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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Package com.tangosol.util.extractor

Contains ValueExtractor and ValueUpdater related classes.


Interface Summary
IndexAwareExtractor IndexAwareExtractor is an extension to the ValueExtractor interface that supports the creation and destruction of an index.


Class Summary
AbstractCompositeExtractor Abstract super class for ValueExtractor implementations that are based on an underlying array of ValueExtractor objects.
AbstractExtractor Abstract base for ValueExtractor implementations.
AbstractUpdater Abstract base for ValueUpdater implementations.
ChainedExtractor Composite ValueExtractor implementation based on an array of extractors.
ComparisonValueExtractor A synthetic ValueExtractor that returns a result of comparison between two values extracted from the same target.
CompositeUpdater A ValueUpdater implementation based on an extractor-updater pair that could also be used as a ValueManipulator.
ConditionalExtractor An IndexAwareExtractor implementation that is only used to create a ConditionalIndex.
EntryExtractor The EntryExtractor is a base abstract class for special purpose custom ValueExtractor implementations.
IdentityExtractor Trivial ValueExtractor implementation that does not actually extract anything from the passed value, but returns the value itself.
KeyExtractor The KeyExtractor is a special purpose ValueExtractor implementation that serves as an indicator that a query should be run against the key objects rather than the values.
MultiExtractor Composite ValueExtractor implementation based on an array of extractors.
PofExtractor POF-based ValueExtractor implementation.
PofUpdater POF-based ValueUpdater implementation.
ReflectionExtractor Reflection-based ValueExtractor implementation.
ReflectionUpdater Reflection-based ValueUpdater implementation.


Package com.tangosol.util.extractor Description

Contains ValueExtractor and ValueUpdater related classes.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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