Interface CommunityCallback

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public interface CommunityCallback
extends Serializable

Defines callback methods that the WLP framework makes in response to various community lifecycle events. It is recommended practice for callees to retrieve information provided by callback methods and return as quickly as possible, performing any operations related to the callback in an asynchronous manner. Furthermore, it is recommended that operations to be carried out on onDeactivate and onDelete not depend on the community being in an active state or on the existence of the community. Since the WLP framework makes callbacks from an enterprise application scope, implementations of this interface must be accessible from the application classpath. Callbacks will be made regardless of the type or other attributes of a community. If the callback implementation needs to predicate it's behavior on any attribute of the community, it should use the CommunityDefinition provided as argument to the callback. For e.g.: If a callee wants to specify a callback class on a template so that it may be used by all instances of the template but only perform actions on instance lifecycle callbacks, they may use the definition to find out the community type and only do something when it is not a template.

For more information see the discussion of community callbacks or the overview of community functionality.

Method Summary
 void onActivate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
          Method for callback to be made AFTER a community has been activated.
 void onCreate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
          Method for callback to be made AFTER creation of a community.
 void onDeactivate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
          Method for callback to be made BEFORE a community is deactivated.
 void onDelete(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
          Method for callback to be made BEFORE a community is deleted.

Method Detail


void onCreate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
Method for callback to be made AFTER creation of a community.

communityDefinition - newly created community definition


void onActivate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
Method for callback to be made AFTER a community has been activated.

communityDefinition - activated community definition


void onDeactivate(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
Method for callback to be made BEFORE a community is deactivated.

communityDefinition - community definition for community to be deactivated


void onDelete(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
Method for callback to be made BEFORE a community is deleted.

communityDefinition - community definition for community to be deleted

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