Get the value of endIndex as a String.
     String getIsMultiple()
              Get the value of isMultiple.
     String getName()
              Get the value of name.
     Node getNode()
              Get the Node to use.
     String getNumFormat()
              Get the number format to use.
     Collection getPropertyValues()
     URL getRequestBaseHref(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
              Gets the request base href.
     String getResultId()
              Get the resultId.
     String getResultType()
              Get the resultId.
     URL getServerBaseHref(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
              Gets the servers BaseHref.
     String getStartIndex()
              Get the value of startIndex as a String.
     String getTransactionTimeout()
              Get the value of transactionTimeout
     String getVersion()
              Get the version name (number) to use
     void print(String s)
              Print the String to the JspWriter.
     void println(String s)
              Println the String to the JspWriter.
     void release()
              Release the tag.
     void setAttribute(Collection values)
     void setBaseHref(String v)
              Set the value of baseHref.
     void setBlockSize(String v)
              Set the value of blockSize.
     void setConversionType(String conversionType)
              Sets the value of conversionType.
     void setDateFormat(String s)
              Set the date format to use.
     void setDefault(String v)
              Set the default value.
     void setEndIndex(int endIndex)
              Set the value of endIndex.
     void setEndIndex(String v)
              Set the value of endIndex.
     void setIsMultiple(boolean b)
              Set the value of isMultiple.
     void setIsMultiple(String s)
              Set the value of isMultiple.
     void setName(String v)
              Set the value of name.
     void setNode(Node node)
              Set the node to use.
     void setNumFormat(String s)
              Set the number format to use.
     void setResultId(String resultId)
              Set the resultId.
     void setResultType(String resultType)
              Set the resultType.
     void setStartIndex(int startIndex)
              Set the value of startIndex.
     void setStartIndex(String v)
              Set the value of startIndex.
     void setTransactionTimeout(String timeout)
              Set the value of transactionTimeout
     void setVersion(String version)
              Set the version name (number) to use.
     String toString(Calendar cal)
     String toString(Number n)
     String toString(Object obj)
    Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.BaseTag
    getCacheId, getCacheScope, getCacheTimeout, getFailOnError, getHttpSession, getUseCache, getUserId, setCacheId, setCacheScope, setCacheTimeout, setCacheTimeout, setFailOnError, setFailOnError, setUseCache, setUseCache, toDictionary
    Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
    doAfterBody, doEndTag, findAncestorWithClass, getId, getParent, getValue, getValues, removeValue, setId, setPageContext, setParent, setValue
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Field Detail


    protected Node node
    The Node to use.


    protected String version
    The version name (number) to use if the property is to be retrieved from a Version instead of from the Node. Use a value of "0" to use the current version without having to supply the version number of the current version


    protected String name
    The name of the property to print.


    protected String resultId
    The id of the script variable to put the result into. If the resultId isn't set then the property will be written to the PageContext.


    protected String resultType
    The Type of the result. May only be set when isMultiple = False.


    protected String defValue
    The default value to print if the property is not found, or if the property does not contain a value.


    protected String conversionType
    The conversion type. Can be either "html", "url", or anything else for no conversion. See ContentHelper.toHtml() for an explanation of how html will be converted. See ContentHelper.pathInfoEncode() for an explanation of how a conversion type of "url" for a "cm_path" property is converted. For a conversion type of "url" that isn't for the "cm_path" property, the url will be encoded in "UTF-8" if supported. If it isn't supported then the default encoding will be used.


    protected String dateFormat
    The date format to use.


    protected String numFormat
    The number format to use.


    protected int blockSize
    The block size to read the data in. Defaults to 2048.


    protected int startIndex
    The index at which we should start reading. Defaults to 0.


    protected int endIndex
    The index at which we should stop reading.


    protected String baseHref
    The BASE HREF to use.

