Class CacheProvider

  extended by com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CacheProvider
extends Object

Service-provider class for Cache implementations.

A Cache provider is a concrete subclass of this class that has a public no- argument constructor and implements the abstract methods specified below.

A CacheProvider implementer should generally package their provider in a jar. That jar should consist of any necessary classes (including, of course, an implementation of CacheProvider), as well as a file named META-INF/services/com.bea.p13n.cache.spi.CacheProvider. That services file should contain one or more class names, one per line, each of which should be a concrete CacheProvider implementation.

The provider jar(s) should then be deployed with the application by including the jar in the application's APP-INF/lib directory. Provider jars may also be included in the system classpath, although this changes the scoping of the provider class objects, and causes the provider implementations to be shared by multiple applications. It is suggested that provider implementors specify to their customers if such a configuration is suggested or supported.

On initialization, the CacheFactory will load all such providers, and additionally choose one provider to be the default. The default is set by the application's configuration or by a system property. Additionally, each named cache may choose a specific provider. See the following CacheFactory methods for further description of this: CacheFactory.getCacheProvider(String), CacheFactory.getDefaultProviderId(), and CacheFactory.getCache(String).

Implementations of the abstract methods of this class must be safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.

Configure caches to use the provider using the application's META-INF/p13n-cache-config.xml descriptor. Set the provider-id element on a set of caches, and/or use the default-provider-id.

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void flushCache(String cacheName, Object key)
          Clear all clustered replicas of the Cache with the given name.
 void flushKeys(String cacheName, IKeySelector keySelector)
          Flush the keys indicated by IKeySelector in the local cache and any cluster cache that may exist.
abstract  Cache getCache(String cacheName, CacheConfig config)
          Return a Cache implementation with the given name.
abstract  String getProviderId()
          Name or identity of this provider.
protected  String getScopeIdentifier()
          Return a scope identifier that may be used by the CacheProvider to scope the Cache implementations returned by the CacheProvider.
abstract  String getVendorInfo()
          Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.
abstract  String getVersionString()
          Return the version of this Cache provider implementation.
 void init()
          Initialize the CacheProvider.
 void release()
          Release all local resources associated with the CacheProvider.
 void releaseCache(Cache cache)
          Release all local resources associated with the specified Cache instance.
 String toString()
          Return a human readable String representation of this CacheProvider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CacheProvider()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void init()
Initialize the CacheProvider. This method is called immediately after instantiation and before the provider is used.

This default implementation does nothing.


public void release()
Release all local resources associated with the CacheProvider.

The CacheFactory will call this method after the J2EE application for which this CacheProvider is providing Cache implementations is shutdown.

Releasing a CacheProvider makes it no longer usable; any attempt to use the CacheProvider may result in an exception.

This default implementation does nothing.


public abstract Cache getCache(String cacheName,
                               CacheConfig config)
Return a Cache implementation with the given name.

It is the responsibility of the CacheProvider to perform any Cache configuration before returning the Cache instance from this method. The Cache configuration mechanism is assumed to be vendor specific, however the CacheConfig object supplied in the method may be used to obtain suggested Cache configuration properties. This CacheConfig will be constructed from the p13n-cache-config.xml, if the cache is configured there.

cacheName - the name of the Cache to return
config - suggested Cache configuration that may be used by the CacheProvider to configure the returned Cache; this may be ignored by the CacheProvider
a Cache instance identified by the given name


public void flushCache(String cacheName,
                       Object key)
Clear all clustered replicas of the Cache with the given name.

This default implementation will use multicast to broadcast a flush signal to all peer nodes of the WebLogic cluster. Upon receipt of this signal, the instance of that cache will call either Cache.remove(Object) with the key, or Cache.clear() if key is null.

Providers with other flushing strategies should override this method without calling super.flushCache().

cacheName - the name of the Cache to flush
key - an optional key; if not null, only the entry with the given key should be removed from all clustered replicas


public void releaseCache(Cache cache)
Release all local resources associated with the specified Cache instance.

Releasing a Cache reference makes it no longer usable; any attempt to use the reference may result in an exception.

This default implementation simply calls Cache.clear()

Providers with other strategies should override this method without calling super.releaseCache().

cache - the Cache to release


public abstract String getProviderId()
Name or identity of this provider. This is used to uniquely identify a provider during configuration. It is suggested that this id be based on the vendor package namespace, such as "com.bea.p13n" (which is the name of the default P13nCacheProvider).

the provider id


public abstract String getVendorInfo()
Returns the name of the organization, vendor, or company that provided this implementation.

the name of the vendor that implemented this Cache provider


public abstract String getVersionString()
Return the version of this Cache provider implementation.

the version


protected final String getScopeIdentifier()
Return a scope identifier that may be used by the CacheProvider to scope the Cache implementations returned by the CacheProvider. Its use is not required. It is provided for those providers which may need some scoping hint from the server.

When used within a J2EE application, this scope identifier is the application name. When used outside an application context (i.e J2SE), this will be null.

One approach to scoping Cache implementation would be to fully qualify the cache name by append the scope identifier to the name passed to the getCache(String, CacheConfig) method.

the name of the cache provider's scope (usually an application name). May be null.


public String toString()
Return a human readable String representation of this CacheProvider.

toString in class Object
a String representation of this object.


public void flushKeys(String cacheName,
                      IKeySelector keySelector)
Flush the keys indicated by IKeySelector in the local cache and any cluster cache that may exist. An implementation of the CacheProvider interface should override the default implementation of this method.

The default implementation will use multicast to broadcast a flush signal to all peer nodes of the WebLogic cluster. Upon receipt of this signal, the instance of that cache will call either Cache.remove(Object) with the key, or Cache.clear() if key is null.

cacheName - the name of the cache to be flushed
keySelector - the set of keys to be flushed

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