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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference



Contains basic cluster interfaces and factories.


Interface Summary
Action An Action represents a controllable action or behavior that a Service might perform.
ActionPolicy ActionPolicy defines which aspects of a Service's behavior are currently allowed.
AddressProvider The AddressProvider is an interface that serves as a means to provide addresses to a consumer.
BackingMapContext The BackingMapContext provides an execution context to server side agents such as EntryProcessors and EntryAggregators.
BackingMapManager A callback interface used by CacheService implementations.
BackingMapManagerContext The BackingMapManager context is used by the CacheService to pass information to the BackingMapManager during the service initialization.
CacheFactoryBuilder CacheFactoryBuilder provides the means for building and managing configurable cache factories across class loaders in a pluggable fashion.
CacheService A CacheService is a clustered service providing a collection of named Maps that hold resources shared among members of a cluster.
CacheService.CacheAction CacheAction represents a type of action taken by a CacheService.
Cluster The Cluster interface represents a collection of services that operate in a clustered network environment.
Cluster.MemberTimeoutAction MemberTimeoutAction is taken by the cluster service to remove members from the cluster who have exceeded a network timeout (e.g. packet-timeout).
ConfigurableCacheFactory An interface for XML driven cache factory.
DistributedCacheService A DistributedCacheService is a clustered cache service that partitions its data across cluster members that provide backing storage.
Guardable A Guardable is a logical execution unit whose lifetime may be guarded by a Guardian.
Guardian A Guardian is responsible for monitoring the registered Guardable objects.
Guardian.GuardContext A GuardContext represents the lifecycle status of a Guardable.
Invocable The Invocable object is a cluster-portable object that can be invoked on any set of remote members and each can optionally register a return value for the invocation.
InvocableInOrder The InvocableInOrder interface allows to control the ordering in which the results of Invocable tasks are returned back to the caller by the Invocation service with a thread pool.
InvocationObserver The InvocationObserver is an object that asynchronously receives notification of results from the execution of Invocable objects.
InvocationService The InvocationService is a Service for delivering executable objects to cluster members for distributed invocation.
Member The Member interface represents a cluster member.
MemberIdentity The MemberIdentity interface represents the identity of a cluster member.
MemberListener The listener interface for receiving MemberEvents.
NamedCache A NamedCache is a Map that holds resources shared among members of a cluster.
OperationalContext OperationalContext is an interface for providing Oracle Coherence operational configuration.
PartitionedService A PartitionedService is aware of a mapping of keys to partitions and of partitions to cluster members.
PartitionedService.PartitionedAction PartitionedAction represents a type of action taken by a PartitionedService.
PriorityTask The PriorityTask interface allows to control the ordering in which a service schedules tasks for execution using a thread pool and limit their execution times to a specified duration.
ProxyService A ProxyService is a clustered service that accepts connections from external clients (e.g.
ProxyService.ProxyAction ProxyAction represents a type of action taken by a ProxyService.
ScopeResolver This interface is used to derive a scope name used to create an instance of ConfigurableCacheFactory.
Service This Service interface represents a controllable service that operates in a clustered network environment.
ServiceFailurePolicy ServiceFailurePolicy is used to control how a Guardable associated with a service is managed by its Guardian after the configured timeout.
ServiceInfo The ServiceInfo represents information about a Service that operates in a clustered network environment.
SocketProvider SocketProvider defines an abstraction for creating various types of sockets.
WrapperSelector.WrapperSelectableChannel An interface to be implemented by all channels which will be selectable using this Selector.


