Oracle Coherence for C++ API


coherence::util::filter Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Contains concrete Filter implementations and related interfaces.


class  AllFilter
 Filter which returns the logical "and" of a filter array. More...
class  AlwaysFilter
 Filter which always evaluates to true. More...
class  AndFilter
 Filter which returns the logical "and" of two other filters. More...
class  AnyFilter
 Filter which returns the logical "or" of a filter array. More...
class  ArrayFilter
 Filter which is a logical operator of a filter array. More...
class  BetweenFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for "Between" condition. More...
class  ComparisonFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value. More...
class  ContainsAllFilter
 Filter which tests a Collection or ObjectArray value returned from a method invocation for containment of all values in a Set. More...
class  ContainsAnyFilter
 Filter which tests a Collection or ObjectArray value returned from a method invocation for containment of any value in a Set. More...
class  ContainsFilter
 Filter which tests a Collection or ObjectArray value returned from a method invocation for containment of a given value. More...
class  EntryFilter
 EntryFilter provides an extension to Filter for those cases in which both a key and a value may be necessary to evaluate the conditional inclusion of a particular object. More...
class  EqualsFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for equality. More...
class  ExtractorFilter
 Base Filter implementation for doing extractor-based processing. More...
class  FilterTrigger
 A generic Filter-based MapTrigger implementation. More...
class  GreaterEqualsFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for "Greater or Equals" condition. More...
class  GreaterFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for "Greater" condition. More...
class  IndexAwareFilter
 IndexAwareFilter is an extension to the EntryFilter interface that allows a filter to use a Map index to fully or partially evaluate itself. More...
class  InFilter
 Filter which checks whether the result of a method invocation belongs to a predefined set of values. More...
class  InKeySetFilter
 Filter that limits the underlying filter evaluation only to the specified set of keys. More...
class  IsNotNullFilter
 Filter which tests the result of a method invocation for inequality to null. More...
class  IsNullFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with null. More...
class  KeyAssociatedFilter
 Filter which limits the scope of another filter according to the key association information. More...
class  KeyFilter
 EntryFilter which checks whether an entry key belongs to a set. More...
class  LessEqualsFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for "Less or Equals" condition. More...
class  LessFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for "Less" condition. More...
class  LikeFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for pattern match. More...
class  LimitFilter
 Filter which truncates the results of another filter. More...
class  MapEventFilter
 Filter which evaluates the content of a MapEvent object according to the specified criteria. More...
class  MapEventTransformerFilter
 MapEventTransformerFilter is a generic multiplexing wrapper that combines two implementations: a Filter (most commonly a MapEventFilter) and a MapEventTransformer and is used to register event listeners that allow to change the content of a MapEvent. More...
class  NeverFilter
 Filter which always evaluates to false. More...
class  NotEqualsFilter
 Filter which compares the result of a method invocation with a value for inequality. More...
class  NotFilter
 Provide for "pluggable" conditional behavior that negates. More...
class  OrFilter
 Filter which returns the logical "and" of two other filters. More...
class  PresentFilter
 Filter which returns true for InvocableMap::Entry objects that currently exist in a Map. More...
class  PriorityFilter
 PriorityFilter is used to explicitly control the scheduling priority and timeouts for execution of filter-based methods. More...
class  ValueChangeEventFilter
 Filter which evaluates the content of a MapEvent values based on the specified value extractor. More...
class  XorFilter
 Filter which returns the logical exclusive or ("xor") of two other filters. More...

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