Interface RestContext

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public interface RestContext
extends Serializable

Context object that is supplied to RestCommands when they are dispatched. This provides access to the general environment in which the RestCommand is running, including access to the HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and the ServletContext. This context object also provides the method, servlet path and command path that resulted in the dispatch to the RestCommand. Several convenience methods are included in this interface, providing simple access to request parameters, locales, including a means to compute a preferred locale, and utiltity methods to obtain portions of the command path. Finally, the requested RestResult FormatType enum is available from this context object.

Field Summary
static String format
          parameter literal for specifying the format in a REST command URL
static String max
          parameter literal for specifying the max number of results to return in a REST command URL
static String start
          parameter literal for specifying the start index in a REST command URL
static String version
          parameter literal for specifying the version in a REST command URL
static String webapp
          parameter literal for specifying the webapp in a REST command URL
Method Summary
 String fourthPathInfo()
          Return the 2nd identifier portion of the path.
 javax.servlet.ServletContext getContext()
          Gets the ServletContext associated with the current RestCommand dispatch.
 RestResult.FormatType getFormatType()
          Gets the requested RestResult FormatType enum for use in assembling the output of the current RestCommand.
 Integer getIntegerParamValue(String key)
          Gets the first value for the parameter identified by key as an Integer.
 ArrayList<Locale> getLocales()
          Gets the list of acceptable client locales in decreasing order, starting with the preferred locale.
 String getMethod()
          Gets the HTTP method that was used to invoke the current RestCommand.
 String[] getMultiParamValue(String key)
          Gets all values for the parameter identified by key.
 Map<String,String[]> getParams()
          Gets a collection of all the the request parameters associated with the current command request.
 String getPath()
          Gets the command path portion of the request URI, which identifies a specific RestCommand.
 String getPathInfo(int index)
          Return the nth identifier portion of the path.
 Locale getPreferredLocale()
          Returns the preferred client locale, based on the first element in the underlying locale list.
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getRequest()
          Gets the HttpServletRequest associated with this RestCommand dispatch.
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getResponse()
          Gets the HttpServletResponse associated with this RestCommand dispatch.
 String getServletPath()
          Gets the servlet path associated with the current RestCommand request.
 String getSingleParamValue(String key)
          Gets a the first value for the parameter identified by key.
 String secondPathInfo()
          Return the verb portion of the path.
 void setContext(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
          Sets the current ServletContext.
 void setLocales(ArrayList<Locale> locales)
          Sets the preferred requesting client Locales into this RestContext.
 void setParams(Map<String,String[]> params)
          Sets the Map of parameters into this RestContext.
 void setPath(String path)
          Sets the current command path.
 void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Sets the current HttpServletRequest.
 void setResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
          Sets the current HttpServletResponse.
 String thirdPathInfo()
          Return the identifier portion of the path.
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of this RestContext object.

Field Detail


static final String webapp
parameter literal for specifying the webapp in a REST command URL

See Also
Constants Summary


static final String version
parameter literal for specifying the version in a REST command URL

See Also
Constants Summary


static final String format
parameter literal for specifying the format in a REST command URL

See Also
Constants Summary


static final String max
parameter literal for specifying the max number of results to return in a REST command URL

See Also
Constants Summary


static final String start
parameter literal for specifying the start index in a REST command URL

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getRequest()
Gets the HttpServletRequest associated with this RestCommand dispatch.

the current request


void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Sets the current HttpServletRequest. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

request - the request to set into this RestContext


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getResponse()
Gets the HttpServletResponse associated with this RestCommand dispatch.

the current response


void setResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Sets the current HttpServletResponse. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

response - the response to set into this RestContext


javax.servlet.ServletContext getContext()
Gets the ServletContext associated with the current RestCommand dispatch.

the current servlet context


void setContext(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
Sets the current ServletContext. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

context - the servlet context to set into this RestContext


String getMethod()
Gets the HTTP method that was used to invoke the current RestCommand. This is one of GET, POST, PUT or DELETE

the current HTTP method


String getServletPath()
Gets the servlet path associated with the current RestCommand request. This will be either the direct path to the RestServlet or one of the alternate serlvet mappings that are used for any of the configured command namespaces.

the servlet path for the current request


String getPath()
Gets the command path portion of the request URI, which identifies a specific RestCommand.

the current command path


void setPath(String path)
Sets the current command path. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

path - the command path to set


Map<String,String[]> getParams()
Gets a collection of all the the request parameters associated with the current command request.

a Map keyed on parameter name with values derived from the actual request parameters


String getSingleParamValue(String key)
Gets a the first value for the parameter identified by key.

key - the parameter name to get a parameter value for
the value of the parameter, if it exists. If the parameter is multivalued, this returns the first occurence of the parameter.


String[] getMultiParamValue(String key)
Gets all values for the parameter identified by key.

key - the parameter name to get a parameter value for
a collection of String values for the requested paramter. If the parameter does not exists, this is an empty array.


Integer getIntegerParamValue(String key)
Gets the first value for the parameter identified by key as an Integer.

key - the parameter name to get a parameter value for
the value of the parameter as an Integer


void setParams(Map<String,String[]> params)
Sets the Map of parameters into this RestContext. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

params - a collection of parameters keyed by parameter name


ArrayList<Locale> getLocales()
Gets the list of acceptable client locales in decreasing order, starting with the preferred locale.

a list of Locales that the requesting client prefers


void setLocales(ArrayList<Locale> locales)
Sets the preferred requesting client Locales into this RestContext. This is intended for use by the REST framework.

locales - the preferred Locales from the requesting client.


Locale getPreferredLocale()
Returns the preferred client locale, based on the first element in the underlying locale list.

the computed preferred Locale


String secondPathInfo()

Return the verb portion of the path. Typically REST style API are in the format http://someserver:80/webapp/rest/resthandler/verb/idenditifer This would return the second parameter after the servlet context param. i.e. "verb"
Path information was supplied in the constructor of this class via request.getPathInfo();

Return the second path element after the servlet context


String thirdPathInfo()

Return the identifier portion of the path. Typically REST style API are in the format http://someserver:80/webapp/rest/resthandler/verb/idenditifer This would return the third parameter after the servlet context param. i.e. "identifier"
Path information was supplied in the constructor of this class via request.getPathInfo();

Return the third path element after the servlet context. If there is not third path element return null.


String fourthPathInfo()

Return the 2nd identifier portion of the path. Typically REST style API are in the format http://someserver:80/webapp/rest/resthandler/verb/{idenditifer}/{2nd idenditifer} This would return the fourth paramater after the servlet context param. i.e. "2nd identifier"
Path information was supplied in the constructor of this class via request.getPathInfo();

Return the fourth path element after the servlet context. If there is no fourth path element return null.


String getPathInfo(int index)

Return the nth identifier portion of the path. Typically REST style API are in the format http://someserver:80/webapp/restservetcontextparam/{path part[0])/{path part[1]}/{path part[2]} This would return the nth paramater after the servlet context param. 0 == first, 1 == second, etc.
Path information was supplied in the constructor of this class via request.getPathInfo();

Return the nth path element after the servlet context. If there is no nth path element return null.


String toString()
Returns a String representation of this RestContext object.

toString in class Object
this context as a String


RestResult.FormatType getFormatType()
Gets the requested RestResult FormatType enum for use in assembling the output of the current RestCommand.

the format type the user requested or the default type

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