Class Summary
AbstractBackingMapManager Abstract base of the BackingMapManager implementations.
AbstractInvocable An abstract base for Invocable and PriorityTask implementations.
AbstractPriorityTask An abstract base for PriorityTask implementations.
CacheFactory Factory for the Coherence™ cache product.
ClusterPermission This class represents access to a clustered resource such as a Service or NamedCache.
CompositeAddressProvider CompositeAddressProvider is a composite of one or more AddressProviders or addresses that also implements the Set interface.
CompositeAddressProvider.AddressIterator An Iterator over the addresses in this AddressProvider.
CompressionFilter Deprecated. As of Coherence 3.7
CompressionFilter.DeflaterOutputShell DeflaterOutputShell enforces the "end" call for the corresponding Deflater object.
CompressionFilter.InflaterInputShell InflaterInputShell enforces the "end" call for the corresponding Inflater object.
ConfigurableAddressProvider ConfigurableAddressProvider is an implementation of the AddressProvider interface based on a static list of addresses configured in an XML element that contains one or more items in the following format: <socket-address>   <address>...
ConfigurableLocalAddressProvider ConfiguableLocalAddressProvider is an AddressProvider which is only capable of return local addresses.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy ConfigurableQuorumPolicy provides a Quorum-based ActionPolicy for services based on the cluster-configuration.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.ClusterQuorumPolicy ClusterQuorumPolicy defines an action policy that is applicable to the cluster.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.MembershipQuorumPolicy MembershipQuorumPolicy is a quorum policy that is stateless and based solely on service membership sizes.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.MembershipQuorumPolicy.QuorumRule A quorum rule defines a set of allowable actions beyond the rule's threshold size.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.PartitionedCacheQuorumPolicy PartitionedCacheQuorumPolicy defines a configurable quorum policy that is applicable to a DistributedCacheService.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.ProxyQuorumPolicy ProxyQuorumPolicy defines a configurable quorum policy that is applicable to a proxy service.
ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.WrapperQuorumPolicy WrapperQuorumPolicy is a ConfigurableQuorumPolicy that wraps an arbitrary ActionPolicy instance.
DatagramPacketOutputStream Provides an OutputStream on top of a DatagramPacket.
DefaultCacheFactoryBuilder Implementation of CacheFactoryBuilder that maintains a single ConfigurableCacheFactory instance regardless of the requesting ClassLoader if a URI is not provided.
DefaultCacheServer DefaultCacheServer is a simple command line facility that starts all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the configurable factory XML descriptor.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches declared in a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file.
DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory.CacheInfo CacheInfo is a placeholder for cache attributes retrieved during parsing the corresponding cache mapping element.
GuardSupport A concrete implementation of Guardian/Guardable interactions.
InetAddressHelper Helper class that encapsulates common InetAddress functionality.
InetAddressHelper.RoutableFilter The RoutableFilter evaulates to true for any InetAddress which is externally routable.
InetAddressHelper.SubnetMaskFilter SubnetMaskFilter evaulates to true for any address with matches the pattern for the masked bits
LoadBalancer A non-sticky HTTP load-balancer.
LoadBalancer.AddressPort An AddressPort is an immutable combination of an IP address and a port number.
LoadBalancer.Queue A Queue is used to effeciently queue up items for daemon threads to work on.
LoadBalancer.SocketHandler A SocketHandler is an abstract daemon thread.
MemberEvent An event which indicates that membership has changed: a Member has joined a Member is leaving a Member has left A MemberEvent object is sent as an argument to the MemberListener interface methods.
NonBlockingTcpDatagramSocket TCP based non-blocking datagram socket implementation.
NonBlockingTcpDatagramSocket.Impl A specialization of TcpDatagramSocket.Impl which provides non-blocking functionality, see NonBlockingTcpDatagramSocket.Impl.send(DatagramPacket).
Ping Ping is a simple utility for testing if a machine is reachable.
RefreshableAddressProvider A RefreshableAddressProvider is an abstract AddressProvider implementation that maintains a nearly up-to-date cache of Addresses that is periodically asynchronously refreshed.
ScopedCacheFactoryBuilder Implementation of CacheFactoryBuilder that manages multiple instances of ConfigurableCacheFactory.
SocketOptions SocketOptions provides a means to configure the various aspects of Sockets.
SocketProviderFactory The SocketProviderFactory produces SocketProviders.
SystemSocketProvider SocketProvider that produces instances of the JVM's default socket and channel implementations.
TcpDatagramSocket TCP based datagram socket implementation.
TcpDatagramSocket.Impl A specialized version of DatagramSocketImpl.
TcpSocketProvider TcpSocketProvider is a SocketProvider which prefers to produce TCP based socket implementations.
WrapperCacheService CacheService implementation that delegates to a wrapped CacheService instance.
WrapperInvocationService InvocationService implementation that delegates to a wrapped InvocationService instance.
WrapperSelector WrapperSelector is a Selector implementation which delegates all calls to a delegate Selector.
WrapperSelector.WrapperSelectionKey WraperSelectionKey which delegates to a real SelectionKey.
WrapperServerSocket Wrapper server socket which delegates all operations to a delegate socket.
WrapperServerSocketChannel Wrapper ServerSocketChannel implementation that delegates all operations to a delegate ServerSocketChannel.
WrapperService Service implementation that delegates to a wrapped Service instance.
WrapperSocket Wrapper socket implementation that delegates all operations to a delegate socket.
WrapperSocketChannel Wrapper SocketChannel implementation that delegates all operations to a delegate SocketChannel.
WrapperSocketProvider WrapperSocketProvider is a SocketProvider which produces wrapped sockets which are obtained from a delegate SocketProvider.


Exception Summary
ClusterException Deprecated. As of release 3.4, replaced by PortableException
RequestPolicyException Signals that a request was not allowed to complete due to the related service action being disallowed by the corresponding ActionPolicy.
RequestTimeoutException Signals that a request execution in a distributed environment did not complete in a pre-determined amount of time.


Package Description

Contains basic cluster interfaces and factories.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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