Interface IMarkupResponseStateContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
IGetMarkupResponseContext, IHandleEventsResponseContext

public interface IMarkupResponseStateContext

A response context that provides methods for custom data transfer which is applicable only in the WLP Consumer/Producer combination.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 Object getMarkupResponseState()
          Returns a custom data object that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation.
 void setMarkupResponseState(MarkupResponseState markupResponseState)
          Sets the supplied markupResponseState object as a custom data that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation.
 void setMarkupResponseState(XmlPayload xmlPayload)
          Sets the supplied xmlPayload object as a custom data that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation.

Method Detail


Object getMarkupResponseState()
Returns a custom data object that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation. The returned object type can be XmlPayload or MarkupResponseState.

a custom data object received from a producer.


void setMarkupResponseState(XmlPayload xmlPayload)
Sets the supplied xmlPayload object as a custom data that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation.

xmlPayload - a new custom data object.
See Also


void setMarkupResponseState(MarkupResponseState markupResponseState)
Sets the supplied markupResponseState object as a custom data that is in the response of the "getMarkup" operation.

markupResponseState - a new custom data object.
See Also

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