Package javax.portlet.filter

The javax.portlet.filter package defines the filter APIs for the Java Portlet Specification.


Interface Summary
ActionFilter The ActionFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the action request to a portlet, or on the action response from a portlet, or both.
EventFilter The EventFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the event request to a portlet, or on the event response from a portlet, or both.
FilterChain A FilterChain is an object provided by the portlet container to the developer giving a view into the invocation chain of a filtered request for a portlet.
FilterConfig A filter configuration object used by a portlet container to pass information to a filter during initialization.
PortletFilter The PortletFilter is the base interface for all portlet filters.
RenderFilter The RenderFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the render request to a portlet, or on the render response from a portlet, or both.
ResourceFilter The ResourceFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the resource request to a portlet, or on the resource response from a portlet, or both.

Class Summary
ActionRequestWrapper The ActionRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ActionRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
ActionResponseWrapper The ActionResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ActionResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
EventRequestWrapper The EventRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the EventRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
EventResponseWrapper The EventResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the EventResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
PortletRequestWrapper The PortletRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the PortletRequest interface and is extended by other request wrappers.
PortletResponseWrapper The PortletResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the PortletResponse interface and is extended by other response wrappers.
RenderRequestWrapper The RenderRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the RenderRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
RenderResponseWrapper The RenderResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the RenderResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
ResourceRequestWrapper The ResourceRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ResourceRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
ResourceResponseWrapper The ResourceResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ResourceResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.

Package javax.portlet.filter Description

The javax.portlet.filter package defines the filter APIs for the Java Portlet Specification.

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