Interface RulesManagerControl

All Superinterfaces

public interface RulesManagerControl
extends Serializable

This control defines the API for accessing and managing rules and rulesets for the portal rules manager. It is intended to be used only by portal system administrators. Rulesets are stored in the Portal data repository and are updated using data sync. They are loaded automatically when the server starts. To facilitate loading rulesets via data sync, simply place the ruleset file (generally ends with .rls) into the application's META-INF/data directory. For better organization, you may place the rulesets into a subdirectory, such as META-INF/data/rulesets. The ruleset uri is relative to the META-INF/data directory. Because this control requires the caller be in an authorized role, it cannot be used from a JWS.
Security requirements: The caller must be in the role of "PortalSystemAdministrator" to invoke all of these methods

Method Summary
 String getRuleDescription(String rulesetUri, String ruleName)
          Retrieves the desrciption of the rule within the named ruleset
 Collection getRuleSets()
          Retrieves an immutable Collection containing the URI strings of all the rule sets available in the rule set repository subsystem.
 String getRuleSetXml(String ruleSetUri)
          Retrieves the rule set as an XML String
 String[] getRulesForRuleSet(String rulesetUri)
          Retrieves an array rule names for a given ruleset

Method Detail


String getRuleSetXml(String ruleSetUri)
                     throws IllegalArgumentException,
Retrieves the rule set as an XML String

ruleSetUri - the URI of the target rule set.
the rule set as an XML String.
RuleSetNotFoundException - if the rule set referenced by the supplied URI cannot be located by the rule set repository subsystem.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ruleSetUri is an invalid rule set URI or if the format is not supported.
P13nControlException - if remote errors are encountered.


Collection getRuleSets()
                       throws ApplicationException,
Retrieves an immutable Collection containing the URI strings of all the rule sets available in the rule set repository subsystem.

The rule sets represented by the returned URI strings may then be retrieved by supplying each returned rule set URI string to the getRuleSet method.

a Collection of all rule set URI strings.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set URI strings.
P13nControlException - if remote errors are encountered.


String[] getRulesForRuleSet(String rulesetUri)
                            throws ApplicationException,
Retrieves an array rule names for a given ruleset

rulesetUri - uri of the ruleset, relative to the application's META-INF/data directory
an array of all rules for the named ruleset uri.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set URI strings.
P13nControlException - if remote errors are encountered.


String getRuleDescription(String rulesetUri,
                          String ruleName)
                          throws RuleSetNotFoundException,
Retrieves the desrciption of the rule within the named ruleset

rulesetUri - uri of the ruleset, relative to the application's META-INF/data directory
ruleName - the rule name
the description of the rule.
RuleSetNotFoundException - if the rule set referenced by the supplied URI cannot be located by the rule set repository subsystem.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ruleSetUri is an invalid rule set URI or if the format is not supported.
P13nControlException - if remote errors are encountered.

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