Interface Chromosome

All Superinterfaces
Serializable, ValueProvider

public interface Chromosome
extends Serializable, ValueProvider

Chromosome represents a collection of Genes. A chromosome object my represent either the default chromosome or an "instance" chromosome. The set of genes in an instance chromosome is considered to be the union of genes in both the instance and default chromosomes, and genes in the instance chromosome override genes from the default chromosome.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Nested Class Summary
static class Chromosome.Source
          Enumeration of the possible sources for the chromosome.
Field Summary
static String DEFAULT_NAME
          Name of the default chromosome.
Method Summary
 boolean containsGene(String name)
          Indicates whether the instance or default chromosome contains a gene with the specified name.
 Gene getGene(String name)
          Returns the specified gene if it exists in either the instance or default chromosomes.
 Set<String> getGeneNames()
          Returns a collection of all gene names, which is the union of gene names in instance and default chromosomes.
 String getName()
          Returns the chromosome name.
 Chromosome.Source getSource()
          Returns the chromosome source.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.laf.genes.ValueProvider

Field Detail


static final String DEFAULT_NAME
Name of the default chromosome.

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


Chromosome.Source getSource()
Returns the chromosome source.


String getName()
Returns the chromosome name.


Set<String> getGeneNames()
Returns a collection of all gene names, which is the union of gene names in instance and default chromosomes.

The collection of gene names


boolean containsGene(String name)
Indicates whether the instance or default chromosome contains a gene with the specified name.

name - The gene name
true if the chromosome (or the default) contains the specified gene name


Gene getGene(String name)
Returns the specified gene if it exists in either the instance or default chromosomes.

name - The gene name
The specified gene object; null if gene does not exist

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