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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Package com.tangosol.coherence.servlet

Contains classes related to the HTTP Session Replication Module.


Interface Summary
CacheDelegator An interface for a class that will perform all cluster cache related operations
HttpSessionCollection Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
HttpSessionCollection.AttributeScopeController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
HttpSessionCollection.SessionDistributionController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
HttpSessionIdGenerator Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
HttpSessionModel Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SessionExpiryFilterFactory This interface is used to create a filter that filters out the sessions that have expired.
SessionHelper.Factory Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SessionHelper.Task Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SessionReaperStatistics Interface for session reaper statistics.
SplitSessionCollectionConfiguration This simple interface is used to get system properties overflowThreshold and overflowCacheName for use by ConfigurationImpl and SplitSessionCollection.setConfig User: mmunn Date: 7/19/11


Class Summary
AbstractHttpSessionCollection Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.ApplicationScopeController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.DistributedController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.ExitAgent Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.ExitObserver Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.ExitTask Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.GlobalScopeController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.HybridController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionCollection.LocalController Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractHttpSessionModel Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AbstractReapTask Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
AttributeHolder An immutable object to hold attribute values and related information.
ConfigurationImpl Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
HttpRequestContext Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
IncrementalReapTask Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
LogThreadsHoldingLockAgent Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
MonolithicHttpSessionCollection Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
MonolithicHttpSessionModel Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
OptimizedHolder An immutable object to hold attribute values and related information.
ParallelReapTask Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
RandomHttpSessionIdGenerator Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
RequestContext Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SessionHelper Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SessionLocalBackingMapCacheDelegator An abstract base class from which implementations of HttpSessionCollection that use a SessionLocalBackingMap can be more easily built.
SplitHttpSessionCollection Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SplitHttpSessionModel Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
SplittableHolder An immutable object to hold attribute values and related information.
TraditionalHttpSessionCollection Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
TraditionalHttpSessionModel Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
WebPluginInstaller Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.
WebPluginInstaller.ApplyPatch Deprecated. In releases following 3.6 customization will be declarative.


Package com.tangosol.coherence.servlet Description

Contains classes related to the HTTP Session Replication Module.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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