Package com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.math

This package provides interfaces and classes for constructing expressions involving arithmetic operators.


Class Summary
MathAbs Absolute value operator.
MathAcos Arc cosine operator.
MathAdd Addition operator.
MathAsin Arc sine operator.
MathAtan Arc tangent operator.
MathAtan2 Cartesian to polar coordinates operator.
MathCeil Ceiling operator.
MathCos Cosine operator.
MathDivide Division operator.
MathExp Exponential operator.
MathFloor Floor operator.
MathIeeeRemainder IEEE 754 remainder operator.
MathLog Natural logarithm operator.
MathMax Maximum operator.
MathMin Minimum operator.
MathMultiply Multiplication operator.
MathOperator Base class for all math operators.
MathPow Power of operator.
MathRandom Random number operator.
MathRint Round to next integer operator.
MathRound Round operator.
MathSin Sine operator.
MathSqrt Square root operator.
MathSubtract Subtraction operator.
MathTan Arc tangent operator.
MathToDegrees Radians to degrees operator.
MathToRadians Degrees to radians operator.

Package com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.math Description

This package provides interfaces and classes for constructing expressions involving arithmetic operators.

All the operators in this package extend the base class MathOperator and implement either BinaryOperator or UnaryOperator depending on the type of operator (binary or unary), but the concrete multi-operand operator doesn't implement any of these interfaces.

This package provides following math operators to construct an arithmetic expression.

See Also
MathOperator, BinaryOperator, UnaryOperator

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