Interface ResourceRequest

All Superinterfaces
ClientDataRequest, PortletRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ResourceRequest
extends ClientDataRequest

The ResourceRequest interface represents the request send to the portlet for rendering resources. It extends the ClientDataRequest interface and provides resource request information to portlets.

The portlet container creates an ResourceRequest object and passes it as argument to the portlet's serveResource method.

The ResourceRequest is provided with the current portlet mode, window state, and render parameters that the portlet can access via the PortletResourceRequest with getPortletMode and, getWindowState, or one of the getParameter methods. ResourceURLs cannot change the current portlet mode, window state or render parameters. Parameters set on a resource URL are not render parameters but parameters for serving this resource and will last only for only this the current serveResource request.
If a parameter is set that has the same name as a render parameter that this resource URL contains, the render parameter must be the last entry in the parameter value array.

See Also
ClientDataRequest, ResourceServingPortlet

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Field Summary
static String ETAG
          This property is set by the container if the container has a cached response for the given validation tag.
Fields inherited from interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Method Summary
 String getCacheability()
          Returns the cache level of this resource request.
 String getETag()
          Returns the validation tag if the portlet container has a cached response for this validation tag, or null if no cached response exists.
 Map<String,String[]> getPrivateRenderParameterMap()
          Returns a Map of the private render parameters of this request.
 String getResourceID()
          Returns the resource ID set on the ResourceURL or null if no resource ID was set on the URL.
 String getResponseContentType()
          Returns the portal preferred content type for the response.
 Enumeration<String> getResponseContentTypes()
          Gets a list of content types which the portal accepts for the response.
Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
getCharacterEncoding, getContentLength, getContentType, getMethod, getPortletInputStream, getReader, setCharacterEncoding
Methods inherited from interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getAuthType, getContextPath, getCookies, getLocale, getLocales, getParameter, getParameterMap, getParameterNames, getParameterValues, getPortalContext, getPortletMode, getPortletSession, getPortletSession, getPreferences, getPrivateParameterMap, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getPublicParameterMap, getRemoteUser, getRequestedSessionId, getScheme, getServerName, getServerPort, getUserPrincipal, getWindowID, getWindowState, isPortletModeAllowed, isRequestedSessionIdValid, isSecure, isUserInRole, isWindowStateAllowed, removeAttribute, setAttribute

Field Detail


static final String ETAG
This property is set by the container if the container has a cached response for the given validation tag. The property can be retrieved using the getProperty method.

The value is "portlet.ETag ".

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


String getETag()
Returns the validation tag if the portlet container has a cached response for this validation tag, or null if no cached response exists.

This call returns the same value as ResourceRequest.getProperty(ResourceRequest.ETAG).

the validation tag if the portlet container has a cached response for this validation tag, or null if no cached response exists.


String getResourceID()
Returns the resource ID set on the ResourceURL or null if no resource ID was set on the URL.

the resource ID set on the ResourceURL,or null if no resource ID was set on the URL.


Map<String,String[]> getPrivateRenderParameterMap()
Returns a Map of the private render parameters of this request. Private parameters are not shared with other portlets or components. The returned parameters are "x-www-form-urlencoded" decoded.

The parameters returned do not include the resource parameters that the portlet may have set on the resource URL triggering this serveResource call.

The values in the returned Map are from type String array (String[]).

If no private parameters exist this method returns an empty Map.

an immutable Map containing private parameter names as keys and private parameter values as map values, or an empty Map if no private parameters exist. The keys in the parameter map are of type String. The values in the parameter map are of type String array (String[]).


String getResponseContentType()
Returns the portal preferred content type for the response.

The returned content type should be based on the HTTP Accept header provided by the client.

Specified by:
getResponseContentType in interface PortletRequest
preferred content type of the response


Enumeration<String> getResponseContentTypes()
Gets a list of content types which the portal accepts for the response. This list is ordered with the most preferable types listed first.

The returned content types should be based on the HTTP Accept header provided by the client.

Specified by:
getResponseContentTypes in interface PortletRequest
ordered list of content types for the response


String getCacheability()
Returns the cache level of this resource request.

Possible return values are: ResourceURL.FULL, ResourceURL.PORTLET or ResourceURL.PAGE.

the cache level of this resource request.

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