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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Package com.tangosol.util.processor

Contains concrete InvocableMap.EntryProcessor implementations.


Class Summary
AbstractProcessor An AbstractProcessor is a partial EntryProcessor implementation that provides the default implementation of the AbstractProcessor.processAll(java.util.Set) method.
CompositeProcessor The CompositeProcessor represents a collection of entry processors that are invoked sequentially against the same Entry.
ConditionalProcessor Conditional entry processor represents a processor that is invoked conditionally based on the result of an entry evaluation.
ConditionalPut ConditionalPut is an EntryProcessor that performs an Entry.setValue operation if the specified condition is satisfied.
ConditionalPutAll ConditionalPutAll is an EntryProcessor that performs a Entry.setValue operation for multiple entries that satisfy the specified condition.
ConditionalRemove ConditionalRemove is an EntryProcessor that performs an Entry.remove operation if the specified condition is satisfied.
ExtractorProcessor ExtractorProcessor is an EntryProcessor implementations that extracts a value from an object cached in an InvocableMap.
NumberIncrementor The NumberIncrementor entry processor is used to increment a property value of a Number type.
NumberMultiplier The NumberMultiplier entry processor is used to multiply a property value of a Number type.
PreloadRequest PreloadRequest is a simple EntryProcessor that performs a Entry.getValue call.
PriorityProcessor PriorityProcessor is used to explicitly control the scheduling priority and timeouts for execution of EntryProcessor-based methods.
PropertyManipulator PropertyManipulator is a reflection based ValueManipulator implementation based on the JavaBean property name conventions.
PropertyProcessor PropertyProcessor is a base class for EntryProcessor implementations that depend on a ValueManipulator.
UpdaterProcessor UpdaterProcessor is an EntryProcessor implementations that updates an attribute of an object cached in an InvocableMap.
VersionedPut VersionedPut is an EntryProcessor that assumes that entry values implement Versionable interface and performs an Entry.setValue operation if and only if the version of the specified value matches to the version of the current value.
VersionedPutAll VersionedPutAll is an EntryProcessor that assumes that entry values implement Versionable interface and performs an Entry.setValue operation only for entries whose versions match to versions of the corresponding current values.


Package com.tangosol.util.processor Description

Contains concrete InvocableMap.EntryProcessor implementations.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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