    The content's identifier will be appended automatically to this.


    protected boolean isMultiple
    If this is true then a Collection will be returned as the resultId, if false then an Object will be returned that may be cast to the appropriate Property type. The default is False.


    protected int transactionTimeout
    The streaming of the data directly to the jsp page is wrapped in a transaction to cover the situation where the back-end system is transactional (like a database) and the InputStream retrieved is tied to that transactional resource (like a BlobInputStream). If this attribute is set (not -1) then the timeout on the transaction is set to this value (in sec).

    Constructor Detail


    public GetPropertyTag()
    Method Detail


    public Node getNode()
    Get the Node to use.


    public void setNode(Node node)
    Set the node to use.


    public String getVersion()
    Get the version name (number) to use


    public void setVersion(String version)
    Set the version name (number) to use. Use a value of "0" to use the current version without having to supply the version number of the current version.


    public String getResultType()
    Get the resultId.


    public void setResultType(String resultType)
    Set the resultType.


    public String getResultId()
    Get the resultId.


    public void setResultId(String resultId)
    Set the resultId.


    public String getName()
    Get the value of name.


    public void setName(String v)
    Set the value of name.


    public String getDefault()
    Get the default value.


    public void setDefault(String v)
    Set the default value.


    public String getConversionType()
    Get the value of conversionType.


    public void setConversionType(String conversionType)
    Sets the value of conversionType.


    public String getDateFormat()
    Get the date format to use.


    public void setDateFormat(String s)
    Set the date format to use.


    public String getNumFormat()
    Get the number format to use.


    public void setNumFormat(String s)
    Set the number format to use.


    public String getBlockSize()
    Get the value of blockSize as a String.


    public void setBlockSize(String v)
    Set the value of blockSize.


    public String getStartIndex()
    Get the value of startIndex as a String.


    public void setStartIndex(String v)
    Set the value of startIndex.


    public void setStartIndex(int startIndex)
    Set the value of startIndex.


    public String getEndIndex()
    Get the value of endIndex as a String.


    public void setEndIndex(String v)
    Set the value of endIndex.


    public void setEndIndex(int endIndex)
    Set the value of endIndex.


    public String getBaseHref()
    Get the value of baseHref.


    public void setBaseHref(String v)
    Set the value of baseHref.


    public String getIsMultiple()
    Get the value of isMultiple.


    public void setIsMultiple(String s)
    Set the value of isMultiple.


    public void setIsMultiple(boolean b)
    Set the value of isMultiple.


    public String getTransactionTimeout()
    Get the value of transactionTimeout


    public void setTransactionTimeout(String timeout)
    Set the value of transactionTimeout


    public void release()
    Release the tag.

    Specified by:
    release in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
    release in class BaseTag


    public int doStartTag()
                   throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
    Start the tag.

    Specified by:
    doStartTag in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
    doStartTag in class javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport


    public void setAttribute(Collection values)

    Sets the given values on the pageContext.


    public Collection getPropertyValues()
                                 throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException

    Return the property values.



    public String toString(Object obj)
                    throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException

    Convert an Object to a string with our current formatting.

    javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException - thrown on conversion failure when failOnError is true.
    See Also
    getDefault(), toString(java.util.Calendar), toString(java.lang.Number)


    public String toString(Calendar cal)
                    throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException

    Convert a Calendar to our date format.

    javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException - thrown on conversion failure when failOnError is true.


    public String toString(Number n)
                    throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException

    Convert a number to our date format.

    javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException - thrown on conversion failure when failOnError is true.


    public void print(String s)
    Print the String to the JspWriter.


    public void println(String s)
    Println the String to the JspWriter.


    public String convert(String in)
    Convert a string with the current convertType.


    public static String convert(String conversionType,
                                 String in)
    Convert a string according to the specified convertType.

    conversionType - "html", "url", or anything else for no encoding.
    in - the string
    the converted string.


    public URL getServerBaseHref(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                          throws MalformedURLException
    Gets the servers BaseHref. If it is a regular http request (http, https, ftp) against the standard ports then just return it.



    public URL getRequestBaseHref(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
                           throws MalformedURLException
    Gets the request base href.


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