Class EmailInviter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces
CommunityInviter, Serializable

public class EmailInviter
extends Object
implements CommunityInviter

Implemenation of a CommunityInviter that uses JavaMail as its underlying transport. This inviter provides for using Strings for the subject and body of the resulting email sent to each Invitee.

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String communityRegistrationURL
protected  String from
protected  String fromPersonalName
protected  InvitationDetails invitationDetails
protected  String replyTo
protected  String replyToPersonalName
protected  String sender
protected  String smtpServerAddress
protected  String smtpServerPort
protected  String staticBodyText
protected  String staticSubjectText
Constructor Summary
EmailInviter(String sender, String password, String smtpServerAddress, String replyTo, String invitationURL, EmailTextFormatter emailFormatter)
          Constructor that uses a specified EmailTextFormatter.
EmailInviter(String sender, String password, String smtpServerAddress, String replyTo, String invitationURL, String staticSubjectText, String staticBodyText)
          Constructor that uses a default static text EmailTextFormatter.
Method Summary
protected  EmailTextFormatter createDefaultEmailFormatter()
          Overrideable method that is used to instantiate a default EmailTextFormatter.
 void destroy()
          Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.
protected  EmailTextFormatter getEmailFormatter()
 void init(InvitationDetails details)
          Allows CommunityInviter implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.
protected  void onAuthenticationFailed(String user, String smtpServer, javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException afex)
          Overrideable method that can be used to be notified of authentication errors when the sender and password cannot be used to connect to the smtp server for sending email messages.
protected  void onSendFailed(String user, String smtpServer, String failedAddress, javax.mail.SendFailedException sfex)
          Overrideable method that can be used to be notified of send failed errors when the sender and password cannot be used to send a message to a recipient via the smtp server.
 void sendInvitations(InviteeIterator invitees)
          Sends individual invitations to the set of Invitees contained within the input InviteeIterator, according to the details for the invitation as contained in the input InvitationDetails argument.
 void setFrom(String from)
          Sets the from email address to use for sending invitation emails.
 void setFromPersonalName(String personalName)
          Sets the personal name to be used for the from portion of the invitation email.
 void setMailSessionDebug(boolean debugOn)
          Turns on SMTP mail session debuging, which outputs SMTP protocol interactions between the EmailInviter client and the SMTP server.
 void setReplyTo(String replyTo)
          Sets the reply-to email address to use for sending invitation emails.
 void setReplyToPersonalName(String personalName)
          Sets the personal name to be used for the reply-to portion of the invitation email.
 void setSmtpServerPort(String port)
          Sets the smtp port for the smtp server.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String staticSubjectText


protected String staticBodyText


protected InvitationDetails invitationDetails


protected String sender


protected String from


protected String fromPersonalName


protected String smtpServerAddress


protected String smtpServerPort


protected String replyTo


protected String replyToPersonalName


protected String communityRegistrationURL
Constructor Detail


public EmailInviter(String sender,
                    String password,
                    String smtpServerAddress,
                    String replyTo,
                    String invitationURL,
                    String staticSubjectText,
                    String staticBodyText)
Constructor that uses a default static text EmailTextFormatter. If another formatter is to be used, an alternate constructor is available to specify it.

sender - the username of the sending entity
password - the smtp password for the sending entity. Can be null if using an open relay.
smtpServerAddress - address of the smtp server to use to send the invitation emails
replyTo - the email address that will be used as the reply-to in the invitation emails
invitationURL - the full URL to the community registration page or the community itself, depending on whether or not the community is public or private. This needs to be assembled by the creator of this EmailInviter since invitations happen in an asynchronous context wherein there is no access to a request to determine necessary information such as server and port.
staticSubjectText - the subject text to use for invitation emails
staticBodyText - the body text to use for invitation emails


public EmailInviter(String sender,
                    String password,
                    String smtpServerAddress,
                    String replyTo,
                    String invitationURL,
                    EmailTextFormatter emailFormatter)
Constructor that uses a specified EmailTextFormatter. The Weblogic Portal Framework provides two implementations of EmailTextFormatter, the first a simple StaticEmailTextFormatter, which uses fixed Strings as the email text source, and a JspEmailTextFormatter which allows developers to use JSP's as the source for the email text, allowing for greater customizability. Additionally, custom implementations of the EmailTextFormatter interface may be supplied if developers wish to use a completely custom email text formatter.

sender - the username of the sending entity
password - the smtp password for the sending entity. Can be null if using an open relay.
smtpServerAddress - address of the smtp server to use to send the invitation emails
replyTo - the email address that will be used as the reply-to in the invitation emails
invitationURL - the full URL to the community registration page or the community itself, depending on whether or not the community is public or private. This needs to be assembled by the creator of this EmailInviter since invitations happen in an asynchronous context wherein there is no access to a request to determine necessary information such as server and port.
Method Detail


public void init(InvitationDetails details)
          throws InviteException
Description copied from interface: CommunityInviter
Allows CommunityInviter implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.

Specified by:
init in interface CommunityInviter
details - the specific details of the invitation


public void sendInvitations(InviteeIterator invitees)
                     throws InviteException
Description copied from interface: CommunityInviter
Sends individual invitations to the set of Invitees contained within the input InviteeIterator, according to the details for the invitation as contained in the input InvitationDetails argument.

Specified by:
sendInvitations in interface CommunityInviter
invitees - an iterator containing all invitees to invite


protected EmailTextFormatter createDefaultEmailFormatter()
Overrideable method that is used to instantiate a default EmailTextFormatter. The default formatter for the EmailInviter is the StaticEmailTextFormatter.

the default StaticEmailTextFormatter


protected void onAuthenticationFailed(String user,
                                      String smtpServer,
                                      javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException afex)
Overrideable method that can be used to be notified of authentication errors when the sender and password cannot be used to connect to the smtp server for sending email messages. This implementation simply logs the authentication exception.

user - the user id
smtpServer - the smtp server to which the authentication operation was attempted
afex - the AuthenticationFailedException which was thrown


protected void onSendFailed(String user,
                            String smtpServer,
                            String failedAddress,
                            javax.mail.SendFailedException sfex)
Overrideable method that can be used to be notified of send failed errors when the sender and password cannot be used to send a message to a recipient via the smtp server. This can occur when the smtp server's configuration disallows relaying of messages from the user because of either authentication requirements or other policy settings. This implementation simply logs the send failed exception.

user - the user id attempting to send the message
smtpServer - the smtp server the delivery request was made to
failedAddress - the email address that delivery failed for
sfex - the SendFailedException which was thrown


public void destroy()
Description copied from interface: CommunityInviter
Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.

Specified by:
destroy in interface CommunityInviter


protected EmailTextFormatter getEmailFormatter()


public void setFrom(String from)
Sets the from email address to use for sending invitation emails. If this is not set, the email will default to come from the account associated with sender.

from -


public void setFromPersonalName(String personalName)
Sets the personal name to be used for the from portion of the invitation email. The personal name will be applied to the email message using the charset of the email formatter's subject. If personalName cannot be encoded using that charset, only the email address portion of the from address will be available in the resulting email.

personalName - personal name for the from email address


public void setReplyTo(String replyTo)
Sets the reply-to email address to use for sending invitation emails.

replyTo -


public void setReplyToPersonalName(String personalName)
Sets the personal name to be used for the reply-to portion of the invitation email. The personal name will be applied to the email message using the charset of the email formatter's subject. If personalName cannot be encoded using that charset, only the email address portion of the reply-to address will be available in the resulting email.

personalName - personal name for the from email address


public void setSmtpServerPort(String port)
Sets the smtp port for the smtp server. If not explicitly set, the default will be used.

port - the port the smtp server is setup to listen on


public final void setMailSessionDebug(boolean debugOn)
Turns on SMTP mail session debuging, which outputs SMTP protocol interactions between the EmailInviter client and the SMTP server.

debugOn - if true, debug is enabled

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